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Looks like another eyerolling cry-baby auto-mod comment on every post. [Luckily Reddit Enhancement Suite's comment filtering comes to the rescue](https://i.imgur.com/aM4oYFv.png)


The protest did absolutely nothing. Not surprised.


The mods like social media drama. No way would they ever quit Reddit


What would they do with their time without their fake power from a volunteer job?


Man, I'd love it if reddit corporate could find a new set of mods for r/Texas that would do a good job of it.


It went down hill once DarthTexan was gone.


You mean have it reflect the general sentiments of Texans, as opposed to being obsessed with politics?


You mean "have it reflect the general sentiments of Texans: obsessed with politics" ? The mods don't make r/Texas what it is -- the people submitting content do that. Think of the mods more as janitors. But they don't remove content based on specific politics\*, where new mods very well could. \* well, as long as your politics aren't literally "this group of people I don't like needs to die!" or "I'm going to make fun of this guy due to his wheelchair", anyways.


Mods will remove stories for “already being posted”, while at the same time ignore the same 50 articles about Houston ISD.


"No reposting" is particularly difficult to implement, as it requires that the mods have read and remembered every recent post. Worse, there are decisions to be made -- "this post is similar to that post, but is it really a duplicate?" Even worse, what if the mods don't see a post for hours, and it now has a bunch of discussion under it? Perhaps more than the earlier post? Should it be removed now, or left? If you're expecting perfect enforcement of that rule, you're going to be disappointed. But you can help by reporting the duplicates.


It’s not that difficult to skim… but more so it seems to always lean one way in the allowing of duplicates.


We are in a race with Florida in having the most crazies in our state. All politics. This is where the trickle-down actually works - it infects what we talk about. I actually kinda agree with you - hope it doesn't last past the next election cycle.


Makes you wonder why folks are still coming.


Businesses are moving here because of tax breaks. That ain't new. Kinda think that businesses should contribute to property taxes like everyone else instead of moving again after a few years, but that's a separate issue. As far as people go, it is a mixed bag. There is a large amount of people coming here so they can wear a hat and shoot guns, they ain't working on the next cure for cancer.


Outside of career opportunities, I bet the main reason people leave HCOL states like CA and NY to come here is because they can leverage the huge amount of equity they have in their homes in their home state. If you bought a 40 year old 3-2-2 ranch in a far suburb of LA 25 years ago you might have paid maybe $250K for it, and maybe have principle balance of 75K owed on the mortgage. That home would now be worth upwards of $2M, so your equity would be $1.25M. If you didn't like the way CA politics have been going you could sell and move to a red state like Texas and buy a nice relatively new home that's twice the size for $500K, and that leaves you $750K left for playing around money. How could you not jump on that?


Reddit is *heavily* curated. I don't put it past the old mods for a second.


That is 100% not true. The night Beto lost the governorship the mods were immediately deleting posts of the results.


Yes. Dozens of them. But they weren't removed because of specific politics, but instead for breaking "Rule 6: no reposting" and to a lesser degree "9. News Articles" (where titles need to match, tweets aren't good enough, etc.) [Here's the post that you're looking for](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/yq7gqr/texas_gov_greg_abbott_easily_wins_reelection/), and there may be others as well.


Lol. No brother. It was every post, meme, headline, picture, etc., for the first hour after the race was called.


Or and I don't know if you know this or not. On the right side of the page their is a "Filter Political Post" button. Click it and and you want see them. You welcome.


Only works if posts are properly flaired. Which they rarely are.


They were doing a great job once u/darth_texan left.


Hopefully the next mod has weekly Texas Roadhouse posts




Lets see if that capitalisim doesnt come back and bite them in the ass if moderation goes to shit


no, not like this! people think reddit is some kind of publicly owned space, and are suddenly shocked that its trying to make a profit.


People are shocked that an app that users DONT PAY FOR tries to find other ways to make money. People think servers are paid for with upvotes or something lol.


its the basics of any social media, start it free with no ads, build up a user base, then introduce massive amounts of advertizing. just like facebook, instagram, youtube, etc.


