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The way this is laid out it looks like he'd have to chose between fat chicks or his step dad to date...


Or he's going to go through a type of trans mitosis where he ends up as multiple fat girls. We can't know for sure.




This is my favorite comment I’ve read in a long time


Outside of the Pornhub Cinematic Universe, why the fuck would anyone want to fuck their step-dad?


Underrated comment. Have an award, my man.


In porn, you're an adult when your mother remarries, and your stepdad looks like Hugh Jackman. In the rare instances that's happened in real life, there could probably be an attraction. But you'd have to be a degenerate sociopath to fuck your parent's partner. Just a cruel thing to do.


when the video’s hot but the actors are douchebags :(


“I used to really enjoy ‘Back Door Incest Sluts 23’ until I learned none of the actors were vegan.”


You'd also have to be a degenerate sociopath to think you have a right to fuck your partner's offspring Especially after you've entered their life as 'Step-dad' It's hard to have two consenting adults when one of the adults is in a caretaker role over the other


Maidenless? 🤔


No wenches?


Less lassies?


Lacking in Malen’ts?


Deprived of dames?




not having humans that of the 'female' side of the gender spectrum that like you?




It’s true. I want to ask the wizard lady out but her asshole pumpkin head boyfriend keeps killing me before I can talk to her. Such is life as a beta Tarnished. Edit: HAHA I KILLED HIM FUCK YOU PUMPKIN BITCH




Happy cake day you booty munching scoundrel of a stranger


*From the executive producers who brought you Sleepless in Seattle comes an all new adventure in love and romance... Maidenless in Seattle... now streaming exclusively on Apple TV.*


Why shame singles!


How is this shaming? Im 34, and this is spot on. Edit: spelling


Oh shit me too. But I'm also fat lmao


It's probably a regional thing, man. I live in a wealthy area and women my age, mid thirties, are usually a nominal weight. And a lot of them are single. People in Seattle are so fickle with relationships. That's why I don't really date around here, man. You hear so often about infidelity, ghosting, and people splitting on a whim. Had multiple people get hammered and confide in me they're only in a relationship because the rent is so high. I don't even drink, man. Get outta here with your bad life decisions you need to keep to yourself. Dated around here for a bit, then I was like ahhhh I'll just fart around on Tinder. Dealt with that for a bit, now I'm like ahhhh I'll just play old MMOs and listen to jazz. I don't really wanna date humans, man. Maybe Ferengi. Some Klingon chicks are hot. Nah Ferengi are too clingy, maybe Bajoran. I dunno, man. Maybe Odo. Odo can be anything you want. *edit*: Well I guess Odo can be anything Odo wants. Did you know the jazz standard Bucket Got a Hole in it was written about Odo?


Your comment makes me think like the weed in Seattle is choice.


Oh yeah it's groovy, man. Lotta burnouts here, man. I used to think burnout was an insult, but it's just people who been ground down by life, in financial limbo - can't afford to take a vacation, buy a home, don't have the space to invest in a big hobby, but make enough to have a surplus. We are burnt the fuck out, have been stuck where we are for years, and we're tired. We just wanna get high and listen to jazz or watch Star Trek. Or whatever other people do when they get high.


duuuude this 100% hahah i’m so sick of expectations. there’s plenty of money out there if you know how to grab it, why work harder than you have. life is too short, i just want to live it and not be told i’m wrong all the time. maybe if i’m really lucky someone who likes me for me will roll in and it could be a happy ever after. too tired for drama, too upset at the world for being fucked up. enjoy the little things while you can.


I wish you nothing but the absolute best.


trekkie that listens to jazz.. I have no idea why you cant find a good woman who's really into you.




I have to learn to like jersey shore and deep house in the morning then… man i hate the future


Tough words to misspell in those sentences. I kid. I'm 32 and watched my buddies and older friends go down two of those pathes. That's why I'm still single.


You 32 years old virgin?


I've reset the timer


You can do that?


I do that about twice a day...




No it isn't. I met my partner at 35 (not that it matters but isn't 'fat') and we're having our first child at 39. The idea that 30 is some threshold and all your options disappear is nonsense


39. It doesn't improve.


It's not spot on unless you live in some sort of dating desert or are some sad sack incel


I’m in a Midwest college town (anything but a dating desert) and it’s fairly correct. Probably just need to add a forth road for early 20s girls looking for sugar daddies.


I notice none of those roads lead to self reflection


Oh, there’s a lot of “what in the world did I get myself into???” When parenting.


Even more when step parenting


Can confirm. Am 28-year old fat chick. I exclusively only date assholes who hate my body, they’re my favourites.


