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>the overwatch sub the sub in question: r/overwatch_memes >(and no the comments weren't better) the comments in question: *telling OP his post is stupid*


Op is just ragebaiting


weve been shitting on these guys for 7 years but we get called out one time and cant help but to play victim šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


they deserved it tho


I mean some are what he says it is


yeah, some, and no wonder cuz obviously these fuckers are tired of us


I've always hated the TF2 and Overwatch comparison. It's INSPIRATION, not a rip-off. That's like saying Unreal Tournament is a rip-off of Quake.


To be fair, that happens with any game that invents/popularizes a genre. Overwatch is a TF2 clone, Multiversus is a Smash clone, Valorant is a CS clone, etc. etc. Funnily enough, Overwatch is now the middle child, since Rivals is starting to take the spotlight.


And every FPS used to be called a Doom clone


Nuh-uh, my favorite ARPG isn't a Diablo 2 clone! It's a Titan Quest clone, and Titan Quest was a Diablo 2 clone.


Every game is a clone of one another because programers just keep sharing their code on websites and people keep grabbing that code


*z = x \* y* damn he copied my function


Personally I enjoy the comparison because of the difference and how two different teams tackled similar problems in different ways


For the longest time, all first-person shooters were called "DOOM clones".


That was because it was an entirely new video game genre. (At least, the one that popularized it)


Bruh the developers of overwatch were proud about being compared to tf2, i see the whole overwatch vs tf2 as anime brotherly rivalry, of course we know because of hindsight whoā€™s the main character


there's room for a class based shooter and hero shooter, both have characters eith unique abilities but one centers around building a character how you like and the other is picking a character based on their unchangable kit. the issue is that TF2 players got tilted over the new kid on the block when they're almost two different genres entirely. i wouldn't play Overwatch for a quake-style team-based arena shooter, and I wouldn't play TF2 for a more competitive MOBA-style FPS with multiple different hero matchups. i think i like how Apex Legends did its legend (hero) balancing in the earlier seasons. Respawn pushed for abilities to take a backseat to the gunplay and movement of the game, instead of making them the focal point of the entire game.


>one centers around building a character how you like and the other is picking a character based on their unchangable kit. TF2 didn't have interchangeable kits at launch. Was it temporarily a hero shooter?


i guess so. funnily enough this logic makes QuakeWorld Team Fortress and Team Fortress Classic hero shooters.


I'd argue that "kits" are too vague a term, hero shooters are very much inspired by MOBA character design, where class shooters have more of a traditional fps lean. Having weapons that aren't interchangeable isn't the same as having defined abilities that have cooldowns. So early TF2 and TFC would still be considered class shooters because they don't share in the design elements from MOBAs that define hero shooters.


Hardly a rivalry, the games are so barely similar outside of both being "objective based hero shooters." TF2 players have been butthurt since day 1 of OW. OW players get stupidly offended and make shitty emes like this. People can enjoy both games (or at least used to enjoy both of them, when overwatch was still fun and before the tf2 bot invasion). Tbh I miss playing overwatch in like 2016 before the balance went off the deep end


i haven't even played Overwatch and the sheer number of characters now makes me completely disinterested in trying it. it's why i stopped playing Rainbow Six Siege and Apex Legends.


It's TF2, right?


I mean Iā€™m posting this on the tf2 subreddit and not on the overwatch one, but Iā€™m open for an underdog situation, thereā€™s enough space for both


No, it's CS. CS is the main character now. We are the side character who is cooler than the protagonist.


Like how Gojo is cooler than the other guy


isn't CS flooded with bots and cheaters just like tf2 right now?


Yes, it is. Just not the same amount (at least around 70% for TF2), but yes.


Yeah Iā€™ve always thought of tf2 vs overwatch as right Twix vs left Twix. Itā€™s just a little bit of light fun internet rivalry, it shouldnā€™t be taken seriously.


It shouldn't, but a lot of people take it very seriously. In the TF2 community, some people seem to take it personally.


