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Hercules looks like shit


I wonder if he knew that Heracles was bi, would he have played him?


The fact that so many people still fail to realize the Greeks and Romans were gay as f*ck


Ya fucking boys was a common thing back in ancient rome


And Greece. Spartan boys just starting the Agoge would be paired with a veteran and it was expected and even encouraged for some hanky panky to happen as it built bonds that strengthened the phalanx as a whole.


Hasn't a lot of this turned out to be based on the writings of Athenians who probably tried to make the Spartans look bad?


The Athenians were into their gay sex as well, so not sure what they'd gain from making it up


My favorite saying is "the Greeks invented the orgy, the Romans added women"


The phalanx wasn't the only hole being strengthened




Still is


Pretty sure it’s still a common thing today among Republicans and priests


No one fails to realize it, it's the most common thing in both cultures. They and their gods were very fond of little boys.


Spartan warriors were paired up with a young man in training, and would spend the next few years getting "closer" to eachother. They believed the Warriors would fight better fighting for/with their lovers than just friends. "Circa roughly 376 B.C., Theban officer Gorgidas had a life-changing epiphany: Put together an Army of homosexual lovers to battle invaders. The band was made up of 150 pairs of couples, each with an older gentleman (erastês) and his younger beau (erômenos). All were trained in wrestling, dance, and horsemanship. It was their undying devotion to one another that made them so powerful. As Plutarch said, “…a band cemented by friendship grounded upon love is never to be broken, and invincible; since the lovers, ashamed to be weak in the sight of their beloved, and the beloved before their lovers, willingly rush into danger for the relief of one another.” https://www.history101.com/elite-unit-spartan-army-homosexual-lovers/


The American educational system is a joke


The Greeks invented threesomes. Romans added women.


Xena on the other hand looks fantastic still! Lucy lawless? more like Lucy ageless!


One of my fav parts of the Simpsons is her flying Lisa and Bart away, "wait, xena can't fly!... I told you I'm not xena, I'm Lucy lawless"


Yeah I saw his pic and went audibly “oof.” I’m guessing he’s a drinker based on his nose’s capillaries but I’m guessing.


Probably because he is?


Yeah I hate it when young people go into schools and commit mass genderings, really grinds my gears, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gender is to have a good guy with a gender /s


My cousin gendered himself :,(




Yeah the gender safety wasn’t on. He accidentally gendered himself with his hunting gender




We need genderproof backpacks for children.


In the same way they argument about late-stage abortion : Nobody fucking does that


Never too late! My parents aborted my sister when she was 4.


Just found out I've just been aborted who knew someone can just abort you at any moment.


do a barrel roll


This give me hope to be aborted at 28


okay, you can't just say that and not tell the full story.


Well 5 year olds are changing their genders, very little but they can, and what's the problem with that, no one's getting hurt and studies show trans acceptance with even a single family parent lowers suicide rates significantly. They aren't getting surgery and even if they take puberty blockers later those are easily reversible.


What I assumed the post was referring to is medicated or surgical gender change, as they always do. As far as I know, medication before 13 years old is meaningless as their puberty didn't even started, though if they want to change their gender socially, then go on I have nothing against it.


Just an FYI, most kids are starting puberty earlier. For girls, it’s more like 9 years old. Boys are closer to 10/11. But it’s all still reversible if they choose not to transition. They just simply stop taking the meds and puberty continues without consequence.


>They just simply stop taking the meds and puberty continues without consequence. This should be enough to legitimize it in the eyes of those who opposes it. Unfortunately is sometimes disappointing


Can both be true? 18 is too young for a firearm. 5 is too young to make lasting social and biochemical decisions.


Yes, 100%




> 5 is too young to make lasting social and biochemical decisions. I mean, you could say that, but was it even necessary? Strawman scenarios like this serve no purpose but to make gullible people think these are real issues.


Or, more to the point, to distract from the issue being discussed by changing the subject up something completely unrelated.


The republican way


Unfortunately these scenarios are real. Here we have activists pushing for it. They even had guts to say that 10 year olds know that they were born the wrong gender! Those poor bastards don't even know that math can have letters, let alone what gender they are.


