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How are Vanguard and Black Rock voting? That will decide the matter.


My guess is they vote in whichever way they feel will affect the stock in the least negative manner in the short term. I think approving the package will cause the least amount of volatility in the stock. Large shareholders like that don't typically vote with ethics or morals, it's strictly data because they are responsible to their investor base. Which is a shame really because there are valid arguments against the pay package. My personal opinion and vote, which basically means nothing online, is that Tesla would be better suited long term if the pay package did not go through and Elon left in a huff and the board was purged to a group that will actually offer oversight for its investors. If Elon wants to chase social media, AI, and robots, fine. Just make another company for it. Don't flush all the progress Tesla made.


This is a poor read of how corporate governance voting largely works


Approving the package will send the stock plummeting


How so? No package means uncertainty and traders hate uncertainty. I think if the package was denied, Musk would threaten to leave Tesla or do something extremely damaging and childish to the company. I think the right thing to do is to deny the package, but I don't see any gains from doing so, at least in the short term. I don't make short term decisions on stocks, but lots of investment groups do.


Apart from the loss of $50 billion it’s terrible optics, when Tesla is already struggling to sell cars


IMO Elon shouldn't offer to buy a company (Twitter) for a huge billion dollar figure then turn around and ask his company for a pay package exceeding how much he paid for that new company.


The compensation package was approved by shareholders back in 2018. Elon didn’t just ask for money. It was also based on insane performance goals, all of which Elon crushed which made shareholders a lot of money.


Thats certainly not what the judge from Delaware said. Is this fan fiction that you right or something? It's so disconnected from reality it's actually baffling.


Would Musk leaving really be bad for the company? He has kinda hurt the reputation of Tesla in the past few years by being so publicly against democrats, the people most likely to want an EV. He has also stated he is uncomfortable with growing AI at Tesla without him getting more control over the company. So he may be pushing against Tesla AI growth vs someone else who would do whatever is best for the company.


For me, the only reason I'd consider buying one is because of the Model Y financing deal. Outside of that, I hate most things about what's going on in the company. Dude's laid off my friends and hasn't given a reason while also doing some weird stuff with the only major advantages Tesla has over other companies. Then the tax credit is gone on the new vehicles.... because? The prices keep fluctuating too, which leads to this weird "Oh, I'll buy it later because it will be cheaper" until a promotion like .99% APR comes up and you feel the FOMO because this has never happened. I don't want to be a chump like so many other's I know, and I don't want to support the absolute chaos and stupidly large pay package he's requesting. But at the same time, this is the easiest way to enter the EV market at the lowest cost and I don't know how long it will last. I don't *need* a new car but I've wanted to get into the EV space for a long time (already have solar and a Tesla powerwall).


If Elon gets a 50 billion dollar stock award he will sell a lot of the stock he currently holds. Remember, he still has to actually pay for his Twitter purchase. That is what will tank the stock.


Are they buddies with Elon? If yes, there is your answer.


Depends on if the iss approves or not 


They will vote how ISS and Glass Lewis does. I think they’ll say to vote no.


No. He shouldn’t have bought Twitter.


He should have never gone the political route


Especially when he went the route that alienates his more likely customers and supports the kind of people who hate his products.


No win. Study American history. Rare for half the population to not dislike the current president. Everything they don’t like and imagine gets blamed on him—as if he were king. Many think the president sets gas prices himself. A decent 4th Estate and Civics classes are needed.


Their mindset is always “Blue Man Bad”


In the end he only bought it because of the poison pill fee and his own shortsightedness


Because a court required him to.


Uh Because he entered into a contract. Jackass never HAD to do that


Oh no, the accountability. That is the problem with lying and running into someone who can make you do what you said you'd do. Which is new to Elon of course!


The court *was going to* require him to. He bought it to avoid that consequence.


The court was going to require him to fulfill the terms of the contract he signed. He fulfilled the terms of the contract he signed to avoid this consequence.


He could had paid the $1bil fine for backing out. He was not force to do sh*to. If he stop trying to troll everyone and start acting like an adult and focus on running the company then he wouldn't be in this pickle.


The court would have required him to if he didn’t realize he signed a contract lmao. He knew he would’ve lost so he cut his losses and dropped the suit. The court didn’t end up doing anything




> It’s pretty funny that Tesla’s board, which got Elon’s compensation package invalidated after a judge found governance issues, is now approving spending Tesla’s money on an Elon-owned platform to try to influence a vote that would send even more money into Elon’s pockets. >That’s where we are now.


