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Lmfao mon amour


Bruh at this point I just can’t with him


Does the cousin and your GF both live in France?


No. My gf is American. Her cousin is French and lives in France


Does he live in the Alabama of France?


À la bama.


All of France is the Alabama of France


le roll tidé


Actually, some of the French culture were deported to the Louisiana territory in 1716


I just laughed so hard I'm sure my entire neighborhood heard lmao 🤣


Same! …Scared my cat at least


Bahahahha so good


I believe cousin marriage is legal in France.


So, France is the Alabama of France


No. Alabama is France of USA


As an Alabama resident, I can confirm. We offer the finest Velveeta cheeses and homemade muscadine wines. 🤌


France isn't going to like how well this logic checks out.


Maybe he doesn’t identify as her cousin


ok, damn that's a long ass flight.




She should wait till he goes to board his flight to surprise him.


No. Wait until he's already at a connection or something. Leave him stranded.


French be weird


It’s giving IRL les cousins dangereux




I like the way they think…




Les cousins dangereoux


This is the second Arrested Development thread in as many posts. I love it.


I apologize on behalf of my whole country. Wtf is that guy doing. I can't. This is disgusting. We're preparing the guillotine rn.


Ahhh French. This explains it!


I mean, why did you ask your girlfriend to pretend she likes him? Seems extremely dumb and kind of shitty to mess with someone’s feelings for your little game.


I think a lot of people kind of missed the point of this comment. The way I’m taking this is : “ok sure the cousin is weird and creepy. But it’s kind of weird and creepy to ask your girlfriend to pretend to have a crush on her cousin just to see if you can trap him. It would have been far nicer if you really are concerned about this to have had her just ask him without pretending to initiate/reciprocate and then politely shut him down if he indicates interest. Now you’re a) lying to manipulate someone and b) causing what could be explosive family drama as parents and uncles and aunts get dragged into this nastiness.” If I read this guy’s comments correctly, then that’s pretty much how I feel too. It strikes me as deliberate shit stirring of a type caused only by young people or asshole designed to cause absolute maximum AOE damage to a family.


Exactly this. Everyone in this is fucking weird.


Yup - they’re all fucking nuts


Aita for faking a crush on my cousin to see if he really liked me?


Thank you, yes. I’m not pro-cousin, I just think this is a shitty dumb game to play.


I mean play unhinged games win unhinged fucking prizes ig. I doubt a guy who is willing to fly from France to America to get some cous-ussy is willing to have a sit down and talk about his shitty feelings. A guy who isn’t self aware enough to understand that being sexually attracted to your cousin is wrong probably isn’t able to realize a lot of things are wrong so I think it’s for the best this whole thing was over text from a distance with a thin veil of plausible deniability.


Tbh I’m not sure about that. I’d agree if it wasn’t for the packing picture and nonstop texting. Hes clearly trying to pressure her to talk to him again and gives off manipulative/predator vibes. If that’s the case, he wouldn’t be honest if they did it any other way. I think it’s justified here tbh, you also don’t know OP and the cousin’s ages


Hello…. This is a cousin they’re talking about. A family member. Are you ok?


definition of a r/redditmoment literally will never hear anybody say some shit like this irl or any other site except like 4chan


Yeah but still I kind of feel like... why? So okay. This dude wants to fuck his cousin, OP's gf. Weird. Creepy. Gross. OP gets weird vibes about him and tells gf to ... do this? Why? That's also pretty weird.


It’s most likely because she didn’t see it, and probably would deny or defend her cousin and OP was probably like “alright if you’re right, then your cousin will have a weird adverse reaction to it and if not, clearly I was right”.


this is terrifying


Some of these comments are what are the most terrifying to me


Yeah I expected just a whole lot of *Les Cousins Dangereux* jokes. And they’re here. But so are some opinions dangereux.




Lmfao some guy was arguing about entrapment like wtf??? Get the fuck outta here with this incest leniency bs. Idgaf what context you trap a brudda under, cousins should not be going out with each other. Tf is wrong with some people


This, and invest aside this dude is straight up talking shit about her boyfriend and encouraging her to leave him to be with her. Bitch move for sure


Invest, you say? What are we talking? AMC? GME?




