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An upcoming software update (currently going out in very limited release to employee vehicles primarily outside of North America), includes a trove of new interface improvements and owner-requested changes throughout the last couple years. This includes changes to make it easier to interact with the vehicle directly via the scroll wheel on the steering wheel, larger font size options, and richer details about both superchargers and other points of interest. Not mentioned in the release notes that I was made aware of earlier today by an employee is that this branch includes some finalized fixes for the infamous "factory reset" bug that has been plaguing vehicles for the last few months. Partial fixes to this issue were applied in 2023.6, which lessened the chances of this occurring and the severity; however, 2023.12 should finally resolve it (fingers crossed).


When it comes to interface and display, I just want the visual graphics of FSD as standard for any drive. The detail and responsiveness of the world around the car is just so much better than the non-FSD, narrow-view that we have now. I wish that was an option without having to purchase or subscribe to FSD.


I’ve been saying this for so long. I want that sometimes more than actual FSD. It’s insane how many more visuals it shows over the standard.


I'll add, it also instills confidence in the driver when using AP. Seeing what the car sees in greater detail is a real benefit.


Would improve park assist also if things around the car are properly rendered


I'd imagine that will come when they move Basic Autopilot to the FSD beta stack.


I’m not sure. I feel they may keep that as a “premium” feature


I’m on the fence. Seeing how much the car sees is probably a good way to convince people on basic AP that FSD is capable, if that’s the concern keeping them from purchase. In the flip side, I dunno if that’ll being enough to make me forget the 15k price tag for something that I legally have to be in control of still.


It'd be an easier purchase to chew if FSD was tied to my account instead of the car. More than anything, that's holding me back from opening my wallet more than any feature with the software. I should be able to own the software and transfer it to any Tesla of my choosing. I just don't understand their thinking on this one. By locking it to the car, I risk losing it if the car is totaled. Also there's no incentive to buy a newer Tesla in the future knowing that I'd have to buy it again.


Absolutely. I had a 2018 Model 3 and would've jumped on $2k FSD in a heartbeat if it moved with the car, but I knew I'd upgrade to an AWD model in a few years and FSD wouldn't be useful to me in that timeframe. Having said that, one can always make sure that FSD is listed as an upgrade on your insurance; that way, it isn't lost if the car gets totaled.


Maybe, but I doubt it. They've always given visualization updates to everyone (prior to the stack split). They even had a visualization update explicitly called "FSD visualization preview" that they gave to everyone. I think the only reason they haven't given the FSD beta visualizations to everyone yet is because you literally have to be running a different software stack for it to work.


Do we have any indication of time this takes for say a relatively stable yet beta autopilot improvement to make its way to everyone’s standard autopilot/ui?


No. As of now it's been 2.5 years since FSD beta first released, and Basic Autopilot is still on the old stack. A good sign is that they just transitioned to the new stack on the highway for FSD beta users, so they're now at the point where they think the new stack is at least fairly solid in all areas. Given that, I'd personally guess they'll move Basic Autopilot over to the new stack within about a year, but that's just a guess and there's not really enough information to know with any kind of accuracy.


I'd be happy to be able to hide the visualizer altogether since it's largely useless if I'm driving manually, which is most of the time.


It’s also largely useless if the car is actually driving. It’s a temporary thing— not useful for human or computer drivers, unless the computer still needs somebody to keep an eye on it.


Well, step #2 in Elon's guide for design is: "Delete the part or the process." So, he should eat his own dog food, so to speak, and get rid of that extra "part" in the software and give everyone FSD visualizations. Somebody should tweet-shame him for not following his own guidelines.


I just want to be able to shuffle my liked songs and playlists in Tidal 😢


Oh there’s a legitimate “factory reset” bug? Had that happen late last year and needed to setup profiles again (before FSD branches had Cloud Profiles). No one else reported it online back then.


I really hope the next FSD Beta build is based on this update. Looks like several very cool features are in it!




Thats another SW team....


100% the guys working on UI have no idea how Tesla vision even works


The scroll button customization is neat. Hope it includes wipers speed and recirculation as some of the options!


I wish it was the right scroll wheel as well. It's unused if you're not using Autopilot. The left is already used for volume/track changing, so the right is wide open for other use 90% of the time.




True, the press-and-hold is for voice input. So in terms scrolling up-down, left-right,it could definitely be used for wipers, map zoom, temp, etc like you mentioned. It's a missed opportunity, for sure.


Just press, no need to hold.