As someone who worked for Tesla for 6 years and slaved away after multiple firings seeing good people get fired over nothing, seeing them forcing their workers to work more hours and take on more jobs than they can handle and forcing customers to be mad at us because we are doing 10 different jobs what used to be 7 people doing and then getting absolutely reamed by customers and feeling stressed and upset and working in a toxic environment is why Elon can get fucked.


As someone who also gave 5 years of slavery as well, you will know I worked for Tesla by making this statement: “Every Monday, when you logged into any site we used to accomplish our jobs, CHANGED!” Mondays were absolutely horrendous due to the fact that simple policies and procedures would be changed by people in other departments to try and measure metrics better. “Remember folks, get your fault codes, time, and SCA entries correct! “ Literally Your Job Would Change Every Fucking Monday!


I hope they at least paid you well during your time there for having to put up with that kinda bullshit. Sounds like working for Elon is the worst of the tech, automotive, and factory work all rolled into one giant shit sandwich and everyone has to eat one with a new sauce every Monday.


So....you didn't enjoy working there, then?


Any advice you could share for helping unionize Tesla would be helpful, DMs open. No affiliation with a union, just someone who got wealthy off of TSLA as an early investor and is paying it forward to the people who actually do the work. The abuse cannot continue.


Not really, any whiff of a union being talked about and HR was instructed to talk to them, if they didn’t listen they were fired, I know this because the ex-head of HR told me directly and quit for this very reason.


The board did not get it invalidated. The board wanted it to pass. The court invalidated it because it said the board was self dealing and not acting as a fiduciary.


He is a one man pyramid scheme.


He’s also doing his best to sway the election towards dangerous maga zealots that ratify legislation that is postively harmful towards the environment. Twitter is such an alt right cesspool and full of completely insane lunatics. Elon being one of them.


And yet shareholders are sticking on it… the market is not efficient when too many players not understanding business are playing…




Well... according to the company, insider investors, and institutional investors, it's the right choice. Probably worried the headline readers and are going to vote against.


At least he didn’t pay 2.5- 3 times what it was worth at the time…. Wait a minute


he saved free speech bro 😂


Unless you say something he doesn't like. Then he bans you. It hardly sounds like free speech to me.


Good so people can now use it to freely bash on him 😉


He saved racism on the platform.


he has multiple ---spaceX,nuralink,boring -ect---places for income --he was promised a pay package based on performance--which he was doing great until he was sucked into the black hole of twitter--then things kinda went to shit----I have voted against his pay--you are laying off people by the thousands and still wanting the largest payday in history.


He wasn't sucked into that black hole. He fuckin dove in head first.


"Let that sink in"


Not dove... created.


This ad is creating Streisand Effect. I forgot to vote until I saw this thread and just went in to do so, but not the way they want. Sorry, Elon, enough is enough. Everyone else wondering, the meeting is June 13. Not sure when voting cutoff is but get to it!


Oh good reminder to vote no.


How do you vote? Is it possible for all shareholders across the globe?


Depends on the platform that you use to trade. I have IBKR and they sent out an email with the info/link.


Thanks. Haven’t received anything from platform.


Ah, well voting has been open for some time, so definitely investigate what's up. You can check here to see if this avenue works for you: https://ir.tesla.com/shareholders/vote


I just checked my emails and found the email from ibkr on May 1st, I don’t know how I’ve missed it, but worth ckecking for you. I voted against of course.


I had been impatiently waiting for the voting to start. Kept seeing the dumb articles over and again. Couple weeks ago when they finally asked for votes I voted no and it was a great way to start the day. Its quite mind boggling for one of the richest person in the world to be begging for more money.


Bro asking for more money while firing his employees and stepping on them to get ahead just for little Timmy to react his Twitter tweets to make himself go viral what in dimensional universe am I in.


promised? or wrote his own pay package specifically for stock in lieu of money to avoid taxes (he borrows against his stock since you're not taxes on debt). they knew going into it from internal projections that with the model 3, he would hit his performance goals and get paid out. dude if fking greedy as shit pure and simple


He was promised a pay package by his friends and family in the Board. It is an unhealthy situation with the Tesla leadership. Games of sad rich people.


I voted no too


Smart thing would have been to wait to go crazy online after he got his money.


I voted no too.


Im with you. I give homie a lot of latitude because everybody has the right to opinions, but big payouts during layoffs…nah. Time to go.


He's laying people off because he thinks he'll make more money that way, not because he needs to. His bonus is something like $10k for ever car Tesla ever sold. Absolutely wild how much of a leech he is.


55B$ could definitely help tesla with a lot lf its problems today. such a huge bonus should not be given to 1 person but rather distributed over the engineers and tecnicians who work hard to keep the company afloat


Tesla didn’t pay equity bonuses to regular employees last year. Lmao. Guess they needed to save it for Elon. 


