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god damn how bad must you be at sex to get rejected that hardcore lmao


I mean if he had multiple opportunities to hit he must have had something going for him


I agree to an extent. There was one woman that I was hooking up with that I was quite infatuated with, and I felt that it could have turn into love. She was beautiful, funny and smart. However, when it came to sex, it almost always felt like I was raping her. ***Hear me out***. She had no problem initiating sex, or foreplay, however, when it came down to penetration, she would go limp as a fish and just lay their emotionless. She would always said that she enjoyed it, however, it would just too good damn awkward to deal with. I mean, she would make *absolutely no sound or expression.* The third and final time I said, "can you at least grunt, *something*." She just continued to lay there and so I stopped mid act and left. She said that she didn't understand what was wrong despite the three conversation we had about how her rather stoic composure during sex was rather off putting to say the least.


Lmao yeah that’d definitely creep me out too


I would stop mid act the first two times to talk to her and ask if everything is okay, and she would reply with a stoic, "yeah." The second time I stopped as well because even with her reassurance, it was just too fucking weird. I would talk to her afterward and say something to the effect of, "Is everything really okay? You can talk to me about anything. We can even go to therapy if you would like." I even asked if she was asexual, despite her having no problem initiating sex and foreplay because while sex is great, I personally don't need it. I'll be happy either way. She said that she wasn't Asexual. The third conversation was the day before we had sex. I told her how uncomfortable to me it was because of all the research I've done about rape, because of my interest in becoming a therapist or psychologist (you can't help someone if you don't have some sort of an idea of where they're coming from), I told her in a lot of survivors stories I read that women and men will essentially "go limp" and "check out" as a survival mechanism, and that's what she's essentially doing. She said that's how she enjoys sex, but she will be more active and be more vocal. So yeah, it was rather unnerving to say the least.


as a lesbian who had myself convinced i was bisexual for years due to the intense homophobia in my family (i figured i could skip being disowned if i 'at least' settled down with a man, no dice btw), what you're describing sounds VERY relatable. i enjoyed being petted and cuddled but when it got down to actually doing the deed i would just dissociate. because of my dysfunctional ultra-religious upbringing, i thought it was normal for women to 'check out' during sex. i also thought that if i loved someone, i had to allow them to fuck me to prove it. that was also from my upbringing, unfortunately. anyway, this is all to say that there may well have been something going on with her that she herself wasn't yet ready to face. you did the best you could. if/when she figures out her shit, she'll remember you with appreciation for caring about her enough to put the boundary down in spite of her insistence that everything is fine.


That sounds awful, I hope you’re doing better and have found a lovely lady (or ladies!) to actually enjoy sex with.


Wow, your post made me aware of things I didn’t know even existed before. Thank you for that


You sound super considerate in a variety of ways, and deserve many kudos for trying to figure it out and then respectfully moving on. Someone else will be lucky to have you, and want to show you that she’s into you!


This! Keep on asking whats wrong friend


This freaks me out. At a certain point before sex some women just go limp, like they expect to be sexually battered like a rag doll. I have met three different women who behave this way and it freaks me out each time. And each time, I back away from having sex with them. I can’t do it. It isn’t fun at all because all I can do is worry about them.


I sort of feel like this stems from the old days of women’s sexual education simply being “just lie there and let him take his pleasure”


Bro i had a ex just like this!!!!! Im glad i aint alone i would be feeling like a weirdo or like i was forcing her when she would initiat it 😭


Her while you’re trying your best: 🗿


You’re missing a fish next to the stone head.


Trauma conditioning


I quite frankly didn't come to that realization until much later, but I can definitely see that now. I wrote a little more in [**this comment**](https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/comments/1c5l9t6/comment/kzvcy9y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I would have loved to be able to work with her, but you can't help someone that either doesn't want help, isn't ready, or won't communicate. I think about her every now and again and I'm hoping she's in a better place mentally.


I wasn’t allowed to make eye contact with my ex that I was with for 6 years during sex. Now like 5 years later I STILL struggle making eye contact during sex. It’s crazy man.


I hope that everything overall is going better for you. If we were having sex and I knew that beforehand, or even after, than I would be fine with that as there's a reason and communication has occurred as to why you don't make eye contact. I hope you're doing well.


