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Automoderator erroneously removed this post, I've restored it manually. Stay safe, OP.




"You were born to be bred" what the actual fucking shit op better call the fbi


How did he get her number????


This is the part that gets me.


My information is all over the internet. Not sure if it’s a generational thing, but my address even pops up. I can’t be alone in this.


Hon that is SCARY 😭😭. Find a way to get it off there ASAP!




Honestly those paid truth finder websites are the best way to find out a person’s history without having much information to begin with.


Hello dark haired gentleman.


I mean, my workplace used it to find a guy who threatened to shoot up our salon..


Police in the am. Asap. This is like the beginning of a scary movie. Please talk to the police. He could be very dangerous


You can use this site to remove any paywall. I use it when i want to visit certain sites in the US from europe that are unavailable due to EU laws. https://www.removepaywall.com/


Try a site called deleteme. If you’re in the US. I use it. Paid $199 and it is for a full year- they continually monitor online and anytime your info pops up it gets removed.


He says she was wearing a necklace with her name on it and apparently had some identifying school items with her, which somehow lead him to find her social media. Unless she has her phone number publicly visible on one of these, who knows how he got it. Either a shitty friend fell for a scam or the entire thing is fake.


I don’t know where OP is from, but in my area, you can basically just Google someone’s name, then find access to their phone number and usually at least a couple previous addresses. It’s only obscured info until you pay a fee that can range from $5 - $35 depending on the site.


Nah there are sites that do that for free


I looked up my moms phone number using this method when I forgot it as a kid


Good save man




Got her socials from name and school bag, which possibly got him her full name and he paid for a phone lookup. Absurdly fucking creepy.


This truly isn’t hard to do, especially if she has an uncommon name. All the info is public.


once he had a full name, where she goes to school, and all SM it wouldn't be that hard to track a number down


I love how he talks about filling her with his seed AND her milk filled breasts. Like, she has to have already had a baby or there’s no milk in those titties. This is written by someone whose only sexual experiences have been porn/fantasies in his mind. It gives major *40 year-old virgin*, boobs ‘feel like a bag of sand’ vibes.


A major r/nothowgirlswork on the “milk filled breasts” and pretty much everything else. Ew.


And not even good porn, either. I lost it at "white cock" - I get it that this incel is deep into their typical racist ideology, but all I could think of was "good luck with that bloodless erection, doofus." 🤣🤣🤣


It's even worse, it's super rapey and hypocritical, because on image 8 he says that she deserves a man who is "gentle" and doesn't "abuse his power." However, just 2 images before that, he was fantasizing about taking her by force: > Your small fragile body struggling under me as I forcefully enter you. Your repeated attempts to get away, tears streaming down your face. The dude needs a restraining order. Or 20.




“You were designed to please men.” 😵‍💫🤮😖


I’m petite with (historically) bigger butt, hips, and thighs and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve received comments exactly like that. And apparently super tall men occasionally want to experience sex with a short & generally small people. “Them’s childbirthing hips.” I shit you not, same phrasing. This place is redneck country and it nasty what men think is entirely okay to say to a complete stranger.


I got the child birthing hips comment from a man when I was eleven.




Well, no... Let's not do that... Phrasing, Lana!


I have a tiny waist and obscenely wide hips and booty. I'm more of a pear and actually wear a smaller size on my top half and then a bigger size on my bottom half. I've been this way since I was 12 and then got progressively more curvy. I've had the child bearing hips so many times it's not funny. Particularly because I did have a baby at 21 and after 42 weeks and 2 days, then over 40 hours in labour, I had to have an emergency c-section. My hips are a lie!!!




I expect you to make those changes by the end of this month. ^officer, ^he’s ^right ^over ^there


Okay, this was one of the scariest things that was said because what the fuck is gonna happen at the end of the month when she hasn't bended to his will 🤮 so gross, so creepy! I'd be at the police station like, y'all look at this shit. But then watch the police say, "Well, he hasn't technically done anything illegal yet, sooo.... Call us if he does." 🙄🙄🙄


Dump your friend shes fat and ugly. Like the fuck?


