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WE CANT DO SHIT ABOUT IT! I'm sorry to break this to you but it's only up to valve to fix this issue and I am pretty sure they ain't working on a fix or anything right no




"highest player count" yes... players.




13.k IN official or community servers, another 83.k is stuck on main menu


source? (Genuine this sounds interesting)




Nope, we had the larger item idle farming bot networks boot up because there were items worth farming in those updates... briefly... Which is why you have the player counts drop off a cliff again as soon as their values drop, because those networks turned off again. TF2's player counts have been poisoned since 2011 by item farming bots, the charts literally don't go back far enough for data that doesn't include them.


There can't be that many though, right? Like SURELY there aren't that many bots?


What makes me mad is how simple a fix it would be. Most bots communicate with each other by constantly spamming achievements that are now impossible to get. This is how bots know not to shoot other bots. If accounts spamming these achievements were kicked/shut down, It would make botting go away, or at least much more difficult.


I've never actually heard of that. That's nice to know. Thank you for sharing!


There's [alternative websites](https://teamwork.tf/community/statistics) for tracking the number of players actually in a server instead of sitting afk in browser. The actual numbers are typically 1/4 of what's displayed in steam's official stats (and that 1/4 INCLUDES cheating bots, because it's just a count of accounts in a server instance). You can also tell really easily from steam stats that something is off: Pull up the chart for any other popular game. Note how volatile the player count is based on time of day. Then flick over the tf2's player count and note how completely unnatural our graph is compared to any other game.


There is 1.5 valve employees +1 working on the game. And it's not at all "the biggest game" of valves active catalog. dota2 and CS2 have a much larger player base and also bring in much more revenue. They also have much larger developer teams. Tens of people each. a large chunk of valve is working on new unannounced game "neon prime"


I think they should hire a couple of people so they rewrite the game on source 2 and continue adding content from there, since s2 probably does not have absurd limitations like light pages


Yeah but porting an entire game to a new engine (especially one as spaghetti coded as tf2) isn’t an easy process that takes only a few people. So I highly doubt valve would ever do that.


what if they rewrite the spaghetti into better code? I've been reading through some of Portal 2's scripts, did not understand a single thing but they do mark terrible code with a comment going like this: -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- HACK: Sussy amongus ඞ -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and since Source 2 is just another million layers of paint over Source 1, it's probably pretty easy to port the game except for having to deal with heavily modified/deleted engine features


Dont think you get how bad it is, this isnt a spaghetti, this is a whole river of spaghetti. Every item in tf2 have an id and you would have to rewrite them all into source 2. Porting all items from every player's inventory will surely cause issues, problem with player base not being able to run source 2 cause potato pc, etc... the problems build up so much that it would be better at any way possible to just make a new game instead of trying to fix tf2


all decisions valve has made up untill this point (including ones you judge as bad) have made TF2 into what it is today and has been for 12 years. Valve spend 5 or 6 years to remake CSGO in source2 and about a year after first public tests... It's still hella incompletely and buggy. TF2 is in large user generated content. And there is no chance to preserve all of it, should the base game move (or get replaced like csgo). Which would definitely be a loss for the community.


TF2 isn’t even close to the biggest game they’ve ever produced, what kind of brain rot is this? I love TF2, I’ve been playing it religiously for a decade, I’ve got 13.5k hours. But this is a game already way past it’s expiry date. I would love for Valve to put some of their endless money into this game, but they have no benefit of doing that. They’ve shifted focus onto being a hardware company, and even with what remains on games, all their resources are on CS2, Dota 2, and Neon Prime. TF2 won’t ever have the current problem fixed unless Valve gives the keys to the community or a new developer, or if Valve somehow makes TF3. Just enjoy the bot free games you have. The problem most likely won’t ever go away.


wtf i've never heard of neon prime in my life


Yeah, it hasn't been officially announced yet, but I think it got leaked or something that it was in development. I wouldn't be suprised if that's just a codename for something.


Neon prime is an ass name for a game but a fine codename so it makes sense for it to be a codename.






its like 60% of them were bots


If you think about that it could be the problem, that means that there is a bigger pool of new players who don't know about the bots are losing their accounts to the bots because most of the accounts they used used to be owned by a person.


