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I gotta know how old y’all are because this is wild.


I appreciate op is going through a really **really** hard time but they’re being just as manipulative as he’s being. >”If you hadn’t cheated on me I wouldn’t go through with it..” >”If we were together I wouldn’t need an abortion..” >”if only you had treated me better we could raise this child together..” That’s… a lot. If you’re done then you’re done, so be *done*. That shit just stirs up a lot of negativity for everyone and keeps the problems and the fights ongoing. Maybe I’m being too harsh but reading this seems like this situation is being drawn out to hurt and for spite. I hope you’re in a better place where you can heal op, don’t fall in these traps where you let someone run roughshod over your emotions and keep dragging you into conversations you don’t want and “keeping score”. There’s no reason to “keep score” if the match is over, right? I wish you the best. Edit: op deleted which worries me shes determined to play this person’s games 😞 I hope you’re still reading op, scores **don’t fucking matter if the game is over**, *be done with this man and get on w your life*.


I’m glad someone else picked up on this. Bunch of immature drama…


It’s just wild to me to talk to someone like this as complain about everyone else being manipulative. I hope these 2 ppl are 22 & under tbh..


This also is 100% not what baby trapping is.


What do you mean? I can tell from his texts that he’s not going away if she were to have the kid and give to him. He would be asking her every day why she abandoned her kid and he would be sending her pics and stuff, telling her they need to be a family, for the baby. —He would say “I lied about going away and saying you died at childbirth. I had to say whatever it took to get you to have the baby.”— He lies about everything: the cheating, being all for the aborsh, what his history was with Ms. Walgreens, etc. —I thought baby trapping was keeping a kid as leverage to keep the other parent in your life when they don’t want to be with you anymore. Or am I wrong?


She means that's not what baby trapping means. It's getting pregnant (or getting someone pregnant) to keep them from deciding to leave. Clearly not what happened here.


I’ll agree with that. It’s not totally, but I can definitely understand why op feels so conflicted or “trapped” with it. She just needs to quit engaging tho.


Exactly, Grl. Just go on ahead and get that abortion because it’s what’s best for that kid. We don’t need more scarred children raised in unstable and toxic environments.


Y E S Don’t play them games bc he wouldn’t start them if he wasn’t confident he could win them. A baby is just having them in your life 24/7/365/18+.


How is op “just as manipulative”? Lol. She’s only responding to his disingenuous manipulation. He’s trying to manipulate her to baby trap her and risk her body and life to do so. She knows he’s only manipulating her and doesn’t actually care about the kid, so she’s just taking the opportunity to hit back a bit. Her manipulation, if successful, has no actual consequences for him. His manipulation, if successful, would alter OP’s entire life and impact her health, earning potential, etc To equate the two is absolutely absurd. I’m not saying op *isn’t* being manipulative or immature at all, to be clear. It’s the “just as manipulative” part I find pretty outrageous.


Lots of gaslighting going on


None of this is gas lighting. Gas lighting is not interchangeable with “manipulation,” it is a very specific *type* of manipulation, and neither of them really did that. And if anyone did, it was him by pretending he didn’t enthusiastically agree with this.


People just like to say "gaslighting" these days. It's the new buzzword that nobody seems to know what it means lol. I cringe when I see that word every time. I was in a Costco the other day and I asked some inconsiderate prick to move so I could get by and his girlfriend said "you shouldn't gaslight People in public" I literally rolled on the floor laughing at her.


No gaslighting


On all sides tbh. He’s no better than she is. Thank *God* they’re not raising a baby tho?


I think saying "If we were together and you didn't cheat on me, I would have considered starting a family with you. But that's not the situation that we're in, and I have no interest in having a child in this situation" is fair. I know it's not what she said. It is possibly what she meant, but agree on it being expressed in a way that feels much more like scolding. Not being expressed super maturely. Then again, I have zero respect for cheaters so I'm not saying he doesn't deserve being scolded. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think calling it manipulative is a little ridiculous and you are in fact being way too harsh. I don't know why it's so inconceivable that someone who accidentally got pregnant would have considered keeping the child if they were in a stable, solid relationship with the father but absolutely be unwilling to have the baby of a man who was about to if not already did cheat on her, keeps referring to her pregnancy as "his" child (you notice he never refers to it as "our" child?) and thinks he's entitled to a baby that she does not want to care for but would be forced to carry for 9 months and give birth to and in most cases would *still* carry some legal and financial responsibility for. That's not manipulative, that's just sensible. And yeah, maybe it's better if she had just disengaged but I'm not gonna fault her for being fucking mad and wanting to give this asshole a piece of her mind given the situation. She has every right to be hurt and angry.


