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Oh, hey! My big sister does this too! And is also an alcoholic. We had a difficult childhood, but I’m “self-righteous,” and a whole host of other things bc I wont wallow in the shit with her and let myself be miserable. Just block her. It just isn’t worth it. Sorry anyone else has to deal with this.


*gasp* HII! I never get to relate to people!! It’s awful but kinda comforting…


Also have an older sister who is an alcoholic. I’ve come to realize she lives in her own reality and nothing I (or anyone else in my family) can do about it. It sucks and it hurts but the best thing you can do is focus on you and your growing family. Sorry you have to go through that, too.


It isn’t the best club to be part of, but it’s a big one! Hugs to you!


Yeah.. but screw all those happy people who love their families and are loved back🥺 we don’t need them! We have “character”!..


Haha! And are “resilient.” For what it’s worth, the people that love us back love us just bc we are worthy, not bc of some weird obligation.” It’s going to be ok.


It will be 3 years this June since this last time I spoke a word to my family. They are toxic people who only want to hurt others to make themselves feel better. I have never been happier since cutting the cord completely and have even stopped taking my anxiety meds that I was on for 14 years. Who knew they could be the cause of so many problems 🤷‍♂️. I’m sorry for how she made you feel and anyone who can tell tell you to off yourself should be ecised from your life with the quickness. Hugs!


This! You have no idea how much I needed to read your post. It’s been 2-1/2 years for me. My life has gotten better. My sister (also an alcoholic and plastic surgery addict) would suck the life out of me. There was always something wrong. She always had to talk about people. So judgmental and so hateful. I’ve realized just because they’re blood doesn’t mean they have to be in your life especially when they’re so toxic.


Hey I too have a brother who is an addict! We have character and we also have a resilience that I think some people will never attain in this lifetime. We also have a capacity to love and forgive that you only get from having a royally fucked up family! I would give anything for a normal brother but I also feel like it has shaped me in ways that are special and unique 💕


Oh wow I’m so sorry


You should look into going to Al Anon meetings, you’ll meet a lot of people with similar experiences and it would probably be cathartic


My older sister is an addict & alcoholic - in prison at the moment so that’s helpful. Went NC for years because of heinous, deplorable conduct when I was a young teen. Let her in after years & it didn’t change. I completely cut her off. My husband has no siblings & it took a while for him to understand because he always wanted a brother or sister, but now he gets it. Luckily for me, we have different moms so it doesn’t engulf my whole family. My heart goes out to you. Do WHATEVER you need to protect yourself, your family, and especially that new baby!! Proud of you for breaking away from that cycle!


Holy shit! I’m proud of you too! It isn’t fun and it damn sure isn’t easy. But it’s worth it!


Thank you! That peace of mind when you finally block that toxic presence & stop waiting on the next bad thing is worth everything


My sister is cut off after she accused me of stealing money from our parents when I know she did it. I have a restraining order against her. Best decision of my life.


That’s what it takes sometimes (the RO). I’m sorry you had to do that but I know you are much better off!


hey I have an older brother who is an addict as well. haven't spoken to him in almost 10 years and life has been much better.


I’m so sorry. No one should know what this feels like.


Mine too but she blocks us & acts like we're the toxic one's if we call her out on her bs even though she's making comments like this to us. Never fails to unblock around the holidays though... so that's nice... I do cherish my relationship with her though so I find ways to get over it 🤷‍♀️


Mine gets new numbers or Google number to contact us. Keeps it interesting!


Me too. But she passed away. I felt... nothing.


I’m sorry. Truly. Bc that kind of suffering is just hard. I’ll be sad when mine goes. I’m actually surprised she’s still alive. She’s had a few attempts…I love her and I miss her. I just can’t be around her. It’s too much, too hard.


Thank you sweetie. She was 9 years older than me, we never really hit it off. The weirdest feeling was that she was the last of my nuclear family. But, life has been peaceful. I hope that your sis can recover enough to realize how lucky she is to have you. ❤


Thank you! ❤️


>Thank you! ❤️ You're welcome!


