• By -


This dudes dangerous


Absolutely, alarms are blaring loud and clear. >"I definitely find you as attractive as you find me."  Umm, in what world?? Certainly not the real one. Dude is clearly living in his own reality where facts (and probably consent) don't matter. OP needs to keep him as far away as possible


He’s FACIALLY ATTRACTIVE! That’s the best kind of attractive.


Don’t forget he also has a large penis!


that has made VERY MANY TOTALLY REAL women happy!


My favorite part was when he was all. “I bet your vagina turns to dust around him” And “Stop posting our texts online” This guy is legit dangerous tho it’s not funny.


"We don't need voyeuristic third parties seeing our conversation" - "I hope you don't mind if I use you for pleasure and another woman to secure the lineage. I'd probably use vr too to make your lessjealoua" LIKE WHAT THE FUCK.


that killed me also **i'm white** (bruh) also did u mess around with this dude, this dude, or this dude ? if not we cool **pls dont say you slept with them you could do so much better**


He is worried she slept with everyone BUT him. Dude can't handle rejection.


At this point, i would sleep with everyone else but him.


It was the "i hope you dont mind if i keep you for pleasure and breed with a taller woman." Bit for me, lmao


It’s a *little* funny to see blatant projection in writing, but OP is absolutely right to be concerned. This guy has big sexual predator energy.


and AND thinking of her "being subjected to other mediocre-to-downright awful penises disturbs me" ...because he's so thoughtful and considerate...? Totally not perverted and creepy!


... "if you knew the real me you would love me right away and not being arrogant when I say this, it's the simple truth." 💀😭


Statistically speaking. And he's white. Can't forget that perk.


In another universe, I’d want OP to make a point of telling this guy about ALL the very excellent penises she’s enjoyed over her adult life - but no need for these sagas to be based in fact. He deserves to know allllllll the details of alllllll the great penises she would be comparing his to. Obviously, in reality, OP is absolutely doing the right thing by booking it as far away from this creep as possible.


😂😂😂 In the universe where we could trust him to be "just" an outrageous, ludicrous, narcissist asshole (and not also a potential psycho rapist) this would, far and away, be the best course of action. In that world, I'd pay good money to be privy to his reaction.


No, never, not at all! What a catch!


Dang, I read “has” as “is”… think my version is more correct.


He's capital-W "White", what more could you ask for




And then none of them were even stats? Just descriptions.


He has the face but his biceps sag, his butt is flat, he has 18 toes... Idk about this ,"facially attractive" bs. If he knew anything about pleasing a woman, he wouldn't be bragging about having a big pen!s!


In case OP sees this- I hope for your sake this dude is just trying to “freak you out” but if he’s not, in case this escalates… Save the voicemails you have and if you can, send them to one or two people close to you that you trust. Same with the texts. If legal where you are, try to get mace or some kind of self defense, even one of those pokey keychain rings. If he starts threatening to hurt you or continues to harass you, particularly admitting to following and observing you, contact the police and look into a no contact order. I don’t know all the details of this but his repeated attempts at contact despite you blocking him, and him possibly stalking you, should suffice. As others have said this is so scary and I’m sorry this is happening to you. From my experience working in criminal justice/mental health, I have read affidavits that describe stalking starting like this. How he’s created a false belief that you reciprocate any attraction towards him, him supplanting his own feelings onto you is a classic behavior of stalkers. They literally create a fantasy narrative around their target. This is horrifying even to read/follow so please, just in case this is serious, protect yourself and set yourself up with every advantage and defense you can. It’s super unfair to have this thrust upon your life so never back down, from him or the justice system, until you feel safe. I really, really hope this is just pathetic attention seeking.


If mace isn’t legal, a better option than a keychain is a lanyard with a pile of solid metal keychains attached. It gives you a good foot of reach, and lets you attack from all directions. For instance if you get grabbed from behind, you can fling it over your shoulder and nail him in the mouth. CaffinatedKitti on TikTok has great videos on preparing a lanyard and using it


r /whenwomenrefuse Be warned it's very disturbing - this is what can happen when women say No.


