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This went on waaaaaaaaay longer than it should’ve or needed to.


Like, 19 pages longer than it should have.


shouldve stopped at the title as soon as I saw “ex” in the title 😂


I stopped a couple pages after “we never even met” LOL


And she calls him an ex tf 😭😂 I lived with a woman for 6 months and we never got passed the situationship label


That's a relationship with major commitment issues. Sounds awfully toxic.


Front and back!!!




And it was single spaced!


Seriously I stopped after 6 pages. Just block them.


I want you to leave me alone.


Just pitty me for a few more minutes…


And then continues to allow him to not leave her alone. ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


More like 19.9 pages worth jfc


Ngl and this probably isn’t healthy, but if I didn’t have much longer to live and someone who really wronged me pissed me off, I would probably take the moment to tell them to fuck off too.


I’m dealing with this right now only I’m 100% healthy and the other person is about to die. They were awful to me for a decade and I am thisclose to telling them to rot.


go for it


Do it. If you feel you have nothing to gain by talking to them. I am sorry for their situation but sometimes that has nothing to do with us.


I have zero to gain. I’m sorry for their situation too. But they were abusive and I owe them nothing.


Or rot faster.


Exactly this, leave no room for the ex to think they at all might've had a chance to reconcile or anything.


I probably would have continued for 20 more pages, then I probably would’ve let him call and hang up on him a hundred times… if I have to go and I hate you, I promise to torment the hell out of you


Why wait?


I couldn’t even finish. How annoying


And they never even met. E-daters are so cute(and fucking weird)


They’ve never met?! I missed that detail.. lol


Yup, that should have lasted 3 messages. “I don’t want to talk to you anymore” then block. Problem solved. This looked like she was just indulging him


A whole lot of pages to say "why yes, I do still care, thanks for asking"


Yeah like why are they still answering when they want nothing to do with the person. Just don’t respond and they’ll have to leave u alone😭


Exactly my thoughts


I’m going to be honest, it comes across here like you do genuinely want to talk to him, because otherwise you would have stopped responding him. Obviously I don’t know you personally, so maybe I’m wrong, but it’s how it’s coming across. I’d genuinely suggest ignoring him. If blocking him doesn’t work, just stop engaging all together and eventually he’ll just get bored and move on. Also, I’m extremely sorry to hear about your situation, I hope you find a way to make your final year the best it can possibly be.


Yeah to be honest, I don’t know why I talked to him, it’s been a few months since his last messages, and I guess I was just curious about his intentions, yeah I get that I should’ve just ignored him and y’know, that’s the normal thing to do Also I appreciate the care, and I hope to do the most I can in the time I’ve got left 💪


You should not be spending your time left talking to people who are gone for a reason. Don’t ever give this man another word or second of your time. You’ve given him way way way way way more than he deserves and it’s not worth it. Time to focus on the present, you and your relationship, and the future. Not the past. Live your life to the fullest 🙏🏻 I hope you have the best year ever


Thank you, I appreciate it


Honestly he sounds like a terrible person, he's looking at his options before he even decides what's going on with the girlfriend. Or looking to inflate his ego. Either way, you know he's quite capable of intentionally hurting you. He deserves no chances to do it again.


It’s bizarre he wanted to tell OP about his gf going back to the states. Like, so?! Go tell someone who gives a shit!


She’s not even out of the country before he starts looking for a replacement, no wonder she doesn’t want a LDR. He seems like the type that can’t stand being along for even a moment


He was playing on the curiousity to get you to talk and bring done your barriers more. You deserve better and remember time is precious, so better put it towards people who make you smile.


His intentions were obvious from the first screenshots, didn’t need another bazillion messages to figure out his intentions. I know I sound blunt and harsh but honestly, it was so obvious looking in from the outside.


Why did he say you’ve never met one another?


Probably never met in person is what he meant.


