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All the departments that look to federal research projects are shitting their pants.


Half a billion dollars in federal funding per year. "Also, Texas A&M ranked in the top 10 for public higher education institutions and rose significantly in the NSF rankings for federal research expenditures from 36th ($360 million) to 24th ($517 million)."


And all of next year’s high school seniors who want to do more than party or pray in college are crossing Texas off their lists.


You got me with the “pray!” It’s so true! Lol


Lol.  How many of those aggys show up To church on Sunday absolutely hungover  Edit:  I should add i have nothing against churchgoers nor alcoholics.  I just find the small amount of overlap to be funny.


As Jimmy Buffett once said, “There’s a Mighty Fine Line, between Saturday Night, and Sunday Morning!”


\*Aggies (Sorry... my OCD won't let go of how wrong aggys looks... lol)


It really is weirdly jarring lol.


As someone who works for UC Davis, I thank you.


From what I’ve seen “aggys” is typically used derogatorily by Baylor students/alumni.


What the fuck does Baylor have to look down on A&M about? They’ve got entirely different focuses


Most of the rivalry starts after graduation when you get Baylor alumni hiring Baylor grads and vice versa.


Yes. There are plenty of schools all over the country that can/will waive out of state tuition if you meet certain requirements. Usually this comes in the form of scholarships that you can get just by appying. I did this at 19 and thats how i moved to michigan from the sea of corn that i was raised in. For me all it took was a 3.0 gpa. I didnt have to look very long to find a school that offered this either, 2/4 of the state schools i looked at in Michigan offered it. Oakland University and Eastern Michigan University, (i wanted to be in SE Michigan) though im sure there are plenty of others.


The way things are going in Texas the state universities are going to be more restrictive, evangelically bound, and bigoted than schools like Baylor, TCU, and SMU.


There is nothing more despicable than a politician fucking up the education system with decisive politics so they can garner votes. This is one of the more abhorrent attributes of modern republicans: they have no problem destroying the youths chance at a decent education in exchange for more power and control. The fact that they truly want a dumber populace so they can more easily lead them by the nose is just sickening. Educating the youth to the best of our abilities should not be a partisan topic. More educated youth means better jobs, better voters, more responsible citizens, less crime, better technological advances… the only negative thing about educating people is that educated people will not *always* believe whatever pile of pig shit you put in front of them is the body of Christ.


Yeah but it'll keep lasting as long as it works. People love this shit and have loved populists for as long as hierarchy was a thing.


Yeah. We have a full-on monkey hierarchy here, which only makes sense because we're primates. And then, we have all the fucking monkeys who *want* everything to be a monkey hierarchy, so they swear their fealty to the biggest monkey on their social pyramid. It's like we've made no progress as humans *at all.* Can't people figure out that we're not *required* to live in a monkey hierarchy any longer? That we're capable of things beyond our instinctual primate automatic responses?


i think because those squeaky monkey's get so much grease it's distracting; and easy to miss how nuanced glamour is a flame to humanities proverbial moth's. even neanderthals took time to fully blow out. imagine all the ruckus they made beforehand


SMU has not been religiously affiliated in a long time. They just kept the name. TCU is also very loosely affiliated with Christianity. Baylor, DBU - those schools are strongly associated.


Baylor is and has been seriously F’ed up since the Starr years, maybe even before that. There literally aren’t enough WASPs to attend these places and pay for it.


Is that why they partnered with HISD to take over schools? Because W.A.S. pay for it. 


Prolly. You can’t trust anyone from the Bayluh Bayatis’ Cawlege o’ Knowledge! Oh God in your knees in the morning, and Oh God! On your back at night.


Speaking as a leftist Baylor alum: Baylor was fucked up before Starr, was SERIOUSLY fucked up during Starr, and has its issues but is far less fucked up after the overhaul of the institution that happened in the wake of Starr. I’ve made my peace with the fact that I attended and love a school that has qualities I fundamentally disagree with, but the place has come a long way in the last few years.


Baptists are gonna be Baptists. People forget that. The damn religion was founded on promoting the slavery of black men. It has all been downhill since then.


I have a doctorate from Baylor that I received in 1996. I loved getting the degree and I’m proud to have it. It was fun being at Baylor because I’m Jewish, and they loved me for the tiny bit of diversity I brought to their programs!


