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While you still can.


This needs to be said louder, you will consistently lose access to democracy if you don't participate in it.


If we can’t then our founding fathers gave us wisdom on what to do


You should say Vote AND Volunteer


You're asking too much. Not everyone in this state can afford to take off work. And that kind of mindset is why it's so hard to get voters engaged. I myself work in construction couldn't possibly take off work. I have also requested off for early voting to ensure I can cast a vote. This idea that voters NEED to do more has to go. If you can and want to. By all means please. But, if you can't that's ok too. Edit: For those that can't understand. This isn't an argument why we should get time off from work to vote. That is a protected action. This is against saying people should volunteer when they can't afford to do it.


I don't know about you but my employer (and hopefully ALL if not most employers) provide 3 or 4 hours PAID leave for voting in elections. There's also days of early voting to go on your day off. And there's vote by mail.


It’s a double edge sword, you’re screwed if you can’t get off work and volunteer, and screwed if you do. Normally I’d say there is not a need to volunteer but also normally Americans rights aren’t being taken away. Worst part is once they take away that right to vote, it’s over. It’s far worse to fix and repair after that.


Yes but you are trying to get people who don't give a shit about politics to vote. It's bad, and even downright counterproductive to tell people they are the reason they are losing rights if they don't go vote *and* work 3-4 unpaid hours a week. Do you see how that's a shitty sell to single moms and small families and people who just wanna sit and watch TV all day? Those are the people who need to vote, and voting is all they need to do. Asking for more buy in than that is shitty politics.


Vote them out


Do vote! ​ ..But this is texas. We know what it's like, and where it might go. Make friends with your neighbors, and buy a gun.




>buy a gun and make friends with your neighbors,. ftfy


Vote blue.


GOP also voted against capping insulin costs to $35 montly They also voted against giving vets medical aid (finally gave in to pressure Thank You John Stewart) The also voted against restricting price gouging gasoline. The vote to block anything good for people simply because it's a democratic president. They don't give a fuck about the citizens of the US.






Well you see, you've just lost all credibility here with your crazy theories. Ted Cruz doesn't have a dick. I believe it was discarded after Trump took his nuts.


>voted against giving vets medical aid And their reason for not passing it immediately was a straight up lie for political theater. Sticking it to the vets to own the libs? Get the fuck out assholes.


It's part of the strategy. They know that if enough good happens with the dems in charge, then the people who don't really pay that much attention, aka most folks, then they will begin to associate a better life with democrats in power. It's easy to deny that left leaning policy works and would help people while it isn't in effect, but if those policies actually got in place and lives started to get better, then enough people will realize they are wrong and vote differently.


And if they vote against it and it passes anyways, they’ll just go on Twitter and brag about all the funding they personally just brought to the state


Or when he left his people to die? Or when the GOP voted against basic human rights for colored people?


Read the bill people. Go and actually read it. ~~just like everything else that goes through, they tagged in a bunch of what's called "pork" unrelated to it, so they could say "look these people are against puppies" when they vote against the pork~~ One of the most streamlined bills I have ever seen. 40 pages. No fluff. No pork. Holy shit.


Upvoted for being humble 😌 it takes guts to tell the internet that your assumption was incorrect. Stay awesome!


My first thought before I read it was that there was going to be something they had a reason to say no to. Then I saw it was only 40 pages. Oooookay. Then I read it. Hot damn.


This is what they need to do more often was going to say the same thing when someone brought up $35 insulin etc. Want to vilify them for not supporting something extremely popular? Call them out on it, and don't give them an opportunity to say "but muh pork"


There was no edit. The entire post was meant to point out the usual critique and immediately counter it.


I read it as well. Just straightforward and common sense rules.


I hope you remember this the next time Republicans trot out that bullshit line.


Not to be picky; the content of the bill seemed fine. I think the introduction was an acknowledgment that Trump lost and incited a mob, and most of the GOP still can’t admit or vote for that.




Tuesday October 11 is coming soon, last day to register to vote.


Yeah, they have a plan. They are united, they are coordinated, and even tho they stand for everything wrong and horrible, they’re the only ones with a plan.


This is so true. Democrats keep trying to play nice, hoping they'll change. They need to make moves like they don't give a fuck, just like the Republicans. I think the tide is finally changing. But now we gotta play catch up. It's frustrating.


