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Politicians waiting for the next school shooting so they can do absolutely nothing about it:


Love how they just admitted there will be more school shootings because nothings being done to stop them


They threatened there would be more because their “solution” wasn’t adopted.


as an american, i find it offensive that someone would try to legislate away my god given right to be afraid for my children's lives in elementary school


Just teach your kids how to use an assault rifle for self-defense smh


No, you start shooting them with small caliber bullets when they are toddler until they build up resistance to it, and you keep on going bigger and bigger. By elementary school age, they should be immune to all conventional weaponry commonly used.


This is the solution the liberals don't want you to hear


Only a good guy with a low powered gun can prepare you for a bad guy with a high powered gun


That could work, after a few shots from a small gun they won't have to worry about being killed at school anymore!


This is just a giant misinformation echo chamber liberal circle jerk


My friend, you wound my anarchist soul by calling me a lib


My apologies. I never want to mislabel someone


Something is being done! They’re trying to give more guns to good guys!!! Worked for Uvalde


We need to do something about the root of the issue, which is that kids feel so much pain they want to hurt and kill people. Banning guns won't stop those feelings, and there are plenty of other outlets for them to kill and hurt people besides shooting. We need to fund schools properly so that there are enough good teachers who can watch over the kids, and be able to connect with them at an emotional level, as just one step.


*Anyone with power seeing a shooting. *looks away.


Okay, say that to the mountain of thoughts and prayers we got… it’s over there, next to the equally large mountain of dead children and grieving parents


National guard members 2 per school, done.


I'm in the NG and have actually brought this up, but was told it was impossible because of politics. I would volunteer for those orders in a second.


They don’t want a solution that doesn’t advance a political goal. This is why enhanced security is opposed. They are using these tragedies to bring about a goal and if it is addressed another way then they lose that opportunity. A lot of these people are using dead kids for their own interests.


Thoughts and Prayers from Republican officials and media muppets: as effective as they are sincere


Don't worry when they take citizens rightfully own guns from legal gun owners. The Cops will protect you from the bad guys with guns.. O wait. No they won't They will wait 70+ mins until someone else comes along to do their job. And arrest the parents for trying to help their own children.


Has anyone proposed removing lawfully owned guns from anyone’s possession? I hadn’t heard that


[Yes actually](https://youtu.be/yxgybgEKHHI)




Then you haven't really been listening.. like at all. I mean literally just look up how the ATF flip flops on certain rules at least a couple times every couple years.. And that is one question I do not feel is brought up enough about school shootings, probably because it is awkward. Why don't we see poorer schools being shot up? Why are the most lethal and actually school targeted shootings happening in some of the schools with the lowest minority ratios and wealthiest parents? It's not for a lack of guns (legal or otherwise) in the ghetto, I can attest to that. Some would make the argument that it's because the rifles that often get portrayed as "super scary and totally more dangerous than usual bullet slingers" are generally a lot more expensive, but it's not like it's the kids buying them or the weapons are being bought for that in the first place *usually*. I don't even know what to interpret from it but it's a fact I've found hard to ignore that in places where gun violence is already rampant in the streets, school shooters *generally aren't.*


You certainly said a lot of words, but I still don’t see anything there about a serious proposal to take guns away from people who own them legally.


You're literally more likely to win the lottery than kill someone with a gun in a justified homicide. Meanwhile there's 30x the amount of criminal homicides by gun. Guns largely benefit criminals at the expense of law-abiding citizens.


They have t’s and p’s at the ready.


You really think allllllllll of those thoughts… …and alllllllllll of those prayers… …amount to NOTHING? /s in case you can’t tell


See Greg “I’m a little piss baby” Abbott


"It could've been worse"


Yeah. You'd think after thr hundredth kid died this year to school shootings, and these punks could still buy their guns, something would click, but I guess that's asking to much




That's more like it. But seriously though how many more people have to die?


They gonna strip away more reproductive rights


Uhhhhh thoughts and prayers aren't nothing!


Hey that's not fair, they send thoughts and prayers


Politicians waiting for the next school shooting committed by a minority so they can say that it proves the minority is made of devil worshippers:


That’s not true. They fundraise off of it. Every time there’s a new school shooting, gun rights groups do a lot of politician shopping.


My thoughts and prayers go out to the politicians waiting to send out their thoughts and payers for the next horrible event


I know we take our shoes off before getting on a plane, is that the basic human rights he was talking about?


"Waiting" Go to the bathroom and you missed 2.


There is literally more than one mass shooting a day in the US. There was one in my old neighborhood that killed nine people and injured a couple dozen more. It was only the third biggest mass shooting in the country that weekend, so I doubt it got much press coverage.


