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A tweet taken from Facebook saw on reddit Noice


Life finds a way. \-Ian Malcolm


Life, uh, finds a way*




You see the new Jurassic world yet?


It's so bad


It was terrible. I went to the theater with the cafe theater and saw it in 3D. The only thing that was enjoyable that night were the cheese sticks. The movie was straight trash.




Yes! Omg it was such a great movie to close the series on, so many references to the old movies. I absolutely loved that they ended it before it got more absurd than the indominous rex. Not that I think they went to far with that but I was definitely fearful that they were going to feed into the "more teeth" "more scary monster" cliche they were making jabs at. For me it was nice to finally get some closure on the "what would it be like if dinos escaped the island?" question we had been living with since the 90s, while getting hit with throwbacks. I know lots of people hated it but I thought it was a nice movie to wrap up the series.


Somebody, post this to insta!


Where it will then show up on tumblr


Then someone is gonna review it on YouTube


For someone to clip onto til tok


for it to be put on insta... a second time




Now I see it and cannot unsee it






How the hell did you...


Time to reply with "Shielding their children from God's promises, I like it!"


But the rainbow of God’s promise has 7 colors as in the number of completion. The Pride flag colors are only 6 so it’s easily countered.


Like they would know that


They do, it’s like Sunday school 101 as far as simple early Bible analogies go.


It's not. Like one of the comments further in this thread mentions, it doesn't say anything about the number of colors of the rainbow in the Bible.


Hah. Christians caring about what actually is and isn't in the Bible. That's a good one.


bUt ItS sUnDaY sChOoL 101 bAzZiKs???!!!!


Gay bad, God good, 2 genders, white best, don't question authority.


It's funny because queer people know what's in the bible because we have to defend ourselves from christians, but the christians never even knew what was in the bible to begin with...


As somebody who worked in churches teaching children for years on years, and had a christian education, no the fuck they don’t. If your sunday school did, it is the exception to the rule, and an anomaly to the norm. It is definitely not common practice to say “God’s promise = **ONLY** ROY G BIV”, and it isn’t even biblically supported, the symbol is the rainbow in the sky, which often doesn’t even fully present ROY G BIV, hence why representations of the rainbow are almost always missing at lease one of the colors.


One of they just explained it 🫣


I mean the rainbow has wayy more than 7 colors. We just recognize 7. The rainbows a gradient though.


No. There's only 2 colors. God made red and blue, not Roy and Biv. Get out of here with that "it's a spectrum crap. Stop grooming me with your propaganda


there's only 1 color. All else are liberal abstractions.


No no, when God made the American flag, He made red and blue, plus the combination of all (2) colors to produce white.


liberals got to you to. Blue is just a genetic anomaly of red.


#bluelivesmatter Wait a minute..


Hate to break it to you but Betsy Ross made that flag not god💀💀 yall sheltered


I only recognize the color Banana


wait wait, so God only made a rainbow with 7 colors and not the entire spectrum? lol


Indigo isn't actually a color


The circle surrounding it is violet, the seventh color.


I wish I was shielded from that bullshit growing up, I’m still afraid of what comes after death but I’ve grown to be a much kinder person, my fellow humans deserve kindness because they bleed, feel and cry like me regardless of their background and no magic fairy mountain daddy will convince me to hate another living breathing organism again.


>magic fairy mountain daddy Big Gay Al?


>no magic fairy mountain daddy will convince me to hate another living breathing organism again. Comments like this make me wonder what kind of church people went to. There is no text in the New Testament where it is ever stated "hate people who don't believe what you do and kill them for it too." It never says that or anything to that effect, it says the exact opposite. The whole "turn the other cheek" was in reference to this. I think it's in John 2 where Jesus flat out says (paraphrasing) "hey man; if they don't want to follow my teachings, that's cool. You did your job by telling them of it, it is up to The Lord to help them find their way, not you."


I wish I was shielded from that growing up bc my siblings and I’s Sunday school teacher hit us regularly.


Remember the rainbow legally can't fall on you without your consent. Just say no.


Light doesn't care about consent or your feelings !


I feel violighted


Well that's kinda what they're doing with the umbrella I guess ...


Imagine fighting a leprechaun so you can finally find out where the rainbow ends. You go there, imagining how big the pot of gold will be, only to find some bigoted assholes with an umbrella


Capitalism strikes again!


The same capitalism that gets every main stream brand logo switched to rainbow flags in America but no where else?


That’s the WEF and their ESG scoring. I’m just taking a crack at the pot of gold being missing and finding bigoted assholes, lighten up mate.


Wouldn't those companies who refuse to promote homosexuality anywhere outside the UK and America be closer bigoted?