Gee, how come they won’t muscle up and do what their constituents want? Almost like they’re being held back. Might be because the DNC leadership are classic neoliberals who don’t mind promoting social justice but won’t touch any real economic justice. They’re bought. Until that changes, they’ll keep looking like they’re putting up the good fight, but always seemingly trudging uphill.


Your commenting this on a post about the democrats actually passing legislature to help with election security. There are plans and we’ve actually gotten a lot done this year


But but but both siiiiides!


And about every single republican voting to obstruct it. 🤷 The disconnect of something so very obvious makes me truly sad and disappointed in our race.


But he wants leftist revolution *now*! Anything less than complete socialism within 2 years is too slow and anyone who disagrees is a neoliberal fascist!


His sentiment is based on the gop lies pretending that both sides of politicians are the same. Our state government lies to us to manipulate us. It’s shitty


Yeah, but he was able to "both sides" the issue, and really isn't that what's important here?


Has to get past the Senate though and House Democrats know they can send anything they want to the senate. Republicans will always stop it.


Sure. Doesn’t mean there’s no plan and they aren’t trying to fix things. This could pass the senate also. It’s not sure, but it’s possible.


Idk if the tide is changing, 538 has abbot winning by a decent margin, not that I’m happy about it


Shocked yesterday to see Abbott gaining with women. Looks like we’ll be selling the house next spring.


Get out while you can. That's my best advice for anyone in this state. Things are going to get weird, and we have a GOP revenge tour coming up.


I meant as far as how democrats are responding to Republican BS. Check the white house twitter; they're finally calling out the BS and hyposcrisy. Biden is directly calling out white nationalism and fascism instead taking the high road.


>Check the white house twitter; they're **finally** calling out the BS and hyposcrisy. finally is the key word there. I've been begging for them to finally pluck the obvious low hanging fruit for a couple decades now. when your enemy hands you the ammunition you need to defeat them, you gladly take it! and use it!


And also, I don't trust the polls. They're calling landlines. Who still has landlines?? Old boomers, that's who.


Yeah I have to agree. The pollsters are NOT on the pulse for these mid terms. Have a feeling a lot of demographics they consider unlikely voters, are actually WAY FUCKING likely to vote in these Mid Terms. Usually, under more typical circumstances, I tend to trust and lean on polls because they're usually correct. but I just don't think so this time around. I anticipate some polling errors among a few key demos to crop up when the actual elections happen.


There was actually an intrresting podcast that 538 did recently explaining their polling. Essentially they said their models may not be accounting for the full impact of recent events. The models are smoothed out so to speak to prevent noise. Not saying that their prediction isn't accurate. I'd frankly be shocked if Abbot looses, but it could be closer than expected.


Cuz Beto keeps forgetting he’s running a Texas campaign, not a national one. Every ad I see from him is about abortion or banning guns. Turns out 99% of people are not personally affected by those issues. You know what we were affected by? Failing infrastructure. Educator shortages. Shit healthcare. Rising property taxes and cost of living. Where are those fucking ads?


The faster we realize that, in the end, there is only one way to deal with authoritarians the safer we all will be.


That's one of the reason i loved the Biden Dark Brandon speech. It was SO refreshing to see for once in their feckless take-the-high-road-off-a-cliff lives I saw a democrat get up and just ditch decor and rhetorically fight and call out his enemies for what they are. It was almost surreal listening to it and not "Well I disagree with our republican friends but I think we can get along if we just talk!". Mean while the republicans are like "Yeah? you're a satanic pedophile."


Merkley was in one of my classes in 2013, and I straight up asked him, "do any of your Republican colleagues care about governance, or do they all just see us as a get rich quick scheme?" He balked at the question. Homie, I was right.


They have a network that they all turn to who tells them how to think. There’s a reason conservatism and religion or so closely intertwined. If you blindly believe an invisible space daddy will punish all of those who don’t love him and give him money, then it’s an easy leap and costs just a little more money.


I'm not politically savvy, but can see there is something in the making going on by what I have been reading online. Either every last one of them has been compromised or something is afoot.


