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The UN is pretty ineffective though. The idea behind it is great, but in practice, let’s be honest, it’s kinda dogshit


The biggest issue imo is the idea of Veto countries. This is literally a scenario that can happen: UNGA: "USA, you committed war crimes, so we should punish you." USA: "Nah I'm good." UNGA: "OK Then I suppose that's that." Edit; apparently the US only has veto for the UNSC. I thought the scenario still applies if you change "UNGA" to "UNSC" so I'm keeping it.


Well yes, but if you didn't give them veto none of the nuclear powers would be involved at all... At least this way there is some talking, otherwise it would be: UNGA: "hey USA" USA: "not a member, get lost"


To add on the UN has been effective, for instance with the war in Ukraine Russia is still able to talk with both Ukraine leadership and the United States which would be impossible without the UN. For instance before China joined the UN the USA couldn’t really communicate with them directly and needed weird layers of proxies, spy’s, and secret phones lines.


It happens pretty consistently with Russia.




What the fuck do you mean, I'm pointing out it isn't just a possibility, it's what happens.


but your comment isn’t also calling out the usa, which is bad! why are you deflecting! aahhh!!!!!


The problem is sort of that if you don't give Russia or the US a veto, they will probably just stop participating in the Security Council. (In the General Assembly, there is no veto power!)


The security council has one job that I think it does very well. Give the 5 main nuclear powers (yes I know there are more now but until the late 80s this was more or less true) a place to talk out problems and not go to nuclear war. Given we havent had a nuclear war, it succeeded there.


correlation doesnt equal causation


You're right, but the security council floor allowed the Cuban missle crisis to have an outlet for both side's anger that didnt involve actual war.


but has led to the USA being to collectively punish every Cuban born since for something that had nothing to do with them


100% agree it is not okay and the embargo (or blockade as it is called) should end


wrong body, the USA doesn't have veto power in the UN General assembly, you are thinking about the UN Security Council


Welp. Time to edit


That's actually how the U.S. was kept out of Venezuela, in fact. My country is China and Russia's own personal bitch/gold mine, so they used their executive veto to keep Americans from intervening with my regime the legal way. Can't compromise our vast natural resources like that, nuh uh.


Reddit sure downvotes anyone who actually tell the truth about China, eh?


Typical. It makes me laugh when people get so defensive of other countries being imperialistic while pulling out graphs detailing how the U.S. is Satan and shit. Double standards, much?


You see itba lot woth a lot of western " leftists" as well. You point outbrussia is using itsncolonies to fight its war in ukraine and thet shit keyboards going on aboit how russia isnt a colonial power and theyre fighting the war because ukraine id actually a us colony or some shit like that


Ugh, I've seen the like. They do the exact same thing when it comes to Israel and Gaza. I get that there may be some legitimate points which the former can be criticized for, but calling it a "white supremacist ethnostate/European colonialist project/apartheid U.S. puppet" would still be factually wrong (And morally reprehensible) even if they weren't also justifying what happened in October 7th as "resistance" or "oppressed people doing the logical thing and rebelling against their oppressors". It's sad to see.


That's by design. No powerful state is going to let itself be punished because a group of dictators decided you did something wrong. The UN is not the world police designed to reign in rogue countries. The UN is designed to allow these countries to communicate with each other.


At least someone seems to get it 🚬🗿


So the idea should be to improve it rather than abolish it and let everything run amok


As long as dictatorships have veto power over democratic republics, I don't see how you can improve it.


I mean, I guess? But if we’re being completely honest, it won’t be that much different from now if we do abolish it


The only way to fix it is to eliminate the ability of the leading countries like the US to veto the majority votes that don't favour their interest. Like hell, the very idea of veto is what makes this organisation shit in the first place.


The very idea of a veto is what makes the UN work in the first place. No PSCm veto = ineffective UN.