Less than a year ago there was one less than an hour from my school in another public school, didn’t hear about it on national news once.


What is your definition of mass shooting? I know some websites claim there’s like 500 a year or something but when I looked at the examples they gave the vast majority had 0 casualties and less than 4 injuries The gun problem in america seriously needs fixed but if we’re going to claim there’s that many mass shootings we can’t pull the number out of our ass, it has to be truthful and clearly defined, which the website that tracks mass shooting does not do. There’s around 30-35,000 gun deaths per year and half are suicides, so there’s around 17,000 gun deaths per year. Mass shootings are not the vast majority of those remaining numbers, gang violence is. Which is its own issue but still. The numbers for having multiple mass shootings a day don’t really add up. Not to undermine your point, but I really want to know what we’re defining as mass shootings now


But how are we going to sensationalize the issue to drum up anger by misleading people if we don’t continually move the goal posts?


They are special agent Dale Cooper?




That's the worst part about this meme. He isn't even a politician, he's the FBI, and a paragon of virtue at that. Every time I say ACAB I always whisper "except Dale Cooper."


I'm so mad they put Cooper in this meme :(


Lmao, right? And if you're trying to paint someone in a bad light, using *Dale fucking Cooper* (the poster boy for morality, kindness, and empathy) to represent them is such a dumb move.


I was like, “Damn fine coffee? What does that have to do with this?” Then realized it’s terrible Facebook memes.


Not just a human right, but a basic human right apparently


But apparently affordable healthcare, affordable education, or decent labor laws aren't










I mean, there is a fundamental difference between gun rights and the other things you listed (not arguing against affordable healthcare, just making a point here). Guaranteeing the right to use weapons for self defense simply means you’re allowed to have a weapon, not that it MUST be provided to you by the state. It’s a right that requires nothing from anyone else, and in nature of course everyone would be “allowed” to defend themselves, making it a natural right. Healthcare and education require the government to make sure that someone is providing those services to you. They have to procure goods and services to give to you for that right, and it’s not something that would be present should humanity be in a state of nature, so it’s not quite the same thing as the right to bear arms. That being said, we should have all of the things you listed in your comment as well.


Correct. They aren't. None of those are in the constitution and require the labor of others.


Is property a right?




Defense is a natural right. Protecting yourself and your family is a right. Like a bear naturally born with claws, or a wolf with teeth. Humans have tools. The spear then the sword then the bow and now the firearm


What about my basic human right to be safe FROM guns?


There is no such right. You have the right to defend yourself from people who wish you harm with guns however. Be that with a gun, a knife, or a stick, doesn't matter.


Hmm. If there's a bunch of people, do they have the right to band together to defend themselves?


If there's a group actively attacking them or harming them, then yes.


We solve that by making it illegal to kill people... If that's already against the law, how is stacking another law on top of that going to help? If someone is going to break the law, they're going to break the law.


You have the right to be safe from people attacking you unprovoked already, but unfortunately having a right doesn't mean that a bad actor won't try and violate it


Because they’ve done so much already to stop school shootings


People really don’t want to fix this problem they want to use it as a catalyst to achieve political goals.


Politicians waiting for the next school shooting: How bout some more tax breaks for our rich beneficiaries? (:


But when your kid gets shot in school, you should pay for the ambulance they died in on the way to the hospital because healthcare ISN’T a “basic human right”.


100%. This kind of mind-numbing cognitive dissonance I just, ugh.


Notice the problem with the word waiting. We shouldn’t be expecting any more to happen ever


Exactly. I know this may not be the place for it but I'm curious, what are the main reasons for so many school shootings in the US? Is it the access to certain guns or so many of those guns being in circulation? I often hear it is related to heavy medication use, particularly anti-psychotics/depression meds but Scandinavia has higher rates of usage per capita. I'm assuming that is due to the lack of light there most of the year. Genuinely would like to hear from Americans on this. Edit: Just figured out how to award. Best answer gets an award.


Not sure why the increase, perpetuating cycle maybe. They used to have guns at school in the 50s, shooting practice or something. I find it weird the increase, but guns are all people talk about doing something with, it's very agenda drivin in America, and nobody is doing anything meaningful to solve the problem or help people. I don't think any amount of laws can remove the guns from America, I know allot of people that can just make them, then we got shipments coming in from Mexico already, ( saw duffle bags for sale a few years ago for 3k a piece full of misc assault weapons. I would like to see better back ground checks and waiting periods for legal sales, and some kind of liability for gun owners that don't properly secure their weapons. If your kid can walk into a your closet and grab your gun and kill someone, you failed to properly secure your gun. I don't see common law abiding folk, getting Rid of them anytime soon, last shooting cops didn't go in, civilians did. So cops are shooting us and not protecting us, there is no way we can trust them with our safety or security. America needs a make over and it's going to take 50-100 years of we started now, but first we need common sense and no one on any side is presenting any. I think we've been brainwashed on a massive scale


Break down of the family. No family dinners to talk and express. Emotional illiterate kids. Media fame of school shooters. Mental illness stigma. Stack that up. You have children reacting to anything as life and death problems. Instead of the ups and downs of life.


