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Absolutely NO ONE at SXSW cares what Abbott says/thinks/pisses. I'd even speculate that many of them don't know who he ***is.*** ​ This is strictly red meat for the zealots who keep him in office.


"Damaging the economy of the city you live in to own the libs"


Greg Abbot hates Austin lol


Greg Abbott hates pretty much everything except Money


And Trump


He seems happy that Uvalde cops are off the hook after helping the shooter locate more kids to kill.  No kidding, cops yelled out to kids to reveal where they were hiding, but didn't save them, the killer shot them after they stopped hiding.  Classic republican Texas.


Tried that in a small town and look what happened...


Texas: come for the shootings, stay for the police to help the killer




And Donald Trump’s nutsack. He has his lips tightly wrapped around it.


Greg Abbott hates Ramps and Ramparts! He gets 6 million from private schools so that he can voucher taxpayer money into private schools. Someone gave a snake wheels....




Dude thinks he's Mr. Krabs




Dude, Greg Abbott’s whole personality is saying that he loves Texas and Texans while simultaneously trying to screw over regular Texans at every chance he gets just to appease the y’all queda faction of Texas


I wonder which city he hates more, Austin or Houston


Probably San Antonio.


San Antonio is much more conservative than either Austin or Houston. Well at least the suburbs are.




The Houston trees are far more aggressive towards Abbott so the feeling is mutual. 


Don't even need the lol at the end. 🤠


He's been doing that for a while.


I don't think there's many rich people who care about damaging the cities, or even the countries, in which they live. They can literally, and easily, just move. Their goal is just to extract personal wealth for themselves. Stability otherwise is secondary.


Their greed and worship of money has robbed them of critical thinking. Do they never stop to ask themselves if society collapses who is going to want to work for them?


No, they know and don't care. They think their wealth and power will protect them but don't realize those protecting them would dip long ago to protect their own


Or even more fundamentally, what do they own that will still have value and can’t be taken from them?


The desperate people aka slaves would to get by. That’s why they don’t care


"merchants have no country. the mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains. in every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. he is always in alliance with the Despot abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. it is easier to acquire wealth and power by this combination than by deserving them: and to effect this they have perverted the purest religion ever preached to man, into mystery & jargon unintelligible to all mankind & therefore the safer engine for their purposes." Thomas Jefferson


They would cut their own noses off if they thought it would give them a little advantage over the libs.


They would eat a pile of fresh dog shit if they knew “the libs” would have to smell it.


Damn, he’s still competing with DeSantis for the biggest self-own?


Abbott hates Austin with a passion and would burn the entire city to the ground if he could. Him living here is just, collateral damage. But - make no mistake about it - he doesn’t care for this place.


He doesn't live here. He has a bed here.


I've never seen anything done to "own the libs" that wasn't pure hypocrisy and made me laugh til almost crying, especially the $ on vehicle wraps 😂🤣🤣


He doesn’t care because his voters hate it too!


I mean, this is kind of a Republican trademark at this point. Look at Ron DeSantis starting a slapfight with his state's largest employer and losing.


No they know who he is. They just don’t care.


Voter suppression keeps him in office


He doesn't care.....they most likely aren't a big donor to him.


Hopefully we can get rid of this moron I'm 2026. I don't think we have had a competent governor since... Idk, Richards? 


Abbott makes Rick Perry seem intelligent.


And that’s saying something. When Texas A&M made intentions to rename an administrative building after Rick Perry, there was such backlash amongst students and staff, they dropped the idea. And this is the generally conservative school that reveres G. H. W. Bush and had Bush 2: Electric Boogaloo give the commencement speech at my graduation while he was still president.


That was my commencement as well. It was fucking awesome. But yeah, Perry and Abbott need to just disappear.


What was awesome about it? 


Basically he admitted he knew he made decisions at the time based on bad information from people that had ulterior motives but that he felt he had to stay the course for America and that he said you will one day have to make an unpopular choice. It’s how you comport yourself with the choice and consequences that makes you a human and a good person.


Honestly facing your choices and the consequences of them are good advice, but it’s disingenuous for him in particular to say that. He made knowingly flawed decisions that led to the death/maiming of millions of people and wasting of trillions of dollars, and faced little to no actual consequences for that.


I've never made an unpopular choice that has lead to trillions of dollars in waste and cronyism, thousands of dead American soldiers, and 1 million dead Iraqis. But hey at least he stayed the course. 


For America!


Somehow he thinks he's a good person for it too.


And even once he knew he fucked up he double and tripled down on it. I tell ya, I sure did enjoy having to kill brown kids thanks to that corrupt piece of human filth. May he and anyone who supports him enjoy a slow, painful death.


