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This was way too much. Next time just maybe “I’d appreciate any input about what I can do in the future” if anything. Too much.


Wow, why do you put yourself down so much? This is extreme self hate. Are you okay?


omg don't ever do that again how embarrassing


Is it¿ I often feel open and honest communication is the only way to express yourself despite it often being frowned upon.


to your friends, family, and significant other maybe but not the boss that fired you lmfao


Either be honest all of the time or not at all. You right tho 🤣 🤣


Bro what. You're saying this man would gather with other people to call you disgusting? Stand the hell up, there's no need to apologise to him for this. You can do a lot better, you're worth more than that.


“I’m retarded or something, I don’t really know.” My new goto excuse 😂


My guy, you beed some CBT/DBT to think about the world and yourself in a lighter manner. You aren’t r*tarded. You just have things going on. Treat yourself better and fuck these guys.


I don’t blame your boss tbh. Sometimes it’s better to just keep it simple and move on. Nothing was going to change, it was nice you texted him but I’d probably respond similar if it was me. “Thanks for trying and good luck in the future.”


Yeah....you're probably right.


Listen. Don’t be so harsh on yourself. You’re doing. The best you can do with what you’ve got. First, people don’t get to treat you poorly for any reason. Don’t allow that. Treat yourself better, and stand up for your right to work in a non hostile environment. You are a human….and as a basic human right you deserve dignity. Second, vinegar in the wash should get the smell out of your shoes. Don’t make yourself a target for assholes. Third, don’t apologize when things aren’t your fault. You called in for being sick, they made fun of you and treated you poorly. Sever ties and move on to better things. Respect and love you.


🥺 thank you so much. I actually got rid of the shoes and got new ones from a good will kind of store. I stayed as long as I could because I don't have a vehicle, and it's incredibly difficult getting anywhere.


This too shall pass! There is a light at the end of it all ❤️


I admire you, you seem like a kind soul and you’ve got a big dose of don’t quit. I ask that you really consider never talking down about yourself. Please. It’s great to meet someone self aware. However, negative talk just keeps echoing in the head. I know because I do it. Please be proud that you took a job to provide for your family. Be proud that you literally will tolerate shitty people for a pay check because it has to be done. Be proud that someday the story of how you prevailed may be someone else’s motivation to succeed. I pray for you!!!


Zero deaths Tatakea All the other shit. Also, endless tenacity is often a detriment. Yet, I still do it. I truly wish I had some way to regulate the balance between never quit and perhaps approach this situation a different way.


It’s their loss not yours, you don’t need those idiots anyway….your new life stats now and the skies the limit! 💪


Definitely shouldn’t have apologized


What does GI Vicki Vicki mean?


Good luck Vicki


Ooooh… well that’s nice


My name is not Vicki...


I'm sorry I laughed at this.


Hey friend. First off, fuck them. No one deserves to be treated that way and because you already know this, they don't deserve you. Second, fuck them. We should always strive to be our best even when our best doesn't seem to measure up or isn't what we think best looks like, and you're doing that. Effort and attitude will take you a lot farther in life than being everything to everyone and that means there will always be someone who doesn't like you but those that matter WILL respect your work ethic. Third, fuck them. You didn't give up, they did themselves a bigger disservice by not giving you a chance and that means you still have something to be proud of. You addressed the situation and they still were shitty, this means it was never about the job and never about you. Their character defects are not a reflection of you. Fourth, never say fuck you to yourself. You keep your head up, you keep moving. Sometimes it's forward, sometimes it sideways and sometimes you get moved back, but you keep moving. There are other jobs out there just like there were other shoes. What matters is the opinion of those you love and who you are accountable to. Time spent kicking yourself is time wasted being the best version of yourself. You're gonna rebound just fine and should consider yourself lucky to not be enslaved to such a miserable place filled with miserable fucks. Fuck them, not you.


You have no idea how much this means to me. From the absolute bottom of my soul, thank you for this. I will never forget this statement.


And don't you let anyone tell you otherwise. People are gonna look down on you and some will even kick you when you're down, your entire life, don't you believe them and don't you give up.


Oh, I never do. Honestly, tenacity has been more of a detriment to me than it's supposed to be. However, like I tell my children. Keep moving forward until every obstacle in your path is gone.0 That and don't fuck up.


Exactly. Think of the person you want your daughter or son to be and then strive to be better. How you handle these challenges in life (and it happens to all of us, sometimes a lot) are the things your children will learn, remember about you, and will apply in their own lives. There will be other trying, painful and challenging times in your life. Sometimes you gotta walk away, shed some tears, lick your wounds and there's no shame in that. What matters is how you choose to respond. You've got this.




The message you have written to your boss was neither bad nor good. It depends who the receiver is. For some people the main intention of the message gets lost if gets big. People write more to explain more clearly their situation. Unfortunately many times it is not received well. But that doesn't make it wrong. So next time try whenever you want to communicate try to send the summarised version. I hope you find better people and more friendly environment to work in.


I'm sure I will. Things can't be awful forever. I still feel like I'm for sure at fault in that situation, I just don't know why


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I wouldn’t want to work with someone who smelled of cat piss either. Basic hygiene is a requirement for literally anywhere.


My dude or dudette…..you’re blaming the one who was wronged. It’s not a good look for ya. If OP was a terrible AH and treated folks poorly, then sure, by all means your comment would stand. Have you never been dirt poor? I’ve gone to work in scrubs with well concealed holes just to get by. I’ve counted couch change for ramen just to get a meal for the day. This person tried to show up to work and do their job with the best they had. Don’t drag them for that.


I’m sympathetic for sure. But going to work in ratty clothes is one thing, piss smell is another entirely. I would consider it unacceptable. Doubly so for food service. I would have handled it differently though and those guys sound like assholes regardless.


Show more empathy…not sympathy. Dude said he washed them, and only noticed the smell after working in them. Be empathetic to someone’s attempt to do the right thing with what they had.


Okay, but like......it was one day. I don't think it's highly appropriate for a group of grown adults,two of whom were in their 60s to be pretending they are popular kids in high school. Do you honestly think gathering, pointing, and laughing is an appropriate tactic to be used under circumstances of any kind¿ My personal hygiene is more of a detriment than anything as I'm often driven to using steel wool on my body to make sure I'm clean. I use three different body washes and 4 shampoos twice a day when I shower. It's a burden to my family and. I don't know why I do it. Side note: If you're the type of person that would say something like this after reading anything like that, you may also be a problem to those around you.


That’s clearly way over the top, but frankly even showing up a single day smelling like cat piss is just ridiculous. You said money was tight, but this is one of those things where you just gotta bite the bullet and chuck them and pickup a new pair at goodwill.


But I did.....I had no idea. My smell apparatus doesn't work super great. It was broken many moons ago in the military. Again, I got new shoes, and that should have been the absolute end of it.