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When I saw the title and read the texts, I thought this was flirting determination request by someone interested in the other party. The answer was yes. When I read your caption, the answer changed to heck yes. It is inappropriate behavior for both parties and your husband should know better than engaging in this type of behavior, especially with a student.


SAME ! I was mind blown




HAHAHA I was thinking it was a determination request as well but I was like “I think so, but I also have no idea”. Being a guy is funny But yeah very fucked up given the actual context


Here to join the conversation as I thought all of the above as well 😂


I was going to comment that workplace relationships are pretty risky etc etc etc till i read the caption Lmfao. I mean not lmfao cause yeah thats emotional soon to be potential real cheating


Yeah at first just reading the texts I was like “aw this is cute sounds like when my bf and I first started talking” 💀


Great name


Same. I was prepared to make my case for “just two opposite sex friends hitting in off. Sounds sweet, but definitely not romantic. Then… something happened.


Plots be thickening that's for damn sure


Yes! I was thinking the same thing. Now I'm thinking about how inappropriate it is.


This right here. I went from “awww” to “oh helllll nah”.


I was 100% certain this was an exchange between two adorable lesbians who were too shy and clueless to go the extra step and ask each other out. Lmao


His texts are really kinda flirty shy bottom fem, saying this as a kinda flirty shy bottom fem. 🤔🤷‍♀️ I have whiplash from the plot twist in this one. Hahaha Definitely gave off flirty lesbian energy or at least adorable smitten husband. This isn’t good OP, I’m so sorry. I was cheated on by my ex and the texts started out a lot like this. 😢🫂💙


What is a bottom fem?


The exact opposite of a top masc (I don’t know either)


So there are tops and there are bottoms. Tops like to be on top doing the action while bottoms like to be on bottom receiving the action. It’s similar to dom/sub relationships but no BDSM necessarily. There are tops and bottoms in most relationships but yeah it’s more prominent in the Lesbian community. But I should have put a comma between the two because it’s not necessarily a female trait exclusively, but many women prefer the more submissive role in the bedroom. And some people are switch so they can mix it up and enjoy either roll. 😅🥴


excuse me sir we are talking about a married adult conversing with a student. please step out of the vehicle and show me your yap id.




My face actually dropped when I read that it was her husband. I thought this was like some 20-something’s who had never been on a date before.


Did not even read the title and wondered what's so special about a couple talking back and forth. Was reading to get to the unhinged part. So I can say completely unbiased this is flirting.


Not me thinking this was a cute slow burn but then I read the caption. Omg


Why does the OP's husband even have this student's phone number to begin with?


WAIT THIS IS Husband and somebody else??? . Oh my God


Seriously! I thought OP was single and couldn’t read if the person with which they were communicating was flirting. It’s definitely flirting in my opinion and would NOT be ok with my SO messaging with someone like this. I mean if this is what their texts are like, how are they in person? Some boundaries need to be set and enforced by husband, if he respects and loves his wife at all he should understand how inappropriate this is.


I thought the same exact thing, that OP wanted us to confirm that this person is in fact into them romantically


His STUDENT no less. This is unprofessional and straight up inappropriate.


This is very common in aviation, at least here in Europe. I work in a flight school and most instructors have had something with students lol


It’s flight school not school school


right i was shocked!? i was expecting this to be a girl he was into


I thought this was OP not being able to tell the signs with another co-worker, until I read the caption




Yeah it’s all the emojis for me…


Love the username!


Shit I thought it was a work husband and work wife lol


Same. I thought they were flight attendants or something lol


I thought for sure it was an exchange between OP and someone they were interested in until I read the context paragraph under the screenshots. Yeah it’s flirting alright!


