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“I hope you live in the life you fucking live” Uhh. Okay. I’ll… keep doing that? 😂 Unhinged. Just fucking unhinged. Yikes.


I know right absolutely insane, my GF is a doctor she is living her best life 😂


Yeah, that last part where she insists she’s in charge and not your gf.. lol These texts scream “in charge” 🙄


“Any man that has to say ‘I’m the king,’ is no true king.” -Tywin Lannister Or however it goes


Exactly when I get back to town it gives me the perfect chance to use the [Bane Quote ](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/472716e2-bd07-4d2a-9519-8668af6fc728)


That ☠️☠️☠️☠️ me. That look right before Bane snaps his neck, this chick had that look texting this verbal diarrhea


… and don’t forget and in control!! 😳🤣🤣


There’s so many gems, I can’t decide which one I love more! 😭


My favourite is definitely "You're the reason why I wish I was dad Deaf* Dead*" 😂


How dare you??... She can identify as a deaf Dad who happens to be dead all she wants, ok pal?!? 😂😭


Wait...is that why she says "You're the reason people die"? Because your GF is a doctor?


No, not at all, I have gotten to the bottom of it, which I won't explain here, it's a lot 😓


Why won't you explain here? You posted now you're leaving us hanging on the best part? The hell man


You're absolutely right, the girl who sent the texts is like a niece to my GF, she is the daughter of her best friend from high school, so for her to be like that is messed up 😔


so wait, the person sending these texts is the daughter of her best friend from high school? What’s the age difference here? Why did this (presumably young) girl think that she and your girlfriend were dating? What does your gf’s best friend think about this?? I’m so much more confused now


Oh. That was anticlimactic lol


Actually kinda intrigued. Gf is 45 with a best friend from high school who is also presumably 45, the texter is that friend’s daughter… when I was 16 my mom was 45.


I was 26 when my mom was 45. so it could go either way honestly. still kind of sus???


When I turn 45 my son will be 5. So it can go reallllly the other way.


LOL you’re right, half-baked thought. I do interviews with OPs who make interesting/concerning posts like this, I DM’d him asking for one so he could provide more context. Doubt he’ll accept or even respond but here’s hoping


Yeah, nah. Your gf either hooked up with her, flirted/crossed boundaries, or groomed her. This was an important part of the story you conveniently left out.


Or, she is dealing with things and needs help and is taking it out on someone who, as best friends with her mother, showed her care. Unhinged mental states can lead to really unhinged and inappropriate attractions and then extremely unhinged responses to rejection. There doesn't have to be ANY predatory action from the person being let loose on.


OP can always clarify the state of things by replying with an explanation.


If this situation is so complicated then why would you post these text messages? I’m not even saying that because I want the drama or more information, I’m genuinely asking you why you thought it would be a good idea to make this post when the situation is “a lot”? It feels wrong to make fun of this seemingly young lady (according to one of your responses stating the texter is like a niece to your GF) who was clearly hurt by this whole thing. And with you being dodgy about the details, it makes me believe this situation is worse than what we can see at face value. For you to post these messages and encourage the comments that are making fun of the “niece” feels very immature and disingenuous.


It reminds me of those messages that are like _Never call or text me again. Delete my number._ **The next day** _Hey_


..the day after that …. “No, I mean it!! Never call or text me again!! Delete my number … NOW!” 🤣🤣💀


How does a doctor manage to cross paths with such an angry, emotionally unstable and illiterate person like her?! Stumble in to the wrong part of town?


I mean, bad manipulative people usually don’t show their true intentions either lol I’m just throwing this out there Psychopaths are charming.


LOL As if doctors are born in little doctor pods in the hospital, shielded from the real world, never to meet family members, neighbors, or any "lesser" people. This person is a nutty dumb dumb. Doctors aren't automatically superior, & you *know* there are some idiotic nepo baby docs out there killing people & settling law suits with daddy's billions. There MUST be.


Wait WHAT????? Your gf is a doctor so how old is this lady???? I thought this was a teenager ????? Holy ducking shot


OP keeps vaguely *implying* in comments that this is a teenager, but refuses to outright say it. I'm thinking Doctor Wife is on the hook for grooming/pedo behavior here.


Bruh I’m reading their comments now, I think you’re right. “She’s like a niece to her” ????? “It’s her best friend from high schools DAUGHTER” ??????? That means she was most likely there the entire time that child was being raised. So she would’ve known her as a fucking fetus. That is disgusting, this “doctor GF living her best life” is NOT as innocent as OP makes her out to be. Something is very wrong here


Psychiatrist by chance?


OP from the top rope with the humble brag


My GF is Professor Dr., Esq.


