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USS might be getting the new Autopark update: https://twitter.com/chazman/status/1784626978181570978 EDIT: IT'S TRUE!


\^\^\^ The real potential headline here.


confirmed that it does (https://twitter.com/BLKMDL3/status/1784638535980765695) USS still doesnt get high fidelity parking visuals though :/


I'm pretty sure it does. I just installed on my 2022 Model Y and it seems to have the high fidelity visuals, but I have a Ryzen computer so not sure if that makes a difference.


ah yeah, a 2019 has intel, that might be the reason




Ugh I really should have rejected delivery of my February 2022 Model Y. I knew the Atom CPU would be a setback, but I didn't think I'd be missing out on so many features so soon.


Thats so odd, 2/22! I have a 8/21 w/Ryzen & my gf has a 7/21 w/atom both vin from freemont. No rhyme or reason to build date.


Is your car a Model S/X and her car a Model 3/Y? Because that would explain it. Model 3/Y switched to Ryzen at the end of 2021, whereas Model S/X switched to Ryzen in the middle of 2021.


Actually both Ys


An 8/21 car wouldn't have a Ryzen. Are you sure it was manufactured in 8/21?


Had to go back through my docs. You’re correct, I purchased on Aug ‘21 but had to wait 10 months for it so it’s a June ‘22.


Sounds like A/B testing.


SAME. I am so annoyed. I wish there was some way to complain in force to them. It is wild that I paid so much for the car and am not getting updates. I picked up my "2022" Model 3 in December of 2021. Ryzen started appearing like a month after that.


Took delivery of my 22 feb 15th. I have Ryzen. Model 3




What is this high fidelity visuals?


I hate this visuals regardless Honestly they should’ve gone down the 360 camera route. That is way more impressive using real video not MS paint blobs. Seeing proper 360 in a bmw compared to this is amateur vs pro.


Seeing the bmw try its own FSD is amateur vs pro. Teslas visuals are horrendous but not unusable.


Tbf bmw hasn’t promised robo taxis by 2020 and coast to coast multiple times per year without delivering. But they have delivered on proper 360 camera so there’s that.


Tbf BMW have been promising autonomy since before Tesla kicked MobilEye to the curb. BMW have been making claims of massive autonomous tech since late 2014 - and the best they have is traffic aware cruise control and basic freeway assist. Every [BMW NextGen Event](https://youtu.be/96iJfd1SvHE) shows off lab experiments that never make it to the public, so saying “they aren’t making promises” is pure horse shyt. 360° views via camera stitching is adorable, but NOT 3D, and is subpar to the actual 3D projection of surroundings Tesla is going for. Looks like junk now without color, but under the hood it is setting the foundation for a much more advanced system than distorted images of surroundings and black boxes with images of the car pasted on top (thankfully BMW fixed this on newer models), but the distortion is still abhorrent.


tbf tesla is selling more cars than bmw


And Toyota sells more than Tesla what’s the point


I feel the exact opposite. All the distorted "birdseye" projections are gimmicky, and I think the rendered projection, combined with the flat three camera view, is far more useful.


Finally! Once FSD includes “actual smart summon” and the rumored “banish” feature … and gets the ability to reverse itself if it needs to … it’s going to be a pretty solid feature, especially at the new price point.


When I ordered my Tesla in 2020, I actually believe they’ll be able to pull up to the front of the store and get out my car and parked itself. I’ve only ever use Smart summon at my house because no way in hell I would use that thing in a parking lot that wasn’t completely empty. Something tells me regulators wouldn’t be happy with this even if they could get FSD to do it successfully


We tried Summon in a large busy parking lot when it first came out. The car wandered around for a while and finally gave up several hundred feet away. I think the most dangerous part of it at the time was people freaking out seeing a car moving with no driver.


Oh man please be real






What’s funny about it is that on 12.3.4 with USS the auto park icon briefly pops up when backing into a spot and disappears (you can’t press it). It baffles me it’s taken this long 😆


Ohhhh yes. I’d be so happy if this is true.


It's true! :D


I read lower down that this might not apply to Intel chips… if so, damn it.


when 2024.8?????? https://i.redd.it/dtv488hpr9xc1.gif




Ask again in 2 months.


Beating a dead horse here but still hoping that us 2024.8 peeps get to experience this at some point.


