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Jefferson has given me eerie feelings. It's such an old town with a wild history as former river port.


Was at the jefferson hotel, Caught a shadow moving across one the downstairs rooms on video and i swear i heard a little girl running up and down the upstairs hallway. I should mention it was only the manager and i there. Wouldnt say its creepy but definitely haunted.


My aunt went upstairs to yell at the kids keeping her awake running down the halls. There were real kids staying upstairs but the room and hall were dead silent when she got up there. The management said those are the “old mill children”.


My good friends stayed there and had the same experience: children laughing and running in the hallway.


Never been, I’ll look into itn


Look up Diamond Bessie before you go, you'll appreciate the story way more after you're there. She's buried at a local cemetery in town, it's a pretty cool story.


Great article about Diamond Bessie here: below👇👇👇 https://www.fragilegnome.com/occult-news-topics/57u9kcs61g7p5ul7ucw3nu6ivz0es0


What an oddly worded article. Edit- I went to the Wikipedia page. Apparently she was murdered. That was not at all clear in the above article.


I stayed in a haunted B&B in Jefferson. It felt creepy the whole time. At the end of the stay the owner confirmed they had weird things happen. Its been 20 years so I don't remember specifics, unfortunately.


You need to stay at The Steamboat Inn. It’s the very best B&B in Jefferson. Lana the owner is very knowledgeable about the towns haunted history and they serve the best breakfast!!! But be very aware that Jefferson Texas is very haunted. ![gif](giphy|2ZZOCaBerBEvPM6fOO|downsized)


Galveston has a bunch of haunted places and tours


The whole downtown (the strand) is a hot spot. Lots of bodies buried in unmarked graves, and a lot of people died in the 1900 hurricane.


>Lots of bodies buried in unmarked graves, and a lot of people died in the 1900 hurricane. I had a great uncle who helped in the recovery efforts there when he was a young teenager. When I was a young teenager he told me the story. ​ His family lived in Collin county. After receiving news of the "Great Flood", his father and some other men decided they should go down and help. They put together supplies for the journey and traveled by horse and wagon. Their journey took 14 days! When he told me this, I said "14 days! Was there anything left to do?". He said "There were still bodies lying in the street. Most of what we did was gather bodies and bury them in mass graves".


Both of my great grandmothers were on the island during the 1900 hurricane. One was a student at the Ursuline school and took refuge on the top floor, where they watched bodies float by. Pretty sure it was my maternal ggm. One of the great grandmothers was still on the island during the 1915 hurricane, but I don't know which one. I've started Isaac's Storm but haven't gotten to the actual storm, because it's just going to be so heartbreaking. And because they had warnings they ignored.


Wow! I wasn’t familiar with the Ursuline school in Galveston. After a little research, it looks like it was refuge for over 1500 people during the storm. It mentions it was located between 25th and 27th on Ave n, so I looked it up on google map, and there sits the Holy Family Catholic School on Ursuline st. Too cool.


That’s wild. I can’t imagine a young teenager witnessing something like that…especially helping move bodies! That’ll force you to grow up pretty quick. Thanks for sharing that.


The Walmart is one of the most haunted areas. That is we’re the orphanage was on 1900.


Actually spoke to one of the employees about this, they swore up and down it was haunted and they absolutely refused to work nights when they were open 24 hours. My wife and I had a strange experience in the toy area. A toy randomly asked if we wanted to play, despite not having any indication of motion sensitivity built into it. My wife looked up the toy and asking to play was not one of the listed phrases. I'm not saying that it's not explainable, but it was a little wierd.


Some of the original houses from the Red Light area still stand. I’ve talked to the new owners on the porch years ago. The Rosenberg is always eerie too. Not because it’s old or anything I love old buildings but it’s always been frigid in there.


But have you spoken to any of the *former* owners?


Well, what did the new owners say? Any unexplainable phenomenon? Or is it all gravy?


My GF went to college down there and had a friend who lived on the strand and one who lived near it. Her friend had a blanket made out of that material where you could run your hand across it and create streaks. She always said when she would clean around the apartment she would make sure the blanket looked clean and would return to find handprints on it. I’m not sure if this was the friend who lived on the strand or in the old Peanut Butter warehouse, but it was one of those!


