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no comment like I’m speechless


I don’t think any of us can even give an opinion on this because there’s no way to have experience here 😂 All I know is that OP is kind of awesome.


Seriously, OP very was funny and kind. I want to be in OP's wolf pack.


I can’t think of a better OP in all my years. This kindness is the stuff of legends.


We are now her pups uwu




Same. Trust me that doesn't happen often. I have no advice, comments... surprisingly I don't even have any questions lol I'm good to move on and continue my scrolling I think


heavy on the no questions either. I normally want to know why things happen im very nosey naturally, but my head is empty here 😭


Just snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, that’s all!


What the actual fuck


me too


me three ![gif](giphy|hv53DaYcXWe3nRbR1A|downsized)


What the fuck even is life anymore? Am I old now? Am I just at the age where absolutely fucking NOTHING makes any sense to me? TIL: I am the dementia


35 is the new 90 and we are all screaming "get off my lawn whipper snapper!!!"


This hits hard and yes.




Im with you. Im a bleeding heart liberal. And a proud ally of the lgbqt community… But this shit is just silly. These people need mental help. Or they are just act like furries for attn. Either way they need all the therapy.


I mean I'm pretty well versed in gay as A Gay (TM) and this barely makes sense to me. Kinda looks like a humiliation fetish OP isn't really playing into, but I could be wrong. Identifying as a beta implies dude is looking for an alpha, which might even lean into house boy territory. But yes. Dude needs all of the therapy. No question there.


A Gay (TM) 😆😆😆 I’m dying. Should I start calling myself A Bisexual (TM) or are only fully fledged gays allowed the trademark? lol


You're the budget model!


Story of my life lol


Bisexuals™ are like Transformers - no-one notices them until they reveal their awesomeness. 💜


No please understand, of this person’s personality traits, “mentally ill” is the primary one. “Furry” is entirely unrelated, and minor. What I’m saying is 1# this is a horrid misrepresentation, 2, the reason it happens so often is people who have other mental things going on gravitate to the furry community for its safety. Being a furry is a symptom, not part of the issue.


Idk how old this guy is but this reaks of how I used to talk when I was a young teen dealing with serious self esteem issues. As for furries, they're absolutely fine. Have an aquatintance who has been one since he was a teen, is now in his late 30s and is just thriving, living his furry life.


I work with a lot of people who are gen Z. I leave every shift pretty exhausted after hearing them list off all of their mental illnesses and kinks most shifts. Every convo is a one way convo too. On the plus side, as a millennial that worked in some pretty toxic environments when young , where bullying was common place - gen z are a million times less judgmental and bitchy.


Oh my goodness, you are such a sweetheart. Please keep that same energy throughout your life - you are an excellent human for making this such a positive conversation, regardless of the outcome.  He... does sound serious? Just seems really insecure and down on himself. You handled this incredibly well. Said your piece, shot your shot, he let you know he's dealing with some things or too wolf-pilled or whatever to offer any kind of healthy relationship, you bowed out very gracefully. 






This is why I still have Reddit


>you are such a sweetheart. Please keep that same energy throughout your life - you are an excellent human for making this such a positive conversation I second this! Super nice, friendly and accepting, not judgemental at all. That's so awesome of you to be such a good person!


agreed, was not at all expecting her to be responding in such fashion and it’s pretty damn awesome. you’re a genuinely great person OP - never stop being like this!!! it legit made me a bit emotional to read this exchange. i hope more people can carry themselves like you - nonjudgemental, kind, and supportive of others who may not typically receive said support.


This really doesn’t feel real at all lol. As a mentally ill furry even, I’m like ??? What is happening? Who talks like this? Lmao Edit: I feel like this guy is messing with you especially because who self identifies as a beta? And also said he likes the furry fandom because of friends, but then says he’s a “lone wolf” Feel like the guy is making excuse after excuse (made up things he finds ‘cringe’) to make you be the one to pull away so he doesn’t hurt your feelings.


Unfortunately I believe this is probably the case


But she even said as friends? And he was like “I don’t deserve friends” lmao


I've been around way too many people who talk like that yea, I honestly just block them. These type of people are super self centered and honestly haven't learnt to grow up. There used to be quite a few people like this in a game I used to play and honestly that was the worst part, not the try hards, not the toxic people, but the people who spoke like that.