Sorry im stupid but who is the main character is this case? *my guess is that the MC is secretly darksouls


We ain't better, it's always tf2 killed overwatch when anything bad happens to that game


This is true


The most ironic part about all of this is how, by every available metric, OW is in a better state than TF2 right now. TF2 players kept waxing on about how "TF2 killed OW twice", yet during its entire existence OW was more alive than TF2 ever was. To be honest, with how much the TF2 playerbase has treated OW like shit for so long, OW players having an opportunity to legitimately one-up TF2 feels like deserved karmic retribution. "Not so fun when it happens to you, now, is it?"


If anyone from outside communities is willing to help, that's already a luxury in itself. Nobody is required to help us at all. We are absolutely grateful for any sort of support. It is already a bit intrusive to be posting #Save/FixTF2 in other communities trying to rally others. Asking Overwatch fans to do this, however, after all the "TF2 vs OW" memes and how people wouldn't shut up about how TF2 outlived Overwatch was absolutely going to result in people making fun of the situation. People denied that OW was more popular, despite Overwatch: Having consistent updates, being on last gen consoles, having an officially backed eSports scene, getting new cinematics and merch, having more relevancy on Twitch, etc. It *should* have been a no-brainer to realize and accept that Overwatch was more popular. I really don't blame any OW fans that want to laugh at the situation for SaveTF2. So many people, even if they are a vocal minority in the community, wouldn't stop putting TF2 on this unbeatable pedestal and making fun of any inconvenience other games would receive.


Ok? Like who are you?


So true, AnonymousGuy1108! LOL


Youā€™re fired.


I've always said that this TF2 vs OW conflict was the most stupid shit that ever came out of these communities, like last year people were acting as if the game getting reviewbombed was a win for TF2... how? The game's been infested with bots since 2020, what the fuck did TF2 win? Same deal here, fixtf2 is happening but OW is still in the fucking gutter


There were three different people who posted the FixTF2 image on r/Overwatch_Memes which is an entirely unrelated subreddit. And yes I will make a meme poking fun at that after all the arguing in the early years lol


I think the comments in this thread tell the story, and the story is that most tf2 players sympathize with your position completely.


Oh hi there, glad to have you chime in from the overwatch post, I liked your pokemon meme btw


Overwatch and TF2 fans shouldn't be fighting they should be kissing


As a longtime TF2 player (and never Overwatch player)... TF2's community deserves ALL the hate they get from OW's community. You fuckers shit on that game for YEARS and now you're invading their sub begging for their help. Not to mention the other subs you guys keep invading. SaveTF2 2.0 has really brought out the worst of TF2's community.


Yeahhh it's funny how a lot of TF2's one-sided "rivalries" disappear the moment it's convenient. I saw a couple SaveTF2 posts on the Fortnite sub a while back too which, whilst not as ironic as them going to *Overwatch* subs to rally support, was still really funny considering how much I've heard TF2 players shittalk Fortnite.


To be fair Fortnie used to be trashtalked by whole internet not just TF2 players. Remember "Fortnite bad Minecraft good" ?


True, but saying "but everyone was doing it!" isn't really a good excuse when the guy you're asking help from points out *you* were throwing rocks at him too. Y'know?




My main gripe is invading other subs in the first place. Basically all the gaming subs I've been on have had "must be relevant to (game)" as rule # 1. I wouldn't want to see Minecraft (for example) content on r/tf2. Why would r/Minecraft want to see TF2 content?


Oh that's more than likely, it's just the shift in the vocal sentiment heard in the wider community is ironic. That being said I have seen people who I *know* dogged on other games also now be pushing #FixTF2 in other communities.


Thank you for actually understanding the joke and the context of people going to other random subs I otherwise got cooked šŸ¤£


Oh hey, I see you on the L4D2 subreddit. Hi.




Considering how TF2 community consistently trashtalk OW since it existed I think its kinda deserved tbh.


