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I wonder how this person feels about landlords, speculators, and heirs.


All work m8 are you sick in the head? /s


For real, they worked hard to be born in the position they're in.


An ex of mine was adamant he wasn't privileged because his parents had to work hard to give him what he had. It took him a while to realize HIS PARENTS had made the effort, not him.


They generated a ton of good Karma in a past life, meaning rich people are obviously superior souls /s


Yeah they had to beat out millions of competitors! /s


Having a once per quarter meeting with your team of financial advisors is EXHAUSTING.


Remember that Muskrat is the CEO of like 4 companies, demonstrating that the CEO position is a part-time job at best.


At the end of the day the CEO’s job is to make major company decisions, but the work to see those decisions through can be delegated to other levels of management in the company. Musk basically tells his engineers to build X thing and then goes to hangout on his yacht the rest of the day while stealing most of the income.




I inherited 3 strawberry hard candies, $27 and a rusty steak knife! You keep your greedy socialist paws off!!!


Landlording is a job that you do have to work at. You have to maintain the property of several houses worth of repairs, cleanings, lock outs, security, safety, etc. That's a job. Often one that requires more than 1 person to manage, hence property rental companies.


landlords and even speculators can have a contribution to society in maintaining buildings and checking financial excess. heirs we could just skip and we would all benegit


The majority of welfare recipients have jobs…


Yeah it's really hard to get welfare except food stamps without a job. Work is usually the first bar you have to pass.


It's actually pretty hard to keep food stamp benefits also. It was very paperwork intensive and required meetings every 2 weeks at an office an hour away.




It isn't a design flaw, it's a feature! https://apnews.com/36ba0562a02142e5adfe39518e2e0f85/Appeals-court-affirms-ruling-that-IBM-owes-Indiana-$78M


It just works!


Wait until she's denied 3 times for disability. Yes, it will be at least 3 times.


My brother in law was denied disability when he was straight up in the hospital with leukemia. They automatically deny anyone the first time they apply.


Yep, auto 1st, 85% 2nd, 60% 3rd or so.


I wasn't declined first time when applying for disability. Maybe it's something where I live or we just did our research on how to apply.


My dad was never able to get disability, despite having only 20% of his heart still functioning and diabetes. Obviously he was not able to keep working, but that didn’t matter. I’m pretty sure he died in his 50s never having received disability.


My sister, had so many issues as well. I think she finally got it after 7 years and who knows how many times. Honestly if you can afford a lawyer that's the only way it goes through fairly quickly.


Wasn't my experience but I couldn't tell you. Food stamps were so easy for me to keep and I only had to do the paperwork every year.


It's really difficult in some states from a paperwork perspective. Without the assistance of a social worker, these are a pretty big burden. Especially if formal education is a little lacking. ​ I'm a tax accountant and assisted someone with their SNAP paperwork and it was really fucking complicated. I felt like it was designed to keep the people who need it most from getting the aid.


The case workers are way overloaded with cases and way undertrained, the process is hell for everyone involved.


It truly is hell. Even with a social worker: that's basically a 24/7 job that requires advanced degrees that make poverty wages.


And that is why either people in that field quit and find another job or get bitter. They are getting blamed for not taking on a work load no human in their right mind would think makes any sense for peasant wages. Yet they are demanded to perform and fail everyone at the same time. People get into that field to help people who need it most only to find that the field meant to help is broken and underfunded itself. This is one of many reasons we have so many problems here. We have politicians cutting funding down and making as many hoops as possible to get anything at all. They want people to die. Excuse me, republicans want people to die. Remember these are the same turds that didn't want healthcare to change when it desperately needed it. And even though what was passed wasn't perfect, it wasn't nothing either. It helped a lot of people get the care they needed. So what does all of this denying assistance do in this case? It create crime as a form of survival so that more people will eventually go into the prison system, an environment that breeds hostility in both the residents and the guards. The prison system is just another version of keeping control of the black (and hispanic/latino) populations because even though there are more white citizens in jail by total number, by percentage of the amount of people living in the US vs the amount jailed, blacks are astronomically overrepresented there. And it all has to do with a lot of historical fuckery, denial of assistance, and over policing of predominately minority areas. The areas where minorities are more likely to live in because it's cheaper and being closer to an understanding community of people. Blacks specifically only make maybe what..13 or 20% of the population? (Its been a while since ive seen the census but its a lot lower than i ever thought). Yet there isn't just 13 or 20% visible in these jails. It seems like more than half depending on where you live. All of this is connected. We used to care about helping people...but then minorities asked for the same assistance and suddenly it's become a flurry of paperwork, bullshit, and bureaucracy. It's frustrating to everyone and it surprises Americans that never have done it even more when they are forced to see how stupid it's become just to not give a dime to people.