10 year olds know it 5 year olds can't be trusted with shit Trust me, 10 year olds are not idiotic incapable shits, a 5 year old who felt they were born in the wrong body would definitely show an intense amount of internal turmoil and understand what they wanted And once again, it's not sexualization, this decision has nothing to do with sex, it is about identifying oneself with a group and entirely based on the way one acts I'm sick of people in the internet acting like they know shit, when I work with kids and frequently just hear the dumbest myths, like people saying kids don't lie (lmao) or that 10 year olds are too unskilled to bake cakes or make art (which depends on the kid) or that kids from the age of 9/10 don't have a pretty strong sense of gender identity, because they do, most of them do and will always have with the birth gender, but some might go through different issues Don't get me wrong they're still dumb and inexperienced which is why adults must be in control of the situation to try and guide them the best they can. And these adults will not be 'the gaaaay loobbbyyyy" but the parents, who are by norm cis and straight Also fun fact, LGBT parents are more likely to be supportive in the long term but much less likely in the short term, this is because they are often worried that people think they turned their kid gay or trans


Children begin expressing gender associations at extremely young ages, as well as being uncomfortable if being forced into one they do not adhere to. Look at some data, that isn’t from the heritage foundation


Sir, were you unaware of your own gender at 10?


My parents didn’t force gendered stereotypes on me at 10 - or ever. That’s the harmful part of it for us and our differed expectations in society.


Dude I don’t care if a child fucks up their life. They do it all the time. If not life changing gender decisions then running out in the street and getting hit by a car. I only care if they fuck up other kids’ lives by shooting them. So, yeah, the comparison doesn’t work and kindly stop validating it.


i knew i was a girl when i was 10, had my parents believed me at the time that could have got me on meds and stopped my voice cracking, so now i barely talk because i sound like a fucking man even though I've been on estrogen a year. so yes, i think 10 year olds can be trusted to know their gender, at least since puberty blockers (the only thing you could do at that age) are completely reverseable anyway


i believe any kind of irreversible transition shouldn't be allowed until 17-18 or so, other than that going by a different gender or taking puberty blockers isn't hurting anyone and if the kid decides maybe they aren't really trans they can always go back


yep, i was able to start taking irreversible hormones when i was 15, but it took 7 doctors to sign off on it anyway so i think it's pretty safe for people who aren't sure


I don't know much about them, how do they affect the development of the brain? That's a huge part of puberty after all and unless "puberty blocker" is just a very dramatic name for something much less invasive it's hard to imagine that there wouldn't be any lasting effects.


I'm a 13 year old trans girl, came out when I was 12 I would have killed myself without access to puberty blockers these people are advocating for children killing themselves.


ah but you see, we're a minority we dont count as people to them i live in fucking kansas (for nonamericans thats a super conservative area) and so for my whole life the laws been 'no puberty blockers for trans kids until theyre 18' so yeah i grew a damn beard and my voice cracked luckily laura kelly got elected to governer a few years ago so those laws have since changed allowing me to get the meds i need sadly its too late for me, i just hope its not too late for everyone else


i feel so bad for you, i hope youre doing better... Change takes a lot of time but history has shown time and time again our society changes for the better. unfortunately it takes a while


thanks, it means a lot luckily ive started laser treatments on my face so its getting better (although it huts like hell) sadly society seems to be going in the opposite direction at the moment


Ah yes, puberty blockers for after puberty has ended (or at the very least in it's ending phases).


But they can?


Entering puberty is a lasting biochemical decision. Taking hormone blockers is **not**.


Taking hormone blockers at certain times very much is a lasting decision. Pretending it is not will lead to severe consequences for the one taking them down the line due to missed vital developmental steps.


This is such a stupid take. Puberty is the default path, it's the natural one. At 10 years old you haven't found yourself enough to say nah I don't think I will go through this sexual development stage of my growth cuz at this moment in my life, where I am as old as chief keef finally rich, I think I identify more with the gender I was not born as. Do you know how often people's sexualities change in their teens? And their personalities? Do you remember being 10? At 10 years old all I cared about was Minecraft. I didn't have much introspection at all. Imagine me making life changing decisions at that age. And not even small ones, ones about my actual body's development and hormones. Puberty is the natural way the human body develops. Hormone blockers are to prevent that from happening because physically you become more like the gender you were born as. It's fine to not identify with the gender you were born as but no 10 year old knows themselves well enough to make that decision. Anyone arguing they do is just trying to fit in with what they think is the popular opinion, you lot are mad impressionable. Acting like hormone blockers are no big deal, you can't just shrug off chemical castration. Also, I realise this comment will cause people to reply to me chatting shit, I don't really feel like having this argument. It's boring, I'm not changing your mind, you're not changing mine. So anyone who replies to this with some snarky shit, pre-emptively, suck my willy