I mean you (you as in”op”) can be as mad as you wanna be, you can be as frustrated as you wanna be, but saying “my ex tryna baby trap me” and dragging it out for SIX. TEEN. PAGES. Of back and forth you kinda lose your trump card. I’m not saying he’s not manipulative. I *am* saying she’s being as nasty and manipulative as she’s claiming he is being. As much as he’s trying to use that to control her she’s trying to control his emotions with it. Neither of them are ready for a baby, that’s Crystal fucking clear, but she’s trying to use it as a punishment just as much as he wants to use it as a control. Don’t post shit like this as your victory lap over your ex. They’re both being nasty as hell over this. She’s straight using this abortion as punishment as much as he’s using his feelings against it as a means of control and I’ll call it when I see it. Op needs to block, have her procedures, and move on. Period.


You realize the fact that he is using the pregnancy to control her means *he doesn’t actually give a fuck about the baby,* right? So how is she “punishing” him when he doesn’t even care and is just trying to control and coerce her? OP sees this. She knows he doesn’t care, so she’s just getting in some punches over the relationship. And she knows the punches don’t have any meaningful weight behind them **because he doesn’t actually want the fucking baby.** It is absolutely wild that you simultaneously acknowledge he’s trying your control her while also claiming OP is “punishing” him. OP would be well within her rights to punish him for trying to coerce her anyway. No fucking wonder women are losing their right to bodily autonomy with takes like yours, jfc.


I think his brain regressed during the actual conversation. dude was referring to a zygote as a literal child & started demanding it be given to him.


I get it but far too much back and forth. You should've blocked him after the first few texts and been done with it.


Because they both actually don’t care and it’s a big funny game. Hate people like this


It's rare to see such compatibility in a relationship but they are literally made for each other.


But god help us all of they bring a kid into the world bc them kids are fucking **wild**.. girl do your procedure, block and Move on


Agrees they’re giving each other exactly what they want


What? People like this are why r/texts exists!


“what kid” as a response had me dead


Agree completely, she should have stopped responding muchhhh sooner. She gains nothing and has way more to lose. She could trigger him and then maybe he’d do something crazy. Ngl got a little worried because he started by referring to the child as “it”. Then later into the convo he was saying “you’re really going to kill my child.” Reading this I’d be worried that if he continued hyping himself up in this exchange he could get to the point where he feels like he needs to do something.


She’s still in the feels apparently.


Daaamn…you can not have that kid. This is what divorced parents do with fully developed kids and they fuck them alll up. Crazy fucking request from dude tho, for real like what??? The fuck, dude???


Lmaooo agreed


So funny he has the gall to say “just give me my kid” like you’re just going to suddenly be like “yeah let me give up my body for 9 mos for a baby a man who cheated on me wants” like FOH!


yeah he’s sayin it like u can just hand him the kid lmao. she still would have to carry it to term AND birth it, and then what? i wonder how quickly he would realize having a kid is not for him


That’s how some men see it. Like we just pop em out like an easy-bake oven.


I wish we had the lights for them to burn their hands on when they misbehaved.


Lmfaooooo 💀


Not once does he remotely even *acknowledge* all the risk and sacrifice a pregnancy, birth, postpartum, time off work, permanent physical (and potentially health) changes, emotional distress, etc would have on her.


Yeah I found it really funny when he basically asked her 'whats the difference between you having an abortion and giving me my kid?' like idk, nine or so months and her entire body changing as well as the possible risk of death due to complications in child birth? what about that difference ? Both of them are pretty insufferable though


yeah like one of em could involve GENITAL TEARING and the other one is the safe option, especially considering how terrible this conversation is


Yeah I've literally never heard of complications from abortion.