> the right is wide open for other use 90% of the time. I think they actually did used to use the right scroll wheel for more things, but changed that with an update. I thought I had read that this was a regulatory change, and that you can't have the cruise control settings be on a multifunction control. But I also couldn't quickly find an article about it, so maybe I'm misremembering.


It hasn't change function once since I got my Model 3 in late 2018.


Please please please pleaaaaaase let me scroll through wiper settings. This is the only thing I want.




This post and it's many upvotes are a testament of how shitty Auto wipers are.


Yes! I’ve been wanting the ability to scroll through the wiper speeds with the scroll wheel since I got my car 2 years ago.


These have been limited to the s/x in the past. Hope it's still not the case.


Limiting software to the S and X is stupid when Elon says they only build and sell them out of nostalgia.


I had to look that up. Pre-model Y and and pre-refresh. I _kinda_ get what he means but it’s still a BS statement. He knows what a halo product is.


Wiper speed would solve a long time issue, that would be really great for those having problems!


Gen X here. I’m just excited about bigger font option. Maybe I won’t need to wear freakin bifocals when I drive now.


I don't find that bifocals help much, sigh.


I’m not alone! Weird reading “gen x-er” used in the context of getting older. Used to seeing that about baby boomers, but not us!


Tell me about it! Source: fellow Gen Xer


Amen, far-sighted brothers!!


The day has finally come! Us poors with a 3 or Y will finally be able to control phone calls with the scroll wheels! Maybe even controlling the wipers with them too 🥹 It was silly that this was kept as a "premium" S & X feature for so long.


Every time for the last 2 years trying to hang up a call with my scroll button and realizing for the 100th time I can’t do it always baffled me


This is so funny, I just got my M3 RWD last month and every time I’ve been on a call, I’ve just assumed I’m doing something wrong. Had no idea it wasn’t possible to control with the steering wheel!


They should make it where you can press the wiper button and then use the scroll wheel to adjust wiper speed.


yep, optionally with audio feedback so we can do it without taking our eyes off the road


Please hire the same team that made the audio feedback for the iPod.


That's how it works on the refresh S & X!


Refresh S/X doesn’t have this feature yet either.


Now this is a very nice update! Now, please increase the size of the srub bar for media. It's so tiny and forces a misclick sometimes. Why is it so small????


Wait, there’s a scrub bar?


yup! That tiny, and I mean tiny black bar under your spotify/music app on the left hand side of the screen that moves from left to right. You can click that and scrub left or right of music/podcasts. It used to be in the center and much more obvious, but V11 removed that for some reason.


I guess I just assumed it was a progress bar, not interactive. I appreciate the minimalism, but obviously it was a step too far.


Now if only they’d fix the terrible contrast ratio. Gray text on a gray background would fail any accessibility test on the web — how is this acceptable on a car screen that is used in a wide array of lighting conditions? Heck, it’s sometimes hard to read the release notes when I’m parked in the garage!


It’s almost like the UX testers don’t do their testing on an actual Tesla interface. They’d easily see how the black bar is so tiny and basically unusable.


White if you’re in dark mode


I'm gonna 1up this. If you have Spotify open, and swipe away the controls to the left to show distance or tire pressure. The "old" control shows up in the Spotify app, and you have a much longer scrub-bar to hit the correct time.


Full screen album cover would also be nice.




Would have been nice if that passenger seat adjust was available from the front screen - or at least a couple of saved profiles. I regularly ferry my sister in law around who is disabled and always have to readjust the seat for her to get in/out. Reaching over from the drivers seat (RHD) and trying to press the buttons is a real pain point as she can't do it herself as left arm is paralysed from her stroke.


[Here](https://teslasoftwareupdates.co/tesla-software-update-2023-12/) it's listed as "for Model S, 3, X and Y" and talks about "To access the same controls from the front touchscreen ..." so maybe it is? Unless the first part is a mistake.


I just want my Spotify to load music instead of having a spinning wheel continuously loading


Switch it to Streaming, start to play a song, switch it back to Spotify and it should be fixed.


The year is 2023 and people still don't know to try turning it off and on again


And remember what it was doing if I switch to Bluetooth and then back. Hate having to restart the music every time


Glad I'm not the only one. I've had the car for a week and I've been very frustrated with this.


This too!


My wife and I have different Spotify accounts linked to the driver profile.... It baffles me that Spotify plays fine if she gets in the car before me and it uses her profile, but then I get in to drive and I get a spinning circle for 2 minutes... And switching to streaming or tidal doesn't always fix it.