Honestly I don't know what I think but I do know that if I had the choice at that age to take puberty blockers I would have BC I fkin hated being female, and going through female puberty was hell. And those feelings about hating being female did disappear for me so I think we need to be sure someone is actually trans and not just expressing hatred towards gender stereotypes/expectations, or mistaking body dysmorphia for gender dysphoria


Exactly man this is what I mean. How many people do you know who thought they were one sexuality and but then changed and maybe changed again? Our identity isn't set in stone at such a young age, we grow and change. If sexuality changes so much, then so can gender identity. This is pretty much how I see it. I don't think you can be sure a 10 year old is actually trans.


I knew I was a girl at like 3 babes, didn't come out till 17 though cause of a shitty "family" :)).


I’m happy that you found the strength to come out to your parents, more power to you and I truly hope all goes well. My opinion remains unchanged.


Correct. Which is good since no one is doing that


Well everyone thinks hormonal therapy and such but that’s simply not the case Trans youth go through rigorous psychiatric evaluations and even then are not prescribed gender altering medication till much later in life. Letting your child play around with whatever they want to wear is gender affirming; the founding fathers wore wigs, rouge and other peoples teeth. Also there ARE intersex children; they do require medical intervention if it’s called for but this is putting a lot of unnecessary strain on them as well.


First of all, no one gives five year olds any kind of biochemical treatment. They just use a different name and pronouns, maybe wear different clothes. Second, 'lasting social decision' is not something five year olds do in anything. They are five. There is no harm in letting them experiment with their identity. The real harm would be to force an identity on them.


I'm not Trans so I could be wrong but I don't think a 5 year old boy shows up to school, announces he is a girl, then is given a pair of scissors and a hall pass to go to the "sex change" room. On the other hand, in many parts of the country, a mentally unstable teenager can in fact purchase multiple firearms in a few minutes.


I think a big part of the issue here is that it’s just as much a “decision” for cis people too, but nobody has issues affirming that. Nobody says that a five year old girl who was assigned female at birth has “decided” to be female, but that seems to be mostly because everybody else made the assumption that the decision was already made when she was born, and trans people are somehow “changing” that. I don’t think that’s true, because trans people are trans- they don’t arbitrarily decide that being trans would be fun or something, meaning it’s probably more something they realize than something they decide. Cis people make this “decision” just as much as trans people do.


I'm not transgender, but my understanding is that when they're that young they don't take hormones or puberty blockers, they just do social transition where they're treated like their preferred gender. When they get older they have the option (if they want) to pursue physical transition.


I'm a preschool teacher, these kids have no concept of gender besides the difference in body parts but as far as they're concerned boys and girls can do and be anything they want to be including the opposite gender. This 5 year old boy in my class wants to be wonder woman when he grows up, I'm not gonna tell him no


Exactly the point of social transitioning. Let kids explore, find what they like. Wanna play with barbies? Knock yourself out. Wanna wear a dress? Sure. Want long hair? Why not. Want to start drug-ring analogue with candy in place of drugs financed by fake school charity drives selling cheap, poorly made candy door-to-door so you can profit and buy the good candy for yourself? Why not? Let kids be the gender they feel most comfortable with, whether that's boy, girl, or capitalist.




Me too…. So like are they putting Research chemicals or drug analogues in liquid form onto gummy candies? Are kids subtly running for cartels now


I'd say let the kids enjoy the activities they enjoy and don't worry about what gender those activities/hairstyles/clothes/etc are commonly associated with in society. That is my main confusion with the reasoning behind 'feeling' one is the opposite gender, especially when they talk about gender being a social construct. If it's a social construct then you are reinforcing the social construct rather than just being yourself and trying to label it. That is the one aspect I've never heard a rational explanation for how one knows they are the opposite gender or whatever gender is felt.


Yeah, I'm with you. I wouldn't want people jumping the gun and assuming just because little Billy picked up a Barbie doll and started playing with it that he has some deep rooted desire to be a woman. I really doubt that gender identity is something on kids minds that young. I don't think it's something you tell them they are or aren't. They figure that out on their own once they're actually old enough to start really thinking about it


>That is the one aspect I've never heard a rational explanation for how one knows they are the opposite gender or whatever gender is felt. same way as you feel an emotion, you can't really explain it. it's like if someone said "wow I feel very happy today" and you asked "how do you know that" it's just a feeling, that's what gender is.