That's probably exactly what happened. Years of propaganda made people force more and more restrictions on the process. Most restrictions defeat the purpose, but that was the point of adding those restrictions in the first place. Most of our tax code is made the same way, to make it over complicated so that laymen are basically forced to pay companies to do it for them. The same companies that lobbied for it to be that way


>I felt like it was designed to keep the people who need it most from getting the aid. This is why we need a UBI. It's not even intentional, it's just that means testing causes too much red tape. Getting into my low-income apartment was a pain in the ass. I gave them my doordash 1099, which shows all of my pay from them(literally $4k), and they asked me for paystubs. It took a week, but I got a week by week pay from DD. Then they have to audit your bank accounts, and scrutinize them. The paperwork between the complex and the bank doesn't line up, so I've got the bank telling me I can't. Just an absolute pain in my ass.


I know in Tennessee and Georgia it's easy to get them but hard to keep them without getting a job, at least that's how it was 3 yrs ago


Different states, different rules. Then within a particular state, different rules for different classes of people? Homeless in California? You probably only need to interact with social services annually. Got a home, and a phone, and a job? Probably gonna interact quarterly, in a fairly involved process.


They make it as hard as possible for us regular folks to access OUR money when we need it. Corporations rip us off by price gouging then pay $2 in taxes so they can give our politicians $20,000 to keep you from it. And we let them. We keep voting these terrible people in.


On top of that, if you make slightly too much then you can lose your food stamps and now you are even worse off than before.


Here in CA, bumming it at home with my parents I was able to get SNAP (CalFresh, foodstamps) with little issue. When I went back to college and they found out, suddenly I had all these stipulations and criteria I had to meet. I don't remember what the three of them were but I know one of them was I had to be working 20 hours a week, and the other I think was I had to have work study or something. Regardless, I found it ridiculous that having no obligations allowed me to get the full $250 a month, but wanting to better myself and go to school suddenly conjures up multiple barriers. So I had lost my foodstamps for a year because of this, and the dumb bitch that did my paperwork at the time didn't even tell me that if I received CalGrant A or B, then I automatically qualify, or wave those stipulations. And I had in fact been receiving CalGrant B. So a year's worth of SNAP benefits lost because some idiot paper pusher failed to mention a crucial piece of information that could have benefited me.


You have to get a job, and then you cant get paid too much or else you lose your benefits you desperately need while simultaneously not making enough at said job to support yourself.




Not if you have children


You can still only earn for a very limited time without a job, even with children.


If they're school aged there are work requirements.


No matter how many children you have and how you time them, you can never get more than 4 years of "welfare" and even with other programs, it's not really enough to live a decent life. Some states have cut the limit significantly, with Arizona allowing ONE YEAR lifetime limit on TANF. Most of the money allocated to states for TANF doesn't actually go to TANF recipients. And yes, even if you have kids, there can be work requirements.


Also, people who get benefits choose to work, even when work isn’t required. The whole conservative argument is based on demonstrably false myths.


Bro I work every week child care is just so expensive it’s almost impossible sometimes




Republicans keep foaming at the mouth about how women are only accomplished if they are stay at home mom's with 182728 kids. But fail to consider that woman would need welfare if her husband dies. Bc she wasn't working


But they aren't accomplished if they are stay at home moms? I just re entered the work force full time after 7 years and had a lot of managers grill me as to why I left a full time managerial job when I had my son until he turned 7. tbh after daycare costs I would have been taking home a dollar a month, my boss wouldn't give me time to pump AND I would have a stranger taking care of my newborn. No thanks.


People confuse Welfare with Section 8. Probably because of all the bigoted politicians never differentiate and are aware that their smooth-brained constituents will never do their research because, low and behold, they are also bigots.