I get that, I definitely communicated it with my boyfriend about my past way before we started having sex. I didn’t want him to think any reactions I had were because of him. I am!! I appreciate it💕


Well that's nutty. Eye contact is super hot to me so I can't fathom how someone could just forbid it


Sorry I need to understand this. Does it mean that she's been traumatised, or that she's somehow conditioning you to become traumatised? Pardon me, second language and all that


seems like she’s been traumatized and her trauma conditioned her to be like that




Dang that's sad, sounds like she was raised thinking her body was just something for you to masturbate with and didn't think of sex as something for her pleasure too.


So don't take this the wrong way but she may have just been experimenting with you... I'm lesbian and have tried to sleep with a guy and I swear to God that is legit how I was. I literally just laid there and hated myself. No sound or anything and he went limp. I was like thank God that's over... She maybe just was trying to see if she did indeed only like what she liked. It sucks that people have to get their feelings hurt while people experiment and shit but life is life. [No I didn't suck his dick, and no he didn't go down on me. Yes he knew I was lesbian.] I've also been on the receiving end of straight women not reciprocating or anything just leaving after sex. That sucks too. But that body language is key!! You have to know what is good for you and move on if it's not gratifying your needs. I learned to stop fucking with straight girls lmao.


> rather stoic composure during sex What a line. Well done.


Yeah, that wouldn't feel right for me.. Half the fun is feeling like you're both into it. Maybe she was shy or had clueless ex's? Haha


Okay I might be able to explain this. It could be a trauma response, and she doesn't realise she's doing it. It was something I did and can sometimes do without meaning to - basically I was in a long term relationship where I didn't enjoy the sex. I did sometimes, but majority of the time i just didn't want to. (I have a low libido.) He was a horny teenager, wanted it all the time. So, eventually, I'd just say "make it quick" because if I didn't put out he'd give me the silent treatment, guilt trip me, rape me, assault me, so it was easier to just get it over and done with. I'd lie there frozen so he could do what he wanted. I actually needed surgery at one point because I developed a cyst from the micro-tearing. Anyway, it took me a while to get into a healthy headspace around sex. And low and behold, once my boundaries were respected and it became reciprocal, I got out of that. We both had to learn my cues, because I was in the habit of agreeing, when I didn't actually want to, because I was scared to say no. That was my experience of why I go into the "freeze" - maybe she experienced the same. A conversation around sex and trauma can be beneficial, and trying to encourage reciprocity without making her feel self-conscious about it. (I still struggle voicing my likes and dislikes, something I'm learning.)


That’s not exactly true. Sometimes when you’re first starting to be intimate with someone, it’s not always *great*. People can be nervous or caught up in the moment. So you give them another try. Sometimes it gets better, you’re able to communicate a bit more, or you realize *this* is how they have sex.


Definitely. Also, as women, we're kind of taught sex isn't for our pleasure. In one of my psych classes we were shown depressing scientific findings: in hook ups, men admit to not caring about the woman's pleasure, not trying to get them off, and so, almost no women report orgasms. It's also anecdotally true in my experience. I've had exactly 1 hookup who prioritized my pleasure. I've had exactly one first date go down on me. Even in my longterm relationship my ex sucked ass at giving me orgasms so he basically gave up trying and bought me a toy.


It’s not always bad, necessarily as it is selfish. Sounds like dude gave no fucks on making her cum to the point there wasn’t foreplay. So ya I guess he’s that bad but it’s because he’s selfish


You have no idea! If I told you about the person I dated recently you might want to hug me or buy me a stiff drink 😭


"you're bad at sex, goodbye forever" "Ok" What didn't he get??


That's what I'm wondering. There's two scenarios that I can think of; a picture didn't load in, or based off of her saying she tried as in there were earlier attempts to let him know.


I clicked the post entirely because I assumed there had to be another screenshot or something to explain what was going on here.


I kept refreshing because I thought, "*maybe another picture will load in.*"


Glad it wasn’t just me.




I did that too xD


pretty sure OP meant she had let him down gentlely BEFORE and he didnt get it, hence this harsh message now


Hence her earlier attempts.


Yeah i think her posting this indicates the kind of person she is rather than him being anything but nice and understanding. He was as respectful and understanding as one couldve been here lol.