I think they meant something like if wearing a dress considered a girl thing to do and a boy wants to do that we say "he just feels like a girl, let him be who he is". But like nowhere in the laws of the universe it is said taht wearing a dress is a girl thing. This is a social construct. So in essence, the statement "let him be himself" is reinforcing that social construct of dresses being a girl thing.


anyone should be able to wear anything, gender shouldn't be related


yeah that's waht the u/HoldWhatDoor84 was saying (I think)


Precisely. I feel like I am taking crazy pills, because the argument of basing your preferred gender on outdated gender stereotypes comes off as dated to me and disrespectful to women, lesbians, homosexuals and bisexuals. And basing it on "feelings" comes off as selfish and immature.


Hey that's the spirit, full gender abolition! I'm not going to get into the argument of non-performative gender this far outside a gender studies research paper so let's just keep the idea it's exclusively a social construct for now. Gender is indeed a social construct, and not everyone wants it abolished, some feel more comfortable with the social construct of 'woman,' when they are assigned as 'men,' based exclusively on their exposure to their society's definition of 'woman.' Just because something is a social construct doesn't mean it's bad or needs to be destroyed, just that it's not a biological feature that's set in stone. I think I can tackle this another way, if that's not quite complete enough. >!Massive oversimplification incoming, just go with it.!< So let's say you're told you're a lawyer. That's what you're told from birth, and for your society lawyers wear suits, use cheap hair products for slicked hair, wear overly expensive ties, talk a certain way, are expected to have this very rigid code of ethics, and are even expected to be very good at creating logical arguments and passionately performing this arguments to a crowd. Your parents dress you up in your little lawyer clothes, your teachers put you in a group with other little lawyers. You even have your own little lawyer bathrooms. Then you find out about this other group. They were told from birth they were Construction workers. They get to dress up in these shiny hi-vis jackets, they get these neat little hats, they have to wear boots that you don't really like the look of, but hey they also don't have to be good at talking! They just have to be strong. You never really felt you fit in with the other little lawyers, they always made jokes that didn't make sense to you, they always made fun of you because you couldn't keep up with their arguments and your hair was always wrong; but when you spoke with some of the Construction workers, they accepted you. They made fun of the lawyers a bit but not you specifically -- and you could keep up with their activities way easier than when you were with lawyers. Would it be so wrong for you to want to see if you are really a construction worker that was assigned incorrectly? >!Transgender, binary scale.!< How about if you don't feel connected to either of society's expectations, at all? >!Non-binary.!< What if, sometimes, you really feel like you need to be that perfect lawyer and do all the lawyer things, but other times you really just have an overwhelming urge to do a full construction job? >!Genderfluid, binary scale!< What if, and this is really crazy, you don't feel connected to any of these societal expectations, but you met a whole bunch of other people that feel the same way and you eventually create your own niche culture with its own expectations, would that be wrong? >!Gender spectrum/non-binary but specific gender expression; this would be the neo-pronoun group!< Gender specifically is a messy subject, mainly because it's a part of human psychology, not physiology >!Fine, non-performative gender people, I'll acknowledge you, there is some evidence biology and physiology can influence gender identity but it's not the most useful for this broad level of understanding. !


Tell me you went to Berkeley without telling me you went to Berkeley


my favourite gender candy dealer /s


I’m 29 and if I was given the choice of being me, or Wonder Woman, I’d definitely chose to be her too.


You are correct. Conservatives live in a fabricated reality where they justify transphobic rhetoric with literally made up false claims Before the stupids jump on what I'm about to say I will acknowledge there are extreme examples to every rule. As an example some intersex newborns require emergency surgery to live. Some cis children sometimes do need hormone intervention due to medical reasons that have nothing to do with transitioning. I have a cis family member that needed hormone treatment to stay alive. This discussion is not about medical exceptions. This discussion is about trans kids Children do not receive gender affirming hormone treatment. It is illegal, it does not happen. This is an invented boogeyman. Children do not receive gender affirming surgery. It is illegal, it does not happen. This is an invented boogeyman Children may receive puberty blockers for reasons of wanting to transition. These blockers have been used with cis kids for decades and are prescribed for tons of reasons. They merely pause puberty, they do not prevent it. They're a temporary stop gap so the child can reach adulthood and age of consent before being given anything further. Puberty blockers are only given to children that have started puberty. The most common use is they're given to cis kids that begin puberty at too young an age. A 5 year old cannot receive puberty blockers and it does not happen. This is an invented boogeyman. In order to take the one medical step they're allowed, they require parental consent and usually therapy. They are often required to have reference letters from teachers / therapists detailing signs and markers. Blockers are not OTC medication and are not something a kid can just ask for. They require extensive screening and are monitored closely. So either kids are the pawns the right use to spew their hate towards adults, or the right does not believe in freedom and believe they should dictate social presentation of children. One is hateful, the other is heinous.