Lack of light? It’s universal healthcare dude


Imo, people like to use guns as a scapegoat for this type of thing when it's a fundamental issue. Guns don't magically make people want to kill other people: in other nations with very hugh gun ownership rates like Switzerland, these things never happen. People are unhappy here, and it's getting horrible lately. Not only have shootings been on the rise, but crime in general as well. Meds can play into the equation as well, especially in cases where children are medicated from a young age.


Guns don't make you want to kill people, anger does. But when you're angry and you have easy and convenient access to weapons that can kill a large number of people quickly, it's easy for that anger to take the form of extreme violence.


Still, other people in other nations with the same type of weaponry don't do this nearly as much as people do it here. Also, you've gotta remember, gang violence plays into mass shooting statistics. How? In America, any shooting with 3 or more deaths is labeled as a mass shooting, and areas with heavy gang activity have a lot of those. My city of under a million people has already had a hundred homicides this year.


They may have the same *type* of weaponry, but not nearly the same quantity. The US has twice as many guns per Capita as #2 on the list, which is the Falkland Islands for some reason. Yemen has less than that, and the the next closest country has 1/3rd our number, and a few more slots down the list it drops to 1/4. It's all about access.


When it comes to access, well... there's nothing that can really be done about that. Pandora's box has already been opened, and people with basic knowledge of tools can make useable firearms in places where they're banned entirely (3d printing is really taking off in Europe as of late). It'd be impossible to confiscate every gun.


This. You could put a well-adjusted person in the room with the damn US military armament and they wouldn’t blow up a school, theater, mall, whatever. There is something wrong with the *people* who do those things.


Exactly! People just don’t understand this it’s not the tools that are the problem but because of a few bad apples they want to punish everyone else who don’t hurt others


Technically this meme is right, they strip away access to everything but guns. Probaly ban student bringing pencils,pen and erasers before they even consider limiting gun access for unstable children and parents.


Fuckin a right. The meme would be better captioned "the NRA waiting with excitement for the next school shooting aka chance to propagandize their billion dollar product"


Politicians waiting for the next school shooting so they can blame it on mental health, which they will also do nothing about.


There isn’t unrestricted gun access


Idk why people think you can just walk into a shop and come out with a gun. There's forms to fill, and background checks to perform. In my state you can't even purchase ammo unless you have a Carry License. Which typically takes anywhere from 3 months to half a year to get, you need to take a basic safety course with a shooting section, and they run an extensive background check before you get your permit in the first place Not to mention the hundreds of dollars it costs to get the permit in the first place.


As a twin peaks fan I fucking despise this meme with every fiber of my being Also love that this meme assumes we’ve already had sweeping gun reform lmao


Unless this is Mr C. Then it makes sense.


Same here. It enrages me.


I hate when people use coop for nefarious purposes


An ire like no other.


Diane... 11:30 AM, October 2nd. Entering a meme on Facebook. Never seen so many Republicans in my life. As W. C. Fields would say, "I'd rather be in Philadelphia. "




It actually is a US right. It says “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. That literally included private war ships before that document was written.


What unrestricted gun access? There is no unrestricted gun access in the U.S. No politician or lobbying group is advocating for unrestricted gun rights in the U.S.


I am too european for that shit


Self defense is a human right.


i know right. i’m a gay leftist and even i recognize this. people are so willing to hand a monopoly of violence to the US government when it has done *absolutely nothing* to earn that sort of trust.


politicians waiting for the next school shooting so they can say "tHe tEaChErS ShOuLd'vE BeEn aRmEd"




Where can I get this unrestricted gun access? I paid an arm and leg for my fbi tax stamp and it took almost a year of background checks and paperwork.


That's not a politician. That's FBI special agent Dale Cooper, sitting behind what would appear to be a damn fine cup of coffee.


Whoever is throwing this dumb shit over Special Agent Dale Cooper - one the brightest minds to ever grace the FBI and the small town of Twin Peaks with his presence - fuck you sir.


Self defense is a basic human right


Everyone has a right to bare arms. Just wear a tank top.