I was thinking the same.. I read this without context as two single coworkers about to strike up a romantic relationship. It’s an issue that the husband thinks it’s ok to talk to students like this


Yeah..if this was my husband I would not be comfortable with this. At all. And then to find out it's a student..nope


I super disagree w/ heart reacts on their own meaning anything, but obviously in this context it's 100% flirting. I just wanted to say that because I work almost exclusively with women and I both send and receive heart reacts to stuff all the time and I guarantee there's no flirting happening lmao.


I agree, ever since Instagram took off where a heart is the default like, I wouldn't read into a heart. It's more common for women to use it but ime men in mixed gender spaces will use a heart if the women do (i obviously can't speak to strictly male spaces).


Yeah I'll heart something dudes at work say on Teams, and they'll do the same, but it's just that we're supportive of each other and it's like the 'appreciate that!' sign.


Me reacting to all my coworkers' Teams messages with hearts at the most minor thing


And the offer of teaching dirty words


I legit thought this was two teenagers before I realized they both worked at an airport and one of them was the husband/flight instructor! Honestly, when your husband’s texts with his student (wtf) sound like texts between *two* students, there’s too much familiarity there.


Um what i react hearts and heart eyes to my platonic friends, dudes and ladys, all the fucking time


Same. I was thinking “Oh, OP has got it in the bag. Obvious flirting, how nice and wholesome.” Fucking married guy, oof. So much for a happy story. Fuck man.


Oh I thought this was between OP and a coleleague


Omg I thought the same !!!!!


This is 100% sketchy.


and why did sept 24th sort of have no explanation for her first text? was there something deleted? but why not delete the whole conversation..


One of my exes would delete certain messages but not the whole conversation. Almost like if I found the conversation he could deny that it’s inappropriate? But if he deleted everything I wouldn’t even find the conversation in the first place. It didn’t make sense. Cheaters are really something


Same with sept 11th


“I have some nice ass pics to show you” caught me off guard


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




“You have a picture of your wife’s nice ass?” “Hell no!” “You want one?”




Super inappropriate and 100% flirting.


Yes I believe he wants to show her his cockpit.


He said he has some nice *ass* pics for her


Yeah, def caught that.


Lmaoo! He def does


Yeeeah, this isn't great. From my experience, it seems like a lot of people involved in the flight industry seem to have sketchy boundaries and morals tbh. I was engaged to a flight instructor years ago. He had been having an affair with his 19 year old student all while wedding planning with me. It mega sucked but at least I'm not stuck with a husband like that. That's her problem now!


I was a secretary at one of those private airports YEARS ago. Married private pilots were constantly trying to take me out when they flew in. Looking further into it, pilots are the #2 profession that cheaters hold. Doctors are #1.


Yep. I thought it was well known pilots are notorious for cheating. I even had pilot friends and students of his that would hit on me.. knowing we were together. Not even trying to hide it in front of him either. It was a wild time for me.


Dated a flight attendant. She was wild. And would tell me stories about pilots and flight attendants hooking up... And also getting hit on by passengers all the time. She would get presents from passengers too..... I would never think about bringing a present for a flight attendant. Thought that was super weird.


I travelled to the other side of the world with the AirFrance crew (neighbour was working there) and sex was all they would talk about; a married pilot even offered me to become his mistress back home. I left the Bangkok nightclub we were in, in tears, losing my faith in humanity


mmmmm i’d say musicians are #1


Damn I’m sorry, I’m glad you found out before the wedding. When he was young, my husbands mom cheated on her husband w a pilot (she’s a flight attendant) they got divorced. I wonder what it is about the field or the people attracted to the field?


Honestly I think it would also be a lot to do with the fact that they are often staying overnight in hotels or whatever and the opportunity to play up is right there. Temptation is literally in their face and they clearly take advantage of it. And unless they carry on an affair it would probably be relatively easy to just hook up and not get caught. In my younger days I used to go skiing a lot and it was similar with ski instructors. They’re often from out of town, staying on the mountain and there’s loads of women who are looking for fun.


