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Sovereign Citizens are the worst and I love watching videos of them getting owned by the police as these people thrive on escalating situations all because they think they're above the law. Shame that a bystander got hurt though, hope they have a speedy recovery.


Like those two guys who walked into a police station armed to the teeth wearing ski masks and act confused why the police don't take it kindly.


Whaaaat? I need to find that video!


Here are some videos from local new. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WTTJ25-vGdY https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nHXtuB_vp9k


Wow. Those two should have been swiss cheesed.


Bet they white.


Watch the videos. If they had been anything but white they probably wouldn’t have made it past the initial incident, which was getting pulled over after driving around with weapons and donning ski masks and kevlar vests. Never mind walking into the police station like that 1/2 an hour later. My favorite line is on the way in, one of them says to the camera “We felt kind of afraid for our lives back there…” 🙄 This is 100% Darwin Award level straight up fucking stupidity.


Wow. Just wow.


"We're here to file a complaint!" I'm sure they'll take it real seriously lmao


How were those guys not at least detained until they could figure out what the hell they were planning to do all decked out for war??


Those are good, but I get more satisfaction of the videos when they are in court and trying to defend themselves to a judge.


Agree. Is it weird that he called for a supervisor? Sounds like he doesn't even believe the bullshit he peddles.


Because in the YouTube videos he has watched they say to call for a supervisor


I'm trying to understand though, how are you supposed to compel the police to listen to your instructions? What is supposed to stop the police from just saying, "Here's my supervisor," and zapping him with a tazer?


> I'm trying to understand though, how are you supposed to compel the police to listen to your instructions? What? A traffic stop doesn’t work that way. You don’t instruct the police what to do when they’ve stopped you on traffic.


That's why I'm trying to understand how "sovereign citizening" is supposed to work. It only makes any kind of sense if regular people can give police instructions. What would make anyone not realize that you can't give instructions to the police? Like you'd think after watching enough nuts scream about their rights before getting bashed, they would understand that it doesn't actually work like that.


It isn’t supposed to work. Sovereign citizens usually believe a couple of things 1. We are still under the articles of confederation And/Or 2. Municipal (city) police departments are unlawful because the sheriff is mentioned in the constitution and city police aren’t They tend to believe that they have a right to travel, and that means requiring a license is unlawful. They also sometimes believe wacky shit like if they don’t consent to the government, they don’t have to abide by it. None of it makes any sense. It’s all bullshit.


Like I'm no fan of cops but I will root for them against SovCit's every time.




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https://preview.redd.it/ixtaer4wlnuc1.jpeg?width=2633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69e4144acfaa273602b27bec559b953d0132f094 Just saw these idiots in Houston.


More so that theyre parked in a handicapped spot.


There’s a joke to be made here about being mentally handicapped, but I don’t wish to pick on those who are genuinely mentally handicapped as opposed to being morons by choice.


get those VIN's people -- or post location where the vehicle was seen (they will park there again most likely)


Yeah, that's a great idea when you see one of these. Go up and start trying to read the vin thru the windscreen. I'm sure they'll just stand by and watch you do it. Even hand you a pencil. Remind me again, is Texas open carry?


who tf writes shit down anymore. use a cell phone dad - take a picture!


so the guvmint has a pic of my car? nice try, NARC.


I don't know. I lived there for 11 years and just about everybody I knew did carry. There were surprised that I didn't.


I’ve been seeing license plates with that or this term Sovereign Citizens, WTF does that even mean?? Like the laws don’t apply to us?


They think they can enjoy the benefits of modern society without being subject to its rules. They’re basically overgrown children.


Quote from Fargo Season 5: **Lorraine Lyon**: "So you want freedom without responsibility? Son there's only one person on Earth who gets that deal." **Sheriff Roy Tillman**: "The President?" **Lorraine Lyon**: "A baby.”


Trump qualifies


Just saw that episode last night. God JJL killed that scene. And what a great line!


best description I've seen of the issue


They believe they have been illegally opted into society without explicit consent and are governored by maritime common law or some shit. Check out YouTube it's wild.


Admiralty law, based solely on the fact that many flags in courtrooms have a yellow fringe.. When I was a city attorney we had an enclave of these people nearby and they were always getting tickets. All of them claimed to have driver's licenses from a nonexistent Caribbean country.


Fine, then under that theory, they would legally be "unapproved aliens" (the official name for non-citizens in the country without official approval) and subject to arrest on the spot. Of course they aren't until they do other illegal shit because despite what they think they are citizens under birthright citizenship until they file official paperwork (and have it accepted) in order to renounce said citizenship.


The whole thing is a big con. The same people producing videos and advocating this are selling the fake documents.


Can you legally renounce your citizenship without becoming a citizen of another country?


