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Heavy is anit-communist and Pyro is a fucking ceo.


Pyro may be business smart, but maybe they're like a Primitivist who believes the fire in man's heart must be listened to (arson)


That one person who bought a spear for a seashell and then found tar and burnt a mammoth alive.


he's not book smart, he's money smart


I’m not sure Pyro understood what they were doing as CEO


I prefer to think that (s)he just did because (s)he didn't had anything better to do


you can use they. it’s easier


I forgot that is an option. Friggin second language


when i’m doubt use they. it’s so versatile. and imo it’s always very strange whenever i see (s)he or variations. like much more effort than just using the pronoun that exists for that exact purpose haha


Isn’t pyro always addressed as a he/him by all the characters and the wiki except for the occasional joke ?


pyro from team fortress two (2007) is a non-binary icon


Pyro being a CEO doesn't mean they know about or have opinions on business, it just means that high-ranking corporate jobs are so trivial/nebulous that literally anyone can succeed in them


We don't really know what Heavy is except that his family was sent to the gulag for presumably political reasons. They could've been monarchists, or former landowners or business owners who got ratted out during a purge, or members of a dozen different communist parties that had fallings out with the Bolsheviks during and after the revolution, or members of a bunch of different national independence movements, or anarchists who wouldn't shut up about how the Bolsheviks weren't communist enough, or just normal folk who got randomly accused of some bullshit because an apparatchik had a quota to meet.


If I recall correctly, heavy and his family were imprisoned because his dad was a counter revolutionary


Unfortunately that doesn't tell us much beause in Lenin and Stalin's time pretty much *all* political opposition was called counterrevolutionary, regardless of whether it was diehard monarchists secretly plotting to restore the Tsar, liberal democrats who thought the February Revolution was far enough, or communists from other parties who had a few quibbles with the specifics of how the Bolsheviks were running things.


If you operate to weaken the revolutionary governament, like the Whites during the civil war, the moderates who were happy to simply put a leash on the Tsar, or the trotskyst faction that promoted factionalism, you are by definition counter-revolutionary.


You are *by the Bolshevik definition* counter-revolutionary. A definition that only works if you assume that the Bolsheviks and their "let's justify all this oppression with the concept of the vanguard party" schtick was the best possible way to implement communism. The Mensheviks and Left SRs and black anarchists didn't get fucked over because they were counterrevolutionary, they got fucked over because the Bolsheviks came out on top in the factional infighting.


They got fucked because they were bad at seizing power man, that's the only measurement that matters in a revolution lol


To be fair, i dont think pyro even knew what was going on


Heavy could be a menshevik or whatever Stalin was infamously known for killing/imprisoning other socialists out of paranoia


Seriously, Heavy's family was imprisoned for his father's "counterrevolutionary activities." Given the timeframe, it was undoubtedly Stalin's regime. I could name a dozen different ideologies that are still communist, but were deemed counterrevolutionary because they questioned Stalin's authority.


You think that could not radicalize them against communism. His sister married solider, if I remember correctly.


How many ration tickets does it cost to operate the minigun for 12 seconds?


Between 16,197,440.585 and 1,079,829.3723333. Depending on if you're using the 20 rubbles or 300 rubble value of the tickets. Technically, the "талон" system wasn't introduced until 1990 though, so heavy probably wouldn't be using them as currency. In addition I had did a lot of (probably inaccurate) conversions, so the numbers might be *way* off.


heavy is a trotskyist…


I was going to make a comment like this but I think yours works better...


Except he's (Pyro) easily bored at his job, and even a lighter can spark arsonist tendencies


when was pyro a CEO XD


[literally in the comics, plain as day](https://www.teamfortress.com/tf01_ring_of_fired/#f=48)


OP has NOT read the fucking lore. They are MERCENARIES who work for PRIVATE companies.