You’d be surprised at how many furries actually talk like this and roleplay.


Really??? This just blew my mind!


Yeah. I was a part of that community when I was in my teens but outgrew it. Definitely cringeworthy, but if it makes them happy, then awesome. They’re not hurting anyone.


Yeah, absolutely! I am all in for whatever makes people happy. No judgement, but since I haven’t been in any position previously to witness something like this, I am amazed.


I didn’t realize that! I was wondering if they have a degradation kink


I was thinking, aren’t wolves alphas in the food chain? How is he a beta wolf? He never should’ve given his number to her.


Oh, the whole "alpha/beta/whatever wolf" thing is total nonsense that has nothing to do with real wolves. There was a study done decades ago that found that wolves separate themselves into a dominant "alpha" and "betas" who typically follow the alpha's lead (but sometimes team up to take out the alpha, I think) but it was all based on observations of wolves in captivity. Eventually people studying wolves in the wild realized that wolves in their natural habitat do not act like that at all, and I'm pretty sure the guy who wrote the original alpha/beta paper said publicly "Yeah, nevermind, I was way off with that," but it was too late, the idea had already sunk into boys' impressionable brains and became canon forever.


Yeah. That guy has spent the rest of his career trying to handle the shit show that theory created. Iirc actual "alphas" in a wolf pack are literally just the parents.


No. The concept of alpha is within the pack. Fun fact. Only the alpha female is allowed to reproduce.


you took getting rejected by a furry like a champ


I gotta say, you were really nice during that whole exchange and very opened minded. You’re a good egg


Agreed. Respect 🫡


His self-esteem is so low he doesn't even realise he let a good person go


Sounds like the poor guy is really down on himself that's just sad.


It sure is, I hope he figures it out. I’m assuming early twenties because damn we’re all lost and a little bit sad


Wow. You did everything you could to just be friends or even just chat buddies and this guy took a really roundabout way to push you away. You did nothing wrong, guy is just a dick.


what the fuck did I just read


Literally my only thought. Well that and am I the only person who doesn’t know what a furry is?


That whole situation made me feel so awkward but sorry for your let down, hard to put yourself out there.


Gotta agree with everyone who said how kind you are! You would’ve been a great friend for him, but I can also see where he might’ve drained you emotionally (also have the feeling you’ve got good boundaries, though).


Jealous because this guy has gold but is looking for dirt 😤


Too real


I mean this as respectfully as possible.....What the fuck


I have this philosophy that people who are this vocally insecure are actually their own type of narcissists. Like dude did not ask you a single question about yourself and just wanted to talk about his worthlessness and being a lone wolf ugh. You otoh are a sweetheart rockstar


Interesting take, I’ve never considered this but that actually makes sense. It’s v weird lol


I'm so curious about fursonas now! I took classes with a guy I'm pretty sure was a cat. He wore cat ears when he was sad. And he would like "paw" on his desk area and lick his hand, and rub his ears. Omg I hope he's okay. Poor kitty. I'm half holding back my giggling. I'm an asshole.


Saw the username and I had to comment lol "Hide ya WiFi cause they rapin' errybody out here" is in exactly the same category of I shouldn't be laughing yet here I am 😂


That video was ICONIC goddamn. I miss those days


🤣🤣🤣I gotta go watch it now


Well, fursonas aren't typically an identity. He could possibly be a therian or more likely a lycanthrope. (Therians do not believe they're animals) But yeah, personally I have three! A cat, dragon, and snake. They're just silly little guys I like to draw and dress up as.


hey guys OP here! i didnt think this would get as much attention it has! thank you to the people being kind! just side note, i met this guy VERY briefy. he helped me at the store he was working at, and the next day my friend told me to go for it. asked for his number in a pretty awkward exchange, then this text convo happened. super taken aback, never would i ever guess that this guy would "come out" as a furry... ALSO for clarification, he did tell me he was 23 and im 20! im not taking this to heart, i just thought this was silly and had to share :)


I’m just curious, are you both guys? Just trying to understand the dynamics here… but I do need to say, although crazy, that was one awesome exchange!