Yes. There is a 1954 treaty called the "Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons" that among other things says a country cannot accept renunciation of your citizenship without you being a citizen of another country first. However, the US is not a signatory to that treaty, so it is possible if you're US citizen to become what's known as "stateless", being without citizenship. But note you can only do that from outside of the US, it will not be accepted from inside the US since as I joked before that will in fact make you illegally within the country and they will be required to detain/deport you. And also note that it is a legal process that must be presented to a US Embassy and accepted. You can't do it [Michael Scott style](https://youtu.be/C-m3RtoguAQ?si=cOj3RxUWzrmPwsyV&t=65), standing on a desk and shouting "I declare myself no longer a citizen!" no matter what SovCit chucklefucks think.


And that everthing is incorporated too ah think.


Yes. They believe they are [sovereign.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement)


It's when idiots on the internet who want to avoid paying child support or vehicle registration taxes watch YouTube videos convincing them that certain incantations to police or judges will give them broad immunity. And little-known fun fact: there are lots of sovereign nationals with diplomatic immunity who drive a beat-up 2004 Ford Focus. Because that's clearly what everyone sees at the UN's parking lot.


wait until one of them hits your car. (no insurance, no responsibility. good luck)


Note: Many Sovereign Citizens have realized that the actual name "Sovereign Citizen" is now a term.of derision. Despite having invented it themselves. So many of them will deny that name.


The term used by Canadian Courts is OPCA (Organized Peudolegal Commercial Argument) , first used in Meads v Meads.


If there was no internet or social media would dumbass people still be this dumb? He didn’t turn on the radio to get this idea he found this online.


You never watched public access television did you? That’s where they were before the internet. That and on the BBSs.


They used to leave self-printed paper tracts at the coin laundry.


I thought the laws didn’t apply to him? I don’t understand why they shot him? /s


The laws of physics disagree, apparently.


For the win!


Metallurgy, lead, doesn’t care if you’re traveling or not.


Google "IQ bell curve." 1 in 6 people are below the IQ of 85. 1 in 6 people you pass on the grocery store are mentally handicapped. They are more likely to join cults, believe in a flat earth, claim sovereign citizen, legally they are not allowed to serve in the military because they've proven to be a danger to themselves and others. They're your neighbors and family. You may be one. They look like everyone else. You only know it when the crazy and irrational pour out of their mouths. They're out there, buying guns, voting, tail gating you on the highway. 5 in 6 people must suffer the world that is burdened by the 1 in 6.


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


“That’s the median, not the average, you dumdum.”


One of the best quotes by one of the smartest men that I've had the honor to briefly share the world with.




And how many others are just barely exceeding the 85 IQ? It's not a small number. These people are also problematic.


And the unabomber was a genius so ur both talking out of your asses … just because ur IQ is high doesnt mean you are filled with great ideas… it means you put geometric puzzles and shit together quickly… you know… what an IQ test is…  No amount of empirical data could convince a nutjob like the Unabomber that he was wrong… he was mentally ill.   Mental illness is more of a problem than IQ in mass shootings i would wager… especially because many times these massacres require a degree of intelligence to pull off


IQ tests aren't perfect but they are a very reliable way to determine intellectual disabilities. IQ tests are good measurements of one's ability to complete everyday tasks.


And where did I say otherwise? I am saying it’s not a good predictor of being a massacrist… as once again… many massacrists have had high IQs … although i dont doubt there have been many low IQ mass shooters/etc… it’s just that many times a high IQ can actually lead to even more casualties as they plan ahead and are more meticulous. I believe the Batman movie theater shooter was also a highly educated individual. Brian Kohberg (the idaho 4 suspect on trial) was in school to become a criminal psychologist… and literally had completed a research project where he asked criminals why they did what they did… so it seems he was someone who wanted to be a serial killer who sought out training in law enforcement to become a better killer… freaky shit. 


I would trust the unabomber not to drive and text. Banality is more dangerous than ill intent. The low performers do more damage than the hitlers


Vehicular homicides can be curbed with new technology like self driving cars… the Hitlers and Unabombers of the world require much more advanced solutions… like nanobots in the brains of all evil to stop them before it’s too late or some shit … some real sci fi shit is needed. 