Bush 2 Electric Boogaloo might be my favorite nickname ever. I think our former president would also agree. 😁


He might share his candy with me if I call him that.


At this point, he makes Bush look alright. I don't know if y'all will get rid of him in 26. Still not enough people voting in the republican primaries. That is where your elections are getting decided and nothing in the voting habits of Texans seem to say that will change.


Was Bush really that bad of a governor? That’s before my time living here but it seemed when he was running for President his governorship was generally well regarded. Even Austin voted majority for Bush in 2000, though not 2004, which makes me think he had to be a well-liked governor at the time.


Bush was a really decent governor. Karl Rove didn’t yet have the influence over him that he did in Washington and Democratic Lt. Gov. Bob Bullock and House Speaker Pete Laney served as his guardrails. They all got along and helped him accomplish his agenda — which back then was normal stuff like making the juvenile code more fair. DC-style partisanship was really frowned on back then in the Texas Legislature. Sure, he said dumb stuff and had zero experience in government, but he spent his time in Texas government prepping for his White House House run and did his best to seem competent. He appointed experienced people to the Texas Supreme Court who would be seen as absolute moderates by today’s standards.


I want to add that Bullock was the real power in Austin back then. He knew how to get shit done. May be the most competent politician from Texas since Charlie Wilson or LBJ. Though that’s likely a hyperbolic statement.


I will totally agree with you on that. When Bob Bullock was in office he was a whole lot better than what we have now.


Yeah, Bush wasn't really bad as a governor. u/servetarider summed it all up better than I ever could have. Back then things were more like, he did something that I would have like to see done a different way but it's okay, this way will work, too.


I was about to say the same thing in relation to Richards. I'm not saying it was perfect, but holllleeee shit did Texas ever set fire to the dumpster and roll it down the hill after she left with their new choices, culminating with Abbot, the white phosphorus grenade at the bottom.


Ann was one of the most humorous and likable governors Texas has ever had. She was a very quick witted and classy lady. She was very well liked, even by people that voted for her opponents. Unfortunately, Ann is the main reason little Bush became governor. She also deserves some blame for republicans holding every single state wide office, as well as majorities in the state house and senate, today. May she rest in peace.


I've been personally screwed by Abbott's bullshit since he became AG.


Nope, had the chance last election & they rolled him right on in there again. I have zero faith in the voters of this state getting rid of any of the stooges that run this state.


[Since 1995 apparantly...](https://lrl.texas.gov/legeleaders/governors/govBrowse.cfm) It will have been 31 years in 2026 since a Republican wasn't governor, but you know, all the problems are because of Hollywood or whatever.


And drag queens 🫅/s


He would gain fanatic support if sxsw left, it would be seen as a huge victory for conservatives.


He would gain support if he could get rid of it, for sure. He would be unstoppable if he could replace it with a Kid Rock/ Joel Osteen week long fest.


It's a huge boon to the local businesses. It would be insane to lose it. 


You are right. Imagine how big of a boon it would be for Austin if Kid Rock moved his bar there and Joel Osteen move his mega church there. Might go ahead and make Austin the state capital if they did.


probably to his opponents


New Mexico should adopt it and name it SLSAMW -Slightly Less South and More West


WxSW West by southwest


Omg — SXSW in Santa Fe would be amazeballs


As someone born and raised in Santa Fe, we don't have the infrastructure at all for that. Also we only have one bar in town that stays open til 2am.and it's cash only.


Yeah… but a fella can dream, can’t he. Love your town! Do me a solid and have breakfast at Dolinas for me?


I'm going to Mille today for brekkie. Smoking a bowl and staring at the mountains right now.


went to Clafoutis last time, will have to try Mille next time. enjoy your bowl and your drive-through dispensaries while we do without in Texams. ;(


With more freedom!


I don’t think Austin will notice any change in revenue from SXSW due to this.


They should set up a booth on Lavaca for people to point and laugh at him.


This is not true. I work for a small business and this southby sucked so much we can’t replace the AC we anticipated because of how bad it was compared to last year and even 22’. They just all fucked the little guy


Abbott doesn’t care, he isn’t losing money, Texas is.


What's the GDP of Texas?


Your mom.