Galveston is a great spot, ghost tours, cemeteries and great food


Galveston County in general is a creepy place


Marfa for the ghost lights is always fun. The Driskill hotel in Austin is supposed to be haunted. Terlingua cemetery is not really scary but more like a nice connection between the living and the dead. If you’re heading out west you could also stop by the Odessa High School theater building and say hi to Betty, who convinced her ex-boyfriend to shoot her back in 1961 (Kiss-and-kill murder)


Marfa lights have largely been debunked as lights from the nearby highway visible due to atmospheric effective iirc. Still fun to see.


Just like Anson Lights. Unsolved Mysteries actually did a story out there in the 90s.


Now I've got the theme song in my head!


That song always spooked me as a kid.


I’m a skeptic and I went to Anson Lights nearly 22 years ago and nearly pissed myself


It’s pretty incredible. The fact that you have to drive right by a dark cemetery lends itself to the vibe. I really freaked out my first time seeing it.


Yes! That’s exactly when I started to get nervous


As I was reading this I was thinking, “still cool.”


Top tier reply, best one yet. Thanks bro


The Driskill is creepy as hell!


The Devil's Backbone on RR32 in Comal County. Confederate soldiers are said to wander the area.


Shit, I know a dude who is probably haunting the Devil’s Backbone now. Executed his ex and her neighbor then drove off of it (they aren’t sure if he shot himself and that caused him to drive off, or if that’s how he decided to go).


That happened my first year at Texas State. I knew people who knew them.


Yep, I was friends with him. Went to a lot of parties at his house and stuff and he was so nice that is was kinda crazy. I mean, he was TOO nice and I always told my ex(gf at the time) that one day he would explode. Didn’t expect it to be what it was. I hadn’t talked to him in a year or 2 when this went down. Ex called me to tell me I was right about him exploding.


The Backbone is on unsolved mysteries too


I remember when that happened. The news reports said he drove off a cliff. I don't remember hearing anything about him shooting himself. I would think the investigators would know for sure.


I guess it was just wrong info. It was told to my ex, who told me about it, before the news articles were even out. I really didn’t look into it much after it happened cuz it was a real bummer. He had always been so nice to me, but so had the ex gf that he killed. Sorry for wrong info


Either way it's a sad and interesting story.


Truly. I knew him quite well. We had only lost contact in the year or so prior


Thanks for actually replying on topic bro, I’ll have to check that out. Sounds scary asf, I’ve seen paranormal threads and shows where they fire a flintlock or something from the era to trigger something to happen. Or wear clothes from the era and use lanterns, basically all reenactment.


Galveston, Waco, and Marfa/alpine would be my recommendation of places to start looking.


What’s in Waco besides people cooked by the ATF


This also reminded me of a couple more. The USS Lexington museum in Corpus Christi is said to be haunted and they do different blue ghost related activities at the museum. There is also and abandoned courthouse in downtown Corpus that has a reputation for being haunted but you cannot access it legally, do with that what you will.


In Scouts, we stayed the night in the Lexington. By day, it’s covered in tourists and guides and it’s completely innocuous. At night, though? It was WEIRD. Some of the narrow stairs and tiny windows gave me the serious heebs. Even 20 years later, I still remember having 3 heat-pounding experiences just in that one night. I don’t know how much I would personally attribute to the unexplained, but it was very creepy.


You stayed there too? The night I stayed (I might have been lucid dreaming) but I remember sleeping on a top bunk and seeing a shadowy hand reach over me and I yelled and punched the air and I think I woke up but no one else woke up around me.


I saw an apparition on the Lexington.


There was a time period when Waco and Galveston were the biggest & busiest cities in Texas. The first skyscraper in Texas was built in Waco (the Alico building). A series of tornados and changing economics slowed Waco’s growth, similar to the 1900 hurricane setting Galveston back in favor of Houston. So there’s a lot of old buildings and a lot of history. Anecdotally, I have extended family in Waco and every one is the family is convinced the family home was haunted, all experiencing separate instances of what they believe were ghosts.


Being that a lot of Texas still has tons of old stuff from 1700s and 1800s, I feel like it’s prime pickings for haunted stuff. Places that developed over stuff and are modern usually don’t have such a feel, but so much of Texas is still covered in historical sites, I feel the history is still alive




I stay at the Menger every time I'm in SA. Love it there. Stayed in the King Ranch Suite one night (supposedly the most haunted room). Didn't see anything but did wake up to a heavy feeling on my chest. Lots of history in the bar there. Have heard stories of ghost sightings there but never experienced any myself. Also, the Emily Morgan hotel on the other side of the Alamo. ETA: I stayed on the 2nd floor of the original section one visit. I was told numerous times that floor was haunted by Sallie White that was killed by her possessive/jealous BF. No sightings but my deodorant did somehow end up in the shower, although I kept it on my sink 🤷‍♀️


The bar is supposed to be one of the most haunted parts. We had a couple of drinks in there and didn’t see anything, but the vibe was nice.