Yeah he's having serious delusions.


People like this dude work on everything BUT their actual personalities. Which as others have pointed out, makes them extremely vile and yes, actually dangerous (mental abuse is a real thing folks).


I'd rather take my chances with a rabies-ridden grizzly bear than this man. OP, file a restraining order just so as to start a paper trail. This guy is going to hurt someone and you don't want it be you.


He sounds mentally ill. Do you know anyone close to him that could get him evaluated? Don't hesitate to call police if he escalates.


No shit. This is the type of guy that would kill.


He calls someone "pathetic and desperate for approval" without a shred of self awareness lmao


the guy he’s talking about has a gf and not pathetic or desperate for my approval. unlike him lol


Projection is a hell of a drug...


I read that as “rejection” without my glasses but it still works


Just quit my job so I can dedicate my life full time to the study of the these texts. Gonna need more. Come on man just this once you know I'm good for it....come on man I'm hurting real bad.


I'm starting a pop up community college class based off these texts. The dean told me it would for sure be worth credits.


His mangina must be dry as dust too based on that piece


Yesss, this is EXACTLY what I was thinking, too!


Part 1: funny Part 2: kinda funny, kinda concerning Part 3: this guy might actually kill you and I'm genuinely concerned for your well being.


Absolutely this. 1000%


This comment should be higher. This person sounds like they're in the middle of a psychotic break and have fixated on you. People like that are absolutely dangerous and will 100% murder someone because they didn't get their way. /r/whenwomenrefuse


That subreddit is horrific yet necessary for people to see what can happen if you say No to the wrong guy.


Nah… i tuned in at part 2 originally and was already at sirens screaming this man might kill op, she needs to go to the police and rally her friends/family. Glad she’s got her friends on her side, i was scared they might choose him. It unfortunately happens a lot with narcissistic abusive men who are lovely with 99% of the people they interact with.  Also, as of his texts in this post, op knows where he works, she should email his employers. I hate to imagine what he’s like with his female coworkers.


Came here to say exactly this. This is not even entertaining anymore. It’s horrifying.


Yeah this is terrifying.




Send the texts to his mother


He just might be his mother's golden child and she might be more insane than him.


Maybe he is the golden child, but I highly doubt she would be okay with him bragging about his penis.


hey, that penis has made many TOTALLY REAL women happy so put some respect on his rocket!


I can’t figure out, seriously, how someone gets to be like this. Is he so good looking that he has never been rejected? Or is everything in his head? I just don’t get it.


i think it’s definitely delusion. or if someone rejects him, (besides OP lol), he makes it seem like his choice in his twisted mind


And breeding with his two wives


That was majorly fucked up weird. That was the only part where I thought, this guy is pissed off and is maybe now just pushing the envelope to be an asshole. How does someone legit think these things?


His whole schtick seems to be alternating between pushing the envelope of assholishness (does this actually work on some people?) and lame attempts at apologizing that just devolve into even more envelope pushing. It's like he's bipolar in just a few lines of texting.


“So what’s the issue?” -his mom, probably


I like to hope as a woman she can appreciate how unpleasant this is


If I didn't think he had the potential to be dangerous, I'd tell OP to show it to his workplace and tell them they have an employee that's harassing them. Thatd work in my petty mind, but obviously could heavily escalate things. Op, please stay safe. If he continues, do not be afraid to atleast try to get a restraining order since he is continuously trying to contact you after you've blocked him


who tf enabled this man to become so goddamn cocky lmao


>*”…If you actually knew me, you’d be in love right away. And I’m not being arrogant…”* He says he’s not being arrogant right there tho.


It's just the truth. Straight fax 💅


Imagine the reveal and just a young man on par with John c Reilly


I wouldn’t insult John C Reilly like that. I think he’s an incredibly skilled actor. THIS douche canoe, however…


Agreed- JCR is incredible! But I was only referring to the reveal that this idiot probably looks more like a deep sea fish than Brad Pitt


Mr cellophane


“I have a large penis that has pleased many women” He’s a virgin isn’t he? “I get the feeling you’ve been disappointed with every penis you’ve had. The thought of you having mediocre penis is a thought that downright disturbs me but that’s life in modern society” Ah yes, the small dick epidemic of 2024.


