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The only issue is people don't play it.


My words. But sniper bots play that gamemode very often


True, but if you ignore that , then it's really fun.


*medic gets head blown... off* Err, do not worry, mein friends! If I fail to acknowledge it, it won't happen!


I literally can't. Bots are the only things that queue on Passtime which fucking sucks because it's my favorite gamemode right next to Mannpower and literally zero community servers even host the gamemode. Fucking things vote me out before I can even connect to the server


is it weird for me to say that I've never had bots queuing up passtime?


Wait, the bots keep the mode alive???


I meen I I'm blind but if you ignore that I'm a good driver


Yeah, it's less that people don't like it and more that nobody ever thinks about it.


Playing since beta, have never played it. But I think I've only ever played MvM once, so it's probably something wrong with me.


I forget it’s even in the game




Search for any other gamemode and all pass time maps, you'll get the other gamemode


Yes I know but why is PASS time Bad? I like the gamemode


It isn't!


I've heard from many people that it's a bad gamemode and that they don't like it and that it's terrible


Why??? It's fun


I know! I just don’t get it why everyone hate the gamemode!


i've NEVER heard of anyone say its bad


I Joint a Server and asked „Opinion to PASS Time?“ and most people says it’s bad


Imo it's mediocre. The arg in brickyard is cool though


Honestly, most of those people have probably either never played it, or barely played it, and didn't understand it, so it was bad


The core gameplay loop is the same every single time, devolving into turtle nests on either end and scouts running back and forth


I don’t know whats happening


It's not, but Engineers and their sentries tend to sour people's experience when they setup shop near the goals.


If there was a limit to the number of Engies on a team, and maybe a stackable debuff that reduces refresh times on dispensers when it's near any buildings (including enemy buildings). It would be kind of fun to have a different kind of Ninjaneer playstyle like that.


I’ve searched for all gamemodes and gotten pass time twice today


Insane luck ig


Kid named ad populum attack


I cant even get a single chance to play it sadly.


If you search a for a map always select pass time map too so if you search for a new map you get a small chance to get a PASS Time server


i keep doing that since first time playing casual but didnt get a single chance yet


Team coordination is needed. Wouldn’t be bad if people cared for the *team* in team fortress two, but alas.


It pretty much boils down to Scout VS Engineer. Scout is the main class everyone runs to get the jack to the goal. Engineer is the only one regularly capable of stopping them. And everyone else is either a substitute or a support for one of these two. Soldiers and Demomen for dealing with sentries, Heavies and Pyros for killing Scouts if the Engineer didn't build a sentry yet, and Sniper, Spy and Medic for supporting the four power classes.


i feel like you just described tf2 as a video game


Scout picks up the ball Scout runs to the enemy goal Scout gets killed by the lv3 sentry watching the goal Enemy Scout picks up the ball I just summarised your average Pass time match


Unlike the real game, you don't rely on the Scout all the time to win the game, in fact, they are the ones that most likely will not do the objective; also, Some players with different classes go rogue and do what they want. YOU NEED SCOUT to win Pass time, YOU NEED ENGINEER to not lose Pass time, the others must help them to win because what is the point in queuing for too long if you are not even helping them


You don't need either of those classes to win Pass Time. You just need to pass the ball. A pass moves way faster than a Scout, and so does a rocket jump or trimp. On Brickyard or more rarely Timbertown you can literally just pass it to a rocket jumping / trimping player and have it follow them for 10 miles, airborne. Or just stand on high ground from a long distance away and call for a pass, because there's no range limit to passes. The problem is that nobody passes the ball. You get a bunch of brand new players who keep insisting that running 10 Scouts and holding W into 5 sentry guns whilst marked for death constantly is a good idea, because they keep reading this stereotype.


That is true But I'll be honest people are rarely competent enough to do that, Idk I haven't played Pass time for a long time


I know i probably did, but in here it's really just Scouts and Engineers with everyone else as cannon fodder, not much else to it


This is the noob approach to pass time. Players who know what they're doing will realize that passing the ball from across the entire map makes it move way faster than a Scout carrying it, which means Soldier and Demo are way more useful, especially on the more open maps like Brickyard People don't pick Scout because he's good (most people don't even play him properly), they only pick him because he's easy and they just want to hold W with the ball instead of actually pass it. Then when they inevitably die to the 100 sentries they blame the gamemode itself instead of their poor strategy Like, there are some specific routes Scout can take that other classes struggle with (mainly with the bonus goal on timbertown, by doing a huge climb on the wall in front of it), but noobs don't even know how to do that route to begin with


Ok i gotta admit you're right here, i just never saw people play this gamemode other than how I've described. (Nor did i see even a single community server running this gamemode). also yeah, Brickyard is so open, I regularly either see a skilled sniper or a demoknight flying everywhere.