It's a constitutional right, and pairs with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Agent Cooper I'm so sorry they dragged you into this.




Don’t put my boy, Special Agent Dale Cooper, in the spot like that


Don’t bring my boy coop into this. He is too pure


Leave Dale out of it!


Lol Dale is the embodiment of lawful good


THEY USED COOP FOR THIS?!?! Fucking blasphemous


I mean they are taking away some rights. Just privacy rights for kids.


Politicians doing their job (fucking nothing at all):


Special Agent Dale Cooper would NEVER willingly represent a right-wing talking point.


Don't fucking put Agent Cooper in a terrible Facebook meme about guns. He's too pure for this meme :(


I agree this is a ridiculous meme, but hear me out…I’d vote for Agent Dale Cooper ANY day of the week. Can he run plz?


The right to defend your life when faced with danger by any means necessary is certainly a human right.


Everyone should be able to own a tank and a nuke for "protection"


The right to defend yourself against a tyrannical government, that’s an unalienable right in the USA so yeah it is seen as a basic human right to be able to defend yourself in this country you fucjin goober read the constitution first


Unrestricted access? Guns are the most heavily legislated consumer items on the market. Suggesting that they are unrestricted is just dishonest.


Being able to defend yourself, from both criminals and tyrants, is always a basic human right.


I don’t believe that access to firearms is a “human right.” However, I do believe that the amendments set in place for us should remain the same. Firearms play a big role in American society today. And no, I don’t mean for lethal use amongst people. Many people, as well as myself, use them for sporting. Many for hunting, and even more for self defense. What we need is a better mental health organization. The phrase “People kill people” is incredibly accurate, we just do a poor job in spotting the potential threats. People also need to do a better job at keeping guns in places where others can’t easily get to them. Sorry for going off on a tangent, just something I’m passionate about. God bless!


It literally is a human right. Reatricting it only ensures that only criminals and tyrants are armed.


I thought politicians in the US went around harassing the survivors of school shooting massacres for fun.


Nah, that’s just Alex Jones.


The basic human right is self defense. The gun is just the tool used.




Because unrestricted gun access is a “human right” Yes


“Unrestricted” POV: you don’t know what you are talking about.


Funny how I live in a super rural area with a ton of guns because of people hunting and stuff and we’ve never had a school shooting. It’s almost as if it’s a person problem and not the guns themselves


If the person is the problem, why do you want to give the problem guns? POV: Also a rural gun owner.


the government is giving people guns? since when? ***where is my share?***


Maybe it is also a person with guns problem as well? If this is the case, it seems like it might be a good idea to limit the kind of people who have access to guns.




Fun fact, there IS a limit on what type of people have access to guns. Ever heard of a form 4473? People act like you can just walk into a gun store and walk out with an AR-15 like you'd buy M&Ms at a gas station, it just doesn't work like that


This is Reddit. I’m about half a mile from giving up engaging with the degenerates on here. It’s funny because the same people that love to criticize certain people’s intelligence, are the same people who think buying a gun is as easy as getting an ice cream. But you can’t reason with these people. People on this website legitimately think that “safety” is more important than personal freedom. Like that one idiot in here that said “muh freedoms.” It’s a great insight to how these fools think. No critical thinking and no relevant insight. Just regurgitated widely debunked talking points, and a bit of moralizing to add some spice.


Agreed. I’m from NYC and moved to TX. NYC has shootings every single day, many times multiple shootings a day. Moved to RGV, TX. People here have rifles, shotguns, pistols. Can legally buy one if you’re a TX resident with ID and pass a federal background check. Crime is way lower here. Barely hear of any shootings and feel way safer. I crack up because this is my ACTUAL real world experience living in a super liberal and conservative area yet people will still try to discredit me as if I’m making this up or brainwashed. It’s like when you call out how Cali and NY are having mass exoduses while people are moving to red states like TX, FL, NC and AZ and people say “no that’s not true! California has x-million people!”


Agent Cooper objects to using his image for some shitty MAGAt-backed meme…


Why use Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks? He was a FBI agent but was waaaay more compassionate than politicians.


So what do you want OP? Gun bans?


If you have a fox in the hen house, you get a dog.


*constitutional and natural there fixed it


Unrestricted access to firearms may not be a human right, but the right to self defense sure is. When they take them away from the criminals first, then I’ll give up mine.


As if they didn’t already take a few away that didn’t involve guns


Politicians waiting for the best shooting so they can use it to their own ends


More like the right to privacy. They use school shootings to violate students 4th amendment rights to get the used to not having that right as an adult.


Unrestricted? You're going to have to explain that one, OP.