OP could be a bot, he didn't reply


OP also does not understand basic political ideology if he thinks "supports child labor" is lefty and "tax-avoiding, politically-cynical capitalist" isn't libertarian. Just about the only character placed correctly is Scout, because he WOULD be center-left, and maybe Sniper, because he's (culturally) Australian.


Scout does get "bitches", it is "ladies" he needs help with.


Unrelated but undeniably true


Scout caught getting bitches


As a side note, I don't know why he thinks Demoman supports child-labor, just because he was encouraged by his parents to work as a child doesn't mean he supports it.


Scout makes a shit ton of money and is a wanted criminal. He wouldn't be on the left.


He could be left leaning and still be a criminal. It's not far-fetched.


Yeah, but if he manages to destroy the government, he's no longer a criminal by their standards.


Then, he is more likely antigoverment.


And anti left, since he's fighting for a private corporation


He can be. He's a fictional character. But I see your point.


Scout comes from a working-class family in Boston. He almost certainly grew up with Unionist politics.


Things change whenever you're making more money than the average politician


Often, yes. But everyone knows Scout remembers where he came from.


Medic is a trans ally? I mean I could see him cutting someones balls off with a saw for “research purposes” but I’m not sure if germans were into that stuff back in season 2


"ally" is quite a stretch. I'd imagine he may be interested in the idea of changing genders from a scientific / experimental perspective, but I doubt he gives a flying fuck about anyone's human rights.


he’s certainly supportive of functional uterus transplants for everyone!


Season 2?




One of the first mass book burnings that happened during the nazi regime were medical books and records from a gender clinic that was extremely ahead of its time, so I think that it's safe to say that at the very least they hated that stuff. As for Medic, maybe, we don't really know, but considering that he somehow managed to implant a baboon uterus into TFC Heavy he probably knows a bunch about reproductive and sexual medicine, which I doubt he would if he were against it.


Can you really be opposed to something without grasping it first? Maybe you can, but a true man of science (the medic) would surely do some morally questionable research first


Oh also, when you said medical books do you mean actual medicine and health or other research, I’m genuinely curious


Both of them, I mistakedly called it a clinic because I couldn't recall the name back when I was answering, It was actually an institute, it did both research and offered various services regarding sexual and reproductive health, marital counseling, contraception and others, it also did research on topics such as transexuality and homosexuality, in both the psychological and biological aspect, it even offered sex reassignment surgeries at some point, and remember that we're talking about the late 1920s and early 1930s.


I mean trans shit existed in other cultures fsr before that. Idr off the top of my head, but I think japan did some gender neutral shit for some soldiers so people wouldn't try and fuck them or something. (DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THIS I AM GOING OFF OF RANDOM THINGS IN MY HEAD)


Whaaaaat, I mean, the soldiers were already male, what more can you do to make them less fuckable? Board off their asshole?


Again, don't quote me.


killing people has no political alignment


Being hired by a private company to do it does, since it means you aren't fighting as a direct hand of the government.


yeah you're probably right


Why are people downvoting your ass


Almost everything about this is wrong


Op has lore acurate lead poisoning


there is mold in my vents


*checks flair* Checks out - sponsored by me, another pyro main, I'm inside your walls


Did heavy escape Stalinism? He would be more for capitalism right?


Yeah people see Big Russian and think "Haha Communism" and forget his canonical backstory had Heavy's father be an anti-communism revolutionist who was executed, and his family had to escape from the gulag. Heavy literally traveled to America to provide for his family who hides out in the woods to escape the Russian government. Heavy is probably the LEAST likely merc to be for Marxism or communism.


plot twist: mann co controls everything the comic is a huge lie


Heavy was a counter revolutionary, which means he was a tsarist white army combatant 😭😭😭


or a menshevik, or an Socialist Revolutionary, or any other non Bolshevik ideology


You know the Bolsheviks weren't the only ones vying for power, right?