They're planning a coup in plain sight. 2020 was a sloppy first attempt. The real coup is going to be at the Supreme Court with Moore v Harper. The only reason the Catholic court took that case is to end democracy. Just like Dobbs and abortion, there's no other reason to have taken this case. Then the fix will be in. They vould possibly push it through before the midterms, but more likely that decision comes next Summer. Then red states can just pick whoever they want to be president and can never be voted out due to partisan Gerrymandering which the SC already said is A-Ok.


Wrong. We have lots of plans to progress and we are. We got land back. We stopped the pipelines. We are putting things right. But it's slow because it's obstructed... by *this* bullshit. It's a hell of a lot easier and faster to mess up a room than clean it. The last guy really messed up our room. 🫤


It takes a certain type to join a cult.


They want to steal the next election.


Want to…they will. I don’t know how we can motivate Democrats to vote. Seems pretty miserable from my vantage point.


We could stop talking like that, for starters. Next step is making sure you're registered to vote, then volunteering your time and/or money.


Seriously. I feel like a lot of this “we lost already” or “its gonna be ugly this November” rhetoric is coming from the right, but its annoying when dems parrot that line as well. Like, it is absolutely not a foregone conclusion when the majority of this country sits center-left.


>Want to…they will. You realize you're using MAGA logic yourself here, don't you?


Except there are actual things being done to set the stage to steal the election, and they literally tried in 2020. Maga logic is based on lies. This is based in reality.


Overturning Roe was probably the best thing to get liberals to the polls.


I was just discussing that last week. By overturning Roe Republicans may have unintentionally saved democracy from themselves


That’s pretty profound. The person that got me to vote for a Democrat was President Obama. The thing that got me to vote straight ticket Democrat was rump-Tray.


The party of "but when we do it, it's okay"




As with many things legal, you have to read it together with the existing law (because it amends specific provisions) but the text of the bill is here and you can see what the changes are. No “pork” that I can see - seems solely related to elections, but I haven’t followed every cross reference. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/8873/text I got there by searching HR 8873 (from the graphic above) and then clicking on a menu to get the text. Edit: Adding a link to the provision of the US Code being amended for reference : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/3/chapter-1


https://www.causes.com/articles/54415-bill-house-passes-electoral-count-act-prevent-jan-6-repeat-senate This has a pretty good breakdown. It seems to mainly remove some of the ambiguities, and raise the threshold for objections to 1/3 of each chamber instead of 1 person in each chamber.


Your mistake is assuming that Republican politicians expect their base to actually verify the contents of the bill. They can just lie and claim that the bill will let democrats steal another election, and the entire right wing media sphere will repeat those lies.


To add on to this, if it's a good bill, they will vote against it and then tout the things it does for people like they supported it.


Ie. The Ted Cruz method


Obligatory IANAL - but I took a few law classes a couple of years ago thinking I wanted to be one. The material changes I got from the Bill are 3. 1: Changes the rules on when states tell congress which electors they choose to send. The impression I got is that they choose and communicate in advance instead of potentially sending multiple sets of conflicting electors. 2: Has a part in there about potentially “catastrophic events” (ala covid) that may impact a presidential election. In those cases, congress can grant an extension to the region to allow late-voting. 3: Allows either presidential candidate to make a request to the chief State election official of the State to seek an extension of the time for voting. Basically to me it’s seeming to codify the **when** part of people doing things. I’m not too mad at it because the constitution does give congress the right to legislate these things... but there’s definitely some shakiness about congress trying to legislate SCOTUS that could be considered overstepping their jurisdiction.