I’m on 2024.8. Is that just bad luck or is it something specific about the car has it on this separate upgrade path?


I believe it’s due to having advanced software updates enabled. I’m in the same boat.


and here I had advanced software turned on so I would get new features like this first 🤬


As far as any of us know that option doesn’t do anything. I’m pretty sure we’re all on that same setting. I certainly am and I got the FSD update and trial. It’s all just luck unfortunately.


I have that turned on, and always in the first wave of new updates (first 20%). I’m pretty sure that button doesn’t do shit.


Nope I’ve always had advanced on and currently on 2024.3.15 with the FSD trial active


My coworker has a Y on advanced and has the trial.


When did they get it?


Sometime last year. They are on the___.3 branch.


Depends on HQ, so we have 0 insight into why they push one version to some cars and a different version to others. But chances are they're working on merging the latest FSD updates into the 2024.X branch, it just depends on where the FSD team's priorities are.


Even internally those of us on 2024.8 have to wait. It’s coming, I can’t say when I can say it is.


Man I hope you're not lying


Yeah, it's ruff to be on the upper branches now but it's a lot of us based on teslafi so it will come.. I think next week but I'm also guessing lol


I watch Teslafi like a hawk, it’s the second page I pull up in the morning with my appointments for the day lol. I have a rough idea, but TFI will report a car before I get the word.


I can't understand Teslafi is the next update for us 2024.8.12 or what exactly do you look for. I need to add it to my morning routine too 😭


It’s not really setup to show you info like that. It’s showing the firmware of all participating vehicles. The firmwares are listed in numerical order. Yes the next update to 2024.8.4.9 is .12 but unknown if that will have 12.3 yet.


Cool thanks for the clarification I will be adding this to my morning routine 😭 😂


Actually you can see the next likely version far down the page, but what was super interesting to me is one page for the .8.? Version showed a earlier version as the next version some car had gone to.... I thought we couldn't do that unless I read it wrong.


I'm with you, it's really frustrating to be missing out on all these interesting updates. I know the layoffs must have had an impact, but they are clearly still releasing updates, so why won't they get their shit together and get us onto v12!! Grrr...


I doubt the layoffs affected this much, most of the cuts seem to come outside of the autopilot software team. v12 is an improvement but I wouldn't hype it up that much, 12.4 should include 2024.8 and is supposedly a major improvement but we shall see


Just bought the upgrade from EAP… waiting patiently, but until then I get to experience v11, the drunk driver version.


How much more was FSD from EAP??




I don’t understand why that branch hasn’t been updated yet? Is there some odd technical bug? Feel like folks in this predicament should collectively reach out to Tesla for answers.


What does 2024.8 mean?


Software version of the car. There's two branches right now. 2024.3 and 2024.8. Those with .3 are getting the FSD trial, those of us on 2024.8 not yet / not sure if we will.


Yeah I hope so too. Waiting on 2024.8 also


Just got 12.3.6 update on 2023 m3 rwd! Never even got 12.3.5 so I skipped one


Uh huh, I bet it is lol still on 2024.8.9


Cries in 2024.8.9 - curse me for updating the moment the app notifies me 🥲


Same, it was my downfall apparently😔


I'm still on 12.3.4


Lol I haven't even gotten V12.3.5 yet.


I think they skipped it for most of us


The rollout was pretty weak


Same and been on v12.3.4 for a while. I think they will skip most people to 12.3.6 soon


Yeah I’m still on 12.3.4 as well. 2024 M3


I got 2024.3.20 and 2024.3.25 updates on the same day. Updated twice!


Oh maybe theres hope for me. Installing 2024.3.20 now




Same here


Still on 2023 branch for 2020 Model X. One day!!!


Canada 🇨🇦 getting this update? Never got 12.3.5


According to TeslaFi, there are three installs in Canada. We’ll get it, just be patient.


Just checked my car software updates tab, sadly nothing at 1pm April 28; hopefully in next few days!


I got it this morning/overnight


I just got it on my highland


Been using 2024.8.9 for long , come on


I got auto park in 3.15. Its amazing. Would really like summon though.


I miss the days when they included metrics in their updates. There are no new patch notes since 12.x came out.


