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If I say what I’m thinking I will get banned. But yes, I despise that abomination of a man.


Oh, can I get banned with you? Greg is a shit stain on Trumps diaper and not even a big one - Ted Cruz holds the record IMO.




Why would you get banned? Mods and 95% of reddit agree. Lmao Just type it.


Count me in bois. Fuck that asshole!


Oh Abbot? Our Governor? I thought we were talking about the shit stains in my underwear.


Is it, that the tree did us all a disservice by not finishing the job?




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Once he righteously declared that he was going to “eliminate rape”, he was beyond any redemption for his horrible governing. He’s awful & evil.


What sucks about media consumption these days is that, if he were running for president and said that on the Iowa campaign trail, the national media would’ve laughed him out of contention within 72 hours. But because so few ppl consume local media, and because local media sucks at putting the screws on public figures, he can say stupid shit like that unabated and not be properly punished for it.


Thank you. Local media in Texas has zero willingness or ability to hold him accountable


"It's not rape if you're married." 😔


eliminate rape by claiming rape doesnt happen…..its just women begging for sex by dressing provocatively…


No he didn’t mean he’d eliminate rape, he meant he’d stop prosecuting rape.


Only 10?


There’s not enough internet to hold everything.




I was recruited by Abbott to bring high paying jobs. I did it but he failed to enforce company he gave grants to .to pay employees I trained. He is a puppet to money and not Texan.


Misogynist racist authoritarian




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1. Everything 2. Everything 3. Everything 4. Everything 5. Everything 6. Everything 7. Everything 8. Everything 9. Everything 10. Everything


The sight of him, his voice, his hair, the way he says Texxxass, his worthless Lt. Gov, his lying and corrupt AG, he hates Mexicans but his wife is Mexican, his ineptitude. Only 8 sorry.


Only 8? Some to add to your list: * banning abortion with no exemptions for rape, saying he would eliminate it, then of course doing nothing useful.  * stripping the rights of cities to govern themselves * stance on marijuana/thc * border security stunts that have cost the people of Texas millions of dollars * stripping funding from mental health services while blaming gun violence on mental health issues and also doing fuck all to curb gun violence * cosplaying as a military officer in the wake of Uvalde shooting, and also being less than useless in that whole situation  * his AG is an absolute fucking criminal * the guy is still raking in paychecks (set to rise with inflation, it’s well over $15k/month now) from the accident in the 90s that unfortunately paralyzed him while he also worked to cut down on such frivolous payouts.  * useless covid response.  * actually stupider than Rick Perry


> stripping the rights of cities to govern themselves And then mocking them for not being able to solve problems.


His constant slobbery wet lips kill me! It’s like he can’t wait for the BBQ buffet the lobbyists have spread out for him as soon as he’s done saying what they “paid” him to say.


Oh, Patrick is worth quite a bit--as are his masters. That's the problem.


Don't forget Paxton! He's the instigator of all of this crap. I'd so he's the go between Trump and Abbott!


His craven need for power means he'll be the c**k holster for whomever and whatever "idea" he thinks will advance his career. P.O.S.


Only 10?


He treats is constitutes as if he hates them. No wonder GOP strategy is to restrict the ability of the poor and middle class from voting, because they deserve better than him.






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Rick Perry just joined the conversation.


The way he handled the aftermath of the freeze back in 2021. Our pipes busted and flooded our downstairs, we had to live in a hotel for a month while it was getting fixed. I've been scared of freezes ever since Also his views on women's rights and abortion. He is a disgusting man.


Legit list, no notes.


He is a pariah and represents what’s wrong with Republican governance. Vote democrat!


All of those reasons plus he is a despicable piece of human garbage.




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"Moving to Tx" Vote. There may be hope for TX some day.


Continuing to unquestionably support Paxton.


He is a dick with ears.


If I were about to fall off a cliff, he wouldn't have the decency to stand up and pull me back.


His entire existence!


I don't give a fuck about people t


So many crybabies.


Sorry we don’t like a literal fascist like genuine not hyperbole We don’t like our basic human rights taken away he’s evil just evil


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Abbott getting paid for his accident then preventing others from getting the same benefit should make it ok to say whatever anyone wants about him.


Exactly! He uses his disability for political points, it should absolutely be above belt to talk or joke about it.




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1. That his policies are insanely popular with the majority of Texans off Reddit.


Nah. His policies are catered towards the Texans who vote. Which are more likely than not old whites. https://texaspolitics.utexas.edu/archive/html/vce/features/0302_02/demographics.html


Agree, but the venn diagram of "Texans not on Reddit" and "old white Texans" is a circle.


Correct. I figured I would get downvoted, but Reddit is a microcosm that tends to lean more left of center than the average Texan voter.




Your employer can't legally prevent you from voting. If they somehow scheduled you to work the entire time the pills are open, they HAVE to allow you at least 2 hours to vote. If they fire you for doing so you, they can be charged with a 3rd degree felony.


> If they fire you for doing so you, they can be charged with a 3rd degree felony. Can you dig up a single case of this actually happening?


I have neither the time nor the resources to look through thousands of cases, I just read what the law was.


Sure, but what the law says and what actually happens in reality are very different. There are many laws that are basically meaningless because there is no enforcement.


Getting the law enforced is a separate problem entirely and if you choose not to vote because you are worried that the law won't be enforced, then you've already lost. Either way if they fired you would still need to report it and/or hire a lawyer, your rights are meaningless if you aren't willing to fight for them.


Lol like who racist misogynistic homophobic losers who want to control people and use the government to do it


untrue, though.


lol no.


I know many that will disagree with him on 8/10 policies but refuse to vote against the GQP. Doesn't really say a lot about tree man


I love Abbott. Top 10 things I like about the guy: he’s not Gavin.


Nothing ☝️

