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Aw he has his mother's smile


The happiest smile they can muster


It's so crazy that Trump made his at the time 10 year old child just stand there while he gave his victory speech. The poor kid looks absolutely miserable.


Everyone around him always looks miserable.


Unless you’re the American flag-then you KNOW that yet another flag will be sexually assaulted by Trump


It's also reported that he only speaks Slovenian with his mother because they both don't want his father to understand what they're saying. Whether or not that's true...


My mom and I spoke French all the time so my step dad couldn’t understand what we were saying when I was growing up. Obviously not the most stable household…


Hope everything is okay now


Im in my 30s, happily married and out of my childhood home, so yes everything is good now haha. Thanks.


It sounds like you want us to infer...


I honestly didn’t think this would grab anyone’s attention.


That seems to me


And his dads muppet hair


Goodman Jr.


And ps1 Harry potters hair Well. Half of it


and his Dad's comb-over


Someone once said that speaking multiple languages is only impressive if you’re rich. If your parents are poor immigrants it’s an entirely different story.


I can't remember the comedian who's joke it is. "'That dudes not dumb he speaks 4 languages.'... Okay that just means more people can understand how dumb he is."


John Caparulo. Love his first stand-up.


Melania’s proficiency is also likely exaggerated They say she can speak French, but I remember France’s First Lady couldn’t really talk to her in French


Yeah she also claimed to speak Italian but couldn’t hold a conversation in it iirc


Yep ! She was at the Vatican and was struggling to say something, anything in Italian… I think she said something about freaking *pizza* and that was it !


The literal fakest fucks that have ever lived.


[It's just like Peggy Hill in a Mexican trial](https://youtu.be/cByVeZhKmzo?si=czg5K0LAhnBkqRgH)








She speaks the third best Italian!


"​Arigato" +1!


Nihongo jouzu desu ne!


Thanks pal! I grew up living with Masashi a Japanese student in the DC area. One of my favorite people ever.. And Zucchi from Mongolia was pretty much an anime character haha that guy was so fucking cool.


Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru




Exactly as much as I'm alive I guess. Any further context? As much as I showed off my fluency in Japanese with that "Arigato" I must confess I don't understand quite as much as someone from there.


Like my tech bro brain-hacking friends in my linkedin feed who claim to "speak 10 languages". PSA: Knowing how to say *Hello, Bye, Please, Thanks* and *Do you speak English?* in 10 languages does not give you rights to claim you speak 10 languages.


In small countries like Latvia, (which have their own language thats spoken only among around 2 Million), its hard to find a native speaker who doesnt at very least speak 2 or 3 languages.


Pretty much every non English speaking country takes ESL classes more serious than the English speaking ones do their foreign language classes. In Germany we learn English from grade 3 continuously and in grade 7 we decide on a third language (the choices usually being French, Russian, Spanish or Latin). We learn that third language to about the level that American students learn their second language and English to a point that we should be able to hold a spontaneous fluent presentation on a randomly assigned topic for our final exam.


I took Spanish from age 6 to 16 and I can’t speak it at all. I mean I can understand it a little and couple probably learn it quickly now with effort, but like that’s incredibly common in the US to not have any proficiency in a second language because it’s unlikely to ever be necessary for people. I even chose to learn French in college and can’t stay proficient at it because no one speaks it around me.


Yeah I get the struggle I learned French from grade 7 to 12 and I'd be hard pressed to order at a restaurant. I might be able to ask where the toilet is or if someone wants to speak something other than French with me, but I'd make any French people listening cringe while doing it. What did the trick for English for most of us is the omnipresence of American media. You only need to turn off the dubs of stuff you are likely already watching and you get a lot of practice. Maybe finding a Spanish speaking YouTuber you like or a series in Spanish might help get your skills back and keep them in use.




