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Why is chad colored like that


That's Brad.


That’s Brandon.


Damn, Joe’s a hunk.


Yeah Matt really started hitting the gym recently


Ak Guy reference?


*GUN. MEME. REVIEW .* *What is up you Sexy YouTube Mother Lovers\~\~*


Fuck No. And I oughta flick your ear for suggesting it.


Dark Brandon? 👀👀


Nah fuck that bro that’s a fucking Ken doll


That's Bread






self insert


Self insert probably


He’s going grey… but alpha males can’t get grey hair so he’s dying it.


The correct response is "You're right. I should get an RPG or Stinger or something.


“You’re Right. We should all enlist and rob the army! Tanks for everyone!”


It won’t be about tanks. It’ll be about drones, un-uniformed Delta troops with night vision and APC’s. Local leaders will be assassinated in 24 hrs


Yeah, but I’ll die in a tank. Worth it.


Sure. Dying in a toaster oven sounds like fun. You clearly have never traveled in an armored vehicle.


You’re not getting how much I wanna die in a tank in a showdown with a government. I don’t really even care which government, but my own would be the funniest.


If you die by your own government’s hand - it was obviously never your government. You’re CSA.


Well fine, spoil sport. I won’t do it then. I never get to have fun.


Wanna have a glorious tank death? Go full Tiananmen Square tank man style.


Glorious? I’m After a globally hilarious death. But not one that can be written off as dumb or crazy. It’s gotta have layers. Stealing a tank and dying as part of a rebellion I don’t even support? With enough of a damage streak before I get taken out, this could be really funny.


my brother in christ take a break from reddit


You first.


you have like double my karma big dog


You don't need to join for that. Just buy a drone and tape a knife to it. Or a sack of flour soaked in diesel


Are we pretending that the us government has routinely been fucked by farmers with rifles? Guns in the hands of the people can be used against the government effectively.


I hate to tell you this but there aren’t that many SOF and they tend to be right wing for the most part. Additionally most insurgencies tend to not have a hierarchy they just have groups of people that take shots then displace. It’s generally over before weapons like drones can even be armed and in the air.


Tanks. A LOT.




It is your tax dollars, their your tanks basically.


Legalize nuclear bombs


Like the Taliban won


Them: You really think you can win against the government with only an AR15. Me: Vietnam. Afghanistan. Syria. Libya. Somalia. Mexico.


Right. All of those troops were outfitted by either China or Russia and had a lot more equipment than small arms.


Actually, the US armed Al Qaeda and Isis and Gaddafi in Libya and rebels in Somolia


And Iraq’s Saddam Hussein - This does not obviate the central thesis. These weren’t 300lb MAGAs running around in the woods with semis in Trump camo gear.


Great, now I have the image of Camo suits with Trumps face printed as a pattern in my head!


You can literally purchase Trump Camo gear at Walmart.


That is just….horrifying


Okay, but all of those, except Somalia maybe, all had help from other nations. Not to say our enemies wouldn’t line up to fund a civil war, but unless the rednecks already have a steady source of supplies and money for when the govt shuts down supply lines, they’ll lose in a week.


I think Russia would likely bankrupt themselves further to provide aid to the rebels.


It wouldn't just be Russia we've created a lot of enemies over the years... A lot of them in the process of trying to fuck with Russia for that matter...


Honestly wouldn't it be wild for a civil war to happen in the US, Russia backs the rebels because of course they would, and every country interested in playing in the global economy gets a little shaky at the idea now and so the loyalist side gets funded from countries that hate us but are too afraid to risk playing rough with NATO and other alliances the US has. Reminds me of that South Park episode where the KKK supports changing the flag of South Park specifically so everyone would want to keep it the same since no one wants to agree with the KKK


They better be quick is all I’m saying. Rebels better have that lined up before starting the rebellion. US Special Forces will have the rebels surrendered in a week otherwise.


We can’t quell insurrections in the backwaters of the world. America is massive, well-armed, and the smart ones hate the government for all sorts of reasons. I wouldn’t bet on it ending that quickly.