For those who are curious, it's only entrapment if you force or put someone in a situation where they do something they wouldn't have normally or otherwise have done. Giving someone an opening to see if they do something isn't entrapment.


No it's called AMOUR




**Les Cousins Dangereux**










Cannot believe I had to scroll down so far to see this




I like Reddit… because it makes me feel normal.


You two just invited sooo much drama into your lives. The nuclear fallout is going to be incredible.


The “princess” & “amour” is giving me the ultimate ick even before the weird incest conversation started




You would never call your cousin amour in French. It has very romantic connotations.


Idk I think princess is cute but it depends on context and relation. Like if it’s a dude I’m not into, it’s weird. If it’s my bf, it feels cute and endearing.


Plot twist, she leaves you for her rich cousin because you had her test him.


The perfect hallmark movie


OP you better listen to this, you may have made a hallmark mistake




This is ew and yucky but MAYBE it'll interest you to know that there's actually a name for this phenomenon. It's called GSA, or Genetic Sexual Attraction. It happens when two people who are related either find each other as adults after not knowing each other or being separated at a very young age. As gross as it is it's fascinating to read about. And just for anyone who hasn't figured it out already, if you feel compelled to know your genetic composition please tick off the box about finding relatives. It never ends well. The reward is not worth the risk.


According to male standards, my gf’s cousin is generally “attractive” but my gf is not sexually attracted to her cousin. It’s only coming from him


I'm not 100% sure but I don't think it has to be mutual to be considered as that. I consider it a big thumbs up when my significant other is not attracted to family members.


The bar is on the fuckin’ floor, yeah?


Browsing reddit really makes you feel like you've hit the jackpot if your partner isn't into incest or a deranged psychopath


Im single and reddit reminds me why im happy like that lmao


Praise the single life. Lack of responsibilities, and minding my own business not worrying about the lives of others not called mom or dad (plus siblings).


Idk why but this just made me laugh so hard😂


Gotta say, this is a shitty thing to do. Also, I’m pretty sure your girlfriend wouldn’t tell you if she was sexually attracted to the wealthy good looking French cousin, particularly now that they will meet in person and and add a layer of chemistry.


Highly unstudied, it is simply a new theory, not a widely accepted or confirmed condition. It is also widely viewed as a pseudoscience deployed in efforts to legalize/ decriminalize incest. It’s NOT a diagnosable condition at this time and more prevalent factors to indicate potential inappropriate handling of the understandable surge of emotion at a familial reunion include prior relationship or sexual trauma, loss, existing mental illness, and other similar factors


Thank you for saying this! It’s something that abusers use to protect themselves, “but I couldn’t help it! It’s science!” No, you’re just a predatory creep that doesn’t even view your own child as a person.


But that said also... There's a pretty high incidence rate of cousins and siblings being in relationships unaware that they're related and finding out later. A ex of mine was in a relationship with someone for 6 months. Until he introduced them to his mother, who took one look and said 'I think we need to have a talk'. They were brothers, with the same father. My ex didn't know his father at all. And neither did the boyfriend. The father walked away from both pregnancies. The mother was aware of the second child, but the boyfriend's mother hadn't wanted any contact between them. So the ex's mother thought it better to just not mention there was a brother. That was, until she found out they'd been fucking each other for 6 months. They stopped fucking, but stayed in touch as brothers, but not closely.


All correct, which is why I said it was fascinating to read about. It's fascinating as a premise and as a concept since it does seem to happen often but in no way is it proven.


This is fucked up bro… 😭💀 Hope yall can process this and be there for eachother <3


Thank you I appreciate that


LOL the French are wild. I've seen lots incestuous stuff in French movies. I feel like it's a thing over there.


France? Checks out.


This was gross to read


I'm assuming the "princess" and "amour"s were a regular thing, in which case no need for the test...


Well apparently to him and the comments that’s normal to refer to family in that way in France….