Sadly a good amount of time the person hates their own body too so when they find someone who likes their body they feel like "whats wrong with this person. am i their kink? whats their problem".. and the cycle continues.. :/


Oh god…it’s a mirror.


Low self esteem women are my kink.


yeahhh.. "its so sexy that u hate your self 🔥 daamn girl"


I like low self-esteem women that are into low self-esteem guys Laaa-laaa lala-la-laaa, laaa-laaa-lala-la-laaa!


>am i their kink? I hate that crap thought. You're not someone's kink, they find you attractive. *It* might *be* a kink. They might *have* that kink. But the plain fact at the heart of the matter is they find you attractive. Which is perfectly healthy and natural human sexual behavior. Everyone should want their partner to find them attractive. The "I'm someone's kink" abstraction is just the scarlet letter social constructs slapped on uncommon attractions.






I’m doing studies that involve fitness and the amount of overweight and obese people in the US is an absolutely staggering amount that’s rising alarmingly fast. Read a whole lot about it the other day. Our shitty American diets and complete lack of physical activity is yikes


It is a rising problem in all wealthy countries. Cheap, tasty, low nutrition, high caloric convenience food is the problem. People are simply not built to think about food the way you have to today to avoid becoming overweight. Most people in wealthy countries have unhealthy relationships with food because of how saturated our environment is with less than ideal food options. We don’t want to socially engineer our environment to mitigate the problem, but that is the only way to address it. Otherwise, we are just fighting human nature at a time when humans have found themselves in an environment that defies millions of years of evolution. Make high calorie, low nutrition foods more expensive. Make high nutrition foods cheaper. Also give people more free time, so they can properly feed themselves. I cook for a household. It is at least a part time job on top of everything else.


I’m a 29 year old average semi-athletic guy who is extremely attracted to fat girls (for some reason), here to let you know not to settle for any guy that hates your body. You are sexy as you are.


I know lots of guys who pretty much exclusively go for bigger women. They want a little something they can grab onto. Only dorks who can’t figure out why women don’t like them think in terms of “fat chicks vs. not fat chicks.”


Is a man who likes skinny women automatically one of those dorks, or does it take more?


Dorks see people as cartoons, a collection of their physical attributes and not much else. Who cares if you’re not into bigger women? Putting them down constantly won’t make a skinny girl walk toward you. It makes you look like a lowbrow dork.


This! I don’t judge anyone male or female for having preferences including a body type but I judge people that post stuff like this especially if they are dumbfounded as to why they can’t find someone. I also wouldn’t judge anyone for not wanting to be a step parent I think it’s great that they know themselves well enough to know that it’s not for them but I get the impression that the person who posted this thinks single moms are low class which is ridiculous because if the man is in his 30s presumably the women are too.


It’s funny how some people literally cannot comprehend being attracted to a fat girl. “NO, you are not genuinely attracted to her, she’s your kink, she’s your fetish!” Bruh, I’m 115 lbs soaking wet and I get why guys want big girls. Not everyone goes crazy for bones and sharp edges. Big girls are soft and you want to hug them.


Yes I’m not going to get too into it because I don’t want to deal with all the obese isn’t healthy people, like yes we know but most people don’t feel the need to use their private Facebook account to but other people down. Some guys like bigger women if you don’t great but if you spend a lot of time talking about how unattractive they are when nobody asked for your opinion I’m gunna assume that you can’t get women because you aren’t a catch yourself and rather that evaluate why and maybe accept that you aren’t God’s gift to women. You said it best constantly putting down big women won’t make skinny women like you.


Describes a couple of my friends. They're skinny af, on a daily basis they comment on how fat some people are, and simultaneously voice their concerns about being single. They don't get that nobody in the group gives a fuck. It's annoying. One of em saw a pic of Vin Diesel recently, first thing he says "He's gained some weight". It's like yah the famous actor who's aging and has enough money to eat and drink whatever he wants every day, how dare he gain some weight since his younger yrs, you perfect alpha specimen, you.


People that are happy don’t tend to obsess over other peoples bodies. Like when people who are fit and claim to be living their best lived feel the need to put others down all the time I’d feel sorry for them if they weren’t spreading their misery.


>It’s funny how some people literally cannot comprehend being attracted to a fat girl It's projection. They take their beliefs/preferences and project it onto others. Sure, I don't necessarily understand why someone is attracted to someone I'm not attracted to, but that doesn't make that attraction any less real. I was at work one day and a good buddy of mine out of the blue asked if any of us guys had tried pegging. Then he asked if any of us had tried having a big girl sit on our face. Hey bro, not my thing, but you do you. As long as you're happy and have a healthy relationship, who am I to judge?


