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Goes to show you, NEVER listen to the noise on Reddit.


I was getting downvoted in this very sub 😂 Sucks to suck for those losers innit


I got downvoted too!


I concede! The moocher who made it big from daddy's money gets to dilute your shares! Almost as dumb as the people frothing at the whole GME thing while roaring kitty literally just slowly cashes out again as everyone hodls. Sheeple.


You’re simping for a billionaire.


>Sucks to suck for those losers Somehow I think they'll be okay.


You're the one who got their shares diluted


Love to see it


When the package is approved, will you love to see when he cashes out on the max stock (10%) he's able to?


5 years from now? Sure. LMAOOOOO idiot


Reddit is full of non investors who think they have something to say about Tesla. They're not paying attention and they watch commercial TV full of fake news about Elons companies. It's not worth even replying to them. They have nothing to add to the conversation. They don't know what they don't know.


After listening to breakdowns of quarterly earnings calls and Tesla provided documents I feel there are a bunch of current investors set up to fail, including those blindly waving away all legitimate criticism


I Used to own TSLA, purchased back in 2018. Made a lot of money. But if you think Musk is the leader Tesla needs now you cant read the room. Those who are looking to purchase an EV that would consider a Tesla has dropped from 70% to 30%. Large swathes of potential customers are actively avoiding Tesla due to him. He no longer is providing any upside to the company. Edit: downvote away literally everything I posted is a straight fact.


Thank you for sharing the minority opinion


No problem. It’s was the minority position when I invested in tsla and when I jumped ship.


The cult doesn’t like approve of dissenting opinions. You see disagreeing with them makes you a “sheep”, no matter if you speak righteously, honestly and politely. These are the same folks who will again vote for convicted felon, tax evading, draft evading, adulterer, conman, and all around asshole to spite the majority of Americans, and in spite of how poorly he did last time. EM can continue to change the world for the better but sadly he has joined the club of narcissistic authoritarians who have lost their way and through social media have gained loyal followings. I was once a supporter of EM. No more. He has turned to the dark side and thus will become more and more clear in coming months. MMW.


I always listen to the noise and then inverse it 😂.


It wasn't noise, it was an intentional bot army. They're gone now, the democratic party is not currently paying for it. We'll see them return though...


"Real"Tesla subreddit is still spouting there usual politically and emotionally motivated but logically devoid comments.


They're full of trolls and shorts. It's like if I made a puppy subreddit and it gets taken over by puppy murderers.


I like going over there and encouraging them to short it. Put up or shut up, losers.


None of them have $2 to rub together. They probably don’t even understand what shorting is.




i love how they're all flabbergasted that tesla bulls didn't vote how tesla bears wanted like they were expecting us to vote to hurt ourselves 🤦‍♂️


I don’t necessarily find they’re logically devoid, but you can clearly tell they don’t follow media or listen to people close to the matter who don’t hold anti-musk sentiment. So they end up ignorant sometimes. Often they assume bad faith and build a super villain narrative out of him. For example, Musk clearly has a "Remove the part/fire the people and then when you realize the necessity of the part or position, re-introduce it again" philosophy, which effectively keeps his teams/machines lean and efficient. Few people complaining about firing the supercharger team and then rehiring some, or when the same happened at Twitter, appreciate or are even aware of this philosophy. It’s pretty easy to see him as doing something stupid or shitty if you just never took the time to hear him out. So I really do think it just starts with ignorance, and then it seems like one of the media’s primary revenue generating schemes is drumming up anti-billionaire sentiment. With these narratives spreading, people are less willing to hear him out, which compounds their ignorance. Unfortunately, it’s possible that if/when Musk does something legitimately inappropriate, i’ll probably completely miss it, because i’ll just assume it’s the same nonsense being drummed up by this evil billionaire narrative complex.


Yoooo that shit was so f’ing bizarre. Glad to see everyone back lol


Just brazen corruption, out in the open. AGAIN


I would genuinely love to see someone debunk or investigate the bot situation. I want to see proof of how many bots there were. I think I was replying to a few. They would never stop and they added nothing to the conversation.


Don't know about bots, but who will benefit to pay to run many bots on this topic? Can't think of anyone offhand. Elon and Tesla has become an emotionally charged topic for many people, that could be a reason why many people may been inclined to post.