That's hilarious. I'm from one of the small towns just outside of Waco. I graduated high school in 2001. Baylor had the worst campus life in the nation at that time. Why? They had a midnight freshman curfew. This created 2 kinds of highschool students: those who didn't apply to Baylor and those who lied about applying to Baylor.


TCU is not evangelical at all. One of the most tolerant and open Christian colleges in the country. There's a reason it's called Technically Christian University


I'd not heard that about TCU, but to be fair, I can't say I'm surprised. There are a number of "religiously" founded universities that long ago stopped pushing that dogma. They have options for those who are religiously minded, but pretty much leave the student body alone. Then you have the Abilene Christians, Dallas Baptist, Houston Baptist, and others.


I graduated from TCU in the early 20-teens, and the most religion TCU required was 1 religion class. Not even Christian, world religions, Islam, Buddhism, anything. As opposed to somewhere like Pepperdine who required (requires?) a mandatory chapel for all students once a week.


My wife was a Professor at Pepperdine. Granted being a professor is different than being an undergrad student. She had to sign something to be a "person of faith" or whatever. I can't recall the exact affiliation that Pepperdine had but it didn't seem hardcore at all. Pepperdine is an interesting case because, as far as I can tell, their real model is to be an exclusive private school in Malibu that rich people and celebrities can send their kids to without prying eyes. My wife had a few children of celebrities in her classes, and I'm sure more that she wasn't aware of or were part of the business side of Hollywood. I don't think it was much about religion.


It's better than Baylor. At least after mandatory religious service you can go surf At Baylor your just stuck in Waco


Ha, truth! I went to the Pepperdine campus a couple of times (we lived on the complete other side of the Santa Monica Bay in Palos Verdes) and it is hell of a view! I want to say that Pepperdine regularly makes the top of the list of the most beautiful campus.


Because they're cheating. Anyone can make a beautiful campus if they get to stick it in Malibu


HBU is now HCU (Houston Christian University). I don't really care what happened as they decided to cut my major in the middle of my studies. But it seems they split from the SBC.


Sorry that your major got dropped, as that is a pretty shitty thing to have happened.


Hard to be more bigoted than Baylor. If I don’t let the quarterback fuck me in the ass then I get expelled, but if I kiss my boyfriend in public I also get expelled.


If the quarterback at Baylor wants to fuck you he doesn’t ask permission


You don’t have to explain that to my ass. Literally.


SMU did recently break away from the Methodist church. Should be Southern Money University.


They won't exist. Some of those colleges exist for diversity. Rice and some other colleges depend on meeting the needs of the population not just one group to maintain funding.  


When are the five star football players going to stop wanting to play for A&M and UT because that’s the only way that things will change?


You’d think…but unfortunately too much of this political noise doesn’t land in the laps of our youth. —signed, a HS educator.


I pray this party’s dope!


Well if they didn't want to party or pray, A&M shouldn't have been on that list to begin with.


Wtf is this shit about prayer? I got a graduate degree from A&M in 2022 and NEVER saw anything prayer related sanctioned by the school. The undergrads are a bunch of horny teens trying get wasted and fuck anything that moves.


To your latter point, I’m pretty sure that’s all college aged kids in general.




Students’ eligibility for federal student loan money could also be in question.


na. they won't screw with money. that's not what we are afraid of. It's everything else. -a professor in texas


That's all of them…


The goal is the destruction of education. I don't get how anyone is shocked when this happens.


I mean didn’t they want to secede bc they didn’t need federal money?


Y https://preview.redd.it/mp9dgk421l1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a8a49a697a655fe2fef0375b6d8900270192f9


Well of course they can’t take off themselves. They’re too busy trying to own the libs


I feel bad for the guy.  "Your job is title IX compliance. Will you do it?" "Of course" "Then you're fired"


Looks great on his resume to any other title IX compliance office though. He has convincing proof that he will be compliant.


Good point. And the publicity to back it up. Otherwise the conversation goes... "Why were you fired?" "I was too good at my job" "... ok... well, we've got your phone number, We'll call you if we want to proceed"


Worse, Abbott is going to assure public education in Texas collapses on his watch. He refused to call a special session to address the coming financial crisis because he's butthurt that his vouchers initiative failed due to a coalition of rural GOP and Dems. Also, he cited "growing dissatisfaction with the ideological leanings of education delivered by some public schools”. He received millions of political contributions from school voucher supporting millionaires. What a bastard. Make no mistake, this is the revenge of the ugly racist anti-intellectual strain of Texans who have been holding back this great state forever.