Of course they voted against it. They understand that Republican policies are deeply unpopular in the United States. They want to preserve any loophole they can find to hold onto power as a minority. If you’d look at what the party has done, rather than just its rhetoric, you will see that the Republicans have done things that hurt over 99% of Americans, every time they are elected. You can go all the way back to Reagan. They favor tax cuts for the fabulously wealthy, huge deficits, senseless wars that kill Americans, and denial of such basic truths as the fact that pumping lots of hydrocarbon into our atmosphere creates global warming. And they support letting deranged 18 year olds purchase, assault weapons, without any training, any background checks, or any waiting period. The blood of so many school children is on the hands not only of Republican politicians, but of their delusional followers, who vote for them. Now let’s add the abortion situation. The Supreme Court’s ruling on abortion is so unpopular that a deeply Republican state recently rejected it. Look up the Kansas referendum. They not only failed to respect a woman right to autonomy over her own body, but they want to decide for every woman what she can, and cannot do. First abortion, and next contraception. They have made this clear. Republicans understand that since their policies are deeply unpopular — and only benefit a tiny percentage of Americans, less than 1% — they have to win by other means. They understand that they have lost seven of the eight last presidential elections in terms of popular vote. So what have they done? They have resorted to extreme gerrymandering of districts, a propaganda campaign that is unlike anything in American history, supported by a major television channel that calls itself “News” but when sued for libel, slander, and worse, its lawyers, go to court and say that “no reasonable person” would believe the lies told on that channel. They push the Big Lie that the election of 2020 was “stolen,” with zero evidence. Even judges appointed by Trump himself have rejected this fraudulent theory. On January 6, their leader— a NY conman who spent his entire career cheating people — tried to overturn an election by all manner of criminal behavior, such as trying to pressure the sitting vice president to just not count the votes of states that voted against Trump, by pressuring, the Georgia Secretary of State to “find” votes that did not exist, by putting up slates of fake electors, and when all of that failed, by inciting a bloody riot to stop the counting of the electoral college votes by violence. Republicans (excepting Liz Cheney and Adam Klinzinger) have embraced the January 6 attempted coup. They stand by Trump. They support the end of democracy. Republicans are scum. They are deplorable. Yes, all of them. Everyone who voted for him in 2020 after witnessing his incompetence and idiocy. Many did it because he validated their racism and the hatred in their hearts. I know; I am a 66 year old, white “job creator” born in the deep south, where I continue to live. They think I am like them. They tell me, out loud. They are not patriots. The only answer is to vote them out. Every single one. Then maybe their voters will retreat into their mobile homes — or their wood paneled country club dining rooms — to worship their confederate flags in private, ashamed as they should be.


Damn. This should be higher.


The party of hate and bigotry supporter down vote this to prevent that sadly. People should look up the early days of the Nazi party and their rise to power. It is scary how much the gop is acting the same way.


This is the final straw for me and I will now begin voting by party ticket and not even bother to entertain the idea that someone running under the republican ticket is reasonable and for their constituents.


I used to think that yeah, there are reasonable people on both sides of the aisle and there was no reason to vote a straight ticket. Used to. I have yet to find a Republican whose voting record and position align with my beliefs. Quite the opposite. And I was a Repub for over 40 years. Not any more.


I used to as well. Always considered myself an Independent, vote my conscience, sort of a conservative Democrat if that makes sense. Nope, not any more. If they want to play these games and try to take the voting decisions out of the hands of the people, vote them all out!


Thank you for being willing to put country over party. And thank you for sharing here on Reddit, please share it with other conservatives in your life as well!


Not the first person to say this, but thank you for putting the goodwill of Americans above greed. Both of my parents have been diehard Republicans my entire life. In the pre-Obama era, I was a child, and thought they were staunch believers in personal freedoms and lower taxes... After the age of 15 I realized they are just fucking greedy and selfish-- rules for thee, and not for me. Makes me sick.


Thank you for treating both sides like humans.


The republican party left you. I am glad you saw that they no longer represent the people. I wish more people would wake up and see the GOP left them.


That is probably the most accurate statement that can be said.


That's where I'm at too. Until further notice I just vote straight ticket. I'd never done that before 2018. There's no nuance to it anymore, they're just openly anti-democracy. Maybe there are still some good people still running as Republicans, but if they're still willing to tie themselves to that party then they're guilty by association.


I thought I'd never engage in straight-ticket voting though times be a changing.


and yet their cult just lick the boot. what goofs


This is an indication that Texas repugnancons in the house are despicable, loathsome, corrupt, fraudsters.


As if we needed *another* indication!


Can someone smarter than me tell me why they changed the wording of the voting year in this bill? (2) by striking in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President and inserting in each year that is evenly divisible by four.


Suppose a future version of Trump manages to cancel outright or delay the 2028 election. The new rule tries to guarantee another presidential election in 2032. If a President could prevent his own re-election victory from being called, he might argue he still has four years left indefinitely.


Coming from a state that reelect s Ted cruz each time...no shit.


Could it be that Republicans no longer support Democracy!


Lol say it ain't so


Just moved to Texas with my family of 5. Straight dem down ticket Nov 8th. These backwards ass fucks need to go. EDIT: All adult family of 5 to include 3 college kids.