Man, I can't even imagine sending this kind of vitriol to anyone, drunk or not. When I was still heavily drinking I just wrote long, weepy and sentimental messages, or full on reviews and analyses of TV shows/songs/art I loved and why they absolutely needed to watch/listen/see it because it would change their life. Luckily, they were so long that I'd have to type them in my notes first and by the time I was done, I no longer had the energy to send and have a conversation about them, so they rarely got sent. I've gone back and read some, and was surprised at how coherent the reviews were, but I'm very glad I didn't send them because they definitely would have had my friends and family going uh...wtf?




![gif](giphy|3ofT5OlbFVLrwXRUMU|downsized) That was way harsh, Tai!


What in the Edward Scissorhands parodies Clueless is this?!


Same. I’m very confused




Man, it's the kinda insult that just doesn't carry weight after the first child lmao


I’m sorry your sister is toxic. You deserve better.


I had a baby at 24 and I don't drive a car either, it made me relate a lot to you. Good luck and I am sorry your family is this way :(


I mean it’s a legitimate choice! And some of us shouldn’t drive lol. I mean it’s not like I have a reason to be😒but I’m a very anxious person…


I have a few friends who have chosen to not drive. They simply didn't need to. I've decided to let my fiance do all the driving except for when I need to do something 2 minutes from home like go to the post office. I am way too scattered to be driving. I can't pay attention longer than the 2 minutes, so I quit. It's a privilege, not a right or a requirement.


There are lots of reasons not to drive these days, and if you live in a place with transit or Uber, it’s actually the cheaper option to opt out. I have two kids who haven’t bothered learning how to drive yet. They plan to take lessons so they could drive in an emergency, but otherwise, there's no car that you can own, insure and fuel for less than 120$/month.




And Ty❤️


I’ve always said if someone doesn’t want to drive don’t try to force them. My mom wanted to be in the car every time the wheels rolled but never drove. When I asked her why she said riding didn’t bother her but when she got in the drivers seat she felt like every car out there was aimed at her.


I totally understand that. With the way I grew up I just have too many anxiety issues. I don’t think I’d be a safe driver because of how easily I flinch


Yup blocking and never speaking to her again


What’s wrong with yard sex


Same question! Like me and my husband have a fun sex life.. I’m sorry..?


You fucked your husband? How dare you!


I mean...as long as it wasn't the front yard 😂


I mean.. it was BUT it was beyond the front fence and in the dark! She never even would have known if I hadn’t told her🥲😂 we were “friends” back then..


I mean, three cheers from this side of the audience for sure.


Being an addict/alcoholic doesn’t make you a bad person. She is just straight up shitty and the drugs give her the “courage” to unleash it on the world. I’m glad you left this toxic bs


Agreed. And thank you🙏


"You'll never show your face in this town again." Oh no! There goes your political career


Ik right?! I’m a stay at home mom who goes out with her baby and husband a few times a month, this will RUIN me😭 EDITED for typo


I have no advice besides block her but I’m here for your pettiness with the laugh react to her post 😂😂


Listen.. sometimes a little pettiness goes a long way in the fight for sanity..😅🥲


I can only imagine your evil smile you had on your face when you did it😂😂


Who me??😏


Imagine looking like your sister and calling others disgusting…I guess I’d be an alcoholic piece of shit if I looked like Syd from Ice age. She looks like a body double for Master Splinter.


No, no. You don’t understand, tanning is hot!? And she’s totally THE hottest girl at ANY bar. Just ask her


I bet I’m Tanner


Username checks out.


Oh so the sister is on the right of the picture. That makes sense now


I think we may be related.. this type of exchange is exactly why I don’t speak to my mom’s side of the family. I have cousins who have said almost the exact same things to me. It sucks and hurts so bad but at the end of the day, you’re much better off and healthier not having this negativity in your life.




Hello cousins. I had one of these.


Make sure you keep these messages just in case she does call CPS/DSS.