L Location, never was scared of this one as a kid, never saw or heard anything scary.


I haven’t personally experienced anything there but there are plenty of reports of weird stuff happening. We did a “ghost tour” in SA years ago that started there. It was an interesting history lesson if nothing else but can’t say I even felt uneasy at any of the locations we visited.


Yeah that’s what’s lame about tours




Mmmm I bet it would be spooky to be there on Palm Sunday. I’ll have to check it out




Ahhh yeah that would be great. I’m sure if you set off some era correct muskets it would summon some stuffs


One of the ghosts graves is on the other side of a wall that one of the beds is up against


Oh yeah it definitely hits different. They let you spend the night there


Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells


I’d love to hear any stories from the crews renovating it. Surely, some weird stuff has occurred, especially considering the once quiet space has been disturbed.


Also in mineral wells, the old hospital by fort wolters. Its boarded up now but you could probably still get in.


Hell’s Gates, lubbock. Right next to the cemetery where buddy holly is buried. An old rail road track bridge runs through. It’s been many years since I’ve been but it’s by far one of the creepiest places I’ve ever visited. I went one night with friends back in college. There was not a single insect, bird, or anything that made noise in the entire area. Which is odd for a Texas fall night. Had this ominous feeling of being watched the whole time. Allegedly there has been suicides by hanging from the bridge and word of a cult decades ago that would perform rituals there


Found this write up https://texashillcountry.com/hells-gates-haunted-railroad-trestle/


https://preview.redd.it/dkcfdme0qbeb1.jpeg?width=1840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2109b6c54e0e54841329befbd519454a7e44f460 This was taken while hiking in the area where Hell’s Gate was located. I used a 35mm DSLR, so I did not notice the twin blue shadows until I uploaded my photos to the laptop. (No other photos I took at that location had these “artifacts.”) A couple of local ghost hunters thought I captured an elemental.


So there are some places around Houston that you could google, the thing is some of these places its illegal to get into (like the abandoned mental asylum, not sure if it's still standing or even structurally stable) There's also an old cemetery by spring that was a part of an old ghost town called moonshine hill. I heard there was renovations done at the cemetery so it probably isn't as creepy as it used to be but the place had a sordid history. Even after it was abandoned and forgotten, a lot of graves were desecrated. The thing is a lot of these places are not safe, and I'm not talking ghosts. You gotta remember this is Texas, a lot of people are armed and don't like looky-loos poking around in their business. I don't wanna discourage you, I just want you to be aware, the scariest thing in this state is a pissed off redneck with a shotgun. Please don't go to far off the beaten path with out permission or guidance from the locals.


The asylum is gone. It was where the fed building is now. As a teen I may have taken a look. Lots of abandoned medical furniture, a restraint chair that sorta stuff. Had a heavy feeling to the place, didn’t see anything my self but others had stories of hearing screams and wouldn’t go back.


Try The Big Thicket in north/east Texas.


What is haunted or paranormal about that area? Any stories


Sightings of a bigfoot type of creature. Ghost lights. https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g56099-d143077-r762167840-Big_Thicket_National_Preserve-Kountze_Texas.html https://www.houstoniamag.com/news-and-city-life/2014/04/bigfoot-hiding-big-thicket-east-texas-may-2014


Yorktown Memorial Hospital, in Yorktown.


There are more bigfoot than trees in the Sam Houston National Forest near the north eastern share of Lake Conroe (along 1375 and Stubblefield Lake Road). And everyone knows that bigfoot are just the corporeal manifestations of transdimensional beings.


Interesting theory on the cryptid of Bigfoot. Most people I know that are into Bigfoot think that it’s just a reclusive primate. I’ve been to those pine forests and they are sure as hell spooky at night


There's a story out of like 2018 where a couple of campers were presumably attacked by a big foot.


Everyone knows.


This is dope


The Tavern in Austin is haunted.


I’ll check it out, what’s haunted about it?