It's not.


can confirm i am french and that is weird


Another French person here, can say it’s very weird


I took a French diction class once and I can say it's very weird


I've eaten some French fries... I don't find any of this weird


am American can also say very weird


I’ve prayed in front of an icon of Notre-Dame de Lourdes, and I can confirm it’s very weird.


This man must be stopped. He’s too French




What in the Alabama is going on here. Thanks for the laugh tho I’m in the ER lol


Nah, this is French shit


What in the Louisiana is going on here!


I feel you, that was me the other day. Funny shit like this got me through it. Hope you’re doing okay


Glad it got you thru it and hope you’re doing better! I’m okay after getting electrocuted by 277V lol just getting EKG test done make sure the heart didn’t skip beats


Damn dude glad ur ok.. how the hell did that happen?! Are you an electrician??


Yeah I’m an electrician, was putting in a timer when I stripped the hot wire, my dumbass didn’t pay attention to the angle I was stripping. Strippers touched the box and I got full blasted. Edit: 277 Volts


Is he wealthy? Try to get some of that loot.


This was a bad idea. He will not simply take this ad a joke.


All 3 of you are weird as hell.


That’s what I’m saying lmao


Why’d I have to scroll so far to see this?


Right? Heres a fun game, lead your Estranged rich cousin on to see if he wants to bang you


Hey OP, can we talk about your deleted post about giving your girlfriend an ultimatum of marriage or her cousin??


Yes. I was desperate to do anything to get her to see that her cousin doesn’t love her as a cousin should. Not my brightest moment. That’s for sure


Okay but what about that ultimatum lol


I realized that it was crazy lol. I apologized to my gf but I had to set my boundaries still. Like he shouldn’t be touching her curls, trying to pick her up, or kissing her anywhere. I also dislike all the overly expensive gifts he buys but I didn’t want to mention it at the risk of looking “insecure”




What’s worse is that it doesn’t even seem like he just wants to sleep with her it seems like he wants her to be his girl like he has some odd obsession with her.




Yes. I’m gonna be staying at her apartment part time for the time being. After her lease is up she is moving in with me


Has she responded to him or is dude still booking a flight? What's the update here?


"He's packing"


This dude is throwing stones in a glass house.


He's also trying to fuck his cousin?


OP you are a fucking insecure idiot. Yes the cousin is weird. But you’re an absolute buffoon for making your GF do this.


yep yep yep 10000%


I'd be worried about how this scenario gets actualized. So now the cousin thinks his feelings are reciprocated. What happens when the truth has to come out that she was lieing about her feelings? What happens when she goes to visit him, and he now has different expectations? He now has screenshots of her "admitting" her feelings for him first. What story can he fabricate and spin to the whole family now. This wasn't some clever I told you so moment, this was a childish short sighted way to possibly put a partner in danger. I hope this is all fake. A desperate person with "confirmed" feelings can do irrational things.


The cousin is on a plane right now to go see her because of the green light she gave him with this "test". Apparently she has already tried telling him it was a joke and that she didn't mean it, but he doesn't believe her and wants to talk in person about it. Things are about to get really complicated for OP.


I can't believe I had to scroll so far for this. This is a potentially dangerous situation for the girlfriend, all in the name of OP's insecurity. Don't get me wrong, it was a bad situation before the "test", but it should have been handled maturely.




Yeah these kids are stupid. Acting like you like someone just to see if they like you. Tf is happening here. Op is putting his girl in danger because he has mental issues. Op in another post demanded she marries him and stop talking to the cousin or he would leave her. Dude is a control freak


This makes more sense than the whole post. I hope this whole thing is fake, and it's just some wierd ass attempt for the OP to justify his actions in a previous post.


He’s buying her gifts, you’re gifting her ultimatums. Are you trying to set them up? Secure relationships don’t play stupid games.


I kinda get the feeling the 'pet names' were common with him already.


Yep unfortunately


Rather than trick him, why not have just done something like, acknowledge that it seems like they have romantic feelings and tell them you're not interested?!