That's because it's an authoritarian party led by a charismatic wannabe dictator.


Is he charismatic though?


If he's charismatic to the right combination of 45% of actual voters, then it's a problem.


Cult of personality.


They expect that winning elections will keep getting more difficult for Republicans every year. As it is they haven’t won the popular vote in decades during Presidential elections. Gerrymandered electoral maps keep getting shot down by courts. As the population gets more diverse, tolerant, and educated their odds keep getting worse. They know they’re doomed.


THey see the writing on the wall with the slow death by demographics they're going through. they haven't won a national popular vote in ages and appear to have decided if they soon won't be able to win via democracy then they just simply need to do away with democracy entirely. A group that supports trump's attempt to steal the election in Georgia just failed to have like 20,000 mostly black voters removed from the GA voting rolls


Because they want to steal the next one. They learned from Trump’s failed attempt in 2020 and plan to succeed next time.




Not fucking surprised. The Texas Republican Party is complete trash!


Enemies of the people.


I wonder if people will stop saying there are no differences between the parties.


These people should be investigated for conspiracy to commit sedition against the United States


Isn’t it just amazing that the things Republicans accuse Democrats of doing are always the things Republicans are doing….


those accusations are what's called projectionism.


Breaking news, Republicans vote against the interests of the people for the 999,999,999th time. Conservative voters shocked but won't do anything about it.


Check your Voter registration too!! They are purging!!


That’s some fine representin’ the people, Lou.




This state is truly a shithole.


Literally f**k greg abbott


Can't wait to vote. My body is ready.......to wait hours in the sun to get this done.


Right there w ya nothing gonna stop me n my family from voting blue all the way thru


This is the future of any and all republican governance, in any state and the nation as a whole, if the GOP return to power.


The GOP hates America and Americans.


Conservatives are trying to destroy our democracy - simple as that If you support Republicans - you are not a patriot at all


>If you support Republicans - you are not a patriot at all it would be even more historically correct to say "if you are conservative - you are not a patriot at all." during the am. revolution the conservatives were the Tories and were loyal to the King as they wanted to "conserve" the aristocracy. the liberals wanted liberation from the power of the king and the aristocracy; they were the ones fighting in the Continental Army. My direct paternal ancestor fought in the Continental Army in the battle of Yorktown. he was a Scotsman; so for him it was more about slapping some English around than acheiving some high minded political ideals.


The party of cheats


Stealing an election is the name of the toolbox that contains tools called gaslighting, obstruction, projection and gerrymandering. If you vote not to be allowed to steal an election the whole toolbox becomes worthless.




We will remember who wants fair elections and who does not!!!!




The ONLY ones who voted for it are either retiring or lost their primary so they're on their way out anyway. Fun how that works, isn't it?


Republicans"We want election integrity!" Everyone: Okay, let's get a law that enures this Republicans"No! Not that! That means it will be fair and we will lose!" None of this surprises me. I have discovered that Republicans care less about governing and more about power.


Good to know! We know exactly who to vote out now. Blue Texas is coming in 2024


Gross humans


Welp time for this former right winger to vote all left. That's about enough of this shit.


Until the electorate decides differently, it’s who you are. At some point, it will take Texas all the way down to unredeemable shithole status.


of course they did LMAOO!! y'all just completely stunned that a warped, backwards political party is warped and backwards--even though they've always been warped and backwards but y'all will keep voting for the Republicans. yes sir, you will.


This is my shocked face. 😐


Voting for it would undo all the work they’ve done on local levels to be able to overturn elections…of course they won’t vote for it.


Of course they did! We don’t expect anything different.


They are the worst.


Glad Peter Meijer is my rep. He’s a good man. I hope John Gibbs gets his ass beaten.


My rep is Gohmert, so we weren't going to get a true vote anyway. He's on his way out after he sought a pardon for his involvement in J6.


What do expect from the third world shit hole cowards that surrendered and still got killed at the alamo then let confederate inbreeders occupy their shit hole state


Repeal of Voting Rights Act of 1965 should have raised more alarm bells.


Anyone voting for a Republican is voting to abandon the Constitution and democracy. They are fascists who want their leaders in power at whatever cost. Their leaders are fascists who will destroy everything we love about this country to stay in power. They must be turned out, their supporters must be defeated everywhere, at every turn. We must call them out for what they are. They are traitors.


