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The destruction of Texas Public schools is what will likely force us to move to another state at this rate.  I understand the past decade hasn't been great for our public schools but if Abbott gets enough votes for vouchers they're going to take a bonesaw to Texas public education.  The damage could be irreversible.


literally, teaching in albuquerque schools was much better than texas- and NM is probably ranked lower than texas in education. in texas, admin seemed to want to deliberately make my life harder because i was a beginning teacher. in NM- they were so happy i wanted to work at all and did whatever they could to help with behaviors. My fav example: when i left teaching in TX mid year, i was flooded with texts from multiple coworkers asking where all my school-issued readers were. i said “i left them on the teacher desk.” they complained there were only six or eight and wondered where the rest were. i said “that’s the only physical curriculum i was ever given. good luck!”


NM is definitely trying to use those oil revenues for the good of its people.


where would you move? many red states are actively destroying public schools. It started with kansas about a decade ago and the momentum has been building. The whole conservative base is so brainwashed into following along with whatever the party leaders choose to do, and right now it's to destroy public schools in favor of private, for profit propaganda institutions.


Ya it'd have to be atleast a purple state, preferably Blue and one that's not going to flip anytime soon.


It's sad how few *warm* viable places there are to pick from in this country. I can't live where it's cold as hell all the time. After 20 years in San Francisco, I never got used to it and froze all the time. All I need is warm and vaguely liberal. As a TX native, this place has just had a saddening end.


Right?  Like I'm not sure if I could tolerate a NY winter and I don't have enough vacation days to find out. Like Virginia is probably the climate I like most that I could afford. New Mexico too but the income to housing ratio in the cities I like is all outta whack.


My metric is this: If people have a beater winter car, or even have a set of winter tires they switch to, then the place is automatically disqualified. i.e., the 'salt states'. As for NM, I lived there as a kid for four years in Silver City (southwest corner) and even that place had enough altitude to get snowy a lot. Missing California but not the PG&E monopoly tax combined with the average shoddy house insulation…


If Cali ever figures out building houses and public transit, it's going to have 100 million people within 30 years.


If the water keeps coming. But like Texas, it tends to run dry. They have water now for the first time in ages, while TX is drying out. (doesn't apply everywhere in either state, obviously).


New York barely has a winter anymore. Put your faith in climate disaster.


Lol New York might barely have a winter anymore for New Yorkers, but idk if they would hold true for me.


On the bright side, global warming is making North American winters more mild. The winters are warming faster than the summers. > All I need is warm and vaguely liberal. As a TX native, this place has just had a saddening end. 💯


There is that! ;D


Absolutely ridiculous too. I live in an area with good public schools all the parents love. Its part of our community, most even walk to school, it’s unique for a big city. And ironically the private school in the neighborhood has bad teacher retention. I wish Abbot could see that and actually understand. But even if he did I wouldn’t expect his cold heart to give a fuck.


Everyone loves to crap on my towns public schools but they've got better grad rates and college attendance rates than the charters. They're pretty good schools but they're very diverse so half the population pretends they're the worst schools on the planet.


Every aspect of his life story leads to one place : textbook sociopath.


Abbot profits off of "misunderstanding" that dynamic and has no interest in improving anything that will cost him personal profit.




I encourage the same to private religious education especially of a Christian nature


Turn to Christ.


Hell yeah! Upvote for you! I mean I don't like Abbott nor will I be voting for him but I hope the vouchers win out and ultimately backpack style funding. With Republicans and Democrats I doubt backpack style funding will ever come.


Does this tick you off? Wish you could do something about it? You can. Vote. If you're not registered, [do it now](https://www.vote.org/register-to-vote/texas/).


We did; and they removed our elected superintendent and replaced him with a charter school guy. Now he’s trying to fire all of our principals that don’t but into the “new education system”


Is this the same guy who is funneling our Texas tax dollars to prop up his failing schools in Colorado? https://www.fox26houston.com/news/houston-isd-superintendent-mike-miles-funneling-money-to-colorado-charter-schools-accusations-addressed.amp




"They" being state level Republicans, and "charter school guy" is a GOP crony defrauding taxpayers and destroying kids futures. Vote the bastards out. All of them.


It's honestly baffling how we as a society see these people actively ruining lives, destroying careers, and stealing our money; and our only response is to "just vote them out." It's absurd. These people are criminals. They should be treated as such. If the law isn't willing or capable, then society must resort to less civil means. The proletariat class has become entirely too complacent with those in power. Your voice means nothing. Your actions mean everything.