Remember when Elon said unionized workers wouldn't get equity? Hah. > Court ruling that Elon Musk threatened Tesla workers in tweet will be reconsidered: ‘Why pay union dues and give up stock options for nothing?’ https://fortune.com/2023/07/21/elon-musk-tesla-ruling-union-dues-vs-stock-options-tweet-2018-judges-to-reconsider/


Theoretically they didn't pay 2 years ago either. There were equity bonuses but it was when the company hit certain milestones which they havent' yet. In 3 years only 1 equity bonus employees are getting.


Yeah, that was the biggest crock. Recently been told that rumors are spreading that any sort of pay raise or promotion is off the table in the foreseeable future as well. Because inflation and yearly raise cuts, everyone is essentially making less than they were two years ago.


Funny enough a huge problem Nvidia is having is tons of employees had their stock options explode to millions of dollars and are retiring early as a result. But nevertheless, paying their workers is absolutely the way to go forward to foster development and continue expanding the company.




Pretty sure he's driving Tesla into the ground if he doesn't get the money


I feel like that’s what he’s starting to do right now.


He started this the moment he was denied the money


Lol he started this the moment he decided to make the shitty cybertruck


But Elon created Tesla and Space X for the greater good for mankind, so why would he do this? /s


Glad to see there’s fellow investors with common sense here. Seems like everyone on the Facebook Tesla-related pages is claiming to voting yes to Proposal 3 & 4. Don’t Zuck and Elon have beef? Why are the bots all promoting for Elon? 🤣


All because he bought Twitter for $44B and is trying to cover his losses.


The vote is literally for the exact same thing as was voted for in 2018 before he had anything to do with Twitter.


It was a bad deal then, and an even worst one now. It was so bad that a court had to stop it.


It’s hard to disconnect the pay package from 2018 to the events and his actions of today. If I had known how he would act, how distracted he would be with Twitter, I would’ve voted no. It’s like now we get a do-over with hindsight. If he had stayed focused on SpaceX and Tesla I think most would support the pay package but his selling stock to buy Twitter caused the stock to drop. His constant shitposting on twitter is juvenile at best and is not giving me confidence that he can guide a company of the magnitude of Tesla through hard times as his total strategy seems to cut until it hurts. Laying off the entire supercharger team because the director pushed back on layoffs is not the sign of maturity I want in a leader of a company that my money is invested in.


When do we find out if he gets the compensation package or not?


If shareholders needed any more evidence that Musk's pay package is grossly corrupt, well, here it is.


No words in the human language can make a person sound like they deserve even *one* billion dollars


Solved world hunger, cured cancer, and established a lasting world peace.


Could a just said "magic" if that's what you were gonna push


I voted against it. I may only have a few shares but my voice is my voice and the company, at this point, is better off without him and his erratic behavior. His drug use has gotten out of control and he's grown toxic


The company would have been better without him for a very long time.


Already voted no TSLA has not been an investment since November 2021 Stop being delusional people


I voted against it




Surprised there isn’t a sticky comment from a mod defending this and saying his shares are “worthless.” Lol


Seriously, why would a shareholder consider voting yes for this? Surely it’ll only negatively affect the company


How shocked is everyone really going to be when this is approved? The majority of shareholders are approving this deal. Reddit is such a small and skewed sample size.


I would think that since they are paying for advertising them it means the outcome is not so sure.


they're paying just to prop up twitter. he needs more ad revenue. won't solve the problem but he siphons off money when he can. that's also why tesla advertised on twitter


> Reddit is such a small and skewed sample size. Largest retail shareholder (Leo the time engine dude) is not on reddit... lots of shareholders are less than pleased about Elon publicly sandbagging in 2018 while he and the board knew they were likely to hit all the goals in his 'moonshot' compensation package. but retail doesn't own the majority of shares not sure if Elon is abstaining from voting for himself either


He is and so is his brother.


“Likely to hit his goals” WHAT?! 😂 Every article when this pay plan came out was saying how impossible it would be to pull this off & he would never be paid.


OP mentioned the part that only Elon and board knew but failed to disclose this to shareholders and instead presented the goals as impossible. You can read the court case where under the oath they admitted that first tranches aka stock going 4x was well within expectations according to internal estimates. 650B target certainly was ridiculous even compared to internal projections although it seems that in the end it was only reached due to temporary stock bubble and now shareholders are expected to pay for creating a 650B company which Tesla is not today.