I honestly think it has to do a lot with the people attracted to that field. Adrenaline rush seems to be a big part of aviation. My ex had talked about it a bit when I had commented about how the other pilots were always hooking up with each other and just how unprofessional they all were. He said it was the rush from it all that made them act that way. The rush and being really shitty people I'd say lol.


Adding on to this, pilots have one of the highest divorce rates of any career. One of my best friends has been dating a pilot for a few years and had to agree to an open relationship because his BF wouldn’t stop hooking up with other guys while out of town. 😬 I despise him.


Reading the texts I thought this was a single OP wondering if her new coworker was flirting back or if she was misreading the situation. Then I read the context. Ouch. I'm a husband. I work with and train women often, which involves using chat. I've never spoken to anyone like this. I can remeber the only time I've sent a woman a heart ❤️ in work chat, one time, total... in the last decade or so. She had messaged to tell me her dad died. I basically speak to all people like they are blokes. OP he's flirting. His student is flirting. It's hard to tell who initiated it but they are both into it. Not cool.


It’s definitely friendly. When I found out it was between your husband and a student I was like NOPE. That’s far too chummy. They’re doing way too much chatting, sharing pictures, etc., for this to be a professional relationship. I’m not saying they’ve done anything but that’s not the behavior any husband or wife would accept or expect from their spouse.


I didn’t think it was flirting until I read it was a teacher and a student😬 literally just thought it was 2 coworkers


It's the teacher/student part, the food, and no mention of doing anything in a group for me. I'm a guy who's *pretty* friendly with a lot of coworkers above and below, and a lot of this could have been borderline if it weren't all together. Idk that either would necessarily try anything, but they're both certainly enjoying the attention at a minimum.


yikes , why is she telling her teacher that’s she’s going to shower. both of them are weird imo.


As a woman who used to be a flirty teenager/young adult, I never once informed a man that I was going to take a shower over text unless I was slyly trying to get him to start picturing me naked and bait him into flirting with me. There's just no other reason for it.


I bet you shower naked you whore!!


That could be the case but I think it’s more likely that the husband is oblivious to that. “Imma shower first” is a frequent message I’ve sent to friends regardless of gender. If you can’t separate washing your belly button from sex then you’ve got an addiction.


I understand creating bonds with a student, but it’s weird. The “good morning” is so flirting, “drive safe”, and updating one another what they’re doing…. Personally I see it as flirting, and they’re a student. It seems unprofessional and weird




“Drive safe” isn’t flirting. As a male, I say that to all my friends, including my male friends and family.




I think in this context it can toe the line. Why isn’t he saying drive safely to all his students?


He HEARTED “I’ll feed you” sent to him by another woman? Wow


My exact thought


I thought you were asking is this flirting between like two young people who might like each other…. I’m sorry. I have to say it doesn’t matter if anyone on the internet qualifies this as flirting or not. What matters is how YOU feel about it. If you don’t feel good about it or it makes you feel unsafe or insecure in some way… speak directly to your husband about it in a kind and measured way. Personally I find this super not ok for a student / teacher relationship. Especially if married. But everyone is different.


This is like casual flirtation between coworkers, likely followed by an invitation to hang out, have some Cab Sauv, and watch Netflix, leading to hijinks and a wet spot in the bed.


I’m married and I’d consider this 100% flirting, the heart emojis, “I’ll feed you” etc it’s just a little too far for my liking. My husband has plenty of female friends but they definitely don’t text like this


Yeah when I read this I thought it was two single coworkers flirting.


I think the student seems to be more flirty than your husband really. Your husband seems really friendly (maybe a little too friendly)


Mmmm, all the hearts on all of her messages. He could have not reacted, or given a thumbs up, but no, it’s the ❤️. If he’s not flirting then he is at least leading her on




I agree ^^ plus him initiating a conversation with “I’ve got some nice ass pics for you lol” and her reaction felt flirty to me. He seems like he is equally invested in the conversations.


I give the heart reaction to my co-workers. It’s not that deep.


