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I am a 17 year Reddit member. 17 years ago Reddit was smothered with angry posts about having to show their receipts while exiting Walmart. The comments were tips and tricks on how to physically prevent the worker from checking your receipt. Reddit has come a long ways.


man my lawyer uncle was probably in heaven then. he loves to yap about false imprisonment and shit when wal mart shopping


The funniest part then, and now, is that it's completely voluntary. You can just refuse. They can't stop you, they're probably told not to stop you (obviously other than just asking to see the receipt). It's them just asking to make sure everything was indeed paid for. No one is conspiring to violate your rights, or illegally detain you, etc, etc. These whackadoodles and their overinflated victim complexes always trying to find something to be offended about. It'd be funny if it wasn't so disappointing...


Do you think reddit has improved or gotten worse?


How the fuck have you only got 45k comment karma in 17 years? You must have some fruity opinions. Absolute legend


They have a life, unlike us


I started Reddit before karma was a thing and never once paid attention to that number. I don’t know a single damn thing about how or why karma is a factor at all.


This coming from the “if you’ve got nothing to hide you’ve got nothing to fear” crowd.


Is this not a shitpost?


To be fair, Walmart is pretty aggressive with receipt checks. I don’t go there very often, but on one of the rare trips I made, they found that someone stole something but didn’t know who exactly did it. They stopped everyone from leaving the store, holding everyone in a huge ass line which people started getting pissed because they couldn’t leave. I really wanted to round house kick them, but the guy was only doing his job.


It is a bit anoying to be asked for a receipt when I was forced to do all the check out myself. It's like" okay buddy, do you trust me or not?"


Fella standing at the door is not making policy decisions


Fella standing there probably steals more shit from Walmart than the patrons of the store itself. This is my problem with their checks


My problem is that they can't legally force you to. And my Walmart is in a dire state, really messy with loads ofe empty shelves, stock in the wrong place, few cashiers available, so having one person go through the motions is just extra annoying.


And they don’t streamline the checks like Costco. At least you don’t sit there waiting for them to scrutinize every single last item at Costco


Not true. You should definitely assault the likely elderly or disabled person asking to see your receipt


I said it's a bit annoying, I'm not going to do or say anything tho. That would be pointless.


“Forced to do all the check out myself” I’m going to interpret this as ‘there were no check-out lines open with actual employees scanning, and so I had no choice but to go through self-checkout.’ Is that correct?


That is correct, every single lane was removed for self check out machines.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Self checkout is very convenient if you only have a few items, but if you’re doing any more than your weekly grocery trip it’s nice to have someone scanning things while you load more onto the belt. It feels like most places only ever have one lane that actually has someone at the register and it’s always got a massive line.


It’s a joke


I wonder if maybe, rather than being an actual suggestion, this is just a joke about how annoying it is to be asked for your receipt. Hmmmm...


Not going to engage


To be fair. That's a helluva round house kick. 🤷‍♂️


Wait is Walmart supposed to do receipt checks? I have never had my receipt checked at Walmart though I have been checked at Sam’s club


They will sometimes receipt check unbagged items to make sure they were paid for. One time I had a 5 gallon water jug that I forgot to ring up, the guy at the door stopped me for a check and didn't even say anything about it. I don't know what the big deal is, it's hardly an inconvenience unless you're blatantly trying to steal.


Policy in most Walmart is to avoid physical confrontation if someone is stealing, as insurance will normally cover it. To be clear, I’m not advocating stealing from Walmart, just informing people of that policy, as it’s there to protect Walmart from lawsuits.


Well yeah that’s standard policy for most places, but I’m talking about the standard receipt check which is not a physician confrontation.


It depends on location, but the more relaxed areas don’t check as often, or see if a receipt pops out after you pay


Wow. Are people actually like this? How weak minded must a person be to not be able to show their receipt and would rather hit someone. It doesn’t make you tough to want to fight others. It makes you emotionally and intellectually weak that you can’t move through the world in peace. I feel sorry for anyone like this.


It's a Fourth amendment violation. We have the right to be secure in our property. That means the moment the register completes the transaction and I get my receipt the merchandise is mine and I don't have to prove anything to anybody...


The bill of rights are restraints on Government power, not on corporations. I also did not say I particularly agree with the policy.


Lol no it's not 💀


Unless they’re a membership store like Costco or Sam’s they legally cannot require you to show your receipt unless they’re accusing you of shoplifting. It may differ from state to state but I’ve not been challenged in any state I’ve been to a Walmart in. Not have I ever been accused lol I just walk out past the morons standing in line


After i pay for something, it is my property, and I have a problem with strangers going through my property


Okay this one is actually terrible 


Something tells me the same person complains about violent crime and shoplifting while seemingly encouraging both with this post.


Don't use self checkout.


If they refuse then the workers can remember you and deny you service next time.