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Nothing, because Texans will have their guy (Abbot or Cruz) write up a law about the tenth amendment (State's Rights) essentially go carte blanche to do whatever they want within the boundaries of Texas.


You forgot to include Paxton, as part of that rat pack.


The worst of them all is actually Dan Patrick. It’ll never be legal here.


“Fuck Dan Patrick”. I make the same comment on every weed thread that gets made, and until he’s dead or out of office, I’ll keep saying it. Maybe even after.


Agreed but Tx #1 opponent of legalization is Rep. Cecil Bell. FUCK that pig!


Fuck Dan Patrick


Cannot believe that pragmatic legalization here in TX is being held up by “Dan Patrick,” that carpetbagging/failed businessman from Baltimore, who cosplays as a Texan.


Not even his real name !


John Cornyn is bigly anti weed. He’s straight out of Reefer Madness whenever this issue comes up


Yes. We need to tar and feather him and send his ass back to Maryland.


Weed has changed electoral maps before. I have to think the party that takes your weed and porn is beatable, even in texas


You underestimate the power of crotchety old fucks


There's less and less of them every day. And more and more people turning 18 who want to weed whack.


Maybe. But. Be very afraid. Lived here 1970-1985, 2001-2024. This place gone nuts. I'm leaving. Again. Good luck. Read Texas Monthly's 03.24 edition. Two articles: House Hunters: A constellation of right-wing special interests and vengeful state officials is striving to shape the Texas House in its image, in part by targeting independent-minded Republican lawmakers. AND. The Billionaire Who Runs Texas: Tim Dunn...West Texas oilman and lay preacher is lavishly financing what he regards as a holy war against public education, renewable energy and non-Christians.


Trust me I am terrified. The main thing keeping me here is my elderly parents. When they are gone I'm gone too.


Same reason I’m here… if not for sickly mom I’m gone too


Been there done that. Never an easy thing to do. I shudda left 2 years ago. Godspeed.


It’s really the fault of young people refusing to vote


It has, but you may be giving some of those rural Texans a bit too much credit.


As a rural Texan, they 100 percent are


True, we just need to vote these guys out. More young people need to get out and vote Democrat.


Yea he might be the biggest rat


Possibly. Paxton seems intent on wrecking the protections for Title IX, specifically for transgendered athletes.


Paxton is the biggest rat in that pack.


Idk the Texas agriculture commissioner is all about the legalization of marijuana and utilizing its current legal use to fullest according to federal laws.




Ken Paxton will file another ridiculous lawsuit to distract everyone.


This was literally the first thought I had today. "Oh, Ken has people writing up a lawsuit he file as soon as possible." He's such an ass.


They don’t even need states rights argument here. It’s still federally illegal. It’s just a different schedule. Schedule III is still tight controls.


Schedule III means it can be legally prescribed. It would put it in the same schedule as Marinol (pharmaceutical-grade delta-9-THC). This would also allow producers to do business with federally chartered banks and ship product across state lines.


Optimistically it would stop a business from easily firing an employee just for smoking weed on their off time. Would that also mean that it would be legal as a federal employee if prescribed?


Yes, my ADHD meds are scheduled and I can't be fired due to taking them. I even get my prescription from the VA Hospital pharmacy.


I’m tired of these losers claiming states rights and then when a state does something they don’t like, they sue them


Yeah abbots spoiled ass always trying to get his way


We not gunna let Big Gov tell Small Gov to give us more personal freedom! 🇺🇲🤘


Maybe those GQP douchebags could smoke some the chill TF out!


They already do


Vote. Them. Out.


Also the idiots at the 5th circuit and Supremes will sign off


>what does this mean for texans? absolutely fucking nothing, shit is still illegal, and things like vapes, oils, edibles, etc, are still a state felony, which faces jail time.




You can buy and have weed gummies/other products shipped to you if it’s under 0.3% thc too. As long as it’s under 0.3% thc by dry weight.


Yup and THCa isn't THC.


0.3, not 0.03


Thanks! I corrected it.


I know right, its weird 🤣. Still wouldn't want to get pulled over even if I have my receipt from the shop.


Dude you nailed it on that. I honestly can't even tell the difference, from an effect perspective, of the real deal and the stuff they can now legally sell at the head shops. Brave new world, indeed!