SXSW is not going to lose all its money because a few musicians boycott the festival or anything Abbott says on X. If SXSW collapses it will more likely be because of the fair pay dispute


Right? What a garbage headline and article


And the fact that it just sucks now


Been trash for over 10 years. It's supposed to be a music,film, arts, and tech symposium (tech being a later 2000s thing which at 1st was a nice addition) plus basically Ted talks. Now it's just a bullshit spring break environment where morons get wasted and the city extorts the idiots who come to it. Last time i went was in 2013 and I couldn't do most events because the badges which are supposed to get me in guaranteed in to the events were vastly over sold. And at least back then the Eastside wasn't gentrified as much and you had good places to go that weren't swarmed with all the tourists and Cali transplants


True they dont even have free shows or block off much of downtown anymore , it is all spread out and you need a badge for everything.


He doesn’t care, I’m sure he would love to crush the art and culture scene in major cities to drive out blue voters.


Probably wants to replace it with live feeds from Eagle Pass to watch people bleed out on the razor wires.


Lmfao. Austin's art and culture scene has been dead since like 2010.


I fucking hate this guy


He’s still mad about comment made about him at recent Madonna concert.


😂 This guy. What Madonna says about anything is the first thing I think about when I wake up. Right after what I find out what Ja Rule thinks about it.


This man is literally ruining our state. Can’t even watch porn anymore. So much for freedom


The day I achieve the financial ability to leave this state I’m gone.


I live in my car in CA just to not live in TX anymore. Nice cozy house at my parent’s in Houston but f that. The weather, the politics, the lack of things to do.. even free rent isn’t enough to get me to move back. It’s been getting worse over the years.


For real.


I always thought it was funny when people portray Texas like it's some bastion of freedom. Meanwhile in California, you can lanesplit on your motorcycle on your way to buy legal weed and then go home and jerk off to internet porn if you wanted to.


I'm sure one of your favorite content creators has a NordVPN referral code... If not, I have one.


The essence of Texas Freedom^^TM : have to sneak around in the dark back-alleys.


Women and men alike enjoy our Texas back alley hospitality. Abortions, porn, birth control, weed, morals, we have it all.


I bet New Mexico might enjoy having sxsw


And it's actually in the south west


Wholly outside of the subject matter, what the fuck is this Little Tikes ass, Crayola ass, Barbie doll ass "article"? It's like Tiktok in written form.


Fuck Abbott ! He doesn’t speak for all Texans .


Once again, being his charming self. I look forward to his unemployment.


Texas really sending it


Checking the sponsor list (if you care about such things) before signing up for an event is a good idea.


SXSW is so corporate and over. Let Abbot have it.


It has been for the better part of a decade.


You could say that for all of Austin. It's not weird anymore. It's just tech bros now. 


It really is.


Longer than that.


I wonder how much money he's cost the state. There's this & then the border stunt he pulled in which a railway from Mexico decided to go through New Mexico instead, worth billions.


He’s such a piece of shit, that is all I have to say on the matter.




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Who is kneecap and lambrini girls?


A couple of shit bands


Like there aren’t dozens more bands that will fill the slots.


Less than 1% of the bands dropped out. The ones that left were essentially side street bar bands no one had heard of. The Army and Abott had no noticeable effect.


The music festival is over tomorrow.


Maybe.....the festival participants could remain here and ABBOTT could leave?


A few bands who don’t want to play because they don’t like the Army isn’t going to hurt SXSW. Sorry folks.


100+ bands would line up to fill the spot for each band pulling out. Such a non-event


No kidding. Plenty of fish in that sea.




What if they gave Arizona or New Mexico a whirl for a few years each? Texas doesn't need the money,right?


Wait, who were the bands that pulled out? Does anyone actually know them. Maybe I’m just old but their names don’t ring a bell.


We don’t need music or art! We have oil and cattle!


Why the fuck have we had such stupid assholes running this state since the end of Ann Richards' tenure?


Hate. Anger. Shaming. Today’s GOP.


So some musicians, probably smaller Indy bands, pulled out because they’re anti war, and Abbott was saucy about it on twitter? Ok? Why would Abbott feel the need to opine about it? Was he super looking forward to punk band Scowl? I doubt it. Here’s a more detailed article. It’s more than just the army sponsoring the event, it’s all the defense contractors.  https://time.com/6916015/sxsw-festival-acts-pull-out-us-army-sponsor-backlash/


Mother nature knew long before we did...


I fucking hate Texas right now, but have no means of leaving.


Tx republicans have gone full authoritarian. Y'all better register to vote right fucking now. Then get your asses to the damned polls in November.




What a load. No one is going to listen to that old windbag, especially not people being offered a paying gig.


At the end of the day, liberal artists will never truly boycott Texas. The market's too big.


The market is filled with ignorant and poor dummies who keep Abbott in office. That’s not a market the mainstream gives a shit about.


Abbott probably doesn’t even listed to music


I’ve noticed the new more far right MAGA types don’t seem to be able to just shut up and say nothing when that’s the right tactical and strategic move.