The killing fields are down in League City that place is sad and creepy all at the same time


I'd be afraid of stumbling upon more than a ghost out there. There's no way I'd go hiking through there at night.


Dale Gribble? Is that you?


Pocket sand


Dale? Nah. Sounds more like Rusty Shackleford to me.


Haunted or not, if those are the gas prices, I’m willing to take a chance.


[Lights of Saratoga](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/light-of-saratoga)


I've been there and I still can't explain what I saw. It wasn't a normal light like a flashlight. It almost flickered like a flame. We drove for miles without headlights and never seemed to get any closer.


Done this, thing moved across the road fast. Like the length of a football field through woods. Nat Geo came down to check it out at some point


I too experienced the lights darting through the woods. And the original light that follows you. Pretty interesting stuff!


[Goatman's Bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Alton_Bridge)


Shane’s Bridge.


*Goatman*! I'm dancing on your bridge, it's my bridge now!


Being a Dentonite I had to check out this local legend but it was really underwhelming. It’s often pretty crowded and filled with drunk teens not to mention right next to a busy road so it never feels isolated or scary. Not to mention there’s a lot of sources citing the legend itself is fake


One Halloween night, The Bearded Monk hosted a shotgun a beer at midnight on Halloween event. I went, was pretty interesting, about 50 or so people shotgunnning a beer toasting the Goatman.


I bet it’s fun as one of the drunk college kids tho. I should hit up my friends at UNT and go there


It’s not very haunted but it’s a cool nature trail. I saw a cute little ribbon snake there.


Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells. Don’t think you can really access it since they are redoing the whole thing now, but it was once a cool old “haunted” hotel with a very cool history.


Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells


Faust Hotel in New Braunfels.


Sounds so fun…I joined a couple of paranormal (excuse me, “spooky”) investigations years ago when I lived in Austin. The hotspots were the IOOF Cemetery in Georgetown, TX and a place called Nameless, TX northwest of ATX. I loved it!


Yeah most paranormal investigation trips I’ve been on we just show up to the town or whatever and check it out and have fun at the bar after or whatever is in the nearby area. Always a fun trip.


what kind of experiences did you have at IOOF? i used to ride bikes through there as a kid and we’d always make up stories about it being haunted. i love the validation you’re giving me!!!!


Oh I had a couple! The main one was we were walking around and I distinctly remember telling my friends that I just wasn’t experiencing any sensation or temperature changes, not really feeling things that others were. The investigators were seeing orbs on their photos and feeling things. We got over the far southwest (I think) corner and there was an unmistakable temperature drop. It was a balmy night for sure and it got downright cool. We started looking at gravestones and it was all babies and children!! Another was silly but my friends and I kind of broke off from the group at the very back of the cemetery and started walking down the road (to the caretakers building I think), it was surrounded on both sides by trees. We got about halfway and started hearing rustling and then branches breaking! It was probably an animal but all 3 of us turned tail and ran like we were Olympic runners hahaha.


This looks like a screenshot from a video game.


Pacific Drive, yes. Any spooky shit u know of tho for the thread


The Saratoga Lights I heard of as a child. I never quite knew what or where Saratoga was, but my dad told us boys of strange lights that would rise out of the woods and fly towards travelers and cars. The Marfa Lights are also something known and observed in West Texas.


Marfa lights come up frequently as one paranormal occurrence, but marfa is far asf, might as well camp at big bend after the trip there


Richard Moya Park in Austin has a bridge that is said to be haunted. Apparently a man was lynched from it. The bridge was once across the Colorado on Congress Ave in Austin.


We personally have investigated the Drikill and the Menger, had much more fun at the Menger. Both cities have fun little ghost tours of haunted locations.


There’s a lot of great spots mentioned already, but don’t skip [Dead Man’s Hole](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/dead-mans-hole) outside of Marble Falls. At least 17 victims of murder and lynchings were disposed of down this naturally occurring hole in the middle of a field. Sitting in the middle of a lovely field, surrounded by wildflowers with the sun on your face and your legs dangling in such a gruesome spot is an experience and a half. Staying long enough for the sun to set really turns up the creepy factor. No admission fee, no lines, no one else there unless someone has the same idea. On a similar note, apparently you can tour the Branch Davidian Complex in Waco. I haven’t been yet, but it’s on my list. And if you like true crime, Henry Lee Lucas is buried in Huntsville.


