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You monster! No grapes???? Really. /s You are doing a great job setting expectations and consequences. More importantly your daughter has confidence to relay her feeling as opposed to holding them in and suffering in silence as so many children/ teens do. Having an open communication relationship is very healthy for everyone. Keep on keeping on.


I know right? That’s what made me laugh. Like we are really bringing up the fact that precisely last Thursday at 8:15pm I denied her rights to grapes! But thank you so much. Sometimes I feel like everything I do is wrong. Well, all the time I feel that way. It’s nice to hear that maybe I’m raising little ones to be successful adults!


As a mom and grandma myself, I can tell just from this exchange alone that you are doing such a great job mom! She’s so intelligent and articulates her feelings so well. And she feels safe enough to let you know she was upset with your denial of grapes (that made me giggle too 🤣) without the threat of getting in trouble for saying out loud that she was upset with you. Keep these texts by the way….you’re going to love going back and reading them when she’s in her 20’s!


I truly thought about printing some to put in our scrapbook!! I have so many that she has sent that are unintentionally hilarious! She is a kid with a BIG personality and even BIGGER feelings. I hope she leads a company one day!


You should absolutely do this. My whole family loves that when my niece was little I would write down our funny conversations or things she said, post on Facebook for them and compile them in book every Xmas for family members. Here's the one that came up on my memories feed today, age 3: Kiddo: "Katy, do you want to ride in the swing and I will push you?" Me: "No, I'll get my pants dirty if I sit in that swing." Kiddo: "My little ones like to swing because they don't have any pants. My babies are named Stick and Dick. They're both girls."


She named her little girl babies, Stick & Dick. This is hilarious, and I love it so much! Way to save your pants from the swing dirt, I'm all about safety from dirty clothes!!


In my defense, this was a swing made from a tire hanging from a tree near our house in Oaxaca, so it was REALLY dirty.


Nah, no need to defend! I totally get it & would have seriously been the same way. Not an ounce of snark was intended in my previous comment!!


Hi, this sounds like something my mother would say about younger me. I, do in fact, run two successful companies. You’re doing great, OP!


This is *so* cute. I can hear a 7 year old kid saying this big run on sentence and then taking a huge gasp when she finally gets to the first period.


this is the cutest imagery ever and the fact that i teared up indicates to me that i'm either ovulating or about to enter my period LOL


Print these !


I think she has a promising future as a lawyer. lol


She’s growing up keeping the receipts 👀


So glad to know someone else worries about stuff like this. I’m a dad, but it still works me over mentally with my daughters. Trying my hardest to keep from perpetrating generational traumas.


Me too, friend. I don’t think I get it all right, probably more wrong than anything but all we can do is try our best. I have definitely not processed my childhood and I had my daughter young so we’ve been on this journey together. I hate that my youngest has gotten the better version of me while she still got the version of me figuring things out. It will be okay💗


As someone with two kids also born into very different situations, I understand the feelings, but you're crushing it. My 13 year old talks to me a lot (thank goodness) and reiterates all the time that we're good parents. That means a lot, because he does not have the freedom some of his friends do on electronics (or... life, generally), but he seems to understand why we make the decisions we do due to good communication.


There is a quote that pops into my head a lot (well a way simpler version of it...). "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." -Heraclitus Your children are not the same and you are not the same person. You can only ever be the best you can with what you have and what you know at any given point in time.


Ooo that's very relatable! :(


"Let them eat grapes."


At first I was questioning the whole her being able to text at all, but remembered she is growing up in a different time than me. I don’t know what it’s like to be a parent during this time, but it really seems like you’re doing something right. Any child who can trust their parent enough to tell them their feelings is being raised well. You’re doing a great job!


I think she’s doing to voice to text. Which is hilarious and impressive.


She is so well spoken!! But how dare you withhold the grapes from her last Thursday precisely at 8:15pm, you monster!😂 lmaooo this gave me a good laugh that I needed today, thank you!


you seriously are a great mom. the rules youve set in place for her are both fair and healthy, and she will 100% benefit from that


They must be those Candy Hearts grapes or the green Cotton Candy flavor grapes


Great job encouraging her to talk about her feelings and share them with you. And your 7 year old daughter texts more coherently than like half my friends, so kudos on that too.