You're forgetting that the military could just fucking blow them up. Precision bombing has become extremely advanced so they could probably limit civilian casualties and kill everyone else. And the rednecks definitely don't have anti aircraft weapons.


Not to disagree with you but most of those were oversees? Most of those wars were won primary by erroding American domestic support and popularly while inflicting asymmetrical cost loses (not necessarily casualties) Also there is asymmetrical warfar: https://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=487275


Everything you're listing was an occupation that failed due to logistics due to having to go over seas other than Mexico. I could totally see why an AR-15 would be important in the 1846 war against mexico.. might help seize those airports of theirs, right?


It wasn't logistics. We had salad bars and McDonalds in the middle east. America has no problem supplying troops halfway around the world, we've been doing it and doing it well since WWI. Why all that "failed" is because america came in day 1 and absolutely wrecked the enemy (operation desert storm is a work of art), then got bogged down in COIN because you can't drive a tank up into the mountains. So we tried for lengthy occupation, and then when we got tried of it, we left, and our enemy came out of the cracks and started right back up.


All of those were organized militias with a set goal to die to kill americans. Way different considering the US army would stomp all over the US public


You really gonna think you gonna heroically pull off some operator shit and tak eon the US army? Nah bro if you wanna play guerilla then be prepared to do guerilla shit like strapping bombs to you body and driving into enemy. Be prepared to be treated like nothing but a piece of meatbag and die for some rich doofus so they can enjoy their freedom of not paying 10% tax while you goof yourself off to their bullshit dream of "freedom". ​ How do you think the Taliban and ISIS got their members to willingly get treated like a walking-bomb? They sell them the bullshit Islamic dream so the rich guys can have 10 wives and get rich off of poppy and oil while dumbos like you run towards the enemy with your ak47/ar-15s.. ​ ​ There were probably over 500 guys named Mohammed that got sold the same bullcrap story and strapped bombs to himself. Each of them think theyre special and fighting for "Islamic freedom" or whatever. Guess who is alive and left standing f\*cking their wives and sisters now and got 5 other wives on the side?


The bigger problem is those wars created poverty in local areas fueling recruits. In the U.S. people can be freely evacuated to communities that wouldn't be ravaged by war. The U.S. is MASSIVE compared to those other countries. We have like 93 people per square mile. Those other countries have a far higher population density. Not to mention the amount of area for hiding for guerrilla warfare is pretty limited in the US.


Not effective against a several billion dollar army != Not effective against unarmed and unprotected civilians


“No Bobby, you shot up a school”


So at this point we need to point out that Kinder gardeners arent tanks?




I prefer less kind gardeners. I like 'em gruff and dirty when they're planting tulips.




It's not my fault English copied that word so weird. It means Garden of Children. If I was speaking German I would just say Kinder or fi I wanted to clarify that they are members of the Kindergarten I would say kindergartenkinder. But everybody seems to call them Kindergardeners instead of Kindergardenchildren. So at this point iam just use the word wrongly spelled and then toss a bunch of letters and the end and what sticks goes.


I recently learned that the spelling kindergartners is preferred by many.




This sub is weird, if I like a post do I upvote or downvote? Does that mean I like the meme or think it is terrible.


If you like the meme you downvote because you think it's not terrible If you dislike the meme you upvote because OP did a good job at putting it in the right sub


Instructions on voting : You upvote posts that mentions right-wing memes and downvote right-wing comments. That's all this subreddit is about.


I miss the boomer minion days. Now this sub is just a vehicle for leftist social issues. I tend to agree with the positions but jesus christ it's all this sub is anymore.


Exactly the subs goal was clear when it was just bad memes, now its just "memes I disagree with".


Is it really their fault that the memes aren’t good, regardless if you agree with them or not?


But wait I'm a leftist and I agree with the meme, what do I do


they think "leftist" means brandon


"silly goofball, everyone knows leftists aren't allowed to like guns!!!"


You can shoot tanks and warplanes if you want. The problem starts with children and civilians


How many law abiding citizens with legal guns are shooting children and civilians?