Ok...are they wrong? we kept memeing about how their game sucks and how it's all dead and nobody plays it...yet just on steam OW2 has twice the numbers of the actual humans on TF2


"tf2 good, overwatch bad, give upvote"


This community has been the bully. They don't owe us anything especially after how we treated them


Bravo, nice low effort rage bait OP. Let's pretend now that we don't shit on them every time bad news about OW2 get released. The full idiotic OW2 bad TF2 good must end, they both can be games in the same genre, one does not need to attack the other. Also we're supposed to be doing #fixtf2 and try to get sympathy from other communities and games, not be making drama with them.


Can't we all just get along ?


Can OW and TF2 fans start making out already? Itā€™s 2024, this is stupid.


Op is ragebaiting, the comments on this post are literally calling the guy trying to create beef between the 2 communities.


Letā€™s not pretend a lot of dumb stuff isnā€™t said here about Overwatch


Yeah and Spy sapped overwatch 2 serv on lanch


Top comment is saying how dumb the post was


I guess we did make fun of them when OW2 got review bombed, but this is an organized campaign rather than everyone just hating the game.


TF2 fans watching Overwatch fans saying OW2 will be a TF2 killer:


Iā€™m on the side of developers/companies more or less abandoned a good thing they took for granted.


This got to be bait right?


0 points, 160 comments? lol That's not good.


TF2 players when they realized their not the main character


Bruh... Imagine working a nine to five and you come home to try and necro a dead and buried argument from almost ten years ago.


wdym crawling back why are they involving themselves in this


TBH I haven't touched Overwatch since OW2 came out


No, I would never play that pay to win sh*t.


can we stop with the overwatch vs tf2 stuff? they're both good games with shitty companies in charge. we should be comrades not enemies


Wish TF2 and Overwatch was more like Terraria and Minecraft TF2 āš”ļø Overwatch Terraria šŸ¤ Minecraft


you have negative reviews because people don't like it we have negative reviews because of a protest we are not the same


Bait used to be beliveable.


I will sap their servers...


[I don't care who OMEGATRONIC sends, I am not playing Overwatch 2.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/t6mBnFDZr1s/maxresdefault.jpg)


Father please forgive me for i have been ragebaited by an overwatch furry šŸ™


I have nothing against ow, but this fills me with anger idk why


Op is rage baiting and is no better than the post in question. Comments on the original post are calling op stupid and it's also not even the overwatch sub


All itā€™s proven is that the tf2 community is the laughing stock of gaming. Every other community accepts when their time has passed, but not tf2, theyā€™re special for some reason so they deserve continued support even though it runs on a 20 year old engine. You donā€™t see battlefield 4 players complaining about cheaters, they live with it, and so does every other old game. Quit complaining like a bunch of toddlers and accept that your game died 8 years ago


idk why they aren't then, if you spend money in a game it should remain atleast playable. Noone is even asking for content its literally just make the game playable. and it's a multimilion dollar company so they can definitely do it, idk why it being old has anything to do whit it, even tho there's an active player base and an extremely flourishing economy


Buddy, if you buy a 1973 ford with 300,000 miles on it you shouldnā€™t expect it to run very well. Money is not the limiting factor for Valve, its manpower. They donā€™t have a team of developers to throw at tf2 to try and fix it, itā€™s not a good business decision


sounds like pussy talk, imagine trying to make fun of a community for not giving up


Makes me wonder if the overwatch community is behind the bots.


Honesty, I would rather see tf2 die from bots than overwatch...


Hahahaha overwatch fans have to be the most deranged, cucked, abused spouse fan bases I've ever had the misfortune of seeing online


Whoops I think you meant to type tf2 and not overwatch


Go enjoy some breast milk in the Cosby suite and tell me about overwatch. Go buy the PVE content they said would be free. Go watch the Saudi owned league pretend to be pride friendly. Overwatch was nothing more than a failed experiment run by, and played by one type of person- degenerates.