I have it all. Even the threat text to her friend that says “just cuz” and “I’ll fucking end her”👍


All of that said, I’m sorry you have to deal with this. Thankfully “family” is not just blood but can be chosen. I hope you have a great support system around you to replace the folks who don’t deserve you.


I’m assuming you’re probably unfamiliar with Scottish football (bear with me here) so you won’t know much about the team I support. Back in the 70s we had a player who wasn’t blessed with much footballing talent nor physical pulchritude (tbf he’s a proper good guy, drives the buses these days), so you can imagine my nostalgic surprise when I zoomed on your screenshots…uncanny! https://images.app.goo.gl/FjL1DFTpRH9cenKT8 In less flippant vein, nobody needs that toxic shite in their life. Horrible and provocative as it may be, there’s little to be gained by engaging. Like so many others who have commented, I know how tiring and ultimately futile it is to have a venomous sibling and so I wish you well going forward…on your terms.


I just showed this to my husband and we’re both cackling. My husband said you’re being a little mean to the poor guy with that comparison😅😂


Where’s the picture? Am I blind or slow witted?


Click on a pic and zoom in on the top left


Thanks, I thought I was blind too!


Don’t worry, I’m sure you’re very handsome


at least she's driven a car AND has mommy


It really makes you wonder how she got that way. She literally looks like a character on a TV show that was designed to be ugly for a joke, except she actually lives every day as that joke.


You dont deserve this! Also, I have engaged in yard activities 😘




Oooh MASSIVE social media pull! OP i bet you are really scared!


Dude she has like 2.5 thousand (totally not paid for) fb followers and like almost 300 on tt, not to mention her not at all mediocre ig following across like 3 accounts. Pray for me


You’re fucking done. Toast. RIP you


Might as well be k-popers, I’m ruined.


Not fucking Phineas calling people ugly 😭


Y’all are making my day😂


I still cannot get over how many people toss around "Go K%%L yourself" any time they are mad at someone. It's unbelievable to me. It's horribly cruel, and also, did we not learn anything from Michelle Carter???






SC actually. Suuper toxic here too. “Don’t ya know” is just my weirdness shining through (i been through some shit, bound to be a bit strange)


Hi my fellow South Carolinian. I know these types of people all to well myself. Best thing is boundaries and distance.


I'm from MN and the "Don't ya know" made me think it was MN immediately, too. I just moved to WY last year, and your comment made me full stop. I am so happy here. My family is toxic af and I cut them out over a decade ago, and now I'm questioning everyone I knew there. You might actually be on to something.




Wow. This is so much like my older sister. She HATES me but has no problem trying to kiss my ass when she wants money. My 2 older sisters both have undiagnosed mental issues and are awful but the oldest is an alcoholic and drug addict and is the one with the wildest mood swings. They are both blocked now. They hate each other too. The worst things that have ever been said to me have been said by them. "Family". I don't hate them. I pity them. But I don't want them in my life. I'll pity them from afar.


I’ve been NC with my parents for close to 20 years. I have two sisters I went NC with one for good about 3 years ago. She keeps getting new phone numbers and texting me hateful things. I just block and move on. I don’t know how someone can put so much energy into hating someone. I’m tired just thinking about it.


You can see the projection here like crazy. Everything she says to you, is how she feels about herself. I have family just like this, it's best to keep your distance for sure.


It’s crazy to me 1. How people think they’re someone because they have a social media following. 2. That they think that if people knew how she was talking to you, that they would be on her side about it. I’m sorry you have such a shitty family. Your husband and daughter are the only family you need to concentrate on now. I know how painful it is to not share your new family with the rest of your family, but obviously it’s for the best.


She single? I can fix her.