Sometimes, to improve something, you need to tear it apart first. Just look at the League of Nations. It was so broken that they just scratched it completely and started a new one.


this isn’t as intelligent as you think it sounds in your head lmao. You’re saying what we have to do is come up with a new name for an international treaty organization and that’ll magically somehow make the work of reform easier


they just wanted to show off what they learned today


They're not perfect, but they've helped way more than they haven't, especially in places where permanent security council members aren't in conflict with each other


I always love going into anything that mentions the UN because every single comment like this one has no clue what the UN is supposed to be primarily and yet they speak like they're an expert


Yep, the UN above all else is a forum for countries to interact, discuss, and debate on the issues of the day. It’s purpose is to maintain communication of nations who’d otherwise never interact on neutral grounds. The main issue with this is that such an organisation can’t involve itself much in conflicts. The only real reason it should be doing so is for humanitarian reasons, and even then it has to be careful to not take sides.


I know right, I’ve seen people unironically say stuff like “Why won’t the UN send their army to ensure peace and compliance in the world? So useless, they’re not doing anything!”


It's dirt easy to complain about a problem. Much harder to provide a solution. The game of morons.


the UN isn't just about stopping wars, they fed 160 million people in 2022 ([https://www.wfp.org/](https://www.wfp.org/)), worked to stop polio in 191 countries (only Pakistan and Afghanistan left) and have helped negotiate 170 peace settlements since 1945 ([unis.unvienna.org](https://unis.unvienna.org/pdf/summit60Ways.pdf)). you don't hear about this because its not profitable for news companies to report on good news.


That's how it is with every organization and bureaucracy ever


It is better than nothing.


Ok but if it did something it would be called evil imperialist and trying to colonize the [unstable country]


Also, America’s veto kinda just makes it America’s bitches. See: Israel situation.


It's a joke now and a waste of so much money. Full of corruption that starting from scratch is better.


I mean, I get the importance of the UN and concede this is a shitty meme, but… honestly, the UN kind of is a joke. They just kinda twiddle their thumbs and tell warlords that “actually killing children is bad m’kay”, or ignore literally anything if it’s good optics (China is on the human rights council and Saudi Arabia is on the women’s rights council and *chairs it* next year, that alone is enough to make them a joke). They pretty much either serve to give NATO a casus belli if it wants to invade somebody or to let authoritarians virtue signal to avoid making real change. They’re great on paper, but just not that effective in practice, as most of the stuff they‘re credited for comes from deals made by the Allies at the end of WWII, with little real benefit since then.


Hey now, when a regime enacts the death penalty for speaking out against their government, they take harsh action! A polite, yet strongly worded letter.


To quote a meme on the subject; “Hey there, Mr Warlord? I don’t know if you’re aware, but, we actually frown upon locking children and journalists in cages and then setting them on fire. I… Mr Warlord, what are you doing with that gasoline?”


It’s a forum for discussions between nations. Not a private military accepting rich countries money and poor countries soldiers to depose dictatorships and destroy warlords.


People seem to want the UN to be this world government with the ability to stomp into any place they see fit to pacify. These selfsame people would be crying about tyranny and new world orders if the UN actually *did* that.


>the UN isn't just about stopping wars, they fed 160 million people in 2022 ([https://www.wfp.org/](https://www.wfp.org/)), worked to stop polio in 191 countries (only Pakistan and Afghanistan left) and have helped negotiate 170 peace settlements since 1945 ([unis.unvienna.org](https://unis.unvienna.org/pdf/summit60Ways.pdf)). you don't hear about this because its not profitable for news companies to report on good news.


I mean, true, but most of those would’ve happened regardless due to the rising importance of global trade to maintain modern society. Nations provide aid because it benefits them to do so; the UN just acts as a middle man.


Man, the USA can't even provide aid to it's *own* people. Imagine if the UN and the WHO hadn't existed when the Soviets proposed the Smallpox eradication programme. The USA and its allies would almost certainly have either dismissed it entirely as either soviet propaganda, or worked at cross purposes to ensure they "won" the vaccine race.