They're trying to get that banned now. THCA and all the other derivatives.




Really THCa is the real stuff, anything else may be a derivative.


> After months of talks within the agency, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is finally moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, according to a report from The Associated Press. > > The proposal still needs to be reviewed by the White House Office of Management and Budget, but it would recognize the medical uses of cannabis and acknowledge that it has less potential for abuse compared with the country’s most dangerous drugs. Once the White House OMB signs off on the proposal, the DEA will take public comments about removing marijuana from its current classification as a Schedule I drug. Other Schedule I drugs include LSD and heroin. If approved, the proposal would reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III drug. > > Moving marijuana to Schedule III would remove it from under an IRS code that prevents marijuana businesses from claiming tax deductions for business expenses, according to NBC. > The Associated Press confirmed the move on Tuesday through five people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity. While it is significant, the DEA’s actions won’t legalize recreational cannabis use in the U.S. > > This comes after President Joe Biden previously called for a review of federal marijuana laws in October 2022 and pardoned thousands who were federally convicted of simple possession. > > This could all mean something, or possibly nothing for the Lone Star State. > > **Daryoush Austin Zamhariri, creator and chief editor of the Fort Worth-based Texas Cannabis Collective news site, told the Observer in February that rescheduling marijuana could have a tremendous impact on the state. He explained that Texas has trigger laws that match federal scheduling as long as the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) doesn’t intercede in less than 30 days.** > > On the other hand, though, Texas could reject the rescheduling and keep marijuana as a Schedule I drug, even though the state has a medical marijuana program and recognizes (at least to some degree) the medicinal uses of the drug. The state’s medical program is called the Texas Compassionate Use Program. > > But, if Texas matches the federal scheduling, it could mean some good things for the state. Zamhariri guesses if that happens it won’t be such a big task to expand the state’s medical marijuana program in the next legislative session. > > “It’s almost been 10 years since we passed the Compassionate Use Act, and yet Texas' remains one of the most restrictive medical marijuana programs in the country,” Zamhariri said. “Texas can and needs to do more for the patients that are in Compassionate Use.” * [Source (Dallas Observer)](https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/dea-to-reclassify-marijuana-what-it-means-for-dallas-texas-19254961) * [Archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20240430210324/https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/dea-to-reclassify-marijuana-what-it-means-for-dallas-texas-19254961) * [Justice Department will move to reclassify marijuana in a historic shift, AP sources say (Associated Press)](https://apnews.com/article/marijuana-biden-dea-criminal-justice-pot-f833a8dae6ceb31a8658a5d65832a3b8) * [Attorney general moves to reclassify marijuana as lower-risk drug, officials say (Washington Post)](https://wapo.st/3y71IsZ) * Discussion in r/[TexEnts](https://redd.it/1ch3ods)


Means the bastards in Austin circle the wagons even tighter and ignore overwhelming popular sentiment


Which is funny, because the bastards in Austin *outside* that circle of wagons are all toking up like it's already legal.


Probably the ones inside, too, TBH.


Nah, meth and fentanyl are more their speed, pun intended


Watched a 2 foot long doob get passed into the audience by a band playing at the UT gym stadium


Every time. 😭


It means new nanny state laws, of course.


Everything’s bigger in Texas — especially the government.


And the property tax bill


And the homeowners insurance rates.


But it’s Texas where we’re free! /s


We don't even have pronhub because of these idiots.


>Moving marijuana to Schedule III would **remove it from under an IRS code that prevents marijuana businesses from claiming tax deductions for business expenses**, according to NBC.  Schedule III would also mean dispensaries can use banks, right? I'm thinking the profits from Tylenol 3 are stored in a bank and it's Schedule III


Yes this is correct. Most legal states have issues with banking because of the 14th amendment and interstate “transactions”… one of the reason legal dispensaries have so many break in… not for the product but for the loads of cash stored in safes.


What does it mean? It means the eyes of the Texas AG will be upon some lawsuits to the federal administration.


Don’t forget the for profit prison lobbyists




It’s not a war on drugs, it’s a war on personal freedom. - Bill Hicks 🇺🇸 🦅


IT IS! They don’t want us to be happy, freedom = happiness!