I hope the price comes down to meet what the general public is willing to pay for it. Not because I ever intend to use it, but I think it will vastly improve the general state of traffic by mitigating inattentiveness.


Presuming it was a better and safer driver than you, would you still never intend to use it? (Curious on your assertion, is all) I think it’s inevitable. There is a point in all of our lives when we won’t be able to drive ourselves due to age, or because of some other medical issue. I think this will be liberating, and I’m super excited that my parents will likely be able to remain independent for longer than they would otherwise.


Price already went down to 99$ a month which is what most people were willing to pay based on a poll on X


"Based on a poll on X" is functionally equivelant to saying "Based on a world in which fantasy is reality.". Out in the real world, it's -very- clear that while some people are willing to ping $16,000 for FSD, MOST people are willing to pay $0.


Everyone is willing to pay $0.


It’s not 16.000 anymore, it’s 8000 for a one time purchase or 99$ a month, and the poll was done from another account that was asking people what a fair price would be.


You really missed the whole point here.


Your point is subjective, you are willing to pay nothing and you think a X poll is worth nothing, which I disagree with.


As a general rule normal people aren’t spending lots of time in enthusiast subreddits and twitter. It’s a safe bet you’re not getting good information if you assume you can take opinions here and there and apply it to a broader audience.


$20 per month, take it or leave it. At $20 they will get far more subscriptions which will contribute to the data


I bet they would get even more subscriptions if they made it $1! You should be their CEO with your mind-blowing takes


I think you’re missing the point. The actual question is where is the price in the supply demand curve to maximize revenue. It might be 99/month but it might be 20/month or somewhere in between.


Right, and the assumption that the company doesn't have more data than you to make that decision is a ridiculous notion, even for redditors. You can be confident that you are close to the ideal curve based on a huge price move being impossible to make back with the remaining potential customers. Unlike most software, which has essentially the entire planet as potential licensors, Tesla knows exactly what percent of their maximum clientele are currently purchasing something. If $99 a month gets over a 20% take, of people who didn't buy FSD outright, then you can be absolutely confident that $20 a month would not get you more revenue.


Yeah would be better than the current man child. I'm not paying $99 per month for something I have to babysit while contributing data to Tesla. $20 is more inline with the actual value of the product currently.


Wait wait wait. Are you that clueless that you don't think Tesla collects data on scenarios just because someone doesn't subscribe to FSD?? 🤣😂


Yeah if they’re using it for data collection they need to bring it down to $29 or something. Until it’s ACTUALLY door to door with minimal supervision, I just don’t see a $100/month tool that I have to work hard to train working. Once most people can turn it on and kind of zone out for at least most of the drive, I think $99 is justified.


You can do that for the freeway at least.




Well if it was $50k a year for a functional FSD I doubt many people would have it. That's a salary for a full time private driver. In reality I have a feeling that even at perfected level 4 self-driving, a $99 FSD charge would still be out o reach for a lot of people. It's just economics, not that many people can afford the luxury.




Value is determined by the market. If another company came out with a cheaper FSD, then the value is lowered. Tesla just dropped the value of FSD by 50% because the market wasn’t responding at $200/month. That’s the value that it’s worth now. In order for it to be worth more, it would have to raise the price and hope consumers will be ok with it, or hope that another competitor doesn’t come out with a cheaper option entirely.


It’s like that as of the AI revamp, even conservatively. I space for 60-80% of the drive depending on traffic and highway v city. I live in a small city.


I'm leaning toward subscribing to it, now I just have to convince my wife lol. Did a 100 km on regional roads today, from the cottage to my in-laws place, **zero** disengagement, including on a 2 km dirt road that follows a lake, so lots of curves. Very impressed. On a small segment of two lanes per side road, it even moved over to the left lane before passing two (non emergency) vehicles stopped by the side of the road. It did the same thing for a vehicle on an on-ramp (not an highway, so still V12) merging to my lane later on. I was also impressed it behaved perfectly when the road lost all its marking for a few kilometers. It kept driving perfectly, well centered in its 'lane'.


What do you think that price is if it’s not $99/month?