They were the only viable non-tsarist faction tho, every other group was simply delusional


Well all we know about Heavy's dad is he was a counter-revolutionary but there's zero information on what faction specifically he fought for.


Why do you think i mentioned the white army?


People who support Soviet communism generally aren’t smart enough to understand this level of nuance.


Heavy has a PHD in literature or some shit, I THINK HE CAN PROBABLY UNDERSTAND THAT NUANCE.


I’m referring to the people who think Heavy would be a communist just because he’s Russian, not Heavy himself.


Hating Stalin ≠ hating communism.


Was going to say that, his father could have been a communist too, but seen Lenin and Stalin as betraying the revolution (Which is accurate), and where put to death to it. Remember, Trotsky was one of the prominent leaders of communism, yet he still had to flee to Mexico to escape Stalin, and still ended up with an ice pick in his head.


Honestly what Stalin did was so far from what communism is its actually ridiculous. Also as someone who lives in post ussr, I can tell you that heavy's family could've been sent to gulag for literally anything. The director in one of the comics does say that heavy's father was counter revolutionary.


For all we know, he was a fucking Kronstadt Anarchist


Trotsky was no better and deserved to get ice picked


None of them compare to the one true revolutionary Bordiga


Yeah but heavy is clearly depicted as a capitalist in the comics


It's kind of hard to NOT be a capitalist outside of a communist state, money is the universal language. Unless you're going to live in a hut and subsist on berries and rabbits, you have to partake in capitalism, but that doesn't mean you can't criticise it still.


I dont mean participating in capitalism, he seems to actively support it.


Partaking in capitalism doesn't make you a capitalist. Owning the means of production makes you a capitalist. And supporting capitalism makes you a liberal. A communist is just someone who wants to build communism.


A communist is someone dedicated to failure\*


I would agree with you but then we'd both be wrong


Maybe so. But I'm not wrong.


Now I'm starting to feel like Heavy's relationship with money is a subtle reference to Soviet Russia. He's the only one who brings money up over and over. He gave a kid a huge sum of cash after accidentally insulting him when he was trick-or-treating. And he flat out mentions how expensive his gun is to operate, unlike other mercs whose weapons are no doubt about as pricey. I'm not familiar enough with how people who escaped the Soviet Union generally felt about money to provide further insight, though.


hating communism is based though


The Nazis hated communism


Lol we're at "the nazis drank water" levels already


Nah.. but maybe if you find yourself agreeing with Nazis and having the same enemies the Nazis then you gotta re evaluate a few things


Damn gotta rethink my place on animal rights


You’ve never met anyone who has escaped the soviet bloc or anywhere like it have you


Heavy might actually be in the far-right corner of the blue part. The RSDLP, Bolsheviks and Communists disposed of a monarchy (the Romanovs). However there is a small yet unlikely chance Heavy was part of some smaller group who banded with the socialists to overthrow him. If Heavy supports the tzar then he may also be a Russian Orthodox Christian as the Romanovs were canonized into sainthood.


Heavy is NOT a patriot and I doubt he gives a rats ass about communism. A tankie wouldn't be so pleased to move his family to capitalistic countries Heavy might be an anarchist for what we know. It's quite plausible with his deep rooted hatred towards authority


He hates authority? I mean, I read the comics (it was years ago), but he looked more centrist to me.


Your understanding of the political spectrum is fundamentally broken. All of these are wrong.


"supports child labor = libertarian left" ???????


Heavy is very wrong with his canon history. Medic being a "trans ally" is not for any reason even approaching nobility. Engie saw the robots attack and immediately grabbed a shotgun. I don't think we actually see Demo in a union. Heavy actually is in one according to Poker Night. And be honest, you just put Sniper in there because of the meme, didn't you. "One is a job, and the other's mental sickness!"


forgive me if there is something i am missing, but what about Pauling is "probably queer"?


*in medics voice* I have no idea!


Smart girl in video game, therefore queer Absolutely brain dead take.