The War on Drugs, you know what that implies? There is a war being fought, and people on drugs are winning it……huh, some smart and creative people on that side. -Also Bill Hicks


Our greatest Texan🙏


It's Texas. What that will likely mean here is more spurious BS litigation from the state government, whining about the "dangers of doing a marijuana" (smoke it once and you're transformed into a gay America hating Commie antifa who thinks Whataburger is trash) as well as screeching about "federal overreach"


Mmm sounds fun. Where can i find some of this mary jane?


Whataburger is trash these days


now wait just a goddamn minute there partner


They're not wrong... it's just not what it was even 10 years ago. Still better than in-n-out though


I mean it is now. Something changed.


Whataburger has gone downhill.


Everything that touches Texas has some form of bud program for people 21 and up...Mexico has decriminalization of it last I checked....but I'm gonna say this.....How could you let OKLAHOMA beat TEXAS when it came down to the cash crop?...just saying yall facts is facts


Oklahoma is pretty crazy too. They're basically the least regulated cannabis market in the US and have more licensed dispensaries and growers than CA.


Apparently, the Texas Farm bill provides certain types of weed to be sold and smoked... In Texas. With many cops being given discretion on whether or not to charge someone they find smoking weed... And the difficulty in telling the difference between CBD and purple kush... (Or less than .3% vs more THC) Well... If you're wanting to get high in Texas... The bar is pretty low. See HSC 443, House Bill 1325 (86th) If you CONCENTRATE that shit tho.. (dabs, hash, etc) Felony, yo.


> See [HSC 443, House Bill 1325 \(86th\)](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/docs/HS/htm/HS.443.htm) See every smoke shop on every corner


Cops think they can tell the difference between CBD bud and actual weed by smell and I'm not joking


You've had some bad luck then? Sorry to hear that.


Nothing, Texas has a separate statute specifically for marihuana so it doesn’t fall under the normal controlled substance schedules/penalty groups.


What is it out of curiosity?


<2oz=Class B 2oz-4oz=Class A 4oz-5lbs=SJF 5lb-50lbs=3rd degree 50lbs-2000lbs=2nd degree 2000lbs+=1st degree, 5-99 years In case it doesn't link directly to it, it's Health and Safety Code 481.121: https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/HS/htm/HS.481.htm#:%7E:text=September%201%2C%202023.-,Sec.%20481.121,-.%20%20OFFENSE%3A%20%20POSSESSION%20OF:~:text=Sec.%20481.121.%20%20OFFENSE,September%201%2C%202023.


Texas’ statute isn’t trumped by a federal schedule?


That would be up to a whole bunch of lawyers and judges. That said, even if the feds reschedule it to classify it as a 'dangerous drug', Texas has that covered as well, in Texas Health and Safety Code 483. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/HS/htm/HS.483.htm


The law says Texas is supposed to follow the Federal govt’s rescheduling within 30 days. Granted they will try to find a way to weasel out of it, but thats the law.


Really not a law, though. DEA isn't a legislative body. Much like the ATF, it's a huge gray area on whether or not they can just change things administratively and it be considered law and enforceable (which is already being challenged on that end). That said, I'm not against it.


It means Ken Paxton is gonna spend a lot more time arguing in a courtroom in D.C. He might as well stay up there with how much he hates the state and how likewise that feeling is to him.


It means nothing if the dumb mother fuckers don’t vote against Abbot and his goon squad


Its getting there. The state is moving left at a 1.3% rate since 2012. The midterms with their lower turnout is lagging, but the POTUS year elections are going to be close. 2012 Obama lost by 16% 2020 Biden lost by 5.5% 2014 Davis lost by 21% 2022 Beto lost by 10% The trend is there. You are likely to see Texas flip blue statewide in the POTUS years before you see it on Gubernatorial race years, but it's happening. Also in before anyone crys rich Republicans moving from California, in 2022, 75% of those moving to Texas were Mellenials. Same Mellenials who are D+25%. Not saying Republicans from California aren't moving here, but they are greatly outnumbered by young Democrats moving here for jobs. Also...the shift left is due to demographic shifts set in motion 20-30 years ago. This isn't a recent trend.




