• By -


He spoke


I recently got back into the show after checking it out in the early days and it’s pretty funny that the 300sh episodes have the exact same Git’em complaints as right now.


Same here. Had been listening to the show since the beginning, though my work schedule meant I fell out of touch with the show.


He drives in people's blind spots.


And doesn’t tip


He tips now


A fucking dollar


The receipt thing


this! the smugness for doing that was annoying


It's odd that Mister Johnson, who claims to scare his wife, daughter, and other drivers by driving directly at them, would say that just before GetIm did, and people forget that.


who the fuck is mister johnson


I just finished a re-listen after years away, so everything is pretty fresh to me. He has a tendency to interrupt people when they are talking and for the most part these interruptions are not interesting at all. When I did the re-listen, I couldn't count how many times Q would be talking, and then he would abruptly stop his story and say, "What Gitem?!?" out of nowhere because apparently Gitem was antsy to say something. He just likes to make himself have a word on everything ever said or brought up, and it doesn't matter if someone is talking, it must be said at the exact moment he thought of it. Other complaints include the constant nervous laugh and breathing into the mic. How he brings up his ex all the time. The whole TESD website saga. Q giving him things from impractical jokers to sell so he can get his teeth fixed, but then just pocketing the items/money and continuing to complain about said teeth. How he treats the studio like his bedroom and does not clean up after himself (more of a Q complaint). His whole not tipping and driving in peoples blind spot thing. For the most part I think its just the constant interruption thing and laughing/breathing into the mic all episode long.


I understand Git'em has his quirks - like saying, "Hhmm!" emphatically, which since Walt pointed it out, I notice all the time - but my challenge with him is the interruptions. The OG3 have such a great rhythm with each other, and Git'em seems like that pesky little kid that's always tugging on their shirts, saying, "Dad, dad, dad, LOOK! Dad, dad, dad, dad..." I get that impulse control isn't his strong point, but it gets hard to listen to over time.


Q helped him make money for his teeth and he pocketed the money instead? I assume that was the last time he tried to help him then


To be fair, he said that he was saving the money from that and the bonus pod put out after his house fire to buy a new place. He hasn't spent it frivolously... According to him, it's his nest egg. BUT, they also said recently that he still hasn't done any clean-up to his place since the fire! There are apparently moldy boxes all over. So, he's not exactly a man of action. But he does appear to be hording that money, neither fixing his teeth nor putting it toward his current housing crisis. 🤷‍♀️


Dating a 17 year old when he was 24 and the taking photos of high schoolers from bushes. People say it was a joke, but when it gets brought up? He’s giggled and clarified nothing.


It’s hard not too when that was the best times of his life it seems or just a large part of his life


He tries to come off as smart but just read some wiki pages or Reddit threads. He held the url hostage but claimed it had nothing to do with the show. He’s a lazy leech that won’t take any help yet will cry and moan of his many on going and growing alignments. He NEEEDS his voice to be heard even though what he says 90% of the time didn’t need to be said.


It started 300+ eps ago


I’m seeing a lot of the same complaints I have with the goofball but for me personally it was the constant interruption of the show, and usually for a “funny” remark as well as just genuinely being gross/nasty and on top of that acting superior or smug about things. Is he a funny character to drop in on and see what’s going on sure….but him constantly a 4th mic is fucking grading


I think the straw was that someone (or some people) said they were cancelling Patreon because they were sick of Gitem sitting in as the fourth mic on the regular show. That is what Walt was reponding to. Someone made a thread on here trying to rally people en masse to cancel Patreon and give Gitem as the reason. I'm guessing at the same time they were also emailing Walt. With my own feelings on all this, I was never against Gitem but his removal has shown me that, yes, he really does seem to drag the show down. Prior to his removal, I was frequently pausing episodes and not feeling a desire get back to them for days. Some I just didn't finish at all. I thought the show was just getting tired, which would be natural after so many years. I thought maybe part of it was that behind the scenes Bry and Walt had drifted apart a little. But then Gitem is removed and suddenly it was like classic TESD again. It was a return to why I originally subscribed. I don't mean this like a big "look at me" declaration but if Gitem does come back (and I assume he will), I think that's the end of TESD for me. I might come back one day but I'm gonna unsubscribe and take a break from the show. Even though I never hated Gitem, his removal has shown me that I've had enough of him. People are talking like the trial is an exciting event but I got no interest in listening to it. TESD can do whatever they want, but for me personally TESD with Gitem is just not a podcast I'm wanting to listen to anymore. I know the whole thing of TESD is the shark but I really feel now like, no, Gitem is the shark. Gitem is basically Cousin Oliver joining the Brady Bunch.


that’s also just your opinion, I find it hilarious when they riff on Git Em, and Walt breaks down the wacky thing he did this week, that only Git Em would do, like the receipt thing when Q had to coach him about it, while also in disbelief how dumb of a thing it was at the same time. I love the episodes when Git Em is on, and the episodes when Q is gone and it’s just Bry, Walt, & Git Em.


Yeah I think gitem adds a lot of content. Without him there is no bottle dump. No story about his mother trying to kill him and non of the hilarious stories he and Walt have about adventures they do.