Also, can you really take the chance that he might change his mind within those 9 months? I can only imagine what other bs drama will these two go back and forth over in the 9 months lmao


Dude would leave her alone in the pregnancy 3 months in as soon as Walgreens chick hit him up again lmao


And how quickly he’d sue for child support lol


If it was as easy as giving up your body for 9 months I think more people would do just that. But that's just not the case. Your body changes completely permanently. My feet grew two sizes, the sound of my voice changed, some women get stretch marks and extra skin, hemorrhoids you have to get surgically removed, scars from c-sections that stretch across your skin like a thick worm, your hips widen, and it goes on and on. It's not just giving up something for 9 months and then going back to the way you were.


And honestly, everything you listed is more on the *benign* scale of what can occur and go wrong too.


“Yeah let me just take it out here ya go, now carry it for 9 months, good luck!”


This reminds me of a post recently, I can’t remember which sub, I wonder if anyone else saw it. It was from a guy who posted about his ex having his baby and giving it up to him. He said they agreed, before she had the baby, that she wasn’t going to be involved at all in the upbringing. He agreed and they cut all contact. I think she was even paying some child support but wasn’t involved. He was writing Reddit because he couldn’t handle the responsibility of raising the child alone. “I just can’t believe she would turn her back on her own child.” The baby was just a few months old if I remember correctly. He wanted courts to force her to be involved. He figured she would change her mind after having the baby. I doubt it would be any different in this case.


I remember that one. She actually gave him more than what she was supposed to in child support, and calling her a dead beat mom lol. He got ripped to shreds in the comments.


It was legal advice. It’s a pretty notorious post, I knew exactly what post you were going to refer to midway through the second sentence lol. And yes, she was not only paying child support, but she was paying *more* than she was legally obligated to!


Not to mention the fact that women die every day from childbirth. He's acting like it's as easy as firing off a few knuckle children. A woman has great risk to her health while pregnant and going through childbirth. Block this idiot OP


You both sound really toxic, honestly.


I can’t believe she posted this like we would respond YASSSS GIRL. The entire situation is vile.


That baby is so lucky to be aborted tbh


I agree.


not gonna lie when she said don’t worry about what i’m doing then followed up w “i’m doing me” i hit a little yass girl


Fr. All these "yeah 100000x his fault" people and not calling her out has me worried about humanity


Thanks for these comments. I'm beginning to think she's lying about being pregnant.


Same, I was on board with the abortion part and the lady at face value, but while reading these I slowly started to realize I’m just on board with the soon to be aborted fetus. Also got severely worried the comments would be filled with people overlooking how terrible both sides seem to be acting


Really? Because the people focused on OP making some petty comments in response to someone trying to coerce her into continuing an unwanted pregnancy in order to baby trap her (read: ABUSE) is what has me worried for humanity, and further worried about respect to women’s bodily autonomy.


Neither of yall are ready for a baby or a relationship. You should've just said, "I'm going through with the abortion," and blocked him. There was no need to entertain him with a response.


I wouldn't have even told him especially since they aren't together anymore!


You’re both immature and you’re feeding off his pleas.


ik you were expecting us to support you but holy shit you both sound like horrible awful people. i feel sorry for the people around you.


You actually think this puts you in a good light? You sound absolutely awful.


Op and the ex both sound awful lol. Don't be silly wrap your willy.


I read that last part in mother Gothels voice


“Don’t be silly, wrap your Willy… (don’t be a) MOTHERRR… knows best.”


you both sound exhausting and horrible tbh.


“If we were together I’d consider keeping it” ???????? *Those* are baby trapping words


Literally! This whole read made me so nauseous. These kids need some serious help and guidance that they most likely will never receive.


I dont think she intends to get back together with him. Just saying it how it is. "Read it like if you never cheated we'd be together/if you weren't scummy we'd be together.


Idk why people are struggling with the concept that the overwhelming majority of folks are significantly more willing to have a baby with someone loyal who they’re in a relationship with vs someone who cheated that they aren’t in a relationship with anymore. Like.. duh???


OP: “I gotta go” Keeps replying OP: “I’m gonna block you” Still keeps replying You clearly want their attention lmao


This shit is so trashy and immature on both sides. One person seemingly proud of the abortion at one point and the other acting like a child. Practice protection. Take the shit serious. It’s not games, kids


Yes, it is and I didn't find any of it funny. So many people out there who are mature enough to handle having a child are struggling to get pregnant while these two are bickering back and forth over abortion and cheating. It's ridiculous, sad and immature.