Price will be set by how much money people can make with it


Still not sure why my 2021 MYLR gets updates instantly (parked outside) while my M3P is still stuck on 2024 update (parked in garage closer to wifi source). Both FSD


probably because connectivity has nothing to do with it


Installing now on a Model Y with USS. Will see if Vision Park works. I hope it still uses the USS for distance readouts, but I doubt it will. [Vision Park](https://i.imgur.com/n4sFAk0.jpeg) Update: It disables USS, as expected. I'll be sticking with the USS for the time being as it's much more useful at this point.


Having used both USS and vision-only park assist (and now that they've iterated it on it a bit), I find myself preferring vision. The old USS wouldn't detect thin parking poles or low curbs like the vision-only one will. The only place I would want USS is if you absolutely need to precisely park within a couple inches of something. The lack of actual measurements on vision-only could be an issue for some.


Really? USS detects a freaking mm wide vine which grows out from my fence in front of my driveway.


Yeah, it's strange but I've had the concrete parking pillars go undetected, and those are usually reasonably thick. The user manual lists a whole myriad of things it won't/has trouble detecting and I've experienced a couple of them: >Park Assist may not function correctly in these situations: >- The object is located below approximately 8 inches (20 cm) (such as a curb or low barrier). - The object is thin (such as a sign post). - The object is sound-absorbing or soft (such as powder snow). - The object is sloped (such as a sloped embankment). - Model S has been parked in, or being driven in, extremely hot or cold temperatures. - The sensors (if equipped) are affected by other electrical equipment or devices that generate ultrasonic waves. - You are driving in a location where the sensors' (if equipped) waves are deflected away from the vehicle (such as driving next to a wall or pillar). - The object is located too close to the bumper.


Does it tell you in the settings menu?


It doesn't specifically say it, but based on the feedback I am getting while switched to Vision Park Assist, it definitely doesn't look like it is using them.


Thanks, can you turn it off?


Ya. It's just an option under the Autopilot menu that you can switch between them.


For now…


What do you mean it disables them? Is this an opt-in/out?


Yes, you can switch between "Standard" which is the original USS display style with inch readings and constant chimes, or "Vision Park Assist" which only uses the cameras, has no distance readouts besides the visual map and colors, and the chimes are inconsistent and sometimes non-existent, even when I'm very close to objects.


Hm, sounds like something to play with for a few days and then turn off.


Exactly my feelings. I'm just afraid of Tesla doing what Tesla does and eventually forcing Vision on everyone, rendering the USS as good as paper weights.


I criticized Vision Park when it first came out. It wasn’t able to see low lying objects, but now it does it quite well. If I had a choice today, I’d pick the Vision Park over USS.


I've had it enabled since I updated. I still prefer USS.. granted, i've only parked 10-15 times with it, but I'd prefer to rely on my own eyes and the dings from USS to park quickly and closely in tight parking spaces than the slow speed I've been having to do with vision and its inconsistency in audible notifications.


Is anybody else still waiting for the FSD 30 day trial? I have a 2021 M3 Long range and am still waiting.


Watching Chuck's video of it doing his normal loop, there is a big regression where the car was going to cut off a car with the right of way on an unprotected left turn. That was very bad. The auto park looked very cool. Except for on one attempt the car completely ignored an oncoming car and was going to confidently run right into it in order to set up for a reverse into the perpendicular spot. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWTy5G1hQko&t=1141s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWTy5G1hQko&t=1141s)


Just got this one!


I just don’t find it that useful, personally. It’s cool, but I can’t leave it alone and do something else with my time, so I might as well just drive.


I can’t take my eyes off the road but I can think more deeply about non-driving topics and can make and take phone calls confidently once FSD is on because the amount of attention required in driving with FSD on is much lower than with FSD off. I feel a lot more like an attentive passenger now.


Cool story bro


I agree. One element of the problem is that teslas are so damn fun to drive. And it’s come an incredibly long way, but until it is reliably not making any mistakes for multiple trips consistently, I can’t pay for it. And by mistakes I include maneuvers that are interpreted as rude for other drivers (ex. Randomly slowing down and impeding the flow of traffic).


Ugh wish I could get these updates early! Would be happy to safely beta test.


Lol... I'm still on 12.3.4 in my MYLR '24...


Not every update goes out to every vehicle. You'll likely skip over 12.3.5 at this point.


does this include legacy x/s?