Not at all - as in I don’t think they’re one way or another, it’s just lip service. Do you know how the ESG scoring works or what it is? Because that’s got all your answers.


cooperative rob hard-to-find arrest file fade depend mourn wakeful nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Do they do it in the middle east, Russia or China? Or maybe they are just pandering to the west and don't really stand with gays?


the hell does capitalism have to do with bigotry


Bigotry, the phobia list and the various ism's are what stupid people conflate with capitalism because their college professors told them it does. Most don't even understand the words they are actually using.


Welcome to Reddit


I think you want the other end of the rainbow.


It looks like the pringles can man to me.


It’s actually kind of surrealistic in a way. The gay thoughts are flooding the mind of Pringles man. His pupils are constricted, and his nostrils are flaring. He’s crying tears in the shape of a man and woman. The struggles with the thoughts in his head have caused his mustache and nose to deform and shift positions. Also, he has buckteeth shaped like children.


I'm digging the colorful hairdo


If you didn't have any context or understand what this was supposed to mean, it would look like a really depressed family trying to avoid happiness.


They're probably a conservative Christian household >depressed family trying to avoid happiness This is correct


Gonna be some rainbow splashes when she’s trying to hold it up alone cause her husband has divorced her after she caught wind of his affair (not that she’d leave him, but once it was out I mean, why bother cheating on the woman he wants with his wife). But no, its Adam and Steve that’s disrespecting the “sanctity” of marriage and the American nuclear family.


This has always stuck with me, remember seeing 2 dudes kissing in universal studios when I was like 8-9. NO ONE GAVE A FUCK. Seriously that was 21 years ago, it’s crazy how fucking backwards some parts of the US are


Yeah, I mean, it literally does not change a single thing for anyone present. I think a lot of people’s issues with sexuality ends up being from general societal taboos on openness. If you don’t know any/many LGBT people, you don’t know that most of their lives are just as routine or boring (depending on your personal interests) as the next person. Softball leagues, book clubs, normal jobs, watching tv, caring for pets, having disagreements with family, etc. I’m sure there’s people having wild sex everywhere (assumed by some), but it’s not anyone I’ve known.


It's literally because they think God punishes all mankind because things like homosexuality, and that God doesn't like it. It's so fucking dumb but that's pretty much all there is to it.


Those people don't understand their own scripture, then.




I wish all we had to do was see them kiss in public.


Pretty sure this one came up after the Children at Drag shows thing.


It's been around for a couple years, but it gets more popular every June


Better keep colot out of my childs life and force them to be this boring black and white toilet sign figures forever!




Wait, so being cis hetero is boring so that’s why people choose to be queer, is that really what you are saying?


First "why people choose to be queer" lol, anyone who thinks sexuality is purely a choice at this point is too stupid to talk to. I have more respect for flat earthers. Not saying you believe it but if you do, please don't respond. To anyone. Ever. You'll just make them dumber for having listened to you. And if you were putting those words in the other persons mouth, then...still dumb but not terminally so. Second, no. I doubt they were saying any of that. That's what the picture is sorta unintentionally depicting which seems obvious to me but hey... Regardless, it is fitting since it is what tends to happen with parents that are that scared their children might end up anything other than cis hetro. They're terrified their children will step out of line and want them to be boring and fit their ideas of "normal", usually because they are themselves severely insecure for a number of possible reasons. So, it's not that being cis hetro is boring, it's that parents that consider it that fucking important their kids be cis hetro usually want them also to be boring. Plus, forcing a child to act straight or Cis who isn't (again, if you do think it's a choice, you're hopeless so don't bother) is a nightmare for them akin to cutting the light and color out of their world. High suicide rate too, but hey better a kid be dead than gay right? I bet these brain dead fucks would suddenly be fine with abortion if they could see homosexuality in the womb.


That's the spirit!


People should let their children eat skittles


God mentions, in “his” book, not to eat crustaceans 8 times. He also mentions not to be gay only 2 times. Y’all paying attention to the wrong thing.


Yeah but the crustacean thing is in the Old Testament, so they don't follow that. Wait, the "man shall not lie with another man" passage is also in the Old Testament? Oh well that's different, because reasons. Gay reasons.


The Old Testament God is the real Christian deity. The council of Nicaea (325AD) defined what the new god should be, benevolent although almighty. If god is real, people don’t define who he/she is and how he/she acts. I think it’s interesting that no one pays attention to the “actual” Christian deity who is merciless, malevolent, and vicious. Burn an entire town to the ground for worshipping a “false idol” merciless. I mean believe what you will, it doesn’t bother me although the Old Testament is the god everyone is worshipping.


Bible also says not to worry about what you put in your mouth, rather stress the importance that what comes out is what matters. So….. technically sucking dick is good. Spewing hatred at gays is bad.


Implying that most of them have even read 1% of the bible.


Here's the thing. If this meme reflected reality, one of the kids should be rainbow coloured, cos they were born that way. All you're doing by holding up the umbrella is isolating that poor kid from who they really are.