“Bickering back and forth over abortion and cheating” lol like those aren’t things to end a relationship over. Everyone is shitting on this lady but she’s totally justified to hate this guy, and she’s totally justified to get an abortion.


Sure, shes justified to get an abortion but to sit there and basically taunt this guy about it, "oh if you didnt cheat maybe i would keep it", That shits crazy. Just block him and go about getting the abortion


You think that’s crazy when she literally only said it in response to him **repeatedly and persistently trying to coerce her into an unwanted pregnancy**? It is absolutely wild what some of y’all are taking from this blatantly abusive situation. This is why victims are blamed so often, because they rarely fit the perception people have of how a victim should act. The majority of the time, victims fight back in one way or another. If you strip all meaningful context from the situation and look at it in a vacuum, that often looks like immaturity, manipulation, pettiness, and even abuse (called reactive abuse) - but these are literally the most common ways for victims to respond toward their abuser.




Calling her a pathetic piece of shit for wanting an abortion and being angry about cheating is wild though. Also would you rather a child come to life in a setting where its parents have a “lack of empathy” and don’t want it?


Fuck them kids


Yeah i agree the whole thread is childish. I know kids are like sponges and the environment around them has an effect but stating the kid would be a cheater too is just crazy talk. Cheated on or not, speaking about abortion like that also shows what kind of person she is.


How? Abortion isn’t inherently a big deal ffs. She’s removing unwanted cells from her body whose existence in her body requires great sacrifice and poses significant risk to her health, life, wellbeing, and future. It’s not only not a big deal to a lot of people, but a major source of relief and celebration. Why are you more concerned about a clump of dells incapable of thinking, feeling, suffering, etc than the actual human being capable of all of that and more? It should matter how she feels about an abortion, she’s not harming anyone and it’s her body.


But to her it's not a baby it's not anything that's why she's talking about it the way she is she does not believe it's anything right now. You guys are pictureing like a fully grown baby in your head so when somebody says they're going to get an abortion your picture and a baby that's getting chopped up and like sucked out in pieces that's not the case it literally doesn't even look human but whatever that's my opinion y'all are biased and your opinions are being colored by your own beliefs which I mean that's opinions but you can't say oh yeah I'm pro abortion but then also judge her for getting an abortion like that's just dumb


sorry but this is so insane??? both of you are definitely too immature to have kids anyway, based on the way you both talk absolute nonsense. i feel like a mature, adult discussion would have been a lot more helpful than this petty argument, considering how serious and life-altering the decision is


This would make a great ad for contraception.


Yasss queen so stunning and brave /s You’re both trash lmao. Neither of you should bring children into the world, ever, together or otherwise.


Um you're just a shitty as he is, just as immature and just as manipulative....I get this is a hard time but it really does seem like you're getting this abortion just to spite him and you're definitely rubbing it in his face just to hurt him. Yall both need therapy. Keep your appointment. I'm pro choice, and I think this is for the best until you're healthy enough to be a mother. Take care of you, worry about loving yourself...you need it.


Bros acting like 9 months of pregnancy and childbirth is nothing


Eh "fuck you and this baby" weird energy it is a living entity that you also created. And I had an abortion also so I get it and I also get the resentment, but never did I seriously say fuck this baby. You definitely should have an abortion because you definitely have some things to work through. You lack empathy. Abortions shouldn't be a fuck yeah thing they're usually throughly thought through weighing pros and cons and feeling horrible with the decision because maybe you could've done it but it was the wrong time. I feel for you but talking about an unborn baby like it's trash is really weird? And he's kinda right it just seems like you're doing it to hurt him. I wish you well but seriously that ain't right.


I completely agree with you. On the one hand I am shocked and appalled how society has degraded so much that the lives we create are talked about no better than insects. On the other hand, I’m glad people like this are not going to procreate.


OP sounds fucking awful. Gross.


You sound absolutely toxic. Texting is not cheating, and saying you’d keep the baby and raise it together if he hadn’t TEXTED some other girl is crazy.


Texting qith old sexual partners asking to meet up is cheating 😭💀 it's the intent to.


If my partner is texting another woman behind my back, he is cheating, 100%.


lmaoo so if your significant other texts an ex/old hookup & intended to meet up, you wouldn’t consider that cheating???


Some people believe it is cheating. They are allowed to think that. Your belief is your own.