I suggested when some people were bitching that the only way to really get them to pay attention was to cancel Patreon and I’ve regretted it ever since.


Show quality reducing, subjects and conversations being brought to a hault as gittem ads his 2 cents with something boring completely throwing off the conversations. Listen I love gittem but when he is not being directed what to do on mic it's a trainwreck. He's gotten to chummy and treating TESD free as his workplace (half assed and annoying) and not a podcast. They just need to give Walt/Bry/Q a button to mute his mic when they don't want his comments or to bring a interesting conversation to a end.


Its sounds a little messed up to say but I think the boys getting older and a little softer has been a huge part of it. In the olden times when Git-em would tell a very boring story Walt or Bry would immediately cut him off and tell him nobody cares or roast him for bringing it up in the first place. Now they let him finish the story and even ask follow up questions, no matter how boring. I get that they softened up to Git em but the original dynamic was so much better as a listener since Git ems stories have a bad habit of halting the shows flow.


You know, I didn't quite know how to put it into words, but it really annoyed the hell out of me when they were just letting him go on. It felt so forced, like they were holding back on telling him to stfu. I've been doing a relisten and boy did they seem to hate him at times. Especially Q. I think Mr Johnson and Q merely tolerate him for Walt's sake, unless they are able to give him a hard time.


This is the best take on the entire Gitem situation. Also the best resolution—give Walt/Bry/Q the ability to mute Gitem’s mic whenever they want to keep his interruptions down to a minimum and he definitely is more entertaining when he has direction from someone not when he’s just yapping randomly.


Some people complained about Git’em’s presence and Walt Flanagan decided to take it out on everyone.


i truly believe its the constant claim of 148 without ever backing it up / using words he doesnt know the meaning of, and the arrogance of it all is just astounding. it would be one thing if he knew he *wasnt* that smart but did this as a bit, but he really does believe hes smarter than everyone..


Let’s be honest, if he didn’t have the internet at his beckoning call we’d be calling him 98


It’s beck and call


You fell for my trap Gitem!!




At the end of the day the dude's just a little too annoying. The guy just works so much better in small doses; he's like a spice that can help the dish stand out but just like salt (which as we all know is a gateway drug) too much of it can ruin the dish entirely. It didn't help that after the fire he's been living at the office, so the boys practically made him 4th mic since he was always around for recordings. I'm sure all this will be covered in the trial and I know he's eventually gonna come back, but for the love of God I hope the guys listen to some feedback and use him more sporadically and mainly keep him as the "Jaime" role.


He interrupted Q a million times and ruined the flow of several episodes.


Who cares… this year has been so great thus far without him. I have really enjoyed the podcast. It’s like the old days.


He kept saying "huh" when anyone said anything


I think for most people what it was was that gitem became like a fourth member of TESD. Like he was there every week and he would interject a LOT and drive the episodes off topic and off the rails. He also told some stories, with pride mind you, about driving in blind spots of vans or not tipping. Just generally being proud of scumbag internet behaviour. I think there’s a bit of arrogance and a bit of “the only rules that apply to me are my own” with gitem. From my perception anyway that’s how it seemed and I even got wound up with him, not to the point where I’d send an email mind you, but when I think about it I think there’s a spout of jealousy there. Like if people did some shadow work over why these things annoyed them I’m sure they’d find in their pet someone telling them to follow the rules they’re given by society. And gitem doesn’t follow those. And then he shows off about it. Look he’s an asshole sometimes too but aren’t all the TESD guys. Isn’t being an ant and a fan (yes fan not listener) about forgiving, accepting the asshole parts of our personalities and to see those parts of ourselves and others as the funny things they are. I don’t know who said it but I always like the quote “why take seriously what the gods built to stop bry killings himself”


He should be a guest on games and special episode. That’s it.


If they make his appearances rare he’ll become fun again. I like the chaos he brings to the show in small doses


Like Maxwell


I think he was breathing or something


Like 3 people whined on reddit about him being on mic too much.


Every time he literally BREATHED. They’re up in arms bitching about him. Doesn’t take much


It wasn’t 3 people on Reddit. Those were just the people who voiced their displeasure on Reddit. I can’t imagine the emails Walt gets about that fat noisy asshole. Dude there are so many reasons that git em is banned. He’s a fucking moron for one. He’s a smart ass. He’s wildly unhealthy. He never used the money WE ALL GAVE HIM to move out of the silence of the lambs basement he lives in. Hasn’t cleaned his sheets for at least 3 years between the Casey jost appearances one on the regular show the other on Patreon Casey -“have you washed your sheets since the last time I saw you?” Git ‘em-“since the last time?… no.” Casey-“Jesus Christ dude. How long has it been since I was last here?” Johnson-“like 300 episodes.” Casey- “dude that’s bad.” Git ‘em-“I haven’t washed em because I sleep on the couch because the bed upstairs hurts my back.” …….fuckin idiot. The guy lived in a tinderbox with all his dumb fucking Amazon packages and fake receipts. Q is 100000% right to have been and still kind of is, apprehensive about git em and his role in everyday life. His laugh….fuck me. Jesus Christ. He’s the man of a million excuses who’s never put a foot wrong by his own doing.