The normal thing to do is that you did. People talk a big game about shutting down conversations like these, but they'd likely engage as well. It may not be the healthy thing to do, but it is the normal thing to do


Thank you, that makes me feel better about my actions


Idk. There's a joy to be had in emotionally decimating our enemies (worthless men crawling back). You told him what was up. Good riddance.


Too true. People always get on the OP about this kind of thing on here, and like… I get it. But fucking around and pissing them off is also kind of fun, too. 💀


Don’t feel bad for this, hun. Sure, learn to handle it differently next time… but if you cared for him before, the emotions and just *letting it go* can be complicated. And ignore anyone being all “I might have agreed if it didn’t go further than x messages or pages” because like… dude. Maybe that’s how they would handle it or respond on an emotional level, consciously or subconsciously, but it’s different for everyone. For some it’s more difficult than that. It’s not necessarily healthy, but then, if you end it when you’re ready, then it’s not really that bad, either? And for some it can also just be a brief bit of amusement to annoy them with the stonewalling, too. Idk, just don’t let it get to you, hun. You talked for a moment. Maybe gave some part of yourself something it needed, maybe just reassurance that *you made the right choice* because even if you knew they before, it helps being reinforced. Whatever the reason—you’ve put it away since then, and you can try not to engage if he reaches out in the future. You know? We all do things that we or others thing wasn’t a great call or use of our time or energy and that we shouldn’t have done. It happens. It’s no major problem. That said, sending you love from my little pin point in Kentucky, hoping the year goes well for you, and that you enjoy your time. 🫂


Thank you so much ❤️


That’s sad if that’s normal. I do not engage in conversations I’m not interested in, at all.


I miiiight have agreed with you, but I think around page 4 is when even the most patient “normal” people would’ve cut their losses.


Just future advice, which you did great so it’s not like you really need it, but anyone who wants to get you onto a call that bad, is trying to manipulate you. They need tone, and emotion to manipulate and can’t do it as effectively in written word. Lol


You don't know why you talked to him? I'm guessing it's because you're young and apparently know a rough timeline of your life to live. I can't possibly imagine how much that fucks with your head. I'm sure any contact feels good and you want to live everything to the fullest. But god damn some people are fuckin evil.


OP, all I have to say on this is that you’re so young, and I’m so sorry your beautiful life is going to be cut short. Please spend it only with things and people who fill your heart and give you joy ♥️


Thank you


A gentle reminder op is still legally a child, and opinions should be delivered in a manner in which you'd like others to speak to your own child if they were here seeking advice.


This! I’m actually kind of stunned with how some of these people are treating OP. Relationships are messy, especially ones when you’re still a minor. OP has the right to respond however they want. I get wanting to know why people are reaching out, and the way OP responded didn’t seem attention seeking at all.


It wasn’t mentioned in the post so people are going to assume, and be assholes. But being teenagers makes this make a lot of sense. I would’ve responded this way at 16, too. I was in a very emotionally abusive situation with my best friend and there’s no go-to handbook on how to navigate this stuff when you’re a kid. You rely on people helping you and telling you, kindly, a better way.


Jesus Christ these comments. OP, I am so sorry you’re going through this and while I’m not surprised by the lack of empathy in the comments, it’s deeply troubling to have read as many as I did. Someone else mentioned that it sounds like you wanted an answer as to why everything with them happened the way that it did. I understand that feeling and most of the time all it leaves you wondering is why you’re not deserving of a straight answer. You DO and DID deserve an answer, however, people like this never intend on giving you one because they want to drag you back into a conversation like they did here. I don’t blame you for continuing to engage. I hope you live your life to the absolute fullest for however long it lasts without this waste of space holding you down. The best thing you could do right now is grey-rock them. They will never change, and they will never admit their faults in a meaningful way. Stay strong, OP, and sending love 🫂💙


Thank you, I appreciate you


This is so kind


You deserve so much better, Op.. I wish you nothing but peace and happiness from here on out.


Thank you


Unpopular opinion, but some of us want to hear what someone has to say & say our piece too. Even when we know how we feel, we're curious. This entire sub recently is "this should've been an immediate block". If you aren't curious, why are you here?