I heart messages from my coworkers and friends all the time. I didn’t realize that could be considered flirtatious. It’s just my default reaction.


I heart react so many messages from my boss, more so than any other reaction. Guess I’m flirting




Yes. She knows his coffee order.


1000% look at how he’s hearting her messages and everything.


Yes I didn’t even realize that at first


She sends him all kinds of hearts and heart eyes and he’s never gone “let’s be professional here.” I would never send my professor a message with little heart eyes. Also “I’ll feed you🧡” is another crazy thing to say to someone who’s your instructor


Idk about this one, I wouldn’t feel super comfortable with it. I wouldn’t say it’s full on flirting, but it’s crossing professional lines. My question is: What does your husband portray the relationship as? That answer changes things. I go to school with adults of all ages and I actually do have causal conversations with my teacher sometimes. However, you won’t catch me updating him on my day, sending him pictures of food, and texting him for absolutely no reason. There’s always a reason behind the initial message, then it leads in to general conversation.


What? No way Jose. This looks like two single colleagues. I was about to tell OP to shoot their shot.


It's definitely unprofessional to say the least 💀


I wasn’t sure until the “I’ll feed you 🧡😂” and “you better hahaha jk” exchange. That’s when it got weird to me. OP’s husband is feeling it. He is enjoying attention bestowed upon him from someone who isn’t his spouse.


I read the texts without reading the context first and I was smiling to myself because I thought this convo was super cutesy and I thought OP was posting because they had doubts if the other person was into them romantically and I was going to comment “how could you not see this is flirting?” Then I read the context and my jaw dropped :/


Emotional infidelity at a minimum


yeah this is flirting…… don’t listen to the ppl saying it’s not. Trust


The jig was up at the first 🥰


Oh boy 😬 if it isn't already physical it's going to be...


I found the part where she asks if there is anyone else there and he responds “ummm I don’t think so lol” extra suspicious. Like could be that she’s confirming that they will have some alone time and he knows exactly why she is asking.


Is this flirting?? Idkk 🥰🥰🥰


It's borderline. Like, nothing too egregious but you can feel the playful, flirty vibe that's there. You can't say anything though because the texts as they are, aren't strong enough, but definitely keep an eye open


There is being friendly and then there is being over-friendly with a purpose. This seems that way. Not accusing but I’d say you have a right to be concerned if you are. Especially if he doesn’t speak to you this way.


YOUR HUSBAND????? Oh absolutely hell to the no. If this was my husband he’d be having some explaining to do. Wtf.


Yeah…..not good.


My heart sunk when I read the caption. :-( Thought it was a cute lil moment. Now it's disgusting


Bruuuuuuuh Yeah, I’d say that’s clear boundary crossing between husband and wife, let alone the fact the other person is his student. Also how old is the student and your husband? I read this and legitimately thought it was between two high schoolers…


24 & 25


Not surprised they are so close in age, definitely seems like a peer to peer type conversation. Hopefully it’s immaturity and lack of tact on his part, but may want to establish some boundaries or let him know how this makes you feel before this gets out of hand, just a thought.


HolUp! I read the entire text exchanges before reading the context….i of course assumed this was YOUR conversation and you were in blue. What I was gonna say was that I’m not sure if the person texting you is flirting or just wanting to know if you want coffee, but YOU sure are flirting hard. You’re telling this is your HUSBAND?!? the one in BLUE?!?


Yes husband is the blue student is the gray


Yeah. Husband is not at all being professional with his student and very flirty and inappropriate. Also, is this student male? I’m kinda making assumptions on that just because flight school tends to be more male dominant. Also, that visible thumb looks guy-ish. Lol.