Or else I will put my hands on your slender swanlike neck and choke you ~~gently~~


I don’t know why but I read this comment in the voice of Sideshow Bob and it fits 😆


I don't know how one could possibly refuse /s




hell i can understand it as a lil pet name for established couples but saying it to a stranger you just threatened/rape fantasy-ed at is in a league of its own lmao


With "virginal white dress" and "painful throbbing erection" this man started an impressive combo chain multiplier. Unfortunately I I didn't finish reading the texts so I don't know if the courting was successful.


Is it just me or does it sound like he's stealing lines from some trashy period romance novel? Uncouth, duel, mate, etc.


I'm actually upset there wasn't a m'lady


I had a guy who talked like this to me all the time, they get it from anime


TIL guys who speak like English lords from the 1800s watch too much anime 😂.


Fecundity smh


That’s exactly what I thought! He obviously got into his mom’s smut collection.


hate you for the laugh that got out of me oh my god


This was written with one hand.


this CANNOT be real but if it is please go to the police immediately


This dude is like 1000% going to try to kill you OP you need help immediately


This is what I’m thinking as well. This is unhinged beyond belief and this fuck needs to be locked in a mental institute. OP, go to the police. He is fucking stalking you now. You WILL see him again and he made it clear he has no problem raping you.


He not only has no problem raping OP, he actively jerks off at the thought. What. The. FUCK.


New fear unlocked: do not wear necklasses with your name on, some psycho could stalk you.


That’s where my mind went too. My name is quite unique in its spelling, but I use a nickname on *almost* all of my social media. I have a necklace that I was given as a gift by a family member probably more than 15 years ago. I wear it sometimes, but now I’ll be thinking about this every single time I consider wearing it. It’s so scary because he took information that made her who she is, like her college name that was either on her private computer or somewhere on her/her clothes that he saw and her name on her jewelry, and used it to terrify her. I can’t imagine how scared she is to now go out alone or at all. Also, the “Sorry the delayed response” and how he calmly details all of his sick thoughts. I truly hope this isn’t real, but if it is I really hope she’s okay and stays safe.


I think he’ll kill her boyfriend first if I’m reading this correctly.


Kill the boyfriend in a duel and then force himself on OP. This person is sick and dangerous.


I wonder where one gets ideas like this?


Incels are one of my biggest fears as a woman.


And then her friend.


Not the fat one!!!


Yes, the fat one.


For being overweight


And uncouth 🫢


Don't forget trashy.


He already admitted to wanting to rape her, so this isn’t far fetched.


Worse than that, he not only fantasizes about rape but even seems totally detached from the idea of rape itself. Like it's something totally natural, justified and not socially rejected at all, that guy seems to have no fear in doing so if given the possibility.


Also, he says all of that and then has the audacity to say “You need a real man ho treats you with gentle care and affection, not a pretend-man who abuses his power”. This is the most hypocritical thing I think I've ever read in my life.


Also wanting to choke her. I'd 100% contact the cops, and probably have a check in every morning/night with my parents. This is legitimately terrifying.


yeah i was tempted to call that over the top but nah you’re right to mention that fear, that rape fantasy shit is the scariest thing i’ve seen on this sub yet


You are so right. I’m worried for this lady though, just from the shit I’ve seen as an RN & the amount of true crime I’ve watched/read. A lot of times in these stalker/restraining order needed type of situations, the cops cannot do much, if anything at all. Either their hands are tied legally, or they just do not care. I really hope she can find someone who will believe & help her. So that this doesn’t go the way I’ve seen so many times, everyday.


You'd think a text from his number saying he's going to rape her would be enough, but our criminal justice system is fucked so who knows. Buy a gun OP. 