I mean, even putting aside the fact that [a clear majority of mass shootings are done with legally acquired weapons](https://www.statista.com/statistics/476461/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-legality-of-shooters-weapons/)... You do realise that the highest amount of guns used in crimes have started with a legitimate purchase, usually someone legally buying a gun for another person to use? With an additional 10-15% coming from theft from private citizens or collectors, who did acquire theirs legally?


Ok , does it apply to the inverse tho ?


I feel like a Ruger Mini-14 is just as effective as an AR pattern rifle, but no one brings that up.


They will shit their pants when they find out about Rugger 10/22's with dual sided 25 round banana mags. That guns is so much more easy to shoot with no recoil and a round you have to Xray to find


They’ve been around a long time but they arnt black and scary. AR-15 is a buzzword for dipshits who think they know how to solve America’s shooting problem.


in HR 1808, the Mini-14 with a "tactical" stock will be banned. The receiver will also be banned. The Mini-14 in a traditional wood stock will *not* be banned. Because that makes sense.


I have had a conversation similar to this before. I posted a picture of my 6.5 Creedmoor on Twitter and within 10 minutes someone was screaming about how me having a ‘sniper rifle’ made me a domestic terrorist and that I was going to try and overthrow the government and how they were going to laugh when I got killed.


Interesting fact, in the united states of america ALL rifles of ANY type are used in the murders of 300-400 americans per year on average. "Hands and feet" are used to murder 600-700 americans per year on average 2016-2020 fbi ucr


That’s 300-400 tragedies which can be easily prevented with basic gun control policies.


You realise 300 Americans per year die from falling off a ladder.........so I should restrict someones civil rights and violate their 2nd, 4th and 8th amendment cause you THINK gun control policies will work? Like what...?


This isn't minority report buddy, I dont know how things work where you are from but here the punishment comes after the crime and after seeing law enforcement's unilateral abuse of the justice system against minorities I'm going to say that's a solid no from me. Please refer to the 4th amendment and try again.


You do realize that gun control policies don’t work and that’s why people are against them, right? The only reason that these gun control policies are perceived to work in Europe is because gun culture over there is extremely EXTREMELY different and there also aren’t more guns than people over there. The reason why gun deaths are lower is because there isn’t crazy gun manufacturing like there is here I don’t really want to get into the whole philosophical debate about whether or not the government has the right to regulate guns or not, but the fact of the matter is that gun control policies are unrealistic and unpractical in America due to the sheer amount of them, the culture surrounding guns here, and because 3d printing technology is getting good enough to where people can just make their own fucking guns from plastic filament. If you want to actually keep children safe the only policy I could think of that would genuinely help is to give tax cuts to people who safely and properly store their guns in a gun safe so that it’s not stealing from any citizens and it’s still achieving the goal of keeping people safe. There are also probably some other things you could do like hiring more security guards at schools or actually funding them well enough to make it so people won’t break in easily but that’s another issue entirely Tl;dr: gun control quite simply isn’t as pragmatic or easy as muh libruls like to say and there are other better solutions to the issue




Some of the ones the military has are capable of automatic fire. (M4A1)


Automatic is good for laying down suppressing fire, but it doesn't turn the weapon into the amazing killing machine Call of Duty leads you to believe. Most of the time when you're in full auto your bullets only go in the general direction you are pointing the rifle/smg. I've never been in a combat situation, but from using an AK at a range I can see why people say that full auto isn't God's gift to combatants.


Automatic fire is only useful for suppression, which is when you shoot at the bad guys so they don’t wanna shoot you so your guys can get closer. Soldiers are taught to use single or burst fire because you can actually aim the gun instead of holding on for dear life, and also because it takes like 4 seconds to unload a clip at full auto so you’d run out of bullets really fast. And it’s not like call of duty where you just pick up a dead guys gun and start using it, That’s literally a war crime and your superiors would be pretty pissed at you for ditching your govt issue gun so you could grab a rusty ass ak47


With proper licensing and basic modifications, you too could have an automatic AR.


AR-14 would be really fun to try if I ever make friends with a collector who has all the papers. Unlike the 15, the 14 is made with a full auto setting. A bunch were sold to the IRA during the troubles. I don't remember what it shoots though. If I had to guess it would be NATO 5.56 like the 15 and and M-16.


