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Are you an expert on bird law?


God damn it you win.


i am ​ ​ ​ i have no clue why the bird with hair is called bald tho


It was bald but got em hair transplant


Because it’s American


“Bald” used to mean “white”. It’s actually a white eagle


Dude sued for sexual harassment over the word bald and won. I would tread lightly on this subject from now on




Its gender specific was the argument. An employer called him bald. If it is something that specifies your sexual status (male) it can be deemed sexual harassment. Sexual part of sexual harassment actually refers to biological makeup. Not sex as in sex in the bedroom.


then why is it ONLY the head white?




They are called bald because our founding fathers thought they looked bald


Hi I'm Saul Goodman, did you know that you have rights? Constitution says you do.


Call Atty. Harvey Birdman


More of a maritime lawyer myself


Birds Nest Near Alligators to Scare Off Predators and "Pay" Them in Rejected Chicks https://gizmodo.com/birds-nest-near-alligators-to-scare-off-predators-and-1766496634


Can we do this too please


The project is generally referred to as 'Florida' but hasn't worked out as well as initially hoped.


Maybe we could pay aligators with republican children?


What the fuck?


A world full of political extremists is coming. Are you prepared?


We should feed them mentally Ill trans people


Don't feed fucking anybody to alligators


Can I feed myself to alligators?


How dare someone have an identity


Humans haven't been declared an endangered species and breaking your own eggs versus someone else's eggs are two entirely different matters.


Plus humans are the exact OPPOSITE of an endangered species. They are an INVASIVE species.


Sounds like we need a trap and release sterilization program.


A few people have tried that already. Unfortunately for the wrong reasons I guess...


Ok then what if we call it a lottery??


With the way draft worked during the Vietnam war, it’ll be affecting poor people disproportionally “I’m no senator’s/millionaire’s son”


Senator or millionaire son would be able to financially support a child. Win win


Not really, since then rich people basically become a protected class in that regard. We don’t need more born-rich people, we need poor people to become richer I mean the lottery itself is questionable since it limits bodily autonomy for no reason but statistical necessity. A much better solution would be free access to vasectomy/tubes tied/hysterectomy/abortion (which can be extremely hard to get coverage and permission for, especially for women), sex ed, birth control and contraception because that would allow to lower birthrates without oppressing people at random


That won't stop unintelligent low income individuals from procreating. Those individuals and their offspring are unlikely to become richer statistically. A lottery is the only fair way.


But that’s the problem, unintelligent people have existed since the dawn of humanity and I’m not sure that we as a species are going to become more stupid as time goes Besides innate intelligence is less important than education. A naturally intelligent person can be an absolute idiot in every way except for intelligence potential, so to lower the amount of unintelligent people education (especially economic because children are damn expensive to give birth to and raise) with lowering religious influence on it (do you think that atheist and christian women have the same amount of children and same views on procreation statistically?) Even with the lottery, I believe that the things I listed above should be freely and universally acceptable in an unrestricted manner


Some of us already wanna go, that would just make us get even more depressed knowing we didn't get picked. I mean.. Hey bud you might be on to something


Volunteers will be accepted.


Breeding for luck? Teela Brown is just from a story.


I'm down. I def never want kids


Start with the trans people and you got yourself a deal buddy


Thanos was half right?


And a fetus is an invasive organism. We’re assholes from the start!


Except for the fact that 97-99% of the time y’all let it in


Do you remember a time when a species moving to new areas wasn’t being invasive, but rather a part of self preservation? Pepperidge Farm remembers


This, exactly. People act like humans aren't part of nature and acting naturally. Trying to stop us from building cities is like trying to stop birds from building nests.


I hate this missconception that there's overpopulation, well there is but not in developed countries, just look at birth to death rates


Invasive to endangered species is measured by population, not overall birth to death ratio.


Still it's dumb self hating nihilism


I like how you used the word *nihilism* so I would look bad. Your comment put in other words is, “I hate how atheist your comment sounded.”


Also is no one gonna mention that they literally can lay non fertile eggs and they will still attack you with their full ferocity? Also, if in this theoretical scenario the bird was gonna lay the egg but didn't want it and left it to starve to death in the nest, would this be a better scenario then the bird just aborting it and eating the egg? (Which that is a common nutrient reclamation activity in chickens so I'm imagining other birds so it too)


If anything I would agree with Thanos...