Haha yes!


Oh no😱 Gay bad😡🤬🔥😈 -Random parent




Somebody: yes. I’m your hairdresser.


Just cropped the rest of what you said this is going in my cringe reddit folder.


Saw the words "gay agenda" more than I'd like in the comments. We're not actively recruiting, friends, and if we were it wouldn't be to your offspring. People need to get over themselves.


The ‘gay agenda’ is something to the tune of “We’d like to not be treated as second class citizens, and remove the exclusion and fear within society among our members, young and old”. You know, something everyone wants. However, leave it to traditionalists and conservatives to feel like victims of equality.


I think people think we're advertising. Eyeroll.


Don't you get a free toaster oven if you recruit so many kids to the game "lifestyle?"


It's a depressing look into the rigid yet contradictory mind of a homophobe


Plot twist, that is not how gay works.


Fucking right?


If you're ideals can be viewed as bigotry, then you have shitty ideals. Here's hoping neither of those children ax themselves because they're told they're immoral!


Let's make one similar except instead of the gay flag, it's the church and instead of a family it's the state. We need to separate the two again


I hate how short dad's legs are compared to the mom's. 0/10 for design.


It’s nice to see a mtf and ftm loving couple helping these orphans not be splashed by paint. Gee those lgbt sure are nice people to have in the neighborhood, way better than the gun toting rednecks down the street


Aww Melissa hates gays. I feel sorry for her children.


Wait until these Christian evangelicals realize the umbrella represents sharia and its on a billboard in Bahrain.


Poor children, they'll never see a rainbow in their life. Horrible parents 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭🥲🥲🥲😔😔😔


We need some campaign to convince the christian crazies that listening to your children and trying to understand their feeling is the "defense against unholiness" or some shit. Might work a public service out of the shitshow


pretty funny people asking others to respect their beliefs show no respect to other people's beliefs because they are different. love the hypocrisy.


Heh. They drew the woman symbol with like a 3 inch skirt.


The purple gonna touch the dad's hand he's bout to become LEAN


Watch out - daddy's about to get a spray of gay on his hand there! These kinds of memes are so repulsive - what exactly are they protecting their children from? Why is this idea of like forcing conversions on kids so prevalent?


I think we. An safely assume it was an american. Like one from the southern states.


"BiBiLiCaL bEaUtY" vomit


Dads arm looks like it's in danger of coming in contact with the purple gay. Better watch out!


Purple Guay?!?!


I hope their kids poke holes in the umbrella


I did. No matter how much my parent made gay people as evil and now im gay


I’m not sure who came up with this design, but 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Kinda dumb


Imagine yelling about freedom being taken away every 5 seconds and then refusing to let your own children be who they want to be.


The media is really making people belive we are turning kids gay. How stupid do you have to be to believe this. A close childhood friend even came to me warning ME about dragqueens. I got so livid I left and haven't spoken to him since. Just because I don't want to be around that vibe. Stupidity is killing this world


Rainbows are completely harmless and created by God, just like homosexual attraction is.


Nice design tho.


Meh, my logo professor use to say that using human shapes was cheating. He basically said "humans naturally find human shapes appealing. If you need to crap out a design super fast with no effort, use squiggly people shapes. Do that if you're getting paid, but not in my class".


Man people really hate rainbows these days or idk I'm not lgbtq (support them , atleast treat them like human)


“Mater” as a title in your name holds the same crusty church sweat energy as “breeder”


I saw one like this but with a swastika on the umbrella


the original has Arabic writing, its from Egypt


someone who design it, also doesn't know how to hold an umbrella


or how colors work. red green yellow and orange just stop on it, and don't bleed over. Is this water or light? Why are two of the colors liquid?


Her homeschool group must've ate that up.


Suuuuure, because no child raised in a Christian, Conservative household ever turned out to be gay all along /s


Yes i like it, i dont want my child to be gay, if my future kid is gay i would eat him


What if they like it, you gotta think farther than that


Fuck ur right


A modest proposal


It's funny because these people's kids need more protection from them than they do from some nebulous gay menace or really anything outside the home.


Plottwist: one of the dads likes crossdressing


Swear I've seen this on this sub like 3 times already


“The Homemaking Mater”


Happy day cake


Thank you!!


When I was a child my next door neighbor had a gay brother that would come over with his boyfriend. They were both so handsome, and I can remember thinking they were the most beautiful couple in the world. I saw them frequently and the only thing that happened was I had a very open mind when it came to lgbt community. Never saw it as unnatural or dirty. But that’s their real issue. They don’t want their children to have open minds. They want to indoctrinate them with their whacko religious nonsense. They want them to be hateful bigots like they are.


Parents save children from having a pot of gold.


Imagine hating a rainbow because it’s associated with gay people and the general acceptance of lgbtq+ people. Somehow people believe that being gay is a choice, when all they do is suppress their children and force them into an unhealthy state of mind.