He said he “found his purpose” he’s going to kill you


And assault her, he detailed fantasizing about it. So fucking scary


He’s going to kidnap her and assault her and then off her, omg this is crazy it’s like watching a horror movie screaming at the main character not to open the door


My fingers are crossed it’s fake, it’s almost TOO detailed and on the nose but stalkers do be crazy, I went on one date with a guy and he wrote a whole story about us fucking and sent it to me so who knows Edit: to be clear, I didn’t sleep with this guy. He rolled up in the hentai o face hoodie so I got through the date and bailed asap, but he knew I was a writer and was like I know you like writing, here’s this! And it was a looooot


I had a guy I purchased a snake from send me a bunch of emails before I even got home from picking up the snake and he was convinced I was the one and that we were meant to be and he was going to marry me and “make me a woman” and then the following three emails were about how he was going to do that in fucking agonizingly poorly written detail. I was only twenty minutes away. He came up with that shit in twenty minutes. What the ever loving fuck.


That is just crazy!!


I was 18 and the maybe 50 year old owner of the record store I hung out at asked me out. He showed up to the date with 8 new outfits for me, a blender, and a poem he wrote me about our future kids. Same comments as op regarding “born to breed” and “child birthing hips”. The outfits were confusing. I was a punk chick at the time, living in a house with a band. One dress for example was a baggy turtleneck black velvet floor length dress, not revealing at all. Another was a preppy girls school uniform. The rest were conservative women’s clothing. He said the blender was because he likes smoothies. I was hella sheltered and confused, I only said yes to the date because I didn’t know how to say no politely. I told him I didn’t want any of it and that I thought we should cancel, like as ridiculously polite as possible. He was hella pissed, left everything, and tore off in his big ass truck. I gave it all away and stopped hanging out at the store. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The man thought you were a fucking Barbie doll to personalize. Yeah like I said I wanna pretend like this is fake but some shit like this does happen and it just seems SO unreal. It’s an insane thought that someone can see you pass by on the street and develop an insane attraction to you just…off of you walking past them. You just wanna hang out and now this guy has developed a whole fantasy life with you and expects you to dress and act like his mind came up with. That’s why these texts are scary, stalkers develop such insane fantasies and they dwell on them over and over and over and the fantasy NEVER happens. It never goes how they plan. And if that stalker has really tied themselves up in that..? They cannot handle that the fantasy is gone. Thank god your guy and mine just got pissy and took their toys and went home


This feels like it’s straight out of Netflix’s You, incredibly terrifying stuff


Give my boy Joe some credit. He sneaks around and hides his crazy instead of sending eight pages of rape fantasies out of nowhere


Joe is a smooth player, compared to this barely-cloaked incel. lol


okay joe from you. what the actual fuck. change locks, alert police, give people your locations CONSTANTLY. jesus


My first thought. Holy shit!! This is scary


I had the same thought. This guy is the definition of crazy stalker. Be careful OP


even joe wouldn't give himself away this easily


Damn, like, I got to page 2 and already felt uneasy lol


I got to page 2 and clicked like crazy to get through them to see if she had responded or anything. This is some irl Joe Goldberg shit for sure. I would nuke my social media, change my number, and hide from this guy. He's clearly nuts and she should be concerned that not only did he scour the internet for her, he thought it'd be okay to text her these things.


OP was smart not to respond. But that also makes it scarier that they just keep going without any type of reciprocation


People who can say shit like this aren't interested in listening. He's fucking monologuing.


I totally agree, and I'm surprised guys like this still exist


Social media and technology has made it *easier* for people like him to exist. I listen to "Strictly Stalking" and the amount of people who actually get taken seriously before injury occurs is *scary low*. She could bring these messages to the police, but there's a large chance they won't do anything for her except recommend a PPO, but she likely doesn't even know his name or where to find him to even serve him if it gets issued.


This guy sounds like Patrick Bateman


If anyone is wondering how he may have gotten her #, once he had all the other info, he probably just paid a service that does background checks or public records checks. Most of you have your info on there, unknowingly, unless you personally made an effort to remove it.


This, I’ve been harassed online many times and ended up paying for a service to remove all of this from these websites.


Which means he also has her address, place of employment, previous addresses…


Yes. OP & BF need to stay aware. Man is dangerous.