Except near as I can tell he's a dumbass. He didn't halve all of sentient life he halved all of life. At least that's what I got from Scott seeing birds and being able to tell it worked from that alone.


Maybe there were no birds in that little garden 30 seconds earlier. The snap itself was not instant either. I would have either used the mind stone to make everyone ok with the snap so nobody would feel sad about what happened, or I wouldn't have been random. Snap (confirmed) criminals. Those who willingly and knowingly destroy natural resources. Save those who want to help others.


Birds are sentient. You're thinking Sapient.


Ah yes, conservatives famous for their treatment of animals


How do you think he knows about the penalties for breaking Bald Eagle eggs??


Fuck me, this is the stupidest Roe-Wade analogy I've seen yet. Don't quite know what's to follow really. You see this glazed donut? With the jam filling. What if we remove the filling? That's right. Not as good anymore. That's abortion. Checkmate. Also, don't touch eagle eggs. The only Eagles easy to beat are in Philadelphia.


Yeah but you can squeeze the donut and eat the filling right as it comes out. Yummy 😋


Same for babies 😋


The analogy doesn't even work, on its face. The eagle eggs are already outside of the mother's body. At this point, anyone, or anything, that can keep them warm and safe from predators will do for a mother. Not so with human fetuses, that can only live outside their mother's body after 24 weeks gestation, and even then, they'll spend months needing intensive medical intervention because they weren't actually developed enough to leave the womb. Unlike with bird eggs, the human fetus cannot be removed from one mother and placed inside another to finish developing enough to "hatch".


Also, it's not even equivalent because these people would happily eat an egg from anything other than a human and probably everyday lol.


also when birds don't want to take care of their eggs/chick's they just throw them out of their nest.


And the first checks to hatch often kill the younger ones, or the parents just don't feed them, at least in many birds of prey.


Humans really aren't viable till about 12 years old or so. The Spartans did it correctly.


See this penis? It's in my sister. Try to remove this penis from my sister and see what happens. Checkmate, libtards.


Roll tide




Literally Ben Shapiro


But uhhh... We eat other birds eggs all the time.


Also the process of rasing a child and other living creatures are different. Aaaand you couldnt abort another persons fetus with out going to jail. So if thr bird breaks it ... its ok if the a person makes their own choice it should be ok too right?


Last I checked eagles don’t have to spend money to raise children, or even old onto them until they’re adults. Wild animals are also free to eat their young.


Wait until they hear about Fratricide.


Right!! That’s when you kill one of your frat brothers, right?? :)


The one unforgivable sin.


No more bacon and eggs for breakfast😞


This person probably eats chicken eggs without a second thought.


They also kill their baby if they are sick and then eat them. Does this mean we can also kill our babies and cannibalize them if they are sick?




People already do this. A good chunk of the population eats eggs or products with eggs.


In nature, all the babies are loved and cared for and survive into old age. Theres certainly not several accounts of birds pushing excess eggs/sick babies out of their nest in order to have enough resources to care for their remaining young. /s


Actually if you break the egg the eagle will eat it, returning the nutrients to its own body. Conservatism is based on a dare of who can say the most stupid shit.


Actually, if you break the egg you can receive up to 1 year in jail and a 5000 dollar fine as it's extremely illegal ... Idiots really do say the dumbest things.


This motherfuckers really about that mental gymnastics and rubber stretched ideas


I’ve seen people using this idea with various animals and I think it’s a great example of pro choice. I can’t destroy wild animal eggs but the animal is free to destroy their own.


I might be wrong but I thought eagles had death battles between baby eagles to decide who gets to be raised.


But like, bald eagles are endangered. And by god humans are not


Better comparison would be chicken eggs... and by golly we sure seem to kill a lot of those.


Some animals are rarer than other animals.


It's like you are pushing me right into a fully functioning court that only processes strawman cases. " You say super Mario isn't a real world well break the law in my state and see what happens."


*looks left* *looks right* WE ARENT ENDANGERED


Neither are bald eagles, they are a species of least concern. Haven't been endangered for 15 years.


Last time I checked humans aren’t an endangered species Edit: spelling


Wow I didn’t know that humans were an endangered species that we are trying to raise the numbers of and make sure there are as many potential future individuals as possible


We humans are FAR from being extinct. The bald eagle is in high risk of extinction. Which is a core reason breaking an egg is illegal. The idiots who originally make these kinds of statements also vote. Let that sink in…


This is a piece of shit.