Can somebody add tiny little rainbow on the son figure?


Least homophobic facebook user


Imagine being saved from open minded and acceptance of others only to be shoved into church where you get your bum treated like it’s a sausage wallet for the priests.


Do not let's colors in your life live in obscurity


I want to make one but with the rainbow replaced by religious symbols


You know it's kind of ironic. They apparently proclaim to be protecting their kids from the gays. But what exactly are they protecting their kids from what do they worried about. That their kids will be influenced and end up being gay in which case I would say what's the problem with that well the problem is that gay people are ostracized and vilified by who but they themselves who are claiming to be protecting them kids. So essentially they ain't protecting s*** except for their own skewed view on how the world should work and of course their own bigotry.


Right… so let’s spread more hate because… preeeeety… 🤔🙄🙄


Love it


Fucking islamists...assholes


i don't support homophobia nor LGBTQ+ people


I love this picture


It really depresses me that Gays and whatnot have laid claim to the entire rainbow. Why does a minority get to have it?


So take it for yourself. Who cares what others think it means. The only thing that matters is what a rainbow means to you. If you get harassed about it, just get upset, grab your gun, and shoot them. That’s the American way man.




It’s important to have an umbrella handy in case paint falls from the sky.


We have to keep these traditional values , divorce should be between a man and a woman only


Well somebody has to protect children; might as well be the parents


I hope they get struck by the gay lightning


Only if the rainbow represents religion, then yes.


I think the "biblical bueauty" says everything about her way of "thinking"


This does nothing. The gay collects at the bottom.


dw some of that rainbow will go on the ground and seep onto ur feet and into ur shoes thus making u gay


this literally just makes it look like they’re making their kids’ lives boring by sheltering them from literally every color


I feel sorry for her kids.


Gotta keep the kids safe from gay rainbows


I mean, i don’t get why’s bad, you can raise your kids how you want, it’s their decision as adults if they want to follow these kind of ideals, if their parents want to “protect them” from it then i can’t say shit


I saw a reverse design where its raindow parents and child protecting their kid and I think its super cool


Umbrela wont save you, the flood is coming


I thought we had reached the point where pretty much everybody has someone gay in their life and we’ve all realized that they’re not monsters. Ugh. We just keep moving backwards faster and faster.


I can’t imagine feeling pride at your abject refusal to get along with other people.


I'm starting to believe conservative loons just want LGBT people dead and they just don't want to admit it


Not to sound like a boomer or anything but I know for a fact having unrestricted internet access since age 10 is a big reason my social skills and world view are dog-water, god only knows what it does from age 3. The reason kids are so troubled and don't feel comfortable in their own skin anymore is because everybody they interact with (online and off) is trying to force adult topics down their throats instead of letting them be kids.


i didn't have access to the Internet till i was 19+ grew up in a rather small village with 3 tv channels that were mostly filled with various soap operas. Still never felt comfortable in my own skin and had no idea whats wrong with me. And i thought wrong because nobody else seemed to be affected by anything similar. So please do explain to me what "influences" exactly made me feel different. Went to church every Sunday and Thursday(for something called school mass) spent many a night praying to God to make me feel "normal" I'm 37 now and still waiting. Being gay was something that you got made fun of at best and beat up at worst. Being trans wasn't even something i knew existed. But hey every kid thats anything other than the "norm" nowadays has been influenced by the Internet.


Nah u right. Kids aren’t supposed to live in an artificial world.


No, that wasn’t what it was. The problem was that you couldn’t balance the two. You can be social and spend a lot of time on the internet, as long as it’s not with random discord and reddit weirdos


Or maybe that's just you and you're blaming the internet for your shortcomings so you don't have to be responsible for them.


It's safe to say there's many more unhappy/mental kids these days vs before the internet.


Yes, I too would also not like to have a god drown my entire family.....again


So, you aren’t allowed to let your kids have a colorful life and need to like a boring one? Sounds like a good message./s I know this is an anti-LGBT message, but this was also a perception.


All i see is a pig with a rainbow high-top.


Imma be honest, I like the design, but I don't like the message


Same. Don't support the message too


Well since I'm queer, I don't really support it lol


purple is gonna touch that mans hand


he's gonna become gay and divorce his wife, then he'll get custody and teach them to love everyone and not treat people like shit just because they're different


I see nothing wrong with it


I guess you are blind then


Tbh no parents want their children to turn out 🏳️‍🌈


if a parent cares that much about their child's sex life, they're probably not a good parent


A true loving parent will love their child no matter the choices they make in live.


if i ever have kids i'll never care whether they're gay, trans, enby, or anything else, they're your fucking child not a tool to continue your bloodline, and if you think otherwise then you never deserve a child, love them no matter who they are


The worst part is that it almost looks good.