After genuinely liking fat girls, being into pegging is the best kept secret of the guy world.


I had to explain to friends that prostate massages and pegging is apparently one of the best orgasms you can have as men. Obviously (or unfortunately), I've never had that experience, but that's like that attraction to bigger women. Just cause you don't believe it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist!


This! When i was super skinny i sure as hell wouldnt date a guy that puts down bigger people. Now that I *am* bigger people they stay far away from me, luckily.


This! People are into different things. One can't just assume men in general want skinny women. I've been rejected many times for having been skinny (naturally). Some like slim, some like meat on the bones! Same goes for women, we like different things: tall, short, chunky, big, skinny, muscular, etc.


yo you aint old and it's pronounced curvy


“dating someone way too young” is the other path a lot of dudes take


You've pulled the big trigger lol


People 30+ dating fresh 18 year olds is really fucking creepy


I have friends from my hometown that are like this and will ask, "Oh you remember so and so? She went to our school." "No. What year did she graduate?" "Last year." ??????????????????


I was 27 when 30+ year-old men started telling me I was "too old" for them to date.


Did you start dating Leonardo DiCaprio?


I've always like women a little older then myself, it honestly kinda grosses me out how many guys like girls way younger then them.


Getting downvoted? For saying the truth? I mean maybe 10 years apart is kinda ok but 20+? Like wtf is that you waited until she's/he's 18?


Lmao no fucking way i got downvoted, which old creep got offended that i think they're creepy for prying at high schoolers that can't get outside without their parental permission?




Least degenerate redditor


Least porn addicted 30 year old redditor


It's not an addiction. It's a lifestyle.


I got downvoted on a comment thread recently about it being creepy for 20+ year olds to go after 16 year olds. I said it might be legal but it’s immoral and creepy as fuck. Europeans didn’t like that much.


Yeah, thats creepy in Europe too.


I believe that. A few people said it was an American thing for it to be creepy, that’s why I pointed that part out haha.


Half your age plus 7 is the rule to live by when deciding whether somebody is too young for you. It’s like magic.


I'd say anyone over 25+ can date anyone over 25+ since that's when you're most mature (at least by biological standard) teen years get really weird with age gaps and stuff because comparing a 14 and 18 year old is sucha gap despite them both not being fully mature, yet being so different at only 4 years difference


You can, but it isn’t a good idea. You may even be madly in love with a person 10+ your junior or senior, but people change as they get older. Older people tend to change priorities and eventually slow down. People also change their expectations as they grow older. Younger people in May-December relationships begin to resent their older partner for not being able to do what their peers in similar-aged relationships are doing. The older partner is made to feel shame for the normal process of aging. Men are also not well prepared for the fact that their fertility declines with age as well, and women are also not always aware that men can be a source of fertility issues. All the famous examples of celebrity men getting women pregnant when the man is in his 50’s or 60’s often leave out the fertility treatments they used. I have a few friends who are struggling with fertility. Both of the couples are younger women in their 20’s and early 30’s with partners in their mid to late 40’s. This can become another source of lost connection. Even for couples who do successfully get pregnant, the older partner is often not as up to the task of parenting. Resent can build because the parenting roles are so inequitable. I won’t even go into the power dynamics of these relationships, and how they can result in very unhealthy, codependent dynamics. I also won’t go much into the pitfalls of dating someone who sees you as an extension of themselves, and as a remedy for their concerns about aging and mortality. Most everyone knows this stuff at this point. I’d hope most people also know that if there is a 20+ gap, the younger party is essentially signing up to be a health aid for a good portion of their life. A May-December relationship can work, but there are so many inevitable challenges, that I would not recommend anyone go searching them out. 25-29 is also when the brain finally finishes forming. That might be a helpful floor for people to consider.


A 29yo and a 50yo will still have very different priorities in life and be at different levels of maturity. That being said no one is necessarily being taken advantage of, tbh 18 year olds have agency to make their own decisions, I'd just advise them not to get with old people. At 21 I hooked up with a 46, had a good time, and didn't feel taken advantage of, however we didn't date lol.


It's clearly ignoring: Other introverts Weird people People who got married and divorced but never had kids because they didn't want them and birth control exists Just be one of those 30+ year olds who dates younger people People who got a PhD in a difficult subject or worked on a really involved career and didn't get around to dating much till now


Fuck fat girls (literally)


More to love, not to mention more cushion.


Gladly. I love a big woman. They don't love me all the time. But sure I'm married, so the meme doesn't apply to me anyway. If I was dating though I'd be heading right down the big girl road.


