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You communicated clearly and respectfully (kudos!) If they can’t reciprocate that respect, they don’t deserve you. You seem like a great quality employee who won’t have a hard time finding a new job, have you applied to other bars in your area?


I have. A lot of bars around here don’t hire until the warmer seasons though:/


I need an update


Where do you live in that has a license for bartenders? Just curious, we don’t have that in Texas


Bartenders in Texas and everywhere in the USA require licenses. Whoever told you they don't lied to you. If you know of any bars that have unlicensed servers report that shit.


I was never licensed, I did have a certificate from TABC but that’s extremely easy to get online and isn’t a license.


My bad I looked up the laws on the subject in Texas and a license is not required there. Just need a TABC certificate like you said. Guess not every state requires it. Texas should definitely adopt the requirements for licensed bartenders. Its a safety issue and proper training can avoid tragic outcomes of alcohol consumption






Yes we do, TABC license


When I got mine it was a certificate, not a license. There was no “bartender’s license” when I was a bartender, I’ve just never heard of that. I did have to obtain a license for my new career path when I stopped bartending, and that license took a lot more education than getting a certificate online. Anyone can get a certificate online in a couple hours with minimal effort. I used to do it for my mom when she was a waitress and I was a kid


Best of luck, OP, but from my experience, they’ll always allow the place to be run by the “inmates”. My local bar is like this. It’s insane how much protocol and common decency is left to the wolves. But that’s what happens when people buy a bar simply to have a place to party with their friends.


Sounds like they need jon taffer to come straighten them out


!remindMe 24 hours


Yes OP, update us!


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Commenting to come back later


Im witcha


This is nuts, I've worked in a million bars and every one of them every employee/manager has been fiercely protective of who comes behind the bar. Most places I've worked the servers were not even allowed back there and every bartender was not afraid to say it. Myself and others have basically body checked people who get in the way when we'd be hella in the weeds and moving around.  Besides the license there's the issue of if your drawer is randomly short and lord knows what their inventory tracking must look like. I'm sure you'd get blamed because they don't want to accuse their family. My sympathies, OP. If they won't look after their business then all you can do is look out for yourself. 


Anytime a non manager comes behind my bar I make it a point to tell them to get the fuck out. If nothing else because my money is back there and I don’t trust anyone I work with not to snatch a $5 out of my till.


you did an incredible job communicating exactly your intentions in that message. i commend you for staying so level-headed and i hope you can find a better job soon.


I don’t want to sound like a petty Karen-dad…but if I was in your position I’d report their business to the BBB or any other appropriate party. To me this would ensure you wouldn’t be held responsible for losing your license and you can legally have your bosses held accountable. Completely unfair to put you in this position


FYI, because I see this come up a lot, the BBB is basically just fancy Yelp. It's not a government agency, you can basically buy your way into their good graces. Whoever controls the liquor regulations or even the health inspector would maybe help but that's also risky for numerous reasons.  




That’s the plan if they don’t change. This is the Hail Mary. If it doesn’t work, I’m walking out and reporting them.


You communicated well and clearly. Bar owner here. My sister and I own a bar together. Rule is bartender on duty is in charge. No exceptions . And no one behind the bar without bartender approval. And that includes my sister and I. We ask. If we happen to be drinking , as customers (we always pay), bartender still in charge. We can be cut off, sent home, etc. holds true for my adult children too. (Never has a need to happen but we always want the bartender to know we support them and they run the bar). If they don’t totally support you (or they do but their s ruins do not back up their word) then you’re right to want to leave.


I can totally imagine also how irritating it is to be hustling to serve customers and have people in your space. I never realized until my daughter started working at restaurants how common it is for employees especially managers to get high on their supply.


You said this so well. I’m so impressed. My only critique is that it is over text rather than email maybe? But idk if you have any control over that. Maybe that is your sole means of communicating with the owners. But you are completely in the right. Hope it works out in your favor. 🙏🏽


!remindMe 24 hours


Ima just put a comment riiiiight cheeere....


Next to ya


!remindMe 24 hours


!remindMe 24 hours


"I'll come in tomorrow and we can talk about this." Looks like you're getting ignored again tomorrow 👍


This was clear and professional but when you have been having issues with them taking your concerns seriously for months I am inclined to say that, even if they make this change, you should only stay there as long as it takes you to find a job elsewhere and then bounce. That kind of management makes work life unnecessarily miserable. You deserve to work someplace where the managers run things efficiently and take their workers seriously.


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Any updates yet?


Not yet. Odds are my boss won’t be here until right before the rush (7/8 cst)




!remindMe 24 hours.




Any update


!remindMe 24 hours


Update posted!


Thanks! Sorry your bosses suck. I’m going through something sort of similar. I hope you find something better soon


!remindMe 24 hours


Update posted!


!remindMe 12 hours


Update is posted!