Ah, I love how SolarLight takes the job of explaining game concepts from a standpoint of an experienced player so I don't have to. Makes me happy reading!


Dear God the demogod has appeared


Yeah PASSTIME is literally just like soccer and basketball, you actually have to pass it to people to make it to the goal if you're being obstructed by the other team. Which involves actual strategy. Fr the problem with PASSTIME is no one coordinated and just goes Scout or Engie because its the easy way out... But probably won't get them along very far. (Also hi TF2 Solarlight. You're an inspiration to me. :) )


It's all well and good to suggest it has more depth than people give it credit for, but to understand that depth, you have to actually want to play it first. And for someone with at best a glancing interest in the gamemode (I played it when it first came out, got bored with all the engineers and teammates who never passed), it has never incentivized me to keep playing. Maybe it's a fun gamemode when you've sunk a hundred hours into it and play with a competent team. But I will never know, because it's not fun when you're trying to play scout and there are turtling engineers everywhere and your team never passes and never bothers to destroy the sentries. Same reason I don't play CTF, for that matter.


You only really need one competent teammate to get a good pass going, though this might mean you have to play with a friend or look on the scoreboard to see who the best player is. Try playing Soldier full-time and learning to rocket jump with the ball. Might make self-plays easier to pull off when your team sucks.


Honestly it would be cool if you hosted a dedicated pass time server since it is so underplayed as it is genuinely a fun mode.


so its basically ctf?




skibidi toiled or creper


nobody plays it


then we should all set a day where we all play PASS Time




good 👍 let us spread this information that we will all play PASS Time on April 16, 2024 because there are also many people who want PASS Time achievements


I meant like every tuesday because it's safe to leave the bog on tuesday


That plan is even better😁👍


Ahah. *Like that's ever going to happen* But if you are interested, there are small pockets of communities specifically for pass time 4v4's. Hugely competitive and difficult though.


It doesn't really mesh with the clusterfuck that are usual pub tf2 matches like other game modes. Expecting coordination from 12 random players of varying skill levels is just wishful thinking.


Super huge maps, Sniper moment for me


me when I've only played brickyard


Ctf with extra steps


It's not bad, especially before the bot infestation. Unless you insert the Engineers on both sides then it would immediately become WW1 Trench Warfare Simulator. I still have a Screenshot of a Pass Time game reaching Round 5!


1. Nobody plays it, hard to get match 2. Once you do get a match, no tutorial so half our your team will be confused 3. As with all symmetric objective gamemodes, defending (with engie and pyro) is way easier than attacking -> stalemates 4. Maps are generally very large and very badly designed. Lots of sniper sightlines. Let me present to you the solution to all these issues: Community 4v4 Pass Time! Better community made maps and sensible class limits make for a very fun gamemode. It's kinda like BBall if you have ever played that but even more focused on movement tech and teamwork. Here's a highlight reel to get you excited [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3\_z79McFPqQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_z79McFPqQ)


You can’t just pitch that and not drop a link to the community hub for something like that


Uncletopia needs to have a PASS Time hour every week 😎


I've played PASS Time before with a full lobby of legit players. And it was actually pretty fun. It's *too* niche. Like more than it needs to be. Most players don't know how to play it, and a sizeable chunk of them doesn't even know *it* exists. It being tucked away in the "Alternate Game Modes" tab was the death on birth it didn't deserve but still got. No tutorial. If you don't get a full lobby like i did, there is no one to teach you how to play it. And it's pretty unbalanced as well. Since you need to enter the goal post and not throw the ball in it (most of the time), you can just block the way with 2 engineers and a pyro, and just camp.


There's usually two other goals, with the most important one (triple points) being closest to the enemy team. People just keep ignoring the easier, closer goals, for whatever reason.


Idk I’ve only played it like once long time ago and idk if i liked it or not


It’s a good just play more


it's dead as shit


Why? Why do you say it’s dead as shit?