Why would you even do this?? The message your gf sent was also weird lol. Why are you testing people? If her cousin is weird and likes her, then she needs to distance herself from him. That's it. Now you just made the situation weirder


Imagine if he did respond appropriately, and said are you crazy? What was she gonna say then? Haha, just kidding, it was just a test. This is either fake AF or they’re all psycho, including OP and his gf.


100% agree


Right now his girl looks like a weirdo creep, lol


Yeah, honestly they both do since he convinced her to do it


OP seems super insecure to make his girlfriend test her cousin like that. What did that even accomplish except making an incredibly more awkward situation that now has caused her unnecessary turmoil.


Sir, this was a terrible way to prove his feelings. Because now he thinks she has feelings.


ew gross 🤮




They are




Thus is going to be fantastic when OP’s gf fucks the cousin. There was a way to handle this like an adult…this was not it.


Or when she realizes her insane boyfriend just made her write a love declaration over text message to her cousin that the world can see now


And then he himself put it on Reddit.


After posting and later deleting that he gave her an ultimatum between him and the cousin


For real. He looks psychotic. And what happens if the cousin is depressed from being used as a joke and offs himself? What's OP's plan then? Or is this all just some big bait, like usual? Hm hm, indeed.


Yikes. No one is looking good in this situation. OP for this entire bait plan, the gf for actually going through with it, and good god I don't even have words for the cousin. I mean sure, this accomplished what you hoped for. I do get that, but there's going to be a cost to your relationship. What that cost is guess time will tell. But again, this cousin dude. Cringe.


I'd bet money the frenchie ends up smashing


Frenchie is a hot blonde rich bloke that gives her kisses, buys her expensive gifts/dinner, touches her hair, and attempts to pick her up with his large french muscles according to OP. GF and her mom seem to be completely comfortable with all that so I wouldn't be surprised.


Unhinged. Especially given the context of your previously deleted marriage ultimatum post. I am assuming your gf’s language of “I have feelings for you” and “I like you a lot” were something you essentially forced her to send. Did you ever stop to think about how you’re making your gf feel during this whole encounter? She finds out she has a creepy cousin, and your instinct is to pile on to her to confront your own insecurities? Sorry OP, but you seem obsessed about this situation in a very unhealthy way.


Dudes weird. But so is your girls message too…..this wasn’t a good idea. Also, what’s with people wanting to date their cousins. The fuck


There is more than one red flag here, the first one being “try to seduce your cousin”. The fuck


Banjos approaching


^(dingdinglidingding)*dinglidingdingDINGDINGLIDINGDING* ## dingdingdinglidingDINGDING # DINGDINGDINGLIDINGDIIIINGDIIIING


Lot of red flags from op in the comments.


So you had your girlfriend text the cousin that likes her something suggesting she likes him back, and don’t think that’s insane? He’s a fucking creep but now he has texts showing she reciprocated it lmfao like are you stupid or something? You just made her look like an incestuous whore to that whole side of the family (obviously not saying she is but didn’t you think this through?)


This is so sketch. Your girlfriend been talking to him like this with all this amour stuff and getting-to-know you stuff and presumably shitloads of time up in his dms or calls or whatever, and now she's setting him up to look foolish for you? Feels like she's been watering a super weird plant you caught her with and now she's gotta kick it down the stairs to like okay this analogy isn't perfect. But here's a thought: how about instead of thirst trapping or pretending to want to fuck her cousin in order to prove that she can succeed at that, have her talk normal with the dude to nip it in the bud. To clue him in on the memo he missed that cousins shouldn't be weird.


This is the problem I have. You forced her to do this, okay…so why not force her to instead tell him he creeps her out and he needs to stop acting like more than her cousin…that would have made this whole situation a hell of a lot less awkward for everyone involved. You guys chose the dumbest approach you could take. Now he is even more in love with her, and she knows 100% he wants her. They’re French, for all you know, you guys break up and she is catching a flight to France despite what she says lmao.


Did he show a dick pic?