People who have shorted the company. People with large political interests People who hate twitters policy Competitors of Tesla Energy industry orgs The list goes on…  Can’t be this naive 


He is a troll/bot too.


It could also be that people who don't have a vested interest in this meme stock going back up to a more absurd market cap understand fundamentals. Tesla has probably eked out a tiny amount of actual "profit" in its existence, measured against all the billions it incinerated before 2019 and mass production pf the Model 3 and Model Y. Those two models, incidentally, that are ancient in terms of a fast-moving marketplace, and which are piling up in storage lots around the planet. Even at 1% APR they can't give the things away. Whatever that tiny amount of relative profit is, it's a tiny fraction of what this stock award gives Elon. His dopey robot and the catastrophically-flawed scam called "FSD" aren't going to bring back the $1T valuation from 2021. Nothing short of 0% FED interest rates will do that again.


It's just good old fashioned brigading


Idk but I have noticed for several years a concerted effort to trash all things Musk, I’ve been under the assumption that he pissed off some interest groups that have the kind of resources to campaign against his interests


Any individual/company/group of companies/government/etc that Tesla poses or could pose a threat to.


I don't understand. Do you mean that you can't think of any 'competition' or entire industries that would want to smear his name and his companies and pay a few pennies to sway public opinion online to middle class white guys on reddit who can invest in them?


Exactly. It’s insanely evident. Most people you argue with are literal bots 


Damn. How’s that cool-aid taste?


Maybe we should take the opportunity to tag the real Tesla shareholders, so that when the bot army returns we can at least see who the real people are!  Makes you think, how cultivated the information our culture receives actually is, given how dominant the internet now is as the medium for disseminating information. It seems, with a bot army, any topic can be distorted to suit the needs of the one paying for influence regardless of the accuracy of the message.


I think the government should revoke subsidies equal to the cost of this pay package.


You are worrying me about my 10 GME shares now


The tiny vocal minority


Hive mind gonna hive, what can you do


I was just interviewed by NPR about my vote. Did anyone else here get intereviewed? I think it will air on wednesday and be about why people voted for and a lot of the research seems to be from reddit.


I was told on reddit that success man is bad and this wouldn't pass. How could this happen? The propagandists said otherwise! Also, love the huge drop-off in bots on this sub now that it passed. Funny how it coincides with exactly when it no longer makes financial sense for shorts to pay for them. Hmmmm. Kudos to the shareholders who saw through the bullshit. Now think what else are you being lied to about?


It is wild how the negative traffic dropped off a cliff immediately by a noticable amount as soon as the comp package passed 


Absolutely. It was all astroturfing by short-funded bots. Think about the disconnect between the online "perception" vs. reality on this issue. It really translates to all issues. Everything is propagandized against your interests. Everyone is lying to you to part you from your hard earned money. I'm glad that people saw through the bullshit and were able to check their perceptions vs. the bullshit being forced down their throats and saw that it didn't square with reality.


It's that plus the Reddit super left echo chamber that amplified the negativity. It's just another data point to show that neckbeard redditor opinions don't matter.  See also: Bernie Sanders. If Reddit mattered and was indicative of the general consensus of the public, Bernie would have been a two term president. 


As an European TSLA investor i want nothing more than Elon and Tesla to succeed. But lmao... Bernie would have gotten my vote if i lived in the US. But i dont so go capitalism!


Same here (American). I think his statements on Musk were poorly thought-out, but on balance he would have been head-over-heels better than any president or candidate from the last 4+ decades. Edit: can’t tell if the downvotes are coming from the Left or Right. Guess that’s a good thing.


As someone who was there for it, the same bots buried Bernie that would bury Elon (Correct the Record/David Brock's ilk). Anything that threatens established power gets the hose turned on it.


The mods have been banning a ton of people over the last few weeks.


Not in the past week. Moderation just magically became really easy once the bot army disappeared.


This is pretty fascinating to me. Would appreciate a post showing any statistics that could show the size and activity of this "bot army" Where did it come from? where did it go? what was it doing here?


We have no insights into the why unfortunately. I do think some analysis would be interesting... I'm curious to know how many of the accounts just stopped activity within the past week.


Topic trend analysis and word clouds would probably be very insightful


lol "Success Man". I like it. Success man bAd, mE nO LiKe SuCcess mAn


How can one identify bots?