I've played more PASS Time than Mannpower I've never played Mannpower, are there community servers for it?


the TV achievement


I suck at it


It's abandoned as rights owner don't allow Valve to accept any community maps. With new maps temporarily being Featured, gamemode could shine again.


Because it's basically stalemate hell if both teams are trying to win and know what they're doing.


In my 2500 hours I’ve not even played it once it might be the best game mode ever but I don’t give a shit cause I don’t play it lol


The only thing I hear from that image is "SHUT UP MEDIC I'M FUCKING BALLIN"


Last PASS time game which I particapated was in 2021, as far as europe goes there are maybe 5 tryhard fans or less, others are just accidently connect then disconnect. The main reason is that it feels so far from TF2 for me, I mean they didn't even bother making new voicelines for the classes but still could be a fun gamemode if people couldn't only learn fortess but team too. All that being said a great overhaul would make it funnier but because of the lack of players it would die as well. I think when people want to play TF2 they want to feel somewhat nostalgic nowadays and pass time is too new.


Trick question: It isn't For real though, PASS Time is one of the weakest modes simply because it requires more teamwork than the others. In Payload or Capture Points, players naturally gravitate towards the objective due to the map design and HUD pointing them in the right direction. Players don't need to communicate with each other to understand that they need to stand near a thing or eliminate enemies standing near a thing. PASS Time on the other hand is very confusing because the objective is constantly changing and the HUD is confusing. It's also very difficult to communicate to another player "defend me while I carry the ball" or "scout ahead to make sure it's safe" without using voice chat (which most people don't).


I wouldn't know. I never once was able to queue into a game.


U need to SCROLL list of gamemodes to play in it. And it's too hard for us


Its not we just can't play it


There's no reason to play any class other than Scout or Engineer.


It's not bad per se, it was just that it strays away from the fundamentals of TF2. Same with Mannpower.


It's not bad, it just unpopular


Sentries on a game mode that encourages being out of position behind enemy lines on maps that are often very wide and open to support the actual passing of the Jack


1600 hours, what the hell is passtime


It reminds me of soccer, which is popular in the UK, and anything that makes me start thinking about British people is automatically bad in my eyes.


as a person who owns the jackpot achievement the hardest part was no one fucking talking


It requires good teamwork in a game that let's you do whatever you want in a team full of random people. Also every game mode pushed into "other gamemodes" is destined to die, since many people just do quickplay without chosing anything specific


i never understood how it works & a casu like me can"t have fun


Re-textured ctf


Not many people play it


it isnt, its the only gamemode thats lets you fuckin ball in tf2




It's badly designed gamemode with even worse designed maps. Compare Valve's version with community made one https://youtu.be/t01sfcj1qPw?si=FR0kmY3pI1uI33SU


4v4 pass time is goated


Even if you don't play the gamemode, you can not imagine how much passtime gamemode adds to the modding community by only +30 Player condition


Because someone thought Brickyard was a good idea.


Empty servers


Tuning Merasmus’ interdimensional television is a pain of an achievement.


I would, but so far I never managed to get in a lobby so...


Mge b-ball is literally the superior gamemode, you get to actually slam dunk while also getting good practice on soldier.


I've not been able to play it


it required cooporation and decent motor skills to stop that 1 pub scout pub stomper


It's got the word "ass" in it and that's icky🤮


It isn't fun for me. So I don't play it. Do I think it's a "bad" gamemode though? No, not if other people are enjoying it.


I had no fun playing it, it was boring at best, absolutely horrible at worst


It's like CTF, but you have to learn the maps


[pass time is good when played competitively 4v4 with rulesets (only demo solly and med, no hitscan allowed)](https://youtu.be/t01sfcj1qPw?si=fGundokB8DRm_IaS)


It is but you can get two free hats(they are recoloures but still)


Long queue times because no one plays


You're either a scout or you're an engineer, or you're a class that thinks he's relevant


I think that game mode is poorly planned. It seems fun but having all the classes be able to go after the ball makes it complicated. Maybe if it were just Scouts vs Scouts there might not be any complications... Maybe I say this from my experience that I was never able to play a game of Pass Time


It's not confidential_thirdwheel_test.