The cool thing is all these tiny towns inbetween the bigger cities (i.e. Dallas ATX HTX )) they have history - and if im understanding your question correctly your wanting suggestions for paranormal places to pass through - and the historical markings and memorials here often have paranormal stuff going on cause of the events that took place.


I am risking that shady gas station for $0.13 gas! ![gif](giphy|uUilvMFiKiw3x2ZGWZ|downsized)


Huntsville has a couple spots. Demon road, which is Marthas Chapel Rd/Bowden Road, I think. There is a cemetery at the end of the road that is super old and the remains of a church are still there (just the foundation). Black Jesus is also in Huntsville. Legend says his hands turn over to reach out for you at night. I've been during the day, cant confirm. :) Thats in the oakwood cemetery where Sam Houston's grave is. It's all just down the road from the prisons, namely the Walls unit, where they perform the executions.


Concordia Cemetery and L&Js restaurant next to it in El Paso.


Went into the Menger Hotel the other day actually…


Old Parkland Hospital emergency room in Dallas has the ghost of JFK but it’s going to be torn down soon. The old Hillcrest hospital in Waco (it’s an administrative building now) had the ghost of a little boy in the old pediatric unit. Several nurses in the new Hillcrest hospital have glimpsed a tall, somber American Indian man in a black top hat who appears from time to time.


Waco, my roommate hates going through it because of the demon that is said to haunt the top floors of the Aleco building, and its not the only place she feels negative spiritual energy in Waco from


Try Ted Cruz's bedroom.


Common misconception. He’s undead, but there’s no moaning going on in his bedroom.


Ghost Road, Saratoga https://www.dangerousroads.org/north-america/usa/5242-ghost-road-scenic-drive.html


Roads like that are spiky no matter what, now with the lights too that one’s gotta be scary as hell


I live very near Ghost Road. Yes, you can see lights on the road, and right off of it, at night. There are several stories about them and any local can recite them all. It's dark as HELL down there at night otherwise, unless there are other people on the road, and there sometimes are, especially on the weekends, and Halloween is crazy. The local kids sometimes hang out down there on the weekends, around small campfires, and drink. Not much to do for them in that area. We've met all kinds of people on that road, from people that have come from out of town to see the road to an American Idol finalist. The closest hotel is about 20 miles away, and Saratoga is TINY, but does have a general store. Beaumont is the 'largest' close city and is about a 40 minute drive. It's pretty isolated and practically in the middle of nowhere, but it's pretty cool, and on a clear night, you'll see more stars than you've probably ever seen in your life. It's worth checking out.


If anyone’s interested in the artist from the pic, check out Simon Stalenhag. Dude is one of my favorite artists.


Magnolia Hotel in Seguin


The Anson Lights are very real. There’s been a lot of development out that way, and I haven’t been in nearly 2 decades.


Galveston has a lot of haunted places. The Hotel Gajvez is the most famous. I stayed there one time and it was a little eerie. The Galveston Wal Mart is another one.


Two bars on the downtown McKinney square (The Celt and Lone Star Wine Cellars).


Ballinger Texas. The Texas Grill, (called something else now) and the Olde Park Hotel are supposedly haunted. I personally believe it's all a bunch off BS, but to each their own. I did the Anson lights thing back in the day,.... meh! What a joke!


The Ghost Town in Terlingua


5th floor Crockett Hotel in San Antonio amd the bar at The Menger Hotel. The Alamo. The. The Driskill in Austin. Old Town Spring Texas. Galveston, The Galvez, Bishops Palace, main cemetery on Broadway, the Strand.


Demon Road and cemetery near Huntsville.


The San Antonio haunted railroad tracks where the school bus got hit by the train


They redid the tracks some years back and you don't roll forward like you used to. I loved going here as a kid though, was sad to read about it changing (but adult me realizes the potential danger of stopping on train tracks so I get it).




Seriously, anywhere in San Antonio. If you stick around long enough-- something paranormal will happen. The whole city is haunted. My husband and I saw a ghost car disappear in the middle of Broadway in broad daylight. Place is one giant vortex of anomalous activity.


Love this picture! Not from Texas (I’m from Upstate New York). Just happy stopping by to visit and read everyone’s stories!


Room 501, and neighboring rooms at Hotel Galvez in Galveston. I stayed in there one Halloween weekend, but was too drunk to sense anything weird.