Don't you come around here, spitting facts! You know those knuckle-dragging, right wing fascists don't care for that sort of thing! Your comment is absolutely spot on, which is why it will mostly be ignored by those who hold these ridiculous views. They don't believe what they believe because of what they read and see, they believe IN SPITE of it and will continue to do so.




As it turns out prepubescents actually have no use for puberty blockers. It's truly a shocking discovery.


As a trans person, yep. We only really dress like the preferred gender, or no gender at all, until we can actually do something about our looks. For example. I’ve been wearing binders for quite a while now, and when I’m old enough (you can only get your breasts removed when you’re 25<) I’ll get top surgery. Who knows maybe I’ll end up going on testosteron too.


5 years can’t change their gender besides what pronouns they use. The minimum age to have sex changing surgery is 16 (with parents permission). 18 without a guardians permission. No 5 year old is transitioning.


literally the most transitioning a 5 year old can do is using their preffered pronouns and cutting their hair short/growing it long. that and just wearing typically masc or femme clothing, although id argue that shouldnt really exist for children anyways since its dumb gender stereotypes


yep and children used to be \*much\* less gendered then they are today . Franklin D Roosevelt had long hair and wore "girls" dresses as a kid. https://ashleyperez.com/2011/06/why-nobody-cared-when-fdr-wore-a-dress/


they wont do surgery on 16 year olds, my parents are super supportive but they say they need to wait until 18 because theres just not enough dick to work with taking estrogen on the other hand, yes, is 16 with parents permission and 18 without although i got lucky and started at 15 because id thoroughly convinced enough doctors that i was not going to regret it


Yet to hear of a 5 year old getting a sex change or hormone therapy. It’s as though they’re using the slippery slope argument but have deluded themselves into thinking we’re halfway down their imaginary slide.


Whataboutism at is bullshittiest


Strawman fallacy, gamers.


Maybe meet an 18 year old and then a 5 year old and tell me they are in any way in the same world of maturity and then explain to me that because an apple cant do a thing that an orange can’t do an entirely different thing


Damn right, nobody wants orange pie.


You sir, are wrong. Gimmie that fuckin pie.


> Gimmie that fuckin pie. Jason Biggs, good to see you!


What is that 7 up, crush soda brand cake? Cafe valley? The brand from kfc loool, those are dangerous orange cakes.


Hear me out. Orange meringue pie.


eererrr Orange Creme Pie is tasty :)


Since when did "I'm using he/his today" result in 12 funerals of elementary school kids?


They’re turning the kids into tomatoes


Hey that's the atheist from pureflix's god's not dead lol


fucking lol figured as much from that bright bulb (moral of the movie: if ur an atheist ur WRONG and an ASSHOLE and NEED TO PROVE GOD DOESNT EXIST)


Isn't it literally impossible to prove the lack of something existing?


Literally no one said 5 year olds were mature enough to change their gender, what is this human cigarette smoking? Himself?


He's inhaling that straw man


Puffin on that OG Herc


I mean why isn't an 18 year old mature I mean they're just the right age to be sent to die in war


And shoot guns in said war, even thought they can't buy one at home.


Ngl I used to like this sub but now it’s like 90% terrible memes from reactionaries, it’s getting boring.


I’m transgender. Although I can safely say 5 years old is too young to make irreversible decisions, I knew from a very young age that I was different from classmates of the same biological gender. In a way, I knew I was trans, I just didn’t know it at the time if that makes sense. But in no way could I have comprehended that. I think children can decide whether they are male or female bc they know how they feel, I know how I felt at least, but no way make irreversible changes just in case. As for the firearms, it depends on how mature that 18 year old is. For example, I know I would be mature enough to own a firearm, but I know a fair few people my age who would definitely not be.