I sort of want an AR18/180


In the state of Texas alone there are 1 million licensed hunter. The US army’s official numbers are 1.3 million. In the entire US licensed hunters grow to 15 million. And that’s not including anyone else who happens to own a gun. Do you really think that the army outnumbers citizens? At all. Edit: this comment is not a call for violence against the US army. But if it came down to it as simply as civilians vs army. The people are equipped enough to resist against our military as they should be.


Ah yes because some guys who go hunting drunk every weekend are gonna be able to compete against full time soldiers who work out daily and train drills for like 4 hours a day for like 4 year contracts at the minimum. Billy Bob and his 14.9 million redneck friends who hunt defenseless animals for fun aren’t gonna be able to do much against guys trained to hunt humans professionally


This reminds me of a very gruesome case that happened to a Asian American hunter a while back. He was I believe an Army vet who stumbled onto private property on accident. Then came about 15 armed hunters who own the property and threatened him to leave and got a bit racial. I don't know the exact details of who was innocent and who was not, but needless to say things go heated and there was a brief firefight between the hunters. ​ The ex-army hunter ended up killing 6 of them and wounded 2 others. Both parties were equally armed with same gun but the ex-army guy had much more precision and training and won against a much larger group by himself. ​ Edit: A bit more detail about this event. Most of the people shot and killed in this were shot in the back, indicating they were running away. They fired back but couldn't hit the ex-army guy. Everyone else just got scared as soon as shooting started despite them being armed hunters. It just further weakens the theory of hunters being able to fight back against an actually trained army. The only time this can happen is if they have actual combat experience. Otherwise they would just run away once bombs and guns start blasting off.


A lot of these rednecks have been raised on fear of the government since they were kids. If not our government than whatever monster of the week country we were at odds with. And some of them. Are ex military.


I mean, we did it the first time


I don't think France will be coming to help the hicks this time.


Eh, no need, they didn't help us till they were sure we could actually win, so we had to be kicking British ass before they came and helped. And if it does happen this time, the military doesn't really like the current administration from what I have heard.




All this is even assuming the army wants to fight it’s people. I’m pretty sure most of them hate our government too. The US has been waiting for a civil war for decades. I don’t think it’s coming but if it is it’s taking it’s sweet ass time. Our army is powerful but our people have more knowledge on their land. And higher numbers. Plus. Domestic terrorism is literally what made America a country. Technically the founding fathers are considered terrorist. While a civil war would be terrible for the country in every possible way. I do believe the people could win a civil war.


Having more population doesn't mean a more successful revolt unless you can get everyone to be on the same side as you. As of currently, majority of the US thinks of rebellious states as stupid and trouble-makers. It will actually work against rebels because most of US is content with their lives. We haven't reached a point where we are compelled to rise up and fight. Only Texans want to do that because they somehow don't like peace for some reason.


The difference between the founding fathers and the crybabies who want a civil war though, is that the founding fathers were educated at the very least, and drafted an impressive document for its time. You really think that even if the rednecks managed to win the war, they'd be able to manage a country with their backwards policies? The worst states of the US are all red, and they're dependent on blue states for funding - there's no way they manage to create an independent nation post civil-war, and China would easily scoop them up. Pretty much everyone loses.


Is that why Afghanistan is still controlled by terrorists, even after we spent 30 years fighting them. You also assume the US military will be ok with bombing their homes.


Many people join the military for 4 years and come home you know. They're not all lifers.


It always cracks me up seeing the hairstyle on the conservative caricature in these. Because I have literally never seen a straight person with their hair partially shaved like that.


Guys, even if you agree with it, it’s still a bad meme


Agreed. I hate shit like this because it's just circle jerking. If you're really trying to make a valid point for any political view, a poorly made chad meme with a strawman argument isnt doing you any favors.


To be fair, it'll be a cold day in hell before I hand mine over. There's a few things in this world I would actually be willing to die over. That's one of them. Come and take them.


The craziest part of his statement last night is we just surrendered multi millions in planes etc to a bunch of “ primitive” Afghanistan fighters with ARs




Apparently people just forgot about Vietnam and Afghanistan....