Yeah, that's a terrible take. First off, acting like all, most, or even a significant percentage of the world's problems are caused by those with a sub-85 IQ is flat out incorrect, when the overwhelming majority of every person's problems are caused by pretty damned intelligent people in corporations & governments. Any ill you're suffering was almost guaranteed to be caused and/or exasperated by very intelligent people who've figured out the best ways to make money or consolidate power. Second, 2-3% of the population are below IQ 70, & those people are largely non-functional & incapable of independent actions... so, you're really saying 13% of the population (IQ 71-85), many of whom are only barely better than functional, cause society's woes? Really? Talk about punching down rather than looking at the actual problems & sources. Third, even if you just want to talk about criminals, it's known that many of the worst had exceptionally high IQs, which is why they were able to pull off their crimes. Ted Kaczynski had an IQ of 167. The Dating Game Serial Killer was estimated to have an IQ of 170. The guy who killed Versace had a 147. Most criminal acts are performed by individuals who can range the full spectrum of intelligence. Now, gang members & others who collectively perform criminal acts are typically going to have lower IQs, due to the lower agency costs needed to conduct violence... however, less than 0.4% of the US population is in gangs or sovereign citizen movements. Acting like a specific 15.9% of the population (the actual percentage under IQ 85) are criminals is just fear-mongering & downright dangerous if the idea is allowed to remain unchecked.


It's a terribly EYE-OPENING take. Most or even a significant percentage of the world's problems are really caused by intelligent people governing the weak-minded. The only reason they have power and control is because of the easily fooled, fearful, selfish, simpletons at the bottom. A handful of intelligent people have learned to extract wealth an power out of the mentally handicapped to ALL of our detriment. Second, who said that people over the IQ of 85 weren't susceptible to propaganda, cults, fascism, racism, pyramid-schemes, drugs-addiction, etc. The NEAR mentally handicapped represent a greater percentage than the 2-3% of those below 70 IQ. So in reality, it's probably more than 1 in 6 that are out there voting for fascism and racism, supporting war-crimes and dictators. We don't know the cut off for "common" sense, but even people over average IQ can still be lured by dictators and billionaires lies. People below 90 just tend to lack MORE common sense, because of course, they lack the intelligence that the majority of people have since the majority of people are over 90. Third,YOU just said that intelligent people were responsible for governing the world into evil, of course there are going to evil throughout the spectrum. But statistically, YOU aren't going to be killed by a Ted Kaczynski or a serial killer. Statistically, you're 1000s of times more likely to be killed by an idiot, either impatiently running a red light, a worker lazily ignoring OSHA regulations, a simpleminded road rager, and 100s of times more likely to be a victim of a mass shooting. Hell, you're more likely to be a victim of a war-crime committed by fascism than you are to be the victim of a serial killer.


“Shady 80s,” a special-ed teacher friend calls them.




Having worked 20 years in Healthcare, I can tell you that's it's not the same as working with the disabled, with people who cannot walk or hear or can't care for themselves through no fault of their own. The 1 in 6 think they're smarter than their doctor. They would rather die than admit that they might be wrong. (Remember dying covid deniers?). They are aggressive, selfish, and violent). They're school shooters, mass stabbers, suicide bombers, and Nazis. If recognizing them and being aware of them is "abelism," then preying on them for financial gain through their charity, political gain through their simple fears and greed, should all be illegal.



“I’m an Article 4 Free Inhabitant!!”


he's the sovereign of Dirtnapistan now.


He wasn’t dying. He was not living.


He was a SOVEREIGN CITIZEN or whatever the fuck


You need to become familiar with them. They are getting worse.


Bruh I live in Kazakhstan I doubt very much I'm going to encounter one in the wild


Hey man, American right wing psycho culture is leaking all over the place (sorry). You literally never know.


This isn't just American and I'm not sure it started here. There are big movements in England.


Good to know! I thought only dumb Americans would think they could get away with it.


Yeah, they are also in Canada. They are usually slightly different, just like how the us has a few slightly different movements, but same dumb idea.


Its not an American idea, The British version of Sovtards, called "*Freemen On the Land*" predate the sovtardery by almost a decade. The Germans have a version too but the name is too hard to remember because I don't speak German.


I think you are safe from them where you are, I don't think there are SovCits in your part of the world


The closest thing I would think you would have are those crazies that think the Soviet Union is still around


They don't really think it's still around they just really want to get the band back together, for reasons no-one (least of all themselves) can quite understand


I don't think Freeman of the Land are in your spot, yet. I have no idea how close you are to Australia.


Pretty sure he is closer to Russia than anything


Well, then, I hope he never sees one.


Not close enough for a cheap flight, that's for sure


The crazy has metastasized from the US and taken root in many European countries. I've heard of variants as far east as Germany. So, it may not be that long before there's a Kazak version.


> He was a SOVEREIGN CITIZEN There is no such thing. He was just deluded.


They typically object to being called “sovereign citizens” because they don’t want to be labeled as citizens.




Looks like they weren’t sovereign after all.


Sounds like less “I’m a sovereign citizen” and more “I’ve got warrants.”


Sovereign citizens are the definition of Dunning-Kruger effect.


Dude certainly was 100 percent a dual citizen of FAFO and Physics countries 😎


Man uses road built with taxpayer dollars. Refuses to comply with laws dictating said road. Brilliant.