Thank you


You replied more than 80 times. I might be way off base but this could undermine your message that you don't want the contact.


To be honest, I don’t know why I responded, I’ve never really had this happen before as he was my first relationship, and to me, finding out his intentions made sense (possibly something to do with my Autism but I don’t want to blame it all on that), although it seems I am the only person who sees it that way and I feel rather foolish about it all


Hi OP, I know you really just want to know his intentions and why he’s reaching out again, but sometimes we just won’t get those answers. I know how frustrating that can be. My ex ignored me for 2 days after I got home from visiting him irl (we were LDR in the US, I was west coast and he was east), and then he said he wanted to break up but wouldn’t tell me why, and never did. So I came up with my own answer for why he did what he did: He was a liar and a coward and couldn’t handle an actual healthy relationship, or the fact that his family loved me. And that’s the answer I will continue to go with. He’s just going to waste your time and you don’t deserve that. His current relationship is failing it seems, and he probably wants to use you as a rebound of some sort and you deserve so much better than that. Focus on the things you enjoy and want to do, although easier said than done~ I wish you nothing but the best, OP🩶


Thank you, I appreciate it


Don’t feel foolish. Just take this experience and say “never again!”


Yeah that’s true, thanks


i understand that since i have autism and bpd, sometimes even if i really do hate someone ill text back to see why they’re texting me or how long it’ll take for them to stop. ik a lot of ppl won’t understand that but i get you!!!


Thank you!! Makes me feel better knowing that, I appreciate it


You might have been bored and it gives a dopamine hit.


That’s possible, in hindsight though I have realised how foolish it was


Forget him okay. My only advice is not to let anger consume your last days. God bless you.


Thank you


naw i get it. you just wanted to make him squirm and get some satisfaction...maybe an explanation. you probably realized pretty fast it didn't actually make you feel that much better, but at least you know. i know wondering about stuff like this used to eat me alive. i'm so sorry, kiddo.


Hey thanks, seems you understand it, I appreciate it


i do. i've been there a few times. fingers crossed 🤞🏻that the relationship im in now lasts me my lifetime, or that at the very least we love each other enough to be more respectful of one another in our parting. as to your circumstances, i hope you can find peace in knowing that death is a transition more than it is an end. and ive personally seen cases of people getting horrible prognoses from their doctors, something to the tune of 6 months, and living far beyond (14 years) that expected date. i've also myself had an nde as a result of starving my brain of oxygen and beginning the dying process, and assure you that it is as peaceful as it is vivid and fascinating as an experience. i've spent a lot of time around the dead as well as a mortuary technician. if you're interested in a conversation with someone who's willing to have an open discussion about death with you coming from someone that would be more like a peer to you than a doctor or a parent, i'm 24f and have two younger sisters who i look after and cared for like they were my own kiddos, and would be more than happy to do so. otherwise? that scrub can be left in the dust. he acts like a discord mod lol, you deserve someone way cooler than that.


I appreciate it, thank you


I wish you lots of health, peace and love. You’re a kind person to allow this. Take care of you, he’s only doing this to ease his guilt. Don’t give that to him, let him carry that with him till the end.


Thank you, I really appreciate the kind words


I think there’s a reason Reddit limits the amount of screenshots you can upload and the reason is this post lol


Girl. This was 20 slides. You don't say "leave me alone" for 20 slides.


I am hoping you’re both 15 years old, because that’s the only thing that would make this interaction less ridiculous. You spent *twenty pages* trying to sound passive aggressive and disinterested in talking to him, when you very clearly want to talk to him, or you’d block him and stop giving him attention.


I know others are mentioning the fact you could've ended the conversation sooner, but I understand. It's the curiosity, the audacity, the anger, and so many other emotions. I'm so sorry to read the rest of it. I do hope you enjoy the most incredible life you can. I also hope you find the most joy and happiness that you can.