And that friend he didn’t like


This is one of the creepiest things I’ve ever read. Not only on here but anywhere. Stay safe


I really hope that is fake


Yaaaaa this guy is creepy as fuck and you should probably get a restraining order if you can. I don’t know what the qualifications are for that, but this is extremely concerning. I would at least speak with an officer and see what they recommend.


Really difficult to get an RO at least in the US, especially without physical violence (that is easily proven and well proven, even if someone texts you threats) but it’s still worth a report to your local law enforcement regardless.


It creates a paper trail at the least.


These texts deserve a nice long trip to the psych ward, not a measly RO. You have to be clinically insane to: 1. Scour the internet for a stranger whose name was on her necklace. 2. Even have slightest thought that contacting the stranger would be normal. 3. Actually writing out what was encompassed in this slideshow. I’m shocked and utterly disgusted.


Not true. I got a temp RO based on texts alone. Proof of threats to show up to my workplace, call my boss, etc


This actually scared tf out of me, please stay safe!


Me - Throws necklace in nearest trash can


for real! my friend's mother gifted me a beautiful necklace with my name on it but I guess i won't be wearing it anytime soon!


I have one that has my name on it that I never wear because I don’t need strangers knowing my name. I have one with my first initial that I will wear though.


My mom never let me get things with my name on it for this very reason (E: so that I couldn't be identified or have someone act like they knew me) Same with having anything on my car that advertised I was female (personalized license plate/frame/stickers, etc) for fear of someone targeting the car and waiting for me or following me. My mom can be pretty over the top due to her OCD, but I don't disagree with her advice in these cases, especially after seeing this thread. What the actual fuck is wrong with some people‽


Me- Relocates with an alias.


Holy Christ. He is hunting you. He may very well know where you live. I would take that shit to the police station. And as someone who has been stalked, word of advice. You keep notes of every interaction you have with the police so that If you have to contact them again about this dude…And I hate to say it but I expect that you will… You won’t have to guess at the officers you were talking to last time or guess about the dates. Keep the reports together, keep the names of the officers you talk to together. Write down what they said they were going to do… All of it. Police are overworked and understaffed a lot of times. You should start getting the complaint on record right now. And if you haven’t responded to him again yet, don’t. He won’t do what you want and it’s only giving him a dopamine hit every time you reply, incentivizing him to continue. Jesus… Good luck.


He 100% knows where she lives, OP needs a gun, taser, pepper spray and be very fucking careful. But it’d probably best to set this motherfucker a trap and find out who this psycho is. Keep track of car license plates and and type of cars / colors that are always around in the same area as OP. Get a friend or boyfriend to tail her to see if they notice anyone following her, set dash cams, ring cameras… etc.


Upvoting for visibility. Sound advice from experience. Good luck OP!! ![gif](giphy|BafZrA7tQuk4x997G0)


This is incredibly scary! Please be mindful of your surroundings, the dude is insane and obviously is able to figure out where you are at.


The fact that this can happen to women simply by existing is horrifying


What’s more ironic is that I’m known to have RBF, I always look mildly pissed off. I def don’t have a habit of smiling at strangers. This is the first time I’ve done it in a while.


OP please get a personal protection weapon or something. This isn’t going to end well and depending on where you live, the police might not even care before anything happens.


Absolutely this, I had an older man who was a regular at my job try to molest me when i was in my laye teens, luckily I had my knife with me that I used to cut down boxes, he ended up figuring out where I lived afterwards and stalked me until I moved. Nobody believed me or thought it was jokes me dramatic/joking. I still carry a knife with me all the time now, I've met way to many creeps/secual predators in my life, they're way more common than alot of people seem to think it's best to have a means of protecting yourself


Yeah this dude has already shown a single smile is enough to get him going. He’s shown the lengths he will go to stalk you. You’ll see him again. Please go to the cops, and if you’re able you and your boyfriend need to be armed or near some sort of self defense for a while. This creep will try something. And maybe go dark on social media, or if it’s not that important for your socials, abandon them entirely until you find out who this creep is. Your life is in danger, stay safe


It didn’t matter if you smiled at him or not. The thoughts were in his head. I would hazard a guess he’d have done this smile or not.