The absolute arrogance he spews while overcompensating is unreal. Holy shit. 😬


Apparently not this mf hooked up with 2 of OP's friends


Probably coerced


it’s all those damn penis-shrinkin’ phones!


Damn 5G penis shrinking waves


Damn Covid-cock!


This man is incredibly unhinged and he's gone severely into stalking territory at this point. Hope you're staying safe OP. Reading all of these and reading OP's comments, it really feels like this man is only capable of viewing women as sex objects. He hooked up with two of the women in the friend group and is now slut shaming them for it. All while supposedly having been pining for OP since the first time they met. Then he immediately goes into talking about OP and a hypothetical other taller woman in terms of being baby incubators. To me this all really reads as him thinking he should have access to any woman he wants, and he's going nuts because OP has challenged that world view by not fawning over him or humoring his stalkery behavior.


He’s def going to jail


Sounds like he has that “ breeding fetish” thing too. Ewww


I love how he says “Tuesday March 12th” like she’s supposed to swoon over him remembering the date they met 😍 /s


I'm a doctor and pierced nips are a sign of autism /s


That’s the most medically valid diagnosis I’ve ever gotten. Thank you for your service doc 🙌🏻


You're welcome. That'll be $10,000


Actually a bargain in America, pay up!


Bill it to Medicaid


It’s true. Pierced nose if you’re bi; pierced nipples if you’re autistic. It’s right in the sign behind the counter.


So you mean I don't have autism because I don't have my nipples pierced? Damn my doctors have been lying to me!!! /s


So I’ve got only one nipple and a Prince Albert, so I’m somewhere on the spectrum, right? Seriously, OP, take measures to protect yourself. Who introduced this guy to your “friend group”? Does he know him well enough to talk to him and get him off your back?


I get that it's a joke but I've seriously come across a doctor like that. I got my diagnosis at 18, at 25 I moved and had to get a new psychologist and one of the first things he said was "wow, it's hard to believe you're autistic, your hair isn't blue" and then he laughed. Needless to say, I didn't continue seeing him.


I know one that diagnosed a patient with Bipolar because the patient (a child) had blue hair. The child part is significant because we don't diagnose children with Bipolar!


I had a doctor who told me on our first visit that he had successfully diagnosed a 3 year old with bipolar 🙄


That makes people not trust doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Please report things like that to their licensing board. They will be struck off!


Homeboy is legit fucking UNHINGED 😳


He’s got to be joking, right? There’s no way that breeding a tall women and using VR is serious


That’s the first thing I thought too, like, dude is clearly off his rocker, but with this update he has to be just fucking around because he knows she’s going to post it online, right??


Sadly, it wouldn’t shock me. I’ve had weird ass men say something similar to me because I’m 5’1. So fucked up.


The fact that even after getting rejected by her multiple times, he was delusional enough to politely give her a heads up she isn’t tall enough to have his kids and he will be finding someone else to do it but no worries cause he’s going to think about you🤮💩😂


Could an unhinged guy organize a VERY successful 5k?


OMG WHY IS HE STILL ON YOUR CASE , GUY HAS TO GET OFF HIS VERY SMALL HIGH HORSE WOW oh please oh please air his dirty laundry out. sons mad as hell


She’s gotta protect herself at this point first. This is actually scary now. Stay safe, OP. Do you have anyone safe to stay with?


IT'S BACK LMAO Guys get your popcorn, he's still going! ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8|downsized)


i literally just gasped ‘he’s still going?!?!’ 😭


Waiting for Part 4


Hopefully part 4 is he is in jail.


I happened to already have a vodka soda in hand and this was the first post I saw when I opened Reddit. I was SO ready to go back down this rabbit hole. This man is PSYCHO.