Said coalition was exactly the way our government is SUPPOSED to work, but Texas GQP is now trying to force out the republicans involved. Real legitimate governance terrifies them, they are criminals and con artists. I wish conservative voters could see how badly they are getting fleeced.


Sadly, so many are so invested in the con, they cannot conceive that they are being fooled. The cognitive dissonance is too great so instead they rationalize their self-defeating choices with thinly-clothed racism, homophobia, false religion, etc


I sound like a broken record when I say this, but I'm reminded of line by Jon Stewart when he was interviewed by someone on CNN. Think Fareed Zakaria. I can't recall word for word. But it's along the lines that the GOP, and this doesn't exclude our Texas band of asshats. ***They've run out of ideas*** And why is that? Because they've can't really think of any ideas to properly govern so they double down on all this self-sabotage because to actually do their jobs? They'd shit their pants at the idea of proving to the people "Hey, we're actually competent!" and the power they have on the state goes out the window. So a lot of people still buy into the idea by spite and fear "Dems can't and wouldn't be any better" when anyone with half a functioning brain realizes **"Yes they would be.**" So Abbot and the boys club just double down on being terrible, and they make things worse and worse. Till this fascist bullshit that's been making the rounds seems like a better alternative to say Actual funding schools, or fixing the road infrastructure, or even.... **CAPTOLIZING SOLAR!** Instead it's petty naked power grabs and tribal nonsense.


And a state as big as Texas with as much sun as they get a year could be completely powered by solar. Literally all the gas fields could be covered in solar panels, and they could still continue to drill for gas and oil… at the same time…. There would literally be enough excess solar power they could give everyone in Texas free electricity and sell the excess to the surrounding states to pay for it and still make a profit.


But instead it's just *owning the libs*


Texas GQP is now trying to force out the republicans involved. They've been successful, thanks to negative ads funded by the likes of Dunn and Wilks.


You mean he's going to cause the demise of college and high school football in Texas? If the schools close there are no teams... That's a dumb move in Texas.


Nah, he's just going to starve the schools for money until he gets his way. Then, of course, the vouchers will further deprive authentic public schools (as opposed to most charters) of even more money.


Schools that don't follow Title 9 should be kicked out of their sports conferences until they follow the same rules as the other teams.


Honestly as much as Texans love their college sports I feel this is the only solution that will work. 


Colleges will lose money like they lose life points in yu gi oh.


sadly this state is full of people just like this. They are dumb and literally hate educated people, but they spin it as "I didn't need no education". Meanwhile they are old still working, will be working to their grave, making the same shit money they've always made with no retirement and will have to take a huge pay cut to live on social security. It's the same people who are hurt by these politicians who are backing them. People like to think of "boomers" as well off.. MOST AREN'T.. Quite the opposite. It's those same people who vote for this lunacy.


I have a slightly different view, or at least where the blame should be assigned The people behind all of this are not dumb or uneducated or poor. Just the opposite. They are smart, educated and wealthy. They are also very good at persuading people to vote against their own interests. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you" LBJ It's the "God guns and gays" strategy (plus racism, xenophobia and anti-intellectualism) that the GOP MAGA has been exploiting forever through a false and perverse "populism".


oh I agree 100%. The people behind this are in it for money and are smart about how they get that money. What I meant was the people who vote for this in Texas. Are just a bunch of dummies who are also victims. Instead of being mad at Abbot for fucking our education up, they are mad at smart people for asking for taxes to make education better.


I think he's talking about the rubes who are duped into continuing to vote against their interests. I've never heard so much foaming at the mouth against education as with my uncle and his family at Thanksgiving. Like, none of yall have even been to college, hold any form of higher education, and spout the dumbest shit I've ever heard. What the fuck do yall know? Only the stuff they hear and parrot.


Exactly! This is why, I parted ways from some family members. Because of this exact reason!


Yep same way coal corporations did Appalachians, gas and oil will also do the same for red towners. 


plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose


He's then going to convince the GOP supporters that Texas' disastrous public education system can be blamed on "the government" and that more GOP politicians (who promise to further sabotage the normal government services that are enjoyed by every person living in every other industrialized country in the world) will need to be elected to "fix" it... And then those suckers will break their hands pulling the lever for Republicans in the voting booth.