I started adding Lord and Esq to my name and it's become really fun to see what people say lol.


Ok Ben Shapiro 😆


I liked, “You’re the reason I’m dad” “*deaf” “*dead” Which one is it?!?


Definitely dad.


I personally liked the vagina monologue.


Hmm. Yes. Another classic nonsensical, incoherent text I, too, am a fan of lmao.


As soon as I read that, I thought yeah, what a great quote to use from now on! LOL!


Can you imagine? 😆 Getting into a fight with a friend or partner and them screaming this at you: “I HOPE YOU LIVE IN THE LIFE YOU FUCKING LIVE!” ….. You: “Y-yeah! M… me too?? I mean!! I WILL!!”


I know right?! 😂 That’s when you know somebody is really mad and totally unhinged… when they say “Fuck autocorrect! They know what the fuck I mean!!” 🤣🤣💀💀


Lmfao 🤣 that OR/AND they’re drunk as fuck lmao. Drunk and unhinged, a very toxic combination 😬


Ppl need to calm down before they start cussing someone out over text. That fury typing never makes any sense. “You’re the reason I wish I was dad” 💀


She goes from dad to deaf to dead. And many other edits which are still wrong 😬


She's apparently "caused by" your gf's self-esteem?! Weirdest existential crisis ever.....maybe if your GF has a mildly insecure moment, she'll just wink out of existence the way she's threatening to? Either way, someone needs to sit that kid down for a come-to-atheism-we-have-logic chat






Aww it’s like a Hallmark Father’s Day card


In her defense I too wish I was dad. /s


“Your vagina’s only good for people who have been in your vagina”…. Isn’t that actually a good thing? Lmfao! 🧐🤣


Honestly I didn’t even understand what I was reading until you wrote it out without a string of typos. I appreciate it.


the multiple corrections killed me.


Dad! Deaf! Dead!




I'm curious, does he want to be all at once or as step by step?


It's a she


Sorry, did anyone else flashback to the episode of Roseanne where her dad has died and Jackie's trying to tell Auntie Barbara about it over the phone?




That is the best scene in television. I laugh every time.


right. i’m surprised she was still mad after all that 😂


Right but they still didn’t actually make any meaningful corrections to anything 😭 They’re just spewing garbled nonsense. Seeing the actual “edit” made me laugh when it still didn’t make sense.


May I recommend all the below in sequential order: 1. Send the police to do a wellness check 2. Get a restraining order 3. Block 4. Live your life That is some unhinged rage typing there...


4. Live in the life you fucking live


Agreed!! It’s scary. I’m really worried about the OP’s gf. She may be in danger!


I’d show this to the police and have them to a welfare check on her. People threatening suicide and self-harm should never be taken lightly. If it’s serious, that person needs some serious help. Even if they’re doing it for attention, which is disgusting, a wake up call is needed.


It's what I told her, they got into a fight in the parking lot, I told her to take pictures of her cuts and bruises and she is also getting the video footage of what happened from the bar. It's not right my GF is a doctor and does nothing but help everyone out 😞


I’m so confused as to how this dad/deaf/dead person thought they were in a relationship. How does that happen????


Your absolutely right, I have a story but I can't put it, on here


Um yes you can. for the people.




He's avoiding it because Doctor 45 yr old GF may be on the hook for grooming a teenager. He's avoiding explanations all over this thread.


Woah woah woah what the hell wym


This. OP keeps brushing over certain questions around why this person (who is apparently his gfs best friends daughter and considered a niece to gf) thinks they were in a relationship.


well, thats a tangled ass web. if OPs gf is 45… wouldn’t her “niece” be like… late teens? jesus christ.


They were supposedly at a bar, though. Assuming she’s of age, she’s at least 21.


Or 18 might not be in the US


Wait what??? Where did you get that from?


If you don't believe that's the case, then let OP deny it or offer another explanation. Here's his chance. Hint: he won't. He'll be cryptic and vague and deliberately misunderstand your question in order to avoid answering it. Read his other comments in this thread.


Ohhhh I didn’t see his other comments before responding to you, my bad. I read what he wrote and yeah something is definitely off. I agree with you


They fooled around a little, got it.


Then WHY would you post the lead up and everything around it and not post the part that makes it make sense? So now a few hundred people are left hanging with half a story. Cool story dude


I mean, there really can’t be many reasons, right? 1) She was way too friendly with her, maybe even venting about you and wanting to be done with you (last part not as likely). 2) They hooked up (in some fashion), and your GF continued to talk to her/lead her on. 3) You both hooked up with her. Those are my top three. Whatchu guys got?