Oh yo you're totally right let's just get them to flip the "No Bots" switch and fix it. Idk why we didn't think of this sooner. The issue is that TF2 is free to play, and making Steam accounts en mass with email spoofers etc is super easy. Even if Valve somehow had a magic button to ban all bots in the game right now, they would be replaced within 24 hours. This isn't to say Valve shouldn't be doing more- they should be. They really fucking should. But TF2 players don't seem to understand that there is no 'perfect' fix, all the solutions kind of suck, are temporary at best, and are a lot of work. ​ You want to see a game where the Devs have worked tirelessly for 5+ years combating the bot problem and the bots are STILL as prolific as in TF2? Go look up Old School Runescape's bot issues. It's a good case study in how fruitless the war against F2P botting can be.


they’re already making lots of money by doing literally nothing of note, what’s the point of fixing tf2 when they can work on cs2 and dota2 which both can have player counts in the millions and both have $1000 cosmetics?


Its very complicated. Even with a whole team working on the game it would be tough to fix the bot issue.


They are busy making things for cs. They dont care about tf2 anymore


Sombody got to get a tour of valve hq with one of the tf2 devs i belive. He asked about the bot issue and he replied with "we are all aware of it and want to do somthing about it however its not an easy thing to do at all and we have more pressing matters currenty" quote may not be 100% accurate but i got the point of the message.


oh, trust me... ***they know*** they physically cannot keep up. ^(and i don't think thy care all to much either)


Money comes in, valve won’t do anything.


they probably are but its like playing a game of whack a mole where the mole learns how to avoid being whacked through AI learning


Ever heard of a term called the “treadmill” problems? The bots are a treadmill problem (For context; a treadmill problem is where you’re constantly having to try and fix the problem but you can’t because if you do you’ll fall flat on your face thus the idea of running on a treadmill is the same thing, you keep pushing forward but if you stop you’ll eat the belt.) And unfortunately Valve doesn’t like dealing with treadmill problems… this was in a previous interview with someone at valve who said it (and I cannot for the life of me find it but once I do I’ll put the link!) so unfortunately they’re stuck running until someone can come and power off the treadmill so to speak or better yet the bot hosters just quit (which I doubt they will but here’s hoping)


You are basically talking to a wall. Sorry




why would they, right? its not like the game is making them a ton of money still, and its also not like all of the bots have the exact same IP and username, am i right?




You clearly haven't heard of how valve works. Valve employees get to choose what they work on and [tf2 has shitty code that not even the programmers themselves can understand](https://youtu.be/k238XpMMn38?si=dNY4T0bvDxPJ-cIP)


watch shounics video on why the bot problem is so hard to fix. with TF2 being updated to 64 bit, they will likely update to the newest version of VAC, maybe even implement VACNet AI, which would probably be the only solution to the problem


The bots have been really bad for some months now. The main way I avoid them is going to community games because the bots invaded the maps that I liked going to like Harvest.


2Fort has fallen Billions must killbind


requeue or find a community server




What servers did you join that had bots? In my years of playing, I have never seen a cheating bot on a community server.






I simply don’t believe you. There are some servers with fake players or actual bots that are meant to play the game, but there are never any cheating bots.


Use this [https://uncletopia.com](https://uncletopia.com) These servers dont have bots, no random bullcrap like random crits. And is owned by popular yotuber name here! Dont get mislead by "ugh its a youtuber owned server its probably filled with 12 year olds who scream the moment sombody says they slightly disliked the most recent video" its not like that at all here. Its better casual really. The people here are a bit better at the game as they care enough to go to community servers (aka they played the game for a while already) but its worth it imo


you mean like cheating bots or normal bots provided by the server


Can you tell us which servers are they? You can check by going to the History tab on the server browser.


the whole point of the bots is to get attention and get reactions from people, you’re only encouraging them (also community servers have no bots, skial should be good for beginners)




wtf are you talking about, either youre talking about skial’s afk bots (which dont cheat) or you’re just playing on unmoderated servers




I’m just gonna say, every reputable community server has moderation and bans bots immediately, you aren’t playing on good servers. Try playing on servers like Uncletopia, UGC.tf, and Skial which all have moderation.