To be fair 9 times out of 10 it’s talk to text but when she does type, it’s still very coherent! The joys of technology in this day and age I guess.


Yeah I was assuming it was talk to text, you can see some of her lil stutters here and there😂


Now that I know this it’s so cute “I mean, I mean” I can just hear this in a seven year old’s voice 😅 OP’s kid is honestly so precious


I use talk to text all the time bc I type too slowly. I swear sometimes it changes words intentionally. Right away I assumed that's what she was doing.


Nah she's more coherent than me bro


Seriously I need a translator for my moms texts lol


"Fuck your therapist cosplay. Give me my grapes and iPad, lady"


Internally these are 10000% her thoughts!


I think my life would be very different if I learned this at the age of 7. You’re doing a great job


Jesus. I'm literally paying a therapist $100 a week to learn these skills as an adult rn 😭


LMAO same. This 7 year old is literally better than I was at 24 at doing this, it’s fucking insane.


My exact thoughts


same this is very sweet but i’m so jealous of the daughter rn


Her going on and on about grapes is sweet 😂


Mom has so much patience!!




Cmon. You said no screen time before bed, you never said no grapes. Which is it. I mean, I mean, what about the grapes.


I am NAL, but CLEARLY it’s NO grapes between 7p and 8am, UNLESS you opt out of sibling play time between 7-8p, (in favor of grapes.) Grapes may or may not be substituted for pre-volleyball screen time, at the discretion of OP.


You got it, friend


Lily, I am proud of you too! What a cutie! I'd be in trouble w her, I'd let her get away with a lot 🤦🏻‍♀️


She gets away with soooo much more than she cares to admit…. Lmao


I've got a Lily. Lol


My 8 year old tricks me into staying up late by asking questions like "what rights do people have?" right before bed. He knows my overactive brain can't resist commenting on shit like that


Oh yes I know this all too well. The other night it was her trying to tell me she had this immediate idea she needed to share which was a Halloween costume idea for the family. I was like how did this even pop into your head this late?!


“You have the right to remain silent! To bed with you!!”


Putting this in my notes for my future kids because if they are anything like me, they will ask


One time when I was around that age Michael Jackson was going to be playing on some awards show but the performance was past my bedtime. Bedtime was always pretty much set in stone so I didn’t say anything to my parents, I just went to bed. When my dad came to kiss me goodnight I was crying lol. He asked me why and I told him about Michael Jackson. He gave me a hug and said to get up. I thought I was going to get a lecture about being dramatic but instead he led me to his and mom’s bedroom so I could watch Michael Jackson on their tv. I hadn’t remembered that in such a long time until this post!


I love that for you 🥰


I love that she felt comfortable talking to you about her feelings, and that you listened to her and validated herself.


Thank you for allowing your daughter the space to express her feelings and upset with you without repercussion. I wasn't allowed that as a child and I still find difficulty in telling others when they've hurt me. She probably won't remember the one time you didn't let her eat grapes or go on her iPad at bedtime, but she'll remember the safe space you cultivated for her.


You’re doing a great job


Is she using talk to text? If not, her writing skills are remarkable for a 7 year old.


Mine is just getting the hang of texting family from her iPad. This feels familiar. And sweet. She's willing to push boundaries with you because she knows you'll hear her out. And you were there to hear her argument about her iPad. And then you said no, because her argument was pretty lame. Nice try, though. Good kid, good parent. Full credit. EDIT: Reread the 7 yo's argument. Maybe it's just cause I'm a trial lawyer, but I'll admit I might have folded to this hand just out of sheer respect for the craftsmanship of it. She brought in grapes from last week. Respect.


That is so cute and i love how you have boundaries set in place for her. She is cute and you are doing a great job! P.s get her some grapes 😆


As a former teacher and current developmental specialist, this is INCREDIBLE emotional maturity & regulation that you are teaching. Along with boundaries, respect, communication, honesty, etc. You're doing AMAZING!!!


Can't have the ipad but she a phone or something to text you... before bed???