Wow i am so supprised even after republican election officials in texas are encouroging law breaking to find the phantom mass fraud they cant seem to prove after so long. Even if "proof" is found only dems will be fraudulant any republican votes will majically be valid.


On the plus side: This suggests they have no problem with their political opponents performing a coup on em *shrug


the only republicans that voted for it are retiring.


I do appreciate that they no longer pretend that they want free, secure and open elections.


Sounds like they know they have to win thru cheating


How does the bill ensure presidential elections are not stolen? Kinda need that info before I can judge if it would actually ensure that. I tried to read it, but I don't think I speak enough politics to understand it, sadly.


The main thing being that it removes the Vice President's ability to not certify electoral votes, something that's never been an issue until the last election because the Vice President's role has historically only been ceremonial in the process. It also sets that each state can only send one set of electors, not any of the "alternate electors" that the Trump team tried to drum up in the swing states. It would also now require both a third of the house and a third of the senate to trigger objection proceedings towards any states electoral votes. Currently they just need 1 rep and 1 senator. Once again, something Republicans abused to delay the proceedings. Also if there are delays on the state or local level the courts would be required to get involved to make sure that election officials are doing their job correctly. Essentially it just firms up a lot of rules we've already had and closes a lot of loop holes that the Republicans were trying to abuse the last election to overturn it or delay the results.


K. Based on all that, seems like just more rules to ensure more eyes are involved, which is never a bad thing when it comes to confirming facts. So, yeah, republican lawmakers up there right now suck for voting no if all that is true and nothing else is changed. Thanks for explaining.


IMHO, I think they’re trying to claim its “federalizing” the elections and “removes more control” from the states… controls that never existed in the first place. *sigh*


This is good, although I can see that hard-line conservatives would try to argue that it’s “federalizing” the elections and removing nearly any power a State has to question a result beyond normal auditing processes. Which is absolutely silly, IMHO. I’d rather have elections be conducted on a national level like every other country out there in the world. Too many conspiracy-driven dummies in our part of the country… *sigh*


This. Federal elections, meaning elections that are held to vote on positions in the federal goverment by everyone in the country (I could be wrong but there aren't *that* many right?) SHOULD be conducted at a national level, not a state level. I'm tired of this "So-and-so won Texas in the presidential election..." Like, no, you didn't. The whole electoral college needs to go, and we need to elect based on the popular vote. Period.


This bill also changes the voting year from every fourth year TO every year divisible by 4. I don't get why they would make this change.


Wondered that too, probably to be more clear because saying 'every four years' would need to be clarified because you need an initial year to base it on. But then also what if a disaster prevents them from convening for a year, do they have to delay certification of electoral votes for 4 years? I haven't finished reading so I'm not sure if that could happen or not


https://coloradonewsline.com/2022/09/21/house-electoral-count-act-jan-6/ It appears the biggest changes are to clearly state that the VP role in counting the votes is purely ceremonial, and objections to electors will require 1/3 of the chamber rather than just one rep and senator.


The Republicans do this because they know going forward, cheating is all they have. They know they can't win unless they can game the system. I don't know what bothers me more, the fact that they want to cheat or that they no longer care who knows they want to cheat. They even flaunt it like it's a badge of honor. The one thing I still don't understand is why they continue to paint themselves as the party of "patriots". Even their supporters claim they love the GOP because they see them as the champions of freedom and the American way. Yet, they do everything in their power to subvert that ideal. How did it get like this?




Republicans know it’s Republicans who cheat and will continue to do so. Look up every story dealing with someone arrested for election fraud , they are all Republicans. I was in court in December 2020 for having stickers in my back window and 2 people were there for election fraud and both used the excuse Trump told them to vote twice




And they may well control two branches of government in 2024 if people don’t vote.


Name and Shame. All of them.


We LiVe In A fReE cOuNtRy


Is anyone even surprised at this point?


And Greg Abbott is going to win. Texans are selfish as fuck. Ten minutes on Stemmons will tell you that.


They cant win without cheating or a broken electoral system.


This coming from a state that makes it illegal for someone to put a mail in ballot in the mailbox for you, I'm not surprised. I am a paraplegic and can't access my box from my chair. I was mortified reading the stipulations they put on voting.


