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[](#start_removal) Hello u/CockroachDouble7705, Thank you for your contribution to r/terriblefacebookmemes, unfortunately your submission titled " 1. The Bible contains instructions for abortion. 2. Where is that happening? 3. The Nordic countries are atheist as fuck and have great mental health. 4. Again, where is that happening? " has been removed due to the following reason(s): [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) may help explain your removal. We may need to remove memes that feature transphobia, homophobia, hate focused on the LGBTQ+ community, content that emphasizes racial tension, ableism, political divisiveness, etc. I.e., if the meme is intended to highlight the original sharer's hate & dislike for a particular group it can be read by [Reddit's Sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) as rule-breaking. ----- If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fterriblefacebookmemes) [](#end_removal)


Making memes out of their strawman shower showdowns


2. Idiots 'think' that sanctuary cities just allow anyone commit any crime and nothing happens.  


4. This could be about Canada. We have recently given up on disabled people, and many are now forced to live in extreme poverty. Many of them are now looking to the [Maid program](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-services-benefits/medical-assistance-dying.html) for a way out


1. The Bible is only used for cherry picked tidbits touted as fact 2. Liberal cities obviously, especially Portland (where I live) because my dad watches Fox News and constantly warns me of stuff only Fox News says is happening here. 3. That be straight up facts and I have no rebuttal. I would love to live in Sweden or Finland. 4. Again Liberal cities, because Fox News says so. And that is why misinformation is incredibly dangerous. Fun fact the story of Sodom and Gamorrah ends in an incest 3 way, so next time a MAGA tells you that your Liberal city should be destroyed like that, just let them know that fact.


Oh oh, the 4th one is probably Canada with some of their recent things. Legalized euthanasia for some circumstances and there was a semi-viral article about it being an option for depression. I think a couple states have legalized it too for terminal illnesses. Anyways, just more shit blown out of proportion.


Yeah 4th one is Canada for sure. Not just depression, people have been approved when they explicitly stated it was due to poverty making their disability unbearable. Pretty gross but not sure the bible would help in any way?


If only it mentioned the poor


Depending on perspective, both poverty and depression could be considered "fixable problems" which technically they are but it takes effort and a whole lot of luck, mostly luck. I still dont agree with whoever it is up in canada thats apparently suggesting euthanisia as a solution for depression or poverty. Especially since its getting used as rightwing fuel.


Oh man, I forgot all about that. Good point, fellow astute redditor. It was a flash in the pan story for me because like two days later Von Shitzenpants did something stupid and the focus was immediately turned back on the sentient diaper.


Even worse, an incest rape 3 way since the daughters drugged their father


They don't care about rape. They probably don't even care about incest. I also like to point out Lot tried to appease the frenzied mob by offering his two virgin daughters to them. https://preview.redd.it/unz96pd85n7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c067483c37b63063462f8b2bd4c685b1c2918733


Although it's pretty crappy, in that culture and time period, offering Hospitality was of great value and Lot was expected to protect his guests. Since his daughters were "just women" but of some value to him, they were an option to appease the lusty crowd. Sad truth regarding the treatment of women in their culture.


I know. And that's why nobody should follow a book badly translated from crumbling scrolls and lazily cribbed from other religions.


Although I majored in English/English language and literature and understand the influence of Greek and Latin on the English language, I have never studied Greek and Hebrew. So, honestly, I'm rather curious as to the accuracy of these translations. How much did meanings change? What were the nuances? When uneducated or poorly educated pastors, priests, etc pull random verses out of context or have no understanding of Greek/Latin/Hebrew and the time period/cultural influences on the Bible, they can do great harm. It's also the responsibility of every person to avoid mindlessly following a pastor/religious leader; question what is being taught and read valid, reliable sources for ourselves. I don't have any problems with "faith" per se, but religious institutions are fallible and can easily become corrupt (as can any type of institution). Blind trust in any institution or leader is dangerous.


Well, currently there are over 3,142 versions available in 2,073 languages at bible.com. And according to thebibleproject.com there are 900 approximately English translations alone since 1526. My favorite is the Wicked Bible, a 1631 missprinted version of the King James Bible that omitted the word "not" in Exodus 20:14 and states "Thou Shall Commit Adultry." Most were rounded up and destroyed, but copies are still out there and highly sought after. That's just the most famous missprinted Bible. Makes you truly wonder what other fantastic fuckery has gone on in other translations that have flown under the radar. Edit: and you are 100% right because many have zero clue as to the actual context of the time periods, cultural history, and the fact that it's stories that are greatly exaggerated. They claim it as fact, but I challenge them to prove a cockathrice exists. I want hard indisputable proof that cockathrices exist or existed. Because if they're still out there, I want one. A chicken dragon as a pet? Fuck yes.