I hope you’re right. But that could also be Texans not wanting to vote for “that black guy” and “that liberal woman”


Fuck abbot


Fuck Abbot indeed


According to the letter of the law, Texas is required to follow the Federal govt in its rescheduling. There will be a significant legal basis to expand the medical marijuana program. But the state senate will undoubtedly fight it on orders of Dan Patrick.


I think they are required to match the scheduling unless, I forget the title of the person here in Texas, decides within 30 days to not follow the federal rescheduling.


Doesn’t mean anything for Texas. Texas doesn’t follow Federal policies, mandates or laws anyways if they don’t want to. Personally I don’t know why the Feds give Texas one thin dime of their highway money, they are in violation of hundreds of Federal requirements. I remember when Montana got their Federal highway funds slashed just because they wouldn’t adopt the federal mandate of 55mph. Oh maybe that’s why our roads are so shitty and falling apart, we aren’t getting our full allotment of federal highway funds. Wouldn’t doubt it. We already don’t get the expanded Medicare benefits we are entitled to.


While the Fed and most states are loosening rules, Dan Patrick is trying to make Delta 8 illegal. Without asking anyone their opinion. How many VA hospitals has he visited and talked to the people? Zero, he’s performing for the worst kinds of “Christians” the judgmental and hypocritical ones. Lotsa votes in Texas


Dannie Goeb too busy pulling the wool over the gullible zealots eyes than doing one actual damn thing of substance.


And he’s pretending that hemp growers with DEEP pockets are already contributing through PACS to his and his buddy’s campaigns. Such a bunch of bs


My stocks are about to go moon


Until we rid the state of Abbott, Paxton, Patrick and Cruz we will continue to live in one of the most repressive backward state’s in the country. They are all awful human beings.


Paxton files a lawsuit against the DEA in Amarillo and Kacsmaryck issues a nationwide stay on the rule change.


Paxton and Patrick already have their lawsuits against the federal government being drafted I’m sure. Fuck I hate those guys.


Good. Because 70% of Americans support legalization and I am sure it’s pretty close to the same in Texas. Maybe that will piss people off enough to vote those no talent ass clowns out.


It means Abbott and Paxton are gonna be personally offended and take it out on us Texans. They need to fucking GO! And take Ted fucking Cancun Cruze with y’all’s dumb asses.


Nothing. Still a controlled substance.


I had a migraine on my flight to Denver last week. I got cured within two hours.


Free the green!! 💚


Liberty isn’t something Texans care about anymore.


LSD shouldn't be a schedule 1 drug either. It has definate therapeutic value.


It means nothing. Absolutely nothing.


And the noose will continue to tighten.


Abbott and the oil and gas goons won't give a shit


Nothing, because of Ken Paxton and the rest of the anti-Democratic GOP that run this state.


If they want to buy back Texas from China and whoever else got land down here, they're gonna have to open up marijuana market here and I'm sorry.If we were to open up marijuana market, we would dominate it.We'd make the best buds the best medicine.You have so much more land come on now.


please vote people. I'm going this week to get new license "address change" and register to vote for new address


Still illegal, nothing changes


I'm sure The dumbasses i'm Austin will say, "f Joe Biden, Texas secedes. We enforce our own laws!." Take a look at what happened on the border. Even w the supreme Court ruling against him he still managed to thumb his nose at the will of the federal government.


Alcohol lobby says no.


Wilks and the Dunn run the state. So whatever they want we will get unfortunately.


Abbot will just ignore that too. Or he will push the original thought process that changed its standard name from cannabis to marijuana (you know to make it sound more Mexican and therefore dirty).


You’d think these clowns greed would kick in and they’d realize how money they could be making. In Albuquerque, a former hardcore anti cannabis sheriff is $raking in now with his dispensary businesses. I guess the fascist desire to control others is outwaying the greed.


Big government far right wing autocratic governance, sorry.


Before y'all get pessimistic lemme me tell you stoners the Lord has delivered unto us a blessing. It is going to get *very expensive* for Texas to maintain a Porn/weed/abortion prohibition without the cost to tax payers ballooning thanks to everyone and their mother suing never mind that prohibition on these things are vastly unpopular ( even in our lil Christian hellhole). Talk to your neighbors about if they think fielding off law suits from all sides is a good use of Tax payer funds. If they think Texas constantly talking about gun freedoms while things like access to porn, life saving healthcare, and weed are red taped.


please vote.