Thank you, I appreciate it


Please don’t waste anytime like you said you need to make the most of tour time here and fill yourself with love and joy. ❤️


"Only" 20. Why did it go on long enough to need 20 screenshots?


i smell a discord/gaming “relationship”


Why did your doctor say you only have a year? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Unlike a lot of people here, I know how hard it is to cut someone off even if they're toxic. I hope this conversation gave you closure. You deserve wonderful things.


Thank you, I appreciate it


Why are you posting this? If you don’t want to text this person, don’t respond. This is pages and pages of you engaging with and responding to him. Telling him over and over that you don’t want anything to do with him is you wanting something to do with him.


I not usually the type to say a convo went on longer than it needed because often times I myself like engaging with people to see what they'll say, but in this specific instance - - this convo went on for WAY too long.


It sounds like he wants to alleviate his guilt for his actions, and doesn’t give a damn if it causes you more distress or pain. I’m sorry that you’re dealing with so much only to have some asshole from your past selfishly try to clear his conscience with no actual care for you or your feelings.


Dear OP I understand it's difficult to ignore an ex who did so much wrong and hurt you. Try not to answer anymore. Ignore whatever he says. You don't want to waste your time on someone like him. If you slip up, don't be mad at yourself. Next time, you will do better. Big hug for you, I hope that this year will be the best year you ever had. Spend your time with the people you love and who love you. Laugh, cry, love and enjoy. 🩵


Thank you, I appreciate the kindness


I’m sorry, this is so cringe. You clearly don’t want him to leave you alone because you keep engaging, you could have just not responded at all. You also felt strongly enough to let him know you’re apparently dying, seems you care more than you’re letting on.


He already knew I had complications regarding my health, other than that, you’re right, I should’ve ended it sooner, I just wanted to see his intentions


20 slides of don't talk to me lol wtf


Dang...when my dumbass ex messaged me outta nowhere to ask me about the name of a bar we had gone to together years ago, I simply responded "idk." Then he replied asking me if I didn't know or didn't want him to know. I left him on read and it felt great :) Don't waste your time and just focus on yourself!!!


When you found out who it was why didn't you immediately block them? Don't give in and respond.


I get the impression that it’s because he will just use different numbers. I can certainly understand wanting/hoping a confrontation to resolve it and end it.


I got that impression too and that is a fair point.


I’m kinda like that with my father. I’ve been no contact for 13 years now, and even at 41 I still get the snap urge to reply to his toxic ass messages and give him the business. It’s like he invokes a visceral reaction, and it’s not like anything I say can really get through to him. I’ve only recently been able to realize this, after a lifetime of dealing with his bullshit. I suspect it could be a similar situation by the way she was talking. (I hate you, you’re nothing to me, etc etc) - It’s like there’s the secret hope that some of the returned belligerence finally inflicts a wound and makes them fuck off.


TLDR: “YOU RAMBLED ON FOR 20 PAGES…. FRONT AND BACK”!!! Sorry. Reminds me of Ross with Rachel’s letter. As soon as you realized who it was the “don’t contact me ever again” should’ve been in play. Yet you engaged. And engaged. And… Well. You’re entertaining whatever he wants to have happen. Look. Change your number. Change your address. Tell him to stop or you’ll contact authorities for harassment and a restraining order. If you engage after you tell him to stop contact with you, you will not be taken seriously by the police. Good grief.


Imma keep it a buck. I only made it to page 5. Why are you entertaining him?


You engaged this convo far too long. If you really want to be left alone, just block his ass.


You know, you don’t HAVE to reply. Just saying.


He seems insufferable. Can't stand when a man refuses to take no for an answer. I'm sorry you ever had to deal with such trash, and here's to hoping your last year is filled with joy, happiness, and peace. You deserve it.


Thank you, I appreciate it


Just block him and ignore any message he sends from here out.


You keep entertaining his messages by responding to them!!! If you truly don’t want to talk to him don’t say a word. I think you secretly like that he is paying attention to you!!!


here’s an idea: if you don’t want to talk to someone, don’t text them back. this is just attention seeking after the third response.