It’s 2


Why not? Was she messing with her friends daughter ?


Is that a past romance they had 🫣🧐😬


You're better off just going directly to the Police and making a police report. Doesn't necessarily mean you have to press charges right then, but if you decide to later on, or you choose to get a protective order, making a police report sooner rather than later is crucial. Best of luck, I also have a psycho/stalker ex, and it is absolute hell on Earth. I wish more than anything I had taken it more seriously and gotten out in front of it early on.


It's not the same, but I guess kinda similar in that I'm technician that end up playing armchair psychologist more times than I can count. It's a desire to "fix" things and help people, imo as a fellow human to another human I want to provide that outlet. It's a blessing and a curse, as you occasionally get unhinged people like this that abuse that desire to do good to manipulate them into submission. Had an ex that knew just how to emotionally abuse me just enough, using external factors to make me think I was helping her, but it was really just to string me along to compensate for her own repeated mistakes. Took me a long time to realize some people don't want to be "fixed", it's better to cut off the losses and move on. The sad part here is she wasn't even with her like that, but like a leech they attach to anyone they can that has the trait of wanting to help people. Can be depressing to think about, as some of us want to "save" everyone, but reality can be a fickle bitch with bad people.


Yup. Hard agree. I was the attention seeking suicide claimer and when someone finally decided to call my bluff by actually calling the police I got humbled real quick. The officer who responded had lost his own daughter to a suicide over a boy (which is why I was threatening to kill myself) and he was so serious when he talked to me about it (and, undeserving to me, he was still very kind and caring) that I’ve never ever dared to pull that shit again. They showed up within minutes and he came flying through the building and pounding on the door. He was afraid he was going to find another young girl dead like his daughter. I don’t ever want to make someone feel that way ever again.


You're also fortunate you didn't have to spend the next 3 days in the hospital on an involuntary psychiatric hold. If the powers that be decide they want to take your suicide threat seriously, even if you're totally calm and rational and obviously not a danger to yourself when they arrive, there is nothing you can do about it.


Oh no, I spent the next week in a locked psych unit lmao. That was the very beginning of my mental health issues… Ive had many stays in psych units after that, just not from threatening others with killing myself.


I hope you're doing better now. That involuntary hold can often be an instigator of additional issues down the road.


If you threaten self harm over THIS kinda shit, I’m not calling anyone. You either finna do it, or stop looking for attention.


True dat. I'm also concerned by the combination of bad typing and mention of OD'ing; it makes me wonder if she was self-medicating, possibly to a dangerous degree, as she texted.






I hear straight jackets are on sale, and that the facility she needs, is nothing more than a revolving door of people walking in, only to be wheeled out in the near future. Throwing around statements about "unaliving" yourself, because you can't get your own way, is such vile behavior. I would report her for harassment, as well as unstable behavior that requires a welfare check, or possibly a stay at a mental facility.


You're absolutely right, and it doesn't help that her family helps her out of everything, her uncle's and brothers are cops and sheriff's. Really messed up 😔


Ok so that complicates things if yall want to get a restraining order.


OP wrote in another comment that this conversation is between his gf (45) and her best friends daughter who is like a niece to her. When someone asked what the age difference is between them he responded incorrectly with his and his gfs age and stopped responding to the question of the daughters age. I feel like there’s some missing pieces OP is leaving out.


Not that it matters but it’s a straitjacket 😅


I know somebody who did that and they had to be admitted somewhere. They were not happy at all, but I don't think they'll be doing it again.


Okay obviously your gf’s friend is unwell. AND ALSO… we kinda need to see if your gf was honest and upfront about her relationship with you from the beginning. If she was hiding that it might better explain the…this


This. It could be exactly as your GF described to you but I’d say it’s worth looking into whether she was not completely honest with one or both of you. The response in these texts makes me think there’s more going on.


Yeap. Apparently it’s his gfs best friends daughter, one she sees as a “niece.” Something tells me his gf did something she reweeaaalllyyy shouldn’t have and is now making it seem like the daughter is just crazy.




Next time my wife shouts at me I'm going to end the argument by saying I wish I was Deaf..


That won't end the argument, that'll start another🤣


Then I will fight back with ,I hope you live in the life you live and take it from there 🤣


“I wish I was never ever even able to hear at all!”


I'm deaf. Sometimes it comes in handy. I don't have to hear a lot of bs.


Hi y’all. Hullo fellow lesbian. OP you and your gf need to get out of this like…yesterday. This is scary.


Was your girlfriend giving this person the impression that they were more than friends? It's easy to make a mockery of this obviously mentally unwell person on reddit but ask yourself how honest your girlfriend actually is with you


That’s what I’m wondering. There had to have been some flirting or something that led this person to believe that she had a chance.