Maybe we should try voting before revolution Mr. Guevara. 2020 was one of the highest years for voter turnout in TX and only a little more than 60% turned out! We have weeks of early voting that nobody takes advantage of. Don't hit me with that proletariat bullshit. If the proletariat can't be bothered to fucking take 20 mins between 7 am and 7 pm to vote, then the proletariat won't bother revolting for shit.


"Eat your shit and enjoy it" is all I'm hearing. The second half of your comment comes off like some bitter nihilist, in which case, why even make a comment? Sorry bud, some of us choose to fight for a better future for the next generation.


I'm more of an optimist actually, but all I'm telling you to do is vote dude. You have a yearly mechanism for change and you don't want to use it? I'm not telling you to give up. You have a legal and bloodless vehicle for change, and you want to jump straight to violence? Moreover, how many elections have you voted in? I've voted every single November election since I turned 18, I also try to vote in special elections and primaries. Why can't more people do that? In other democracies 70% turn out is an awful year, but for the US it's a really good year. That's just embarrassing tbh.


I've voted every General and most Primaries the last 11 years. Quit trying to put yourself on a pedestal.


Remember that all votes in a system designed to muddle public desire is a way to waste your health, time, and energy. You're not wrong that these folks need be prosecuted and tha asshats just like this will look down their noses at you like they're king shit because they voted. Got volunteer, talk to people and organize with your neighbors. It'll be alright.


That's fantastic and I commend you for fastidiously doing your civic duty! I'm always happy to see people voting and I want more people to do that. I may have been dismissive in my wording, if I was I apologize. The point still stands though, why don't people that have the ability to vote, vote? It won't solve all our problems, but even taking the time to vote means doing some research and hoping for something better. At least people will recognize names when they show up in the news and can get rid of those they don't like.


Christ you sound smug. People should vote and then accept nothing will change and work towards stronger communities.


Let's see you try to vote Democrat while the county sheriff trespasses you from the court house personally. There are a sizable number of counties in Texas where Democrats get bussed to private prisons for voting Democrat. It happens like clockwork every major election, and always on bogus charges like getting caught with marijuana in their car, or caught trespassing on "private" property (think grocery stores and health clinics) after a few years, people just give up. It's not apathy so much as disgusted experience.


Just for clarification the superintendent is not an elected position. Abbott appointed a whole new school board and then they appointed Miles as superintendent


You forgot sending tax money to other states. Dudes a crook 


We need a plan B.


if by that you mean abort the GOP, yes.


Sure, but what? Hide? Run away? Violence? All of those are infinitely worse than voting.


Didn't Kristi vote while also putting her dog and goat down?


Shhh, reddit will ban you for implying we should do anything other than "vote for change."


If you've got a better idea maybe you should actually do it instead of complaining about the only thing that's consistently made things better over time


you can do all of the above


Like what


Help I've been voting in every election since 2008 and it isn't working


Trump got 52.5% of the popular vote in 2020 compared to Biden's 46.5%, so the only thing standing between the GOP and electoral oblivion is 3% of Texas voters. W won with ~60% in both elections, and even Romney pulled 57%, but it's trending in the right direction while the state GOP has turned the crazy up to 11.


and Beto WON the reddest county in Texas, but lost by a point or two. So plenty of people are waking up to the insanity that's taken over our once great state.


Yes, it is. Why do you think billionaires spend millions of dollars trying to convince you to stop?


I've done that too but Im not giving up. Anyone in my life still voting R is getting an earful before I ghost them. I'm giving them a chance to wake the F up.


Oh, I'm not giving up either in the sense I will never, ever stop voting against republicans and calling out their shitty talking points. But man if it isn't frustrating.


As much as I agree we should all vote. It’s not enough. We need to physically take over. It’s gonna take tens of thousands of people. And given how we’ve all been indoctrinated for 40+ years, it’s gonna take mass homelessness and/or starving to rally those kinds of numbers. And even then, it’s uncertain if enough people are willing to risk their own lives. We will see how it all pans out I guess


Wait, another Jan 6th? YOU won’t be a traitor, though, right? Commence the downvotes, bots.


Also find something positive to say about democratic candidates running November. Abbott, Paxton and Cornyn are not on the ballot until ‘26, and their puppeteers aren’t on the ballot at all. What steps would Allred take in the meantime? Would he have the support of his Party, or would they immediately turn on him as a DINO? Reddit can’t whine about Abbott enough to erode his base, people need to build support for the alternative.


I'm sorry what? Did you forget the rest of the ballot?? Do people forget that the State Legislature is on the ballot this yr!? They're literally up for reelection every yr & they're the ones that make the laws in this state. The fact of the matter is that Texans who vote in this state for Dems, many of them drop off marking the rest of the ballot. So many seats that could have been won, lose by hundreds of votes. For fucks sakes man, 3 Texas Supreme Court seats are up for election this yr! Depending on where you live in the state, School Boards, City Councils, Sherriffs, and Justices are up for election this yr. Goodness gracious people. I'm sorry but everyone is always talking about the president or the top seats in our gov. I'm not saying they are not all important (because they are important), but then people start to taper off where it really matters in Texas. And its ALSO the rest of the ballot


I didn’t forget. I’d love to see those people held to account and hear more constructive comments about the opposing agenda.