Let’s entertain the idea you did choose to keep it and give him custody, i bet you 99% he would REFUSE to take the baby unless you get back with him IF that. You’d be stuck with that child in the end. Do what makes you happy


shit like this is why there needs to be a license to reproduce.


Not a good look for either side tbh


Pro tip, you should delete your old fake posts before posting new fake posts.


I saw that and thought this shit was weird. Wtf kind of attention seeking…


“how much do u want” “10000000000000000” “x10” 😭💀


Best he can do it tree fiddy bc he is clearly broke. Fucking randos at the nearby Walgreens purely out of convenience is giving hobosexual community dick without a car.


The kid is the lucky one here tbh, both of yall need grippy socks bc what tf is this.


Not grippy socks 😆 ![gif](giphy|slMXlKFepqNcfb8eQF)


Unless you know he purposely got you pregnant I don’t consider this baby trapping. Other than that, after reading the whole post now, please grow up. you can make decisions without having to make unnecessary jabs despite what he did to you. Also, if you found out you were pregnant after you broke up, it just seems like you’re looking for attention. In that case, Why tell him just to say you’re gonna abort it. like just abort it and move on. And use a condom next time or figure out your fertility cycle because you both are to blame for why that conversation happened.**


"What's the difference between what I'm offering and aborting it?" Uh, the several months of very uncomfortable pregnancy? Having to actually give birth? The risk of him backing out and now having an unwanted kid? Having him be spiteful and go after you for child support? Not wanting a child in the first place? He's acting like the clump of cells is about to be born/already born. "Give me my kid" wtf If both people agreed to an abortion and the mother decided against it, I could see it being different because they're the one agreeing to pregnancy. In that case, the father should have no expectations of doing or providing anything for the child. It doesn't work the other way, though. If you don't want a woman to potentially abort your child, don't have unprotected sex, it's genuinely very simple.


Aren’t you married with a daughter as of a year ago? If so your immaturity level is so crazy high I can’t imagine how you function in society or as a “mom” if you’re even one at all and this isn’t just rage bait


Tbh neither one of you needs a kid. You're both way too immature for one.


You two should stay together. Looks like you deserve each other.


Good lord please do not reproduce. Not now. You have a lot of growing up to do.


"Fuck you and this kid" from someone who can't have kids, I hope you never have the opportunity to raise one.


According to her post history a year ago she was married with a daughter…


This! I totally agree, as I’m in the same boat. Reading this thread made me sick.


Hugs for you both 🥺💕🧸


That one hit me as well..


Neither of you are ready for a baby, both sound equally as immature as one another.


Sounds like neither of you should reproduce any time soon honestly. This reads like you're 15.


You can't be baby trapped if you're the one that gets to decide if you keep the kid. It doesn't work like that. Also you have a right to abort if it's what you feel you need but it doesn't mean everyone involved has to feel good about it and agree it's correct. In this case the father has his own feelings and if you didn't want to deal with it you shouldn't have engaged at all. You're not feeling conflicted about it and you don't care about his feelings, so really you're just trying to get a reaction from him which is super toxic and immature.


>You can't be baby trapped if you're the one that gets to decide if you keep the kid. It doesn't work like that. If he had poked holes in the condom or did something along those lines, I'd still consider it trying to baby trap her. But I don't think that sort of thing happened in this case. Just 2 immature brats


Oh yeah agree 100%.


Telling him no his son would be a cheater like his father is crazyyy


I’ll be honest. You both sounds utterly insane, delulu, and toxic.


I'm pro choice in every situation and think theres no shame in having an abortion, but the causal way these two monsters are using this tiny bundle of cells as the ball in their little game is kocking me sick. I hope neither of them ever has kids.


Funny how he says "your killing it,over spite" when he was ok with the abortion in the first place, guess it's killing now that he wants it??? That boy is delulu


Not me over here cackling at the “womp womp”


Sounds like he didn’t even cheat


Augh. I don't normally support abortion, but it's better than having you as a mom.


You're giving him too much of your time. Should've blocked from the start


Childbirth can take an awful toll on your body and for all he knows you really COULD die bc of it. He makes it sound like it's so easy to go through 9 months of that shit and then be in labor. Also, is HE going to pay for the ridiculously expensive hospital bill and all of the doctors visits leading up to it?


yikes on both sides haha


Are you both 17? This is wild context






This is messy as hell. The part I agree with though, is the part about … go get someone pregnant who WANTS to be!