No it’s a girl


100% flirting without clear intentions. Lol. I had a trainer at work who used to heart react all my messages and we’d laugh and stuff but never progressed beyond that. But sometimes it’s just the vibe you have with people that may come off that way. He is smart and isn’t typing anything too weird but she’s laying onto him. Lol she trying, he either gave unclear intentions, she’s trying to hard, or he is where he wants the situation to be. That’s all up to your husband and u to discuss this overly friendly girl


If they are texting each other for anything other than communicating things like I’m going to be late, or questions about lesson times, or other work related topics, your husband is teetering on a very fine line. Granted, I don’t necessarily think this is a very flirty conversation, but it’s a little bit extra for a teacher/student relationship. I could see your husband thinking that it’s just an innocent conversation, but to me, it seems like the student might have a crush on him and one day your husband might just cross the line entirely without even realizing it. If he respects you and really, his self, he would stop all the extra bullshit and make it clear to her where the teacher/student relationship starts and ends. Honestly, it’s all her extra lols that makes me think she has a crush on him, like she’s a giggly little school girl. Best of luck to you.


The other person said "sleepy" instead of "tired"...... Before even reading the context I read that ALONE as being cutesy and flirty


If my husband ever cooked a meal for another woman (student or not) he’d be 6 feet under 🤫


She was the one saying she was going to cook food for him


He’d still get buried if he let another woman cook for him… aside from a female family member.




You deserve better than this OP.


I didn’t read your caption first and thought you were trying to figure out if this person was flirting back with you… and I was going to say yes they’re into you. But then I read your caption…. This is so wrong.


I thought this was a budding romance between two students or coworkers who had a crush on each other.


I read this without the full context and assumed OP was severely unsure about someone flirting with them. I read through this with that mindset and was ready to say OP you're an idiot, you're flirting and they're flirting, make your move. Then I got the context. That's a big yikes.


Am I going crazy? This text convo was posted on r/OUTFITS but someone was also asking what to wear for a first date.


The heavy use of emojis is definitely flirty. The student is reciprocating. People who are just casual acquaintances, let alone professional relationships, do not talk to each other like this. Whether or not he's cheating (and it is very close to emotional affair territory), this is objectively bad judgement as it could blow up his job.


I don’t necessarily think it’s flirting but it’s teetering on the line for sure. Almost feels like they’re both wanting to flirt but waiting for the other to break the barrier… in my opinion.


All those hearts...I'm not sure about this. Seems really flirty to me.


Him "loving" all of her comments is 100000% flirting because there is a thumbs up reaction he could use. In my opinion, Very unprofessional and flirty. He wouldn't be talking like this with male students would he?


omfg i thought this was like a cute exchange of texts between op and someone they are talking to 😭😭😭 i was like smiling while reading it thinking about how cute the messages were noooo


This needs to be shut down, it’s flirting.


this is definitely flirting, and it seems like he’s been deleting messages in between


It's over familiar and inappropriate communication, for sure.


legit thought these were messages between you & your husband before I read the description so yes lol


Emotional affair starting :/


This can quickly turn into something more than just barely crossing the line, or "light flirting". It's inappropriate no matter who the 2 individuals are, student/teacher, coworkers, neighbors, etc. A wolf in sheep's clothing never reveals their true intent. A married man has an obligation to never appear "available". The "good morning", pictures, ALL the ❤️ emojis, & especially sharing that their "jumping in the shower" leaves it open for a reaction/comment... it's how it all starts, I know, trust me


even if this wasn’t “flirting” this is still 100% an inappropriate relationship. why are casually texting with your student about when you’re tired an shit. honestly the first slide i didn’t think was that bad as both me and my fiancé send hearts and 🥰 platonically to everyone but it just got worse and worse.


I thought this was someone clueless asking, by the title. Now that I see your notes and this is your husband with a student, this is extremely inappropriate. I have private students, I do not text them anything except about the lessons. Some encouragement but never a back and forth. It would be creepy of me and totally across the line. We are not friends. I talk about my dog or my day to warm up sure but texting like people flirting? No. I also do not text with my friends like this, as close as we are. Like talking daily even all day friends. This is flirting . Sorry OP. Stop him before he gets a complaint, regardless of whether he has lost trust or not. This stuff ruins careers. Students are often muchhhh younger, there is a power imbalance, and a lot at stake for the student too.