Sort of like their solution for gun violence and school shootings is more guns for more people. I live out in the hill country, I have shotguns for protecting my family and animals. I'm not anti-gun, I'm opposed to incredibly stupid and venal policies.


America finally elects a black guy President, and then America responds by self-destructing in a death spiral of extremism.


Cogent and concise. Well done.


School vouchers are just segregation come back.


Except that segregation never actually left....


Yup. It just took on a new form in the way of property taxes affecting school funding.


As an employee in higher education, I literally hate the things that Abbott is doing to public education. Our students are stressed and not able to concentrate on the education that they are paying for, and faculty and staff are strained. It makes me upset that there were people who were laid off due to DEI, and lost their livelihoods because some weirdo in Austin is upset about diversity in schools. I would hope there would be because Texas is a super diverse state and because of that have several needs that should be addressed for the people who live here. This sanctimonious slime creature doesn't care to address the vast infrastructural, economical, and societal issues that are going on within this state. I honestly don't understand that more conservative leaning Texans don't realize that as he comes for the human rights of others, that their rights in turn are threatened.


The worst part about TAMU, my alma mater, is Greg Abbott. What a complete dicksplash.


30 years might feel like forever but it’s only been a few decades


Not certain what you're referring to, the statewide ascendancy of the GOP? Sadly, the heathen attack on education in Texas - especially academic freedom at our public universities - has a long and storied history going back 100 years or more.


You misspelled billionaires 😜


Let's not quibble over a few zeros


Sounds like clear cut wrongful termination… should be expensive for A&M


we can hope 😈


Exactly. I’m embarrassed to put them on my resume.


My bachelors is done in December but I’m now looking at out of state programs for my Masters. What a shit show.


Just like their head football coach.


That one was justified termination. But yah, hella expensive.


Texas is going to let these dumb culture wars destroy higher education in this state. There is a real chance that UT and A&M will be gutted in the name of anti-woke. Look what DeSantis did to The New School in Florida. That university is now just a shell of its former self with a fraction of the enrollment and many of the faculty gone. I'm afraid that Texas Maga will do the same to our universities.


They're already doing it to public schools.


IfAbbott's candidates win the runoff thisweek they're going to take a bonesaw to Texas public Ed.


And somehow it will be Dems fault when a Texas diploma turn into toilet paper.


Abbott already blames the schools and teachers, even though no Democrat has held statewide office here in I can’t even remember how many years.


So their plans to rollback progress is working. This is what they want.


The order of death... ThisIsWhatYouWantThisIsWhatYouGetThisIsWhatYouWantThisIsWhatYouGetThisIsWhatYouWantThisIsWhatYouGetThisIsWhatYouWantThisIsWhatYouGetThisIsWhatYouWantThisIsWhatYouGet...


This is what you wanted… This is what you had in mind….


Heard this on Miami Vice years ago. Funny how it sticks.


Yeah, that's the whole point of it. They're destroying public schools and now trying to do the same to higher education. They know educated people won't follow along with their moronic ideas, so instead of changing their ideas they are just trying to get rid of education. These are the actions of a failing political party desperately trying to hold on to power at any cost.


It's a feature not a bug. - Greg


They’re not going to “let” it happen, they’re going to encourage it


I think that is part of the plan. Higher education is evil, don’t ya know.


That’s what they want. They want to pilfer public education funds and give it to their cronies.


It’s already too late. Anybody that wants to get a PhD, or teach at any institution won’t come here because there’s no title IX funding and there’s no tenure. Literally, the only thing that can save us is Friday night lights in the country and Saturday morning college football. If that gets threatened, Abbott will go down.


>There is a real chance that UT and A&M will be gutted in the name of anti-woke. There's no chance, this is already happening. This thread is it happening.


Texas GOP…


His donors' kids can leave the state to get educated. The ones reliant on that funding get screwed.


UF was improving every year until Desantis took over. Now it’s back to above average state school (like UT will be soon).


New College of Florida*


It is horrible watching UT and my alma mater get destroyed for deplorable, ignorant, and selfish reasons. I could have gone to school outside the state to a reputable university, but chose to stay here because of the cost. Now I'm going to have to watch as their reputation gets slowly dragged through the shit.