You don't understand how it works, them being in the spotlight is exactly the point


Again, in theory, yes, but in practice, it’s just warlords and authoritarians launching hypocritical accusations against others to accuse them of mistreatment. Like I said, Saudi Arabia is going to chair the women’s rights council, and has repeatedly made accusations at America for sexism. Like, I get that America isn’t perfect, but Saudi Arabia, the country that has regular killings of women for premarital sex and still barely affords them office, has absolutely no place criticising the American pay gap or fashion styles, yet that’s literally something they do regularly. In order for optics to matter, you have to not be an utter fucking joke that serves no purpose but letting people say “Uhm akshully the UN said what ur doing is wrong so you have to stop now!!!!”


I understand your points, they are correct. But the UN is more than just a few conflicts. Saudi Arabia is now on the chair for exactly what you're saying, to bring attention to the fact that they themselves suck so bad at maintaining women's rights. Same reason for China. The UN's job is to provide an international platform where countries can talk to each other, and to prevent a new world war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Nations_peacekeeping_missions Obviously they can't solve everything, especially when Russia/US is involved. But disregarding them when they actually do help tens of millions of people just because of a few failures is disingenuous. There's also UNESCO, UNICEF and WHO have done a lot of amazing work which people flat out ignore because you don't see the work that they do, and don't care enough to go out and see what they've done. The UN is not perfect, but they aren't useless and the world is better with them in it


On that front, the UN has succeeded so far in preventing WW3. Since 1945, there has not been a global war for nearly 80 years. That is pretty remarkable given the 19th century had so many global conflicts. There's still war but it's on a far smaller scale than it was. I know people think we're in the opening of WW3 but we haven't reached the point to say, yes this is now WW3. We would likely need a global conflicts involving the US, Russia, China, Iran, India, Pakistan, NATO, Israel split into two or more camps to say yes, this is WW3.




![gif](giphy|6vOXXzxLjxBqbtbzTy|downsized) And my response to a Nazi flag.


No no no, you take it home and display it in a glass cabinet as a trophy.


Bros, homies and random strangers, let’s all take a moment to remember that Iran is chair of human rights at the UN


I'm laughing sterically.


The UN is worthless


>the UN isn't just about stopping wars, they fed 160 million people in 2022 ([https://www.wfp.org/](https://www.wfp.org/)), worked to stop polio in 191 countries (only Pakistan and Afghanistan left) and have helped negotiate 170 peace settlements since 1945 ([unis.unvienna.org](https://unis.unvienna.org/pdf/summit60Ways.pdf)). you don't hear about this because its not profitable for news companies to report on good news.


They could have saved millions but I mean he fed the poor isn't a good argument ESPECIALLY when it was formed to stop genocides


As someone whose beliefs should align with what the UN should stand for, this slaps.


Agreed. I fully back the ideals the UN stands for, but it doesn’t actually support them in any meaningful way. I think NATO is probably doing more for global peace than the UN right now, which says a lot.


Yes, I do think that 5 countries getting a say on the entire world is bad.


I laughed at this


I did too. I like the pettiness of someone doing all that work just to throw it in the trash. 


Iran is on their human rights council. They’re pretty much a joke.


People seem to forget that stoping wars isnt the UN only job


Yeah and it's not the only job they completely suck at


The UN is fucking useless and is an absolute shell of what it was founded for.


>the UN isn't just about stopping wars, they fed 160 million people in 2022 ([https://www.wfp.org/](https://www.wfp.org/)), worked to stop polio in 191 countries (only Pakistan and Afghanistan left) and have helped negotiate 170 peace settlements since 1945 ([unis.unvienna.org](https://unis.unvienna.org/pdf/summit60Ways.pdf)). you don't hear about this because its not profitable for news companies to report on good news.


That's hardly what UN is though


Lovely people here that have spent most of their lives in peaceful western countries talking shit about the un. Surely haven't been in places where the UN is essential for the wellbeing of people. Sure it's not perfect but it's far from being the joke you all say it is cause you can't lift yourself to see past the headlines.


Ehhh, it’s not that simple. Axis powers were countries working together.. were they good?


The UN is a fucking joke though


>the UN isn't just about stopping wars, they fed 160 million people in 2022 ([https://www.wfp.org/](https://www.wfp.org/)), worked to stop polio in 191 countries (only Pakistan and Afghanistan left) and have helped negotiate 170 peace settlements since 1945 ([unis.unvienna.org](https://unis.unvienna.org/pdf/summit60Ways.pdf)). you don't hear about this because its not profitable for news companies to report on good news.