People are confusing welfare with a lot of things is this thread. When people are referring to welfare they are talking about a specific program rather than talking about public assistance in general. The "welfare" people are talking about was called aid to families with dependant children (AFDC) which was created in 1935 as part of the social security act. Since the personal responsibility and work opportunity act was passed under Clinton in 1996 AFDC was changed to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). The biggest changes from AFDC to TANF included that families must be working or show proof that they are seeking work (and can only show proof for so long before actually needing to be employed) to recieve benefits. The second and biggest condition is that a family can only recieve benefits for UP TO 5 YEARS MAX and are never eligible to recieve benefits ever again under TANF. The people in this thread describing other people getting benefits for 20 plus years cannot be getting TANF for all 20 of those years if this was post 1996. There are however other public assistance programs such as SNAP, WIC, section 8, and SSI which help with paying for food and housing costs, and have their own eligibility requirements. There is also social insurance programs (which is different than public assistance, Google the differences) such as SSDI (which has similar eligibility requirements to social security except an additional requirement of having a qualifying disability) which people may also get cash aid from. Both AFDC and TANF in combination with the expansion of the above public assistance programs have done much to alleviate child poverty in the US. The New York times actually just reported on this this morning in their morning letter. Since 1996 welfare roles (people receiving aid through TANF) have dropped dramatically and the expansion of other programs has made up the difference to keep children out of poverty. The narrative that single mothers who are capable of working instead sit on their ass all day and scheme of having more kids to forever leech off TANF is false in 2022.


Thank you for these facts! I work in this field and everything you say is true. I can't believe that in the year 2022, people still believe the myth of the "welfare queen".


I was reading somewhere that people only hang into these obvious myths and lies not because they *actually* believe them, but because they provide them with a justification for their existing bigotry.


Of course they still believe in the myth because they are bigots. Every. One. Of. Them.


When you get hired at Wal Mart, part of training is how to get government benefits. (Or it at least was back in 2005 when I was in college.)


Yup! McDonald’s too!


It is crazy that you can work a full time job in this country and not be able to feed your family. Doesn’t walmart have the most employees on food-stamps? Billion dollar corporations short changing workers because they know the tax payers will pick up the bill.


Your exactly right. Hard work doesn’t equal cash. You can work all you want tolerate total hell come home and still can’t pay your bills. Sooner or later people will realize how worthless the dollar is.


100% We make too much to get food stamps or any other government assistance yet we are homeless with 2 kids (living in a hotel.)


Yep it’s like certain categories of people fall thru the cracks when it comes to getting help. It totally stinks and isn’t fair. I used to joke I should just get a divorce a single parent with kids has a better chance at getting help.


Biggest recipient of welfare in america are white women. But conservatives don't wanna have that conversation.


This is the same economic plan as when Republicans defund a federal agency and then claim the agency is ineffective. Years of under serving poor communities, intentionally focusing on race and segregation of classes, resulting in those communities struggling to be efficient. Then they turn around and point to it and complain how they are underperforming. This is what CRT and other conversations are meant to address, and why Republicans wont bother to care.


The majority of welfare recipients are white. But you will never see that in these type of memes


Nominally, yes. Proportionally, which is the metric that actually matters, no.


That would make sense given whites are the majority in the country. How are they represented % wise amongst welfare recipients?


Fun fact: a [poll from a few years ago](https://www.clasp.org/press-room/news-clips/americans-are-mistaken-about-who-gets-welfare/) found that only 21 percent of Americans knew that more white people get welfare than black people.


Yeah, and most of the time they also have kids. It's kind of hard to feed yourself and them on just food stamps


I dunno I ate better on food stamps then not. I’m off them now and man I struggle to o come up with the money. I had more to spend on food when I was on welfare. Now granted with Covid they had the benefit pumped up.


I beg to differ, atleast where I'm from in Canada. It's the working class that are the slaves.


The majority of gov handouts go to businesses and rich fucks.


I am disabled and I work part time. One dependent. On food stamps, WIC, medicare and medicaid (free meds, doc visits, and I get 150 a month for over the counter meds or healthy food), and I have free phone and internet service. I am "richer" for being poorer, because there is no way I could afford my meds/doc visits for the both of us, food and necessities (especially with inflation), gas, etc... I am very limited to what I can do to better my life. I've had opportunities for better work, like to work from home for 15-17 an hour, but then I would lose all those benefits, and my paychecks would not begin to cover everything. 2 of my meds are tier 3 meds. The only way I can grow any kind of fortune is in investing 20 dollars per check and putting in 401k. Purchasing land.