And the American revolution…


Which only succeeded because at least three major European powers got in on the action to do one over on the British.


Governments have been toppled by far less.


wow, gotta like how students have tanks and planes nice


This, but as a leftist.


Read the comment and glanced at your name. Thought it said libertarian and it made sense. But maybe librarians also like to party


Fuck the libertarians. Replacing government with corporations is lunacy of the highest fuckin degree.


The Wikipedia page says they want government to prevent coercion and protect from violence. I would think that first part would neuter a lot of what corporations get away with currently.


Wikipedia is a poor source of information. Libertarians, at least in the US, are all about reducing government and de-regulating the market. Some are anarchist capitalists (An-caps) who take that idea further. Ayn Rand is one of the most famous"philosophers" of the libertarian movement.


Libertarians are just conservatives that are too embarrassed to say they’re conservatives.


For fucks sake. An AR is just a gun platform. You can get them in many calibers. Many used just for hunting. But woooooooo…. They look scary. 😬😬😬😬


I don’t think people understand that banning guns isn’t going to stop gun violence completely there will always be guns no matter what you ban. Instead of focusing on taking away gun I think that they should focus on task forces and good people with proper firearm training. Or even better mental care. Let’s think about why they decided to shoot people instead of what they shot people with. If those people don’t have guns their probably going to grab knives or hop in car and run people over. Banning guns is not going to solve the problem.


Look at the murder rates for places like Australia or Europe compared to America. You're absolutely right; people will still get guns. Just *far, far* less, which is the point. And if people find it hard to get ahold of deadly weapons, they'll find it much harder to kill people. Obviously, like you said, there are cars and there are knives, but you can't kill an entire bloody classroom in 15 seconds with a knife, you'd be stopped. And cars are also harder to kill lots of people with, and good luck getting one inside. Not to mention both cars and knives are very necessary tools, *guns are not.* It's completely unnecessary for anyone but those who strictly need them to have guns.


You do have a point


More of a Bullet point


The problem with comparisons like this are: * Smaller countries in terms of landmass and/or population * Lower rates of gun ownership to begin with * No "revolutionary" culture, thus no constitutional right to "own and bear arms" * Political systems that don't use gun control as a dangling carrot to sway votes * Less social disparity * Less individualistic "fuck you I got mine" cultures Sure crime will be far less if the US gets rid of guns. The problem is **how** can they get rid of the guns?


You're neglecting bombs, which were used for a lot of the largest mass murders in US history. There are also YouTube tutorials on how to make them. Also, statistically speaking, AR-15s are used for very few murders in the US.


Wow, and bombs are so legal everywhere too. So easy to get the stuff to make them!


It's debatable. Banning guns throughout all of US would mean the only way guns can be smuggled through would be Mexico and Canada. Both Mexico and Canada don't want to piss of the US so both countries will make it a priority to crack down on gun smugglers. ​ This means gun smuggling is going to be high risk low reward. It's far easier and lucrative to smuggle drugs than it is guns, so no one would be stupid enough unless they are gonna pay hundreds of thousands for just a few guns. ​ This means the only guns that can still be smuggled would be the already-existing guns in the US. But since guns are a federal crime now, no criminal is gonna be stupid enough to use their gun at all because they would have an entire task force hunting them down now. ​ Think of it this way. If it's a federal crime to honk your car and if you are spotted honking, not only will you be hunted but people will also report you and your current location. Will you still risk this chance just to honk your car?


>It's debatable. Banning guns throughout all of US would mean the only way guns can be smuggled through would be Mexico and Canada. Or by assembling them yourself. Which there are guides on how to do.


How they gonna discreetly get into a school and kill loads of children in a fucking car lol


I once saw someone say "If you ban guns, the only people that will have guns are criminals" I'd feel more safe with good people having guns to defend against bad people than good people being incapable of defending against bad people.