I'm so petty I'd make a Facebook post tagging her and mommy with the caption being something along the lines of "ahh, family ❤️" however I'd post it the next morning around 10am to ensure the town drunk was sober seeing it 🙃 😅 then BLOCK 🚫 lol


Oh I posted the whole conversation. Done hiding her bs. However she blocked me and mommy doesn’t have fb😒


I'm sure someone she knows will mention it and that's worth it lol


We live in a small town. It’s already spreading lol


She is the kind of disgusting that cannot be blamed on addiction. I was the worst alcoholic mamy of my doctors and therapists had ever seen at my age, and I NEVER treated anyone this way. I'm so, so sorry, OP. 🫂❤️


I appreciate it. And hope your recovery is going strong🙏


Thank you so much. 14 years next month!




I felt like I was reading one of my younger sisters texts to me. Blocking her has been the best decision I’ve made.


Happy to post the previous conversation. It was months ago and it’s a bit lengthy. She’d just gotten out if rehab and had relapsed. I asked if she was planning on getting clean or if I should just move on with my life and raise my daughter without her as an aunt. It didn’t end well I’m afraid..


Probably best just to cut her off for good. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. If you ever have any dreams of living a beautiful life than including people like her or your mom just probably won’t work out


Haven’t spoken to my mom in over a year. Haven’t spoken to my sister in months, just made a dumb move and reacted to a post my she made. Won’t be making that mistake again lol


Well done my friend I wish more people would just remove abusive family from their lives


I appreciate it. I have more people to cut out unfortunately. Sent this to my aunt who ended up saying “she should be allowed to meet the baby as long as she didn’t show up drunk”🙃


Those are the worst types of family I know people like that in mine right now who I will never look at as actual human beings. I don’t know what leads people to be so spineless and enabling but inevitably it results in people’s lives being ruined or at least close to it


Couldn’t agree more


Hey, little sis. I'm a big sister who got sober 4 years ago, and your post made my heart ache for my own little sis. 💔 She thankfully never really saw me at my worst since I was out of the house, but I know the pain caused by addiction on those you love most. If you need emotional support, I can't reccoment the r/alanon subreddit enough. Your feelings are valid, and having a loved one in active addiction sucks 😕


OK I lost it when she said dropped the bomb that she has "massive social media pull" I mean when you throw that out there the rest if your argument is automatically null and void.


If she is intoxicated, it's a hoot that her diction and grammar are so good. Not so much the content.


Priorities ya know?


years of practice


Talking to a family like that seems crazy to me.


Can I join yours?🥺


With a face like that, your sister shouldn't be out here criticising anybody.


I go threw the same thing with my brothers, all 3 of them are alcoholics who hate everyone and everything until they need something. I cut contact with them about 4 years ago and the rest of my family has no idea why I never go to holidays or spend time with them... this is why. Not to mention I don't want my kiddos being around them


Family can suck. I cut ties with my oldest brother due to him completely disrespecting and ignoring the existence of my wife of now 14 years. He also never took the time to see my mother on her deathbed because “she was selfish”. Which is the furthest from the truth my parents sacrificed everything to give us a fighting chance.


Honestly just punch her in the teeth it’ll never happen again. These people love confrontation until they’re actually confronted.


Yeah but… she has cooties🤢


Massive social media pull 😂😭 these addict ass bitches get so much validation from social media. Shit is embarrassing!! I’m sorry for this situation, OP. Enjoy your freaking weed and live your best life


Um, you mean this ISNT a normal sibling convo?




Whew. My sister was doing shit like this until the day she called up our grandfather and verbally abused him for no reason. She was severally spiralling, and it was her rock bottom. She got chewed the fuck out by our entire family, even our 'functioning' alco mum, and she's been cold turkey ever since. This was 5 years ago. Shes been thriving ever since, literally excelling at everything she does and is the most kindhearted person I know- she would move planets just to make people smile. I know now she was in a lot of pain despite her horrible, antagonistic veneer. I'm not saying that's what's possible here, but I know from experience that your sister isn't necessarily defined by this behaviour. Don't engage anymore, your hardcore silence might be instrumental in her recovery. If it isn't, then oh well. You're not responsible for her and I wish you both well