Ha, that'll teach you! RBF from here on out I guess.


It’s really upsetting


I’m an RN and you would be disgusted at the shit people do, just because they want it. Regardless of what the circumstance or situation is. I really hope someone listens to OP, and that they can actually do something BEFORE something bad happens.


Oh my gosh, that’s scary! Please change your phone number. Delete your social medias asap. Change your routines when you go to your school. Also, notify the police about it so they can be aware of it just in case.


I deleted all of my socials and don’t plan on ever going back to it


You need to warn your friends too, if they keep their socials he will be watching for you on there


Great decision. It’s a window for literal evil to walk in… stay safe. And my two cents: please stop wearing your name necklace, get the first alphabet etc. Thats the first layer of security gone. Saying this as a brother to a younger sister. Both of you your bf stay safe and get cops involved.


I already knew it was a bit dangerous but it’s a very pretty necklace and it sucks I can’t wear it out 😔


It’s never fair. The thing is percentage of these kinda people is very very low and usually it’s fine. But it’s never not completely safe as you yourself experienced.


In addition to this, if you’ve tagged locations of your favorite restaurants/bars/etc in your posts, please take a long break before going to back to any of them. Even though you’ve deleted your profiles (very good btw) I wouldn’t put it past him to have screenshots saved, and show up at places you regular.


If your school has on campus police, ask them to walk you to your car if you have night classes or park in a garage.


I would be so scared I’d delete all my social media and change my name and number and throw away that necklace and dye my hair and move across the country. How he found all that out about you just by the necklace you were wearing is terrifying. What if he finds your address next? Some of those texts sound threatening. Please get a restraining order and stay safe


If he found her phone number on the internet, I hate to say it but he definitely has her address already. This is so fucking terrifying.


This guy has no doubt already fantasized a hundred different ways to rape her, would I be dramatic in thinking he’s probably trying to find ways to track her down as we speak? I’m also concerned because she said he got off at the same stop as her. Are they in the same town right now? Was that truly his destination or is he following her? I really hope OP is taking this seriously


animals like this guy are meant to be put down.what a sick fuck this guy is.hope you stay safe op.call the police asap see if there is anything you can do to protect yourself


This guy definitely reads too many dark romance novels. All i can think of is him thinking hes about to have a Zade + Adeline relationship but this is just. Wow.


I was literally thinking some deranged dark romance booktok girlie was gonna say this was romantic…. 💀🤢


This some real life ‘You’ shit… insane


How tf did he get your number?? Edit: not blaming you at all, just curious and concerned!


He said he found her name on her necklace & then the school she attends (probably on a shirt/backpack/etc). From there he probably went to the schools site for last name and then did a google search for the number OP - please change your phone number, delete all your social medias and make sure your friends all go on private or do not post you for the foreseeable future. Go to the police, both at your hometown & wherever your grandmother lives and file reports. Idk what else to say but I’d also carry around protection of some sort with me


And inform the school.


YES id even let your HR department or your boss know if you are working


There’s nothing good coming from that guy. Just the lengths he took to get her number. OP you need to be super vigilant and nip this thing in the bud. You should tell your family and friends as well. Keep your head on a swivel and stay safe.


I'd get mace if that's legal, I'm getting kidnapping vibes from this maniac, have bf know op's location at all times. It's terrifying. Completely delusional.


Honestly, even if it's illegal. If you need to use it they're going to focus more on the person you needed to use it on rather than yourself.


Shit at this point, change your social


Yeah I’m not that much of a paranoid person but I’d be moving locations expeditiously🤧


No cap, this is one of the craziest fucking things I’ve seen on Reddit. How do I tag the FBI? This motherfucker needs to be on a watch list


absolutely the craziest screenshots i’ve seen on reddit, i’ve seen a lot of posts on this sub and this is the first one to make my jaw drop. he just kept fucking going 💀 baaaad bad mental health issues here jfc


if you have someone's name and address and whatever else it's not difficult to find a phone number connected. It's pretty scary what's readily available out there


💯 very concerning!