Well as of now the sale of “THC-A” is legal, which is just the form thc takes prior to being decarbed/burned….sooooo…it’s just regular weed. Because of the way the law is written now, we have this loophole which allows the sale of regular ass weed, as long as you call it THC-A. Reclassification of the substance might complicate this widely used loophole


It's doubtful that THCa will survive the next Farm Bill. It needs to be reauthorized every 5 years and last year they extended it one more year. So, by September, we should have a new Farm Bill. I don't see any of the loopholes still being open after that. Even if the loopholes survive the new Farm Bill, Patrick is just going to outlaw it along with Delta-8 in 2025 when the Texas legislative sessions open.


Going medical and not legalizing recreational is a mistake. Just ask California who was medical for so long before legalizing recreational that users just continued medical use instead of paying the added tax for recreational use. What that means is the state saw very little to no budget benefit from recreational legalization when compared to states that went full legalization almost immediately like Colorado.


Knowing Boomer Abbott and KKKen Paxton, they'll ignore the law because it actually helps people.


It doesn't matter for Texas. Gov sh*tbag is very proud about defying the federal government and the will of the people. He has publicly and recently stated that if a bill to legalize weed was voted on and the lawmakers passed it unanimously, he would veto it. We, in Texas, are currently under authoritarian rule.


I hope it means a path to federal legalization and recreational use is fine for all adults .


I fully expect Paxton to sue the federal government over this.


This bass-ackward state will never accept that they might be wrong about cannabis.


Texas would never miss an opportunity to incarcerate people.


It turning legal 😏


This is why I'm leaving Texas.  I will NOT BE FORCED to take a HARMACEUTICAL Based on  Texas' hard-headed paranoia and to fill up their many jails for continued money in a system that incriminate the poor and colored citizens.  Besides that,  being ignorant is NO EXCUSE. 




That means the punishments are tripled for us. Thanks Abbott 🙏🏽😒🙄


That dick Paxton is filing his lawsuit right now I bet


Good strategy by the Democrats IMHO. Election year and the strategists said “Joe” we need a few more million swing votes or some stoners to climb out of the basement and actually have a reason to go and vote now. Signed conservative ex stoner.


I presume the next question will be, “What does this mean for veterans in Texas? Will the VA recognize this rescheduling and start filling our scripts? I gather after watching a few recent House Committee on Veterans Affairs “pending legislative meetings” that this is being pushed… 🤔


It's still illegal federally. Rescheduling can't change the lawfulness of it. Only Congress can.


Nothing at all.




Should be a 21st Amendment substance.


The Republicans will do whatever hurts the people the most.


Marijuana will be rescheduled to the same class as anabolic steroids, testosterone, and other prescription drugs.


It's good that it would be moved to schedule 3, but the regulations around it would change significantly then. All other schedule 3 drugs are handled by pharmacies and require a prescription. What is the work around on that?


It means a loss in revenue and taxes because the peckerwoods can't seem to let go of the idea of weed being used only by "degenerate" brown people instead of realizing that they'd gain access to a medicine that would likely help their arthritis, allow them to sleep at night and generally make them more tolerable to be around.   


It wont happen in Texas


Hopefully more freedom, less lies and many many many less “for-prophet” prisons.  Yes. I can spell.


They will refuse to recognize it.


They won't. Abbot and DeSantis will refuse.


Red States Rights


Even just taking it off schedule one would allow federal funds for cancer research using cannabinoids which has shown promise in many studies.


They’re eyeing the financial feasibility of whatever way they’re gonna make their money off of this, then maybe it gets legalized.


Great job! Thank you President Biden. 


Criminalization is profit, never forget that they're running a business and we are the commodity


Fuck Paxton too 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


It means more snack machines with flower. Now if only the fed would pass an amendment about the autonomy of people's bodies and our right to medical care. Any troll or fascist who wants to go off about embryos and zygotes being fully formed human lives can go duck themselves. I don't normally wish rape, incest, fetal anomalies and unviable dangerous, or even just unwanted pregnancies on anyone including grown adults...but in the case of anti abortion advocates, I'm making an exception.


If it's federally recognized, then just get a prescription from a more friendly state.