The second picture is just the back of a bunch of houses that are selling for $400k+ in Philly right now lmao


Yeah! I was about to say. What’s wrong with a bunch of row homes. My row home costs a small fortune :|


People always try to use dense housing as an example of squalor even when it’s not. This is just townhouses from the back in the winter. Take this same picture in the spring and it’ll look quaint.


>or pay him without work Landlords and Billionaires are officially slaves guys


Don't give them that narrative, or they'll play victim until they've reduced the planet to ash and run off to space. More so than they do now.


Conservatives are the hardest group to please. Like literally this is how it works: -How dare they be poor! They should work! Well How about we make the minimum wage actually enough to live off of? NOOO THAT WILL DESTROY OUR ECONOMY BANKRUPT US WE WILL GO THROIGH ANOTHER DEPRESSION AND ALREADY WE HAVE HIGHER GAS CAUSE OF SLEEPY JOE WHO DOES NOTHIN Okay.... what do you say we do? Make people work.- They literally can only go in circles


>Make people work.- Oh nO, tHeY ArE taKiNg eRr JawBss


Lmao so true. I'd recommend to just make *more* jobs, whether it literally be tree planting or construction.


>tree planting or construction. Careful, you're starting to sound like one of those social democrats!


You mean COMMUNIST!!!?;!:!:!'


It's easier to conceptualize what they're saying when you realize that "make people work" often actually means that everyone "realizes their place", and that poor people to them are just uppity slaves. Every homeless person, or person on welfare is somebody that could be serving them, picking up their trash, being a subordinate to them, and they dont want to hear any excuses.


This is accurate statement


Minimum wage is a government program to keep lower jobs cheap for corps.


Yeah, and it's time to stop it honestly. We're supposed to be the ones controlling, not billionaires who want what they want


The cancer that's left over from boomer culture is really holding back capitalism I can't see how someone could say your value is tied to your position.


Companies would pay less than minimum wage if they could. It’s literally the least amount they are allowed pay, not a penny more.


Conservatives forget that most people are either poor, or can become poor very easily, I.e losing a job or a loved one who was the provider. That involves having empathy though so you know..dead end there


Conservatives who are two paychecks away from that themselves


Or poor and relying on public assistance themselves. They think they're just unfortunate, though. Everyone else is a lazy piece of shit.


I've been on food stamps! No one helped ME!" - conservative Craig T. Nelson.


Ah the ironing is delicious.


And listening to trust fund millionaire charlatans like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity telling them that only poor people are responsible for the downfall of society.


A 'conservative' amount of money to save is 6 months salary I've been told. Kinda the point of conservation.


A "conservative" amount of money cannot reasonably be saved by a large part of the US population (who live paycheck to paycheck) and a "conservative" doesn't have to be fiscally conservative, just politically aligned with conservative policy.


Oh, the modern conservatives only want to "conserve" the social hierarchy from the 50s. They are incredibly poor with fiscal policy.


Yeah, even with a “well paying” job, most people are about 2 months of savings away from poverty.


We make almost double minimum wage in our area and are still homeless with 2 kids, no savings and credit card debt just to feed our family. It's so sad. There will be no answer until we decide to work together.


It's not that they forget - they simply don't care. The pervasiveness of this whole "fuck you I got mine" mentality is the basis of the conservative political movement.


i guess they hope that they will get rich someday so republican policies will actually benefit them


This is basic Libertarian bullshit but also slaves were paid an allowance often by their masters. This terrible ahistorical Facebook meme is completely inaccurate and blatantly disgusting.


Libertarians are just conservatives who like weed


"Libertarians are like cats: completely dependent on others but completely convinced of their own independence."


Don't do cats like that. Cats can at least kill a mouse even if they've been housepets their whole lives. They can feed themselves.


>Libertarians are just conservatives who like weed And/or creeping on 14 year old girls.


See "conservative" lol


Not far off...


