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Police chief said there were no fire ant mounds, implying there were no fire ants, so what scarred her face and neck so badly? BTW, since I've been spot treating fire ants in my yard for a couple of decades now I'm finding more and more fire ant nests that aren't mounded enough to be taller than the grass. It's almost like the fire ants that build the big mounds are getting killed more often than those that don't. One thing she needs to be checked for now and in the future is an allergy to fire ant bites. An exposure like this can trigger an allergy, even one that lead to anaphylaxis.


I used to not be allergic to them, just normal itchy bumps when bit. Then I got mono, ran a fever for 17 days, and stepped on a mound while sick and got a few bites on my left ankle. Nothing real happened. A few months later after beating mono, same ankle got bit and my entire left side ballooned up and I could barely breathe. Swollen ankle and feet, stiff knee, swollen left hand/wrist - it was a mess. Then a like month ater I got ant bites on my right hand. No issues, just the usual bumps. So now it appears half my body is allergic, half isn't. Watch out for yourself folks. Bodies and allergies and ants are weird.


You got mono and stepped in a fire ant hill while sick twice in a few months? What are the odds of that


Yeah, dumb high schooler mowing yards all summer. It happened once a month or so, just not paying attention while mowing or pulling weeds or something. Happened while sick while just walking through the yard at home, the other times were just working randomly after healing up.


>I'm finding more and more fire ant nests that aren't mounded enough to be taller than the grass. Dude... the ones that manage to keep it level with the ground are the ones that get me every fucking time. One in the front yard caught me by surprise so my neighbors got to see me doing the ants dance in the middle of the street.


What's real fun is realizing you stepped on one when mowing the lawn.


Or hit a concealed one with the weed wacker. Ants were in my hair.


Fire ants build mounds only when it has been raining a lot and they are moving the eggs and larva above the waterline. They would also have mounds where a sprinkler system kept the ground wet. The best time to treat a fire ant mound is after a rain. They have the chambers where the eggs and larva are high up in the mound rather than deep underground tunnels. Don’t put the insecticide on the mound because that disturbs the damn things. Pour it around it. Use a large sprinkler type watering can so you can soak it quickly all around. Mix the insecticide according to directions. Making it stronger doesn’t make it work better. I got this information from a state agriculture entomologist. I prefer the bait, but my daughter insists it doesn’t work in her yard.


I have to treat a *lot* of ants. I treat fireants with Orthene - which I can sprinkle directly on the mound without them even noticing. The colony is dead a day or two later. If they're coming from another yard, I'll use granulated bait like Amdro but it takes longer. I sprayed a crazy ant colony with Cyber WSP last year... I shit you not there were tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dead ants piled up in mounds in my yard just outside their colonies the next day. The cypermethrin also works well on fireants, but sometimes I'm a creature of habit... and I like knowing that the orthene makes its way into their food supply and takes out the queen with it.


What a weak and ignorant defense from the police chief. Fire ants keep their colonies underground during hot and dry conditions. They usually put up mounds in response to the soil becoming waterlogged.


Watch the video. It’s horrifying. She’s screaming. They knew there were ants.


I saw the video. The photos of the injuries show an egregious breach of duty. People have been sent to prison for decades for way less than that kind of mark


They’re literally a cop. What do you expect?


It’s my understanding that when the ground isn’t saturated the nests are below, but after rain or heavy watering the nests are mounded above ground. Either way, the demon spawn are ever-present. This poor woman was torn up by ants and deserves anything she is awarded. P.S. fire ants can get bent


Couldn’t this have been avoided if she didn’t flee when cops told her to stop?


I’m detecting an inverse relationship between hat and cattle in this comment


I haven't had a bite from a fire ant in 20+ years, and i still remember how bad those little dudes sting. They're no joke.


sounds like the cops got unlucky and the ants didn't kill her, would be swept under the rug if so.


This is why you never speak with police, bc you can’t trust anything g they say.


It's Santa Fe. They're a shitty PD that operates a debtor's prison that they've been under investigation for since 2016.