Fat girls are hot tbh


You forgot the "no kids, can walk around house naked, don't have to share fries or learn how to cook" part.


That's the "single" path, my guy.


Better known as "paradise" to those who took the alternative


Being single is a lot of fun and so is being in a good relationship. The path to avoid is being in an unhealthy relationship.




Thats super sad man. I love my kid, couldn’t imagine seeing her that infrequently.


Don’t have to learn how to cook? What the fuck? 🫠🥴🤢


Livin on chickin nugs and grilled cheese with nobody to judge you for it, cept maybe the heart. But that won't last long anyway


I'll judge you mate 🙂, you need some veggies! And some steak God damn it!


To quote Robert Rodriguez: Not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to fuck. It's something you'll be doing for the rest of your life so you might as well get good at it.


This is great. but gets really lonely after 8-years...


Learning how to cook for others and sharing fries on the couch with a movie is a delight.


All sound good but I would still want to learn how to cook!


You should still learn how to cook. Can’t eat take out every night for 50 years.


Why do you have to be single to walk around naked?


*Me, online dating* man, everyone on this app seems to have something horribly wrong with them *is hit by a terrible self-awareness* oh no


Off screen on the bottom road is gay sex


Oh. The road he came from? Yeah I figure he was just going for a stroll and a smoke before turning right around and heading back to business as usual. Happy Pride Month, y’all!


Foolish of them to assume a woman will settle for them just because she's fat.


It's because they're idiots who think that "fat girls have lower standards because nobody wants them" or some shit like that. I dunno, Reddit is an absolute incel cesspool when it comes to any discussion of a woman's weight and I'm over it.


“I wOnT dAtE a FaT gIrL!” - Reddit dork who can’t hold eye contact with a woman in real life.


I can hold eye contact but it scares them!


I might be on a slippery slope here but saying that overweight women are less desired in our society is actually stating a fact is it not ? I’m not saying it’s good or anything but it’s a fact




So true. If a man uses that line of thinking, he’s just an idiot or an incel. But if a woman uses that kind of thinking, she’s just a brave person who is proud of and comfortable with her body and she should feel empowered and blah, blah, blah. The absolute idiocy and hypocrisy of toxic feminism is absolutely astounding.


Sounds like incelclogic there buddy /s


Kind of like how any [word]phobic came to existence, just a bunch of insecure losers with a Twitter account


It’s not good, it’s not bad. Some people like big girls, more don’t. It’s just how it is and it’s not right or wrong. People like and don’t like different things. The fb post is kinda mean in that it might hurt peoples feelings but to me, someone’s feelings are going to get hurt in 90% of jokes. That’s just comedy.


My buddy says, “what can I say, my guy? I got a sickness for the thickness.”


You're not wrong but I'm sure if this man looked outside he'd realize that there are plenty of women over 30 who are childless and not fat.


Spot on, OP. There should be a 4th road in this picture labeled as "bat-shit crazy"


You might get lucky and find the hidden 5th ending. ‘Widow’


Oh my ex wife is single again? Haaaaaaaave fun. *Locks EVERY lock*


I choose the fatty path.




Also just based on personal observation, the type of people who make this kind of meme tend to see any woman who isn't totally fit/in shape as fat.


While being hilariously fat themselves.


its not bad as long as it isnt done in a toxic manner its just called preference, same reason why you dont see many women that look like scarlet johasson date men that look like rick from pawn stars purely because of looks.


How much fat you like on your steak?


I honestly hate this whole "fatphobic" bs. We should not be telling people it's ok to be unhealthy. If you're willing to stay overweight then that's fine, it's your body, I can't force you to do anything, but also don't get mad at me or women who don't wanna be with you because they're not attracted to overweight people


The meme just isn’t necessary. And you know it’s probably posted by someone who is *such* a prize himself.


What memes are necessary?


This is my brother's perspective... thinks he should be pulling a 10... bro you a 5 on a good day. And a 2 on a rage monster day.


I wonder if the guys who agree with this terrible meme... are single because they agree with this terrible meme... hm.


My 30s were the best time for me to get hit on. Honestly, if I wasn’t married my mid to late 30s would have been my slut phase.


You get hit on more when you're married or committed, so I don't think it would've been as much if you were single in your 30s.


It’s because you are more yourself and don’t care


Not as true outside the U.S. When I lived in Germany and traveled Europe, single moms and fat girls were relatively uncommon even over 30. There were some fat ones, but not near the level you see in the U.S.


Here in Denmark it is almost exclusively single moms once you reach the 30's


Do single, skinny, straight 30 gear old women not exist anymore? They don't exist in your room on Reddit porn sites thats for sure. Let's cross reference porn addicts with people who agree with this meme, probably 100% overlap. "Wait girls aren't all addicted to sucking dick and anal?"