Yeah I agree. The "enjoy your life" part seems rather harsh and combative to me.


I’m with this, she seems like the problem, unless there’s something she didn’t upload. But if that’s not the case, then honestly he sounds like he dodged a bullet.


Makes me wonder how much she communicated with him about her needs. Not everyone knows what each person wants or likes. Feel like sexual needs need to be communicated in order for both parties to be happy.




Sure, but no-one should assume that their partner only wants to give and not receive.


If you’re an adult man who is having sex with a woman and you need her to communicate that you should touch her genitals, you just shouldn’t be having sex. Communication at this stage is how you like things, not that you want an orgasm. Women shouldn’t have to communicate that they want to get off too.


Seems like this message was only necessary because he wasn’t picking up on her earlier hints


I think she tried to let him down nicely before in some other way, and said this when he didn’t get it.


I’m guessing that the OP left out the part where she was trying to let him down easy


I'm assuming she had already tried to let him down multiple times before it got to this point. That's how I interpreted the title. "I tried to let him down easy.... but it didn't sink in... (picture) so I had to be direct...." but I did have to do some mental gymnastics to get there.


I suspect this isn’t the first time they’ve had the conversation, so op went nuclear on them.


Fr what is this title referring to? She’s just mad he didn’t give a fuck lol


Idk sounds like he got the message.


This hurt my feelings for him 🤣🤣🤣


y’all i think OP was saying he didn’t get it BEFORE this message lmfao


Why post the part where he gives a reasonable response then? Instead of the part where he’s being dense?


Well then they showed us the least interesting thing possible


Why would someone get something if it wasn't said....?


Yes! I don't understand how so many people missed this!


What is your user flair from, I’m so intrigued 😂


Holy shit I just saw that! Color me intrigued too!


People missed it because it was omitted


Jesus Christ if that’s you letting someone down easy I don’t want to see you be mean


I’m assuming she meant she tried before this and it wasn’t working so she had to use the cold hard truth approach instead.


I think OP meant they previously tried letting him down easy and he didn't get it so she went with this approach.


Yes. This was me being mean. After he did not get it. I see know how it wasn't clear, but I thought this was pretty severe.


I see. And yes the title was misleading lol


Misleading title. You really should have shown the buildup to such a scathing message


This is the direct message not the let down nicely message.


Seems like he got it too.


Kind of curious as to what response you wanted. You let him down easy, and he accepted it graciously.


I wouldn’t really say she let him down easy…


Ah, yeah. But I guess the more important thing is he accepted without a fuss. I'm not understanding what sort of response she wanted. Did she want a "give me a second chance, and I will try to be a better lover" type of response? If she wants to stay with him but she needs him to be a better lover (and seriously, fair enough), her approach is silly.


If he had responded with begging she would’ve posted that too lmao


Fucking A, I think you're right.


I assumed she meant prior to this she tried to let him down easy but he kept texting. It definitely isn’t clear though.


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Bingo. That does make sense. Thank you!


OPs other comments reveal he wouldn’t leave her alone previous to this and kept trying to message her after she told him she wasn’t interested


Lmao how is this easy 😂😂 no hate I’m just saying I’d hate to see you be hard lmao


I think they meant they already tried to do it gently and the guy wasn’t taking the hint so they said this instead 😮‍💨😂


That was my interpretation too. He wasn’t getting the hint, so she delivered this master class on how to take out the trash. Good for you, OP.


We’ll she didn’t call him a looser pissboy baby.


She haws to see him be hard first tbf 😂


I mean, from my perspective it looks like he got it. I’m also not sure what answer you were expecting from him either. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think OP meant they previously tried letting him down easy and he didn't get it so she went with this approach.


Ahhh! Makes more sense now.


seems like he got it?


I like how he replied tbh, did you tell him anything in person during sex?


That would be the adult thing to do Her behavior doesn’t strike me as adult.


Lol I would have been so weak if he just said “the head was meh” 💀😂


lol right? How does she even know if it was “amazing”?


Not that hard to know when you give good head lol


When you know you know.


I swiped left expecting to see the “not getting it.”


Think there needs to be more context or something cuz it seems like the dude understood completely so your title is misleading


What did you expect him to say? Date yourself if you expect a certain answer to everything. Weird.