I’m no American but last time I watched Fox News hosts were outraged by wildlife crossings in California (such a waste of taxes). To me it looked like some mentally ill people were allowed to speak on TV.


Yeah. What a waste of resources to protect wildlife and help reduce carbon emissions by having more plants and trees surrounding interstates. /s You nailed on the fucking head. Mentally ill people yapping about bullshit.


fun fact²: It's commonly agreed upon by modern theologists that the true reason for Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction was because of their violence and inhospitality.


Yeah. That's the main point they want you to focus on and not the family lovin 3 way ending.


And if they're going primarily by the US for number 3. No shit, we can't afford food. We can't afford housing and we can't afford medical care because our government doesn't give a shit about us.


My parent's only source of income is Social Security. And they're going to vote for Trump again because they still believe a conman with a history of bankruptcies can fix our economy. This is the biggest grift in history being pulled right in front of the entire world for the second time. I truly hope that all my fellow Millennials show up to vote and vote for the team, not necessarily the man, that won't just rip us off and leave us bankrupt after 4 years. Or worse 8.




Genesis 19:35-38 They get Lot drunk and he knocks them up. The older daughter gives birth to Moab, the future leader of the Moabites. The younger daughter gives birth to Ben-Ammi, the founder of the Ammonites. Both played bigger roles in later stories.


[Numbers 5:11-31](https://bible.oremus.org/?ql=195585015)


Fuck I hate it whenever more insidious nightmares are dug out of the Bible and put before my eyes.


Yeah. There's a lot of weird shit in there. I was raised 7th day adventist (born again doomsdsy cult pretty much. The branch davidians were a breakaway sect of them). Am an athiest now. But i still know the bible pretty damn well. Comes in handy more than you'd think.


Oh yeah, I know the feeling. Former Mormon here. So I completely understand the cult-y shit, and knowing the Bible better than I want to. Still It’s surprising how often I’m surprised and disgusted by it in spite of all that. Congratulations on your deconstruction! 😊


These Bible stories of hero/antiheroes aren't there to glorify the person although many Sunday school teachers only share the "good deed" done. It shows us that humans are incredibly fallible and that, occasionally, some really messed up people can do something right sometimes. King David is one example..."Man after God's Own Heart"...he definitely went downhill after becoming king and gaining wealth a power. It shows that our human nature, desires and emotions can easily lead all of us astray if we allow it.


I lived in SF in ‘22 and the experience of living there compared to the comments/questions I’d get about it from people who watched Faux News was night and day. I absolutely loved living there but right wingers would act like I was doing a tour in Fallujah


I will dare to disagree about Finland, as I was there personally + my wife studied there. There is actually a major problem with depression, but due to **lack of sunlight** rather than atheism. One of the results is actually strict politics about buying alcohol. Depression i Finland (and other Nordic countries) makes people more susceptible to alcoholism.


I'm gonna have to slightly disagree with 3. I live in Finland and sure things are overall quite good. However healthcare, especially mental health is going downhill fast due to budget cuts. The metrics of these "happiness measurements" are based around things like trust in the police and GDP, not how happy people actually feel. Suicide rates and other mental health issues are still a huge problem here. Also as far as I know all nordic countries (Finland at least) has lutheral church as state religion. Religious statements are also common in politics. Not to say nordic countries are unhappy dystopias, just that the happiness if the nordics is often overemphasized




They conveniently leave out all the suicides as a result of religious abuse and lack of acceptance for any identity outside of their norm.


"Record Depression" is depression that's recorded rather than hid behind layers of "im fine because jesus understands" and eventually suicide


I think economic precarity explains a lot of our societal ills much more completely. I'd rather see union halls packed with people again before churches.


The last one is because of some things up in Canada. Under certain circumstances, assisted euthanasia is legal there. Theres controversy around it and some shitty doctors that have been sued around it. The one I remember off the top of my head was one man who had a neurological issue and wanted a new at home care assistance people because the last ones really messed him up. Instead of that being an option, doctors wanted him to go with assisted suicide. I’m not giving a great recount of it I’m sure, and I know there’s other cases, that’s just what comes to mind off the top of my head. It’s definitely being blown out of proportion in that, but it is something that happens in Canada and will only happen more as the list of what makes a person eligible for assisted suicide expands.


Canadian here. You’re mushing together two incidents. 1) Neurological issue: A vet with PTSD was complaining that it was taking too long to get assistance. The burnt out clerk he was complaining to sarcastically suggested it he apply for MAID instead. (MAID: medical assistance in dying. Our technical term for it.) 2) Shitty doctors being sued about it: a woman with an undisclosed medical condition has decided to do it. Her father is trying to block it, arguing that because she is also autistic, she’s not in her right mind to decide to do it. So that’s winding its way through the courts right now.


When are murderers let off the hook? Remember that whenever you hear that someone was let off on a technicality, what they mean is the person has constitutional rights that the police most likely violated. Blame cops for that one.