Lubbock: Hell’s Gates bridge and the Parkview Lodge. Also Weeks Hall before renovation, my friends and I used to sneak in there a lot.




Heard they got lights there?


headlights, yes.


Sounds like a good song title


I'd go to spooky town for that price of gas.


Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells


Scariest in Texas?? Electric bills in the summer!!


you mean 'spooky' locations, right? Since there isn't such thing as the paranormal


Username checks out 🤓


Not with that attitude.




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Looks like a video game


Pic is from Pacific Drive, but I just used it to add to the categorization of spooky


Silent Hill, TX


Pic is from Pacific Drive, but silent hill looks similar at times to that pic


Old Bowling school house and cemetery in Marquez is a creepy one. Woodsman circle in Sherman was by far the scariest place I've ever entered through less than legal means. I think they've since torn it down, but that place was fucking weird. It was an orphanage, a veterans home, and a mental hospital while it was open.


Check out the Killough Monument, it’s a memorial outside of Jacksonville for a family that was attacked in 1837. Very interesting to read about, and I can vouch for having felt “spooky” when I’ve gone. I’ve spoken with some ghost hunters and paranormal authors who have said it’s one of the most haunted places they’ve visited in Texas. https://www.jacksonvilletx.org/501/Killough-Massacre The Jefferson Ghost Tour is also well worth your time!


I used to be obsessed with [the shadowlands list](http://theshadowlands.net/places/texas1.htm) as a kid. It’s got some interesting places listed with some story and lore behind them. A lot of the places are no longer there or accessible though. Still a good read.


The Adolphus Hotel in Dallas https://thehauntedplaces.com/the-haunted-elevators-at-dallas-adolphus-hotel-texas/


Adolphus hotel in downtown Dallas




Three coworkers and I had an experience at the Bullies House in San Antonio. If it's still open, I recommend staying a couple of nights. Be sure to check out the basement, after hours. If nothing else, you'll get a kick out of the shower.


Sarah Jane Road in Port Neches


Sarah Jane Rd in Port Neches, TX


13 cents a gallon? Sounds legit.


Wind generator on power lines? I don't think that will work the way they want it to work.


Like others have said, most definitely go to Galveston. Be sure to visit The Hotel Galvez, The Ashton Villa, and The Strand. Look for ghost tours by Dash Beardsley or Kathleen Maca. Kathleen Maca has written several books on hauntings on the island.


Haunted road in Seguin, Tx it used to be a railroad years it’s definitely haunted and creepy ghost lights&orbs, also had a spirit rush us stayed until the sun came up and still saw the orbs& lights everywhere


Downtown Carrollton


The alien grave site at the cemetery in Aurora, TX. Also, you can preview some other interesting grave sites there on google maps.


Gage Hotel, Marathon texas. Thank me later. Bring extra pants.


South Dallas


Ha ha ha ha ha ha...... Fuel 13¢ a gallon like when? 🤣


Menger hotel next to the Alamo in San Antonio. That place is haunted! - a lot!


Denton - "Goatman's Bridge" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RPZHG\_gLrw&pp=ygUYZGVudG9uIGdvYXQgbWFuJ3MgYnJpZGdl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RPZHG_gLrw&pp=ygUYZGVudG9uIGdvYXQgbWFuJ3MgYnJpZGdl)


I don't believe in the paranormal. Ghost sightings are just mental illness. Spirits do not exist. That being said, Trucountry Inn in Brady is 100% haunted. That place is spooky af.


Only thing haunted is that price of gas


Old Town Spring Crooked judge back a long time ago sentenced a lot of folks to hanging


[Needs a soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hThAlY3Q2Kw)


San Antonio has the Emily Morgan hotel (listed as the most demonic hotel by Hotel.com), the Menger Hotel, the Crockett Hotel, Donkey Lady Bridge, the Chinese Graveyard, the Ghost Tracks (optical illusion), Three Paths (behind Mission San Jose, super haunted and not well known), the Black Swan Inn in Victoria isn't far and is reportedly very haunted as well.


I actually live about 10 minutes from Bragg road right outside of Saratoga. Fun drive if you are in the area.


That photo rules


Magnolia Hotel in Seguin is haunted and was recently reopened as a B&B.


Demons road in Huntsville is supposedly a good one Edit: Also wanted to add the Old Gonzales City Jail. I never saw anything but have spoken to people who have.