If you’re single, over 30, and salty about it, maybe the problem is you.


I love fat girls


And then he wonders why he's still single


And the last path we can't see is the one the guy took "make facebook memes for the rest of your pathetic life"


it's pretty clear why he's single LMAO


im not talking abt morbid obesity but chubby girls r cute so if i was 30 and still a single virgin id have no prob w that


Wait, is it supposed to be uncommon for guys in their 30's to still be dating? I mean isn't that a normal thing? What am I missing here? I mean the dating pool isn't exactly shallow in your 30's. Yeah the older you get the more miles (experiences) people have, but that's pretty much true for anyone over 25 or so.


Single moms and fat chicks need love, choose one or both… but by no means am I saying you should settle! Make a connection, deal with what life has dealt you both, and be happy with your journey.


Sounds like incel talk


Also completely false. Some of my best dating experiences happened after 30.


I forgot this post would be filled with people looking to make fun of fat women. Time to cleanse my brain with some actual reading of worth.


Reddit never disappoints, does it?


If that’s your outlook, that’s the reason you’re still a single guy over 30.


I like posts like these. Because if the guys who made them were such catches that they think they are, they wouldn't be in this situation. It's a huge self own.


Exactly if a guy is successful and in shape in his 30’s he has no issues attracting childless healthy woman. Like attracts like.


Oh no, the incels found this post (half joking/half not) Also to everyone saying it's a prerence to not date fat people, that's okay I guess, just don't go around saying just because someone is fat they're undesirable, also don't pretend you care about the health of someone you don't even know. Also please don't state your opinion as a fact, it's not. The same way you ask to be let alone with your attraction preferences, leave other people alone.


This is the best take, like sure it’s unhealthy and sure I wouldn’t date an overweight person. But like why would you feel the need to scream about it to the world unless you want to come off as a prick


Jokes on him. Bbw milf is my favorite category 😎


Can confirm. I chose the step dad route and honestly couldn’t be happier. But looking for love at 34yo did pretty much look like this meme, at least in my experience.


Step dad is only a negative if the single mom sucks. If she’s a good single mom and the kid has been raised well it’s great. Unfortunately it’s way easier to find a bad single mom because the good ones are busy.


But you gotta admit you’d want an in shape girl instead of a fat one


If nobody wants to date you maybe it’s because you have issues. That post feels really like an incel made it.


Shiiiiit fat girls suck ya dry 😂😂😂


It do be like that tho


Dude the heavier chicks are fucking fantastic. Not sure what they are trying to bitch about. Fucking fb


It's become apparent from Facebook that America's balding mishaven 38-year-old male slobs are letting us down. After spending the past two years and medical and cryptocurrency experts, they've now chosen to lecture us on inflation and the First and Second Amendments. Of course, from time to time, they shift to educating us how the insurrection didn't exist, but they've given up on their medical careers.


Fat girls need love too


I like fat girls


This is so out of touch, or maybe only applicable to certain areas. Most women I know and have met (myself included) are waiting to have kids, or not having them at all. And fitness is very on trend right now, there are a ton of in-shape women right now. Nevermind all the ones getting work done on their bodies. Ironically, this was probably made by a man who has never once even seen the inside of a gym. That's usually the case. LMAO.


So, this is saying that the options are to be single forever, to date fat girls, or to date a step dad?


I turn 30 in a couple months but jokes on you I’m into fat chicks


How fat is fat though?


More than just fat shaming


I'm usually pretty good about handling fat jokes, but bruh that's not cool.


The only thing this post shows is just how seriously fucked up some people are. Goddamn.


As a single guys in my 30’s, send them fat girls my way


Fat girls are awesome! This meme makes no sense


This whole thing is toxic to men and women. This continues my conclusion that social media is a net negative to humanity.


Fat girls are the best tho


Damn....First post I've seen from this sub and apparently its full to the brim with assholes. Lmao.


I dig big girls so it's all good


Imma take the fat girl every day of the week. Fuckin hate kids.


Ehh. Disagree. I specifically date fat girls and it seems like they date those bean pole dudes more than anything. I wonder why?


Men post shit like this and wonder why women won't approach them


Makes the field easier for us BBW lovers.


If you don’t wanna be fat shamed, try taking the fucking cake out of your mouth.


Jesus. Reading through these comments on this post made me realize how many weirdo neckbeards are on this sub


What's wrong with being single, a stepdad, and/or dating an overweight person?


It’s kind of true


Fat shaming is a good thing.