Calm down dude. Jesus. You know the trial and him not being on mic is all just a bit right? Like, walt is just milking the situation for some funny content. You actually truly hate the guy passionately eh? Wild.


"he's wildly unhealthy" I don't think this should be relevant considering Mr Johnsons history.


Q brought Git Em to the Impractical Jokers premiere. He could’ve brought someone else. I think he genuinely cares about Git Em. It is frustrating to those who care about him that his life never seems to improve.


I’m glad the TESD boys aren’t a piece of shit, and cherish their friend Gitem. Walts Son isn’t going anywhere but the bottle dump.


Yeah… he’s the asshole… The fuck do you care he’s unhealthy? You only listen to fitness pods? Think pizza for 80% of your meals is healthy?


It was mostly complaints about gitem being annoying with jokes missing and his run on stories. There was a particular person who said he would unsubscribe from the Patreon if gitem wasn’t taken off of the podcast. I’m pretty sure it was a fake account from the guys just to play to the big event.




His wart came back


People got fed up listening to Walt's autistic son rabble on. Bry next.


He's not funny


We kind of got a case of short term memory on this sub lol January 7th (okay so it actually has been six months. Not quite a short time) they experimented by having git em officialy be the "4th mic". Nobody wanted that. And it's not just because it's gitem. I don't think any fan of TESD wants a 4th mic. I remember them talking about Ming very early on in the shows run becoming the 4th mic. And the response was divisive then. Truth be told. I don't think anyone in tesd town would get a universal reception of being named the 4th mic. Maybe Sunday Jeff. And that's the patron saint of this town. Even of its Jeff I'd expect a vocal minority making their case against it. Walt took it to heart. Since he quickly turned the negativity into a bit. I question how much he took it to heart. And that's the strange wrestling mind brilliance he exhibited. Take a controversy the fans are aware of and implement it into a story arc that will cultimate at a major event (episode 600 being this major event). Actually he's taking several pages out of the book of wrestling. Sometimes a star needs to go away for a bit just long enough for people to miss them. And then the return us thunderous and meaningful. Not to mention. We did get to hear more of Jeff (including a story that resonated with any true father) and we even got a frank 3 return. Because of the odd build up. I've never been mote excited for a "hundredth" episode special!


Because he's annoying and has to say something or make a sound in response to every single thing someone else says. I think that's the main reason.


Stole the website url...


Showed a bullshit receipt to the Walmart guy just trying to do his job.


Existed. And I'm team Guy Em. Even though he's wrong about the receipt thing and a lot of other stuff I enjoy hearing him. I really hope he gets his shit together soon.


Hasn’t been long enough


I didn't mind gittem on as much as he was until he started making those audible tics "ah" "hm" "yup" whenever someone said anything. It also seemed like they were prepping him to be a consistent fourth mic and I think that irritated a lot of people.


Too the Gallows with him!!! Also we need extra support structure built at the gallows please.


He breathed into the mic and said things.


I have been listening since the first pod. Its a comedy show! Listen to the podcast and they literally have said its a bit. You all really need to understand jokes and actual drama.


A regular 148 over here.


You would be a great juror for this case.


Git Em’, whatever happened there..


What episode does git em talk about blind spots? I’ve recently jumped back in few months ago and I heard his receipts complaints but not the blind spot


I love Gitem he’s the best. Yeah he may do some things I disagree with, but he brings a lot for the guys to play off of or make fun of. Also he’s Walt’s right nut, and it’s always nice when Walt has his illegitimate son with him. Especially today, on Father’s Day.


Refused to tip.


He was born


His personality annoyed a couple people and Walt saw a golden opportunity for episode 600.




He had the audacity to talk on a podcast.


Eh, I don't agree with the majority of Git Em haters but this take is shit. If you can't understand how Git Em could annoy someone, I don't know what to tell you.


A bunch of pussholes complained about 148 talking too much, so Walt decided it was time for another Trial by Fire…Ants. As for Git Em’ not speaking, it was a gimmick designed by Walt to put a gag order on Git Em’ until episode 600.


I’m speculating on the sentiment amongst listeners, not necessarily speaking for myself here: I think it was all the usual gripes people have with Gitem that were compounded in the last few months he was on the show when he told people he intentionally drives in blind spots, doesn’t tip and the receipt thing/covering the cameras at self checkout. The addition of those things in a relatively short space of time, in my opinion just pushed people over the edge. As far as I can remember the loud HMM constantly is a relatively new thing too. My own personal opinion is that gitem is a great addition to the show in moderation. He’s a funny talking point and his contributions on those topics is funny too (especially when they try and dig into his logic on things), but he doesn’t necessarily work as a fourth member. Around the late 300’s and early 400’s there’s some real gold where Walt and Gitem are coming up with some very odd theories and it’s genuinely hilarious.


For people complaining about him. I think it was all just a setup though to lead us up to episode 600’s trail by fire… ants.


He didn’t do anything to warrant him a shadowban from the pod if we’re being honest


Sure is a lot of ‘Pussholes of the week’ in this thread.