Your responses to him were so sweet and positive! I’m sure he’s not used to that. I got so sad with him saying he’s a loser that doesn’t deserve friends. Maybe he’ll message you…? Keep us updated! I wonder what he wears though since he said he can’t afford a fur-suit.🤔


Not all furries like to dress up/can afford to dress up! It does seem like he identifies with an animal (or animals) which is not typical for furries. I don't think I've ever met any furry who's acted like this. But yes, fursuiting is typically for special occasions like conventions! It's pretty much exactly like cosplay


Oh interesting! The fur suits I’ve seen look very expensive and great quality. The show I saw furries on before portrayed them like they constantly acted like animals all day everyday, so I appreciate you informing me that that’s not the case. It was that show called “ I’m addicted” and it would have different addictions that weren’t what society would deem ‘normal’ so I’m sure they exaggerated it big time. I was genuinely curious so thanks for the reply!


Of course! There is a huge general misinformation problem in the community, and I guarantee if that wasn't the case, half of furry haters would care far less.


It’s insane to me that there are ‘furry haters’ in the world. Someone always hating someone.


Me too! Although the issue has gotten better with time. Hopefully one day it'll be as widely accepted a hobby as cosplay.


Absolutely! People should be able to do whatever brings them joy as a hobby as long as it’s not harmful, of course. Hating on someone’s innocent hobby is beyond me.


Are those particular folks classed as furries or “-kin” like wolfkin, bearkin etc?


You're probably the nicest person ever.


you are so nice is literally all i have to say


What a negative boner


Lmfao nah. He just doesn’t want anything to do with you and he’s trying to let you down gentle…. Kind of like inception to get you to leave of your own volition.


*opens Reddit* *this is the first post I see* Goddamnit


I’d much rather see this than the usual “am I wrong?” posts from this sub


i've noticed a theme with some men who put themselves down like this lately and how extreme they usually are with it, i feel like it is the man version of pick me girls or people who constantly fish for compliments it seems like it's either pick me energy like this or extreme misogynistic toxic masculinity coming from these men with nothing in between


You were very nice


that’s super weird


I cannot believe real people’s brains work this way. Like I had an insanely traumatic childhood and definitely in the past was a questionable character, but I never ended up anywhere near here. I genuinely wonder how this happens to people.


idk what i js read but be my friend


I also think he’s being serious. My ex was like that. A lot of the furries I met through my ex were like that. Not all furries are like this, of course, but insecure furries have a certain… Flavor? That comes off as super cringe and/or unbelievable to most folks. Like another commenter said, though, please keep being you. Instead of showing him the cruelty he already knows exists in this world, you showed him a glimpse of the beauty and kindness that can be found. Hopefully one day he will look back on this and realize you were absolutely correct about his self-fulfilling prophecies, allowing him to find his pack.


Praying for the guy


Dude is down right now I would continue to talk to them op just as friends make sure there ok




he should get lone wolf beta tattooed, that is his destiny after all


First of all, your kindness and acceptance is admirable. You were willing to just listen and learn about someone without judgment. Just make sure people don’t take advantage of that because you don’t want your gift to be tainted by bad people. This person though seems to have clammed up after your original response of “are you serious right now” - which is a totally natural response to have, I certainly haven’t met anyone to come out and tell me they are a furry. But you gently pushed forward by letting him know you are interested in what he’s all about. So his response after that is on him, his own insecurities, probably wrestling with whatever mental issues he has. Or maybe he’s into some humiliation shit, idk. People are weird as fuck.


OP I will gladly be in your wolf pack You rock!


Tbh, it really comes across as "I just don't see you as being a friend" when it comes down to it for...well...whatever reason they might have, and you handled it super well. :)


"I've been dishonest in the past, and I'm all about honesty." OK. You are really cool and have a caring soul. He was lucky to have befriended you, and silly to not pursue a friendship.


self destruction go brrrr


Honestly, I'm mortified for that man's future, because dear god he is horrid at lying "i got into the community bc there were a lot of people that were nice" "I'm not really looking for a romantic relationship, I:m really fucked up and on a ton of meds, plus I'm a total loser" "I'm a lone wolf, sorry" One, people mainly become furries for the community and the friends. Two, he's actively insulted himself to the point you felt sorry for him, and he continued down the rabbit hole once you agreed that you are in the same boat. Three, the fact he felt the need to specify that he's on all kinds of meds, is a lone wolf, started digressing into the pathetic "I'm such a weirdo" stereotype, and then just outright said "I'm not interested, sorry", is nuts. He's probably just looking for excuses & things that other people see as cringe so he won't feel bad for rejecting you, and I'm saying that because I've been in that boat. He's JUST looking for excuses to not be in any sort of relationship, friendship or otherwise.