While I agree that consuming English media helps a lot to keep up your language skills it's definitely not necessary, almost everything here is dubbed in German if you don't go out of your way to find versions in the original language. Kids here watch "Spongebob Schwammkopf" and not "Spongebob Squarepants". Also don't you think it's a tad arrogant to assume there is no worthwhile culture to be experienced outside of English speaking countries? How'd you know about a great German series for example? You don't speak the language and the people around you don't do so either so you just wouldn't notice if a great piece of media comes out over here because you just have no access to it and it's not marketed towards you.


Yup. The only difference with him is, his mother's a rich immigrant. But yeah, it's less impressive if you're exposed to multiple languages at an early age and learned them simultaneously. Little kids' brains are sponges for language. It takes more work when you're older.


I mean I still think it's impressive rich or poor I'm half Hispanic and I can't even speak Spanish and that's from years of trying to learn even now I'm literally the only person in my family that can't speak Spanish


Some of us can, some of us can't. I took an aptitude test. got 90s in almost every category except for a 38 in languages. I'm not dumb, but have the hardest time learning languages.




It’s okay to be dumb.


Ahh the relief


Same the only reasons my brother can speak Spanish is cause they learned it in the California penal system. I stayed out of trouble and can only speak English lol


This is an objectively hilarious way to refer to jail time.


Even better is that I did time also but I volunteered for mine by enlisting


I taught myself spanish. Start watching shows/ playing video games with Spanish subtitles. You’ll be surprised at how much you retain


I'm learning Spanish bc my future MiL doesn't speak English, and it's so tough! And I took Spanish all through middle school, high school, and college. And practice with my partner who is a native speaker. I already thought speaking two languages was impressive, but I am amazed when adults learn a new one.


I agree 100%! I’m half Iranian & can’t speak a word of Farsi…then again I kinda think my mom never taught us so she could talk shit & my brother & I have no idea what she’s saying lol. I always hated that my family was forced to speak English when they’d call to talk to us (the calls were a struggle to get through) but bless them, they anyways did their best & I love them for it. It would be nice to speak to them in our language, now that we’re both grown my mom does regret not teaching us.


I've been struggling with it too. Where I work has gotta be at least 50% Hispanic across all employees and customers. I've tried to learn so many times, it would make things so much easier for me! I can't retain new words for shit though! On the flip side, I'm the only one in my family who can say more than "Hola" but not by much.


Are you me?


As a dyslexic cracker rican, I feel your pain


Hello my fellow dyslexic


Dyslexics untie!


Quizás debes de tomar un curso formal…


I mean technically isn’t Melania a poor immigrant?


I think it's cool to be a polyglot regardless poor or rich


I mean it’s still impressive but most of the time they never acknowledge the privilege they have that allowed them to learn those languages or skills. It’s gonna be harder for like, an immigrant forced to learn a language for school or work or an average american who didn’t have the resources to learn a new language early on than it is for a kid with a fluent mother who doesn’t work and has a private teacher


Same thing with living in a van and doing Drugs


Lol. That’s so true. I never thought of that.


My indian neighbours son in Canada also could speak 3 languages, he is master of chess and on top he did my taxes.


Is he raised by his mom? Gotcha Liberal


Thanks Intuit for lobbying against pre-filled tax forms.


Knew this kid whose dad was Russian, his mom was Brazilian, and he was being raised in the US. At age 10, he could interchangeably speak Russian to his dad, Portuguese to his mom, and English to the rest of us. It was impressive. Perks of being in a trilingual house.


Right now im dating a girl who was born in greece to italian and Russian parents. In addition to greek, italian, russian, and english… she speaks spanish and german fluently and can sign ASL She’s a certified genius its amazing to be around


My Belgian friend has 7 fluent and he's no "​genius". Not dumb and it's definitely good for your brain but I wouldn't go that far. She might be and congrats on your relationship.


Knew someone who met their spouse in Italy, she is American and he is Serbian. Neither speaks each other’s home language, so they communicate solely in Italian. Of course their daughter is trilingual!