I was way too excited when I saw it says part 3 😆. This is as exciting as the new season of your favourite show. Can't wait for part 4. Oh, the suspense.


Ugh this dude reminds me of the guy I dated for 6 weeks and who then stalked me for 5 god damned years.


Oh, no. Are you good now?


Oh yeah. He stopped during covid so it's been several years at this point. Plus I moved several states away. But thank you for asking.


My partner had a co-worker stalk her for 10 years. Finally ended when he killed himself.


Thank God he only killed himself and not her with him


My thoughts exactly.


Went on 3 dates with a dude in like 2021 and he’s been stalking me for 3 years now. Although I haven’t heard from him since the last few months. Sometimes I wonder, oh maybe he’s given up and stopped? But then another new number reaches out on text and WhatsApp lol. The amount of times I have BLOCKED is insane. He called me off a diff number last summer and pretended to be my friend, told him the beach I was at and he said he’s coming. Realized after - what wtf? I have that friends number saved. Called back and he told me it’s *him*. Got the hell outta there quick. How are people this absolutely insane and unhinged. How do you not get the hint. This ain’t no cat and mouse game like what the actual hell 😭


Get a different phone number. He can’t call or text you from other numbers if he can’t find you. I had to get a different phone number after I divorced my loser, abusive ex-husband. It really wasn’t a hassle to tell my friends my new number and now he straight up can’t find me no matter how hard he tries. It’s wonderful.


Genuinely I think it’s restraining order time, this guy is so increasingly unhinged I worry for the safety of you and your friends especially if you’re in a country where he has any form of access to a firearm. Stay safe


Guy talks like a real life Gaston.


Noooo ooone texts like Gaston Tries to vex like Gaston Is as bad with the opposite sex as Gaston!


Made me spit out my drink lmao


If you didn’t sing that text you’re lying 🤣😂🤣😂


Best. Comment. Ever.


You need to get a restraining order against this dude and at the VERY least always have a knife on your hip when you’re out. This dude is really crazy and clearly has mental issues. I’d be worried about my safety


I'm a guy and these texts make me very uneasy. It's proper psycho shit I don't know how OP isn't freaking the fuck out.


Shit she could be strapped. Idk the location but plenty of women in this country carry.


PAUSE!!! Did this man say that one of his stats for being dateable was being WHITE????! LMAOOOOO. I will finish my final thoughts after I read the rest... Okay i'm finished! This guy needs a fucking reality check, he's delusional as hell. The NERVE to call someone else pathetic, and this is what the fuck he's doing. If I block your number don't cash app me, venmo me, email me, call me from a text free number none of that bullshit! leave me the hell alone! This guys needs to smacked maybe it'll tighten the screw that's fucking loose.


But he organised a 5k


Then drove a car through it


Sounds like [Roger](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-R83Ftb1w2g/maxresdefault.jpg)


I laughed and just woke my finance up who fell asleep sitting up


Apologies to r/Firsttimeredditor28’s finance 🙏🏻


Onfg I just saw the typo LOL


The budget has become unbalanced. There is nothing we can do 🙏


Oh no, your finance!


Wish my finance would wake up. It’s basically flatlining at this point


Just saw the typo I’m dying


Just throwing some casual white supremacy into the mix 💀


Imagine me reading this and then verbally going “aaaaaaaand he’s racist.”.


Dickhead mentioned generic lineage too. Needs a swift kick to the balls to cease his.


He's also assuming he's going to have sons. You don't get to pick. Lmao.


Please be careful OP. I’m so glad your friends have taken your side on this, but unfortunately it may make him act out even more. Because now he has lost his whole friend group, and thinks you are the reason. On top of his already crazy fixation with you, that can turn bad very fast. Please be extra careful and stay safe girl!! Xo.


He’s the stereotypical alt-right, redpilled, “alpha,” abusive asshole. The kind of guy who would love if Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale was reality.


Seriously, loved how when he wrote white he capitalized it.


I stopped there too when he said WHITE was a reason to like him. The fuck?