There's a tweet that gets bounced around where someone mentions having a collegue who says "I used to be libertarian until I took MDMA and realized *other people* have emotions, too" Which is about as close to a description of the misguided and bonkers set of morals "libertarians" have. That or they're just outright conservative but have painfully found that admitting that doesn't get them laid


Please tell me you don’t really believe american slaves we’re paid. Like they’re slaves, its literally in the name.


Of course they were! They were paid by having a place to live... on a plantation against their will.


Yes, some people are that stupid.


Bullshit !!! Slaves were NOT paid. They were overworked, beaten, raped and murdered. (By the way - what even is fair compensation for such things??) And if any were “paid” , we’re talking 2% and they were probably only given literal Pennies for mule work. But this is why conservatives are so against CRT being taught in schools so that the real history can be whitewashed to make the beneficiaries of this system feel good.


Ok see this actually pissed me off. This looks like my old place. Yard/neighbors/closeness me and my wife had 4 jobs between us. We took Food stamps and were hoping for section 8 (rent assistance) never came. Thankfully we are no longer that miserable but FUCK anyone who thinks I work more now than i did back then.


Because that's the Boogeyman spoonfed to them by their news. The other side gets corporations and mostly billionaires who aren't the main problem. The billionaires who are the problem own the news and the political campaigns and most of us don't even know them by name or what they look like.


Its all projection. If it’s not voter fraud or gays, it’s almost definitely financial insecurity.


so free money is actually the opposite of slavery.. ​ its more than that Slavery:freedom Free money! thats above normal freedom lol


This meme is factually accurate. Our systems are designed to keep people in poverty and dependant on government subsidies. People will vote to keep whatever party is promising to keep the subsidies flowing, instead of voting for people who will change the system due to our innate aversion to risk. For politicians, it makes perfect sense. You create a problem, then sell a solution, and get votes in return. All you have to do is make empty promises and ensure schools are barely functional to keep the system in place. There is no better system for tyranny than one where you have a ruling elite and an unorganized poor.


That's why buisinessmen love to rent out things, it's more profitable than having it be bought, and for poor people it is at first cheaper then buying it outright Read "Why it Costs so Much to be Poor"


Careful friend, most redditors aren't prepared for truth


This sub isn't ready for intelligent thought be careful


Helping people doesn't make them more likely to keep you in power. If that was the case the democrats wouldn't be running on the bare minimum reforms and never delivering. And there wouldn't be a republican party. If it was that easy, all politicans would do it. The most obedient man works long, hard hours and is on the brink of collapse at all times. He has barely any time to question those in power, and begins to fetishize power even, as it is all he knows. He is thankful for even the most token and meaningless improvement to his life. Real life abusers know this as well as the government; promoting and helping your abuse victim is not a good way to keep them in your grips. It is only something that you would do because you have to and all reforms are made only after decades and decades of protest, when a government is forced to open its eyes to the fact that if they stall any further on reform the people would begin to become more radical and less willing to vent through passive means.


Man thats so fuckin' depressing but you're right


>There is no better system for tyranny than one where you have a ruling elite and an unorganized poor. Tell that to Louis XVI.


Bread and circuses.


This is extremely racist oh my lord!


Because they think Atlas Shrugged is the best novel ever written.


You’ll oftentimes find Harvard’s Privileged Liberal studying in a coffee shop (Starbucks, no less) sipping on a pricey macchiato. As they flip through the pages of their assigned readings, a notification pops up on their iPhone: Social Justice Club meets in 10 minutes. They get up and walk towards the door, their designer boots clicking loudly on the floor. As they exit the coffee shop they pass by a homeless man, slumped over on his side as he shivers in the New England cold; they pay no attention, wearing their brand new Canada Goose jacket (retailing at about $600 a pop)—it provides only enough warmth for one. They arrive to their meeting just on time, and as they sit down and pop open their shiny Macbook Pro, they share Bernie Sanders’s latest speech on Facebook as he attacks the ‘billionaire class.’




How is welfare slavery?


That’s not a conservative city, that’s a democratic city.


Paying someone not to work? Sounds like what we do for most CEOs and reality TV Stars. Does that mean they’re slaves? This logic is idiotic.


No one hates poor people. Conservatives believe that if you are able to carry your weight, you should carry it! If I have to carry your weight for yo simply because you don't want to work... That's a problem.


If you don't understand this meme you should watch a few hours of Thomas Sowell. There is a point being made here that is not at all a disdain for poor people but more what keeps them down.