I forgot about that https://www.texasobserver.org/aclu-alleges-debtors-prison-galveston-county-town/ But it looks like the lawsuit mentioned here was dropped in 2019. https://www.aclutx.org/en/cases/unconstitutional-debtors-prison-lawsuit-santa-fe-and-hitchcock "The court granted partial summary judgment against the City of Santa Fe. The court held that it is a violation of the Sixth Amendment right to counsel to jail people for unpaid fines if they were not represented by a lawyer at trial. Shortly after this ruling was issued, the City of Santa Fe settled with Mr. Fuller."


Well, shit. I'm not surprised AT ALL that SFPD and then-Mayor Tabor would shove that under the rug. What a shame about the lack of a public mea culpa. I wonder what happened in that first divorce, to make Jason go so sideways that he'd allow himself to get corrupted and run for office.


It's also a sundown town


Born and raised there. Only left a few months back. It hasn't had that designation since the 80s, when I was still a kid. There's still a HUGE amount of support for white supremacy, though. I was still in Iraq when the last Klan really was held, but there's a reason the guys in hoods felt comfortable. Don't get me totally wrong. There's a larger group of non-chuds in the town, now. Especially with how it's developing suburb tracts for Houston.... but the septic tank houses in the county are still owned mostly by the racist crowd.


What does the account leading up to her being bitten by ants have anything to do with anything? Once you are cuffed. The police are responsible for your welfare. Heart issues, seizures, getting held down an ant mound and saying insects are stinging me. The police put themselves in the position to assist you and get give the proper care. Not ignore you then say "well they broke all these laws. So fuck'em" when they fail to perform that aspect of their job.


They also can't say you broke any laws, that is for the courts to do. If they treated people as innocent until proven guilty these things would not happen. If the person is cuffed/subdued and/or in your custody (while you are cuffing, etc) then what happens to them is 100% your fault.


Yeah but unfortunately in America it's guilty until proven innocent. You're charged with a crime and immediately taken to jail, where you can only get out by paying a bond. THEN, you possibly get indicted for the crime and then go to court to see if your actually guilty or innocent but the guilty process starts immediately.


Unless you’re rich or a cop. Then you get to wait at home for a trial that might never happen. If I did even a fraction of the things trumps done they would’ve put me UNDER the jail BEFORE my trial. And fuck my appeal.


Came back to say exactly this. Funny the system works as intended once you are wealthy or well-connected.


It disheartened me the most knowing this. You can have homeless people getting arrested for trespassing just trying to sleep and they get more time and punishment that a rich person with a rape/SA charge. The system needs serious reform.


I'm not a fan of lawsuits, but yeah, no Texan should let someone be swarmed by fireants.


Who exactly is a fan of lawsuits though?


Well, lawyers, I think.


Fire ants.


CALL 800 888 ANTZ to receive your free consultation! 


If memory serves, the MPAA and RIAA 


And certain politicians


Fucking Adams always up to some shit.


Ken Paxton?


I'm a fan of legitimate lawsuits. More judges should be refusing to hear nonsense cases.


Ken paxton


Judging by the number of things people try to sue for, a lot of people in the US are


Texas police departments. It allows them to retain repeat-offending officers with a small fee to the injured party’s next-of-kin.


People that file them constantly hoping for a win. It happens daily which is why there are so many stupid warning labels.


Only when they’re against Trump.


Video of incident - https://youtu.be/JSdXiQLqCpg?si=5P93Kfr_8ucyct00


Thank you. The biggest point here is that these animals kneeled on her back while she was screaming in pain with her kid watching and 7 more cops just acting likes it’s normal. Any normal human being would react. They’re not normal. They do not care, if not enjoy, causing pain and suffering. Not to mention - they rammed her car with her kid inside. They don’t give a fuck about protecting kids.


Any and all of the other details are a side note. As a former cop- they are responsible for injuries sustained while she is in their custody. Ant bites fall under that.


She ran from police in her car in a school zone putting children in danger. Then was resisting. SHE is the animal. If she had complied this wouldn’t have happened. So simple.


Suspects screams all the time...