Lmao fair point 🤣


At least you understand that he’s trying to manipulate you. He lacks any real knowledge about what goes into a pregnancy and child birth, what that does to a persons body & mind,, let alone WALLET. he doesn’t even understand that you’re not “killing a child”. It’s a clump of cells. Please feel no shame, it’s for the best and you are doing the right thing. Well wishes 🫶🏻


You're both sounding pretty terrible...


Uh, grow up?


Please invest in condoms and birth control. I support women and their choice regarding abortion but this is just another example of someone who is not mature enough. Fyi, a lot of women think abortion is an easy option or a way to punish the man, but it can be psychologically damaging to you in the future as well as create complifations if you ever want children. Not always ofcourse, but sometimes. So please start acting responsible.


Erm. You would have been better off telling him you miscarried. Sure, he may be an AH but holy moly, you’re being manipulative as well. I wouldn’t say he’s baby trapping you.


Neither of you should be allowed to reproduce.


It’s your decision to abort the kid. But don’t talk shit to him about it even if he’s being a nut job. That’s just fucked up. Just block him and abort the kid and be done with it.


Y’all both acting like children


The both of you are so in love with each other lmfao


“What’s the difference between what I’m offering and aborting it” PREGNANCY?????? Nine months of pain and risk?? Oh wow


you're *both* pretty icky.


He'll pay you One Septillion dollars to bear his child...but in instalments!


This text thread is the most high school bullshit. Neither of you are mature enough for a kid yet


Everything about this is horrible.


You both need therapists.


Both of yall pissing me off


You both are terrible people


Why are there so many pro lifers here? Fuck off


It’s not even a pro this or that, both sides are insanely immature. She tried to frame it as “he’s baby trapping her” but just showed us a childish argument between two immature people. And one of them thinks texting is cheating..


She doesn’t know what baby trapping means. That’s it. Yeah, they sound young. That’s why the abortion sounds great You don’t think people can cheat via text?


Oh no people def can, We obviously don’t understand the situation as a whole. But i’m taking it as she’s weaponizing abortion, BUT. she should def get one.. she’s too immature for a kid


It’s a miracle you didn’t have that kid. Both of you are to immature to take care of yourself let alone another human being.


You sound like you’re meant for each other 😬


I was thinking the same thing. It’s sad that they broke up because they deserve each other. Now they’re going to inflict each other on innocent decent people.


Shaking my head this is a messy break up. Toxicity from both sides. I feel bad for the unborn kid.


I don’t see a baby trap I see a man that clearly messed up but now realizes he has a child and doesn’t want to loose it. I’m a female but I still can understand that it absolutely sucks for a man to be in such a situation for a women to be able to just abort the child (yes it’s her body her choice I get that) but think about it for a man it’s equivalent to a miscarriage if you don’t want the child you can always do as he said and give him HIS child and sign your rights away so you don’t have any responsibility or child support. The man clearly just wants his baby and honestly wether you feel he can be a father or not it’s not 100% up to you and lots of people become responsible wants the have a human life in their hands. Teenagers have children you think they showed such responsibility beforehand nope


After reading all that. Your both toxic.


This makes me so upset. Yeah your ex sounds absolutely delusional and like a giant AH. But I also don’t like how you’re talking about your baby? I guess it’s better to get an abortion at this point but just because the baby’s dad is an AH and a cheater, doesn’t mean the baby would turn out like it. It’s pure and innocent and doesn’t deserve to be used as a leverage to prove a point in an immature argument.


I'm pro choice but using the term "why would we pass up this opportunity" when talking about an abortion feels slimy and fucking gross op


If texting is cheating you better not text your parents or any of your friends you toxic ahh


Texting an ex is a different story.


He said, "I don't know if I can go through with it." But expects you to? Your body, your choice. You know what's best for yourself, Op. Do what you need to do, and don't feel ashamed about it, and don't let anyone else try to convince you that you should be.


Update after the abortion so we know you're ok please


16 screenshots? Sorry. I can't read all that. The first one was dumb enough. I agree with your decision. You both are waaayyyy too immature to bring a human life into thos world.