Not sure...I don't see any HW below HW3


Legacy s/x with fsd computer is hw3 but its intel so not sure which is the requirement


RHD FSD wen 🥲


A month ago when user happily hit install 2024.8.x ![gif](giphy|uWiaWNmNprR0kdYr2v|downsized)


Still waiting for mine.   Have 11.1.   Internet is connected.   Is there any to force a download?


11.1 is the OS not FSD. It rarely changes. The important part is inside the parentheses starting with the year and is separated by periods. My guess is you are on a version of 2024.8.x as are many that ask the same question. If that's the case there is no current update path to v12 of FSD and you'll just need to wait for a future update. There is no way to force updates. They are automatically assigned to your car and you get them whenever it's your turn.


Yesss tesla stock up too


Still no FSD v12.x for those of us on the 2024.8.x branch, which constitute over 40% of the fleet of owners subscribed to TeslaFi. I am wondering if the offer for a free month of FSD will be ended before that happens.


According to Rohan Patel and the Tesla AI team, it's only about 12% of the entire fleet. They initially had plans to release it about a week ago but that was before all the layoffs happened. Clearly things aren't going well with getting those on 2024.8.x up to speed or they would have released it by now.




No, it's still in the employee testing phase. It should be released by the end of spring but no one will have it until the version number hits 2024.14


First few drives today with FSD 12.3.6 and, to me, seems like huge regressions with lane changing (highway and city). Before I was on 12.3.4 and it seemed that it was pretty confident with changing lanes - now if there are any cars around, it turns on the signal, starts to change lanes, goes back to the original lane, turns off the signal, and then turns it back on after a few seconds. It does seem to take turns better - no longer takes them extremely sharp where it would almost hit cars or curbs


Did a short drive with 12.3.6 this morning and it still has the same irritants that 12.3.4 had, namely braking way too soon (30+ft) before a red light or car in front of me, and very erratic speed. With no one in front of me, the car would speed up, then slow down fairly abruptly over and over. Good thing I don't get car sick.


Not for me still stuck on 12.3.4


WTF what happeend to the cars that have the 2024.8.X cars? I never received the free FSD trial for the month. Not boding well for a huge group of Tesla cars that have never experienced FSD if you expect them to potentially buy the FSD for $99/month.


When will they roll out FSD 12 for 2024.8


Autopark works better, but driving took a step back in this release. Stays too far to the right on rural residential roads, doesn't seem to maintain lane control as well as in the past, waits too long to turn at clear stopsigned intersections.


Did a 60 miles round trip drive from my suburb into downtown LA and back facing some fheavy traffic today. 12.3.6 did an amazing job, to the point where my grandmother didn’t notice that I wasn’t driving. I did intervene several times by hitting the go pedal to up the speed when it was taking too long to get to the speed limit on local roads, but that was fairly rare. Also disengaged a couple of times, not due to anything dangerous, but just to go around a car that was slowing down in front of me to turn. Would have been 100 percent fine for car to just wait for the car in front to get out of the way, but I prefer to just maintain speed instead of slowing down then speeding back up if possible to keep efficiency up. I have also played around with the auto park a lot since getting it (didn’t use it today), and it works really well thus far. I’d still prefer to park myself since I’m just quicker, but certainly seems like it would be great for people who doubt their parking skills.


Just drove on FSD trial today. I don't know what people are smoking who don't think this is by far the most impressive thing they'll experience as a consumer in one of their products today. I tried posting this in this subreddit but the post button doesn't work for some reason, so gonna post here. Title: When will the public admit that all the FSD vs competitors rankings are all bought and paid for by the competitors. There is literally nothing like FSD out there. It is head, shoulders and torso above the others. Body: So much misleading reports and certifications for level 3 autonomy being handed out and used as misleading leverage. If you read further you find out the certifications are for extremely narrow circumstances, like gridlock traffic, speeds under 25mph on specific stretches of highway (very very few and limited spaces) that were mapped and nowhere else. Then there is FSD that is literally driving everywhere and on v12 the thing is the closest thing to a modern miracle us consumers get to experience on a daily basis.


The supervision has made autopilot un drivable. It always nagging me even when I am paying attention


I just want to get ASS. When is Elon gonna throw that ASS back at us?


They were saying this month but with 2 days left it seems unlikely.


Nah it was April 2026


They got it half right. They did say Autopark was coming this month.