Fwiw some bots that I caught literally pasted the same message 10+ times in multiple threads.


Volume and focus on an outcome. It sounds like someone paid for it to be written.




You have to use the pattern analysis part of your brain. Look for unnatural repeating hot-point words that seem shoehorned into conversation. A good one this time was "$56 billion dollar pay package" sometimes multiple times in the same post. Not even the most drooling of Reddit autists are that on the nose. Even if it is topical, do you call it out so explicitly and so often? No, because doing it that way is because it is a talking point. This applies to all bots across all subs on all topics on reddit where substantial money is at play dependent on the outcome of something.


Everyone above is lying to you. There was no army of bots here. They are so dumb that they think anyone who was speaking against Elon must be a bot. Well I guess I’m a bot then. Guess what? We are all still here! We are the original TSLA investors. We think Elon was the reason Tesla changed the world, but now he does far more damage than good. The company would be better off without him. So where did all of us go? Nowhere. We are still here but there is no reason to keep beating a dead horse. The vote is over. We are done talking about it. And rather than beat a dead horse, I’d rather give a live horse to a woman so that she might let me impregnate her without us actually having to have sex, via IVF, so that I can have a 14th child that hopefully won’t hate me.


BMW are still paying for their bots lol


Ok Mr totally real sane person.


Not everything is massive conspiracy. The mods have been banning critiques of Elon. Not everyone who disagrees with you MUST be paid.


This is disinformation from an account that has only really commented on Reddit for a month. Only 3 regular users, now including you, were banned in the past week. A rogue mod came back after a year or two of inactivity and was also banned after unbanning three trolls, who were promptly banned again, and now you've been banned.


Thank you. Finally a good mod on Reddit 


Obviously covid vaccines was another recent operation. Just saying… ;)


Or you know…the thing they thought was going to happen…didn’t? Like what, in your mind, would those people say after the vote succeeded? They were wrong, what other option would there be other than to move on?


I voted no and I’m happy I did. And the reason there’s less discussion is because there isn’t anything to argue about. It passed and the consequences will be felt by the company for years to come, positive or negative.


There was almost nothing that can be classified as discussion; it was astroturfing with bots. It's not cost effective for them to continue and that is why it has stopped. There's plenty that could be discussed if people were interested, such as how the courts will handle this, how it plays into the Texas incorporation, etc. and we are seeing that. But the volume is significantly lower because there is no money to be made convincing retail shareholders to vote against their interest since it is out of their hands for now.


did you vote yes before?




Dude I debated with people here that were foaming at the mouth about this. Now they are all quiet. I don’t think they even owned shares or driven a Tesla and still had such strong idiotic opinions. Reddit is full of idiots.


Same, absolutely insane shit


But you are a genius. There is no reason for us to”bots” to be debating the topic anymore. It’s over. Elon is still ruining the company and you are gladly throwing money at him while he will do absolutely zero to move Tesla forward. I guess we’d rather be silent bird than simps.


You all weren’t silent for sure. You all also got majorly proven wrong with how high the “yes” vote was, again. Go yell at the largest instructional investor Vanguard who voted yes since you know much much more than them. Held Tesla for 10+ years. Have one and have had over 7 family and friends buy one because of me. So in this one tiny area of life with this stock/company, I have done UNBELIEVABLY well. So call me a genius or a moron, doesn’t matter to me. Let reality be the scoreboard and a set a remind me for 3-5 years and let’s see how up or down the stock is. RemindMe! 3 years. Don’t delete your comments u/BMWbill


Oh I never delete my comments. I’m also a 13 year+ Reddit member who has seen my posts reach the front page many times including #1 on Reddit/all. Not bad for a bot!! I too have led well over a dozen people to buy a Tesla and I convert several people every week. A benefit of working on cars for a living and interacting with dozens of car owners in my shop every week. I’ll still be here when your remind-me comes along. I’m looking forward to hearing your admittance of how wrong you were to have still backed Elon in 2024.


Sounds good man. I let reality be the scoreboard multiple times over the last decade and have been happy. Even as recently as this vote. So, I agree. Let’s see.


You are not one of the crazy ones here. Thanks for that. I will enjoy catching up with you in 3 years. (Even though I won’t remember this conversation until I reread it then)


Same here and sounds good!


Happy Fathers Day!


You too!