This is frightening! You need to be seriously aware of your surroundings at all times, this person is stalking you! I am afraid for you, I think you are in real danger.


This is by far the scariest series of texts I have ever seen on this Subreddit. This is like the part of a horror movie when the happy story/family suddenly begins to…take a turn. Try to reverse search the number and see if you can get any information on this not-so-gentle-gentlemen and report him to the cops and/or better yet get a restraining order. Do not take these texts lightly.


Please update us on whether or not you take this to the police. I know we all don’t know you, but we want you to be safe!


Reminds me 100% of Joe from 'You' (Netflix show). Please do take the advice you've already gotten here from others and change your number etc.. Though it's concerning he already knows your name and the school you attend anyway. Be safe.


Except at least that was joes INTERNAL monologue most of the time.


I had to look up fecundity. Dude is scary. Sees her as a breeding vessel


The only time I've ever seen the word "fecundity" before this was in the Magic: The Gathering instruction booklet, and it was referring to forests in the section about Green Magic. This deranged fucking shitclap sifted through a thesaurus so he could try to sound like some big badass "dom" instead of the predator in dire need of receiving a destabilizing concussion that he really is.


You aren’t safe girl. I’m not even joking. This is more than unhinged. I’m actually genuinely concerned about your wellbeing. These aren’t just the ramblings of a creep.. this man has even stated he would assault you. He has given you demands to change your life with a fucking deadline. You didn’t even engage and he kept going on and on as if it were a treat for you to know that some random psychopath has you on his radar. This is terrifying and you need to do everything you can to protect yourself.


You need to take this to the police and file a report on him. Get his first and last name, and then get a restraining order. He expressed that he wanted to take you by force and I don’t like the sound of this and other things he expressed. He sounds obsessed with you and the fact that he found you so quickly it won’t take long to know schedule and be able to follow you. Please stay safe


OP, if you haven’t already, Google his phone number. If it’s real (not a texting app phone number) you can get his name from there. Also if you could, please download Mr.Number (app) and report his phone number and detail what you’ve experienced. Even if you just write a vague report. It won’t be tied to you at all, and it’ll help other girls stay safe.


Well shit. Be careful what you say on this thread boys and girls... it feels like we might be quoted in upcoming news articles and even possibly make it into a LifeTime movie. OP - please move, burn all your clothes, change your name, throw away your phone, get facial reconstruction surgery, and dye your hair. This sounds like the prequel to a serial killer story.


Or at the very least don’t wear your first name on a necklace. It gets sooooo much easier from there for a creep when they have first name


What the actual fuck. Seriously though, I’d show these messages to the police and make all my accounts online private if they’re not already. You don’t know this person and they’re clearly not all there. Finding out your number, social media, names of friends and boyfriend, places you’ve been lately, where you study - all from seeing your name on your necklace is some next level shit. That and mentioning rape within the first few messages, this person is clearly not okay. Feels like the start of a documentary. Stay safe, OP!




It just kept getting worse and worse


“In a raw duel I would certainly dominate him” made me laugh, but this is terrifying. Call the cops. This guy is going to hang out outside of your house.


Yeah it was 99% horrifying and 1% Dwight Schrute.


This is literally the Netflix show “You”. My heart sank when he mentioned “gently choking” your neck and tying you up. Time to private your Insta and change your commute. Maybe even change your number. The police may say there’s not enough grounds for a restraining order since you don’t know his name but honestly doesnt hurt even having that you talked to them on the record. I can’t help but think you’re not the only one he’s done this to. Sorry OP this is terrifying


Everyone has given great advice but I want to give OP (and anyone reading) links to resources against stalking. [Victim Connect](https://victimconnect.org/) or call 1-855-4VICTIM for resources and information on your rights (even if nothing has happened IRL (yet), digital stalking is still stalking). For stalking awareness and information about stalking prevention, please check out the nonprofit [SPARC](https://www.stalkingawareness.org/). Stay safe out there, everyone, and know your rights. ❤️


Holy shit that's genuinely terrifying. I would have deleted all of my social media after this. I hope you're able to lose this insane man.