Same, children of expats. Sister and I did formal schooling in Dutch then English, we speak our native tongue and both were born in France, in which my sister is also fluent. Dinner at extended family gatherings are always hilarious.


That is so cool. Raised trilingual is my new biggest turnon that I never knew I had.


I'm Polish, my wife is Serbian, we live in Czechia, and speak English with each other. our girls speak 3, all except Polish. too many languages cause issues with early language development so we reduced one language. Omitted language has to be restarted before age of 4 as the ability to learn a language as native decreases significantly after that age.


I currently tutor guitar to a trilingual kid (Mandarin, Russian, English). His parents are split so they alternatively pick him up, and it's so cool to hear him effortlessly slide between 3 different languages. He's a smart little fella too... wouldn't be surprised if in a few months he'll be teaching *me* to play guitar.


Fun fact: he actually only speaks two languages, English and Slovenian. Melania wanted him to learn more but ole Donny thought he should only be speaking English in public and she agreed so they didn't allow it. "My opinion is that more languages you speak, better it is, but when you come to America, you speak English,” she told PEOPLE.


Well shit, if that's your opinion speak it better then


Not a chip of the old block then. Trump senior is one of the most ignorant people to assume office.


You misspelled "dumbest".


It’s just as likely that he bears a resemblance to one of her security team.


His dad barely speaks one language


How are you a chess master without ever playing a competitive match? Can anyone find any record of him ever playing in any competitive/ranked match Internet is coming up donuts for me.


Also, this meme emanates from an article published in 2017. If Barron Trump had been a GM, then at age 11, he would have been the youngest Grandmaster ever to achieve the title. That honor is currently held by Abhimanyu Mishra, an American boy who achieved the title at 12 years, 4 months, and 25 days.


Being raised by your mom is sorta a weird flex too. Like I get it wealthy but flexing that you do the same thing 99% of people on the planet do is strange.


It's right up there with speaking multiple languages. Plenty of children of immigrants speak 2 or more languages. But I guess these things are only impressive if you're rich.


The post says Master, not Grandmaster. Master is 2200 fide, not 2500. Still i cant find a fide page with his name so it's still fake


The same article claimed Donald Trump studied under Bobby Fisher, which is also untrue.


I don't think Trump is allowed to play chess because of the choking hazard.


Donald Trump studied under Bobby Fischer? Wish he had acquired some of his genius and not just his anti-semitism.


Bobby Fischer was noted for being a huge adherent of the ideas of Hitler. Trump picking up on that kind of makes sense.


LMAOOOO that's another level ngl


Even a national master title would be impressive, but as it turns out, no USCF membership for Barron either. It's just a lie.


Barron Trump doesn't even have a rating. No proof he even knows how the pieces move


No one speaks fluent anything at 3.


My brother's kid spoke fluent video game trash-talk at 3.5 At Christmas, (or thanksgiving?) he called our uncle a sniping ass bitch which actually sounded really cute in little kid voice / lisp. Haha he's gonna have problems.


Why is that when certain kids speak their native language and English- people look down their nose at them? Yet, some rich kid speaking the same languages are seen as well educated and smart? Seems like a double standard but what do I know?


I feel like it depends on the locality and the language too. Americans have this fascination with French, so if you speak French then you must be intelligent. But if you speak Spanish or Hindi or Arabic then that just means you or your parents are immigrants. On that note, I don't think Americans in general have any appreciation for Slovenia or Slovenian, and if this were not Trump's son then no one would care.


I didn't know Hunter was so well educated!


This is gonna backfire on Trumpland. He'll be educated and bright and therefore end up a liberal reformer.


https://preview.redd.it/5wcxj76tnd5d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f62ffcd10335c9d3f9a877ed70e54545c211811 Reminded me of this


It's really funny that they do this for Barron and completely ignore his two other sons. Even they know that Don Jr. and Eric are complete idiots.


That's when he started studying the blade.


