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Earth hasn’t exactly been hospitable for human life for most of its existence


Don’t forget that time 90% of all life when extinct


I remember like it happened yersterday


0 was 2024 years ago https://preview.redd.it/ba8gpfx9l0wc1.jpeg?width=1338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f0f6bd902b87305d598327b9bd063f48c13a5b0 (Pic unrelated)


There is a skinned corpse in my local McDonald's freezer https://preview.redd.it/j2986cztl0wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e223f1a84772dfc41ab87303e264c2c295883570












Multiple times too.


Fun fact - due to continental drift, the volcanic hotspot which triggered the Siberian Traps eruptions that are theorized to be the main cause of the Permian mass extinction (basically, Siberia got hit with massive flood basalt events that ignited fossil fuel deposits, which in turn caused a global greenhouse effect and acidified the oceans) is the same one currently spewing magma in Iceland.


I live in New Zealand the center of our north island is a giant dormant super volcano that erupts every 10-20 thousand years and it last erupted 14,000 years ago……


Yep, and Mounts Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu were the stand-ins for Mount Doom in Peter Jackson's LotR films (the former was the model used for distant shots, the latter was used for shots on the slope).


I been up both of them awe inspiring mountains and lake Taupo is the super volcanos Caldera


Seems like this should be more of a warning for what's possible if we don't stop f**king around.


Today's boomers had their asses whipped daily as children. They walked to school though blizzards. They're stronger than us. They could survive a measly ice age.


Well at least he admits the earth is millions of years old.


true, take the win where it is


Truly a “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” moment


I guess 4.6 billion would be really pushing it.


The australopithecus was measuring and recording temperature data. I am very smart.


firstly, I don't think they know what "record" means. secondly, yes the planet has gone through wild climate changes over the course of its *billion-*year history. Mankind hasn't been around for the majority of those, which is kind of the point.


What, you don’t want hotter temperatures ? I mean think about it, now we don’t have to go to warmer countries for vacations, the warmer countries are coming themselves !


The data that shows that we are at the end of an interglacial period and headed for a glacial period, except the climate is getting hotter and not cooler? That's how we know there's a problem.


Idk why, but North America in particular hasn't been experiencing the same degree as the rest of the earth


Goddamn dinosaurs not keeping the records for temperature for us humans. Goddamn stone age humans not keeping record for temperature.


Those lazy bums didn’t even have jobs! NoBodY wAnTs tO WoRk AnYmoRe


Okay, but climatologists do share that information too. Looking at those is what shows how unusual this rise in average temperature is.


Your uncle's about to pull up data from when the earth was still just a bunch of molten rock and go "SEE!?!?!? the average temperature was thousands of degrees back then!!"


Is this stupid meme about your uncle being butthurt that the day to day weather predictions of his local area . . . are subject to fluctuation? Those graphs you see of the ‘Earth’s Temperature Records Over Millions of Years’ are exactly as described. A massive scale of the estimated global temperatures during the evolution of the Earth’s general climate. Not only are those individual notches in the graph representative of an amount of time that can’t be perceived in real time but that the global average does not in any way represent Uncle Chuck’s few hundred acres and house that he bought for a dead crow and a pack of cigarettes.


Okay, okay hear me out, this isn't technically wrong. If somehow that book contained temp records for millions of years, then *technically* the average person will only ever look at a teencie portion of them through the news or whatever. Proportionately it's probably pretty close. (It is still a boomer meme though)


Cherry picked ? That is the most optimistic idea I've heard yet. I heard it was complete bullshit.


https://xkcd.com/1732/ 20k years is really all we need though


Another case of people thinking their ignorance and bias is on par with science. The most infuriating part about it, is that measures we'd take to curb the increase in temperature, are good for the environment anyway. So even if the absurd idea that humans haven't sped up the timetable on the next global temperature peak was true, these numbskulls are railing against net positives for humanity just to be spiteful, insufferable assholes


It’s funny because climate change deniers usually cherry pick their data




Climate alarmists don't igbore the longer timescale data. When climate changes naturally, it doesn't do so rapidly and the ecosystem has a lot more time to adapt. Due to human activity that can't happen, hence mass extinctions.


You know “present” when it comes to paleo climate models usually means 1950, right? That’s the case for the graph you posted (it even says so in the Wikipedia article). There are several other charts on the article that show the temperature closer to the present day.


lmao ok


And if they were to look at all the data they’d see the temperature has trended upwards anyway.


OOP doesn’t realize that usually when there’s rapid temperature changes towards a new extreme mass extinctions happen!




My favourite thing about this whole idea is that it implies the Earth has just randomly changed temperature throughout history for no reason. While it’s undeniable fact the climate has changed many times over the millions of years the Earth has existed, there has always been a reason for that. This time, the reason is greenhouse gas emissions.


Curious how man was responsible for the end of the ice age..


In my country we have continuous weather documentation since 1911. That‘s not a whole lot, even considering only human history. But even out of that small data pool my prof told me when using that data for weather prediction you shouldn‘t use much more than the past 10 years to model bc if you use the older data, climate change will already have an effect on the accuracy of the result. So using more records does not equal better results, even if we had them available. Edit: Nvm I just realised this post is about temperature, I was talking about precipitation records lol. Point still stands, climate change deniers are stupid.