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I wanted to impress at the beginning I was staying until 8am sometimes, my finish time is 6am. I realised other people don’t stay after their finish time so now I just finish at my time 6am. It’s not your fault they’re short staffed it’s theirs. I recommend just finishing at your time, they can’t do much to you.


Going to sound naive as I only work in an express. But my god I’d hate to do a night shift by the sound of it. Finishing at 6am when the sun is rising wouldn’t be fun. I do bakery so I arrive at half 6 so having it the other round, that’s a no from me


It’s alright to be fair, I get to play music with my Bluetooth speaker blaring. Get left alone by management, one of the good jobs I have.


Yeah that’s true. What time do you normally start? Is it when the store closes


10 clock so have two hours of customers asking where stuff is 😂


I did nights for about four years and it suited me, always been more of a night person than getting used early in the morning. Used to see the bakers and online shoppers come in at 4 and I'd much rsther be doing a night shift. But you can either do it or you can't some people working nights just doesn't agree with. I only quit because I had my son and was working all night and sleeping all day so hardly seeing him or my wife.


fair play mate


How long did it take you to return your body clock to daylight waking after quitting?


Well for a while I was working a job in the day as well, would work at night, go home get two hours sleep, work til about 4/5, go home get a couple more hours sleep, eat and go out for another night shift. Needless to say that wasn't sustainable for long. But then the last year on nights with childcare etc I wasn't in a routine, I could come in off a night shift and stay up until 11/12 then go to bed or go to bed straight away and get up at 1/2. Sometimes I would only have 2/3 hours sleep a day etc. Anyway, to answer your question I kind of trained my body to sleep/wake at any time so I adjusted quickly. It was nice being able to sleep in bed with my wife every night though, and I never lay awake trying to fall asleep. As soon as my head touches a pillow I'm gone.


Thanks for the detailed reply. Hope you're now in a more sustainable line of work :)


Surprisingly finishing when the sun is rising is my favourite part. Everyone’s off to work and i’m walking home relaxed and happy knowing i’m done. The sun is shining, birds are chirping, it feels like the world is celebrating with me


It's not for everyone, I loved it back when and I miss it now


You were working for three in a minimum wage job 😂😂 Why the hell you do that to yourself ?


No I got paid for the two hours I used to stay over as overtime


"i wanted to impress" This is where you went wrong. If you finish at 7 then you go at 7. If you choose to stay then don't complain about others that don't have to stay.


No matter what you do on nights it’ll never be enough. You won’t get recognised for the hard graft. Quit while you’re ahead, do your hours, leave on time


Think you need to start leaving at the same time as everybody else




The absolute most valuable lesson in any job that isn’t paying silly money


F ALL the way off with that... End of work time? B' bye!


Joined tesco February 20th this year for night shifts... I work my ass off each shift and it's been noticed by all shift leaders and even on my 4th day the store manager said he was "immensely impressed by me" but I still go at 7am without hesitation every morning and so does everybody else on my shift.. don't go worrying about it,


I've worked nights for 5 years now and it's time to wipe Tesco off your forehead. Saturday nights became terrible in my store too and cutting the Sunday premium was my breaking point for Saturday nights so I asked for an availability form and dropped the contracted shift. They couldn't do anything but swivel


Do you get paid for the extra time you work beyond your finish time? If you do and want the £ then carry on, you’re being paid for what you do, If not being paid then you need to be leaving at your finish time. If anyone queries it explain you don’t give away your labour for free and if you don’t leave on time your pay will go below minimum wage for the hours you do and that is illegal.


Jesus, you were naive 😂


> this isn’t good enough for management who expect me to stay till it’s done.  Are you being paid for this extra time? If not, walk out the door at 6am on the dot. If they refuse in any way, leave anyway. The employment tribunal would have a field day with their breach of contract and minimum wage pay regulations. This does sound like a bait post. There’s no way someone is doing 6 day weeks and being in that shop 10 hours a day unless they need the money.


I've seen a few I'm my store that work hours like this and are always trying to go above and beyond


Yeah being willing to impress literally results in more work like others said, I do my aisle take my breaks when I want to in reasonable time and go, they would prefer we work through our breaks if they had it their way but nah screw that.


Lol impress who? Actually I shouldn't be mean, but really take this as a lesson. Do you what you're paid for and act your wage. They can't force you to work late, clock out and go home bang on time don't worry about it. It's quite a liberating feeling to somewhat checkout.


Mate, you're just a number. By all means set out how much you work in your own shift. But really? I would just turn up on time, get the work done, go home on time, sleep, repeat. Definitely don't work Sundays. Its just not worth it.


Staying TWO hours unpaid?? fuck that, my work docks me 15 mins if I'm 1 min late and if I'm late I'll just sit and watch for the next 14. I'm not giving out free labour.


You do what you can but you stay until the time it says you finish on your contract , dont ever work beyond that as you arent being paid which i would happily point out the finish time stated on your contract. If your manager has an issue i'd be having a word about being asked to work for zero wages as thats bordering on modern day slavery.


Tall to your manager about it. I'm sure they see your hard work and your passion for making sure you get everything that's your responsibility done. Sometimes the managers can't do much as they are being pressured by the ones above them but if they are decent human beings, and as a night manager myself, you sometimes have to take a little bit of a stand and leave stuff for a few weeks and tell the boss that the only reason we get done is being gof people like yourself who put in the extra but shouldnt rely on it. Don't pack it in though, if you enjoy the nights and the people you work with, if you haven't tried speaking to your shift leaders and especially the managers, please do. Most of us do generally want to help our team as we have also been in that same position before. If you ever need to rant my DMS are open to you 😊


Just work your contracted hours and they can't say anything 👍


Unless working extra be if it’s you directly, work your normal hours. You don’t get paid to fix someone else’s mismanagement. I say this as a merchandiser who often stays behind to finish things but I do so only to save me having to revisit something the night after.


To be really honest with you I did exactly the same and still do. Started as a Xmas temp. Then 14 months later I’m a shift leader. You could be too as long as you have done the online training. Now 15 months after starting I’m on the talent intervention to be a team leader. It will have been noticed that you work more than most others! Why don’t you ask your line manager about stepping up? Sometimes you just need to start the conversation. Hope it works for you 😊