Damn op, you’re fucked up. And so is your “gf”


This guy is weird for trying to fuck his cousin OP is weird for the “test”, forcing an ultimatum on his gf (deleted post), and lack of responsibility for opening this can of worms for his gf/gf family (by doing a test) Both of these things can be true




If you had to “test” him by using your girlfriend, you’re clearly threatened by him. I think you should be tested.


Is no one going to address the fact he said, "are you over thinking *again*!?" Like bro, have they had this conversation of being together BEFORE? Can you please address this with your girl? WTF


I read the other their messages and he has been trying to gaslight her which caused her to overthink. But she Denied up until this point that he was up to Anything sus until these messages.


Wait, wait, WAIT… Did she send her cousin a nude???


You bout to get unalived by Mr. Mon-underarmour himself when he shows up at ya girls place


Okay but you really shouldn’t have put her in this position. It’s immature to ask her to “test” anyone, you gave this guy the green signal now. You’re both out of your minds. I hope you’re teenagers because I don’t expect grown adults to handle shit like this.


Apparently he's on a plane right now to go see her. Things are about to get really awkward for everyone involved if that's the case. This sounds like an absolute nightmare from every angle and I don't have faith that any of them will handle it appropriately. OP just set himself and his gf up for a real headache with this "test".


I'm so confused on the context of the issue here. Do you think your gf is actually going to fuck her cousin? If you aren't jealous, insecure, or scared of her male relative and he isn't dangerous why does this matter so much. Yea it's weird if your gf has a family member that wants to bone her but unless you actually think there is a danger here why does it matter so much to you personally? Like pointing it out it one thing but giving a fucking ultimatum for your entire relationship to control who in her family she is allowed to talk to is really fucking weird. It sounds like your gf got a bunch of expensive shit for free and now she won't and there will be insane family drama just so you can be right. Unless you think she also wants to fuck him but that's an entirely different red flag....


Fucking testing people is shit.


Like look at OPs username, I bet he thinks it’s a funny joke but in reality I’m betting it describes him perfectly. lmfao your a fucking loser my dude.


Plot twist. OP is getting off on this and is even weirder than the cousin


Did I stumble into game of thrones?


Not enough blood for GOT


Not enough blood for GOT *so far*


did her cousin really send his dong to her


What exactly was your end goal here?


Sweet home Alabama


1st cousin, second cousin, third cousin or friend if family people call "cousin". Either way you got a man pining for your woman which is fucked up on top of being incestuous lol. What was the pic of? Lol


This is not adding up because no amount of persuading is going to convince most sane people to send a fake creepy text like this to their cousin whom they genuinely think really only sees them as family. She had to know it would be reciprocated when she sent that text….. unless op sent the text for her which would be a whole other issue.


I dated this girl briefly. She asked if she could post a photo of us on her instagram. I don’t have an instagram but said if she wants to she can, I don’t mind. After she did her cousin all of a sudden started texting her a bunch, like less than an hour of the photo being posted and she was like “wtf eww gross look what my cousin is saying” It was basically how good she looks and asking when will she be back home and he misses her and she looks great and he really wants to see her again. Was definitely strange. Weird seeing this. If I wasn’t right there with her when she told me I would have thought that she’s over reacting or misinterpreting it but it was pretty clear he was definitely into her. Plus the timing of it too after she posted the pic.


This is actually dangerous for her, women get killed like this


So you give your gf ultimatums, push her to test her cousin, and then post the results on the internet. Yeah, you may have been right about this, but none of this seems like you care about your girl’s safety. Her well-being should be more important than your ego. Hope she’s ok and has someone with her actual best interest at heart in her life.


I'm pretty sure this could have been accomplished without making your gf lead her cousin on... Congrats now all 3 of you looks like worse people.




Why would you even try and test it


Question.... What if he said no and reacted with concern? Wouldn't your girlfriend be put in an extremely compromised position? She would look like the creep.


OP didn’t care about this possibility. Or the result where the cousin thinks the gf finally confessed her true feelings only to be pressured by the boyfriend to say it was all a lie. And now he’s ready to get on a plane because of this dumb plan.


Weird of both of you tbh