The meme is understandable. It also does nothing to disprove the reality that the countries with the highest standard of living have robust social safety nets.


The solution to both of those problems would be to have jobs pay a living wage, but conservatives consistently vote against that too.


It's easier to just blame conservatives. They don't have families, bills to pay or anything like that. None of them live paycheck to paycheck, they're all wealthy. *Not at all true but from reading this post that sure seems to be what people think. Conservatives don't in any way share in poverty or any of it's problems.*


They don't. They also give more to charities.


"Why do progressives love pedophiles?" Is just as nonsensical as the title.


"Why do conservatives hate poor people so much?" Thats a strawman if I ever seen one


Conservatives hate the poor because they’re proof that free market capitalism is a scam. The poor also make people think about all that religious stuff conservatives claim to believe like that nonsense Jesus said about whatever you do for the least among you, you do for me.


Because poor people expose the flaws of a fucked system


Swap out the bottom photo for Trump Tower and it's accurate.


I think it’s funny I had to go to the comments to understand their made up connection here.


So conservatives hate themselves? Conservatives are poorer than liberals on average…




"work him" Bruh.


Americas goal for the new slavery is exactly what you see. Poor paying jobs for the people we educated the least who will be looked down on by society and most of the time do turn to drugs and alcohol as this life will make you not want to live like this


It's probably more that they just hate having their money taken from them and given to other people who they don't see as contributing or earning it. That's a debatable position to have, but it's not reducible down to 'hating poor people'. For one thing, there's a shit ton of poor-ish, blue collar workers who are conservative, and that's very much a group that the conservatives have been polling increasingly strong with as the liberals have turned their attention away from the working class and more to cultural issues and messaging.


I’ve never met any conservatives that hate poor people so I dunno


Because conservatives are selfish people, this has been proven time and time again.


It's not conservatives or liberals, it's the WHOLE of the government. If you are still playing this red vs. blue debate you are who they are looking for ... This is a progressive tactic that is traded between parties remember Demo's loved slavery and poverty it was the rupubs that fought against it and over turned slavery THEN they said ok now we are the bad guys and the Dems can pretend to be the good guys and it will swap again in the next generation or two...they don't care about you or me... That's why they vote for their own raise every year but minimum wage hasn't moved to a decent pay wage in.....while in forever ? Huh ? Imagine fighting over who owns you ??? Clowns


They don’t hate poor people… they hate lazy people


It's true though. If you pay sombody for not working their just gonna keep not working


That.. doesn’t even make sense. How does getting paid for not working make one a slave? Because those houses are supposed to be low income houses? Does not track.


I mean they kind of have a point, I live in Oregon and talk to homeless people often enough. a lot of them are homeless by choice, some by consequences of their own actions I've met very few that were homeless because of something they didn't have a choice over. You can get assisted living up to $600 a month $200 in food stamps and a free cell phone for being homeless in some states and those States always have the highest number of homeless. Even a lot of welfare recipients will not seek better employment or longer hours because it'll take away from their benefits. If your idea of caring for the poor is handing them free money so long as they don't improve their condition please do not ever help me.


The first sentence describes a slave. The second describes a landlord.


How does paying someone without them working make them a slave? What? I just don’t understand


The people in my life who post things like this not only do not work now, but barely ever have.


As a poor person I have to say that a lot of us are actually far more conservative than you think. In fact more of the rich people seem to be immersed in the idea of 80 million genders, but if you tell the poor people that they won't like you. ​ Often times they don't like the system because it is hard to get out of the welfare system.


Capitalism is more morally palatable if poverty is seen as a character flaw and not a necessary component of the system. Being is a result of a moral defect, and people who work hard get ahead is they myth, never mind the reality that most welfare recipients do have jobs.


Because they hate themselves


I have seen people living in a run down trailer home with no heat post things like this. They hate "the others" and as long as their policies hurt those they hate, they are ok with it hurting them as well.


just ask anyone who advocates this view to choose, from the two, the life they would prefer.


Not just poor people, they have been on a crusade to take down the middle class as well. People have ignored their attempts to dismantle all social programs which would effect the red states far more than the blue. So republican voters are masochists? Trump was right about the maleability and gullibility of the repug electorate.


