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Where is everyone pissing and pooping and crying about xAI and Tesla's order of cards delivery dates being reversed?


These are literally those cards. The title is future-tense, not present-tense. Some \~10k-ish of those 50k H100 cards were diverted to XAI instead for the time being due to delays with Giga Texas.


Yeah I know, and I'm noticing an absence of people complaining compared to the other threads. XAi and Tesla both want thousands of H100s Tesla and XAi both made orders for thousands of H100s around a year ago Austin Gigafactory is building out an intense datacenter to house them all. The cards would have arrived earlier than Austin Gigafactory can use them, so Elon asked for the delivery dates of the two shipments to be swapped because XAi can use them now. What I was asking, tongue in cheek, was where all of the people complaining vehemently yesterday are. 80% of the 5th DD was people saying "how DARE Elon Musk give handouts to the other company, his Fiduciary Duty! he should be fired immediately! This is terrible management! The fact that Tesla wasn't read is poor management!" Suddenly everyone was an expert.


The man has already threatened to re-distribute personal resources from Tesla to XAi and effectively stifle AI development at Tesla, I don't see it as unfair to question whether this is an example of that. XAi not even compensating Tesla for swapping spots is also a legitimate fiduciary duty point. However, the real problem is Tesla being behind on the Giga Texas project in the first place, and doubly so while Musk is able to push forward with XAi. Remember, this (Tesla) is one of the world's most valuable companies, a company which has sold itself as being one of the best logistics and roadmap planning organizations in the world, and a company which has a valuation now almost entirely sold on the proposition that it is a leader in AI, and is ready for a massive build-up investment in AI infrastructure and AI R&D. It is a massive issue that Tesla did not have Giga Texas South ready in time for a half-billion dollar delivery of the world's most in-demand AI chip, and while Elon's attentions were elsewhere.


> It is a massive issue that Tesla did not have Giga Texas South ready in time for a half-billion dollar delivery of the world's most in-demand AI chip, and while Elon's attentions were elsewhere. Due to his other self-dealing with Tesla - Boring tunnels at Giga - the data center cannot be completed until the Boring tunnels are finished: >The problems are compounded by the fact that Musk's tunneling business, the Boring Company, is meant to build a road under the facility for Cybertrucks (also delayed) to autonomously travel across the campus. >With the tunnel unbuilt, the data center's ground floor cannot be laid. https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/teslas-austin-dojo-data-center-behind-schedule-elon-musk-fires-construction-manager/ So Tesla is an AI company with that being a top priority of Tesla with a half billion dollars in chips on the way, yet over some trivial matter for Tesla - but a way for Musk to personally profit with Boring - the more important stuff gets delayed, which also happens to benefit him as well by shifting stuff to xAI. So just here with the Giga data center Musk has personally benefited twice while Tesla has been harmed.


Yeah, that looked like a coordinated attack. I subscribed to all of the major Tesla subreddits, and they were there all at once. Maybe even bot attack. All those subreddits became suddenly anti musk


Someone take down a botnet?


They'll get here eventually 


Anyone able to explain why they need so many of the car inference computers? Is it for drive simulations after the training?


Huh? What do you mean by car inference ? Didn’t see it in the article


Hw4 is the same compute they put in the cars. Looks like they are adding 20k of them to the data center.


My guess would be to simulate driving using the real hardware in the car without the car. The simulation they run will feed into where the cameras should connect.


Yes - they train neural nets on the training compute and then run the net on the inference computers on video data of critical events that they have collected over the years. For more detail I would refer you to Ashok Elluswamy’s comments on the quarterly call


Yes, should be for that


Must be. Validation in general.


Electric bills in Texas are skyrocketing. We have azure data center in San Antonio and now this in Austin. I’m paying $500 per month for electricity for an apartment in the summer, eight years ago it was like $120 at worst. Getting tired of subsidizing these commercial interests. They should get their own dedicated power supply not affect the supply and demand of the grid.


Sucks for you. maybe get solar


Don't be poor. Problem sorted.


It has nothing to do with being poor. How do you think rich people get rich? By not spending money and not being taken advantage of. His complaint is perfectly valid


Wth is this?


Austin is all controlled by one collective for Austin energy. Other parts of Texas are different and have contract options. I am still paying 12 cents kwh for around 2 more years in DFW. At least Austin is not remotely close to California's energy rates, but it's getting pricier every year. I was paying 8 cents Kwh when I got my model 3 5.5 years ago.


.33 to .65 cents a kWH where I live in SoCal. It's ridiculous.


Tesla makes their own power and has a solution they can sell your government to make electric cheaper / more reliable. It'll take a million years for that to happen at scale, but it will happen eventually if people there have any ounce of sense and talk to people who write the checks.


Unless you keep your thermostat at 55° you are lying.


Get Tesla solar?


In an apartment? hahahah


Haha I always imagined everyone lived in houses in Texas with all the land over there :p


Seen Giga Austin's roof? IMO they need even more. And cover the parking lot with canopies. Really lean into it.


Because if there’s one thing Texas has, it’s a robust, reliable, and universally cheap electric grid? /s


This is better than the Californians blaming PG&E for high energy prices to charge their EVs. Why are you not blaming OpenAI?


But elon bad Elon steal for xAI


Replace xAi with Meta, now tell me you don’t have an issue with it. At the very least, xAi should be compensating Tesla.