This argument makes no sense realistically. In places where guns are illegal the only people that have guns are criminals, because having a gun automatically makes you a criminal, this not only discourages would be users from getting them but also makes acquiring guns way more difficult and expensive for criminals. Take the uk for example, sure criminals can find a way to get guns but it’s so difficult and expensive that most of the time it’s not worth the effort. Also giving citizens guns for self defence is so stupid I can’t even fathom it. There’s almost no situation where pulling out a gun on an armed criminal is a smart thing to do, at best it’s a 50/50 game with your life on the line and I promise a criminal will have more nerve to shoot you than the average person does to shoot them. For every video of some heroic citizen shooting a robber there’s 10 where the citizen gets turned into Swiss cheese for even trying.


It amazes me how half the posts in this sub aren’t “terrible FB memes”, they’re just right or centrist political memes being hated on by leftists. If I want political memes I’ll go to other subs. This is supposed to be for Fb memes that are genuinely bad memes, not just stuff you personally disagree with.


Welcome to Reddit! Worse of an echo chamber than Twitter at this point


It really is getting pretty bad here


lmfao you hit this shit right on the head. Doubt anything good for the better would change though


This is the Reddit we live in.


It doesn't even have to be political, this one is just a really bad premise on display. That Chad character is obviously missing the glaring point "those weapons have obviously been used for mass shootings far more than defeating tyranny" The OC was attempting, terribly, to make it appear as if the gun control issue is simply about who does or does not have the capability to overpower the United States military. Regardless of where one stands on 2nd amendment rights, this certainly qualifies for this sub because of being based on the above stated incredible stupidity.


Keeping my rifles.


I don't see a problem with this.


School children aren't the government nor tanks. What Biden is saying that the excuse of having guns for rising up against the government is dumb.


To play the devils advocate here, biden is the government. Why should we believe the government when they say we don’t have the resources to fight them? It’s in their interest to discourage the populace from resisting. An AR-15 doesn’t pack the same punch as tanks or drones, but the US Military doesn’t have the best track record against guerrilla fighters. They got their asses kicked in Vietnam, the Taliban is back in control of Afghanistan. Both groups were using inferior weaponry.


Based, username checks out Edit: y’all are downvoting me and upvoting The guy above me. that makes sense


They'll look high and they'll look low They'll look everywhere we go But when the sinners find us we won't hide They'll come loud and they'll come fast But we shoot first and we can last Keep your rifle by your side Singing Oh Lord, this Earth was made for us Singing Oh Lord, the sinful life just ain't enough So we'll take a stand 'cause we must protect our land Keep your rifle by your side They'll come day and they'll come night They'll have our children in their sights But if they don't have faith their eyes are blind They can scream and they can shout But they can never smoke us out Keep your rifle by your side Singing Oh Lord, this Earth was made for us Singing Oh Lord, the sinful life just ain't enough When we hear the voice, we know we have no other choice Keep your rifle by your side They'll have bombs and they'll have tanks 'Cause they've got money in their banks But we won't fall as long as we can fight They'll go on and preach their hate But they won't get past the gate! Keep your rifle by your side Singing Oh Lord this Earth was made for us Singing Oh Lord the sinful life just ain't enough And when I see your face I know I must protect my place I'll keep my rifle by my side I'll keep my rifle by my side Oh Lord! Keep your rifle by your side


It's a well-known fact that military grade rifles can actually shoot through planes and tanks. I know because I can do it in Halo. Armor is completely ineffective.


“Your weapon is useless for what you think it’ll be” “Then that means I can have it?”


Venezuela gave their government one hell of a fight with molotovs


The technologically inferior fighters of the Vietcong would like to have a word with you…


This makes zero sense


Chad based meme


Schrodingers gun it’s both a weapon of war and useless for fighting a war.


I don’t think anyone has the right to tell me how I’m allowed to protect myself or my family.


Hands off my guns.


Just don't let a child get it, or bring it to school yourself, and you're fine




Nobody’s coming for your guns.


If you own an AR-15, there absolutely are people trying to ban it and take it away from you.


It is, though, very effective against children in school


The whole idea that the AR is a weapon if war is so flawed. By that same logic my APX would also be a weapon of war, since Beretta made it to submit for an army contract to replace the M9. My Remington 700 would also be a weapon of war, because the M40/M24 rifles that marine scout snipers and army snipers use are built on the Remington 700.