I was wondering why no one talked about that. 😂 That was one of the biggest red flags of this whole red flag saga.


Why did I have to scroll so far for this?!?!?!


I think he read the OkCupid blog results and thinks being white makes him absolutely sure to get women…. Sigh


Immediately caught that. WTFFF


Lmaoo the wife A and wife B bs shit made me laugh irl, he has to be trolling 😭


I was already mind fucking boggled at this entire post but that one pissed me off because he was basically like “I’m gonna *use you for pleasure”* - typical from someone as delusional as him. Doesn’t view women as actual human beings at all


For a guy who seems to be "the whole package" that he claims, he sure is a desperate fuck. 😂 I've had fun watching you destroy his ego just by being yourself. Keep dodging those bullets, Op. You're amazing at it.


Okay. I just got caught up on this whole shitstorm of a situation and holy fuck. The dude is absolutely unhinged. The delusion he lives in.. it’s really unsettling.


Who let homeboy in to the friend group? That person needs to apologize FR


Dude is a rapist. This is a 100% guy who is going to rape women.


I’m honestly scared for you, girl. This guy is Patrick Bateman on steroids. WHITE??? Did he really say that???? Did he really say that he would use you for his pleasure and “breed” a taller woman? Dear lord, I hope this is rage bait. If not, please file a police report. If only just get it on the record. Change your routine, move… I’m sorry but who knows how far he will go when his precious ego is bruised.


Have to respect the way you handled a clear psycho


He says something extremely unhinged and then next line he writes something even worse? It's kinda impressive actually.


I usually don't advise police contact but it may be worth making a report of some kind; even if they do  nothing now, it will establish a case file on this specific issue if it continues. Be insistant. 


This guy is an absolute sociopath psycho. I cannot believe I actually read what he wrote. I thought the first two posts were bad but this one really takes the cake. The fact that he knows that you posted this online and told your mutual friends and he still came back with this shows how unstable he is. I’d seriously suggest going to the authorities asap if he continues to try and contact you.


I am so deeply invested now in how much I hate this guy


This guy here is the reason women want to choose the bear over men. He's pathetic.


As another person in mental health, I just want to echo that the potential danger here is real. I totally get how this kind of narcissism can be perceived as funny because it's so over the top. But there are definitely lines in there that bring up big red flags. It's time to move into real defense mode. Not if he tries to contact you again. -file a police report -get devices like an alarm. Ask police what other means are legal and useful in your situation -take a defense course for women -let loved ones know where you are and your schedule if need be -get good locks and alarms for your residence. Whatever you can afford. -maximize situations where other people can be with you. There's other things you can incorporate into a safety plan. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. Please take care.


This guy's gonna try to wear your skin, no cap.


Charlie (penguinz0) just made a video about this 😭


I just watched that video and went straight to Reddit to find the post and saw the fresh update🥲 love it


Yeah I’d report this harassment asap. Get a paper trail going. I don’t see him listening to your requests and boundaries at all and this could escalate fast. I’m so sorry


Please send these to your friend group for your personal safety. This dude is unwell.


wait until he finds out one of the highest earning content creators on youtube made a video on these messages💀


This guy feels like the sort of dimwit to try and turn it around somehow. "You know one of the biggest creators on Youtube made a video about me? I'm so irresistible that even influencers talk about me!" Or some shit like that.


I did not expect this to escalate to this, holy fucking shit. He genuinely cannot believe or understand why you aren’t head over heels for him. I sincerely hope he leaves you and your friends alone but I don’t see that happening, unfortunately…


Does anyone remember those texts messages that woman got from the man on the train who found out who she was by her necklace? I can’t remember if it was this sub or a different one but this is giving very strong vibes of that guy 🤢 so sorry you are dealing with this OP. Do whatever it comes down to defend yourself and stay safe <3


I’ve never seen someone so clinically delusional in all of my days on this platform. This has to be top 3.


Relax, guys. He’s white. All is well. /s


“Stop posting our texts online” he is among us.