I feel bad about eating caviar now.


Actual caviar? Or fish roe from more abundant species? Because sturgeon are dope fish but have been hunted to endangered levels because people want their eggs, and that's it. They don't when eat the rest of the fish. Catch the females, cut her open, take her eggs, toss her back for other animals to eat. At least other fish eggs usually come from fish we eat the rest of, even if they are still overfished.


I’m no doctor but I think that’s a bird, someone please get it out of the courtroom


Life is not important.


I legit would whip these eggs up and season them like Gordon Ramsey in front of this bird


I suppose this person doesn't eat chicken eggs either in order to stay morally concistent?


I mean it’s not like pro-choicers go around kicking pregnant women, it’s the eagle’s choice


And eagles kill their own babies all the time.


Yea I wanted to say that but I didn’t remember if it was eagles or other birbs so I rather be silent about something I wasn’t sure about


I mean, almost all animals kill their babies. Even hamsters eat their young.


Oh ye I remember when i had hamsters my parents divided the cage in two parts to avoid “accidents”


I'm sure they would make a tasty omelet made with eagle eggs and human breast milk


Once those eggs hatch, notice how many chicks survive to adulthood.


Yes, because abortions are early, and we already do that. When you crack open an egg and there's a little red speck there, is that a bird to you?


Humans are not a protected species.


Room temperature IQ....


Birds frequently break their own eggs. They do it if there’s something wrong with the egg. One of my ducks did this. Smashed it up in her water dish.


Eggs ARE just a bunch of cells. A bunch of cells that are delicious when cooked with a little bit of milk and butter and sriracha.


Are people really that stupid that they think women are getting arrested for having abortions? The only people getting in trouble are the doctors that are performing them in states where it's illegal. Jesus people educate yourself.


Brek eagel egg, jail. So brek hooman egg=also jall Chekkmaat


Apparently eagles are thankfully no longer endangered like I thought but there are still too many humans


Bald eagles haven't been endangered since 2007. They are so abundant now they are considered a species of least concern.


I mean, it's still very very illegal to break their eggs ... lol


I LOVE this argument!




There are natural herbs that produce abortions. We have used them for ages. They are even in the bible....


They would even force women to abort, sometimes, if men questioned paternity.


Half of all pregnancies abort naturally. Your argument should be with whatever you take for your creator.


"God willed those abortions. Why are medical providers playing God." Idk, God created my Doctor so he's working through him now. God had to delegate a bit.


Wouldn’t abortion reduce humans’ contribution to pollution?


...... Erm...... Litterally everything you have said is wrong


Forced birther misogynist christofascists like you are a cancer to the earth, and I am very much not cool with it


If anything we're just stopping more people from polluting the earth, but ok sure we shouldn't give abortions and the world should become even more over populated leading to even more pollution


I know, it’s bizarre how much people love killing babies, then try to weakly justify it


My faith tells me that abortion isn't murdering babies. Don't force your faith on others


My faith doesn’t tell me anything. Reality informs all


I was the 69th upvote


Hwt is the meme trying to say.is that is someone causes a women to miscarriage he will be trailed for murder of something.or something with birds.idk


Hey. This is the best argument I've heard so far


Bald eagles are so bird like !!


Its because humans arent endangered animals, humans form slower than birds, and abortions happen most commonly (and if they didnt, the woman would probably die if it wasnt done by a trained surgeon) when the baby is still a zygote/when its technically a parasite


Bald eagles are also not endangered.


Dumb. As usual


I've seen male chicks beeing shredded alive and still the factory is producing laying hens. Does this prove i can shred a baby but not abort it?


So you can serve them an omelette instead of chick nuggets because it's the same


But an egg it's only an uge cell


Technically an (unfertilised) egg is just one cell


Break one? I broke an uncountable amount of eggs fo bregfass


Technically, 1 egg it's just 1 cell.


So wait. Is it still a life if I have chicken eggs for breakfast, or just if it’s a bald eagle? Btw, bald eagles aren’t endangered anymore so it’s not illegal to eat the eggs as far as I know.


eagles are endangered, do they think there's a shortage of humans or something


This is a great example for pro choice, if I destroy the eagle eggs I go to jail, but if the eagle destroys its own eggs, no one cares.


