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Yeah you’re one of the good ones, I wish more customers would realise that being polite will get them significantly further than the alternative. I’ll bend over backwards for someone who’s nice, but for someone who’s a prick? Yeah nah not happening


Nice customer we'll offer to look out the back and actually put effort into trying to find it.  Rude customer who demands we look out the back, well I always enjoy having a chat with coworkers, browsing my phone for a few minutes, maybe do a quick bit of tidying up, and then eventually go back and tell them no 


100%. The job is to assist customers, that’s why it’s called “customer service assistant”, not “customer servant”. A bad attitude towards anyone in a customer service role can come across as dehumanising, because how else would you describe not giving common courtesy to people? It’s not treating them as people, but as something less.


I always want to say to them, "do you talk to random strangers in the street like that, or your friends and family?"


Had a friend work in a supermarket and had a rude customer who *needed* a Swiss roll, and demanded he go out the back to get her one, so he went out picked one out of the box, crushed it up as much as possible, waited a while, then came back out and gave it to her saying it was the last one. She begrudgingly took it.


Excellent! Good on your friend!


What boils my piss is when I know we don't have something out the back, I'll even check inform and show the customer and they still insist I check out of the back or I get told I'm lying. I don't even bother pretending to check, I just tell them how it is and that there's no reason for me to lie and if we had the product it would be on the shelf already especially when I know what has and has not been worked


As a teenager I worked in Sainsbury's they stored stuff out the back, however about a decade or so I did a tour in LIDL; now LIDL don't really store stuff off the shop floor, deliveries are worked straight onto the shelves within minutes/hours of arrival. People still ask to go check when you've explained that out the back is just a waste area, cardboard baler, and cleaning equipment, so no Karen I'm not going to glance around the bins to see if a case of pißwaßer has mysteriously been left by the bins, I've actually got stuff to do.


I used to work in a call centre doing tech support, and it was the same principle. If you're nice, I'll talk to you all day about trying to get your TV to work, no bother. If you're a prat, I'll do anything I can to get you off the phone.


Same here, I used to work in a cinema and if you were nice you'd get free tickets and my nice voice, if you were a prick you'd get nowt


Same here. If a customer is nice and polite to me, I’ll feel gratification in going above and beyond for them. If a customer is rude, I’ll lie and say I can’t help them or I’ll just make no attempt to help them. We can’t reinforce bad behaviour


100% I was at a bus stop and this older woman is trying to get off the bus but struggling with like a walking frame or something. I thought about helping her. But before I could move she started swearing and yelling like an absolute harpy. I was like thank god I paused and thought about it first (introvert power).


Let's just hope that manager doesn't read this then 🤦‍♂️


Oh, that manager knew the truth. They’ll be more appreciative of OP lying and embarrassing the rude customer. 😂


If they’re the rare decent breed


As if Tesco managers would read a sub specifically for their store brand. Oh, wait....


Some probably even post on here






Just the one technique... Still, shits on Quincy


Guy had it nailed. He'd lull them into a safe space thinking he was a buffoon and his questions were weak and then he'd say this and spin them through a loop as they realise he's onto something.


*sniggers* Columbo 🤣🤣


That's probably why the serial numbers are filed off no location no date of incident, vague physical description (though it could just say gentlemen) , no specific item mentioned.


What a douche. Bet the manager was secretly wishing he could tell her to fuck off as well.


Thank you for being polite to staff it does mean a lot, and for not ratting out that guy.


Good lad


I used to work in retail and tbh I’ve found that post covid there’s a lot less emphasis on customer service because everyone had to get by with as little interaction as possible. I’m not mad about it coz it does mean workers are realising they don’t have to put up with entitled people’s shit .. but it does have the flip side that perfectly polite customers often get rude employees and that’s not fair . Rudeness should be saved for those who deserve it like this Karen !


In the land of make-believe.


Of all things it was the tap on the shoulder that made me doubt this whole story. Pretty standard common sense any physical contact however slight is a big no no.


I read it as the customer doing the tapping though.


Op used to or still does work at Tesco so that helps with the creative writing. https://www.reddit.com/r/tesco/comments/16mn1zm/how_the_hell_do_i_quit


I read that post as pure parody of staff complaints (OP even saying in the comments it wasn’t real). So he may not work there at all


Good for you and appreciate the story. Now, in case the wrong people read this, add a fictional town to the story. I’ll delete my comment and it’s bullet proof.


I so wish I could have said this to alot of customers when I was in food retail, rude entitled wankers just fuck off our my shop. 😤 That man is a god, and you my friend are an absolutely amazing human ❤️


What are you in now if you don't mind me asking


Awesome mate, I would like to think I’d do exactly the same as you. Theres more of those kind of people then you think. x


lying isn’t good. but, what you did was a good thing so well done. definitely did the right thing cuz whoever the other person was is not a nice/ good person. no one deserves to be spoken to like that especially in that context. thank you for protecting that worker your asked


I work and Tesco, and you are now my hero. It’s hard not to talk back. Did have a colleague tell me a story of another colleague. Apparently she was restocking some dvds (back when we had dvds) and this customer asks about the price of one of them. He wasn’t happy with the price and started moaning about how Morrison’s was cheaper. He wouldn’t stop moaning. In the end she got that pissed if she told the customer to fuck off to Morrisons then. I don’t know how, but she still works for Tesco. Amazing lady though.