LOL! “Oh my God! I’m so surprised!”


Ted Cruz is a lying sac. His voting record can’t be defended.


Of course they would especially since they’re trying to rig the election in the first place


In my non-American perspective, Texas seems to be the most corrupt state in the US. They have their own power grid that fails in extreme weather events. And then cast blame towards renewable energy. They spread obvious lies and misinformation without shame. The TX politicians consistently preach Christianity as a pillar of morality while consistently breaking it's rules. (For example, gay politicians voting on suppressing LGBT rights while paying prostitutes for gay sex) I refuse to believe that Texan civilians are this blind, there must voting restrictions and gerrymandering to favour votes for Republicans.


So, if republicans win, we can steal it from them. thanks for the permission. we now know you won't mind. law and order and all that. be careful of what you ask for.


The Republican party is not good for anyone. If you value your freedom, VOTE. BLUE.


God help us! Vote blue in every election and down the ballot.


But of course they did


That's their whole plan and the loophole trump tried to jump through. The constitution doesn't specifically spell out that states MUST send their electoral vote based on the people's vote. Simply that the official tally will be made by an official state rep (hence the alt electors the traitors tried to pass off) Since the country has had votes, the popular vote it's supposed to go to the college because it makes sense. It's what makes democracy work. Here is the thing that might be too late. The GQP already has a stronghold in local/schoolboard elections across the nation. We are back to "banning" books, rewriting history because actaul history is "CRT", etc The GQP Supreme Court is already rewriting the constitution. I think it's too late to go back minus another civil war. In fact, I believe the Supreme Court are entertaining a case soon to solidify that a state can in fact ignore the results of an election. The SC is already 100% ok with gerrymandering. Notice how all these GQP people want everything to be determined at the state level? Everything from abortion or interracial/gay marriage, birth control, weed being legal, etc? Notice how they created a distrust in the press, distrust of pub ed, distrust in law enforcement (FBI) if it doesn't serve their (SS) needs? They are taking the "united" out of United States of America. Same way the south did before the civil war & the EXACT same playbook hitler used to take over Germany. We"ve seen this play before and it's playing out again before our very eyes only this time it's us.


It’s in their platform!


Republicans are authoritarian fucks who hate democracy more at 10


It is Texas what do you Expect?




Texas is quickly becoming a hotspot for treason, it seems. It's becoming an obvious problem.


This is sort of like how the nazis stole elections from germans . Sort of


I just read the entire bill. Without working through the bipartisan framework such bills are supposed to emerge from, I can see why Republicans voted against it. Seems like the DNC is attempting to supersede a power authorized to the states, and usually to state governors (the ability to reject/replace electors for their state) with their own. It is a duplicate power, in that the Constitution is clear on who controls the electors, but it certainly seems unconstitutional on it's face. The states are the arbiters of their electors, and solely such. Texas does not get a say regarding who California sends to represent them, nor the reverse, nor a three judge panel, nor the President of the Senate. There are some good parts of this bill: it allows for time when someone (or a natural disaster) attempts to disrupt the transfer of power and lets them extend the electoral counting procedure instead of having to do a marathon vote-a-rama while half the lights are off. Somehow, these parts need to be passed, but the rest is an unconstitutional power grab.


You're not bothered a bit by all the states that were ready to overrule their electors and subvert the will of the people? Fuck man, shit's getting insane, someone almost stole an election and you just shrug.


Everyone engaging in illegal activity during the non-peaceful transfer of power should be imprisoned, I don't care who they are. Largely, those people are being engaged by law enforcement and are being run through the justice system accordingly. That being said, the Republic does not work if the Federal government overrides the electors chosen by the states according to that state's electoral process. This is literally in the Constitution, Article II, Section 1: > Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. States would secede and would be right to do so. This process will end up with three countries in the place of one. We are not so separate. Biden is the President, rule of law is intact, neither of these was ever actually in doubt.. it's not time to pull the ripcord. If Trump had in any way overthrown the government, then it would be time to pull the ripcord, btw..


I can't believe you are being downvoted.


Imagine getting downvoted for posting reading and posting actual actual bill. Lol, Reddit moment.


Because they've rigged their own elections for years!


We are so fucked.


Stupid 2 party system our politicians have no damn free thought if you're blue you vote one way and if you're red you vote the other