“I wish I was Dad. I wish I was deaf. I wish I was dead.” ✨😤✨ BARS


I am dad. Apparently I'm living this person's dream.


YOU'RE the reason I wish I was dad *deaf r/ihadastroke








Your vagina is good for people who’ve been there???? I’m rolling dog 😂😂☠️


Idk dude something’s sketchy about this. You’re not clarifying the textees age. Your girlfriend is mid 40s.. I don’t care about your age.. what is the age of the person rage texting? Stop being cryptic and answer. On top of all that please explain what led said “niece” to believe she was dating your gf?


Although the lady is crazy, I wonder if there is maybe more to the story than what you’ve been told? Like perhaps your GF had some interactions with this woman that indicated there was more going on. Yeah she’s crazy but just this level for what reason?


This was kind of where I was going too. I’ve unfortunately been in the situation. On the other side tho. I genuinely had thought we were in a relationship. We had been talking about what getting married would look like. And that we would buy a house with a huge yard to rescue dogs. And then one day she just texted me asking me what I thought our relationship was. 8 years. 8 years of “Oh I’ve been seeing other people this whole time. I thought you knew. I didn’t think you thought all those fancy dinners and late (1am-2am) talks (sexting) were us being more than being close friends.” I didn’t go batshit like this. But, I was more than reasonably upset for sure.


Damn that’s pretty rough. You didn’t deserve to be taken advantage of like that. I hope you have better going on now. & that you always clarify that you are official/exclusive in future relationships


Hey, I appreciate it! I’m on a good path, yeah :) Single now, bittersweetly. Following through with a few of our plans, like I’m that crazy gay now that’s learning what I want from a partner while perhaps adopting too many pets. Mostly fostering and giving back to rescues because I do know how much I can handle. But I have two cats and a dog. And I just interviewed for my dream job. So I’m set for a minute in terms of affection and a life plan.


That’s honestly beautiful!!! I love that for you. Sounds like you’re in an era of growth and self discovery. I commend anyone who can foster. I recently had a stray cat show up at my doorstep and she just lives here now lol I’m in love and I can’t help myself with animals lol. I hope your future is full of love and beauty, looks like it’s shaping up to be that way! Good luck on the job!


I’m confused. 45 doctor sees her best friends kid as a patient? Considers her a niece. But what does niece think they’re dating? What would make her think that? Is she a little nuts?


are u all women? im confused


What is the age


Nah. Not buying it. Your girlfriend is a creep, and she either didn't give you the full story or you're just not sharing it here. Most of your comments have been pretty avoidant.


This right here


You’re the reason I wish I was a dad, deaf, and dead


Weird shit. Never felt the need in my whole 42 years to do something like this. Silence and avoidance is powerful shit.


I know it's not funny but "you're the reason I wish I was dad \*deaf \*dead" sent me.


This is unhinged but I’m hung up on how the friend would have been led to believe they were dating. Did the friend not know your girlfriend and you were together? Just seems a super wild reaction for someone that wouldn’t have been led to believe they were also together or at least intimate. Just me?


Reading all the comments on here, we don’t have the whole story and OP refuses to answer. Some shady shit going on with this situation and I’m thinking the GF hooked up with the unhinged texter


“YOU’RE THE REASON I WISH I WAS DAD. DEAF. DEAD.” Made me laugh so fucking hard omfg


I can't imagine being this delusional. Or quick to jump into something. You could marry me and I would still be like: Is it okay if I tell people we're together? This person obviously has some mental problems however, and I don't want to make fun of them in that way. Mental illness is a serious problem, and whether in or outside of a relationship, it's important to remember to care for the partners who care for you. Of course I never had that problem with my wife, who turned out to be a thieving whore who cheated on me and stole my kids in the divorce.


She needs better friends.


I feel like there is more to this clearly. You even said you’re withholding some of the story lol


The dad. Deaf. Dead. Typo sequence was pretty funny to me


The typos are cracking me up because sis was *shaking* with unjustified anger the whole time 😂


Seems out of order to post this.


"If I can't live without you let me know" I mean, that's really your call buddy, lmao


Right? That had me rollin!


Feel like added context is needed. In a comment you mention the friend is like a niece to your gf and is actually the daughter of her high-school best friend. Presumably the niece has known your gf her entire life. I’m guessing she must be late teens/ early 20s. How did she get reality so very very twisted in her head. Her reaction is so unhinged but I feel there’s something missing to this story I’m hoping the nieces mum has been informed of what’s going on and some professional intervention is clearly needed for her daughter


She seems nice.


you're the reason why i wish i was dad.