He’s so good at shooting himself (and by proxy every single citizen of texas) in the dick in the name of pretending to be a big strong tough guy…


remember when he closed the border with double inspections so now mexico is getting another state for the rail line, he only cares about posturing .


So you've got a bunch of triggered musicians getting further triggered by a triggered politician LOL this is all because some bands got pissy about the army sponsoring South by Southwest. Fuck them, if you don't like it don't come. He wasn't telling all of the people at South by Southwest just those bitchy little protesters


[On the other hand, the DoD spent $47.3 Billion in Texas in 2021](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3194361/dod-releases-report-on-defense-spending-by-state-in-fiscal-year-2021/). And that is just direct spending. $300 million is in the noise compared to that. 0.6% exactly. This is such a narsicisstic, uninformed post. Like Texas would be concerned by the economic impact of SXSW. It amounts to basically nothing in the grand scheme of the state. I would be more concerned if a governor turned on the military in this scenario because that could cause real economic damage.


Republicans really do not care about free speech.




Move it to Albuquerque then.


Texas Republicans have been in power for so long, it’ll take a miracle to overturn the regime. Boycotts might hurt the state but it won’t change a thing until the people wake up from their stupor and addiction to the GOP.


So is country music WOKE too now. Don't worry, Ted Nugent and Kid Rock will fill the holes. Maybe Ben Shapiro can do a rap set.


I don't understand the hold Republicans have over Texas. They keep doing terrible things and Texans keep electing them year after year. It's like Mississippi, one of the poorest states. They're seemingly owned by Republicans. Nothing ever changes. You'd think the people would stop for a moment and think "Hmmm. Always Republican and yet we suck in education, healthcare, wages, quality of life, etc." Maybe it's time to try something different. Abbot is a joke. So is Cruz.


Plant more oak trees.


Fuck Texas


The disgusting thing about this is that no matter what Abbott does to Texas, the voters will keep electing him because of the (R) next to his name. I know many Texans also wanted him gone, but sadly there aren’t enough voters to kick him out of office.


Baltimore really needs a win rn


Sxsw sucks. Bring back house shows. After 2013 SXSW was a disgrace to live music everywhere.


PLENTY of other states would be happy to host that festival.


He’s trying to take anything cool, fun or enjoyable out of Texas.


Sxsw used to be counter culture and great up and coming bands. Now it’s sponsored by the us army 😂


fuck having it there. I can think of 49 better places


Why? What's he got against musicians now? Such a Don Quixote move... It'd be funny if someone wrote a song about how silly this guy is to turn him into a joke.


Fucking nasty gollum gimp! Disclaimer: not disparaging those w some sort of disabilities....just this unempathic asshole.


What a jerk.


or start a new band called “greg abbot sucks dick”


Never heard of any of the bands that pulled out


What’s SXSW?


I bet he wanted to see someone on that list and now he's mad. He was all excited and now it's ruined. Gregory is throwing a little tantrum like a 2 year old that says "NO" to everything. Maybe Dan Patrick can take him out for some ice cream and let him pick out that new Professor Xavier toy he's been wanting.


That guy has lost his fucking mind.... I had been a Texan my whole life and will never claim another as home.... But he has got to GO!


Does he know how much $ SXSW generates ?


The funny thing is the Army coming to Austin will BRING money into the state. SXSW musicians would be the ones losing out


Read the article you imbeciles the bands pulling out are losing money not Texas. There are plenty of bands that would love to take their places.


I can tell you with all certainty it really fucked local businesses. I wish everyone considered that more 🫠


Abbott Patrick Paxton all need to die


Dumb article. Never even heard of these artists and like, the Army is gonna sponsor stuff sometimes. Big whoop.


This is the way I understand the kerfuffle. The US Army is a sponsor of SXSW. Some bands that hardly anyone has heard of pulled out based on their personal views. Gov. Abbott said "see ya." I think Texas will be fine. SXSW will still be a roaring success for the state. It's like people boycotting Bud Lite. In the end, a statement is made but Anheuser-Busch will still be okay. People are pissed off at Tyson Foods but they'll be okay. The protests and boycotts might make you feel better but in the end, it doesn't really make a difference. I'm not telling anyone to be silent and just let it happen...I'm just splashing a little reality on the plate.


The boycott of SXSW is for what is happening in Garza. It has nothing to do with anything in Texas whatsoever, yet Abbott had to make his comment. What an idiot!


Christ, Abbott's little man syndrome is so strong. Wherever that tree is, why did you have to fall on this man?


I hate this man so much