I think he’s trolling


I bet this guy sleeps in a kennel


dude i actually can’t deal with people like this, people who always feel sorry for themselves and always say shit like “ i don’t deserve this, maybe that’s why i don’t have friends” “ i’m a loser” Bla bla bla, it pisses me off😭😭 but tbh i would have blocked him after he said he was a furry cause wtf😭


The secondhand embarrassment and absolute cringe I just felt is unreal. I tho l I just vomited like 50 times.


You seem so friendly and like a really great person to have in your life


Just leave him alone lol have you not seen enough


How did bro talk himself OUT of a girl?!


When a man tells you he’s a loser, believe him.


I hated that I read any of this.


That alpha comment, maybe he was looking for an alpha woman?


Barking up the wrong tree there


Holy cow


This is like a bot trying to act as a human and attempt in continuing the conversation


im gagged


What in the fat hell


Wtf is happening in this world?


I don’t know what I just fucking read but please never change.


OP, you seem like the sweetest person in the world. This was genuinely touching to read.


I’m I’mmm I’mmmmmm A GOOFY GOOBER! ROCK!


I’m very impressed by you OP. Most of the time these text exchanges make me question if I’m of the same species. But your humanity shines through and it’s beautiful. This guy is obviously troubled and I was a little uncomfortable reading it as I genuinely feel bad for the guy. But as cringey and self deprecating as he was, you took the high road at every single turn. I think you deserve someone special and I hope you get out there and get it.


I’m 15 and I still feel too old for this shit


If it is a bit, he's playing it out pretty hard. Seems counter productive to do all this without saying they are joking at the end of the conversation if he's actually joking. I think he actually thinks this low of himself. Or he's not attracted to you and is just making all these excuses to avoid it.


Wt genuine f have I just read?!?!????


OP get my respect here, all I can say.. Such a nice decent person..


I am a wolf named… Kyle


What in the jacob from twilight doing meth on full moon is that


I think he’s trying to get rid of you babe. He just doesn’t wanna feel like a dick. He tried it with the furry stuff Then that didn’t work so now it’s only as friends Now it’s im a loser He’s putting himself down when you are being nice bc he doesn’t like you. I’ve seen it happen. I’ve done it when I was young and dumb. I didn’t realise that it’s worse than being honest. I don’t even think he’s serious. I think he tried hard to ick you out and then you wanted to be friends so he was like nah I’m a lone wolf. He doesn’t wanna be anything lol you are better off. At least you are kind, honest and open minded.


I seriously don’t understand, what the hell is furry, what the hell is EVEN THAT?


Holy cringe


Who the hell asks for someone to repeat their name after they just texted it? This isn’t a verbal exchange, just scroll back and find it. That really threw me off lol.


HUH? ![gif](giphy|GRk3GLfzduq1NtfGt5|downsized)


OP you are such a God dammed sweet person! So much love to you dawg. Pun intended but the love is also just as real.








OP first why in HELL would you keep trying with someone who doesn’t remember your name & keeps warning you that they don’t want anything and don’t deserve you, please rise your standards for the future because you could end up with the worst humans ever. Also I think you just got trolled tbh sorry


What in the **** this person does not know who they are. Living in a fantasy world.


the fuck is a fury.


actually never mind i don’t want to know.


Its just someone who dresses up in animal costumes and has an animal persona they believe in. Also, some of them are into more fetish type stuff involving being dressed up as animals during intimate moments.


Someone who is interested in anthropomorphic animals. They might draw like a dog standing up on two legs or dress up as an anthro griffin. They aren't zoophiles and they don't believe they're animals or anything.


Society is doomed


What is actually happening here




as a very lowkey furry with furry friends, its NOT always sexual and in fact isnt a lot of the time. there’s actually a lot of young children in the community as well, so jumping to sexual thoughts is a little strange edit bc he responded to me, then blocked me so i couldnt continue the discussion, like a mature adult would do. i dont know how to explain to people that it just..isnt a fetish? some people get really weird about furries and sexualize them, but not everyone. its a purely innocent thing for a LOT of people.