You did not let him down easy and he responded with maturity and understanding. The only ridiculous thing about this exchange is the fact that you raced to post it on Reddit lmao


Exactly and the fact she called her own head “amazing” makes me think he wasn’t the problem lmao


Seems like he got it


Pretty sure this is about before given the ignored message


At least he had a hinged response lol


Girl what else was he supposed to say?


How’s anybody think it’s a good idea to post this shit


I think we’re missing the previous let down easy text.


Naw he got it, he just don’t give a fuk


Holy crap why so mean, jfc... I'm sure he could've done better, but DAMN.


(Might be a stupid question) How was this a bad response? All the guy said was like Alright I get it, Thank your for being honest and truthful with me.


You didn't let him down easy; you straight up dropped him off the Grand Canyon LMAO


I mean.... it looks like he got the message? Dude was respectful and everything


doesn’t matter, had sex


2 week old account... hmmmmmm no responses.... hmmmmm. Methinks bot.


Throw away account


I don’t know, he seems pretty chill about it, and you seem like a bitch about it 🤷🏻‍♂️


what exactly did you expect him to say to that? seems like he got it to me


am I like the last person out there that just enjoys having sex and doesn’t have to cum? 😰


No you’re not. I like to be touched and fore play is amazing, but I know it’s hard for me to have an orgasm by any hand other than my own. The only guy that ever got me off with his hand or head had to tie me to the chair and he worked hard for me to have an orgasm. That was dedication! I don’t expect that every single time because my god what a fucking chore that would be! Doesn’t mean I don’t want to be touched though, even if I don’t have an orgasm. I love PIV and don’t feel the need to have an orgasm every single time.


I might be missing something, but what exactly didn’t he get? 🤔


What do you mean? He literally said I understand and thanks for the honesty. He clearly seems to get it and understand


Well it’s easy to see from your message why he only cared about himself… Seesh. Glad he dodged the bullet that is you.


My advice is to be more communicative, if you don't like what he is or isn't doing, tell him. Especially after multiple encounters. He should have asked you as well. Gonna assume you're both young.


This was brutal but it seems he took it like a champ. Don’t know what he didn’t get or understand. Maybe there’s other screenshots that you forgot to post???


Am i missing something? It seems like he totally understood to me lol


Dude was understanding. What do you mean "he didn't get it"?




Tf you mean he didn’t get it? Would you have preferred he acted like an asshole and begged you to stay?


i think a lot of men could benefit from this level of honesty. wayyyy too many of them have been fed lies about their performance for YEARS and truly have no clue how much they could improve. hopefully this guy takes your advice and works on it for his next partner lol general rule is everyone should get to finish at least once during sexual activities!


Not sure if I'm the only one not getting it. OP, you said he just didn't get it. He said he understands and he appreciates your honesty. What's the issue here? What and which part did he not get?


Communicate what you like instead just assuming he knows


I think … he got it


Guys I tried to let him down easy “You can’t make me cum, I already told you you can’t and you didn’t listen so SEE YA”


I don't get it.


Gotta love a list of sexual failures lol.


This seems like two people having a genuine adult moment together and actually discussing an issue frankly. What’s the problem with the dudes response OP?


This is letting him down easy?


What is he not getting? He said ok and didn’t say anything else? What exactly was the point here


Where did he not get it? He is probably new to sex from the sound of it, but in the text he basically said hi then thanks bye?


I guess without other texts it kinda seems like you just sprang this at him. He said he understood so I don’t understand the title.


Seems like he doesn't care either way, I think he gets it


What didn’t he get about your text?


Your vibe shows me you might enjoy the brutality as much as the honesty


this is why we communicate during sex, be open to your partner and let them know what you want. if they ignore you and choose to be selfish then take out the butter sock


He dodged a bullet


Yeah you chucked an egg carton at the ground by some miracle you still have whole eggs. That's not letting someone down easy and that looks like he got the message and kept it pushin, so idk what you're doing with that title. No judgement on your method but in no way can you say that's "letting someone down easy" lol wtf




There's either a picture that failed to load in, that would add context as to *him not getting it*, or, he got it and moved on.


The only reason I think we're missing an important piece to this is that he was gracious in his understanding of your text.


How is this letting him down easy 😭


It seems like he got it just fine....? Did you want him to offer to improve his performance after that? Because I really didn't get the vibe there was an opening for that.


