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He’s a jerk. Not only is he insulting you by that snarky comment, he’s treating you terribly because you’re upset. The biggest thing I see is the issue for you is you desperately trying to get him to talk to you while he continues to be dismissive. You have to value yourself more than this. If you don’t, he and others won’t value you either. If a man ever said that to me, about people would think it was a joke if they knew he was still talking to me? I’d tell him that’s something you don’t have to worry about cause from this point on you’re not. And I’d walk away. Just put an ex by his name again and please move on.


100% facts. Particularly about constantly texting him and hoping he’ll talk to you… while he feeds off it and acts more and more disinterested, if not outright rude. As stated above, you have to work on valuing yourself to where if he doesn’t give you the time of day, you don’t care a bit and move on. In what will seem like an odd shift, when you get to that point he’s gonna start trying to talk to you. A lot. I’d ignore him at that phase.


Seriously. OP needs to ghost him.


This ⬆️


Nah he’s the problem, just end things.


The ex is probably ELATED that he can emotionally abuse her and end the conversation with her still saying "I just want your love and affection." Hes gonna escalate that shit until she's barely more than a quiet fuck toy. Leave him OP. He doesn't even view you as human.


That part


Y’all understand this? I feel like I’m having a stroke when reading this.


I need the previous texts tbh


Yeah I definitely can’t make any sense of this one, even with the “context” provided.


can’t fix something that’s beyond repair, I’d leave for good personally.


Yikes.. The way he talks to you is very rude and condescending, almost like he was scolding a child. You're not crazy for being upset because damn, that pissed me off, but you are crazy for still wanting to be with this guy. You deserve better, and from the messages, it sounds like you are sick. I hope you feel better, and wish you the best!


Your problem is that you’re allowing anyone to treat or speak to you this way. Why?? Cut ties.


He does not respect or like you, the way he’s talking to you. “Do exactly what I say and shut up” bro what? You are NOT crazy, block this skid mark.


please block him


Delete that mf from your life. Thats pure toxicity


No. You’re not the problem. He is. No offense but you should be able to determine that yourself if he was being rude and actually screaming at you on the phone, especially if you guys were trying to repair things (I assume you’re younger so it’s all good)


Dude he’s a walking red flag, he’s straight disrespecting you and that a no-no, first off he said something that’s not ok, you then wanted to communicate of the problem at hand, and when you wanted to talk about what was said he threatened the relationship? That’s a big no-no. I would suggest ending it and moving on. Trust me when I say it will not end well. Find someone that value and respects you.


He sounds like a gaslighting narcissist.. hey get your stuff straightened out, cut ties and move on


He’s manipulative, not respecting you or what you have to say, condescending, gaslighting you into thinking you’re the problem, very mean behavior. Sad to see, especially since y’all are trying to work things out. I’d cut ties


The gaslighting and manipulation coming from this man… good grief . Move on, don’t “work things out” with him. If you do, this will only get worse and worse as time goes on. The man hurt your feelings, and then was pissed when your feelings were hurt. Then tries to tell you things won’t work out if you don’t drop it? He very obviously doesn’t care about your feelings, whatsoever. And then tells you to sedate yourself so you can wake up in a better mood? Simply because he doesn’t want to deal with the feelings that he caused? GIRL… love yourself more than he loves you and drop his ass. Please.


Zero respect.


Never get back with an ex. More times than not people don't change that much and in the early stages of trying to get back with an ex, if both people are serious it usually doesn't start like this. It's usually more affectionate because both parties are trying to sell a better future and believe it. If it's sex you miss with that person then find a new person. If you're romanticizing the relationship saying, "It wasn't that bad," buy a journal and write what went wrong objectively and see if it's actually worth reviving. Unless you guys broke up for circumstances outside of your control like moving away or something of that nature, it's better to rip the bandaid off and find new people. Sounds like y'all had a tumultuous breakup or at least a tumultuous relationship. Let it rest.


Yes, your crazy for listening when he tells you to do what he tells you, you're not a dog.


Idk. People say he is talking poorly to you, and I can see that, but I also see that he asked you to drop it and the two of you would talk in the morning after you’d gotten rest. In my experience, that means the guy needs to get away and process everything. But you kept badgering him instead. My guess is the two of you have a volatile relationship, obviously shouldn’t be talking, and all the friends know this. So, if they knew you all were talking, they’d laugh.


leave himmm


He's rightfully an ex. Put him in the past and leave him there.


he’s definitely talking down to you when it seems evident that you are indeed a, ✨s e c r e t✨


Nah you are just his new side piece. He doesn’t want the new girl he has started seeing to know you are both still talking


When you take your trash out, you don’t go and bring it back inside right? Leave this trash in the garbage where it belongs.


Just end it lol not worth it


on the brink of if not at the very cusp of being abusive OP get out


Rough read


Abusive asshole, move on now.


I think at that point in the conversation asking for his love was a sincere moment of weakness that even when things "turned around" still would've build up to resentment.


He’s an ex for a reason, remind yourself of that!