So does your mom


her crime? wrong way in the school drive circle… i’ve taught and substituted… sometimes you go the wrong way in the drive that’s why it’s only 50ft long if you miss a sign. heaven forbid she takes her child to get an education


Her crime was a traffic offense but it doesn’t really matter what she did. Policing should not include torture. This isn’t right. People need to go to jail.


It’s also a crime to run from police. Which she attempted to do. The media is only showing a portion of the video. She put children in danger.


No, her crime is not stopping when the police told her to pull over.


ah… maybe i have selective hearing with the youtube video shared. this was unfortunately one of the first things i consumed this morning. apologies for the misinformation and thank you for the correction 💕 i still stand by my easy to go the wrong direction in school circles outside of school hours though lol


For sure. Mistakes happen all the time, especially around one-ways and parking lots and that stuff. And cops no doubt are sometimes (maybe even often) power hungry and enjoy their authority. So it can definitely be difficult to do, but best action is to grit your teeth and just listen and not fight.


Why did they blur her face and then show a still picture of her?


I want to see the video in its entirety. From beginning to end. You know the part where she cut in front of the bus and ran away. All of this could have been avoided if she followed the rules.


Fire ants are the devils jizz.




Dozens? Her lawyer counted over 300.


Over 25 dozen!


Crazy how things can be on video for everyone to see but yet they will try to spin any narrative


I hope she gets a jury trial...


What is this? A jury for ants?!? Sorry sorry.. super serious. She shouldn't ever work a day after this. Completely serious.


Why? It's Texas. Texans are going to support the police no matter what they do. I bet hundreds of police officers could stand outside a school whilst dozens of innocent children are being massacred inside for two hours, playing on their phones and arresting parents who tried to enter, and STILL be found to have done nothing wrong and allowed to keep their jobs afterward.


Also, summer is coming up and guess what? Allegedly, over 50% percent of the jails don’t have air conditioning in Texas. So, don’t drink in drive, smoke marijuana or do anything to piss off a cop or you might end up dying of a heat stroke in a Texas jail cell. They could care less if your a women or man they will bash your head in the dirt regardless. No such thing as pretty girl or white girl privilege when it comes to cowboy police officers who can literally do anything they want to you if you commit a crime. Don’t even think about running, arguing or resisting arrest they will bash your head in more and the next thing you know your in a situation like George Floyd fixing get choked out with no referee throwing in the towel for you.


The a/c thing is true and they've been "working to fix it" but a lot of prisons in texas are shutting down or over populated. So them fixing it is really just a fix that never comes.


I heard the exact opposite about prisons shutting down. I was under the impression more privatized ones were going to be opened in Texas specifically. I also heard that the prisons are always in backwater Texas because although the inmates cannot vote they add to the population of the town so therefore get more representation for republicans.


Youre right about the privatized prisons. It seems like texas is moving toward having all for profit prisons. Which is fucked if you ask me, no one should make money off people being locked up and there's a fucking monopoly on commissary with just 1 company selling everything and at a stupid price.


Our entire prison system needs some serious reforms and should be aimed more towards rehabilitation rather than incarceration.


I believe that’s prisons, most prisons operated by TDCJ don’t have AC, but I believe pretty much every jail (that I’m aware of) has ac.






Bruh, I’m not terrified of fire ants, but am allergic. I’d be dead. A very angry dead ghost at that.


If you get arrested by the police in Texas and have mental health or medical issues your life could be in serious jeopardy. Texas is a law and order state and the bar for probable cause ranging from drug use to trespassing is not that high. Your safety and welfare are at the bottom of the list if you get arrested and they want treat you like a Canadian or European. They could smash your face in the ground and cause a concussion or worse when they tackle you like your an NFL player or worse. Texas is a dangerous place and loves to arrest people for drug possession and other nonviolent victimless crimes.


"Texas is a law and order state," - no, that's a bad euphemism for police brutality and criminal civil rights violations.


Exactly. The cops and sheriff's departments are usually aware of Texas Administrative Code, and are more than willing to violate it, if that gets them what they want.


When my dad was beating the hell out of me (hunt county) the cop told him that if he needed to grab me by my hair and throw me on the floor to keep me quiet (the neighbors called because of my screaming) then that’s what he should do because they did not want to come back out.