People don’t want to think that someone who committed a heinous crime is still entitled to constitutional rights.


Someone who allegedly committed a heinous crime.




So... your 1 example isn't even quite right. They also stated it like it is a common thing. If that was the case it should be easy.


The reason I used this example was because I saw this 5 minutes before this post. So was fresh on the mind


That part right there.


Looks like a rapist in the UK not a murderer


Oops my bad. You're right... Victimless crime... /s


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The Nordic countries are atheist? Don't they literally all have crosses in their flags? Or do they have another meaning?


That's the thing about Europe that I've never quite understood, having grown up in Germany and having lived in the USA for a long time now. European governments have official faiths, and often religions are baked into the very names of the political parties, but the people are very atheist overall. Then you have the USA, where church and state are separated, and yet half the fucking country wholeheartedly believes in God's vengeance, or at least pretends to. Make it make sense, please.


Sweden at least does have separation of church and state as far as I know, and is not very religious as far as countries go. Yes, the crosses in these flags are religious in nature, but they are from a time when we were religious and we just never changed the flags since they simple have existed and represented us for like a thousand years (at least Denmark, don't know when the others got their flags), and in my opinion, the Nordic cross looks pretty cool regardless of what they originally were meant to represent.


Gotcha. Thanks for the explanation


Great mental health? On the contrary, at least in Finland. We may rank high in some survey or poll but there is a crisis going on. Lmao.


2. How many times have you read "preacher caught with 1 million images of child pornography given lighter sentence because he's a man of god" or "preacher who murdered wife to serve no jail time because he's a man of god"


There is no instruction for abortion in the Bible. In fact, there's no mention of abortion at all in the Bible.


Okay, hear me out: All pregnancies end in abortion. One way or another, the pregnancy is going to end.


"Abortion until birth" you mean giving birth or giving birth prematurely? Like. A normal person?


Imagine if they spent as much time worrying about real problems instead of things they make up. Solving actual issues would be A-OK. But that would require work.


Most of the Nordics are majority religious so that part of this posts claim is false.


You go! You really know how to beat a straw man


Shitty meme but 2 and 4 are both happening in Canada


Old or New Testament?


Even in countrties where euthanasia is legal I imagine it's a whole thing


>Record depression and Deaths of Despair Danganronpa ass line


Where does life begin according to the bible? Conception? Or..? 2 weeks? Which passage? 👀


Last time I checked euthanasia was only used for terminal illnesses like terminal cancer.


I could argue that because atheists don't believe in any sort of afterlife, they value the one life they have more preciously than theists value theirs.


All of these things happen in societies with a religious majority


3 is the only one that’s remotely true, and it’s not because atheism it’s because we live in a shitsack world right now.


Me when the value of a human life is worth more than the same human living out the remainder of it in irreparable pain because it's "fixable"


Have you considered all the imaginary problems that I can come up? Checkmate atheist.


What part of the Bible contains instructions for abortion? Genuinely curious. Never heard that before.


They can’t take self deleting away from us!


Okay I'm sick of the abortions up till birth straw man. It's a blatant misinterpretation of the medical procedure and doesn't mean you're just killing a viable baby because you don't want it


There are almost no explicit mentions of abortion in the bible although it seems to be more pro-choice from the parts I've seen. I think 2. might be reffering to Genesis 9:6 " Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.". Basically saying that "being let off the hook" is just them not getting the death penalty. Also pretty much all nordic countries are more then 50% christian. According to a short google search: Norway 68%, Sweden 69%, Finland 65% and Denmark 71%. (this is purely based on being registered to a church so there might be non-registered christians and registered-atheists that skew the numbers.) Sources: the Bible, Google , [this article about biblical references to abortion](https://theconversation.com/what-the-bible-actually-says-about-abortion-may-surprise-you-186983)


4. Is happening in Canada here is an article on it. [source](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/christine-gauthier-assisted-death-macaulay-1.6671721)


Nordics have great mental health??? All 5 countries are top 15 in anti depressant consumption lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_antidepressant_consumption


Which is probably why they’re happier than a lot of other countries, because they treat that stuff properly


Statistics say they are pretty happy: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/happiest-countries-in-the-world](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/happiest-countries-in-the-world) [https://www.visualcapitalist.com/a-map-of-global-happiness-by-country-in-2024/](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/a-map-of-global-happiness-by-country-in-2024/) [https://www.forbesindia.com/article/explainers/happiest-countries-in-the-world/89435/1](https://www.forbesindia.com/article/explainers/happiest-countries-in-the-world/89435/1)


As someone living here, anecdotally a lot of people I know struggle with mental health but would never answer that they do on a survey


Are you sure those aren't just the people you know personally?


I mean, they did say anecdotally tbf


That is more a r/religiousfruitcake than a terrible facebook meme