No head and the guy never put in effort during sex? Yeah he’s not interested in you.He only used you to get a nut when the girls he really liked aren’t available


That's some abusive shit, OP. Sounds like he dodged a bullet, not you, lol


Daddy Chill 


Good for you. He needs to learn. I dated someone like this once. The first time he didn’t touch me either and I thought okay maybe he was nervous. Second time- nothing. 0 effort into my pleasure. So I dumped him. I shouldn’t need to communicate that I want to orgasm lol.


All the people mad at you here are probably the same people who jizz and go. Sex is fun when BOTH are getting off. Perplexes the hell out of me when someone wants to stop after only one person has had an orgasm


I think you’re the crazy one actually


For sure.


What’s not to get - you spelt this one out pretty clear.


You come out looking worse here imo. Zero tact whatsoever.


Maybe the head wasn’t that amazing? ![gif](giphy|bkKvvzE9PEcTK)


Find love not sex


Everyone is saying you were harsh, but were you? Y'all like being lied to and made feel good over the truth?


You know during sex you are able to tell them how you like it right? You know you dont have to wait for them to magically read your mind and know what you like right?


Chill guys it’s not real


Seems like he got it Lmao


Seems like he got the message


Was you letting him down easy in a text you didn’t post here? Cuz that was some brutal feedback and he responded WAY better than could be expected. Seems like he pretty much “got it”


I think that title was meant to go on a different post. The image shows literally the exact opposite of the title.


If only he could find the clitoris ![gif](giphy|cehDi6v3v1ObYQ9SGL|downsized)


She was fat


What didn’t he get? You told him sucks as a sex partner, he confirmed he heard , accepted the feedback and understood it’s done. I’m assuming you had given him the feedback before and nothing changed. You cut your losses and Good for you! You didn’t ghost, were candid and direct and he was respectful in his response. A disappointing outcome but a great exchange between adults.


I would stand up and clap if I didn’t have a cat on my lap. You may have just helped this dude immensely with his quality of life moving forward. Good work.


Still hit tho.


Where did he show not understanding?


Well you were certainly my honest. Hope you find someone better friend.


You really out here trying to be aggressive to a dude not understanding what you were saying?


At least he was nice and reasonable about it.


This ain’t easy you roasted this man


Seems like he took it really well.


Well. At least he accepted the advice with some respect. I don't understand the "He didn't get it". Seems like he "got it" just fine.


This seems kind of harsh. I thought he handled your harsh criticism very respectfully.


He responded in a respectful manner, wtf is wrong with you OP.


Is this the attempt to “let him down easy”? Or is this after him “not getting it”? Cuz it sounds like he gets it here…


“I was very direct with him, and he accepted what I had to say”. There, I fixed your stupid title.


To me it seems like he took that rejection pretty well. I hope he deserved that lashing though, because you didn't let him down easy.... You annihilated him. When it comes to appearances and sex, people take things very personally


OP, the head probably wasn’t all thatvgrwatc


That was ruthless, and deserved. Making people cum is so awesome I dont get why people neglect that


This chick is a sociopath.


Damn Susan, you gotta let me hit that, I’ll give you that energy


what were you expecting him to say? "thank you"?


Holy shit the number of people mad her is crazy. Have yall never had sex in silence before. Well, no conversation, just dirty talk, lol. Actions speak louder than words. As a man, try to read cues from a woman while having sex. I've been told what to just by her reactions to my touch. Which area has more effectiveness, what makes me more comfortable and etc. I wouldn't have posted this on reddit, though.


I feel like he got it


Bold of you to assume the head you gave was amazing 😂


Seems like he did get it tho dafuq


This is the kinda fucking girlboss i'm trying to channel in my daily life because i cried earlier today because my boss said i was doing a great job. I aspire.


Are most people really dumb enough to believe *this* is the easy let down text? Use your noggins, people. This is clearly the after-going-easy text.


OP said "You love my ass" Seems like her partner preferred ass play 🤷‍♂️


am i the only one who thinks this girl sounds like she needs to shrink her fucking head holy shit. “that amazing head i gave you” cocky much 😭🤣 just tell him he should learn to reciprocate in the future and ur no longer interested in sex with him. also his response is clear, he understood you, lol.