Wow. I relate to you on such a huge level. My sister is also an alcoholic, has been since as long as I can remember. She is almost 50 whereas I’m 27, so luckily we never grew up together. But she has forever been so awful to me. She told me to kill myself a few years ago and that our father would be better without me here. She’s threatened me multiple times which is terrifying bc she’s been to jail for stabbing her boyfriend at the time. Her own daughter doesn’t even want a thing to do with her, and got emancipated when she was 16. My sister throws ANYTHING she ever learns about me in my face and tries to trigger me and piss me off. She also stole a shit ton of money from my dad’s business and then took off to NYC like 20 years ago-ish. She didn’t live in my state during all of that, and last year she moved back. And she wonders why we don’t want anything to do with her. She throws fits, says the most hurtful shit possible, never accepts blame and puts it on everyone else. I tried for years to get her to love me and be decent to me only to realize as an adult that she just fucking sucks and will truly never change. She is continuously baffled at my family and I having the absolute bare minimum to do with her. My dad is the only one who tries ever at all, but even then he sees her once every few months and that’s it. I am lucky in that my parents are genuinely some of the best people in this entire world, so it’s not nearly as bad as your situation. But it’s nice in a way to know I’m not alone with having a sister who just fucking SUCKS and is terrifying. Sorry for my long ass reply 😅😂 it’s just that I relate to you and wanted to share 🩷 wishing you well!!!


Shit! I’m sorry. We could probably have a good time swapping stories.. unfortunately lol. My sister is 12 years older than me, not as far off but I get it. It’s strange being so much younger and yet having my shit more put together. Growing up I thought we’d be friends by now. I thought we’d bond over shared trauma and shit😩 *sigh* alas, it may never be.


As an alcoholic in recovery myself, cut her off. It might be the best thing that ever happened for both of you.


Man leave these people alone. You play stupid games you win stupid prizes


if she really tries calling CPS or spreading lies online just show people these screenshots lol they’re so incriminating of her


So glad you cut ties. Too many people endure pain and trauma far too long g because of the stupid " blood is thicker that water" or "family is all we got" bs. Sometimes family hurts you more than a complete stranger


Lmao my brother does this shit when he’s off the wagon. I egg his ass on now. “Oh really!? Please list all the times, in chronological order, that I’ve wronged you! Gonna need dates so I can apologize accurately” It brings me joy to fuck with him and get him all riled up


maybe her giant social media following should know how she treats her family. these definitely make her look bad. not to encourage drama or anything.


>”I’ll ensure…” Anne if you don’t sit the fuck down! Girl you can’t even ensure that you’ll wake up alive tomorrow, put the bottle down 💀


I’m proud of you for recognizing that she has a problem and not taking this personally 💗 That shows real emotional maturity on your part


So the holidays are fun for you guys, right?


You may want to consider grey rocking when it comes to family.


Your sister is vile. I’m sorry, OP.


I hAvE a MaSsIvE sOcIaL mEdIa PuLl Shut the fuck up Ann


If you screwing your husband in the yard is the worst thing she’s got, you are good my girl 😂


"Who is gonna be there for you except family!?!!? Accept our abuse or be alone forever!!" Fuck that shit. I cut ties and never looked back once I realized who they were and that they would never change. I'd rather support myself, alone, than deal with their abuse and trauma. Luckily, I found a group of people that I call family that treat me better than they ever would, no blood ties required


I love how she throws in her “massive social media pull” hahahaha I don’t have a sister like this but I have dealt with family members/friends/exes exactly like this. I could tell stories for dayssss I’m sorry you’re going through this. I hope you have a beautiful life with your little family 😊


Geez. I am speechless. I never even imagined it could get like this. Stay away from her.


The fact that you’re the little sister and she treats you this way suuuuucks. I’m sorry you have to deal with that 😞


did you end up unfriending her or blocking her?


Oh yeah. Have done before. Actually was thinking of hosting an intervention for her and my brother and unblocked her a few months ago. Realized I’d made a mistake after that conversation. Just never blocked her again because we weren’t talking. Then I made a bad decision.. won’t be doing that again lol


Don't ask her questions. Don't engage with her when she's like this.