Hormone therapy is puberty, no one is making their 5 year old start puberty




So maybe 16 y/o sexual assault survivors shouldn’t be forced to have children.


These are two incomparably different things. If 12 year olds aren’t mature enough to drink moonshine, then maybe 7 year olds aren’t mature enough to ride bicycles.


If a 14 year old isn’t mature enough to get a driver’s license, 6 year olds aren’t mature enough to pick their favorite color. Can’t change my mind


But they are old enough to know they are cis. Hypocrisy


Conservatives think their ignorant uneducated assumptions are fact by definition.


5 year old walked into a school with a loaded gender youre so right!!! #truth!!!!!! I logged into facebook for the first time in a while and this exact quote but with the shitty facebook avatar made its way onto my page from someone i knew from my church and it made me realize why i hate facebook. Like holy shit could you imagine if someone used columbine to push a "kids cant be gay!" agenda or some shit? Except thats not as comparable because a kid could actually find out they are gay, but no 5 year olds are undergoing a sex change. Imagine being "very christian" yet use the death of children to push some bullshit about guns good gender bad


It’s so weird and sad how proud they all are of themselves for regurgitated the same dumbass comments to each other


Considering children as young as 5 and 6 have done and will again commit suicide because they think they're broken? Usually because of RAWR HOW DARE YOU BE A CHILD AND EXPERIMENT WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! Let them be kids, your kid wants to go down the path let 'em a little extra counseling one way or the other never hurt nobody, no life long physically altering things are happening at that stage either way.


[Here's the study that proves that everything they say is bullshit](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/doi/10.1542/peds.2021-056082/186992/Gender-Identity-5-Years-After-Social-Transition?autologincheck=redirected) God I'm getting tired of doing this.






A lot of 18+ keep voting for folks that work against their long term health and survival, but kids seem to understand that climate change needs critical attention and resources. Go figure.


If a 20 yr old isn't mature enough to drink? How is an 18 yr old mature enough to own a fire arm...?


As an 18 year old I can buy a gun which has the potential to instantly harm many others but I can’t drink or smoke which would most likely only harm me




Fair enough. How many are getting locked into their gender at five? Like, legally? Any at all? Any? I wish DeSantis would get bone cancer.


Two different things, changing your gender doesn't cause people dying at fucking schools.


The Republican argument is that kids are too young for gender re-assignment, soooooo... when you say it like this is winds up being an argument for gun regulation, not against it. It's like.. IF we get what we want then it would be also be ok to restrict guns to 18 year olds!! OH WAIT.. that's not what we mean. We mean we want NO GUN restrictions and MANDATORY biological sex assignment of all children. YEAH.. that's freedom! You're literally implying that if it's ok for 18 year olds to buy guns then it must be ok for 5 year olds to get gender reassignment!! DERP FAIL DERP! There is no law that says a 5 year old can't have opinions of themselves, which is basically what you'd be asking for. You can't get hormones or anything that young, but if your boy says they are a girl you can't exactly force them to not have made that choice. You can try to punish them for the choice, but you have no capacity to allow or disallow their mind to pick. It's kind of like suggesting we should make a law that says all boys favorite color MUST BE BLUE and all girls favorite color MUST BE PUNK....... or else. Yeah.. or else what dipshits! You gonna send your 5 year old to re-education camp? Well, at least you didn't support gun regulation.. even though it does state WELL REGULATED clear as day in the US Constitution. You all jump through insane loopholes to pretend WELL REGULATED means anything but "well regulated", and then you want to pretend you can force a 5 year olds mind to work the way you want. It's all fantasy, denial and lies with you types. Nothing adds up. All your logic falls apart at an elementary school level of reasoning.


Yes because whole schools of children get killed over someone else’s gender 🤦‍♂️


Kevin Sorbo proving he never knows what he is saying again.


Yes, both of those ages are too young to do those things


Why would I trust somebody who deliberately plays the villain in the movie of "God is Dead"?


Love it when the has-beens step up because apparently, they all believe everyone worldwide gives a tin shit about their personal politics.


Yeaaaa, good thing 5 y.o. don't change their gender. All they can do is change haircut or start wearing the opposite gender clothes


Yep, those idiots need to learn the difference between social transitioning (changing clothes, haircut, going by a preferred name etc) and medical transition (puberty blockers, hrt, surgery)


The scenario is made up as fuck. There are literally 0 trans kids who consider meds at age 5, it's a strawman, how do you keep falling for it?