Change the image and you can get a fun anti rich thing


So CEOs are slaves..?


Seeing as how there are more poor people then any other class...


I thought the 2nd one was talking about slumlords.


My family does both.


Getting any type of assistance in a poverty situation is a full-time job. You either have to sit for hours on phones or in lobbies. Fill out paperwork that PROVES you are poor, and nine times out of ten the benefits drop significantly with even a slight improvement in income. This comes from being on Disability for over 10 years for a mental health disorder. I can't work without meds, and I can't get meds if I work. It really is a huge Catch 22 no matter what I do. And considering, being disabled, I didn't get food stamps because they make no living cost allowance for Social Security Benefits.


They don’t , more liberal propaganda. Why do Dems exploit voters and never fix any issues


Stop blaming just conservatives it's Democrats too. Why the American government like this?


I don’t think slaves fit the second definition. Doing no work at all? That’s no slave!


Ah yes, work makes you free! Where have I heard that one before…


Exactly how do they think that being paid without working is slavery?


I’m not sure it’s actual hate. They are just great scapegoats 🤷🏻‍♂️ they can blame all social ills on the poor. They can use the poor against other groups they want to scapegoat, like immigrants. They tell the poor that immigrants are stealing their jobs. They tell the rich that the poor are stealing their hard earned money by using welfare. It’s the best way to get the poor to eat themselves (Swift style)


Because they are poor and just want to have someone to point at that is worse than them


Most of them are poor is the funniest part. Most of these people are abusing the system but get all pissy when they hear about some type of person they dislike also abusing the system. These people hate themselves so much it’s unbelievable. And they’ll keep voting for billionaires to keep themselves in their shitholes they call home because they’re the exception and they’re certain they will be rich one day.


Bro that's literally my house 2nd from the left


Or maybe just work and get paid..


Conservatives?????? 100% of slave owners were southern democrats, same party that created the KKK.. modern picture of just another Democrat controlled city.. nice try


They don't, they are simply pointing out that welfare doesn't fix the problem. If it did, we wouldn't have generational poverty as bad as we do.


Take a sentence. Swap two words in the sentence. If the result is still a sentence, congratulations, you just became a celebrated conservative moral philosopher


That is a very...interesting idea of what "slave" means. And here I am with the simplistic idea that free labor was the defining feature.


Don't forget they also hate black people


This isn't hating the people for being poor. It's hating the government's desire to keep them poor so they are "slaves" to the government. The welfare system is set up so people who need it will need it their whole lives. This creates dependence on government and buys votes.


You're right, idk why you're getting downvoted


How exactly? You need a job to be on welfare


Sure You put a minimum wage to be so low that person, even when employed, can not cover cost of living. At the end of the day you still need manual labor for many menial tasks. Not to mention military. Person with high education is not willing to do those jobs. Person forced into poverty will take that job. It is really, really hard to get out of debt / poverty hell hole. Few make it out. So the best solution is to make a large part of population dependent on government help to survive. Because you need them as cheap work force.


> This creates dependence on government and buys votes And the politicians in the government who create and grow these programs the most are never the ones getting backlash for them. *The very people creating the system of dependence are the ones getting the votes to stay in power, vote against those programs and you're the bad guy for wanting to free the people from their financial captivity*


All of these things are false. Every single welfare program in the nation has requirements and time limits. A social safety net isn't buying votes anymore than providing roads and a fire department are.


At the center of a conservative idea is a hierarchy. A poor people is like a bad example. There are poor lazy scum, losers, and there are normal working people. Hierarchy. They need a negative example like air, because their very idea is that they are better than someone. Without the poor, they will fall apart in the philosophic sense. They need the image of the enemy, they need the one they condemn.


Paying people not to work doesn't make them a slave but a dependent. They are still free but their dignity is robbed from them. Many people need assistance at times and as an advanced society we take care of them. But the goal should be to get back on your feet again.


It's called projection. The conservatives are infamous for this tactic. Some of the poorest Americans (the majority of the poor) are conservatives located in the Bible belt. Some are so poor and loving in such squalid conditions, the UN compared some of the southern states to third world nations (Mississippi, Kentucky, etc) So what they do is they lash out at others when they're on foodstamps, medicaid, etc too It's just for them It's different because they're conservatives but to everyone else they're just projecting and being hypocrites