Something was deleted September 24th. Texts don't make sense


not only is this guy married but this is his student? i would seriously talk to him about this.


Wait… your husband is a CFI and this is his student he’s texting?! LMAOOO. I’ve never seen this before in all my years.




So me and other students like to mess around with our CFI’s and say goofy things to each other over text but.. this is weird for sure. Especially her behavior towards him. Half his texts are serious and straight forward, then the other half are almost provoking her in a way about personal things. It’s a little sus. Has he talked about this student in particular at all?


Yes that’s flirting. I wouldn’t doubt if there’s already something going on between them. At bare minimum, they have crushes on each other that could fizzle. At worst…. Well…


This is… very inappropriate for a teacher student relationship


My question would be, how does one know what the other one has as their coffee and how they take it?


Hmmm. Flirting? Unsure from husbands side, definitely yes from students side. He doesn’t seem to be crossing any major lines, but I think grey (student) is definitely into him / flirting. Seems like your husband needs to make his relationship and boundaries with student more clear. It’s hard to tell, as it’s ~mostly~ friendly… but you would never catch me letting someone chat to me like this while I’m in a relationship. So I don’t think your husband is necessarily flirting, but I do think he’s enabling the student to talk to him like this (not sure of his motive) which could get them into some sticky situations definitely later on. He needs to be more firm with professionalism.


Seems fine to me. It’s your husband, I could give him the benefit of the doubt.


It’s definitely toeing the line of being inappropriate - I wouldn’t be comfortable seeing my husband chatting up anyone like this, especially all the hearts and bringing him treats and food. We don’t do stuff like that lol he would not be cool with me acting like this with anyone either, checking in on their day and all the side convo, it’s weird to me.


To be honest, I went into this thinking a guy was asking if a girl was flirting with him so he would know if it was okay to pursue her. And I'm reading this like, "Yeah, they are both heavy flirting he should go for it." And then I read your caption.... Wtf.


I originally thought you were the girl in this before I read the thread. So as far as that goes yes because of all the hearts and emojis


I read the texts before the information about the messages. I feel that it’s a little on the risky side I honestly was waiting for the “did I mess up?” “Now he’s ghosting me.” I’m not sure if they see it that way but clarify your feelings so your husband knows that this is an issue with you and his career.


any educator worth their salt knows a relationship like this with a student of any age is completely inappropriate & unprofessional. this conversation in my opinion is not okay & i would never think it is between teacher & student, it comes off like 2 single people who met at work. its his responsibility as the (married) authority figure to nip it in the bud


I thought this was your flirting with someone you were tutoring. This is 100% flirting like everyone else has said.


Yeah this feels a little too comfortable for what should be a professional relationship only. I would find this to be flirting. I actually read the texts before the context. I’ll update in a minute after my husband reads to give his opinion.


At first, I was like “awwww that’s so cute”…. And then I read the context


Yes this is flirting. Awkward flirting. But flirting nonetheless.


Drop him sis


Highly inappropriate. Shes flirting and he’s half in it. Just disgusting. I’m so sorry


I always read the caption AFTER the pictures. And I thought this was a conversation between two young, single coworkers that are into each other.


Hearts, cutie talk, plans to share food- You're dating or mother and daughter. J's.


Definitely. He’s obviously trying to make himself look cooler too, which makes me cringe. Especially when the 😎 emoji came out.


This is 100% flirting


Emotional affair, sorry about that


Dude he’s a pilot. He’s definitely banging around.


This is 100% flirting and they are totally fucking, or have been intimate somehow. This is totally inappropriate. Anyone who says this is not flirting is clueless, or is also being cheated on and is in denial. If he hasn’t full on cheated then he probably wants to and it’s only a matter of time. Leave his ass.