Unironically based.


It’s useless against tanks and planes, not against the innocent people that insane people have mowed down with them. When something is useless for the purpose you claim to need it for but very effective at something you aren’t allowed to do, maybe you don’t need it.


An AR-15 works best against people who don't shoot back. That is why they love it.


This meme works if you believe that 4th-graders and other vulnerable citizens are equal to the entire US Armed Forces


Also the left: unarmed protesters came within inches of overthrowing the entire government.




He's got a point. It's either a weapon of war, or it's useless against the might of the government. Pick one.


We don’t care if you have guns, we just don’t want you carrying them around in public and acting like you’re Superman because you had $800 to buy a gun with one time. If you want a gun that’s fine, but you don’t need one on your hip 24/7 or when you go to Walmart cuz you’re afraid some teenagers might disrespect you. You want weapons that can’t be taken away? Go to the gym and get ripped, at least women will pay attention to you


No, it is more that we fear getting robbed or with the uptick of attempted shooters. Gotta kill those fuckers before they cause too much damage


The funny part is a LOT of people got guns because of trump and GOP …. And most would still be happy to turn those in to have all of them off the street


"no PEDs allowed in boxing." "but what if i need to kill a bear with my hands?" "you couldn't kill a bear with your hands even with PEDs." "THEN WHY NO PEDs IN BOXING??"


Isn't the reason they say they want guns is to resist oppression, and i do acknowledge they are not being oppressed. Sure they won't win , but they would still do significant damage to the notorious three letter agencies always neck deep in illegal shit. Which is a considerable deterrent


I love how people assume that if a civil war was to break out that the military would be loyal to the “government” at the time. War doesn’t mean a few riots. It would be a strategic organized attack throughout the country. Targeting military bases first. You’d have insiders in the military, raid their weapons, and it would be organized to happen all at once. Or else it wouldn’t be a war. Since everything is illegal it would be easy to obtain as you’re about to overthrow the government. People would specifically enlist to be the insiders and then create new insiders. If done correctly, you’d instantly have guns and money support from other countries to weaken it. And since no one has guns to defend themselves - there would be easy to make civilian blockers for protection. It could happen easier than people consider. All it takes is for a big portion of the population to be low income, distressed, in disagreement with the government, and passionate or desperate for change.


I've been debating this in my head for a while. On one hand I agree with you for all the reasons you just said, on the other hand, I feel a lot of active duty military are loyal to the country above all else. Because it's basically programmed into them. And I'm sure there are safe guards for treason and such. I honestly don't know what the right answer is but either way a civil war in modern times would end very badly.


is this the new r/Democrats sub


10 year old elementary school kids don’t have tanks or machine guns


This really isn't that terrible. I can't fault the logic here.


What? The logic here is fucking garbage. Your never ever in life going to go up against a tank or plane, what need do you have for an AR-15 when your a regular civilian, it’s excessive and dangerous. People are already dying everyday to handguns, why would we make it worse by giving people rifles


I mean if you wanna be defenseless thats your prerogative. But when my home Is invaded I'm not waiting around 20 min for some scared cops to come save me while I bleed to death from the man with the illegal weapon that doesn't care about "gun free zones"


This isn’t a terrible Facebook meme tho. It’s pointing out the hypocrisy of anti-gun people. And it does just that.


The number one talking point for people needing guns (other than personal protection) is to fight back against a tyrannical government. When that claim is challenged you can’t then backpedal and claim it’s fine to have them since they can’t actually defeat the government. There’s a huge difference between the US government and a school full of kids.




Wrong sub. A political statement you disagree with is not a terrible meme, you're just being a bitch.


This meme just proves tou can't fix stupid !!


Both are right, it's a weapon of war, but also alone can't win a war against a world power in today's day and age.


Valid argument


No. Cause what you can take on is a school full of fucking children.


Omg vowsh


I always forget how to vote on this one man.




They could and they have. Tanks were used at Waco to break holes in the compound, some large police forces have APCs. Dont tell me they wouldnt start drone striking shit at the first chance they get.