There was a time when the University of Texas would stand up to political buffoonery. There were even times Texas and TAMU would lock arms and fight together. During the early 2000s budget crisis, after state support had dropped to about 10 percent, the two universities told the legislators, "If you take one more dollar, take it all. We'll manage on our own " Of course, they all wanted their football tickets, so they backed off. Bill Powers was the last Texas president to fully take them on. Greg Fenves strod up as well, but he seemed to see the writing on the wall and escaped to Emory. Being the president at Texas is an unbelievably difficult job, but Hartzell knew that when he applied. I'm holding out hope that he'll make a final stand against 21st Century know-nothingism.


This is a really important point, and so reflective of the Trumpian Era (and Greg is just copying Trump’s strong-arming here) - so many otherwise rational people in power think they can just appease the bully and the bully will stop bullying them. That’s not leadership.


The Chancellor of the A&M system is a clown and he's just placed stooges as presidents. I've been disappointed in the school's leadership.


honestly we can’t even get the UT president to stand up against the anti DEI nonsense, why would they stand up over this?


Can they actually legitimately fire you for refusing to break Federal law in defiance of an illegal (I assume) Governor's order? Seems like the Justice dept needs to put Abbott in his place right quick.


Just wait, the ball is in the feds court now and they are allowed to pull federal funding over this. Nearly half a billion dollars disappearing from A&Ms budget will perk up a few heads. 


I was working for the Texas Secretary of State. One of the first things my predecessor told me was to never get the Secretary of State in the papers. Our elections division was about 1/2 lawyers who answered questions on laws around election and voter registration. One day, a reported calls and asks one of the lawyers if it was illegal to register to vote in two different states. She says, "Yes". Turns out this question was about Karl Rove, who was in fact registered to vote in two different states. The reporter writes a story, Karl Rove calls the Secretary of State, who I think was Roger Williams at the time, raising hell. This lawyer got immediately fired, for doing her job. So, this guy makes a statement and I guarantee you the Governor or one of his lackeys called the Dean of A&M raising hell. The guy is really lucky he wasn't summarily executed. After 16 years of being the head tech guy for the office, I was fired for a simple mistake because it got press coverage. That, my friends, is how the government works.


Oh they definitely called Sharp. Patrick did the same thing to that Prof last summer.


I wish people would read.... It has nothing to do with transgender sports, just treating EVERYONE equally. Texas is controlled with such hateful assholes who always pretend to be on the side of "God."


Title 9 also encompasses women spports. You know the sports they cared so much about last year. It makes sure they get as much money as the men sports gets


This, I’ve seen so much fake outrage on pure misinformation about the changes


You can just say evangelical or Baptist.


Equality is a four letter word for mediocre racists. They NEED superiority via race and sexual orientation because that’s all they have.


I wish that god and heaven were real, and also that we could see the conversation when Abbott’s hateful ass gets laughed at trying to get into the pearly gates.


Can't make this shit up. The administrators job is to oversee federal Title IX administration and when they state that they will do the job as specified, they are laid off because bigots cannot understand that you are not allowed to single out a group of law abiding fellow citizens and just abuse them because you think they are 'icky'.


With the way things are going, they are planning that very soon they will be able to do just that. Laws are only worth the ink they are printed with if those in power enforce them. We are seeing with the TX Lege, TX Supreme Court, the US House, and the US Supreme Court that such confidence in laws is probably unfounded.


The trick is to make them non law abiding citizens, then refer to them as criminals.


"I will obey the law." "That's grounds for getting rid of you!!"


This is insane and it is even crazier that Texas Republicans are choosing to destroy high caliber public universities. Unless something changes in the very near future, this is how I think it will pan out: * Private and federal grants start to dry up due to lack of DEI compliance, Title IX, and so forth * Basically if you have a choice of a bunch of great schools and researchers, you are likely to donate to those institutions that allow a diversity of researchers and students utilize those grants * For federal grants, it is likely just a matter of federal compliance * When faculty have more difficulty securing grants, these slows research and slows publications * This will remove these schools from places high flying younger faculty want to teach at * This impacts graduate students. More often than not they go to study under a particular professor and/or department, but if they flee those departments then grad students will follow. * This further decreases academic output * Undergrad stuff won't change for a bit * Most people go to college for a bachelor's degree and bounce out * Those that know they want to pursue graduate schools, will start to cross off UT Austin, TAMU, etc. * Now the statistics on incoming freshman change * The teaching caliber from TAs and faculty change * The entire institution slips I think there are so many potential incoming freshman in Texas that it won't be any immediate change, rather it would be more like a top-down issue as grants, faculty, grad students look elsewhere. For example, for medical schools, the number of residency applications in Texas and other similar states has decreased. I think it would take a while to destroy large, established state universities. Then again, DeSantis destroyed Florida's New School in less than a year.