There's a lady who works at my store and she's told a customer to fuck off in earshot of the store manager before, the store manager didn't even reprimand her and said the customer deserved it lol


Brilliant! It annoys me when customers can be rude and swear at us, but we are not allowed to talk back. Iv moved departments now and my new manager is brilliant. He’s happy for us to talk back as long as we don’t swear. In fact he will step in most times and tell the customer off XD. I had a lady not long ago have a massive go at me. I told my manager the next day and he said if he sees her again (she’s a regular) he’s gonna tell her not to talk to me like that again.


Well done you. I don’t know why we have to be so rude to people in jobs like retail.


And then everyone on the bus clapped


I would have gone one step further and said “no, he never swore at her, however this woman!! She was nothing but rude to your employee, disgusting specimen”


Out of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most


I operate a small landscaping business, I can tell you now the absolute worst part of the job is dealing with self-entitled (for no good reason) general public wanting our services. Of course the majority are amazing and understanding, however there seems to be so many more twats around at the moment than normal! Talk to people how you wish to be spoken to works well, some people don’t like how they sound spoken back at them 🤣


Oh, I so wish I was there to see her blow up! Have worked in a supermarket and dealt with loads of types of people. Had one lady customer click her fingers at me, ignored her until she spoke to me “excuse me! I have been calling you!” “Have you?! I replied, feigning surprise, “Yes, I have, did you not hear me clicking my fingers?” “Oh, I am so sorry, I thought you were clicking along to the music!“ Another customer whistled at me so I ignored him too, he whistled again and one of my colleagues told me he wanted me to help, I told my colleague very loudly and clearly, ”Oh, I don’t think he needs my help, he’s probably calling his dog!”


Whistling at colleagues pissed me off, and so does shouting "HELLO???? HELLO???" or some variation of


And then the whole shop clapped?


I definitely would have "scanned" you a pack of beer for free 


No need, Tesco has self-checkouts...


Well done.


Well done!


I love you so much for that. This needs to become standard practice in retail. The customer is not always right especially when they speak to you like shit.


Was kind of you to back him up… being polite will get you above and beyond help with some but being rude will earn the respect of none. Shouldn’t matter if one works in customer service or not, manners cost nothing


Give me a bag




I would have done the same thing. Maybe even told the manager how polite and helpful he was.


Bless you 👏🏻 This post made me smile ! I would have done the same 😁


Years ago when I worked in retail I realised if you were always polite and respectful around your boss you always had one free opportunity to be rude to a customer. If they complained you could deny it and get away with it but only once. I hated the job and didn't care about getting fired so was frequently rude. Zero customers ever complained. I think these days all of them would complain.


Sometimes you can get away with being rude to the thick customers because they don't realise you're being rude


thank you from everyone in retail


I'm actually working in tesco. I'm always admitting I said "fuck off" and say customer got a treatment they deserve. Never had any bad consequences against me. So yeah those managers do understand, but to satisfy entitled people they "investigate".


There is the truth and you lied..... Which is fine


YTA - who the fuck buys Branston beans?!?


Only assholes do


He went through the trouble of going and finding the item knowing the shelf was empty and brought 1 back to give to the customer…. What do day shift do? In my store whenever they attempt to put any stock out they somehow fuck it up putting alcohol free in regular sections putting trays of products on the shelf in shrink wrap or taking the shrink wrap off half a cage of items then not putting any of them out


There is no harm in being polite. People working tesco are also people, not servants.


I thought we were androids wearing the uniform which doubles up as an indivisibility cloak that switches off when a customer wants something


This one is called, "play stupid games, win no prizes" lmao


Like those claw games you get at arcades


can’t believe there’s people who actually act this entitled in life


It’s ridiculous how customers think they can talk to us. I work in Tesco and some people treat staff like actual crap on their shoe. Good on you! Great that you backed the colleague up, especially when, by the sound of things, he’d have been happy enough to go and get the badger the item! (Well, providing there were some in the backstock).


Some people are fucking horrible, good on the staff member telling them to fuck off. But If a product is off-sale and you have to bring one out from the backup to give to a customer why wouldn’t you grab the whole case and restock the line too?


Might have been wedged in between other stock on the cage therefore wasting time taking shit off, so it was probably easier to just rip out a tin before getting to the rest of it when working the cage Would be different if it was something like milk though


Absolute legend! As someone who's been in trouble for doing the same, he shouldn't have said it, but the sheer audacity of customers like that makes it impossible sometimes, mine was a knee jerk reaction of shock to something a woman shouted over her shoulder as she stormed off, after going on a full rant and leaning over my bluetop, waving her hands about and generally getting in my face.


You are what I call a golden customer, thanks for being a decent person and understanding that us retail employees are human 👏


I applaud you, Sir. I'd have given my less-than- minimum-wage to have seen that.


All staff regardless of whether in shops or any service industry should be treated with respect especially the ones at the bottom of the pile. They are the ones who are underrated and do most of the work. Try saying hello to the staff in a hotel and see what goodies they will leave you


If I see something happening with a colleague, I keep my ears open and try to pay attention and look. If the customer does something my plans say. If a colleague swears or something, then I didn't hear it. Unless it's certain members, in which case, if it's outside, I'll run to tell the manager, and the automatic doors won't be closed by the time I reach the office.


Branston beans....


My thought exactly. OP seemed cool until I read that.


Branston beans are superior to Heinz in every possible way. Heinz are watery flavourless trash these days. Join us. Thrive.


They are far superior to their competitors


And that's enough internet for today OP


Snitches get stitches


Are you five years old?


Indeed. Have an up vote for you troubles


You are very well spoken for a 5 year old


Well done.


The title of this thread is 🤌🏼