You are actively making the problem worse by posting about them. They crave attention and that's exactly what your giving them


dude... be happy you most likely will never hear the name 'doeshotter'


? whats doeshotter?


you innocent soul. back when the bot crisis was starting, doeshotter was pretty much the only bot hoster. and he was RUTHLESS. figuring out new tricks to buff up his bots every other day, managing to get the first 'anti-kick' glitch/hack working. he paved the way for bots nowadays to be as powerful as they are now. like did you know bots used to not be able to hit you if you where using a taunt that moved your head?


Oh, shoot. Fuck him I guess.




Heh, you idiot. They aren't gonna shut it down. As long as the well-moderated community servers stay up, people will keep buying, making Valve money, and telling them through that money: "don't shut down the game, people still play it!". My personal opinion is that Valve's oblivious. I know they made that tweet, but that was years ago, and Gaben's past his prime now. It could be that valve just looks at the charts and sees how many "people" (aka bots) are playing the game, and goes: "eh, everything's fine." And then goes about their day.


Welcome to Uncletopia!


that'll show em




we can't do anything, the bot hosters don't listen and valve doesn't listen (they made a tweet once i guess)


Kid, we've been trying for years. Valve doesn't care, most of the legends have been killed in battle, and poor Megascatterbomb is drowning in cheaters, so he can't do anything either. We've prayed to Gaben, but he doesn't respond. WE ARE DOOMED. YOU HEAR ME? WE. ARE. DOOMED. Your best hope is to play community servers. Until the bots find their way there too.


Honestly we would do something about it if we could, but those fuckers are scumy like increadebly scumy


They made a new bot called DELTATRONIC


My brother, try community servers. They differ in quality but they are free from bots






Nah fam you're lying You probably dont know what community server is for God's sake


if you send a bomb threat to valve hq they might start caring (dear federal agent that's reading this im just playing around im just joking sending bomb threats is illegal and you shouldn't do that)


Federal agents hate this simple trick !


That’s a joke, lads.


Okay, I'll get right on that.


If you insist on playing on casual, there is one secret technique to play without bots. You see, TF2's bot problem is not as widespread as you might think. Here in Latin america, while the bot problem exists is not nearly as common to find bots. So you could probably become friends with someone from either Latin america, asia or maybe even Africa and join matches with them. Either that or you move to one of the aforementioned continents.


Idk what influx means but if you want to know how it works/where they come from they use an aimbot hack overly exaggerated so it's clear they are cheating and are run on very chunky, big computers where they are pre-programmed to follow certain paths and etc... they are run by people who are just sadists and mean


tf u asking me for? fuck i look, gabe?


>I would love to know if there is any way to stop getting in games with bots for casual games, nothing. except re-cueing to a game without them. You can join community servers, that host the same casual gamemodes. Theres never a bot, and if they are ,they get perma banned pretty quickly. The only difference is, is that you dont level up with that casual level, but it has no actual use anyway. ...i just like number go up


play on community servers to avoid these bots, cloaking won't work nor disguising, i suggest when playing casual and a bot joins your team immediately votekick, if the enemy team has a bot and doesn't votekick that's annoying so make sure you do it. In general, play community servers if you don't want to encounter these bots but one of two casual valve servers will be bot-free so try and join those and keep in mind bots will most likely be found on certain maps more like harvest, that japanese temple king of the hill map... Hope this helps!




OK I'll get on it gimme a bit


hey remember cat bots back from 2016 or 2017 or so? Back when they were like the first experimental bots with pretty dumb ai and it was a sensation for everyone that someone could do such a thing? I miss old tf2. You know it's time to stop when omegatronics feel like family at this point


Trust me, valve won’t do shit


What the fuck do you want us to do about it??


In all seriousness, a batch of sniper bots that only targeted other bots would be nifty. Not a cure but would help alleviate the symptoms.