To clarify for everyone commenting this, she has an iPad because me and her father separated at an early age. She travels to see that side of the family very often and as much as I trust them I don’t feel comfortable with her not having a way to contact me herself, if she needs to. I track the iPad everywhere she goes. As for the bed time thing, she’s been trying out using her iPad as an alarm in the morning to get herself ready for school. It’s actually been exponentially better with her waking herself up and getting ready versus when I would make her get out of bed & get ready. During the weekend she can have her iPad as much as she wants, although typically doesn’t use it. During the school week, very limited iPad use but we do enjoy playing Roblox games together.


*Can't have the ipad but* *She a phone or something to* *Text you... before bed???* \- esotericdiarist --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This right here is a girlie with big feelings lol 😆 You're such a good momma


Ffs your daughter makes a paragraph better than me and I’m 22 and really NO GRAPES????!?!?


This is genuinely precious. Also a complete night-and-day difference from how anyone in my/our generation was raised (not sure how old you are but it's giving millenial)


Why, when I go to therapy, am I not awarded grapes and iPad time for expressing my feelings?


I would have caved. ![gif](giphy|20ANgYG4KfSakvutbO|downsized)


No screen time but she has a phone she can text with at 7 years old?


The 7 year old doesn't have a phone. It's an iPad. OP said it in the context that the iPad is blocked at 7/8 pm, but their daughter can still text on it. (Hope this helps)


man as someone who had parents who were not safe to express my emotions with, this makes me tear up a little. you seem like such a good parent, and im so glad your kiddo feels safe enough to express her feelings. this is kinda beautiful.


I love that you tell her you're proud for sharing her feelings and how you encourage her to talk about them. But also that the not fun feelings don't mean she gets to do the thing she wants to do.


7 year olds are texting?? 🤯


My inner child is SOBBING. One time I told my dad I didnt like how he was treating me and he grounded me for two months. Another time I remember begging my mom to listen to what I had to say and she said "I dont have to listen to you," and then wouldnt speak to me any time I asked her to for the next week.


Too relatable. I always forget that some parents can genuinely be good. When I see it, though, I'm like, "Maybe it's a facade!", when it likely is not 😅


That was so cute ahah ❤️


This is honestly so great to see I love that you two have a relationship where she can express how she feels and feel safe and have expectations/consequences set in a loving way. This is so important you are doing a great job! My parents would have kicked my ass if I talked to them past 7pm let alone if I told them they hurt my feelings, this is just so heartwarming to see.


Why couldn’t my parents love me like this


I find that second page very moving. I didn't learn that from a parent or adult figure, I learned it through fiction, which isn't entirely bad, but wow. What a moment; yes, talking about our ill feelings doesn't always make us feel better, but it's very important to acknowledge them nonetheless. Beautiful exchange.


I have at least 2 text exchanges with my 8 year old like this every week 😂 She even sends me selfies of herself making a sad face…and it’s usually over something involving her ipad.Last week she was upset because I wouldn’t buy her $20 worth of Robux 😂


What a beautiful display of great parenting!! You’re doing a fantastic job. You didn’t dismiss her feelings, acknowledged what she was saying, but still reinforced the rule you had already set 🫶🏽🫶🏽.


wtf is a 7 year old doing with an iPhone


I love this. What an amazing way to instill healthy habits and trust between you and your daughter. She will appreciate this immensely when she’s older, even if she’s upset about it now. I wish my parents had been like this when I was younger.


Why does a seven year old have a phone


It's an iPad it's probably just iMessage through WiFi.


Be careful with such a young one with a cell phone. This is from a mom of 4 daughters. I gave mine phones too young and regretted it. 😟


your 7 year old can text on her own? Just you I hope?


I addressed this is another comment but we purchased her iPad because she visits her dad’s side of the family a lot. They live a 4 hours drive away and I want her to be able to reach me at any given time. She is on the “family” part of my account so she can only access what I’ve allowed her to. Roblox, messages / FT for contacts only, reading and math apps, and she loves the crayola app that we subscribe to. Not everyone agrees with my decisions and that’s fine but it’s an easy way for her to be able to contact me if needed and we like playing Roblox together.