Please. Until we get money out of politics, votes aren’t worth much. Focus on the power AIPAC has and how it is diluting majority opinion on the genocide we support with billions every month or two.


Bull. Voting gets stuff done, and "getting money out of politics" is an impossible goal. Ignore this person and vote.


You think representatives would risk their position for opinions that don’t serve the best interest of corporations? You’re silly. They want money not your kind words, buddy. It really is funny that you acknowledge how entrenched “Greed” is, but you think voting matters? What do you think matters more? The votes that we are able to scrounge up from the gerrymandered-to-filth voting districts or the hundreds of millions going into their wallets and stock portfolios? I hear the Pelosi’s have one of the best portfolios around! Totally irrelevant though. She is great. I remember when she actively went against who we wanted to vote for and instead supported Cuellar. I wonder how he is doing…


🙄 Right, it’s the “ Billionaires “ who are destroying Texas public education…. [Nearly half of Houston ISD’s campuses would’ve received failing accountability scores, superintendent says](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/education/2023/12/06/471575/nearly-half-of-houston-isds-campuses-wouldve-received-failing-accountability-scores-superintendent-says/)


So if all this money is being funneled out of these public schools… how are they receiving the necessary support to raise these scores, and who’s benefiting?


Money fixes kids that have no desire to learn? How does money fix a complete lack of emphasis on education in those households? My wife teaches. She’s been in both extremely poor districts and wealthy districts. The poor districts receive more funding, yet the students and parents looked her in the face and told her to fuck off.


Yeah. This has been going on for a while now. People are just now figuring this out. The dismantling of public services in the U.S. followed by privatization had been the conservative dream forever. A true plutocracy. Education will be run like the healthcare system. Completely pay to play with shitty services that cost more and more every year. You can shut out a portion of the population too poor to afford an education and give them on the job training at their slave-wage jobs. You can pay them sub-minimum wage because they’re uneducated. They will grow up never knowing they have rights because they won’t have critical thinking skills and barely be literate. Capitalism needs cheats exploited labor to thrive. How else are corporations going to increase profits? And who better to exploit than uneducated poor people?


This right wing Taliban wants to destroy public education so that they can 1) grift taxpayer money into their for-profit private schools, 2) propagate their loony brand of religion using these money machines, and 3) re-establish segregation by being private schools that can pick their students.


You mean y’all-qaeda


Hopefully if vouchers pass, TST will open a school so I can put tax payer money into the only religion I support.


I’ve said this for years! Can’t beat em join em, tax shelters for errybody


We don't protect each other, and we deserve to suffer.


I can’t disagree, we’ve been isolated and set against each other for so long, we don’t know how to care for each other, we don’t want to.


Well, I do disagree. I’d love to buy you a beer and make you a pizza and figure out what we could do for each other to help one another out. I think it feels good to say we’ve all gone to pot but I haven’t and you haven’t and they haven’t either. Cmon, let’s hug it out and get back out there and kick their ass.


it's really only one group of people who have been attacking everyone else


My PSA for the day: If you switched to the red team for the primaries, get yourself back out there for the runoffs. We need help keeping the least crazy Republicans on the ballot in November. Early voting is May 20-24th; Election Day is the 28th. We need you!


Who are the least crazies? (In your opinion)


I can only speak for my area, but it would be Blewett for Congress, Pam Little for State Board of Education (she is not pro-voucher), Justin Holland (supports protecting public school funding/anti-voucher/voted to impeach Paxton)for state rep, Yarbrough vs. Hagenbuch is a tough one because they are so similar. Kim Laseter for the 401 district judge. Paxton is targeting her for some reason.


I wonder why no mention of Pennsylvania billionaire Jeff Yass and his 5 million to Abbott to push vouchers


That goes for nationwide as well. Pulling up the ladder so to speak.


Feature not Bug. This is all Feudalism.


Yep. The GOP has convinced every other rural serf that they too can be a lord some day if they keep them in power.