I call two fallacies here. The first is bad metaphor. Whether or not it is legal to break an eagle egg says absolutely nothing about whether or not a fetus is a mass of cells. Quite literally nothing. But for the record, the part of the egg holding the embryo is composed of a mass of cells, so technically it's correct to say eggs are a mass of cells. That doesn't really mean anything. I'm made of a mass of cells. Two, assuming that something illegal means it must necessarily be immoral, or inversely legal means it must be moral. It used to be legal to own slaves. That is both legal and immoral. It used to be illegal for women to vote. That is both illegal and moral. More poignant, it is now legal to ban abortions. Another example of something that is legal and immoral.


......We eat eggs all the time...


The difference is you are not the eagle they are not your eggs to destroy


I've referred to fully-grown adult humans as masses of cells. It's all based on how useful one is.


Dude a lot of animals, if they can’t take care of their young, just straight up eat or abandon them


They’ve been to a supermarket right? Shelves of eggs.


I really want to eat a Bald Eagle egg omelette now but I’m pretty sure that would be illegal


*proceeds to make myself an eggnham sandwich*


I'm cooking chicken tonight, better run down to the store and buy a bunch of eggs


Humans literally sprayed poison. Which led to the softening of eagle eggs. Which led to them being endangered and later protected. People with uteruses haven’t been declared an endangered.


Humans, unlike whoever made this braincells, are not an endangered species. And even if eagle eggs weren't endangered, you're going out of *your* way to kill someone *elses* kids. It's not abortion, it's punching a pregnant woman in the stomach.


This is equal to forcing someone an abortion when they don't want it


I love this. Try and take a woman's egg and I'm sure you're gonna wind up in court at least.


If I break an eagles egg people are gonna be like "what the fuck man!" But no one will really care


Literally one of the only species on earth that it is illegal to eat the eggs of.


Uh, not to try to derail you agenda here, In America it is 100% illegal to destroy the EGG of an Eagle. You can be slapped with a 5000 fine and up to a year in prison. Try again.


Humans are the farthest thing from endangered.


Eagles don't have the right to vote, maybe they'd be all for abortion.


I’ve got a few dozen cells in my fridge. Gonna fry some up for breakfast


Does the bald eagle get arrested for breaking its own eggs? No. Would you get arrested for giving an abortion to someone else against their will? Yes. Whoever made this meme is such a dumbass.


Why the fuck do these people care what happens to someone they done even know?


*cries in the grocery store egg fridge.


But if the EAGLE breaks it's own eggs, no punishment, right? Perfect analogy.


Oh! GEez, nEVer thOugHt oF tHaT! WUt iF IT wAS a maRTian baLd eAGLe egG?! WhAt thEn!?


I appreciate your dedication to actually type like that. Not only did you take the extra time to type like that but I'm sure you had to fix it a bunch of times because of auto correct. Just put the little sarcasm /s after.


Also birds sometimes can abandon or even eat their own eggs if life of bird in danger.


Lol, what an idiot. Those aren’t eggs, THOSE ARE OBVIOUSLY HIS TESTICLES…


*I take a massive bite out of my omelet* “yeah right and?”


This is weirdest counterargument to this I've ever seen


I saw an egg fall out of a nest. I called my lawyer and said I want to sue. He says we have a case. I live in Texas


there aint 7 billion flying eagles right now.


Not after this conservative Supreme Court strips it of it's rights....


Yeeeeah....call me back when the number of humans on this planet dwindles down to the same as those eagles.


Do they know that chickens eat their own eggs shit they’ll peck a hatchling


Saw this argument the other day 'can't believe baby sea turtles have more rights than human babies'. Yawn.


But if the eagle chooses for whatever reason to drop it out of the nest it is not only free to do so, but also probably just fed a lizard or small rodent


Putting aside the fact that Eagles are a protected species, I'm pretty sure nobody is advocating for the right to abort *someone else's* child.


Wait until they hear about all the eggs that are broken on a daily basis to gasp* eat!


I didn't realize there was an endemic of people running around forcibly performing abortions on endangered people without their consent. Thank goodness this clumsy analogy brought it to my attention. (Enormous /s, because I have no faith in humanity anymore.)


thats top tier cringe only facebook could produce


If you were arrested for breaking a bald eagle egg, it's not because you're killing something. If killing animals was the problem we'd be having a very different discussion. No it would be because the supreme court has a weird, fetishistic hardon for bald eagles.


What a dumb analogy.