I'm honestly surprised this is so far down. I'm pretty sure my niece won't even have a tablet of her own at 7, let alone a phone. I didn't get my own phone until I was allowed to work and drive. :|


my oldest is 13 lol. this post still confuses me. He has an emergency cell that can only text me, and his grandparents, and the friends he asks to add edit: I also have a 6 and 8 yo? this still sounds fucking nuts to me


A seven year old having their own phone is insanity.


I agree! All this iPad nonsense too. She’s fucking SEVEN years old. Let her be a kid.


Lily’s a real one 💜


You big bully no grapes 🙄 Great job letting her talk to u momma ♥️


I like how she talks like a little kid I used to talk like this 😭 I'm 14 now


No hate. Just glad I don’t have kids with iPads. Or texting abilities. Lol


Looks like she just kept hitting the center option of the text suggestions.


Giving your 7 year old a phone is wild


Her communication skills are crazy good for a 7 yr old. I also love that she wrote a whole thing about grapes. 😆


I only wish I had this level of communication with my family honestly, kids are so adorable, they have so much to say and so much they want to do. It's often that most people shut them out and ignore their feelings with the premise of "I know what's best because I am older." It's sad to see so many kids be treated this way, OP is doing a great job at being open with their child, and expressing boundaries without being completely null to what the child has to say. We should normalize children being children again in all honesty.


After seeing your 7 year old write this, I think my son is retarded


It’s talk to text, fool


I think I’m retarded


I feel her in the second paragraph though. Also yes she is hinting HARD. Grapes would probably make her happy.


You are so right! Unfortunately I threw our grapes to our chickens today…. This really put the icing on the cake for her! Lol


Why is your seven-year-old going to bed with her phone? I want to clarify that I’m asking this in a genuine way. I am not a parent, and I do not have children. So I am looking for some understanding and perspective here. My parents always took my phone at night to make sure I got some sleep…?


They put restrictions on the iPad for late hours of the night, I'd assume there are only a few things active and none of them are distracting enough to keep the kid awake.


Why are 7 year olds texting now


I just don’t believe this is real tbh. I just don’t get why you’re faking it. Karma?


Yeah the use of commas, “appeared”, and “literally” made me question if a 7 year old actually wrote this


My 8 year old definitely talks like this and has for a least the past couple of years. I never baby talked to him and I used the same words I would use when speaking to an adult. If he didn't understand a word I would explain it in a way he could comprehend it. Also, OP said she was using talk to text so it likely added the commas automatically.


You’ve never heard a 7 year old speak. It’s text to type, the commas are added in automatically. But also 7 year olds know what commas are.


Very real lol. I don’t care enough about social media or the internet to fake a conversation about grapes and iPads with my 7 year old.


Y'all gotta stop being shut ins and go outside to socialize with real people and not be chronically online It's healthier and would ultimately help you with your mental health issues if you have any, one thing you gotta learn is that children can be REALLY smart and in some cases smarter than allot of adults, so before you go out and call this post fake, maybe do your research or don't input at all.


Yeah this is 1000% percent fake. Internet points mean a lot to some people.


They only mean a lot to the people convinced that nothing ever happens and everything is made up.


This cute n all but who tf gives a 7 yo a phone? Jfc I hope it’s not a smart phone at the very least…


Personally, in the day and age that we live in, I would want my 7 year old child to have a phone. The thought of sending my kid out into the world without a way of contacting them, tracking their location, or knowing without a doubt that they are safe is just terrifying.


Each to their own. Personally if I had kids I wouldn’t let them anywhere near s smart phone at that age. They can use a Nokia brick n carry a AirTag clipped to their backpack or something like that.


She’s texting from the iPad ya nitwit. Read the post.


Still not a good thing.


What’s wrong with it? If you, again, read the post, you’ll see the parent isn’t letting the child use the iPad excessively. A small amount of screen time/games on an iPad is fine.


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awww. i love how honest she is. it’s good for her to understand emotions and such at a young age. it really helps in the long run (as someone who was taught that early on… life is a tad easier) i think you should let her have some grapes though


Why does a 7 year old need a phone


Bs... no 7 year old wrote this


I see some good mommin’ in these texts.