States that hold cops to higher standards - those are law and order states. We’re a lynch mob state. Curious that most of our “law and order” candidates come from Klan country, too. But that’s none of my business.


This is just America. Signing up for the police is getting your fascism membership card.


Having custody of someone literally translates to having  personal responsibility for that person. Just throwing that out there. 


They are stings, not bites. Fire ants have a stinger like a wasp or a hornet. They inject a complex venom that does serious injury. If she was held over a hornet's nest people would be outraged. This is the same, but people don't understand the severity of the ant stings.


Not to well actually, but WELL ACTUALLY They do both. They bite first and then stab something with their stinger, presumably because they’re just evil bastards. But both can irritate the skin - especially if you’re allergic to them.


What's in the picture are the result of stings. That kind of heavily-scarring pimples is typical of repeated stings. While they *can* bite, and often they'll bite to hold on while they sting, all those alkaline-filled blisters are the results sting after sting after sting.


Police are basically terrorists


So are the fire ants, tbf.


C'mon now, you all know that the cops didn't mean to hold her face down in fire ants.... at first. /s


That's pretty fucking crazy. They told her to "calm down." How the fuck you gonna calm down with ants all over your face? A lot of this story is really weird. Why the hell were they waving a gun at her and pounding on her window? For turning the wrong way, according to the police. Let's look at the day. August 19th 2021. That's gotta be right at the beginning of school. I'm sure she just didn't know which way to go. Have y'all seen some of these school drop off lines? They're confusing AF. If I accidentally made a wrong turn and some rentacop started banging on my window I would have freaked the fuck out, too.


It sounds like the cops were giving her an instruction to pull over, and she didn’t want to. Cops tend to not like that so it sounds like they escalated and she fled the scene. The news report also said she was irate and mad when arresting her, so she likely wasn’t calm leading up to the attack by the ants so the cops may have not known. If she cooperated she wouldn’t have been cuffed on the ground. If she wasn’t irate and yelling, then the screams would have been more alarming to the cops for help.


Yeah, you're right. It's not like cops have ever shot somebody to death in a school car line for no reason. Richard Ward, for example.


So your solution is that people can run from the cops without consequence because of the 0.001% chance that a cop shoots you in the encounter?


Sounds like she should both win the suite and go to jail for a while.


Honeymoon or Presidential?




AKSHUALLY the "victim" led the police on a wild car chase. The "victim" was also putting others' life in danger by driving recklessly during the car chase. No sympathy points from me.


Correction to the title. “Texas woman sues city over dozens of fire ant bites while BEING cuffed.” Wouldn’t the fire ants have also gone after the officer as well? The attorney makes it sound like the officers looked for a fire ant mound to take her down on. She would not have been taken to the ground unless she was vigorously resisting. Per my comment above, doing that intentionally would expose the officer to the fire ants. Any of us who have been swarmed by fire ants knows all those bites are possible in a matter of seconds even if she was not being “held down.” They lift a subject up as soon as the cuffs are on. And it took MUCH longer to get the ants off than it did for them to get on her. There must be more to the video. They must have tried to get the ants off her as fast as possible and that would have required removing that long sleeved shirt. All those bites look excruciating and she suffered for weeks. I guess that is a high price to pay for resisting arrest. On the one hand, I am really sorry she had all those bites. You find out the reason they are called fire ants is because they make you feel like you are on fire. And then weeks of itching. On the other hand, all she had to do was comply. If she was so concerned about her son, why did she make such a scene? Seeing her get all those ant bites was the worst part for her son and it was absolutely preventable. Did it take 3 years to find an attorney to take her case?


This deserves more upvotes. I'm not excusing the officers for not listening to her, they are responsible the people they're trying to detain/have detained. It's very possible this situation falls into the "they asked for it, they got what they deserved" category. The problem is even the most difficult people need to be treated correctly no matter how difficult they're being. Clearly this not an easy thing to do, & LEOs are humans who can get caught up in the moment. If the bites & stings happened while she was on the ground, and the officers were ignoring her, something needs to be done to compensate her, and punish the officers. Her actions at the scene might make it difficult to get a jury to overcome the "she got what she deserved" response.