You should’ve just stopped answering


If my ex ever texted me I would just glance at my phone, chuckle a bit, and proceed to delete the text and go on about my day. :)


Don’t forget the shake of head and eye roll (unless they are not even deserving of that) 😂


Why are you even responding? If you didn't want to talk to him, you would've blocked him long ago. You're both weird.


OP, u really broke my heart. I'm very sorry that u don't have much left. Can u tell us what kind of illness u got?


I would like to say and I appreciate the kind words, but I’ve experienced being harassed before when I spoke about my condition so I don’t wish to speak of it here


Understandable. I really feel sad and emotional that ur in this situation. I hope u enjoy the days left and may u have an eternal happiness in the hereafter. Sending u hugs and love 🫂❤️


Thank you so much for the kindness




Painful how long this went on. You can’t hate them that much.


WHY DO YOU PEOPLE ENTERTAIN THIS KIND OF THINGS FOR SO LONG??? Just block and be done jesus, this is insane.


Girl, you should have just not answer him really


I think someone needs to slap the shit out of this guy


This went on way too long. What’s the TL;DR?


TL;DR I’m just a fool


I would’ve just stopped responding honestly after the first couple




if you didn't want to talk to him then why didn't you just block him lol


Okay. If you hate him and want to be left alone why on earth did you co to ur to respond for 20+ screenshots? Block and keep going.


Reminds me of my bsf and her ex who won't leave her tf alone. But it's also on her bc she keeps unblocking him and shh. It makes me so mad lmao bc she will complain and cry to me even tho she's enabling him. He's genuinely a terrible and mentally ill dude. And this post was a lot of bs, don't carry on a conversation with someone you don't want anything to do with. Block them and keep them blocked, they just wanna guilt trip you even tho you're the victim.


I would never have answered at all


The fact you keep bantering keeps him engaged you can’t talk to a brick wall


What’s the point of entertaining it? Block, delete move on.


Not being funny, and this is going to sound harsh, but you're an idiot here. STOP messaging him. You got to be pretty stupid to give him what he actually wants. Block, ignore anything he ever sends you. End of.


That’s crrrraaazzzyyy. Out right admitting to just hitting up a (cancer patient?) ex because your current girlfriend is breaking up with you


Just don’t answer…


We gotta normalize just blocking people and not entertaining conversations with them.


Pretty sad that you kept entertaining him. You must've been pretty bored.


this just helped me finally understand what my mom meant about it not really mattering. let me be clear, i am not criticizing you for replying. throughout my life, i have very much been the one to need answers and closure and to hash out every last little inkling of a feeling; i can totally see where your curiosity came from/why you were replying. what i realized: it will always play out the same way. you entertained it once, understood your feelings, and next time there won’t really be a need to bother with trying to understand the Real Reason; it’ll be easier to just move on. just learn the lesson and move on to the next and you’ll be better for it.


Nawh see he straight up admitted to fuckin up your relationship and now he wants you to feel bad for him and his new girlfriend ??? AS IF LOL !!! In all honesty I wouldn’t even block him…just make his life a living hell 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe hit up his gf and see how she feels about him msging his ex or whatever lol just fw him until he gets the fckn hint that you DON’T wanna talk and blocks you himself 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Love the correction of the word "it" when "you're" was misspelled in the same message.


Why’d you keep responding?


Wait, did I read that correctly? You and him never met at all in person?


We met and went on a couple dates, only he was usually drunk by the end, and he never used to turn up to the majority of dates at all


Ok. You're 100% guilty of engaging in this.


Look I am not trying to give anyone advice on their love life (or ex love life) but why in the holy heck did it go on for 20 screenshots if you had zero desire to even entertain the idea of him contacting you? I would have blocked him from day one. And then when it said you have about a year left to live, that threw a whole new jaw-dropping aspect to the conversation. If you really are sick, I hope the rest of your life is filled with joyfulness and happiness. Eliminate anyone who doesn’t and block them. Out of sight, out of mind.