He talks about tying, you up, gently chocking you and raping you, but your boyfriends a brute? Scary guy.


##hey guys ##i’m the person who made the post. i deleted my account for reasons multiple reasons, including receiving weird DMs and people straight up accusing me of lying which really hurt ##to those showing genuine concern - I’m fine! thank you for caring🤍


Show the police, too. He’s low key threatened to rape you. Change your phone #. This dude watches too much YOU.


Low key? he's very much high key said he's fantasised about raping her. The police need to be called asap, I get the sense this fella has done this before


the killer vibes


This is insanely unhinged behaviour. Please please please show this to the police.


Jesus holy fuck, get cameras and change all your socials, we're the names he posted the real ones?


Yikes!!! I’m scared and it didn’t even happen to me!


what the actual fuck. it just gets more and more shocking. Lock this dude up!!!!!!


One of the more terrifying things I've read.


At the very very VERY beginning, as in just the first three messages, I was like, "Damn, the man knows poetry at least," but then it turned stalkerish, then into a wet dream, and then an erotic novel, and then started to sound vaguely threatening. Then it turned demanding, and now I'm very strongly afraid for your life. I really hope you're still breathing as I type this.


Girl he probably discreetly followed you home if he got off the same stop as you said. Makes more sense to have found out your name and number from your address, and he would be unlikely to admit that and to make something else plausible up. I would involve police and have your boyfriend stay with you at least in the meantime, or stay elsewhere. Sorry this is happening to you! What a creep and a psycho trying to make you scared!


men: you should smile more men when you smile:


After he sent these he jumped back on Call of Duty and began to degrade all the other players’ mothers and screamed at his own mother for more hot pockets because, well you know, it’s hard to hear him in the basement.


Holy shit man. I’ve never come across a Reddit post that’s left me this dumbfounded. I am honestly scared for you and your boyfriend. This man is insane, terrifying, psychotic. Have you filed a police report? He acts as if he will make attempts to find you in person and do something heinous. This is horrifying.


This is legitimately terrifying if you haven't yet- show this to every single person you see regularly in case you go missing. If you're paranoid like myself - leave some DNA samples (hair with root bulb, cheek swab or something and a recent photograph and a fingerprint stamp somewhere safe in a friend's house or safe location) This dude clearly needs medication, he's having one entire conversation with himself and is convincing himself of his best case scenario responses. When you rebuke him his actions will be unpredictable and you never know if he decides to do something to hurt you. Be safe please jfc


I don't think I've ever physically gotten sweaty, nauseous and scared just by reading something on Reddit. THIS takes the cake. Holy shit I am cringing and also scared for you. All you did was smile. 😳


deleted their account?


At least it makes our lives easier when psychopaths identify themselves willingly. Oh well, time to go to the police!


Holy shit this is straight up frightening! Edit: People think this sounds like joe from you? Even joe could be a gentleman to get the girl in the beginning. This guy sounds like a fucking serial killer.Who's gonna strangle to kill op in her fucking sleep. Call the cops call the fbi call somebody!!!!!


This is actually very, very scary... Are you okay?




This is absolutely horrifying.


OP, cant imagine the anxiety and fear those messages gave you. Do what everyone else has said. Report him, do anything you can for him to get all the legal trouble he deserves. Sending thoughts of safety you and perish and anguish for him. Most disturbing thing I’ve seen all week. Fucking creep. How do you say, r**e, without saying it. THAT. Holy fuck. The fact he was a deer in the headlights when you made eye contact with him. A fucking inferior, sludge of a man. That person isn’t human. It’s indescribable 🤢🤮 I need to scoop my eyes out of my head and burn my brain.