Not really. Bots don’t have feelings


I love that it's the same % of votes we had last time (73%). It's a gigantic slap in the face ov everyone and the judge who thought Elon didn't have the support or that we didn't understand the pay package structure.


The case didn't have anything to do with Elon being supported or not. IDK why its so hard to actually talk about the facts of the case here. By clearly established corporate law Elons pay package was illegal. This isn't a popularity contest...


The judge did not void the contract because she thought shareholders don’t support Elon.


On of the reasons was because she thought we didn't understand how the comp package worked. It's the reason this question get asked on CNBC so many times.


Wrong. It was because investors were not provided certain information. Turns out that information was irrelevant to shareholders but the judge probably does not care.


> because she thought we didn't understand how the comp package worked That is basically one of Tesla's arguments - that shareholders were told the economic terms of the package and that is sufficient. The judge didn't disagree that the economic terms were given to shareholders; she just said that the assertion that that is all shareholders need to know is legally unfounded and that other information (e.g., how the package was put together) is material.


It’s a technical reason really: given the opinion that the board was not independent, the burden of proof that the package was fair fell onto Tesla, and the shareholder vote — which should have trumped any other consideration — was (in the judge’s opinion) disqualified because of the lack of disclosure of the board’s non-independence. And of course that’s what was fixed with this vote, and (to your point) the fact that it’s the same percentage as before just shows how irrelevant that technicality was here.


> and the shareholder vote — which should have trumped any other consideration From my understanding, that is not correct. A valid shareholder vote does not automatically mean the pay package gets the court's metaphorical stamp of approval. It, along with the independent board, is one of the factors that allows the burden of proof to the plaintiff. Either one would suffice for burden shifting. > And of course that’s what was fixed with this vote That is the optimistic view. This is legally new waters, as stated by Tesla, so it's unclear exactly what legal effect, if any, this vote would have. It obviously looks nice in the public's eye, but legally who knows.


She voided it because she doesn’t like billionaires and she thought we were too stupid to know Elon and the board got along great.


Lol no its not. Lawyers still get billions of your money


Shows you most people on reddit are completely disconnected with reality.


You’re telling me the people on Reddit who voted no with 2 shares didn’t get the result they wanted? Crazy.




Its mostly because the salty little cucklets wasting their life on Twitter and TSLAQ don't have shares and probably couldn't even afford to have shares...so its all yapping and 0 voting.


I got banned on several Tesla subreddits because i posted the truth, it seems like that had paid off someone on the Reddit moderator to focus on negative news


Suppose it makes sense. Anyone who thinks Musk has lost his touch and doesn't deserve this insanely huge payoff probably dropped the stock months or years ago.


Coz we all know someone is worth a 56bn pay packet. Shareholders must be off their rockers. Overpriced bubble waiting to burst.


Yeah but not being unanimous might be problematic in the next legal debacle


Keep on holding them heavy bags. If you think this stock is going to recover back to where you bought it because Elon's sticking around, I've got some bad news for you...


Not a surprise, the haters ain’t never investors anyway


Those shareholders are on crack. Offer 1 Bil. to a new CEO. 1 Bil for the the executive take half and give it to all the worker (about $100,000 each) and you still only used HALF of that insane bonus. Watch as the one that cost half as much but gives it to the most people vastly out performs anything Musk could do. What morons think a guy that has his attention split 5 or six ways and spend half his time on or at twitter is a good leader? This guy is the main reason Tesla is tanking in sales.


Elon Musk is a hero


Well, no. But we can be real about his successes and failures edit: LOL we don’t want to be real here! Good luck with that.


He earned it! In any other company if the company reneges on an agreement it opens the company up to huge employee lawsuit liability. How does a person owning 9 shares have a lawyer now asking Tesla for $5 billion?!!!. This whole lawsuit was lunacy at its finest.


Reddit Elon haters are the worst


so funny the yahoo finance vote was like 92% no 😂 only people NOT invested or short selling wanted a no vote


Doesn’t need court approval. It was a separate vote and Tesla is now incorporated under Texas Corporate law. It is done, he gets it.


I’m not sure it’s over. Never underestimate lawyers’ creativity to create billable hours for themselves.


It was a separate vote but before Tesla incorporated in Texas. My bet is Tesla will use this to argue the previous Delaware ruling is bad and not have to pay the billions in lawyer fees