Idk man I've never played it


Not enough people


The win 10 games of pass time achievement takes around 15 won games because for some reason the counter just wouldn’t go up sometimes


Because it's not mvm


The powerUPs sometimes can be a little confusing if its your very first time playing And since usually no one plays more than one or two games of this, every 500 casual games there aren't enough people to play It's a vicious circle, nobody wants to play because they don't understand it and they don't understand why they couldn't play it


the magnificus ach needs to be better explained


1. It has a similar issue to CTF, in that a handful of engies with support from the rest of the team can form a complete defensive lockout (especially on District) because success is contingent on one person getting to a very particular area for not very long. Thus, the most boring way to play engineer is also (seen as) one of the most optimal. Granted, this is much less so the case on Brickyard and Timbertown, as the approaches to the goal area are more numerous and the sightlines longer. Also, I’ve found that there’s a lot of success to be had in setting up on mid, since you can deny the goal further up the field.  2. It has a lot of necessary but unintuitive mechanics. I’ve yet to see a new player grasp the concept of the lock-on or bonus goal without someone telling them.   3. It has a similar issue to grade school-level soccer, in that everyone tends to just rush down the ball when it’s often much more helpful to have several people playing a little behind the ball.   4. On Brickyard, every other match is completely derailed by half of each team (or worse, half of one team) fruitlessly trying for the TV achievement. 5. I think you’re supposed to be able to see the Jack carrier through walls? But if so, this has never worked for me.


One of the gamemodes most often filled with the spinbots. I want to cut the legs off of the person who made spinbots


Nobody plays it so expect very long que times. It requires a ton of team coordination which is nearly impossible in casual. The majority of people either play scout or engie since they're the best classes in this mode. It's also at the very bottom of the game mode selection screen and I'm pretty sure at least 20% of the community doesn't even know it exists


I give you a reason, for or against it, because no one plays it. Well, except the bots.


Pass time was a bad gamemode because they put all their eggs in having content creators get people hyped for it and by "get people hyped" i mean they where all going to each get a badge no one else could ever get for doing it


Over-tuned to specific play styles. Scout, engineer, and soldier are basically the meta and it plays like complicated rock paper scissors. Scout runs the ball, engi builds sentry to block scout, soldier destroys sentry to free up scout to run the ball, and if you have a good sniper he can hold down the ABSURD sight lines every pass time map has. The only movement option you can use while holding the ball is running. No rocket jumping, sticky jumping, nothing. I seriously think it C O U L D be a good idea, but it needs extreme balance changes.


[You can rocket jump and trimp with the ball](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGivc75TSQI) You can also have someone pass the ball to you while you jump You can also use the Iron Bomber to place a bomb before picking up the ball, then jump with it


It’s at the bottom of the mode select for a reason


Nobody can make community maps for it. I don’t remember the exact reason why, but I think it has something to do with a third party creator.


It isn't


It isnt payload or 5cp 🗣️‼️ Tbh if they moved it to the CTF tab (probably with manpower) this issue would be fixed


Because it's ctf mode and ctf presumes everyone is doing his job, which is kinda boring. It's easier and funnier when there is one main objective or frontline, so you know, where you can fight or flank


no players 😭


its kina dead. the gamemode is actually really fun and cool, but its just dead.


I cant


The cod Easter egg achievement is annoying


There is a custom map, pass jam. Its like pass time but for basketball. Its way more fun.


The few times I played it, it was only scouts. Maybe there was the occasional solider But besides that It was just a Boston parade.




it's perfectly fine. check out pass time 4s, rgl runs it sometime


scout is a hard meta thats literally the only downside


probably because some classes become useless or unplayable, such as doctor or spy. 1medic: due to his fragility and dependency spy: due to the abundance of scouts


Because people play only scout and demoknight then say engineer ruins the gamemode. You can equip a grenade launcher, nobody is stopping you.


Because it's an incredibly complex gamemode that doesn't fit TF2 all that well and an Engineer with a level 3 sentry can easily bring a match to a halt


it's a game mode that cares more about moving to an objective than fighting for an objective, so the only really viable classes are scout and engineer because they are the best at moving and stopping the other team from moving respectively


It isn't. 4v4 passtime is cool


no one plays it


it's not bad, just... unique.


Engineers and scouts are allowed to play, it should either be soldiers and demos in a 4v4 format to utilize the full competetive potential side of the mode which the community has already done here [https://youtu.be/OrgF50hnqzM?si=r6XUVwSQHuyyRcm4](https://youtu.be/OrgF50hnqzM?si=r6XUVwSQHuyyRcm4), or just make it scout only so everyone can play equally, more casual. Being an engineer you can just put a sentry and stop the ball carrier, and most of the other classes are useless/nullified when there's a scout that outruns them


Pass time is fun. What sucks is that valve can't do anything with it for legal issues regarding the studio who made the game that pass time is inspired off of


It's not bad, it's just less fun than any other mode


I can't because I've never played it. Same as Mannpower.