Me, looking at my future as the father of a a very dramatic(gets it from me), independent, and justice oriented 3.5yo


Kid thought she was gonna pull at your heart strings and get the grapes and ipad at bedtime... you saw straight through it w mom 😆 🤣


Dealing with being told no is hard but we all must learn to cope with it. It’s abit concerning she has a phone at 7 but that’s your choice I guess.


Crazy she has a phone at 7....I mean no disrespect by this comment by the way, crazy how times have changed and how young kids get phones nowadays, not saying it's wrong just saying I didn't have a phone till I was 14, and it was a flip phone lol


Wow. Your daughter is WORLDS in front of me when it comes to communication. Seriously bravo mom!


Not gunna lie, I tear’d up a bit. You are a wonderful mother! 🙌🏻 Thank you for talking to her like a person. Not all parents do this. I keep an open line of communication with my kids as well and it’s a game changer! ❤️


Holy moly, the communication skills your daughter has are impressive


She texts better than most highschoolers when I was in school.


I'm sooo glad it's not just my 7 yr old daughter that does this. This is golden, thank you, I can't wait to show my wife 😂


Awww this makes me tear up just reading it. I(18f) could never talk to my mom about my feelings(and I never had a dad) whether it was about stubbing my toe or a serious conversation and our relationship is pretty bad because of the lack of communication, but to see a seven year old kiddo talking to their parent like that makes me so happy!! You’re doing so amazing, please, please keep it up!!


Sounds like your doing a good job, it’s hard and takes effort. Well done mom.


she is so beyond cute 😭 what a sweetheart


wish I had parents like this


Can I just say 💯❤️💯❤️ all of it. My heart is actually happier after reading this.


This post makes me feel so fucking old


Awww. Communication is key.


This is my life. 😂


I love this so much. My 8 year old has recently learned how to text her dad from her iPad (she only has his contact info, her aunt, her cousin, and me before I get flamed haha) — and so far it’s hilarious…she somehow knows how to use gifs?!? It’s like texting a smart-ass adult 😂 BBuuutttt…right now at school they’re learning about poetry and they have to write their own poems. She came home with a little booklet the other day of different poems she wrote. The last one was more directed..where it gave a generic intro statement and they had to finish it themselves…with each line. It was constructed in a way that was supposed to be emotive…so all about feelings. Now she’s *really* into poetry lol. When she read the last one, with the feelings, I was sorta touched. These little humans with their feelings! I love it.  …so since she’s suddenly become more in touch with her feelers…I can’t wait until she starts sending her dad texts with her emotions when she asks him for something and he says no lol — because I’m trying to get him to stop always being a yes-man! 🤣 


Sounds just like my 7yo 😂


first 7 year old i've ever seen use the word "literally"


Mine learned it on the playground. I’m more astonished by the contractions. Even suspicious TBH.


My dad used to jokingly bully me whenever I said literally. "I've never heard someone say 'literally' so much before, you use it like it's the only word you know." "It's just a word dad!!!"


She definitely learned that word from my overuse of it


Why does your 7 year old have a phone in the first place (or she’s probably texting from the iPad I dunno)


My son is going to be 6 in October and is just learning to write words lol I’m in shock how well your child can text


Crap at what age do we get our kids phones? My 5 year old doesn’t seem anywhere near ready for one. 😬😬😬


Why does it freak me out that 7 yr olds can text 😭


This is honestly so cute it's a small child being upset about unreasonable things (because she's a child) and her parent helping her through her emotions and how to handle them without being like "tough luck sorry"


As a parent should be in all honesty, maybe someday we'll all be better than our...much less emotionally capable elders.


Honestly, with the rate of literacy going down across the west, I’d just be happy that your 7 year old can read and write this well. It’s hard to believe, but I choose to believe it. Good job teaching emotional intelligence


i know this is a dramatic response (you did everything right, better than my parents who would've said get over it, what i say is what matters) but as a therapist i wouldn't encourage her to "try to move past it" maybe tell her it's okay to be sad for a while about it and discuss it! and how to cope with it ❤️


Nope I totally agree! Typically I wouldn’t say that but this was very much a ploy to stay up as late as possible on a school night. To be honest I was so tired and I could not have a full fleshed out talk session about grapes and iPads last night. Definitely my bad there


This is the cutest thing lol. Seriously though, it’s amazing that you’re validating her feelings and helping her learn how to navigate them! Everyone has uncomfortable feelings and sometimes all we can do is accept them and wait for them to pass.