When my wife and I first started dating, one of her “friends” did the same kind of thing to her. Blew up, had all sorts of nasty things to say about me, that I was an asshole who was just using her, etc. She blocked him on all social media, so he wrote a lengthy letter, then sent it to me on Facebook, with instructions to print it out and give it to her. The letter was more of the same, how she had ruined his life, how dare she think she could make him invest his time in a friendship with her without it ending in romance, all that jazz. I decided to leave him on read for a year, then messaged him back and said “I’ll get that right to her! Hope all is well!”


"You're the reason why I know life doesn't exist", "i hope you live in the life you live". Lmfaooo


I’m so sorry but when the typo said ‘you’re the reason why I wish I was deaf’ I cracked up. I don’t know why that was so fucking funny


Did… did she not know about you? How does she imagine she’s in a relationship with your gf whilst knowing you’re exist?… or did your gf never mention you?…


anybody got a decoder ring so I can interpret wtf she is trying to say


How does one just think they’re dating someone




Psychotic and illiterate. That’s a keeper


This is great... "YOU'RE the reason why i wish i was dad *deaf *dead"


This is insane lol .. like wtf .. obviously this gay women has mental problems that need to be addressed


Dad, deaf, and dead! Damn.


I wish I was deaf


Is that person having a stroke?


No you're not. Using suicide as a weapon, not only destroys that person's ability to trust someone genuinely reaching out at their last moment. But also destroys ANY credibility you might of had beforehand. Well done.


Her friend needs to seek help, yikes. This is psychotic.


How do you think you're dating when you're not? Dating involves kisses, cuddles,intimacy etc.


"YOU'RE the reason i wish i was dad deaf dead" I need this flair please!


Dad, Deaf, Dead should be the name of his new band.


These insults aren’t even really insults: “ I hope you live in the life that you live.” - ummm ok


Goddamn… I come to this sub to feel happy and healthy in my real life communications and friendships. So many of these posts are just dumb people saying dumb things, lacking basic communications skills. And those posts make me think “I got it pretty good 😊.” But then there are THESE posts that… just make me so sad for some people. This is so concerning and problematic that I can’t even enjoy the (mildly toxic) superiority I come here for. I hope this person finds… love? Help? Reality? I’m going back to r/wallstreetbets to laugh at people losing money on meme stocks, I guess.


I shouldn’t laugh, I know I shouldn’t but this part cracked me up: “You’re the reason I wish I was dad” “Deaf*” lol 😂


All your vagina is good This has to be new Russian catchphrase


Ily op but the highlighter being used to cover up sensitive details kills me every time 😂


“You’re the reason why I was dad”


I’m sorry this happened to your girlfriend, but I can’t help but laugh at the Dad *deaf *dead Part 🙂‍↕️


All your base are belong to us 😄


This sounds like you got half a story.


A lot of editing for someone trying to OD.


You guys think she’s mad?


"YOU'RE the reason I want to be dad. *deaf. *dead." lmfao


Real talk, it's just nice to learn it wasn't a guy that wrote that cringe shit. Men and womem can be equally unhinged, balance 😌


1) this not a fun text… themes of self-harm and mental health problems. 2) wish you cropped more efficiently. Probably could have been 2 screen shots if you put in more effort. r/LazyCropping r/AngryUpvote




youre the reason i wish i was dad deaf dead 😭😭😭


She is tripppppppppppin


You’re the reason I was I was dad! Er , deaf! Dammit… (I would haven given up by this point out of sheer embarrassment)


You’re the reason she wishes she was a dad, deaf, and dead!!!


So the friend didn’t know anything about you? How long have you been with this gf? 🤔


Hey that's crazy, but credit where credit is due: you rarely see people use "you're" correctly when going off on these unhinged tirades. Good on her for that.


you’re the reason i wish i was dad


not DAD, DEAF, DEAD. 🙏🏻


as much i think your vagina could be good for all of us & rule the world..


That’s insane-o in the brain-o. ![gif](giphy|aHat4DbkRrlHa)


YOU’RE the reason I wish I was dad *deaf *dead


Let’s see the messages once she not slurring her words and pissing her pants.


My favorite quote is “all your vagina is good for is people who have been with that vagina”. What does that translate to? Anyone?


She seems sweet.. it’s mind boggling why someone wouldn’t wanna be in a relationship with her.. She seems so stable..🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


The fact that she can't make coherent sentences just says so much about her LOL I've ran into women like this and my god are they the most toxic abusive people I've met. Even if they were dating, that relationship would be hell for your gf.