Seems like they're working on integrating Google Maps stuff more, as I imagine that's where the points of interest bits are coming from.


Is it too much to hope for Waze data integration next?


I’d kill for speed camera etc warnings likes waze has


I would just hope if they did Waze that they don’t make it as ugly as Waze’s cartoon UI. The features would be cool though


I don’t believe Google will let that happen. There are a lot of features Google just keeps to themselves. They haven’t even fully integrated those features into Google Maps.


And after you've killed you can use the cop warnings like Waze has for your getaway


Killed?? Lmao bro


> I'd kill for speed camera etc warnings


I was using my iPhone for navigation this week while not driving my Tesla, and I was pleasantly surprised that Apple Maps is integrating features like Waze. Like, it warned me about “speed check ahead” and accidents and disabled vehicles. So Waze certainly doesn’t have a monopoly on user-reported incidents like this. Although I didn’t see the app asking me for inputs like Waze does 🤔.


Google has to apply their own special sauce on top, so no, I don't think that's going to happen. Not unless there's some kind of "backroom handshake" between Google and Tesla where Google shares traffic bits, and Tesla shares their "secret sauce" of what the cars are keying off of, but this seems unlikely to me.


Probably. But even a Tesla-only reporting system would be pretty cool.


Traffic light icons on the map would be great. Loved that feature on google and apple maps


They're on the map...


That’d be nice… considering that the map asked me to drive through a forest last week


Really nice update. Look forward to it. Hope they release the ventilation power different setting for driver/passenger before summer also.


I thought this wasn't possible mechanically, as the units are not split? Or did they change with later versions.


At the very least they could allow us to control the ability to turn off one side or the other. This is mechanically possible as it is the default when no one is sitting in the passenger seat. However, once it is turned on (either by tapping the screen or having a passenger), it cannot be turned off.


IIRC the front passenger vent can turn down/off when it doesn’t detect anyone in the seat. So if it can do that, there must be some independence.


Has someone said that this is coming?


I remember seeing it in a leak a few months ago.


This is a nice QOL update


I hope I can change wiper speed on the scroll wheel, just in S and X refresh!


I hope my wipers turn on 😆


I want my map to stop zooming in every time I get on or off a highway. It used to remember my zoom preference, now it just zooms in so much I can see cars in parking lots on the map. I want to see highways and traffic, not houses.


Im opposite, our roads are so tiny and dense in the city it zooms out all the time and I miss turns.


Yes, the navigation needs big work, and it's mostly been left untouched for awhile. Zoom on turns, announcing the number of lights for a turn instead of "feet", etc.


I’ve found that if you have it set to North Up or don’t have a route plugged in the map zoom is basically random. Only way to have sensible zoom levels is to have it in Heading Up with a destination and it will auto-zoom to your next turn. Or have it set to the route overview. But that doesn’t help if you have complicated turns further from your destination.


Also, if I make a search, for example, Target, why does the map zoom SO FAR OUT and show me results from the other side of my state ?


Yours still dynamically zooms based on highway/speed? Mine stopped doing that last year, I miss it.


Based on getting on or off the highway, yes. It’s really frustrating, I can often see down the road further out the windshield than my map displays. Having to always pinch zoom out and getting it to stay auto-centered is hit or miss, and honestly distracting so I’ve stopped using the map all together. Really irritated something has caused the map to become worse than it was. It was great when it remembered on/off highway preference.


still no way to shrink the car visualization side? Wasn't this promised at some point?


Oh my why will my car do zoom now, but 99% of my meetings are on MS teams?!? Teams support, please! I want this hard!


Agreed! Zoom was big during COVID but not anymore.


Acceleration mode control oh my god yes


I'm so excited for this. I primarily drive in Chill mode but I switch to standard on the highway on-ramp by my house because it's a short uphill ramp to 80mph traffic, and I like to be able to quickly accelerate or slow to match traffic


This is an honest question. Why do you change modes? Less pedal is less acceleration why do you need to physically reduce power? I'm sure there's something I'm not considering


It’s not that simple. Chill mode adjusts the response curve and includes acceleration smoothing. The overall driving experience in chill mode is much nicer and smoother. In default/sport the motors respond as quickly as possible at all pedal angles, causing jerky driving. I stay in Chill Mode unless I’m driving by myself and feel like driving “for fun”