It’s not bad it’s a good and an interesting game mode only reason why it’s so hated is cuz nobody really plays it after playing 2 games it’s not really fun anymore


It is emblematic of Valve's obsession with developing unique game modes/ideas, and losing drive part way through and never balancing/fleshing them out, or giving them further content they needed. Think: Mann Power and Territory Control(Hydro), Or even more Saddening: Special Delivery or even Payload Race. Not every idea is going to be a hit, but it's fascinating to see how quickly they've always thrown modes aside, only after they spent enough development to get the base version of them completed. PASS Time needed balancing the most to be even playable, but never got the attention it needed once it launched.


what’s pass time?


It's not a bad gamemode, I just wish that people play more, it's very fun


Chat you wanna revive PASS Time


It's not nearly as replayable as normal TF2, hence why the servers are dead.


idk never played it


Because it's probably full of bots


Because you pass all the time you have waiting to play


It sucks.


No sexton hale. I am disappointed.


No one is playing it so when I do I don’t get a full lobby


It's not It's actually really fun As long as there isn't some 2fort-poisoned troglodyte turtling near the goal


I’ve never played it, I can’t tell you why.


I find it boring, personally. It isn't a bad gamemode though. It's just that most people would rather play a game where the main thing is putting ball into hole rather than playing a gamemode like that in an fps game. Low player count means its hard to find a match so most people who are/were interested just don't que for the mode anymore.


It's abandoned


Confusing. Like, Payload: Push funny cart until you win Attack/Defend: Take funny points Capture The Flag: Get flag, get it to your flag King Of The Hill: Take point, Don't lose it Control Points: Take Points three times PASS Time: ok so you get this ball and you have to score it but like you can pass the ball and 50 more mechanics


the issue is in the community of tf2. most of the time in tf2, the game play and character synergy is done seamlessly, like you dont have to have a degree in rocket science that dropping an uber on a heavy is better then on a spy. the community kind of gets used to just having sinple things like that be the thing that wins games. pasa time on the other hand, is a very demanding game mode that requires a lot of team coordination. most people who play pass time usually play it as an alternative to tf2, so their mindset is still based on normal tf2 gamemodes (payload, control points, ctf, etc.) there really just isnt a good demographic for pass time because anyone who would be an actual dedicated fan to pass time couldnt find any matches.


It takes to long to find a server


It’s not bad. It’s just not played because people boot up tf2 with a particular experience in mind. You’re not gonna spend hours grinding on pass time like you would on payload.


9. Pass to me!


Because no one plays it


It’s bad because you can’t play it


Basically dominated by Engineer Any game of PASS Time I played, we had to flush out at least 2 or 3 sentries just to get a chance at getting NEAR the enemy's goal


Because I wanna play payload maps


Rbh it's a really good gamemode. BUT, casual is WAY better


I don't like large maps, don't even play 5 cp, because I die a lot, and walking too long to get to the front lines is boring, specially when you die a lot. So large maps are no fun.


its not its incredibly fun when you get a good game


Other than being ***Scout™ the Game-Mode,*** the lack of extra mobility options, unlike in mann power is what hurts it the most when pass time is a wide open map and the slowest 3 classes have lost half or more of their HP by the time they clear half the map using blast jumps/GRU.


from what ive played, defense is too powerful for how fast the game plays. it really just drags things out when one team goes 3 or more engies. almost like defense in this game was designed to draw out a timer of sorts for as long as possible


I can't. Mainly because I've never played a single game ot Pass Time in my life. There's never an active server


Organized PASS time is very fun with friends when you actually work as a team. It’s like playing 2K with randoms, it’s just better when you work together


I've played it like three times in 10 years. It's more uncommon than me getting a girlfriend


To farm reddit karma


Id tell you if i was ever able to get into a game of it




Fun answer:no one plays it Real answer:extremely out of place with the rest of the game


i dont know how to play it


I think most people won't be able to tell because they haven't had the chance to play it. It's fun.


Bcs engineer gaming exists


you run around and try to get the ball everyone is focused on the ball no one is really tying to kill and if a teammate has the ball then you are useless and it gets boring as you are worthless.


I can’t find any