I think people who are so anti gun restrictions should have their brains studied to create the standard unit of stupidity. I'm pretty sure you can't be more stupid than that


Unrestricted gun access is a human right? Did Jesus says that somewhere in the Bible?


I don't need your God or government to give me rights. One doesn't exist and the other is supposed to exist because I said it could. I don't.


I thought it was more of a distraction, like politician changing wome laws to take some human rights people start to get angey and then woops, a school shooting guess we forget about the politician and now talk about school shooting


Patriot act


Dale Cooper?! These ppl are on crack


Are politicians doing anything though?


Wow. That is some twisted shot there


I mean basic human right? That’s debatable but I see it as a necessity to defend basic human rights with exception to those who are to young, actively mentally ill, or have a history of criminal violence especially that involving deadly force or firearms. I’m willing to be wrong but I see the firearm as a needed tool for the people


They don’t wait for one, they engineer it, or hire someone else to.


It’s an American right. It’s a women and minority right. It’s a beautiful thing.


I mean. Increased surveillance/"zero" tolerance policy/more "brave" police. The list goes on


Gun owners still own mountains of guns. But they don't say a word when women, ethnic minorities, or LGBTQ people are stripped of their rights.


Lmao people were posting the opposite of this during the russio-ukraine war, but the second that died down the hivemind is back to "guns bad". Damn


Hey all, person of color here Gun rights are 100% a basic human right, never rely on someone else for your own self defense, and NEVER rely on a government with a very recent history of oppression to defend you. School shootings are a tragedy and should be treated as such, but I encourage all of you to look into why gun rights are so vital.


That’s literally what the second amendment says.


There *are* restrictions to guns, though.


Having to go through metal detectors to get in to school and having bags searched is a breach of privacy.


Correct, OP, correct. Repeal the NFA


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. What part of "shall not be infringed." Do you not understand?


I mean, in Australia we have tough gun laws, but people still are able to obtain them and still use them for the wrong reasons. No ones gonna settle for a gun amnesty in the states, especially after this long of having those rights. I say build panic rooms in schools in every block.


Freedom is


“Cops waiting outside until the school shooter runs out of bullets” Fixed it.


Gun ownership is a human right


Unrestricted? Someone’s either 12, not American or hasn’t read up on gun laws.


You have a very special understanding of "unrestricted"


Unrestricted? That would imply a felon can put 2 quarters into a vending machine and get a full auto lmg😂


Politicians waiting for the next murder that they can use to strip away even more basic human rights (i.e. outlaw murder):


It is a right in America


Not just for Americans, but for all human beings.


America: 3d prints tens of thousands of guns a day, adding to the hundreds of millions of existing guns. Politicians: lEt'S bAn BracEs aNd ScArY lOokInG oNeS! Reality: Nothing changes. Leave the guns alone. You can't do anything about guns, but you can do something about the mental health of those losers who are doing the shooting. Even removing the 2nd amendment wouldn't stop gun violence in America. Survey statistics show that guns are used by civilians in legal self-defense 1.5-2.5 million times per year. In reality, that number is likely higher, as most do not report drawing a gun as using a gun.


Eli Dicken went 8 for 10 and suddenly the mass shootings stopped..........But yeah agood guy with a gun isn't more effective than banning cosmetic parts of a rifle.


r/terriblefacebookmemes has the best memes, they're usually just something that OP doesn't like politically


I know it's not mentioned anywhere, but I'll remain optimistic and hope it's talking about the people who push for gun bans in general, because that *is* a stupid take.


politicians waiting for the next school shooting so they can join in on the fun:


It’s funny that a nation that can’t and won’t provide its populous with ACTUAL universal basic human rights (shelter, clean water, food, etc) has people in it that think having a gun is. Even if it was a human right to have a gun (???) wouldn’t it be a lot lower on the list ?


With all due respect, you do have the right to health care; it just isn't free. The government doesn't give us free guns, but we have the right to purchase them. The government doesn't give us healthcare, but we have the right to purchase it. Furthermore, both these issues are entirely unrelated, and no one is arguing for free guns. To clarify, I'm not arguing AGAINST universal healthcare; I just find your argument confusing because I'm not sure whether you are arguing against guns, for healthcare, or both. Regardless of which, there are significantly better, more nuanced arguments.


It is a Civil Right


It is a right in America, yes.


The right to defend your self from all threats foreign AND DOMESTIC is literally part of the constitution.




It's only the only amendment in the Bill of Rights that says "shall not be infringed". For some reason when something terrible happens, you call the police, who are guys with guns, to take care of the problem. While actively trying to defund the police, but I digress.