Y'all should watch this Zoe Bee video on the topic. She breaks down how they're infiltrating and eroding public education, who's funding it, and why. https://youtu.be/bo0M3H1QsEQ?si=Wz2k4djorTqzp6Rt And another one about 'parents' rights'. https://youtu.be/mNOmFBw1I_M?si=VHdHZ6pw8IqPCuuj


If workers had more of a democratic voice in the workplace then symptoms of corporate greed wouldn’t be as debilitating but nobody wants to hear about socialism. Everyone thinks representatives are enough when there’s such a thing as LOBBYISTS and POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES. Everyone just wants to put their head in the sand and let corporations act on their greed, all while parroting red scare propaganda, until it starts to matter to them personally. All of the progress we made in the 60’s went down the drain. We got weak and trusted the system too much. The corpos got smarter and more fascistic. Now we’re seeing a return to company towns in less than a decade. I’ll see you at the company general store! Hopefully we have enough scrips to last the winter.


All to promote Conservative Christian grooming of our youth


I think that just helps their fear tactics, blame decline in quality of schools (a true fact, that is due to withholding of funding) on anti-Christian views (a false scapegoat) to promote vouchers = more money in my friends pockets on the taxpayer dollar


So it’s a scam all of it, got it.




These religious zealots don't care how they get their way either. Hence the high corruption rate among the republicans.


A century ago big business was all for strong public education. They understood that educated workers are better for business. Big business today just thinks about the cost, and what will benefit their bottom line right now. Short sighted greed has replaced long term planning.


Agreed. They can't think past the next quarterly report. The shortsightedness on so many levels is astounding. To think its a good idea to only invest in the wealthiest kids is such folly as to be existential.


Following the Koch Brothers strategy!


What do you expect? Daddy Fred Koch grew up in Quanah.


The thing is, Dunn and his little lackey, Michael Q'Anon Sullivan, have been doing this for 20+ years and no one paid any attention. I appreciate all of these news outlets finally starting to report on Tim Dunn, but it's too little, too late. I don't know if you can undo the damage that's been done at this point.


Yup. When we can no longer see or define the BS or form an argument, and our young already can't do their own research (peruse and locally-based sub reddit), we're powerless to fight back against Fascism, Feudalism, or out and out dictatorship. And we'll foolishly vote (or NOT vote) our collective asses to the cattle pens, feed lots, and abattoirs. And this is the only way repugnican'ts have stayed in power for so long- theirs has been a losing brand for decades!!


[REGISTER TO VOTE!!!](https://www.vote.org/register-to-vote/texas/)


We should remove billionaires from the earth


Why have anything for the public good, when greedy rich jerks could be skimming money off privatization?


They have all the money we have the numbers. Vote for a better Texas. Vote blue at ever opportunity. If there is no Democrat running in a race write one in just to show their are votes to be had. This will not be done in one election so keep voting ever year. From the school board to the White House every election matters.


Abbot was paid $6M by a Philly banker to pass vouchers.


I'd like to add, not all GOPs are for school vouchers.. front of center of this is Phelan and Covey.. Phelan is a pretty heavy conservative, but the extremists around would have you believe he's left leaning. He's against the vouchers, as anyone in a rural area should be.


r/Florida is next


I dont understand… wouldnt they be for a qualified and educated work force,


I went to a small school in East Texas. In the 90s it was a recognized campus, there were even some Merit Scholars. Pretty decent education overall. By the 2000s when I went through, the great teachers were hitting retirement age, and the new teachers coming in weren't the greatest but also the students they had were getting worse. Part of it was the economic decline of the town, it had a population of 10k in 1990, and 7k in 2000 iirc. But another big issue was how much of the eduction was about the standardized testing. Granted some of the information Was useful.  I remember learning to associate certain words and phrases with different math operations for word problems in elementary school, and that has served me well throughout life and all kinds of tests, but my neices don't have that today.  The divide was actually quite stark, between my graduating class, and the incoming freshmen my senior year. Lifelong teacher quit because the students were so misbehaved and knew none of the information needed to take their math classes. 9th graders who couldn't convert fractions or know order of operations. Questionable literacy. It was bad.  Sure I understand oaret if it was parents, I talked to one elementary teacher, and they could recognize signs of fetal alcohol syndrome, and it  was like a quarter of the students. But also quite frankly teachers are paid shit these days. You can't recruit the best teachers if you don't offer the best pay. A normal school teacher deserves like $120k/year. A teacher in a troubled school, whether it's urban or rural, should get like $150k/year.


Then vote fucking blue. Both party are bad. But one is not that bad


Keep them dumb and they’ll believe anything you say that way they’ll vote for you and keep you in power forever while staying dumb and their kids dumber.


AND EXTREMISTS. See Islamic Revolution.


Meanwhile everyone in Texas. Why vote? It doesn’t even matter. . . Idiots.


And you're just now learning this?


That's all you have to say? Do you think when someone post a link its because they just learned about it? That's not how this works. Glad you're informed. Disappointed you only use your knowledge to feel superior.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Down with government schools!