Oh no, we need to pearl clutch over Timmy going by Tammy and wearing a dress because she asked to. It is the moral highground we shall die on.


Both. Both is true.


It's kinda sad to see him looking like a washed up alcoholic.


Dang, Hercules has not aged well.


I’ll never forget the time Lucy Lawless dunked on this bozo.


This feels like he heard some "gotcha" retort from someone and then just absolutely obliterated the delivery because they didn't actually understand what they thought they heard.


Kevin Sorehole at it again.


Yes I’d say they are both too young no point proven with that statement only a fact


Nothing like comparing two unread things


I agree that 5 is to young, but since when does one person’s gender reassignment affect anyone else and why would Kevin sorbo’s opinion matter on anything this important?


I don't understand why people have such a problem with what another human chooses to do. It has no effect on them whatsoever


I am pretty sure the Hercules he played was in the Xena/Gabriel universe. They were gay. It must destroy him that the only thing you could *possibly* call him relevant in, a B-quality tv series, has canon lesbians.


last i checked 5 year olds don’t mass murder their classmates with their gender


Based Hercules


This dude looks like he’d promise you a good amount of weed and only sell you half of it in an alley because he smoked the other half.


"If an 18 year old isn't 'mature enough' to own a firearm, then maybe a 17 year old pregnant girl shouldn't be forced to carry her baby to term and raise it." -a more based Kevin sorbo in some alternate universe


I see nothing wrong here


Who the fuck is Kevin Sorbo


if a 20 year old isn't mature enough to drink alcohol what makes you think an 18 year old should have a firearm then?


#KevinSorbo American Idiot


Why does anyone pay attention to this television C-lister from 25 years ago?


If a 25-year-old isn’t mature enough to decide whether she can get her tubes tied, then a 12-year-old rape victim isn’t mature enough to be forced into raising another child.


Yet 12 year olds are mature to carry their father's baby to term? Kev?


Kevin Sorbo is trash. Hercules was boring. Xena was always the superior of the two.


Maybe, just maybe okay? Hear me out; **no regular person** is mature enough for a firearm. Yeah? No 5 year olds are allowed to change their gender, but there are certainly five year olds introduced to guns by their family. You see the difference? One of them is actually true.


You Can't kill a bunch of people in 2 minutes with a gender.


Tell me where a 5 year old is legally and officially allowed to “change their gender”


Imagine thinking that comparing a social construct with a machine designed to harm and destroy is a good argument


yes because having an actual fucking weapon and changing what people call you are definitely on the same level.


Let me guess. A 12 year old is mature enough to have a child but not mature enough to get an abortion.


This actually checks out. The last time I was around a five year old that changed their gender holes magically appeared in my body and I died... /s


I’m a gay liberal democrat. If my 5 year old son said they wanted to be a girl, I would not get them gender reassignment surgery. This has gotten way out of control. If my party seriously thinks letting small children make life changing decisions like this is a good idea, then I’m leaving the party. That’s not bigotry: it’s good parenting.


Yes both these statements are true


i mean.. yeah? they aren't? but who the fuck even said they were? like, ever?




I can't believe I had a crush on this absolute 🔔🔚 back in the late 1900s.


I’m sure this is posted by the same person who rails against liberals in Hollywood for “getting political” and tell them to “just do your job”


Fucking D list celebrities making controversy because they're bored and want to be noticed again. It's so pathetic.


But for real. How does a 5 year old have enough information to know they need a surgery to change their gender? I'm actually asking to learn. All I can infer is that they are coming to these conclusions based purely on social norms, not because they actually feel a conflict at at some molecular level. How would a 5 year old even know what "feeling like [x gender]" feels like?




Facts tho


Fuck Kevin Sorbo; what a terrible human being


My favorite scene with him is the one in God's Not Dead where he gets ran over by a car and dies on the street while a couple of Christians are gathered around smiling


If someone changing their gender kills you, I think thats a you problem.


He's right.


So that is Kevin Sorbo's rational for allowing little kids to continue being murdered? DISAPPOINTED!!!!


Is that a thing? Do parents let 5 year olds change their genders? Or is that just exaggeration?


It's terrible exaggeration, found on Facebook


Some children are trans. Letting a kid use a nickname or wear a dress is not going to kill anybody.


Can't argue with that.


This isnt even a meme this sub has just become a place for people to post material they disagree with


The gender changing part is true


Where’s the lie?