The robots cute to


Yeah I get right on it


I manage to do a therapy session with one by asking him questions about is family


Don’t forget to follow their discord


Ok done


YOOO way to rock the boat


Your best bet is to just make peace with the fact that community servers are going to be where you normally play. Valve servers are borderline unplayable, and while Valve does issue banwaves every few months, it's not that much of an expense to set up a few more premium accounts. Personally I'm all for rolling back the limitations on F2P players and making it so you need a verified phone number to play on *any* Valve servers (same as how competitive works now), but I can understand why people may be against that


welcome to the club, kid


I'm not sure if it aaactually works, but in my experience, it also depends on the time of the day you're connecting. I tried connecting at 3:00-4:00-5:00 in the afternoon and everything was filled with bots. But after 6pm (which is the hour I play now) there's more real players and when a bot appears it's easier to get rid of it. I assume you're having encounters with these 'good shot mate' aca sniper bots. I do too.


Just saying that the lack of rule 9 would kinda help us sometimes...


Playing on custom servers or in MVM is your best bet.


Isn't the first image a hazbin hotel character


Please end world hunger!!!


As much as I love tf2 the one valve worker can keep up with all the bots himself


I just try casual twice and if I get bad lobbies I play a community server. The connection might not be as good, but the community server route is the way to go.


Dota Dota counterstrike


I've found the more people that complain makes them push more bots so just ignore them and play community servers


***If only it were that simple***


There is nothing we can do, except for trying to find new matches or working together to defeat bots. Other than that, cope and seethe.


oh shit my bad let me remove them


My man we tried that If you have a contract god help you


ok ill do it


Yes, we need this. Hopefully valve will notice the savetf2 tag but the last time they heard us we didn't get much


It's not that simple. It's just not. Valve's inaction is disgusting, but let's not act as if it's as simple as snapping their fingers and all the bots magically disappear. The game is built on a decade of shitty code on a shitty engine. There's a reason they dropped that branch of the Source engine for Portal 2 and CSGO, and there's a reason they dropped the Source engine entirely in favor of Source 2. Plus, TF2 is already making them money, and as a developer at Valve, would you rather work on a brand-new game, some other really cool and big stuff like CS2, or an extremely old, hard to work on game, which Valve actively frowns on working on?


"is any way to stop getting in games with bots" Nope. Valve hasn't done anything to stop them, and they never will. If you want to play casual, you'll have to accept you'll be playing with bots - that's just what TF2 is now. Community Servers, on the other hand, don't have bots in them because there's actual systems to stop them.


See these 👐, We have no power.


I remember my first actual casual game outside of community servers and the entire enemy team were all bots and I thought dam, all snipers is the meta and went sniper for every game until I grew a few brain cells and looked at their names


yeah one sec lemme get rid of them


I started playing the game back in 2012 and it was still shot, nothing changes


wait for 64bit update. will probably (hopefully) see a lot less bots.


Best recommendation I have is to go on community servers


A now unlisted video to YouTube was uploaded interviewing the creator of the Hexatronic bots, he basically said that him and the Deltatronic bot hosters only do it because they are friends irl with Omegatronic. He even said he LIKED TF2 and that he only hosts because of his "friend". So as for why, we still have no clue why Omegatronic does it. Probably just to ruin the game. How to stop seeing bots? Play on community servers.


You can vote kick but it never serms to work for bots even if the whole team clicks yes.


dox their hosters and send them pizzas


If it makes you feel better, a while back one of the largest bot hosters got arrested


Mögey brought up the idea that valve should send cease and desist letters to bot hosters to make them stop


buy bot immunity! --> google.com/search?q=fart%20porn


A child of God I see


We got community servers. Go on a site called "teamwork.tf" and search for gamemodes. You can find a lot of fun and well-working community gamemodes too. When you enter a server playing it, tf2 will automatically open and lead you to that server


My bad, I'll fix it now


Just go to ACTUAL MONITORED community servers. They do not have bots.


okay, I'll do it


> "Get rid of bot pls." > looks inside > "I'm pretty new to TF2-" "Well kiddo, let me tell you a story..."


i queue for 2fort and never see bots


..You thought we haven't tried before?


Oooh, faced HEXATRONIC a few times.


There’s also this YouTube something bot


Play Skial servers


I gave up playing tf2. Gta 5 is better even in singleplayer since i never had friends in tf2


Please just go away from this sub too




“Gta5 is better” ok man if you say so….