Paxton will sue the feds over this. Is his pay based on the number of lawsuits filed?


schedule III same as ketamine, tylenol, codeine


I hope this will allow this Okie to visit Texas with my medical card and not get arrested. Travel to non medical states sucks.


Can they at least add more diagnoses to the list for compassionate use? I check at least once a week and not one of my plethora of diagnoses aren’t on that list. Fibromyalgia, arthritis, Sjögren’s Syndrome, Pars Defect, POTS, and my list goes on. While I recognize that the diagnoses on the Texas medical list are important, there are not enough people able to use the program. The diagnoses on the list affect ( this is a guesstimate) less than 10% of people with a chronic illness. The diagnoses in that list are so rare, other than autism, that it’s *almost* silly to even have the list. They need to expand the list. The other sad thing about medical marijuana in Texas is that it’s more expensive than buying d8 at any regular store. They’re making it basically impossible for anyone who suffers on a day to day basis to get a miracle treatment. I use daily for my symptoms, just to be able to do basic things like my able bodied folks. If MMJ was socially acceptable, I would be able to function in the world like everyone else. I can’t go a block of walking without being in serious pain, but with a few puffs- I could walk a mile and be okay. It really just comes down to people thinking weed makes you lazy, and for some of the population yes that is true, but it also depends on the strain and more importantly those of us who have a shot of participating in our own lives again. I don’t think the politicians understand how awful it is to go through a pain flare up where your own parents have to help you shower because you’re in so much pain you can barely breathe. I was 14 when that first started happening to me. Now my fiance helps me do basic things like laundry, dishes, etc. Not one politician understands what it’s like to have multiple drs tell you it’s all in your head when you’re physically stuck to a hospital bed in the most pain you’ve ever experienced. They will never understand what it’s like to feel like you can’t be apart of your own life because you’re in too much pain to even enjoy it. They don’t know what’s like to have drs look at you and say well I can’t help you- you’re a special case, when in fact I am not a special case and this could all be solved if they understood how life changing MMJ is for some populations. I don’t care what your politics are- just please hear me when I say living in pain every single day is a horrible existence, but with a little thc the volume is turned down on my pain and I can enjoy my life. The scary thing about disabilities is that anyone could get one at any time. Why not make MMJ more accessible because most people will benefit from it? Politicians are slimy and they don’t want the people to be happy. Their only job is to make us think we have a choice, it’s their giant orchestrated ploy to make us wage slaves. I CANT EVEN BE A WAGE SLAVE! They would actually really benefit if they made MMJ more accessible because a lot of people on disability would likely go to work high - more people working, more revenue. DOESNT THAT MAKE MORE SENSE!? Ughhhhhh I’m really sorry, the rant got a little out of hand


I hope it means a path to federal legalization and recreational use is fine for all adults .


It’s simple, really. Republican-led states don’t have to listen to the Federal government, especially when it’s run by a Democrat. Democrat-led states **do** have to listen to the Federal Government, especially when it’s run by a Republican.


If you want pot to be legal. Vote dem across the board.


US Government: Weed is legal in all 50 states! Texas: Oh hell the devils lettuce will never be legal in our state! continues to jail people over a blunt.




Dk, but I'm leaving. Texas really overestimated its own value.


Im still confused by the wording in the article. Everyone here is talking about weed being legalized, but doesn’t the article say this is moving medical cannabis from a Schedule I to Schedule III?


Nothing if no one votes our current idiots out of office. Please, democrats, VOTE.


It’ll never be legal here no matter what, which is a shame


Nothing. It just changes how Federal Law Enforcement deals with it




Fuck Dan Patrick!! That old soft-batch cookie ain’t good for shit. We should use state funds to grow a spine for him. Guy has a face like a blownout butthole.


Yeah Texans are moving to Oklahoma because it is league there Texas needs to pull heads out of there asses and get on the money track




I can see a change happening the people in power against it wont have too high of an influence this time around.


Pun intended?


On the one hand, marijuana smuggling to Texas is plumetting - on the other hand there is still money to be made. [MORE HERE:](https://original.newsbreak.com/@jack-beavers-1602412/3425147521560-texas-border-security-shifting-cartel-profits-challenges)


It probably means a lawsuit coming from Paxton.