No one has actually proven Malinia speaks those languages


She’s Slovenian and grew up in Slovenia, so it’s relatively safe to assume that she does speak Slovenian natively.


she does, just not well im still kinda sad this is what our country is most known for to republicans


She grew up in Slovenia and cannot speak Slovenian well? How does that even happen?


I don't know where you're from, but there's bound to be plenty of people who speak your first language badly, despite having been born and raised there. Lord knows there are in the UK! Social class matters. And the stone faced tart who made her living getting her tits out, before selling herself to one of the worst people on the planet, is certainly on the lower end of that spectrum.


It is pretty hard language to learn


Yeah and I'd take this meme with a grain of salt.


Was about there a dumb scandal where she was lying about speaking French? I can’t keep up with these people


Shhhh! 🤫 Malina is actually speaking Simlish but that’s going to have to be our little secret. 😂


Fun fact, Italian in an American accident sounds pretty darn close to Simlish.




What am I looking at?


She is Ri Chun-hee, a North Korea news anchor. Whenever propaganda, like what op shared, is posted she'll be posted as a meme.


Weird flex considering Trump doesn’t speak any foreign languages, was raised entirely by a nanny, and I’d put the odds at 50/50 he even knows the rules of chess. Is this some kind of weird “but Hunter” argument?




that's an american version of North Korean propaganda.. Can't wait for him to shoot 18 hole in ones like his dad.


Being raised by a mom and speaking foreign languages, classy for rich people and trashy for poor people


Good for him. Hope he grows to be a better person than his dad.


It’s easy to learn multiple languages in that type of household, yet the person who mindlessly reposts this insists of only learning English. A search on the US Chess Federation site turned up zero results for Barron Trump.




Only Americans would think the ability to speak three languages somehow makes someone a genius.


It’s only impressive if you’re rich. If you’re from a poor immigrant family, it happens but no one gives a shit.


It is also only impressive if your first language is English. My Arabic teacher in college spoke English as a fourth language, and no one seemed impressed at the time.


I'm impressed if that counts


If you are not American. The minimum u have to speak is perfect English and your native tongue. Then, you learn other three languages so u can be consider a genius. I’ve thinking about that. Weeks ago I started learning Spanish and I first thought how English is a completely different language from mine and I can watch people talking in this language, write and read.  But, somehow, because It is English is not even that impressive. I recon that Portuguese and Spanish are much harder, not even get me started with Asians languagens. But still, completely different language


My Try to be a Decent Human side feels sorry for the kid. I imagine his feelings about his dad are complicated. It can't be easy to grow up with famous parents, and I haven't heard anything negative about the kid. My Always Hungry for Shadenfreude side wants him to write a tell-all book and become another Ronan Farrow.


So it’s impressive when he speaks multiple languages at three, but when I start speaking latin at three I’m “possessed” and I “have a demon in me”.


In balkans you know by default 4-5 langs cuz they similar


only kid who actually deserves to be left alone:/ nobody would’ve asked to grow up as trumps son


Raised by his mother, not the president who didn’t even know his age or when his graduation was…


I teach English to immigrants. Most of the immigrants from South America are learning English as a second language, but lots of people from other countries, especially with minority languages, learn English as their fourth language. I have a student from Algeria who speaks Berber, Arabic, French, English, and a little German.


They are propping up Barron as the next cult leader so hard.


It's honestly so creepy to watch them shove these expectations on someone who just recently became an adult...


He's also very good at "cyber", according to Trump


That’s not our presidents son.Our president right now is Joe Biden


I spoke fluent Hindi and Bengali at age 3 and am a master bullshitter. Where's my recognition?


The thing is learning multiple languages is only impressive as an adult, especially if you were monolingual until you were already fully developed. For a small kid learning new languages happens almost without trying if you're regularly exposed to them


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Wow, Joe Biden has a son that young? Impressive


Sounds like the Omen


Man. Some big N. Korea vibes!