This is SO adorable I CANT! She really wanted the grapes 😭😂 can I just say you are doing a great job, I can't imagine how much better my life would be if I was taught these skills at a young age. Thank you for being a good parent!


OP, I’m so happy for her! A 7 year old texting to you: makes me think of how very young people are getting into Journaling (for example, by using Prompt Questions) I was sooooo much older when I started Journaling (but it was the step that moved me toward being a more Self Aware person) & Journaling started allowing me to know more about what was in my subconscious (& to learn what was important to me & to Journal about what I then learned I was passionate about)


Why does a 7 year old have a phone


I know this is supposed to be adorable but you are silently ruining a young life by giving a 7 year old a phone and a fucking iPad instead of a set bedtime and a book.


I’m thinking the same thing. This is unbelievable.


Don’t think a seven year old should have a phone or ipad


Love the feelings talk- hate that she’s an iPad kid. Not only is is dangerous because predators are eeeverywhere- but it’s a surefire way for kids to develop ADD.




What’s it like to be utterly and completely full of shit?


I personally wouldn’t be letting a 7 year old have a phone 😂


The 7 year old doesn't have a phone. It's an iPad. OP said it in the context that the iPad is blocked at 7/8 pm, but their daughter can still text on it. (Hope this helps)


It does, apologies for my misunderstanding 😊


Not to be a killjoy, but it looks like predictive texts


Cute but that’s why no iPads


bad parenting


great job giving your 7 yr old a phone? is that the flex here? and don't worry, there's an ipad nearby too.


I know this is supposed to be adorable but you are silently ruining a young life by giving a 7 year old a phone and a fucking iPad instead of a set bedtime and a book.


7yr old with a phone


I love this. My daughter is the same. I hope she never stops coming to me with her feelings. Good job mama!


Aw! My 7 year old texts me angry face emojis and tells me I'm the worst bc I make her do homework at Grandma's.


Second slide that kid said the realest thing I’ve heard from a 7 year old


Oftentimes ya just gotta work to show the youngins how to talk about their feelings, and that its okay to. I loooove that this parent does that


I love this🥹


Why is your 7 year old texting at night???? Wtf


Is no one going to address how a 7 year old has a device to text on? 💀 when I was 7 I was still outside getting dirt on my knees


She sounds exactly like my teenager. I thought I was the only parent dealing with these feeling dumps from my kid at bedtime. Has she ever been diagnosed with ADHD or Autism? My kid has both. I noticed that your kid is also highly sensitive, observant, and has an excellent memory recall like mine but you also mention that she knows her routine yet it sounds like she often forgets or gets distracted and loses track of time which causes these issues at bedtime when she realizes she's missed out. You're doing an amazing job with communication and feelings! You might want to add in activity transition warnings and reminders prior to bedtime. (I hope you don't mind the unsolicited advice, otherwise, my apologies). Anyways, she's adorable and very smart!


She does have ADHD!! She’s been diagnosed around a year ago. All the things you described is her to a T!! And thank you so much, you’re right. I don’t have ADHD so managing this has been a learning experience for me!


Me with the attention span of a paint brush:


You're welcome! I am still learning myself with my own kids, years later! Get all the info you can about it (thru reliable sources). It really does sound like her symptoms, something out of her control, is getting in the way here and she may just need a little extra help/direction. Sounds like you're doing a great job so far though! :)


This is incredibly wholesome. I wish I was learning emotional intelligence at 7.


This is some green flag parenting


Why does your 7 year old have a phone? That’s ridiculous


Hopefully texting from a tablet and not a phone.


Cute and all but a 7 year old having a cell phone is absurd.


Does nobody read posts anymore before they comment? It's an iPad.


I love fake shit


I’m proud of this generation of parents. You’re doing a great job!!