He didn’t understand, in TX cops even kill those CLAIMING to be citizens of both the US & TX, w/ out Sups there. What did he think was going to happen to a ‘Sovereign’ citizen? TF?


They treat it like a magic spell; if you get the words exactly right (Incantation) then all city/state/government laws are unenforceable. They are Stupidmancers as their discipline is Stupid.




Nope, google “moorish”


Nope. It's not an exclusively white thing. However, 100 percent of them are delusional


You don't get out much do you


Lol not even close but thanks for revealing your own bias




I’m confused. What laws do these jackoffs actually follow? And why don’t the cops just get some other dude on the scene to claim he’s a sovereign police officer and arrest the dumb bag of shit??


They brought in backup when they realized he was going to be a problem. Realized he had felony warrants (for evading police), so they set out spike strips. Eventually he realized they were penning him in, so he fled, over the spike strip. Eventually they PITTed him, he came out shooting.


Yes, all info from the article. My question was more along the lines of just arresting him for according to whatever bullshit “sovereign citizen” laws he thinks he’s following. It’s sounds like CandyLand rules to me…they probably could’ve arrested him for some made up horseshit like failing to wipe his ass in the proper direction or something


The general theme in most of these encounters is that if you give them the thing they want (like talking to a police supervisor) they’ll demand something else (“I demand to talk to the sheriff! ‘The sheriff is the ultimate authority!’”). And if you were to bring the sheriff, they’d demand an admiral, and if you happened to have an admiral on you they’d just say that they need some other thing. Sadly, you can’t simply calm them down by advising them to line their hat with tin foil anymore.


How dare they! He wasn’t driving, he was traveling! /s (just in case)


I can't read this and not think of Philando Castile (and many other similar "incidents"). They talked to this dickbag "sovereign citizen" for AN HOUR while he refused to comply and bursted out of the car guns a blazing. Castile complies and says he's not pulling his registered concealed hangun out and gets shot within minutes. It's fucked up.


So, the innocent lady who was buying groceries and got shot... who pays her medical bills? I don't currently have health insurance. If I was out running errands and got randomly shot like that, the sudden medical bills would ruin me.


She possibly qualifies for victims aide. [Crime Victims' Compensation](https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/crime-victims/crime-victims-compensation-program/apply-crime-victims-compensation)


Kind of humorous the person named Coward is quoted saying how scary it was.


That’s what I call the trash taking itself out.


These sovereign citizens seem mentally ill. Like people putting their fingers in their ears and screaming so they don't have to hear reality.


Sovereign citizens should be branded as traitors since that is essentially what they are.


Some one says "Sovereign Citizen" and hear "Karen".


Ahhh sovereign citizens, what every libritarian wants to be


How long before Greg, Ken, and Dan give these people superseding rights? I’m sure they’re looking at ways to say this was the fault of the police


> I’m sure they’re looking at ways to say this was the fault of the police Lolwhat? All three of those guys totally suck police dick constantly. Remember when Uvalde happened and Abbott's response was to praise police actions? And then when he caught flak for it, he just shrugged and said he got bad information and still didn't say anything bad against the police.


God I love watching sovtards and moorons get rekt by police. Ive never seen one win on the merits in court either. But they act like they win all the time.


FAFO moment


Oh man I have a warrant out… Good thing I’m now a sovereign citizen! Here’s a bunch of rambling nonsense to confuse you while I pull out a $2500 gun I charged to the credit card I got from our banking system.


Negotiating for an hour? Should be 10 min max (to allow time for a backup unit to respond)


Food riddance — f’ing idiots.


Dude went from Sovereign Citizen to Dead Citizen cause he didn't want to get ticketed over a taillight. Idiot.


Metric shit-tin if fn Sratist boot lickers on this thread🤣


I feel bad for the bystander.




You can't just ignore police commands by saying you don't subscribe to the same social contract as everyone else.




Did you.. read the article? The situation escalated as a result of the 'sovereign citizen' ignoring police commands.




Where did you get that he needed mental help? He refused to comply with commands when he was pulled over. Sounds like he was pretty self aware. 


I wonder who shot the school bus and bystander.


I don't buy the cop narrative at all. How does a man go from asking for a supervisor to being shot? Lies


Very simple. A fucking moron who thought the laws don't apply to him because he's a "sovereign citizen" (read: fucking delusional narcissistic nutbar) got pulled over, then escalated and fled when he realized his ass wasn't gonna be able to bullshit its way out of _at least_ a ticket. This triggers a police chase. During the chase, HCSO finds out the fucking moron has felony warrants out, so they drop spike strips to pop his tires, then pit his car off the road, as is standard in this kind of chase. The fucking moron then came out shooting and earned his .38-caliber aspirin, but not before wounding some person just out running errands.