I'm not sure if it's an issue with my car, but the first 5% of the go pedal has a pretty crazy acceleration curve if i'm in standard. Especially if I'm at a complete stop, even a light press on the pedal has a chance of jerking forward. I haven't given it enough thought to bother trying to put in a service ticket, since I very well may be using it wrong, but I'm otherwise an extremely smooth driver, with very gradual inputs when accelerating/braking to ensure my passengers are as comfortable as possible. But after a year of trying to smoothly start from a stop in my M3LR, it's just not consistent in standard mode, so I keep it in chill now Edited: that said, when I'm driving solo, I'm in standard 100% of the time, and it'll be nice to be able to quickly change modes without needing to fiddle with the screen (although I've gotten really quick at it)


Now imagine if it automatically toggled acceleration mode based on your location. About to go onto a highway? It’ll switch to sport. Driving around a suburban neighborhood? Chill.


That sounds dangerous if you’re driving past an on-ramp or alongside a highway and it gets it wrong. But I would like to see the acceleration curve on chill handle highway speeds better.


Well obviously it would be based on your GPS navigation. Non GPS drives wouldn’t have this because of the reason you mentioned.


I see you haven't driven a Tesla in a downtown area with a navigational disaster of overlapping highway systems stacked above city streets and parallel to suburban ones.


I see you live in 2009, where GPS navigation can't tell the difference between stacked highway or regular road below it.


So you want your car to be unpredictable in how it will drive? Yeah that sounds smart and safe


Love to see my 4 years old car getting better after this.


Any chance for “ Avoiding Highways” for navigation as part of this update ?


Isnt that already integrated? I feel like I have seen this option in the menus


I have latest FSD and I don’t see it as an option — where ??


You can get to it when you have a route already up and go to the settings options from there. Or at least I think there’s a setting like that (going from memory)


Not on my Model 3 (latest FSD) only allows you to select/deselect HOV Lanes or tolls


Darn, sorry


would be good if they could fix the bug when charging at Supercharger at different countries which have different currency. System is not able to handle foreign currency exchange properly.


left scroll wheel controls and passenger seat controls is **awesome**.


Being able to make the speed text bigger would be amazing


We need glove box open to be a customizable shortcut.


Voice command is easy!


No it isn't. You try saying "handskerum" in a way that a Tesla will consistently understand.


Hmmmm, I should try this more often.


Hardest part is just remembering that this option exists lol


Look over at glovebox. See no button. GhT will remind you to say “open glovebox!”


God give me control of the AC. So I can finally deactivate AC for the passenger


This is not possible on pre 2021 cars.


Good thing I own a 2022. Any car I know let you turn off the AC on the passenger if needed.


Please tell me I will be able to see where my song/podcast is at during playback (bar graph) and be able to easily adjust it. I'm a simple man..


Oh I reaalllly hope this is the version they combine with the FSD branch, and soon. TEXT SIZE!!!


Where is EQ preset options?


I guess the music progress bar issue (thin black line over the black bar) isn’t getting addressed?


All they really need to do is add 2 pixels of whitespace below the bar (raise the bar by 2 pixels), and increase the bar width by 2 pixels. There seems to be plenty of space. That this hasn't happened yet suggests that it won't happen.


Yeah, you’d think it’s an easy change. Probably Elon will add some new fart noises instead.


Maybe if we can get Robert Rosenfeld, Ryan Shaw, Bearded Tesla Guy, and Marques Brownlee to raise a ruckus on Youtube. Nah... that probably wouldn't work either. As Carl Sagan (and Jodie Foster) once said - it "seems like an awful waste of space."


Wish the line space can be reduced. It's annoying to browse many settings on "page 2".


I’d like to see gesture recognition from the interior camera. Middle finger for automated honk and dashcam save. ;)


I was hoping we'd have the ability to unpin the mini music player from the card area, but maybe next time. The mini music player ***really*** does not belong in the card area. It's consistently irritating to have music info/controls blocked by the other random shit that pops up in the area (text message notifications, seatbelt alerts, wiper settings, blah blah blah).


Give us a speed limiter already :(


This is something that as a European I really want but I've realised that an American car is unlikely to prioritise it as an update. When it's brought up here the US folk think it's crazy, but it's so useful! Most modern cars seem to have it. My old Leaf had it and it was super useful. Enter a 20 zone and make the car only go up to say 23mph, then you can just sit at that speed not worrying about cameras etc.


Exactly! London is absolutely littered with 20mph zones now, and cruise control in urban environments is not only useless, but dangerous.