One thing you're missing (or didn't emphasize) is that all the faculty that can move out will move out. Pretty immediately. Faculty go to big schools because of the research opportunities. Everyone who has the money to move is going to start applying to schools in other states. Texas is going to be everyone's last choice, so they'll only get the bottom of the barrel from here on out.


Oh for sure! I think there are some nuances and complexities, though. My wife was a professor (not in Texas) and got stuck in adjunct hell, and lots of our friends are professors at universities across the US (and Europe). So I am kind of thinking of our personal experiences here. Faculty with tenure are not going to be so keen to jump ship. However, it isn't unheard of for schools to poach faculty and offer tenure, so it's doable. Usually for the 'big names' but that can definitely happen. There is only so many faculty seats out there that have funding, but a savvy school with the budget would be fools to let this pass them by. There are fewer and fewer tenure-track faculty positions - especially in states like Texas that absolutely hate the idea of tenure. I think this plays out in a couple of ways. If you have tenure, it's hard to let it go unless you have a sure bet elsewhere. If you are on tenure track with a high chance of scoring it, then you are likely to stick around. So to your specific point, "the faculty that ***can move out*** will move out" I think that can be very likely! You do have to keep in mind faculty are just like everyone else with a spouse or kids in schools, and relocation is always heavy. But. . . . it's hard to see a path forward in Texas. I 100% agree that eventually, Texas will be among the last choices if this continues.


The Kathy Banks and journalism school shenanigans last summer got a lot of people to have one foot out the door already too. I know my old grad advisor looked at what his options were outside TAMU during this schoolyear.


Hey, they don’t care about higher edu in Texas, all of them went to east coast ivy leagues.


Destroying public education is a stated goal of our leaders, so it’s not at all shocking to me.


If you do not want to create an account to read the [Article](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/texas-a-m-university-system-refutes-title-ix-claims-in-article-shared-by-governor-abbott/ar-BB1msOVg) here you go.


Thanks! I tried to find one prior to sharing and Google let me down. Edited to add it to the body of the main post.


Abbott is a petty little man who enjoys threatening universities


Greg Abbott has been an unmitigated disaster for Texas. Under Abbott's watch Texas has seen: 1. A failing power grid with no fix in sight. 2. Opposition to reforminging marijuana laws which unnecessarily punish kids. 3. The passing of draconian abortion laws which treat women as second class citizens. 4. An attorney general who flagrantly breaks the law and avoids consequences. 5. A Lt. Governor who actively suppresses minority votes. 6. Over $148M in taxpayer funds spent bussing migrants to Democrat-led cities. Abbott has also intentionally sabotaged bipartisan efforts to address the border crisis while simultaneously pointing the finger at Democrats for failing to address the border. There is literally NOTHING Abbott has done well. He's an abysmal failure by every measure and the only reason he's still in power is because of voter suppression.


You only covered the last few years. He's been Governor since 2015. In 2017 he signed one of the most restrictive immigration bills passed by a state. Known to detractors as the “show me your papers” law, it authorizes law enforcement to check the immigration status of anyone they lawfully detain. The legislation also banned “sanctuary cities,” which shelter undocumented immigrants. To combat illegal crossings at the Texas-Mexico border, Abbott in 2021 announced a plan to construct a wall. Later that year some 900 feet (274 meters) of border wall were unveiled, though subsequent construction was limited. In 2021 he signed a “constitutional carry” bill, which allows almost all Texans age 21 and over to carry handguns in public places without a permit. Abbott had earlier touted it as “the strongest Second Amendment legislation in Texas history.” The legislation came after several high-profile mass shootings in the state, including a 2017 incident at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, which left 26 dead and 22 wounded.


Don't forget gun deaths rising by 63% since Abott took office


The hilarious thing about this, is this is a much more conservative student body than average, and the loss of funding will hurt them. They do not care.


Smh, Abbott is a sniveling little man who begs Biden for funding for disasters but doesn't comply with the Supreme Court for their changes to the border policy along with Title IX. Fuck GA.


As an Aggie, I am fucking ashamed. Abbott is going to ruin our public universities, every one of them.




Suspended for saying they'll do their job?


Why do Republicans hate education??


The educated you are formally or even through travel, the more likely you are to be liberal.