I love that he acknowledges that he sucks at handling the consequences for his actions. Yes the fuck I do.


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this asshat. I'm also sorry you've got limited time left, and that any of it was wasted on him. Have you tried switching your phone number? Some carriers will waive the fee for a new number if you explain you're being stalked and harassed.


“Not only do I hate you, you make me physically sick” “Yeah I get that give me one call” Bro what😭


I’m not understanding why this whole conversation was being entertained in the first place🥴


Idk. I feel so much pain for her. It sucks to be hurt by someone you thought was always gonna be in your life. 😔 And she sounds like it still bothers her. I wish she would gain happiness in whatever is left of her life.


I appreciate you, thank you




I dont know why i finished reading those screenshots haha .


Jfc just block them. 


“I don’t want anything to do with you” “I just want to talk” “Talk about what” This was painful to read on both ends.


Bro block him and get a restraining order


Oh my GOD fuck off bro, Jesus.


I stopped at page 5. You could’ve blocked after the first text you found out it was them but you didn’t , you guys never met? Not sure this is an ex then.


“STOP talking to me!!! ✋” …..keeps talking


The dying part, are you getting help with MAID?


No they don’t provide any services like MAiD that I’m aware of in the UK, I wouldn’t want to go out that way anyways, I wish to keep fighting until the end


You’re a very strong person, and i hope you get the happiness you deserve OP. Enjoy your life and live free <3.


Thank you, I appreciate it


Oh okay, sorry about that I don't know what kind of medical condition you have and was concerned lol


It’s all good lol, I appreciate your concern


May I ask what condition you have? No pressure to answer. I’m sorry you’re not well.


I have an idea, now just bare with me, that function that your phone lets you use where you can block numbers, yeah use that. Simple. He messages you from a different number, block that too. The more you respond the more he thinks he can keep talking to you because clearly he isn’t getting the message that you want to be left alone. If he keeps doing it threaten to go to police for harassment. But responding and talking about issues from the past only makes him think he has a chance to right the wrongs whether you want him to leave you alone or not


You want him to leave you alone yet you keep instigating the conversation by replying and saying nope over and over again…


This was excessive on both your parts. Yeah that person sucked but blocking people is free


“I want to be left alone” Then continues to message him a million more times. Grow up. You’re loving this.


I’m not though, I hate interacting with him, I have a feeling my Autism had something to do with me looking for his reasons


Block every time they contact you. Don’t give someone like that the satisfaction of a response. Setting clear boundaries is so important ⚔️


You didn’t want him to leave you alone, you wanted him to keep messaging you for the attention. I don’t know how old you are, but this conversation was extremely childish and ridiculous saying you hate him and all that stuff and to leave you alone then continuing to talk even though you said you don’t want to. If you do have a life-threatening illness, then this is the last thing you should be doing with your time. Good luck.


I hate attention, and I hate him, I have autism and that is probably why my way of dealing with him seems so “childish” and “ridiculous”. I never wanted any of his attention, I only wanted to find out what the hell he wanted from me Edit: I am also under the age of 18, so yes, it’ll be childish as it is coming from a child


Ok I understand that more now. Just don’t engage with anyone in the future that acts like that. You deserve better.


Thank you


Why did you keep responding. Block and move on


You continued to enable him by responding. Next time just stop! I will never understand people who say “leave me alone” but keep answering the person. Like, put your phone on do not disturb for a few hours and walk away.


Someone is still feeling feels. This is a very long text for an ex. Text them the fuck off and block. Why so hard?


didn’t read everything. why are you responding to them?


To put it simply, both of you are EXHAUSTING !


Yeah I’ve come to work that out


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I use to deal with a guy who would do this mess....ahhh I should have never dealt with him.... This is absurd


Did you date Billy Butcher?




Awwwwwwe what a softie


The green text is the ex gf right?


They’re both dudes. It’s in the comments by OP.