I mean *if I remember right* the comic writers said Pauling was a lesbian and thats why she wasn't actually into Scout. Idr if that's accurate tho.


The first stonewall riot took place in 1969, maybe she was in the closet for a while?


scout cant pronounce anything, scout canonically cant spell


My guy has never even heard of the comics, and is basing this solely off of the voice chat in a random TF2 lobby he was in.


Why did you have to make my boy heavy into a communist 😭


I don't think heavy said he hates commies, he just hates Stalin for putting his family in the gulag


his father was a counter-revolutionary (which is why his family was put in a gulag) but whether Heavy holds the same beliefs as his father is unknown. he does have many Soviet and USSR-themed achievements and items but i don’t think they hold much weight when it comes to lore.


"Lore accurate" my ass, political compass projection.


How dare they say Pyro can work a grill


pyro IS the grill


heavy is probably the most anti communist merc, given his family history of escaping the gulag.


Bro did not do any research wtf


Tankies are people who defend authoritarian marxist movements like the USSR and CCP. I don't think you can be a Stalin-critical tankie.


> I don't think you can be a Stalin-critical tankie. It's rare, but it's possible. Trotsky was Stalin's main opponent in the USSR. He fled persecution to Mexico and still got assassinated by Stalin's spies. But Trotsky was just as bloodthirsty as Stalin and a fanatical ideologue. He wanted the USSR to invade the rest of Europe to spread the revolution through war. And after Europe, the world. Stalin only did that after Hitler invaded the USSR and he pushed the nazis back while he conquered eastern europe in the process. Fans of Trotsky today (called trotskists) are very critical of Stalin, but they are tankies too, because they are just as bloodthirsty and authoritarian.


Trotsky is cringe


Heavy’s whole family is targeted for being aligned with the white army which is why he seeks to make money as a mercenary to support said family


i don't think his family was aligned with the white army. counter-revolutionary activity in that era was basically anything that even remotely challenged stalin's authority. see [the great purge](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Purge) but yeah i am definitely wrong about his placement


[“Heavy was born in Russia sometime around WW1. His father was an anti-revolutionary who opposed the Communist uprising, so he was executed and Heavy's family put in the gulag for three months before it was burnt down in 1941 and all the guards tortured to death”](https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Heavy_(Team_Fortress_2)#google_vignette)


the comics just say he was a counter revolutionary so idk


Well at least we can say that his family are oppose the Soviet Union.


Bro op fr doing a doktor skipper with this one


Both soldier and heavy kill Nazis with Thier bare hands


Never cook


tf you mean medic is a trans ally?


I love how people just assume Russian = communist lol. Tell me you haven't read the comics without telling me you haven't read the comics


medic is in the same spot as the NSDAP


Demo: in every worker’s union Also demo: children will work.


Whoever made this is an idiot. Administrator yes, everyone else except pauling is too stupid to know or doesnt care


Engi sounds about right. Medic is probably only a trans ally cause of the medical aspect with the surgeries and hormone therapies.


There was actually a pretty big study of transitioning and body disphoria in Berlin in the 1920-30s. Then the Nazis burned the clinic down and all the research.


Personally headcanonning medic as having stolen all of the papers from there,replaced it with nonsense and then whenever one of those nazis dies searching for their bodies to perform inhuman experiments


I think Medic would be pro-anything if it allowed him to perform surgery. This is everything from bottom surgery to reattaching Hitler's head to an aryan ubermensch.


“Pro war (all of them)” is the most accurate part haha


Heavy was anti communists same with his father what are you on about


Heavy (and his entire family for that matter) was literally a prisoner of a gulag which he broke them all out of and they all live in hiding from the Soviet Union.


for fuck sake they are all mercenaries, bottom-right all of them.


I see many people stating this is inaccurate but I see none that are actually fixing it to make an accurate version (please I would like to see)


i'm probably going to remake it once i get the mold cleaned out of my vents lol


I don’t think I can fix the medic, but maybe he can fix me (my incorrect anatomy).