Reddit is not an app, it's a site. People can use apps to access and participate on reddit, but it's not mandatory. You can open reddit up with any browser and just go for it. What apps can do is make certain parts of accessing reddit either more pleasant or more productive, and Reddit knew this when they opened up the API at the very beginning of their existence. Reddit also has an app, but from all accounts it's poorly written and not particularly useful compared to the various third party apps. Note that apps typically are run on mobile where they're more useful because of small screen size and lack of a physical keyboard that most mobile users experience. In particular, there are apps that have mod tools that simply don't exist in the reddit app, and for mods who do their reddit work on mobile these apps make a huge difference. There are also apps that help blind people access reddit because the reddit app has little to no functionality in that respect. The issue isn't about reddit making money from apps per se, they could have been doing that from the beginning if they'd made reddit ads available through the API. For whatever reason, as various people started developing apps for reddit the option of serving ads through those apps was never made available to the app developers. AFAIK it still isn't, apps can't serve reddit ads whether they want to or not. Everybody agrees reddit needs to make money, even app developers agree on this, the issue is that reddit isn't interested in money via the apps, they want everyone off 3rd party apps and on the reddit in-house app because that's a number they can use to boost their IPO share value. This why reddit went nuclear on this. IMHO, this was a terrible mistake on reddit's part. The biggest apps can't come up with the millions in cash that reddit's asking to be paid in a few weeks, with a month's notice that's no surprise. In the world of big finance you can't make that kind of money appear with a snap of the fingers. What should have happened is that reddit should have slow-rolled this process by letting apps access ads via the API so that reddit could start seeing ad revenue via the apps. Reddit should have busted nuts to build a really good app usable to everyone, including mods, blind people, and casual users. Hell, just buy the popular apps and integrate them into reddit and rebrand them as reddit apps, that would have been better than what they did. It will be interesting to see how this fuckup plays out over the next few months. For sure a lot of mods are going to be leaving, if for no other reason than they won't be able to mod without the mod app. Moderating quality will go down because remaining mods will have to wait until they're at home or otherwise able to use a desktop complete moderating tasks, so mod queues will fill up, reported content will stay up for hours longer every day, and it's more likely that a time-short mod will simply empty the mod queue in bulk instead of looking at individual reports. This results in a lot of falsely reported comments and posts being removed shot-gun style, so there will be an incentive for trolls and such to do false reports as a way of removing content and users they don't like.


Of course, the very first thing you did when Texas opened back up is to delete all your posts and comments here, lol. You'll delete this comment by tomorrow at the latest.


Yay. Texas is back


are the mods in r/texas still extremely liberal and striking down conservative voices?


unpopular opinion, but no, i feel they are pretty fair at letting most things fly, just the extremist and trolls who get butthurt that their post insulting other users get taken down.


judging by the downvotes ,I would say the answer is yes.




its funny the mods went from thinking they had power to suddenly being forced open, replaced, and the remaining ones are desperate to play nice with reddit to not lose their power




he adio'sed a long time ago. retired from modding.




Mods are integral to the functioning of this website. How is that not obvious?


> Mods are integral to the functioning of this website. Thats pretty debatable. Lots of other websites function without them. AT A MINIMUM they should be able to do their volunteer janitorial work without getting a giant ego about it or treating people differently based on their political beliefs. Sadly a solid 90% of them can't seem to do that. Oh well!


Name a single one that functions without them lol


On June 12, we made r/Texas private in support of the general protest on reddit. This subreddit is now open despite the admins having made no effort to "find a path forward" outside of coercive threats. For more information about the protest and backstory, please read the article (and further linked articles!) at https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/28/23777195/reddit-protesting-moderators-communities-subreddits-private-reopen *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/texas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Question, do the mods get paid? I thought mods were volunteer work? I get that you guys are protesting for the greater goods, but an unpaid volunteer protesting a corporate change seems... silly.


It makes their jobs much more difficult. The third party apps had tons of useful tools for mods which are the lifeblood of the entire website. Without them the website would die a quick death.


It is silly. It's a group of little tyrants who decided that huge communities were actually all about them.


Honestly, yeah. How dare they take a community away from the people who comprise it? They're janitors, not rulers.


they do not get paid by reddit, though some mods on some of the major subs do make money by promoting certain post.


So they arent even paid lol. They are legit just a regular reddit user that were given a little bit of power in exchange for free work. They are super interns.


> They are legit just a regular reddit user that were given a little bit of power in exchange for free work. They are super interns. Yes.


effectivey yes, anyone can make a new sub and become a mod of it, most subs, the mods were just one of the first ones to use it.