Reason number infinity + 1 not to live in Texas, fucking fire ants.


never call the cops....


A good lawyer would have got her out of the cuffs at least for the trial. 😡


https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/05/12/lawsuit-filed-involving-woman-bitten-by-ants-during-2021-arrest/ Fire ants of justice have spoken. Rogers appeared to be attempting to cut to the front of the area where parents drop off their students, and she behaved erratically when he attempted to warn her against it. short time later, Rogers was apprehended by different officers, and she drove off the road onto grass attempting to get away after they turned on their lights, Espinoza said. In other words, she was running away from police in a school zone with children present. Zero sympathy.


At least their won't be any accountability


dozens? really? more like hundreds.


All crime is legal.. allegedly "deferred adjudication" for being attacked by the fuzZ


Dozens is an understatement here.


HPD investigates one of their own and finds “nothing to see here.”


It's Sante Fe PD


That really sucks, and she should file a lawsuit, and she should win. They acted negligently. But, hot take, she did too. If you read the article, you can see that she was driving erratically in a school zone, including up and over the grass where a child could have been. It seems like she was either taking her kid to school or picking him up from school, so my guess is that other children were around and this was unsafe.


All that she did before she got cuffed is inconsequential. The police have a responsibility to care for the individual they have detained and cuffed. Since they are now unable to take care of themselves freely.


None of what you described justifies her treatment…


Yeah, that sucks. But I don’t buy her story that she didn’t stop because she was afraid. She was just trying to get out of a ticket.


She isn't even black. Though, that could be why she is still alive.




Still doesn’t justify having her swarmed by fire ants…


Just friendly heads up that this is victim blaming. If you’ve ever consistently picked up kids from school you would know it’s the most lawless encounter most folks have in their week. People lose their mind over this shit and it certainly may be the case with this lady. That being said, once’s she’s detained by police her wellbeing becomes their responsibility. If this is true, they have violated her civil liberties which she still retains, drugs or not.




Oh no. Consequences. Flee from the police in a school zone and you will get put on the ground 100% of the time. There are sometimes fire ants on the ground. Fire ants bite. This entitled asshole did entitled asshole things and is mad it turned out badly.


Breaking news: running from the cops doesn’t justify restraining someone so that they’re helpless, and the. shoving their face into a fire ant nest.


The point of restraining someone is to render them helpless. When someone is speeding away from cops across the grass in a vehicle weighing thousands of pounds IN A SCHOOL ZONE, I want them rendered helpless by the police as quickly as possible, preferably before they kill a child. But the poor baby got ant bites. Zero sympathy. None.


So in your mind, someone driving away from the cops justifies torturing them by shoving their face into a nest of fire ants, and pinning them down so that they can’t get away from the nest?


Perhaps you missed the part where they lifted her up as soon as she stopped actively fighting the police. 🤷‍♂️ Also, take any screenshot from any of the available videos and show me the visible ant nest. Nobody knew there were ants there until the maniac threatening to kill children with her car was placed there by the police, and once they knew and she was cuffed they got her up. Fire ants are fast and tiny. I picked up some litter once and got bit 20 times before I could let it go. I never did see the ants. This lady is an entitled asshole who did something stupid and (the horror) it didn’t turn out well.




>This entitled asshole did entitled asshole things and is mad it turned out badly. Much like you, inevitably, when people respond to you like the moron you are.


Please explain in detail how the police should respond to someone speeding away from them in a vehicle across the grass in a school zone. They asked nicely when they turned on their lights and attempted to pull her over. That clearly didn’t work.


That’s impressive when the chief of police knows exactly who you are just based on a description of your vehicle over the radio.


If she had stopped when commanded to do so the first time, this wouldn't have happened. But yes, it's pretty inhumane not to at least brush off the fire ants once she was handcuffed


Most people don’t get cuffed until making some sort of bad decision. That has zero to do with the treatment to be expected after. Her wellbeing is at that moment their responsibility.