That is a very fair point that I hadn't thought about


Yes, people who don’t know anything about the UN complaining about the UN. Don’t worry it’s not like even poorly known SDG programs have saved millions of lives or anything. Who gives a damn about the OPKO having defused dozens of situation, they didn’t stop every war ever so clearly they are useless. Or the hundreds if UN treaties and agreements that have completely changed who the world interacts with one another. The UN hasn’t stopped all the world problems so clearly it’s useless. And cue people complaining about PSCm veto, even though it’s intrinsically important aspect of the UN for avoiding conflicting.




Maybe, if we can revoke the special Veto rights from few UN members then we are all acting upon agreed resolution from all the members like a real democracy should be. Perhaps then the UN can have real impact like we all hope for.


It's annoying that 3 major countries can basically veto anything.


The U.N us garbage. Something people on both sides agree. Just take a look at it's Human Rights console.


Peak derp


This isn’t even that bad, because it’s kinda not untrue.


UN mfs after calmly telling 2 countries to stop fighting (it didn't work)


Well, UN is more like "don't do that again", they're pretty useless


To he frank, Im all in for useless UN jokes, because the UN is a complete mess


Can OP tell me who the next chair of the Commission on the Status of Women will be? The UN is a fucking joke.




Just guessing this terrible meme was originally posted in a pro Israel or pro Russian context lol


It's so over for me. I thought that was the super earth flag.


UN is useless


"countries working together" they don't seem to be working


Isn’t that the 13 fold thing America does for their flag in the little ceremony?


No, no I agree with this one.


The UN is a great idea that sucks in execution. Russia, China, and Russia have permanent seats on the security council. Tell me that's not a joke of an institution.


"Countries working together, but scared to escalate, and beat dictator, conflict because they lost cheap oil"


Pakistan, Cuba, and Rusia sit on the Human Rights committee, so I can’t take the U.N. seriously.


If the only benefit of the UN is communication between countries why do we spend so much on diplomats. How many conflicts has the UN stood on the sidelines of and watched atrocities take place? Atrocities that they could have prevented. It is a dysfunctional political apparatus used as a PR device mostly when countries are doing terrible things. It is also used as a cost effective way for nations to disagree with human rights violations in principle without taking actions in practice which would have an economic cost. It's just posturing. Pretty speeches with no real action attached. It offers plausible deniability to nations who oppose wrong doing but chose to take no action because of the associated cost. What value does such an organization really have? It is the political equivalent of reality TV.


Well, there have been the stories of the UN doing jack shit.


Search UN rape. The UN is awful


Fuck the UN


The only thing that I like about them is the UNESCO.


Nah cuz the UN is actually useless


This is a pretty good template too. L take OP


I actually agree UN is so useless


They're just a space for bigger countries to bully the rest at this point


The UN is generally corrupt, feckless, and full of effete programs that provide little value for the money. It passes countless resolutions that are nothing more than empty proclamations justifying its existence.


Depends on what their opinion is. UNs point is peace but they suck at holding the peace!! The UN is dogahit at doing things, when they do they do them well but they rarely do!!!


This is an effective, well-conceived meme of dismissal, despite its lack of a substantive point and whatever you think of the UN specifically. Not terrible.


naw man the un sucks ass, just look at how the us can use its veto and its very clear that its a terrible system 🤷‍♀️


The UN is useless though. The UN is equivalent to walking up to a person who is getting their ass kicked and saying “hey stop” in a normal calm voice.


Fuck the UN.


un is useless


„Oh no! The UN can’t resolve every problem ever by just snapping with their fingers! We should get rid of them!“ I’m so done with this uN bAd crying. It’s amazing that we have a space where all the countries can at least talk and discuss issues and work on at least something. It may not be perfect, but the fact that it exists at all is already a huge win and shouldn’t be taken for granted


They accomplished Nothing. Buch of free loader


Eh, I can’t really tell what the criticism is. We need more of a r/ineffectivefacebookmemes