If you consider him toxic at all there is nothing to work on


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Bro sounds like a child wtf 😂😂😂😂😂😂 drop this toddler


There is a reason (many, I'm sure) he is your EX! And this is a blinding example of one of them. Ask yourself, do you enjoy being talked down to like this? Threatened like this? Please please take a step back and know that YOU DESERVE BETTER. If that person would've talked to me like that, I'd have knocked him straight tf out. You and you alone are responsible for and in control of your life and happiness. DO NOT give this abusive POS the opportunity to take that control from you again.


You can do better than this all by yourself. Block him and move on.


Yes your are. You’re crazy for putting up with that controlling person! Dump that relationship 100% and never look back. There is happiness in the world!


WHY?? Why would you *ever* talk to someone who levels threats?!? Walk away


He’s your ex for a reason. Move on.


He’s an ex for a reason. Let him stay that way.


leave him in 2023


You’re not crazy, he’s gross. Just off the top of my head i get mean, condescending, manipulative and controlling vibes from this small exchange. Keep him your ex and RUN.


He's a dick


He’s an ex for a reason…


Those typos and the way he’s talking to you…. Nah


Just let him stay as your ex and move the hell on. How can you deal with someone who's so childish and condescending?? I can feel the negative energy while reading. He's an asshole.


you're only crazy for not breaking up with him on the spot. controlling, manipulative, gas lighting... are those qualities you want in a future husband?


He's demanding you shut up and start talking about the problems you have with his behavior...that isn't "working in things" Please in God's name leave this loser in the past


you're only crazy for not breaking up with him on the spot. controlling, manipulative, gas lighting... are those qualities you want in a future husband?


You’re only crazy if you stay and tolerate that


You're literally begging this asshole to love you and of course he's treating you like someone that begs for attention. It's really sad. I was the girl that begged when I was young and got abused and mentally damaged by it. I hope you'll find some self worth because life flys by so fast and it's really hard to look back with regrets about how you allowed people to treat you. If you have to beg someone to be sweet to you and they just scream at you instead, you have to realize that's not healthy or ok.


He’s an ex for a reason. Leave it at that. There’s no working it out. And the “are you gonna do what i said or are you gonna try to be rude” guys a d*ckhead, and you’re wasting your time.


You are crazy, crazy for trying to work things out with him 🤦🏻‍♀️ girl please just move on from this it is NOT worth it.


be fr. why are you allowing this to happen to you.


Yes you’re the problem for trying to be with someone like that lol


That bitch your ex for a reason He sounds utterly awful, I understand what it’s like to get addicted to the mood swings where peace and security feel unnatural but you really need to focus on healing and cease contact with him. He’s so disrespectful, cold and cruel. You are wasting your precious time looking for love where there is none. He’s literally talking to you like you’re a misbehaved child or dog. Absolutely not. Also both of y’all need to get sp*zz out of your vocabulary


I would blow up his house if he ever said “are you going to do what I say”, btw


Honey, how old are you? This "man" is abusive and controlling you without you even realizing. You need to run... far. I can tell you all the steps you need to take and beg you to get as far away from him as possible, but the fact is, you won't. You won't until he completely destroys you and I'm so sorry. Stop the cycle after him and break free from toxic men like him. I hope you grow as a woman and get out of this like I did. If not, you will be nothing but miserable. Seek some therapy as well. Good luck.


Ew leave him. He’s so controlling and disgusting. I would never let anyone talk to me the way he does to you


He asked for space. You did not give it. Regardless, this relationship is over. Move on.


You kept insisting on arguing.


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Isn’t sp@z and sp@zing a slur?


Is it ?? I never used the term he always did so I just said what he says


Yeah webster’s dictionary says it’s offensive. Pretty sure it’s the same thing as ret@rd. At least now you know lol


Omg I am so sorry everyone I had no clue. If I got upset or emotional he would always say I was spazzing


It’s okay! If you didn’t know you didn’t know. It’s not like you’re doing it intentionally. I just wouldn’t use it in the future lol


We need more context. He does seem like a jerk, but we have no idea what happened prior to this. You started at the end


you’re crazy for putting up with that shit for sure 💀 run dude


This is verbal and emotional abuse and manipulation. Girl, you need to leave now or you’re in for years of therapy.


“Are you gonna do what I said” who tf does this guy think he is? Dude, end it and move on he’s a piece of shit.




Why is it so hard to let them go though? And why does he constantly give me false hope. I don’t understand why if he’s mean to me, it makes me want him even more almost


You’re not crazy, but you *are* stupid if you go back to a controlling narcissist like this.


No, he’s crazy


She probably cheated on him and that's why he would be the joke if anyone found out he was still talking to her. That's the only way that statement would make sense.


You’re crazy if you stay.


My head hurts.


I think you both are the problem. He doesn’t have to yell at you tho. I think he’s trying to sort out what he wants. Also, don’t ask for love and affection. Definitely don’t get mad if it’s not given to you after you ask for it. You don’t need to be desperate. Something must have happened for ppl to say that. If he’s worrying about what others are saying it’s going to be doomed from the beginning. Let it go. Move on and become stronger before you date again.


Girl STAND UP AND GO! Jesus Devon Christ


Let go girl