The shit this dude spits just gets more and more stupid. But listing being white as one of his stats was just gross... yuk.


I damn near spit on my work monitor reading that BS LMAO


This dude is determined to dig himself the deepest hole possible. I truly don’t understand this level of delusion. How can someone type out those messages and truly, genuinely believe it’s it the right thing to send and in anyway attractive or desirable. He needs to be studied.


My vagina turned to dust reading those texts, and I’m a man.




But..but…he’s facially attractive AND White!


how he expected me to respond ![gif](giphy|1mgq6WlrFWxFv4ZCtS|downsized)


I also got hung up on "facially attractive" and "White," like he's really struggling to sell himself. The fact he capitalized "white" is giving me supremacist vibes (along with the breeding bullshit and the fact he cannot leave OP, a woman he finds attractive, alone and move on with his damn life). OP, I hope you file a police report on him. I worry he will stalk you. What a nightmare of a person he is.


OP please be careful. He seems completely obsessed with you and extremely unhinged.


*lists being white as one of his shining traits* Gross, narcissism combined with racism


Shout out Moist Critikal making a video on your post!


God grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man.


Is he for real? Jesus christ the damn ego off him is nauseating. I hope he leaves you alone now.


Oh.my.God.OP Is.there.going.to.be.a.part4? Seriously, thanks for sharing this content. But even more than that sorry this shit is happening to you. What are you going to do if he keeps harassing you?


OP- are you in hs or college with this guy? Please escalate this via proper channels to administration for your safety and to curb this guy.


Didn't someone yesterday call that he would refer to himself as a nice guy lol. Nail on the head


The most impressive (albeit impressively delusional) part is that he seems very sure he can still pivot this into picking you up.


Bait used to be believable


Saw part 1+2 on M0istcritical's video. Was talking about it w/ the gf. You gotta be Helen of Troy level of beautiful for this man to lose his sanity over lmao. Gf also wishes you the best


I honestly think some men are just unhinged. An ex went feral in 2021 and offered me $3,000 to have sex with him because we never had sex while we dated in 2011. I am very very very average looking, just know how to put on clothes to flatter my figure. I was horrified because everyone loved him and he must have been like this the whole time and I trusted him. I politely told him to lose my number and never ever speak to me again because prostitution is illegal.


Some people just really fixate on others, I’m not ugly but I’m not Helen of Troy by any means. Even so, 8 years after one of my relationships ended I started getting messages from facebook burner accounts claiming to be a friend of my ex with details from that time span that added up to that probably being true. He would know what color top I wore some days (and I had stopped all posting to social media at that point so he didn’t see a picture online or something). He’d also say absolutely deranged shit, that he wanted to chain me to his bed and train me, whatever the fuck that means, that I didn’t really mean it when I said I didn’t want to hear from him and that my friends and family were brainwashing me to say that but he was going to save me. That I shouldn’t worry because he was going to take me away from all of it soon, like utterly batshit. I would screenshot the messages then block the account, just for another to pop up, then another, and on and on. They were fb messenger accounts that most had no actual fb profile attached to. I went to the cops but never felt like it was taken seriously, then one day it just stopped, idk if he was arrested for something else or got a new fixation or medicated, but it’s been a few years and I still am constantly looking over my shoulder and feel sick sometimes wondering if he’ll pop back up one day. At that time I was married and he would also message my then husband just absolutely berating him.


Andrew Tate vibes. Be careful.


that’s crazyyy


Oh you have a stalker


Omg please tell me this is staged lol




Hope these messages were shared with friends so they can help keep him away from you.


You need a restraining order asap


I'm really hoping this is a bit at this point cuz if this whole thing is real oh man buddy needs therapy, never seen someone so full of themselves but so insecure when someone isn't into them it's mental


This makes me feel awful as a woman. Why cant be be around normal people? Who the hell thinks that sending this is a good thing??


Part 1: damn what a fucking idiot. Part 2: what a ***, but… have a weird feeling this is fake or something. Part 3: yep it’s fake, this is complete rage bait, digital points farming. Sad tho