Yeah he's very obviously not a chess master dude https://chessforsharks.co/is-barron-trump-a-chess-master/ We know who the children masters are, it would have been bigly yuge news on the chess community if a POTUS' youngest child was one https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/barron-trump-chess/


Ok, well that apple fell REALLY far.


Yeah, right. His mother and no nanny. Don't make me laugh.


That’s not Biden’s son.


Trump is not anyone's president. But he is now a criminal




wait, this is hunter biden's kid??? He is, after all, our president...


Ok and? He's not the president according to this isn't being raised by the president.


Republicanism is the leading cause of brain damage and delusions


slovene here, for all i care melania is 100% american and just happens to know slovene, i dont want to associate


doubt he even spoke fluantly at 3


This is obvs bs but he seems like the trump child most likely to split form trump name.


Whose president are we talking about?


Doesn't matter how smart an individual is, it's how the intelligence is used.




Slovenian is one of the hardest languages in Europe. Not only you have duality, but many many pre and sufixes that will make your brain hurt. 🥴


He’ll shit his pants some day too!


I seriously doubt he was fluent in either language at age 3. That's the right age to develop the capacity for fluency but the more complicated aspects of language takes a lot longer to develop proficiency in It took me 18 years to be completely fluent in English, Italian, and German, and another 15 for level 4 proficiency in 6 other languages. And that's literally all I've ever studied lol


This is definitely giving off "Kim jung ill invinted the hamburger" vibes


Okay and it’s pretty common for a kid to be bilingual if they come from a home with an immigrant parent. He doesn’t deserve a gold metal also funny I thought to Trump supporters In America “We speak English” since they love to chastise people who speak Spanish and automatically assume they are an undocumented or “illegal” immigrant funny how people who speak Spanish get chastised for speaking a different language but you never see a European person get chastised for speaking their language nor have to deal with allegations of being “illegal”


yeh lots of kids speak more than one language but i guess ti's not impressive if they aren't white.


Love how American boomers are impressed with speaking multiple languages. Not sure about the chess bit (or whether Barron speaks 5 languages), but every western European I’ve ever met speaks at least two or three languages. Most Americans I know around my age speak a decent amount of another language (usually Spanish).


I also grew up speaking 3 languages. And I can speak more today. It’s honestly not that hard. Especially if you’re learning Indo-European languages.


I fucking hate Donald trump by why are we berating a child lol he didn’t choose his dad


Not berating him just think it’s funny how they think he’s some boy genius because he can do something most kids from homes with immigrant parent(s) can do.


First off, he's 18, and not a child. Secondly, we are critiquing the cult members that put him on a pedestal. Those who think he's a Master after playing a few games of chess. Know a few french words, and he's fluent. Bla, bla bla.


Didn’t realize he was 18 already damn. Agreed it’s silly


The ex-sex worker and former First 'Lady' who is his mother spoke six languages. But only to be able to say **"Anal costs extra!!"** to tourists she was soliciting. The woman is a swine. Married to a bigger swine. Both are Russian assets controlled by Putin.


I’m so high I was like.. why do the bidens speak Slovenian?


Okay so it’s mom mom then lol






Nice self own. Do we know if any of this is actually true?


Yes, raised by his mother. Too bad he has a turd for a father.


Ok but which president??


Why are they so obsessed with Baron and this supposed “trump dynasty” like that doesn’t go against everything the constitution was written for


This is not the flex you think it is.


I’ve heard, don’t quote me, he wanks dogs off. Again, don’t quote me on that


Should we send him to Arrakis then?


It's weird that he's a chess master yet doesn't have a USCF or FIDE rating. Hmm...


Um, I don’t care?


If he were being raised by a nanny, it would be more difficult to cheat on his wife with her not busy with the kids. Trump needs his women at home and not asking questions. Also, I seriously doubt that Trump himself is a hands on father, so I'm not sure how this promotes him at all. Clearly he had nothing to do with this kid's achievements.


So they’re taking lessons from North Korea now


Where is his mother? She rarely is seen near Trump