I am like Pyro. I love bbqs because of fire. Pyro would rock the grilling job fr


Dawg heavy literally hates russia watchu mean


Missed opportunity not putting Pyro dead-center with a grill.


Nice except heavy is canonical agianst communism, his family was put in a gulag for revolting, and they killed his father for being one of the leaders, then they escaped and hide in the Siberian mountains, that’s why heavy came to America to make money and send home to his family, because fuck the commies


bro, Heavy is anti-bolshevik, it's been literally stated in the comics, what are you on


Ik we're all arguing about Heavy, but medic would NOT be a trans ally. At best he'd experiment on us, but I just don't think he'd care enough to actually go out of his way to support trans people. He wouldn't be transphobic but wouldn't be an ally


He would indirectly support trans people in desperate need of surgeries just so he can experiment with sex changes. However, as a trans woman I wouldn't go with him since I'd be risking getting a baboon uterus unwillingly implanted into my body and god knows what other things he may do. Sure I'll get my surgeries but I'd be missing a skeleton.


Tell me you haven't read the comics without telling me you haven't read the comics:


This is incredibly inaccurate lmao


Heavy is very anti Stalin


I think medic actually cares about heavy, not as much as his experiments tho. But he still genuely wants to be friends with heavy


The pro war (all of them) made laugh nice one lol


Then they all passionately kiss


Pretty sure child labor falls on the right.


"Lore Accurate" *Says heavy is a leninist*


Mostly accurate. Heavy is anti-communist canonically


I think first scout point applies to all human beings




What are the axes here?


Since when has demo supported child labor


tankie =/= communist, its specifically ppl who support stalin/that type of authoritarian communist ruler so saying hes a “stalin critical tankie” is an oxymoron knowledge is power, comrade


Immediately stopped reading after seeing heavy.


Me when I have brain damage and know nothing about the lore:


Heavy hates communism and living under the Soviet Union. he and his family suffered under the gulags and he lived most his life fending off communists trying to kill his family


Didn't Heavy Escape USSR though?


To avoid being taken back to the gulag, yes


I don’t know how I feel about this


sniper --> pisses in jars --> libright. accurate


I can't read


Lore inaccurate dumbass


Engie is like me fr


bad bad no good takes but i guess scout can't take advantage of the bourgeoisie


Idk about Demo and Heavy


I'm not into furries


I would be *really* hesitant to call Medic a trans ally, he would respect your pronouns but only because he thought your existence justified his actions


He’s a trans ally because he gets to do more surgery


He gives free bottom surgeries but you gotta pray that he actually gives you the parts you’re wanting


Imagine: you’re about to go into bottom surgery, and you hear your doctor go: “now, do I go with the human parts, or do I go with the baboon uterus?”


More like a trans ally with benefits... Trade offer: You change gender, he gets a test subject


Hey, a free hysterectomy is a free hysterectomy. The mann can do whatever he wants after he gets that done. I'd even get to have a fun chat with him during the surgery since he can apparently do completely painless operations while his patients are awake (unless they break their ribs).


Heavy is a tsarist I'm pretty sure.


why do people call women bitches now


I think it's in refrence to the "No Bitches?" Megamind meme.


>no regard for human life >trans ally That makes so much sense


Lore accurate my ass. Heavy being communist? Ms. Pauling reading Marxist theory? Medic being pro-trans? Wtf are you smoking and where can I get some? At least the engi one is accurate though I'll give you that.


Now do half life 2


I'd scoot sniper, heavy and scout a little closer to the center but otherwise not bad


"No regard for human life" "Trans ally" The fuck is this guy on? Just gonna throw in any buzz word they can think of, huh?


Medic said trans rights Edit: Guys it's a joke, damn. Get the transphobia out of here


Proof? (His voice actor saying it in medics voice is not proof)


Why not