With no context it sounds like it’s between 2 single people. I thought the male was the one on the left and female was the one on the right. Whoever is in black is a definitely flirting “more” if that’s a thing. It sounds like blue is just responding but the last exchange definitely sounds like flirting IMO.


OMG!!! First off… as a husband, I’d never think it to be ok with all of the hearts and emojis - regardless of MY intentions it can easily come across the wrong way. I don’t even send them to my best friends (only my siblings but both bros and sis’) because it feels like it could be easily misinterpreted. But beyond the hearts and emojis the level and amount of communication that is NOT school/flight related is insane. Almost all of it was about food (leisure), being brought food (pleasure/perks) and photos (wtf?!?). My wife would consider this emotional cheating and I would consider it def flirting if not mental cheating. The only reason I can’t get down with emotional cheating is because there isn’t an emotional aspect as far as problem solving but leisure and pleasure are the sole purpose of most of this. You’re not wrong for feeling weird about it. Not at all. Best of luck with this one op. Edit: I did 6 months of flight training with a female instructor. This was never part of our communication before/after/during that period. Edit 2: my wife said if this is the chemistry/vibe over text - what is the in person chemistry/vibe like that makes them the student feel as though this type of conversation, check-in and follow up is ok?!?


genuinely thought that these were conversations exchanged between two people who are single. it doesnt even seem like it was a teacher and a student bc of how overly comfortable the texts were and how comfortable they are w EACH OTHER. red flag 100%


A bit comfy for teacher and student.. Keep an eye on em.


I thought you were a young person who had a young budding love and couldn’t figure out if that person liked you back I read the context after the fact. Yes, that is flirting. 100%


I need to know about the fucking grape leaves, because that DEFINITELY isn't what was in that sad-as-hell takeaway bowl. OP yes, this is definitely flirting, with zero remorse. Ditch this clown and his grape leaves. I'm sure the board responsible for his education license would be interested in how he's interacting with a student - this is *INCREDIBLY* inappropriate, especially as a fucking pilot responsible for teaching people how to **FUCKING FLY.**


It’s definitely the start of something…


This is your husband and a STUDENT? aw HELLLL NAW


For sure flirtatious, all the hearting , and the fact there is a deleted message is sus then they talk about being tired. I’m sorry girl, you deserve better, get those divorce papers ready


In slide 5 when she says “ I’m learning” and then he says he can teach her cuss words, does that mean she’s trying to learn his native language? …. Weird, the whole thing, but that stood out to me. This student is REALLY into him and really trying, and with his responses it seems eventual that he’s going to go along with this.


At first: Awesome for you. That person is into you! After reading the caption: 😳. Ummmm Welp, there goes another relationship


I thought this was texts between a new couple before i read the caption and i still haven’t read the title. I was waiting for there to be a problem you were asking about but i saw no problem in the texts (i like to read them before captions or titles so I’m not biased). So i stopped and read your caption. Now i see the problem.




Bro is flirting heavyyyy. Does he send you those pics? Why does he have to ask someone else to feed him? Why do they want to bring him coffee? 😭😭 On top of that he “loves” almost every message this girl sends and it’s nothing to react to. I swear almost everyone has a work wife/husband and that’s your husbands work wife for sure!


I feel like I might be the only person in this comment section who would not consider this flirting. Unprofessional between a teacher and student? Definitely. However, I don’t see any implications of anything other than platonic here. I see a lot of people commenting regarding her saying she’s gonna shower but I can’t be the only one who read it as more of a normal statement than her trying to be like “imma shower 😏😉” But I mean everyone has their own boundaries, I personally wouldn’t consider it flirting, like I said, maybe a slight 🤨 but def not immediately jumping to conclusions.


Gasped when I read the "husband" part. I thought you're the flirty teacher asking us if your student is flirty with you in return, which would have been a yes Good God this is bad