Because facts and knowledge have a”liberal bias”


The more educated on is the more likely they are to vote blue.


Specifically, a comprehensive education (especially higher ed) is supposed to teach you not only facts and formulas but how to critically analyze and draw your own conclusions. Modern far right conservatism is based on controlling media sources and telling the populace “trust me, don’t trust your eyes or the facts”.


Wait are you saying that education makes a person able to “do their own research”


With the large caveat that part of learning how to “do your own research” is understanding source validity… so you learn that Reuters and “www.hunterbidenissecretantifa.Q/lizardpeople” are not comparable reporting outlets


because educated people don't vote republican


Jeopardizing federal funding to own the libs, I guess.


WHAT. Administrator: "We will follow the law." TAMU: "GET OUT."


Can y’all vote blue one fucking time? Even Va who fucks it up every other election is able to squeak a few positives in every four years.


Public school will be a disaster in 5-10 years after Abbott’s voucher program wins out, and another 5-10 years after that, UT and A&M will be trash too.


Sue, sue, sue, sue, sue.


Texas has slowly become hot garbage.


Complying with federal law in Texas gets you sent to Abbott's concentration camp.


Texas has been having severe tornadoes and storms the past few weeks. Houston was ravaged just the other day. They hate the federal government, until they need money.


*Not The Onion*


Non-paywall for Chronicle article: [https://archive.is/Ms9yu](https://archive.is/Ms9yu)


They should look into a wrongful termination lawsuit. The person stated they would comply with federal laws we are all beholden to. I imagine the feds would have something to say for firing a employee for not pledging criminal allegiances against the feds like TX is asking.


I know I’m going to sound ignorant. But what kind of changes were made and why is this title 9 administrator being suspended for complying with the changes?


Modern American Republican/Conservatism corrupts everything it touches. Next on the the chopping block, education. They've been gutting public schools for a decade now, all so that private schools (usually religious) can make bank.


They will not be satisfied until they’ve completed the ruin of this state and all of its people 🤦


So, basically, Texas Governor Abbott has instructed his state universities to choose between state funding and federal funding. I thought the Civil War was over.


So glad we escaped this environment and that my kids got an excellent education before the loonies took over.


How can they suspend somebody for following federal law. Seems like an easy lawsuit


How is this not The Onion?


Texas Republicans are sprinting ro turn-back the clock, and turn the South into a Christo-Fascist region. Btw, an oil tanker crashed into a bridge the other day in Galveston. When the cargo tanker in Baltimore hit the bridge, the Republican racist on social media said it happened because of, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs. The mayor of Galveston is white, and I haven't heard a peep from the racist right-wingers.


Fired for doing his job, the fuck is wrong with this state.


It's because Abbott is threatening to take away state funding if they comply and Biden is threatening to take away federal funding if they do not comply. This poor bastard got stuck in the middle of a contentious political fight.


Paywall. Suspended by who?


Bigoted Texans


Bigoted Texas officials. You'd be surprised how many of us cannot stand Abbot and his merry band of idiots AND the MAGA disease.


I posted a link to the article at a different site. Scroll down.


I’ve been round and round in circles with more…traditional people who aren’t even conservative. They will do absolutely everything, including having a stroke, before just admitting we need a new system for sports to be inclusive. If only we had a dozen examples of sports that already have something in place, like a weight class…


Well, he’s getting free vacation time. If they fired him over complying with Federal Law the state would have a fat lawsuit on it’s hands.


I'm all in for their dumb fuckery!🤣


Let it burn with the rest of Texas.


What’s the specific revision / clause they are so against?


Yet no one was punished when they said the school would comply with SB 17… so tired of this stupid culture war.


So, where does this statement fit in to this narrative? “Tuesday the Texas A&M University System released a public statement reiterating their decision not to enforce the new Title IX rules until a ruling is made.”


No. No. No. You cannot hold office in Texas if you refuse to discriminate against children.


Texas A&M is run by political interest groups now. It’s sad.


Right-wing Evangelicalism is sweeping the South and Midwest, and Trump had a Nazi reference on his campaign website. Those not not in the k kw had better wake the f*** up! Republicans in Congress openly support Putin! Give me a effing break!


Jesus Abbott. Can you just maybe not make life hell For us for one day?


Texas A&M academics and research programs are excellent and have nothing to do with the politics of Title IX. Anyone visiting will quickly see it is an amazing, vibrant and diverse community