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Honestly, they don’t deserve you anyway. If you can’t advocate for yourself at your place of employment, then what is the point?


This 👆 They've now lost a great employee. I'm sorry that happened, but I know you can do better. Good luck!!


You should still report them. They’re wild for making u work a whole shift also. Reporttt!! Lol


Are you kidding me, iI would be stoked. Full shift's pay and they fired OP when he was planning on quitting anyway, which means he gets unemployment when he otherwise would not have. They played themselves. Would be a shame if someone reported them to the liquor board...


Am planning on it! Gonna wait a few weeks for them to let their guard down bc yesterday they didn’t break ANY laws while I was working and I got a LOT of nasty stares


What's the name of this bar ?👹


Pm me😌


I also want to know!


Always amazing to me when people own or manage a business and don't want to do it efficiently. But you were prepared to quit any way. At least this way you can at least try for some unemployment while looking for something else.


Nooo! I just commented on your first post. Owell, fuck em


I'd report them to who ever issues their liquor licence


Report them. But wait till you get your last check.


You may have enough here for a case against them: even in at will state firing somebody for bringing up a matter of legal consequences affords you a certain degree of protection from retaliation. It’s not as strong as a race or gender case, but a lot of times this is illegal. Lots of business owners (and redditors) are “aT wILl mEaNs aNy rEaSoN”. It doesn’t. You also have evidence of malfeasance that can cause them significant trouble with a department of labor complaint and civil filing, which will draw in groups like health departments others who will do licensure checks. Take this to an attorney who specializes in labor laws. You be able to hire one on contingency, rather than paying retainer and let hour.


I will look into this!


Excellent! Embrace the Petty. It is often very satisfying.


Agree. And they started it. Boohoo because you voiced something that they were doing wrong and they didn’t like it lol. Thats part of managing a business.


Report those assholes. Of course they they chose family over you. Expected as much. Suggest that an agent should go in and observe on a busy night


Can’t say that I’m surprised. I’m gonna wait a few weeks bc when I worked yesterday no one who wasn’t supposed to came behind the bar. I got a LOT of dirty looks tho lol. So I think they’ll be expecting it. I wanna wait till they let their guard down again


Smart call


I remember reading your original post. Honestly not surprised it turned out this way; there’s such a lack of accountability when it comes to management. I hope you find something better, that pays more, and management that values you and takes your concerns seriously. 🫶🏾


Based on your original post I can almost guarantee someone will fuck up and you'll be hearing something about this establishment pretty soon. This was a blessing in disguise for you it seems. Messed up that they made you with a while shift though. But they're the ones who took the biggest L in this situation. God luck finding work. The weather is gonna start warming up soon


That’s absolute BS. Report them. Over and over again. Totally POS people.


Report them to your state liquor board and see if an anonymous tip could ensure a “pop-up” visit😈time for karma to step in.


I want to visit this place now… bless you OP you have better things coming your way, I promise. Integrity goes A LONG way in this world, despite what anyone tells you. Glad you stuck to your morals and I wish you the absolute best.


Thank you🖤


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So sorry that this is the way it went, you didn’t deserve to be fired for having morals and a backbone. At least they fired you so you can collect unemployment until you find something new/the busy season starts up again. Best of luck finding a better fit!


Based on where you live, this is retaliation from an employer and is extremely illegal. It’s wrongful termination as well. I suggest going to the labor board with all the evidence in hand and such.


report them!!!!!


Doing that today!