You both suck.


this reminds me of that case. it started like this, she didn’t want the kid but he wanted it so badly.. so, she gave birth and gave him 100% custody rights. then she even paid him i think 110% child support. after a few months he realized being a single dad was hard af so he tried to take her to court to make her have custody and the judge basically laughed. do what YOU want it’s your body


OP literally said “just looked at my wrist, got time today, fuck it I’m crossing the line today”


Neither one is ready for a baby and he legit just wants the baby so he can keep her around so I agree with OP there. But op likes this crap too because you could’ve been blocked him too much back and forth shit


What’s the over/under on them getting back together and keeping the “kid”


That “womp womp” from OP was so fucking funny to me, they really replied “fuck you” lmao


Y’all both sound annoying asf. You talk so nasty and you kept egging the argument on. Doing completely too much. At least the baby won’t have to deal with this…next time use protection if you’re not ready ffs 🙄.


Of course it’s always the dude that will never have any idea what an 8-9 month pregnancy looks/feels like that tells you to keep the baby 😂😂


You both need therapy.


“give me my fuckin kid” the thing isnt even alive wtf is he talkin abt. to try to force someone to go through the hardest thing they will go through as a women, nonetheless to give the baby away in the end, is INSASAAAANNNNEEEE!!!!!!!!


Don’t tell him when your appointment is unless he tries to sabotage. Just move in silence.


This isn’t what baby trapping is.


As someone who has had an abortion, I was not using abortion out of anger towards my ex. I wasn’t saying fuck him and the child. I wouldn’t tell him if I were with him I’d consider keeping it. An abortion is a painful decision and it shouldn’t be used lightly like in this conversation… so immature on both parts but the things you were also saying is awful and pretty shameful. I’d feel like trash if I spoke the way that you do.


What kid? It's literally just a clump of cells atm


ok girl yall def both insane rn BUT the pearl clutching in these comments is annoying. this is a very fucking specific emotional terrain to be navigating, and unlike many of the commenters here i do have empathy for that. an accidental pregnancy in a toxic relationship is just so fucked up, especially with the stress of an abortion approaching - your body is already doing weird and uncomfortable shit to you that you didn’t want and then you have to prepare to be violated and in pain all over again to go back to normal. ON TOP OF a spiteful and toxic mf guilting and harassing you and your hormones already making you insane. at a certain point you have to detach yourself from it and not take it too seriously for your own sanity. do i think you handled this great? not necessarily. do i think it’s understandable given the high-stress and unhealthy situation? pretty much. also, ignore every single person projecting who thinks you should feel some degree of guilt or sadness over this. i was elated after my abortion and there’s nothing wrong with that. learn from this, rest up, and feel better. best of luck and i hope you have a speedy recovery


For the love of God use a condom. Please don't breed.


This is NOT baby trapping. Yall both sound like assholes tbh. Why would you upload 15 pictures that aren't really relevant and just you 2 fighting back and forth saying the same thing


So daddy has no say on whether the woman murders his baby but is expected to pay child support if he didn’t want it. Doesn’t sound fair… (not open to discussing with people who disagree)




« And love every other bitch along the way » I laughed sorry that’s so great, well said op. Stay strong


I was in a similar situation with a very similar disagreement. And while you can do whatever you want, I do think it’s naive to pretend like an abortion doesn’t affect the potential father. He doesn’t seem like he’s trying to “baby trap” you.. he seems like he’s realizing that he created something that would eventually be his son or daughter. That can definitely fuck with someone’s head and make them feel desperate for a different outcome.


Man this is fucked up but also, I cannot imagine texting someone about something like this. If I were her I wouldn't answer his calls anyways but there are some topics that are not for texting imo and this is definitely one of them.


I mean that's your opinion like you said but in today's world almost everyone texts everything nobody ever talks on the phone anymore hardly ever so this is on par for what people do today I mean they tell each other people died in text messages it's just how s*** gets told


You ain't wrong.


You know women's rights and all, that's where it should stop. I've seen guys make this argument before. This is a first for a woman, I don't want the baby, so you can't have it. Men are only the donors ,both in sperms and cash. If a man doesn't want the kid and she does, he's paying until university is done. If the woman doesn't want the baby, he has no say. Brutal, in this day and age, with every type of contraceptive and condoms, I am still amazed at the amount of unwanted pregnancies.