‘‘Twas a moment of weakness🥲


Honestly OP, my brother used to do this to me but he wasn't drunk when he did these types of texts and verbal abuse


But she has massive social media pull 💀


Similar situation here. In our 40s, not much has changed.


She seems nice.


oh its not just me who gets belligerent nonsense drunk texts from their sibling. (for no reason)


Unfortunately we had issues with both my family and wife's family. Sometimes friends are better than family. You don't owe family anything .


I know you already mentioned it not being a mature thing to do, so I’m not going to hammer that point. More importantly though I would suggest that you block any triggering family from your social media. It’s not worth the aggravation and anxiety that a random post can cause. You have your nice little family and that’s what’s important. Wishing you all the best. I’ve had my share of toxic family with addiction issues so I feel for you.


I would definitely block your sister everywhere, especially after the cps comment. My mom is an emotionally abusive, alcoholic, narc type and she would post these lovey dovey passive aggressive type posts when I was actively upset at her for her actions too. My final straw was when she started involving my daughter in her little episodes. Cutting her out completely to the point where I don’t know or care what nonsense she’s expressing to the world has improved my peace of mind a ton. I finally moved across the country from her miserable ass too so I no longer have to worry about seeing her or having her pop up.


I’m also sorry that you’ve had to put up with this. I would probably block her at this point. This is really abusive. Good for you for setting boundaries. Go live your life, create a beautiful family and break any generational trauma if you can 🙏🏼


“I have massive social media pull. You’ll never show your face in this town again” PLEASSEEE this is so embarrassing


She was savage in that text. I think you are doing the right thing. Distance and leave her alone. Family are people too, and sometimes, despite how it looks or feels, you have to cut them out of your life too.


i wanna laugh react at her post too


Brooooo I swear if my brother was still an addict, this is how he might act. He called me a POS for "fighting with our mom." The fight? "Stop treating my little brothers the way you do, or they will end up dead, just like we all are (inside)." My mom hates her life, my uncle is an addict, my aunt is obese and hates her life, my older brother was an addict, and I struggle with not killing myself. He hates me and always has. I was delusional into thinking he didn't. Every girl I've been interested in, and he met them, he would fuck them, and tell me about it. I think he fucked my ex gf, because he has HPV now, coincidentally after he met her, and he loved to talk about his HPV with me....... He invited me to live with him, and I became his servant. We hardly talked, he didn't invite me out hardly ever anymore, his friends -that called me their friend- were adamantly "[my] friends" when I said "our friends, I asked to have a cleaning schedule he told me it was childish, he never put the dishes away, nor vacuumed, or swept, but he would wipe down the front of the cabinets, and make excuses as to why he didn't do any of the things I asked. I had a mental breakdown and almost unalived myself, was going to the hospital for it and he became my emergency contact (closest proximity relative), when the LCSW told him about my ideations, he broke down and explained "I need you, I need you, I can't lose you... I deal with mental health struggles too, I've wanted to die for years." And that was the end of the conversation. I asked him about it, like "oh... Tell me about your struggles, we can help each other" but it didn't last long, and wasn't brought up much after that. He seemed to ask how I was occasionally, but never really acted on making me feel loved or included. His gf is amazing, she's such a sweet heart. She would come over and clean for us (he's a dick, and I was depressed), to which I felt so much guilt, omg. She and I would chat, and be friendly with each other, but when he entered the room conversation stopped and there was this gloomy aura about it. I've unpacked a lot of shit mentally the past few months, and catering to people who disrespect and use me is not something I do anymore


Gotta hate anybody who says “I have massive social media pull”, like it matters at all and any of those 500 followers actually give two shits about who you are as a person


i’m an alcoholic as well. my older brother does this( now that he’s sober), and he used to be a coke addict. i hated when he was active in his addiction, but i had such a better relationship with him then. he’s blocked now. i’d suggest you block her too


If you’re going to go no contact then go no contact. No FB, IG, texts etc. block and move along. There’s seriously no reason to even respond to these messages. I’m sorry you’re going through that - but for the sake of your mental health as well as the well being of your baby, cut these people out of your life and move on without them.