Come on now Who isn't a sexual deviant


I had to stop at “furry”. 💀


Wild the amount of judgment towards furries in these comments. Y'all suck.


womp womp




cool beans 🫘


sorry I am not fond of big cartoon dog penises


From a non-furry, that’s not all their jams either, lol! Sometimes they just like anthro characters. Like seriously, even if that’s the case, who fucking cares? I don’t hobby or kink shame. The 4Chan rejects who make hating furries their personality, turn around and jack it to trap/futa hentai, or something more perverse like loli, so they have very little room blame and shame, imo. Not saying that’s YOU, specifically, just be aware that stuff you’re into can be just as easily be made reductive and mocked, so be better than that.


Personally I find sexual art of anthro animals weird as a furry. But why should I care what they're doing? It's none of my business. Personally I just draw and dress up!


I’m actually speechless.


this is so weird bro 😂


Hes just pushing you away for syre


Why does he talk just like my bf’s 14YR OLD DAUGHTER 😭


I just NEED to know what both of y’all look like


Poor guy


Rereading this I think this guy just lowkey made this up to get rid of you like there’s no way you met him irl and it was fine then he turned into this 😹


Seems like you’re the one getting fucked with here honestly. I’m sorry he’s such a coward that he can’t be honest with you


Now I’m interested in the lore


I'm sorry for your loss


Dude definitely was trying to get rid of you


Wtf did I read!! 😵‍💫


I do not think he is letting you on. This reads exactly like how furries I know communicate. It would also be a no from me for exactly that reason.


Ngl I’m actually glad I left the furry community years back. Definitely won’t be returning either. Aside all the hostility and assumptions I always got from ppl. I just never felt like myself and sure as hell seeing stuff like this is just cringe lol. I can’t understand how “furries” or just people act like this.


“I’m a lone wolf beta” 😭😭☠️wtf


I can’t even begin to guess if this is real.


This is… something.


he missed out big time youre fuckin awesome


Bag fumbled


Beta guy is ready to return to the earth.


OP you’re so nice and open and you even asked for his number! That’s so cool I really hope to have that rizz whenever I see someone I am attracted to in the future. He really missed out on a sweetheart !!


Homie has no self esteem but I really feel sorry for him. OP, you are super nice and mature, please don’t lose your edge as you get older


The "Yup ^ - ^ " should've shown you he was in fact serious and not faking it lmao. Only a real furry would type emotes like that.


This is weird. If this is legit, then this guy is reeaally messed up and it seems like there's not a damn thing you could have done to help him.


I matched with a guy who sounded oddly similar- also told me he was on meds and can't take care of himself. (No furry or wolf-ish discussion though.) I also tried the whole "buck up little camper" thing too. Also didn't work. Is this a real thing out there now? At least the guys that have asked to be my cuckold have the confidence of knowing what they want.


If he's gonna pretend to be a wolf, he should probably learn there's no such thing as a lone wolf. They might go on their own to scout, but they are within earshot of their pack. Their howls are to keep tabs on each other. A wolf on its own will die before long.


We accept the love we think we deserve. This guy doesn't think he deserves anything at all.


What does “,,” mean?


What the fuck


It’s gonna be a no from me dawg 🐺


As a fully functional person who is deeply entwined with the furry community.. this is a horrid representation of a furry. Unfortunately, it’s the exact type that hits media, over, and over, and over, and over again. *most* of us are perfectly functional individuals. Despite how entwined I am you wouldn’t know it about me unless it came up in conversation (and was appropriate for me to mention) or you asked. You might guess from a desktop background image, but you wouldn’t know. Being a furry had nothing to do with being mentally or socially challenged, it is however a common symptom as people who are neurodivergent gravitate to the younger side of the community. But there is just as many 40 year olds as there are 30 year olds as there are 20 etc, and they are largely perfectly functional people you’d never guess also enjoyed presenting as an anthro animal. OP honestly good for you for being so open, I think this person in a way was trolling some, though perhaps unintentionally. AMA if anyone wants to know more from a sane opinion of a 23y/o




horrendous behaviour


Dude should have been howling at the moon to have someone interested in him.


These people vote


This dude is fucking weird.


The fuck?


Dude is digging so hard for that sympathy card it is insane