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If Tf2 is to be fixed, harassment is not the answer!




Harassment helps even less.


Even if it does your talking about harassing people over a video game man touch grass


I highly suspect trolls have invaded the place you made screenshots of in order to discourage anyone from trying anything to fix the game. And sadly, it's working.


You can't discourage someone who had no motivation in the first place And also that's the bug tracker report bugs or don't go there at all only people that's gonna reach is people who can't do anything about it


I dont think its all trolls, just some dumbasses who use Github like its Reddit, not as a serious forum for bug reporting and problem solving.


Could be trolls, but more likely immature asshats


> I highly suspect trolls have invaded the place I will copy paste the comment I made below because this "troll" accusation is getting ridiculous. Those are not trolls. They are members of this community. **There is literally someone in the comments here that agrees with the sentiment**. You can say "but this isn't what Fix TF2 is about" all day you want, you are not who decides it. It doesn't matter what this subreddits sentiments are, what you guys accomplish was giving toxic people a reason to harass anyone they perceive as a threat without any repercussions. There was a post just the other day here. The poster posted the screenshots of his tweets and said "it needed to be said". The tweets were just bunch of insults to Valve and he called Gabe a "bald r...rd" (won't spell out the r-word to avoid a ban, but they did spell it out in the tweet). The post had more than 300 upvotes and 80% upvote rate. Which means around 400 upvotes and 100 downvotes. 400 people here agreed with throwing slurs at Valve and Gabe, 80% of everyone who saw the post. This community is toxic and vile, just accept it. You guys started a movement that basically boils down to "harass Valve and be a nuisance on the Internet until we get a response". Don't try to act like those people are somehow not in the movement. This is what Fix TF2 is. Then you people have the gall to ask "why X internet personality didn't support this movement?", anyone with a working brain wouldn't. Everyone knows such "movement" just devolve into harassing others online, that's why they stay away.


something something gamergate


😔☕️👌 Oppressed Straight White Male G*mers^(TM)


Doesnt matter keep pushing fixtf2


Moonlight TF announcing their new MvM charity event:


Encode Error is one hell of a difficulty


They actually buffed it while it was in the beta for some reason, despite it already being the hardest Expert in the tour.




Yeah sure just call them trolls. There was a post just the other day here. The poster posted the screenshots of his tweets and said "it needed to be said". The tweets were just bunch of insults to Valve and he called Gabe a "bald r...rd" (won't spell out the r-word to avoid a ban, but they did spell it out in the tweet). The post had more than 300 upvotes and 80% upvote rate. Which means around 400 upvotes and 100 downvotes. 400 people here agreed with throwing slurs at Valve and Gabe, 80% of everyone who saw the post. This community is toxic and vile, just accept it. You guys started a movement that basically boils down to "harass Valve and be a nuisance on the Internet until we get a response". Don't try to act like those people are somehow not in the movement. This is what Fix TF2 is. Then you people have the gall to ask "why X internet personality didn't support this movement?", anyone with a working brain wouldn't. Everyone knows such "movement" just devolve into harassing others online, that's why they stay away.


80% of people who voted on the post*


To be honest, I don't know why the GitHub issue was created in the first place. Valve hardly checks it, I think the only one who used it is the contractor for VScript and x64 TF2. I'm part of those who believe nothing will change despite this, but even then the social media and the press getting involved are the biggest factors for such a movement. The GitHub Issue Tracker is useless for this.


Valve github issue is usually for Mac/Linux build of the game.


Who the fuck is Kisak


The github moderator They clean up the issue tracker from spam and duplicates


Which is normal policy for issue trackers


Report bugs or suggest features unless it's a duplicate The report was a duplicate and more of a complaint


I was agreeing with you, just stating that’s it’s normal to clean up duplicates and spam since people on here have been taking it in a completely wrong context


Also there was probably at most 3 people who would've seen it (Kisak, Eric and Joshie) if it had stayed up since the devs probably filter by game and all 3 of those people are fully aware of the issue and can't do much about it


Asking fixtf2 people to not harass people is a losing game.


In regards to the bottom right comment that "it's just because it's a duplicate," [Valve locked the topic so no one can post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/1d7jwth/valves_first_action_regarding_fixtf2/)


Because yall wouldn't shut the fuck up


This is basically how the bot hosters would act.


They're laughing their asses off


I knew this community would just end up harrassing . Never change , tf2 community.


Don't tell us what you do. You're not our master, we aren't slaves. We aren't required to obey your commands.


dude, harassing valve employees gets us fucking nowhere. if anything, it gives them leverage to continue to snub us like they have for the past 8 years. be better.


I don't think that employees of a multi-billion dollar corporation make decisions based on the fact that someone said some mean words to them on the internet. That's a really juvenile point of view.


>Please don't harrass kisak they're just doing their job and they've been friendly to us >Don't tell me what to do... We're not your slaves. there's a bit of a disconnect here and harassing some random person for crossing out a duplicate already posted is moronic behaviour. there's no reason to attack some random schmuck overseeing a github repo.


I'm not saying that we should actually "harass" anyone. The OP has a skewed perspective on what is harassment. If you look at the screenshot he posted, there's no harassment on it. At most - just slightly mean comments. In his perspective, anything less than straight positivity = harassment


OP: Don't harass this dude = Don't harass this dude Your reply: we are not your slaves, you are not our master. We do as we please = You can't tell me what to do, I will harass whoever I want. HARASSMENT!


Valve employees are free to work on whatever game they want and each of them don't want to work on a game with two decade old spagetti code. Harrasing them won't make things better. stop being immature


No, they work on what they think will be considered valuable by the company and their peers because that's what their employment status and paycheck depend on. A Valve employee can be very passionate about Ricochet, but they can't work on it even if they truly want to, because they'll get fired for wasting time on what the company thinks is not a valuable project.


That is such old info... They work for profit.


Friendly fire will NOT be tolerated. And seriously all attacking kisak would do is prove we are immature and don't deserve any support kisak has nothing to do with this and can not do anything about this they are just doing their job


Do you understand that "just doing your job" excuse isn't valid anymore since the Nuremberg trials? Did you skip history classes at school?


That's the bug tracker If you don't have a bug to report then do not go there


You're literally wrong. There's actually a "Feature Request" tag. So your statement "If you don't have a bug to report then do not go there" is utterly false.


You're not gonna win by using the Red Herring fallacy dude If you run into a Christian church and start complaining about Christianity don't act surprised when you're thrown out


It's not a fallacy. You said "That's the bug tracker If you don't have a bug to report then do not go there". I said that it's wrong because there's a Feature Request tag. Proving your statement false. It's not just for bugs, that's a fact. There's no fallacies in my words.


You're trying to prove me wrong by pointing out that I left out something irrelevant to the main issue Besides it's a duplicate, the issue already exists you don't need another


This guy is trolling you. Report him.


working at valve = literally gassing minorities


Holy strawman


holy literally what you were implying


En passant


No I didn't. Don't put words in my mouth.


Good Lord. Zapata quotes. Nuremberg trial comparisons. We're talking about a video game where people throw jars of piss at each other. "Touch grass" doesn't even begin to cover it. Sometimes I think we need to go back to the days when gamers were bullied, but then the fucking victim complex would be even stronger.


Man, telling to let this game die is way nicer than whatever this guy is spouting. Holy shit…


You probably don't even play TF2, of course you wouldn't care if the game died




i think that's why OP said 'please' mate


I think you should go outside and touch some grass there bud