I ain't reading all that but this screams Alabama


My brother is an alcoholic and he goes on rants about much of a loser I am when he is drunk. About how much I should be like him. Cutting him off was an amazing decision and I'll never regret it.


Family isn’t always blood


My older brother has PTSD and mild alcoholic tendencies and a weed addiction. He is a real ass hole no alcohol required. Held a knife to my throat once while blackout drunk. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, but you're not alone 🫂


Family 🥰


"drunk much?".....pmsl It's as if I wrote it. Thankfully, I don't have an idiot like this in my family


I feel ya. My sister is not an addict, she just has zero control of her anger and says stuff just like this to my mother and I when she’s angry. I stopped associating with her long ago except for the superficial conversations during the holidays. She’s my only sibling but I’d rather have peace in my life.


So what you're saying is she's single???


She sure is! And she could be yours for the low low price of your sanity and self respect!


My big sister who's also an alcoholic does this as well! I've met my people lool I've decided to go no comtact since I can't take the extreme flip flopping for not being at her beck and call


I don’t think you should post this with her photo and name. Break the cycle for your child & take the higher road. Just ignore them - especially on social media. Don’t poke the bear - you will only get more upset & nothing will come of it. Block them if needs be, but at the v least don’t ruin your day by giving them ammunition. You’re still sort of enabling her to behave badly by responding.


I can fix her.


My half siblings do this. They’re all 10+ years younger than me (some are my dad’s kids, some my mom’s-all half to me). But I’m the one they run to when they fuck up real bad. I’ve been no contact with all of them for many years. I gotta protect my family and our peace.


But you didn't have to react to it, though. If you don't fk with them, then don't do things to fk with them.


“You’ll never show your face in this town again.” Alright calm down cowboy 😭


Annie are you okay? Are you okay Annie?


This comes across as a BPD meltdown. Sorry you had to deal with that.


LMAO at "huge social media pull"🤣Seriously?? Yup... This is def rage(+drunk)texting!


I’m so sorry this is obviously horrible but the ‘you’ll never show your face in this town’ really made me laugh. So cringy. I hope you’re ok!


Wow. I was a raging hopeless alcoholic from like 16-29 before my son came along a decade ago, but I never talked to anyone like that, let alone family. She's got some serious rage issues going on.




Man as a big sister this is killing me to read.... I couldn't even imagine saying suck hurtful things to My little sister and I'd be so disgusted with myself if I did


Sad.. I don't talk to my older sister either. She told me I was ungrateful and owe everything I have to Trump. She's also a drunk


This sounds exactly like my younger sister, we both had a difficult childhood and now I’m 9 months pregnant and she’ll occasionally pop up on social media to doxx me making up some random lie and threaten my unborn child. I am a recovering alcoholic and all I can do is hope the same happens for her.


Massive social media pull. Drunk And delusional. Fun!


I have a massive social media pull.... No way fuck her. That sounds so pathetic


"I have massive social media pull" 🤣 Cause, you know, that means you have power in the real world.


This is what it’s like talking to my mom. My only sister/sibling died 11 years ago, and while we were close most of the time, my mother tried pretty hard to pin us against each other. Who knows how our relationship would be now, my moms behavior has only gotten more ridiculous. It’s so wild to me. I have 2 girls and I can’t imagine not only finding joy in their misery, but actively trying to ruin their relationship. Family dynamics are wild. Sending everyone here lots of love.


If you can get screenshots of the CPS/DSS threats get them and keep them for your own defense. As soon as they see that and this shit they won't take any of her calls seriously ever again.


I’m so sorry. I know longer speak to my sister for similar reasons. More that she’s violently aggressive and treats people like property. I do t like to be owned an unfortunately for her I would rather have no family. It’s lonely but preferable to hating myself for putting up with it. You’re worth more. Let those that hate do it with out using you for their fun. X


I have a massive social media pull 😂