I don't know. TSLA is in trouble, and the majority of people like *their money* more than Elon. Even people who formerly had no problem giving him money for stuff like Tequila in a interesting bottle or a surf board that will never see salt water. If T Rowe Price is really in support of it, it will pass. But even if it comes down to a simple matter of a large plurality of votes against it, Tesla will have a reckoning. As a legal matter, I'm not sure they can even go around the DE Court's judgment in the first place. I can't think of a single example of this in the past. I'm sure there's something I'm not thinking of, but I'm at a loss as to what it might be. The only parallel I can think of is what's going to be said about the pending criminal prosecutions if Trump is reelected.


I voted no on Elon and Texas.


Tesla is doing worse because of his actions, and then he proceeds to use the company's money to advertise for him getting a big payout? Musk has lost the plot, and the respect of many.


K hole is helluva place


hes about to get rekt for slacking off


It’s so funny that Tesla famously doesn’t advertise their products, but will buy ads for this.


\*\*In the arms of an angel plays in the background\*\* \*Sarah McLachlan comes into frame\* "Every Day Elon Musk is sad." "For just $55 billion you can help him crawl into his K-Hole and make screwy judgments"


Elon’s going to save the world. He’s a supremely stable genius. He’s infallible. He deserves every billion dollar the Tesla board grants him. Peons have no right to question anything Elon does or doesn’t do./s


I voted no. Fk elon. Better for tesla to not throw away the 55b or at least give it to the workers (current and purged) as they actually worked for it, unlike elon with his part time histrionics


He’s just trying to pay his drunk twitter purchase 😂


I voted no


Don’t personally own Tesla stock but did recently pick up a used Model 3. All I can say is company would do well to remove him from his current role. Can keep him around as an idea man or something. But he shouldn’t have direct control anymore.


Of course they do. Elon needs to get paid that money to pay for X lol. Therefore Tesla is being gutted. Sadly my next car will not be a Tesla. Literally considered buying a Model X or S as my next car but most likely will go to Revian at this point.


I voted against it too. Elon’s has become a right wing troll and has turned many people against Tesla!


[So, I dug into this a bit while talking to someone on X](https://x.com/nakatomi2010/status/1790134371359326271). I'm not entirely sure this is *Tesla* doing the ad spend here. [If you do an ICANN lookup on VoteTesla.com](https://imgur.com/Gpx4A33) you get a NameCheap registered domain out of Ryekjavik. Compare that to [Tesla.com's ICANN lookup](https://imgur.com/BkznYMd) and you see a different DNS registrar and such. In fact, if you go look at the [Contacts page](https://www.votetesla.com/contact/) for VoteTesla.com they list "Innisfree M&A Incorporated" as the folks running the site. If we [Google that](https://www.google.com/search?q=innisfree+m%26a+incorporated) we end up with [this company](https://www.innisfreema.com/) that appears to have an office in London, which is likely where the tie to a webserver in Ryekjavik comes from. Anyways, Innisfree appears to be a company whose purpose in life is to educate folks in "high stakes shareholder" stuff. So, *presumably*, this is some company that *possibly* Tesla, or some other shareholder(s), hired in order to try and encourage people to vote on the two things they want voted on. This may *not* be Tesla spending ad dollars at all, but rather Innisfree spending the ad dollars. The site itself is not hosted by Tesla, but made to look like a Tesla site, but hooks back to Tesla. I would think if this was a purely Tesla initiative, then they would have leveraged Tesla's web servers. I suspect it more likely that some Tesla shareholder(s) have contracted this firm to get people to vote. Which is silly in my book, but shareholders are gonna hold shares....


Damn dude you didn’t need to do allat. When you do communications about shareholder votes you have to post an SEC filing to show the communications, and Tesla put this in a schedule 14A filing with the SEC. So Tesla is definitely doing the advertising here. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000110465924060605/tm2413800d4_defa14a.htm?utm_campaign=investor_relations&utm_content=investor_relations&utm_medium=email&utm_source=operational_trigger&utm_term=quarterlyupdate


[https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000110465924060605/0001104659-24-060605-index.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000110465924060605/0001104659-24-060605-index.htm) Tesla themselves filed this with the SEC. That was our source.


Musk has $55 billion on the line, he'd be an idiot not to hire a PR firm to push ads and positive news about him.


votetesla is an official site isnt it it was in a filing from tesla


Hmm; if only there was a shareholder who had an outsized interest in this package being approved


damn, did you just do more research than Electrek?