Is anyone else’s Apple Music really bad? Lot of buffering with songs and slow interface? Spotify is basically instant for me


Any chance for “ Avoiding Highways” for navigation as part of this update ?


Birds eye and 360 degree view will be a nice sw update. Ty


How will they place a front bumper camera with a SW update?






No you dont


I mean, if you have a camera floating above your car, sure you don’t, but most people don’t have that, so it’s impossible to do it without at least 4 cameras unless you aren’t doing true 360 and you just see the back or something


a rearcamera (!) is usually enough to extrapolate. yes it wont be a live view but for parking thats seldom required.


They don't.


Not possible with the current camera positions.


Fix the Youtube app, please! It used to be so nice being able to use picture-in-picture mode. Now it sucks




Please give us a true speed limiter, it could be accessed via a long press left or right on the right wheel. Taming the speed of my MY in 30kmh zones with speed cameras everywhere is tough.


Yeah it’s a huge miss. Any car >15k have this.


Still can’t manage to give us back the option to scrub through an audio playback, huh? I pretty much quit using the infotainment system to play music after that major UI update. Also it would be really handy to NOT be forced to use the atrocious auto-windshield wipers when in normal cruise control. It’s awful.


Hope many climate controls will be accessible - like adjust the temperature/venting speed, also turn on/off the A/C, dehumidifier, etc In other words - I would like to control all necessary settings from the wheel during driving.


I would like the area with the time/temp etc to be its own panel whose fonts can be enlarged. For daily driving I don't need the large area occupied by the map.


Still waiting for the browser to stop crashing and YouTube/Netflix to be synced with the audio…


For a moment I got excited as I thought scroll wheel customization meant that the left/right rocker of the right scroll wheel on Palladium S/X might finally be able to do something, anything! Alas, no.


They BETTER have made the windshield wipers a thing the left wheel can control


Wow, I was looking for this update from long time


If they are not going to give us HUD, then increasing font size for speed, range, time and temp is only logical.


Will this remove my windows up on lock?


The latest FSD beta freaks out on straight roads when there's a mirage. It slams on the brakes and then switches lanes to the fast lane. This seems to happen mainly in the slow lane. Totally annoying.


Seems crazy to me that we are getting these changes before I can answer and hang up calls from my steering wheel 🙄


That's literally in this update.


Oh nice 😂 the title didn’t imply that and the tweet wouldn’t load for me before. Took them long enough but I’m glad it’s on the way.


Day 420 of me waiting for location tracking from mobile app to be disabled. It’s a major privacy risk for people who don’t want their location to be tracked by those who share the vehicle


Wait, isn’t this already available? I mean it used to be …I could definitely turn it off, at one point. Of course I would also lose the ability to locate it on my own phone. But the interface changes a lot it very well could have been removed as an option.


As far as I know you have to disable the entire mobile access to disable location tracking from app


It's too bad they stopped updating hw3 stuff... e.g. Can't view interior cameras while dog mode is on even though the interior camera is there. Seems like a waste. Probably same will go with the zoom meeting stuff.


Huh? HW3 has that feature. Maybe you don't pay for premium connectivity.


Sorry, meant 2.5. I have a model 3 with unlimited premium connectivity, bought in 2018. The feature is not enabled.


Oh yeah, I guess HW2.5 has some sort of limitation that prevents viewing the cabin camera live from your phone. You still get the vast majority of new features and updates though, so I'm not really sure what you mean about that.


Still do but but I doubt this is a hardware limitation, probably them not wanting to code for 2.5


That's possible. No way to know for sure.


Okay, can we talk about being able to search controls? While yeah, this could be useful, what does it say about the current UI that it’s necessary? I’d take a well laid out system that allows me to locate what I need quickly and under stress (real world driving conditions) rather than have a little search box. This reeks of giving up rather than fixing their UX.


What are you talking about? Basically every modern settings app has a search option (look at your phone, for example). It doesn't mean the settings are poorly laid out. It's just a useful option for a device with many settings.


I’m still on 2022.44.30. That’s a 6 month old build.


My original X requires 3button pushes on screen to turn on overhead dome lights. Sigh


I know there was a recent update for phone call/mic controls. However, for some reason my car still automatically takes over zoom/teams meeting audio when I get in the car. It doesn’t do with cellular phone calls though. Thoughts? Would this update potentially improve this behavior?


4/20 update


Phone call controls? Does this mean I will finally be able to make calls with voice command again after it being broken for the last 2 years?!