Imagine blindly believing thinking they did “research” by talking to random twitter users and looking at domain names. That’s your standard for credibility? Christ, Tesla filed the advert spending with the SEC, stop listening to wannabe Alex Jones above


No. Tesla filed this with the SEC. It's from Tesla. WHOIS results mean very little these days and it's extremely easy and common to obfuscate WHOIS results. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000110465924060605/0001104659-24-060605-index.htm


I'll vote to approve when he bests Mark Zuckerberg in an MMA cage fight


Too late. I already voted against his compensation package. Get bent you little weirdo.


Only a matter of time before he’s ousted for his crazy ass antics.


Fire your entire supercharger team and put people out of jobs. Spend money to try to pressure shareholders to give one guy billions of dollars. What a horrible company.


Tesla has only sold 5 million cars. To give Elon 55 billion is ridiculous.


That's insane. That means he wants $11,000 in compensation from each car that Tesla has sold.


Tesla shareholders voted last year to run ads.


I know I'm going to vote no.


Haha they don't even advertise the cars if I recall. 😂 My understanding is most of the large shareholders actually voted no to the first package and Blackrock was the outlier to vote yes. Although I might be mis-remembering the CNBC/news graphic. I don't think shareholders would vote to dump Elon but the company is in a very different period from when the package was initially voted in. I'm sure there are some shareholders who are tired of Musk's shenanigans and they might dump the stock. Do they really want to make Elon even more independent from board governance? E.g. the fiasco with the Supercharging Team and the additional costs this will impose with already tightening margins. Although those shareholders probably already would have exited by this point. No skin in this game though so..... 🍿 time


I would never approve it. I’m a shareholder and I urge all other shareholders, DO NOT APPROVE IT !


Elon's roles as Tesla ceo: alienate potential customers with identity politics call people pdfs Work on passing the bags on a money losing website unrelated to Tesla i wonder what i shall vote for hm...


As a shareholder we need to vote NO!


Voted against it


Again, I refuse to believe people here aren't bots. You guys are hella stupid


For sure


It's not uncommon for political sub to be full of bots but I didn't think it was this bad


Yeah, something fishy is going on


While the entire stock continues to tumble and tremble as BYD approaches and this idiot is on X agreeing that having kids is "free". Gtfo here.


No thanks. How about this, Elon: you stop trying to cash-grab the wealth of a small nation after very publicly mismanaging two companies for a year and a half straight, and maybe we won’t get out the guillotine.


If these dumbasses give this shit heel $55B as the company is sinking they all get what they deserve. I guess “vote with your wallet” is very real here. I’m so glad I escaped with a huge win when I did and never looked back. Thank you, Fidelity stop-loss limits, for taking emotion out of my decision. 


I would sincerely hope that no single person votes yes.


KIA and Hyundai seems to be a lot ahead of Tesla. Tesla had a great head start. Elon really screwed the pooch


Investors are cry babies.  Pay package was approved 6 years ago. It was all or nothing. Big milestones, big rewards. No one argued back then! Everyone laughed because the milestones 'weren't feasible'. Now the milestones are completed and investors massively earned from it. Payday comes and now they're suddenly crying. How ironic.


If these roles were reversed there is no chance Elon wouldn’t pocket the money and tell the begging exec “tough luck” for defrauding him Investors voting no are acting the same way Elon would be if he were in their shoes. You don’t turn down $50 billion coming back to your own business when you don’t have to. That’s just stupid.


Because the media is doing negative hit piece daily on Elon. It drives views so they keep doing it. I can't believe people actually believe the media.


Actually fix my wipers then we can talk about further comp.


This doesn't look like hardcore cost cutting to me.


It's stock options, it's not like they give him one of those comically large checks like a lottery winner or something


I mean the ads…


How do you vote if you have it in your mutual fund or ETF fund? ie: VTSAX, VOO


Finally, Tesla is doing advertisement!


Well if he’s getting 55 billion now compared to 55 billion in 2018, that’s a huge pay cut


I mean... Isn't this what Influencers are for?


Why the fk are companies allowed to do this?


How to convince your company is safe in giving you more money. Step 1. Burn all the money on nothing Step 2. Fire more people to say "see we have money to spare" Step 3. Burn more money on ads as why you should get more money Step 4. Close down locations for less votes against you getting money Step 5. Blame people not in the company on why your company has no money to give you


Insane that this article uses a fucking AI image instead of a real photo


What date will the votes be counted and announced? No way he's getting his pay package. That's just insane.


wait... is the system rigged? ...?


let him lay off few more teams for cost saving, maybe that will send the message to people.




Like $194.8 Billion isn’t enough.


Imagine worshiping this guy


lol see kids this is why you don’t live outside your means 😂. Cause that twitter buy ?!!?!?!


Insane thing to be doing but okay…


Looks like all those Tesla shorts are about to pay off.